Friday, June 24, 2022


The latest book:  Side A:  Spring Offensive              Side B:  The Struggling                                         

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


17 June, 2022

And so it goes… Make it stop!!!

□ [“Three American Volunteers in Ukraine Reportedly Missing – Two Feared Captured by Russians”]

Maybe they’re in Afghanistan, just meeting up with some other Americans.

Apparently the missing have a military background.  I've wondered how many of the Americans who actually went over to fight for Ukraine, how many are leftists told to enlist so they could join Antifa and related groups.  I’m sure there’s a lot of those people, many of whom may staying in the military to get promoted and take charge.

I give them a little credit for at least going overseas if they really wanted to fight for Ukraine.  An incredibly stupid idea and I don't pity them, but at least it’s something.

□ [“Germany advises people to conserve natural gas in preparation for winter”]

Um, we're closer to *last* winter than we are to *next* winter.  We haven't even reached summer yet, and you're already warning about what’s going to happen?

Russia just cut 60% of their natural gas supply to Germany.  They’ve also cut natural gas to Italy by 50% and to France by an unknown percent.  The official reason is that there’s a mechanical problem with a turbine that can only be repaired by equipment from Canada but Canada has obeyed the sanctions against Russia.

At least Germany still has its nuclear generators.  Oh wait, they got rid of those.  Maybe they’re proud of that which will keep them warm this winter.

□ [“Biden's America:  Millions of American Women Are Being Forced to Go on the Rag – Literally”]

Man, why didn't he just say this from the start?  Think of how many more votes he’d have gotten for saying ‘when I'm President, women are going to suffer!’  It makes me wonder if I can go back and rechange my vote.  You can do what you want to women and they just have to shut up and take it, good and hard!

□ [“White House exploration of gas rebate cards complicated by chip shortages"]

First they said there was no inflation and they would do anything about it and whatever other excuse they gave over the last year and a half, our rulers have given some thought to dealing with these ridiculous prices, sending out rebate cards.

But there's no way to specify that it’s only for gas purchases, people might use it on something else.  They also don’t have enough chips to make these cards, those come from China.  Furthermore, the specifics are unclear but they may need Congressional permission to actually do this and what are the odds of getting that?

□ [“CDC Issues Bizarre Sexual Guidelines for Horny Americans Infected with Monkeypox”]

Have virtual sex with no in-person contact.

Masturbate together at a distance of at least 6 feet, without touching each other and without touching any rash or sores.

Consider having sex with your clothes on or covering areas where rash or sores are present, reducing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.

Avoid kissing

Remember to wash your hands, fetish gear, sex toys and any fabrics (bedding, towels, clothing) after having sex.

Limit your number of partners to avoid opportunities for monkeypox to spread.

Now they’re trying to control gay men’s lives, is there no end?  They're putting women down, they’re helping the few blacks that aren’t aborted to shoot each other and now they won't let gay men fuck!  That’s what they do their allies!

□ [“America’s Changing Gun Laws Share Similar Ideals To Mao, Hitler, Castro and More”]

This is just a summary of tyrants taking away guns.  Castro insisted guns were required for democracy.  Then he took over and there was no more democracy.  In November 1938, Hitler took them from the Jews.  Mao had men with guns on his side and was able to kill many many millions of Chinese who didn’t thanks to him.

Now there’s the “Red Flag Laws,” making accusations against anyone you want.  Democrat governors are promoting this because none of them would ever think people might lie about someone else.  It never happens to *them*!  That’s why they’ve always supported the police going to anybody’s without a warrant, they take *ONLY* what they're legally permitted to take, no exceptions!

Still, if there's anybody who likes making accusations against anyone they don't like and the police are required to get involved, there's going to be a need for a lot more courts.  That will require buildings, maintenance, judges, lawyers, armed guards...

The Secret Service should be the first ones to be disarmed.  I ran into a leftist plan that anybody can accuse anybody else of criticizing the government and they'll be disarmed.  Ok, accuse the Secret Service.  They shouldn't be allowed to shoot people.

□ [“As Inflation Skyrockets, Fed Chair Powell Says Fed Considering US Central Bank Digital Currency”]

It's unclear what they're actually doing but the suggestion is that this would be a *WORLD* currency.  Either way, the point is to take away anybody's control over their own money.  If government doesn’t like you, they can push a button and you’re broke.

By now, who would trust this currency other than the rulers?  Their relatives?  Their neighbors?  Their relatives and neighbors’ co-workers?  Plumbers?  Voters?  One doesn’t have to get very far away from our masters to find people who really wouldn't want to do with them or be involved in this.  They’ll want REAL money.

□ [“Biden Says He is Unpopular Because Americans Are Mentally Unwell”]

Projecting his own faults onto other people, anything to avoid responsibility.  It’s the fake-viruses' fault.  Or Trump or Russia or whatever else he blames.

So the 81 millions people who voted for him are mentally unwell?  That would explain a lot, assuming they aren't all fantasies of his imagination.

They clearly have the stolen elections in place.  Los Angeles and New Mexico are showing who rules the courts and the voting system.  They're showing that this is how they do things and there's no chance of anything going wrong.

If there’s an upside, it’s that we can all see the actions of people with no clue how to do anything when they’re responsible for doing things.  You really need a back-up plan if you’re going to oppose the countries that provide your supplies.  You should have someone around who openly disagrees with your decisions even if they’re not so utterly stupid as these.  Your subjects should suffer only when you really want them to.

Ok, that last part worked out but you get my point.

18 June, 2022

If I knew Democrats would force this disaster on the world, I’d have voted for them.

□ [“Biden Economy:  Kamala Harris Holds Presser to Celebrate Arrival of Baby Formula from Overseas”]

This is a day that will go down in history.  Never before has a Veep ever waited for a plane to arrive from Europe and bring to provide food for starving babies.  Until she came along, we'd always been able to feed our own kids.  Not any longer. 

If they were really serious about now wanting this to happen again, they could start a factory in the United States to manufacture baby formula.  They could experience all the potential problems and learn what government did to cause this problem.

That is, if they’re so bothered by the problem and don’t assume they already know everything about manufacturing baby food.  Obviously this isn't going to happen.

□ [“German Minister Warns Government May Enforce Energy-Saving Ideas by Law If Needed"]

Russia has shut off Germany's energy service to make this worse.  Lithuania is getting involved too, throwing some sort of fit, and they *are* a NATO member.  Not like Ukraine who could have joined after the 2014 invasion but didn’t.

They’re trying to irritate Russia using one of the local pawns, to react so the world will automatically be at war.  In a sense we already are, Germany's moving to tyranny, shutting its people down from using energy because Russia's the provider.

How do you even get to where anybody thinks this is a good idea?  How long did leftists spend putting this plan together, with the virus, US election theft and all the rest?  For all we know they’d been working on it since they were openly affiliated with Russia.

But that still leaves us with no idea what to do about it.

□ [“Biden races against time to unlock Ukraine’s trapped grain before summer harvest”]

He and his so-called administration knew about the invasion months ago, they could have already made preparations, but nobody gave it any thought until now.  Nobody even noticed all the other shortages we're facing and looked into what else might be on the horizon.  That's how leftists work, that's why they're in charge.

The only real question is how many of them knew this is exactly what they wanted to happen and how many of them just went along with their fellow leftists?

Humans are too complicated to fall into easy-to-define categories – how many really wanted the pretend-vaccination against a fake virus and how many just wanted to keep their jobs? – so now we wait for the total collapse our rulers imposed on us.

Also 18 June, 2022

Could be worse, I might not have a new book to sell you.

□ [“‘Detransitioned’ Teens Reveal How They Feel After ‘Changing Genders’ And Losing Organs”]

I'm not someone who uses the word “sad” very often but these are sad stories and make up only a fraction of those suffering from this and those that will be before long.  The tyrants have been permanently damaging our children!  Those kids are never going to grow up because they've been completely warped into abnormality.

Kids are kids, they don’t know anything, that's what parenting and teaching is supposed to be for.  But these freaks impose their insanity onto every child they could get their hands on and the government always sides with them!  We need to stop them now!

□ [“Fairfax County, Virginia Schools Now Mandating How Transgender Students Must Be Referred To”]

They’re all-in on this, trying to control the language so you’ll need to pay more attention to what you’re saying than to anything else.  Accomplishment is thrown out the window to pretend you believe in made-up genders.  That’s how the masters want it.

I also saw a story about a Hawaii teacher who tweeted a few months ago that right-wingers always projected their own activities onto people like him, such as accusing them of child porn.  So now this guy has been arrested for having sex with a 13-year old boy and filming it so he could show that off to others.

Oh, there’s some ‘bad apples,’ you can't stamp all of them with the same label like they do with gun-owners.  And Trump, they blame him for everything they're foisting upon us and everything we’re losing forever.  They’re taking it.

We need to keep fighting these tyrants.  I don’t have much to offer but I can think and write, so I've put my pamphlets on a blog.   The oldest were edited and collected in my latest book, Convoy.  Newer ones were collected as monthly booklets.  The most recent ones are edited a little but otherwise they're just the pamphlets.

There they are, from early January through a couple days ago.  I haven't fully worked out how I'll edit the newer material but the basics are there.  It’s possible they'll remain as the original pamphlets, it’s they’ll be replaced with the booklet versions as I finish those.  I may even replace it again with the resulting book.

Not sure about that last one.  It varies from book to book how much I really edit material but the next book already has far more edited and rearranged than Convoy and I'm barely halfway through.  If anybody has any easy solutions to offer on making it better, I’ll consider that, but how much work do I really want to do, giving away stuff that it would be nice if people paid me for somewhere down the line?

That is a relevant consideration but we need to fight these f*ckers taking over the world, or at least the richest nations.  Pamphlets used to help with that once upon a time.

19 June, 2022

We're out of blog post titles?  That's it, now I'm pissed!

□ [“Wisconsin Planned Parenthood Stops Scheduling Abortions In Anticipation Of Roe V Wade Ruling"]

What are they going to do, focus on parenthood?  They’ve never tried to do that before.  You don't see blacks going in saying they want to be better parents.

I can't figure out why this is part of the leftist plot.  Why are they doing this now, what is it supposed to do?  My only guess is that they’re trying to bring their legions of supporters together, those who obviously aren't busy trying to get enough food to eat or pay any other rising expenses.  They haven’t even headed out to fight Russia!

I still think the upcoming Supreme Court ruling is a fake, planted to get people to react as they have since early May.  Every new member is probably asked about a generic court response, so when the black person who doesn't know what a woman is gave the obvious response, they revealed that it was about Roe v. Wade she’d just voted against.

□ [“Ezra Miller Out As The Flash"]

Why don't they just get an alternate universe of him who wasn’t caught molesting children?  Obviously you can't be the Flash if you get caught but there's always Earth-2...

They’re trying to set that up here anyway.  My guess is the ultimate plan is an Avengers/JLA crossover but we'll have to wait decades for that to come to pass.  In reality, we’re stuck with this one universe and we have *these* people in charge of us.

But this has to be a huge problem, they can’t just recast the main character.  The movie is finished, there's no Wally West who’s going to fill in.  Not sure when release is scheduled but they've already promoted this for months with the Michael Keaton Batman appearance, plus cameos by long-dead actors who played other DC characters.

It's certainly a novel idea and I do have a (very mild) interest in the movie.  They want to make the multiverse a legitimate concept, enforcing leftist goals,  but now they’re stuck by their very own belief in alternate universe that haven't shown up yet.

They’ll probably just release the movie and ignore it until future movies restore approval for a child molester.  More Hollywood stars will probably come out as fans of that behavior, which will also help.  They've probably done this sort of thing for decades.

□ [“After Years of Denials, Report Shows WHO Head Thinks COVID Came From Wuhan, China Lab"]

Don't they pay attention to their own employers?  Or do they just say it's the master's business and go back to whatever they’d been told to do?  They could have just asked Fauci.  He was working there for years.

How much of this is conspiracy, how much is just idiots acting like they know everything?  One thing is certain, they really want to stick it into kids.  Just the fact that they don't want to test the vaccine's long-term effects tells us that something is very wrong with it and very wrong with them.

□ [“Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Reduces Sperm Count in Men, Another Adverse Effect Of The Vaccine"]

Dunno if it’s true but it’s believable.  Trying to take down men at all costs, that’s believable.  Without men, you can't have children.  Without children, society ends.  It’s probably about cutting down pollution or something but they want it badly, whatever it is.

How much longer can everything wither away like this until it happens for real?

□ [“Bidenomics:  East Coast Truckers Stalled Out on the Highway – Gas Stations Out of Diesel"]

Is this it?  My guess is the next hit is aimed at the 4th of July but…?  Even Obama is preparing for upcoming blackouts, his mansion has a new gas-powered generator.

It really does look like we're in the final moments before ultimate disaster.  I know I’ve said that for months but it just keeps getting worse.  Meanwhile our masters have been planning for just this eventuality.  They’re working together to oppose us.

20 June, 2022

Never see that Mel Brooks movie where there are people farting! It's so offensive!

□ [“Frustrated Drivers in Rome Blocked on Busy Road Solve It, Drag Protesters Out of the Way"]

They're not violent which surprised me.  Not the protestors, the drivers.  I wouldn't have objected if they kicked the stupid kids in the face and dragged them off the road.  That's going to happen sooner or later.

□ [“'Come on!  Don’t Make Things Up!' – Biden Snaps at Reporter Asking About Recession"]

The actual quote is even worse.

“The majority aren’t saying that.  Don’t make things up!  OK!  Now you sound like a Republican politician – I’m joking!  That was a joke, that was a joke!”

He has no idea what he's talking about or what the rest of this country thinks.  He just hates it when someone says something he doesn't want to hear and thinks calling the truth a lie will help.  He’s never learned how to target enemies who tell the truth and then deny that's what he's doing.

It’s not clear if he meant ‘you sound like a Republican’ as a joke.  Maybe he was joking with ‘don't make things up’ or ‘the majority aren't saying that.’

The media may be a little more willing to admit that he's old and weak.  They know the elections are already stolen, they just need to stay quiet about that.  Did the government have to tell them to cancel this or di someone else in charge get involved?

ABC News even cancelled a recent tweet that “Democrats are going to hold onto the House after November’s midterm elections.  They will pick up as many as four seats in the Senate, expanding their majority and overcoming internal dissent that has helped stifle their agenda.”  But this tweet had already been repeated by other obedient media.

□ [“Biden says decision on gas tax holiday may come this week”]

And look, Biden is thinking *snicker* about lowering gas prices a little bit by removing the single biggest part of them, federal taxes.  Temporarily, of course.  He's already said that paying higher taxes is "patriotic."

He wants an explanation why they aren't refining more oil, showing that he has no clue.  They stopped refining oil because he made them stop, that's why.  Now consumers are hurting so they’ll get a “holiday,” then he’ll start hurting them again.  How nice.

□ [“Dr. Fauci:  When You’re in an Indoor Setting, You Should Wear a Mask Even Though the Whole World, Including the US and UK Are Worn Out and Tired"]

On March 8, 2020 – Dr. Anthony Fauci advised healthy Americans against wearing face masks.

In April 2020 – The CDC said Americans should be wearing face masks for the COVID.

In May 2020 – Dr. Anthony Fauci and the New England Journal of Medicine have admitted that masks are little more than symbols. Virtue signaling.

On January 25, 2021 – Dr. Fauci told healthy Americans to wear two masks instead of one.

On January 31, 2021 – Dr. Fauci backtracked on that insane idea of wearing multiple masks.

They don’t need to know what they’re talking about, they're in charge and we must obey.  How did we ever get to a point where these people are permitted to exist?

One benefit of totalitarianism is that the man in charge can make up whatever nonsense pops into his head and everybody has to act like it's concrete law.  Everyone must obey or be punished.  Leftists and cults are also into that sort of behavior.

□ [“After His Flight Cancelled, Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Will Now Look at Cancelled Flights”]

Buttigieg couldn’t get someone to drive him from DC to NYC and that’s how he learned about all the cancelled flights we’ve seen for months?  Of course his plans to fix it are totalitarian.  He’ll somehow be competent here, he was just too lazy before.

What’ll he do, bring back the pilots he fired for not getting a fake-vaccination?

Energy, supply, transportation, now airplanes.  All these problems started when he was put in charge of them.  He knows nothing about these industries but thinks he can control them.  He must have had to suck a lot of dick to get this far.

□ [“Black Supremacists Have Armed 'Gathering of the Great Armies' Juneteenth March in Mississippi”]

This is just part of the military forces our tyrants have established, promoting a made-up holiday.  They may well be government workers and paid not to show up to work.  Or they may be foreign invaders who know how to make peasants follow orders.

What's really spooky is that they have to realize they're only about 13% of the population and their need for abortion means they can’t increase.  Their only hope is that everybody around them is a white liberal and will surrender on the spot.  Even there, it's not like they could go to Chicago or Los Angeles because then blacks would shoot them.

□ [“Macron loses majority, long and painful crisis to come.”]

Wait, he gloriously beat up that woman but his party loses overall?  Is this some hope for a working strategy, the person at the top loses but the followers are capable of replacing?  I'm skeptical but at the moment it sounds nice.  Israel and Germany are also having political problems, could they be undergoing something similar?

Here's a goofy thought, could the conflict between collectivism and individualism stem from the nature of human existence when the sperm meeting the egg?  The sperm selects an egg, the gender is self-identified chosen, and growth begins from there.  The egg dies without the sperm and the sperm is only one of thousands trying to reach a goal.  All of life comes from that and reproduces over and over.

It can't possibly be that simple but the parallels are mind-bogglingly obvious.  From God's level, it's close enough to the same thing.  And that's why God is Him.

21 June, 2022

The endgame is boring, can we find something else to do?

□ [“Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud:  We Need More Money… There’s Gonna be Another Pandemic”]

What happened to the government’s ability to print as much money as it wants?  They were saying that for the last year and a half, what’s changed?  Now they’ll keep printing money but they need to spend money to take away everybody else’s money?

They’re setting up this November’s stolen elections.  Otherwise they'd at least stop sending all that money Ukraine.  Will the virus come from one of those biolabs?

□ [“Biden Again Cheers Inflation as a Good Thing, It’ll Usher in 'Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicles’”]

And it wouldn't happen if not for Putin.  He’s responsible for this inflation, nobody else, remember?  He made this good thing happen, personally, all by himself.

Your energy isn't renewable, it requires expensive drilling from Russia and China.  You impose these vehicles on everybody and you’re eager for the upcoming financial disaster.  Meanwhile Russia, China and Iran are using nuclear power, thanks to you.

□ [“'I’d Like You to Come Home with Me!' – Biden Creeps on Little Girl at Covid Vaccine Clinic"]

Just make him stop!

Why does nobody in the media ever ask “is there any time where the President has asked a girls’ permission before putting his hands all over her?  Or does he just take what he wants and nobody can stop him?”

For that matter, why doesn't they ask if this is the role-model for males?  You can pretend to be a feminist and do whatever you want to girls.  How many secret service females have quit because he was always waggling his dick around at them?

Given all of his kids’ mental and legal problems, I have to wonder how deep Biden got into leftist sex fantasies.  He forced his young daughter to shower with his, that's not healthy.  Ever since, she’s had mental, legal and drug problems.  Coincidence?

□ [“Not a Joke:  US Navy Releases ‘Children’s-Show-Style’ Instructional Video to Train Sailors on ‘Proper Gender Pronouns’ and Creating a ‘Safe Space’”]

It’s just advertising how easy we are to defeat now.  Our seamen don’t know how they run a ship but they’ll spend hours every day memorizing dozens of fake pronouns, that’s much more important.  The navy doesn’t work on running ships all day every day.

These things make me wonder who actually makes these decisions, someone who really wants the US military defeated in as stupid a manner as possible.  I’m sure we still have a large number of competent former-military members, we really need them now.

Why not require them to identify zodiac signs?  It makes just as much sense as forcing them to focus on made-up genders and is just as relevant to with their actual jobs.

□ [“Florida Construction Worker With No Military Training Killed While Fighting for Ukraine”]

This seems odd.  My first thought is that leftists have been trying to infiltrate right-wing organizations.  They’ve long had the media, they clearly have the military now, they might as well try construction as well and with more than just unions.

Construction is actual work.  You don’t just sit in front of a camera and repeat what you're told.  Even the military has weak points that someone could get in, as well as civilians who are ultimately in charge.  But how the hell do you get a leftist to go into construction, even a stupid one?  They need tough skills!

This guy was in his early-50s.  Maybe he had connections who told him Ukraine was the leftist conspiracy center, so he dropped everything to do whatever he could?

□ [“Will Russia Shift to a War Strategy?”]

The war with Russia nears.  Lithuania’s been part of Russia as long as Ukraine, so we’ve sent them in as the 'little guy' to talk shit and get beaten up, giving us an excuse.

Ukraine’s cities still function, electricity, internet, businesses are open.  Russia has full air superiority, they’d have shut Ukraine down long ago if they wanted that.

News from the ground is sketchy and hard to believe but it sounds like Russia’s been using the second-rate part of their military for all this time.  That could be in preparation for conflict with the west, keeping the strongest units at bay until it’s time.

The US is still in denial but it’s clear that Russia has won.  It’s their home turf, now they have to look outward.  Fortunately for them, Europe is irrelevant, except to purchase Russian energy.  In March, after the invasion started, they even said they’d make Europe into an actual state, equal to Russia and China and the US.

That’s not happening.  France now says that Ukraine should just surrender.  Safe to assume Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, etc. have more experience with Russia.  They usually lose but if they need help, Europe won’t help, look elsewhere.

I still think the 4th of July will be the breaking point.  Leftists can’t permit us to celebrate that holiday, they’ve got totalitarianism to spread.  It’s coming soon.  You know all the west coast ships waiting for delivery?  They’re gone.  The supplies weren’t delivered, they just left and probably won't be coming back for a long time.

It’s going to get bad very quickly any minute now.