Tuesday, November 1, 2022

202211 Taking Thanks - 20221101

30 October, 2022

I think the Mediocre Pumpkin will show up any day...

□ [“John Fetterman posts a photo of his campaign sign still burning in deep-red Lawrence County”]

The sign is still blazing in this picture, less than half of it has burned yet.  You can still see Fetterman’s name on the sign.  Whoever set this on fire is obviously very close to whoever’s taking the picture.  Maybe he’s even holding the camera, who knows?

This makes a convincing argument that the elections aren’t guaranteed to be stolen, or at least the people doing this don’t know about it.  You can’t be stupid enough to think this will work *and* successfully fake enough votes.

□ [“Medical Examiner-Coroner Claims Fully Vaccinated Body Builder Who Suffered from Cardiovascular Disease Died of a COVID-19 Infection, Not the COVID-19 Vaccine”]

So the vaccine supposed to protect him from the virus didn’t kill him, the virus killed him.  That’s like saying your bodyguard didn’t kill you, the person who walked up to you and your bodyguard and shot you did that.  Why you were stupid enough to have a bodyguard in the first place, that’s your problem.  That’s what they’re saying now.

But the athlete didn’t say we were only right if the vaccine personally did the killing, he said we were right if he died.  And he died.  He’s totally dead, just ask him.

This really doesn’t help the vaccine's reliability and that’s assuming we’re told the truth about how he died.  Trust is in very short supply these days and it’s their fault.

□ [“64-Year-Old Madonna Posts Topless Photos on Instagram”]

But she didn’t do this back when she was remotely worth looking at?  There’s proof of insanity, never mind whatever she’s done to her face.

My guess is this is some part of her witch-casting spells but maybe it’s just insanity and nothing else.  But these people have to get ready for Halloween, then there’s the upcoming elections to steal.  This is probably why I’ve heard more about Madonna in the last several months than I have for the last couple decades.

I also think a couple more people will be doing these like this shortly.

□ [“Threat of Nationwide Railroad Strike Grows after 2nd Union Rejects Proposed Deal”]

The agreement meant they can’t go on strike until November 8 and it’s actually unclear, they may not be able to stop working until December.  Yeah, the rules have been changed and you can vote whenever as long as it’s for Democrats, but this is election day.

Just go on strike now!  Let whatever happens happen.  They’re going to steal the elections and immediately pass laws that chain you down even more.

Also 30 October, 2022

□ [“Police Change Story, Claim Now Only Attacker David DePape and Paul Pelosi Were in Home”]

Oh FFS!  Lies don’t work if you keep changing them!  You should know that!  Yet now we’re expected to believe that Police Chief Bill Scott blatantly lied to the press when he informed them that someone else opened the door from inside.  Was he making the lie up himself or was he repeating someone else’s?

On Friday, the official story was that there was only one hammer.  The 82-year old kept the 42-year old from grabbing it until *someone* opened the door for the police who did *not* enter the residence.  They told the men to stop fighting and come outside.  Only then could the attacker successfully grab the hammer and start beating Paul with it.

But now nobody else was there, the door magically opened by itself, or else the people struggling over a hammer also opened it, or the police entered without permission.

We still don’t know where the security was.  The neighborhood’s other rich people have lots of security cameras and you’d really expect someone to watch over the Speaker of the House’s residence, just in case someone boobytraps it.

Maybe the third person was on the security team, that’s why they want it secret?  Or maybe the security team is all-MAGA and they supported the attacker.  Maybe Paul told security ‘this guy’s with me.  If you see us in our underwear, don’t worry about it.’

Were all the cameras on the house are just to film the orgies in the yard?  Were the cameras always ignored because nobody wants to see Nancy Pelosi naked?

Their job description is to keep people from breaking in.  Security can call the police before, during or after stopping the intrude, yet the Pelosi’s security couldn’t be bothered to stop the intruder or call the police.

Still waiting for Pelosi supporters to see problems with this.  Why would a man who’s been very rich for a long time not have home security?  Why would the Speaker of the House, third-in-line for the Presidency of the United States, not have home security?

What’s the alternative?

“Hey, neighborhood security cameras show a guy in his underwear carrying a hammer!”

“Big deal, he’s not hurting anybody.  Hit me.”

“Hey, that guy is going up to a house!”

“Not our problem, we’re busy.  I said hit me.”

“Hey, isn’t that the place where that lady in Congress lives?”

“She’s only third-in-line for the Presidency, nobody cares.  I know you’ve got that straight.”

“Hey, he just broke into the house!”

“Boy, I hope somebody calls the police.  You gonna play or fold?

“Hey, wasn’t this the house that was attacked on August 3, 2022 and January 3, 2021?”

“That’s why they hired us as security.  Let’s go, Brandon!”

31 October, 2022

A lot of scary monsters going around.  So it's a typical day then.

□ [“'Come On!' Heckler Interrupts Barack Obama and Leaves Him Stuttering at Michigan Rally"]

I've been holding on to this one for several days.  I keep meaning to check if this was where someone called out "Let's go, Branden" or it was a different place and the article itself doesn't mention it.

I don't know if it's desperation that makes them send Obama out or they're just trying to build up the success.  Maybe he's just bored from not getting enough applause.  Still, what does he have that Biden really needs right now?  You can basically count on one hand the number of candidates Obama has endorsed that won an election, with or without voter fraud.

One has to wonder why those people were there.  Are they that bored, were they told where to go?  By now I have to wonder how many people are actually eager to see any celebrity.  A cult maybe?

We're headed for disaster.  The Mississippi River is low, meaning barges won't be able to transport supplies.  The trains are about to go on strike.  The trucks are very short on fuel and it's going to get more expensive any day now.  That'll be a good way to start winter.

The US and European economies are having trouble, as is China.  That won't help the supply chain which is already desperate.  But then, it's not going to stop the virus or make peace with Russia either.

The only thing that could make it all worse is if Democrats win big next week.  So are we ready for that?  In theory, they could win across the board without theft but I don't think that's possible.  Not stealing elections, I mean, the other thing.

It is technically possible that 90% of living voters are genuinely this insane.  It's what our rulers have spent the last century trying to get, using media, schools, government bribes and saying how wonderful Russia was.  But everybody could agree with them and they'll still send in truckloads of fake votes.

Also 31 October, 2022

You keep out of this, he doesn’t have to blow you down!

□ [“Justice Department Files Federal Criminal Charges Against David DePape – Allows Government to Control and Hide Evidence – And Selectively Leak"]

It's not a federal crime to break into someone's house.  So far, we haven't been told any federal agents were in the building.  Nancy was on the other side of the country so she doesn't count.  The more you want to argue it's a federal crime, the more you have to explain why the people involved made it happen.

It is possible there's a law forbidding the harm of certain peoples' family members but not other peoples' family members but no liberals will ever complain about the elite deserving more protection than the peasants.

My security clearance was never more than 'secret' and if I'd ever been stupid enough to try breaking into a location with higher clearance, I would have been stopped before I got there by people whose job it is to keep unauthorized personnel out.  Why didn't these rich people have that in their private home?

This is just an excuse to silence anyone who points out obvious facts about this incident.  They just want to promote the lie.  That gives them an excuse to expand their tyranny.

Over the last two years, there's been a lot of comparison of January 6 to the Reichstag Fire.  I've always been dubious of that, just because - I'm not remotely an expert - it seems to have never been clear what really happened in February 1933 Germany.  I am starting to believe that, yeah, the Nazis faked it, but either way, January 6 was absolutely a fake and for the same reason.

So the Pelosi house definitely has cameras on the outside.  Or at least things that look like cameras.  Maybe they're fakes.  But I'm curious what they have on inside.  I'm sure there are cheap options but would you really want security that if someone successfully breaks in, no one's going to see what they do to you or anything else in your home.  The attacker could be helping himself to Nancy's booze collection and that stuff ain't cheap.

The attacker supposedly broke in through a door window.  Pictures show that the broken glass landed outside, not inside which is what would happen if the break came from outside.  Broken or not, glass goes the direction you push it, not the opposite way.

The story now is that Paul runs to the bathroom and calls 911.  Wouldn't he just stay in the bathroom and lock the door if he can?  Why would he come out to deal with the person who scared him so much?

From the start, it has been noted that the 911 caller specifically referred to the attacker as a "friend."  Now there *may* be something to this oddity but it's not something I'd give much consideration.  If you're under attack to the point where you need to call 911 even with your attacker right there, it's technically possible that you'd say something like "friend," maybe it'll throw the attacker off for a moment.  Or you just might not be entirely rational at the moment and "friend" is just the first word that came to your mind.  Certainly possible there's more to it than that but I don't think it would be a major issue.

By the same token, I'm not all that curious about the attacker going to the hospital along with Paul.  It's entirely possible he was injured during the arrest, or that he'd been injured before the police showed up.  There may even be some baffling law-enforcement why they took him there, he wasn't vaccinated against Covid or something.  But this is a more valid question than the use of "friend."

Don't know if it's true yet but it's been said the attacker was from Canada and his visa has long-expired so he's in the country illegally where he can attack people.  Who else does this "sanctuary city" have like that?

□ [“More Questions Than Answers on Pelosi Attacker David DePape’s Charging Documents"]

The FBI has released its list of charges, apparently written by some new employee with nothing more important to do.  This article does cite that the number of hammers aren't mentioned, nor what anybody was wearing.  It also cites the lack of clarity regarding 'who did what' in the struggle when the police arrived.

For me, I'm wondering how this was done so quickly?  Paul's had head-if-not-brain surgery, a guy in his 80s isn't going to be in the best mental shape right now.  The attacker is probably not the most believable person to prepare the charges and the "other person" isn't mentioned anywhere so he/she/it can't contribute anything.

The 911 call and the events after that still make no sense.  Paul goes to the bathroom, calls 911 and the attacker knows that's what he's done.  Then they both go downstairs to the door.  What?  Hey guy that I've just called the police on, let's hang out together now!

If you came here to attack somebody, learning that the police are closing in would be a good reason to run away.  If you came here for some other reason, that reason needs to be included in this description for it to make any sense.

The police knock on the door.  Paul opens it.  Then he grabs the attackers hammer and the attacker fights back, hitting Paul in the head with the hammer.  He already knows the police are coming and doesn't hit Paul with a hammer.  He already knows the police are here and doesn't hit Paul with a hammer.  The police are watching them right now and they're allowed to arrest people, so that's when he decides to hit Paul with a hammer?

He'd have to be insane to do that.  If he was so insane, walking to the house in his underwear or being Paul's boytoy-for-the-evening would be just as believable.

I wanna say this will actually go somewhere but now I'm remembering Congressman Gary Condit and the investigation on the death of his mistress Chandra Levy.  That got a lot of attention to and then 9/11 happened and we basically ignored Condit after that.

Odd note, Condit represented District 18 which is where San Francisco is located.  Near as I can tell, this was redistricted so it did not include San Fran twenty years ago, but wouldn't that make a neat coincidence if it did?

01 November, 2022

I could've been a contender! But I couldn't steal enough votes, someone beat me to that.

□ [“Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts Blocks Handover of Trump Tax Forms to House Democrats"]

Definitely a surprise, who would have expected Roberts of all people to stop the government harassment of Trump?  If they can't actually beat him, the tyrants will at least harass and pester Trump 24/7.

The only info I see is that a lower court approved seizing Trump's tax forms, which is why he went to the Supreme Court.  No clue what's good, bad or otherwise.  I'm just amazed that anyone on the court refused to obey our rulers demands.

□ [“Brazilian President Plans Presser Tonight – Will Announce Military Audit of Controversial Election, May Arrest Criminal Judges"]

You know, I was just thinking there aren't enough problems in the world, so maybe we should give Brazil something to fight about.  So a socialist steals the elections and now they get to fight over it too.  Yay!

One thing I remember from Trump's final weeks was when we were told about the complexity of the war being fought around the world.  That's why something like this sticks out to me.  As Americans, naturally we all think America is the only place that matters.  To an extent, we're absolutely right about that because hey, we're Americans.

But there are people and nations who aren't American, sad as that may sound.  I've also noticed that some details on regional conflicts going on elsewhere often don't make any sense.  As an American, I'm baffled, 'why are they fighting about that and not something else?'  But to them it really is important and whether or not we understand is irrelevant.

This is one of the aspects of individualism vs. collectivism that I'm trying to figure out and explain.  A collectivist will pretend to understand what they're fighting about and why and demand we get involved.  An individualist will say 'it's their problem, let them handle it.'  There's only 24 hours in the day so you can't actually focus on everything and every second you spend focusing on one problem - yours or someone else's - is one less second to spend on anything else whatsoever.

At some level, collectivists recognize that, they just somehow manage to delude themselves that they've got the answer.  They'll send someone else to solve the problem, someone who agrees with them on everything.  You can see this delusion with the adoration they have for the rulers which is the opposite of the equality they claim to have for everyone.

They could complain about Joe Biden babbling nonsense and still support him, they could demand Syria and Palestine expand their abortion facilities along with the support we send, they could demand Ukraine draft trans-genders to fight Russia as much as they draft men.  They sure spend a lot of time talking about all these things, they just always avoid any subject that shows the problems with collectivism.

□ [“Biden says His Son Beau Died of Cancer Minutes After He Said His Son Died in Iraq War"]

What the hell are they doing?  I can get that Biden has very little to think about but who's writing these speeches for him?  It's easy to google where Beau died and it's not remotely near Iraq in time or distance.

Maybe he was told that Beau died in Iraq and he's never bothered to question it?  That sounds ludicrous, I know, but at this point can you say it's totally unbelievable, Biden would have to be given accurate information on his son's death?  Or he'd at least be interested enough to check what happened to the son he ostensibly cared about?  Or maybe Beau really was deployed to Iraq at the time of his death and the government flat-out lied to us about it?

We did invade Iraq not too long before Beau died, that much is true.  [Father's Day 2014, ah, memories...]  We know that sons of politicians do get somewhere in the military regardless of their ability.  Is it impossible?  No.  Is it unlikely?  Probably, but this means Biden is giving out information he shouldn't.  Or else he's just a mindless idiot who has no idea what words are coming out of his mouth.  What's more likely?

□ [“California Governor Newsom Admits A Red Wave is Coming"]

I'm a little more hopeful, but then I was much more hopeful in 2020 and look what happened there.  Maybe I'm just deluded.

He's probably just encouraging his people to cheat more.  They aren't going to learn.

It's been pointed out for quite a while that our rulers are behaving like the abusive party in a relationship.  Since unfortunately, I have no experience with abusive relationships - I blame women for that - I've been trying to think of how it works.  Isn't there a point where the abuser promises to change and do better next time?  Their behavior was for our own good because they care?

The best I can find on the internet is Four Stages:  Tension-building, Incident of abuse, Reconciliation and Calm stages at which point is starts again.  So right now this would clearly be Reconciliation.

They're trying to make up to us for the last two years of tyranny.  Some are even admitting that imposing things that don't work against viruses was a bad idea.  They don't actually say they were wrong, they don't offer to repay us for the time, energy and money they stole, they just want a mass amnesty.

Fuck.  That.

I'm at the point where I think there's only two kinds of amnesty, 5.56 and 9mm.  In a clinch there can be a rope which is helpfully reusable for more amnesty.

Maybe that's a little too far.  Maybe not, but just as back-up plan, since they appreciate vaccines, we can inject them in the forehead with a healthy pigment to make a nice big letter "X."

No matter what happens, I think next week's elections are the end of the road.  Even if Republicans massively win, the rulers have already prepared and will just move on to the next step of destroying everything.  And I expect them to steal many elections, if not all.  There's also the leftists who self-identify as "Republicans" to deal with.

Beyond that, there's the collapse of supply, logistics, fuel and the economy awaiting us this winter.  Then there's the actual wars going on around the world.  For all I know, none of us will be around by New Years.

Also 01 November, 2022

And if you really supported liberty, you'd give me lots of money for my books and pamphlets!!!

Whatever part of me ever used to qualify as "liberal" - I used to be offended by some of the words Guns'n'Roses used, that's how liberal I was - it would be the early-2000s where that went away.  9/11 was certainly a major part of that, but that was an event unto itself, the reaction was major and immediate.  For me, the major change was around the same time but more about day-to-day life.

I'd spent my first several years as a legal adult with a working-class job, holding down an apartment and spending the rest of my paycheck on whatever late-teens/early-20s people did back then.  Every year, I filed taxes and the federal refund was a little bit less than my monthly rent.  So I went on my life thinking that was how things worked.

Then came the GWB tax cuts.  One day I got a check in the mail that I was convinced had to be some kind of mistake.  The government accidently sent me money and would come to get it back sooner-or-later, so I didn't even cash the check.  I didn't want to go to jail.

The next time I filed taxes, I discovered a much bigger refund.  I was nervous about that too but couldn't see anything I had done wrong.  When the refund came in, it was enough money to pay my rent twice and still enough left over to buy a pizza or something.

That was mind-blowing.  I got back more of my money and could use it for what I wanted?  Is that even legal?  Well, yes.  That was also what Democrats were raging about, they totally hated it.  People able to spend their own money?  Not if Democrats have anything to say about that.

I'd eventually cashed the first check and knew I wasn't the only poor person in the country.  That would mean a lot of others were getting the same benefits, something that makes their lives easier.  That's what Democrats claim they want to do, why are they opposed to it?  How could it be wrong to *not* take more of poor people's money?

The interaction I had with leftists show why.  They didn't have the slightest concern about the poor, they barely even acknowledged their existence.  Only the rich got their attention, no one else, and they sure hated the rich.

I couldn't see a problem, ok, they deserve tax cuts too.  Treat them the way you treat poor people, that's fair.  There's a lot more of us anyway.  The rich have more money and spend it in more places, their taxes are already higher, so their refunds will be too.  You have to care about how much money other people have to see anything wrong with that.  I didn't care, the leftists did.

The rich don't need the help, they can pay for it themselves, but people who aren't rich have more money because of tax cuts you oppose.  The rich are also obvious targets and you really want to hit them, exactly like you hit non-rich people.  That's wrong.

And I never got leftists to even acknowledge this.  At most, they *might* have accepted the poor getting larger tax refunds than they had before the Bush tax cuts, but they obviously weren't going to push for that.  But it helps poor people!  Not good enough.

So really, it was watching that which helped establish my political positions.  I don't recall who often they used the specific term "diversity" back then but they weren't showing any actual diversity of thought.  I didn't see one who opposed the tax cuts but totally supported the Iraq invasion.  None of them said they ignored the tax cuts and focused on gay marriage or abortion instead.  No one who demanded we teach Iraqis about abortion or gay marriage.  No, they all had the same opinions on all of the same issues.

That's where the realization started crystalizing about the difference between individualism and collectivism.  You have to spend a certain amount of time sleeping, eating and using the toilet, not to mention paying attention to your wife, children, job, hobbies, etc.   If you go to church or watch tv, that's even more time spent doing something you're interested in, regardless of whatever political issues there are.

But the collectivists say that there's nothing apolitical in existence.  They all say that, no exceptions.  They're the ones obsessed with money but that's what they accuse anyone they disagree with of being.  They claim to want to help the poor but keeping people as poor as possible is all they do.  Their leaders are very rich and getting richer, no problem with that.

Individually and freedom are about *not* getting in everyone's way and *not* demanding money from them.  Collectivists always disagree with that, or at least recite whatever their leaders say.  They never even question the contradiction.

The Bush tax cuts were made permanent in 2010 by Obama, who signed that bill a couple months after I returned from my second deployment to Iraq in two years and my third overall.  There weren't any protestors, there weren't any major complaints.  Just mindless obedience as the left has always had.

I'm sure the individuals reading this have reasons for moving away from collectivism with small or large differences from my anecdote here, but that's how individualism works.  I don't know your life and you don't know mine.  At best, we might guess correctly but a lot more often we'll get it wrong.

Whatever reason we're all here for, freedom and liberty are the best gifts we have, for ourselves and each other.  Making our own decisions for ourselves as well as our families, businesses and communities.  Just the fact that we've permitted collectivists to exist shows that, given that they sure don't treat us the same way.

That's why it's so important that we draw a line and say this doesn't go any further.  That's the unity we really need to strive for.  Enough is enough.