Saturday, April 8, 2023


Around 4000 BC, there were cities in the world, or at least the Middle East and nearby locations in Europe.  Farming had been established as a way for several months of work to provide food all year-round.  It also kept men from wandering around for food, chasing animals or stealing from other men, which gave them time to think and construct things like homes, boats and written languages .  It's not clear exactly when these events happened because they didn't write down the dates in convenient ways for us to read, so this is all speculation, but there were clearly the seeds of civilization planted and growing by this point.

At this point, it was time for God to show the Earth how things work because she hadn't understood it with the dinosaurs or any previous version.  So now these mammals are doing something interesting, let's work with them, you and I.  God has to explain it at her level or she'll be clueless what He's saying.  The earth knows far more than us mammals do, but she's not God.  She didn't create the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the solar systems or the planets.  She doesn't even know anything about the moon that keeps following her around, all she has is those life forms that grew up on her.

God gives a brief explanation of how He created everything, distinguishing between light and darkness, water and land.  He also lets there be grass, herbs and fruits, as well as animals like fowl, whales and cattle.  God doesn't specifically create them, He permits the Earth to do that.  Then God says "let us create man in our own image" indicating who He's actually referring to, the Earth, but He does the actual work in Adam and the female.  This is where the lesson starts, which we all collectively agree was 4004 BC.

The Earth is given her turn to explain how this happened.  "Lord God" made the Earth and the heavens and the plants and the herbs before they were in the Earth because there was no rain, but "Lord God" created a man from dust and blew into his nose and put him in a garden.  And there was a river with heads and there was gold which was good.  There was also bdellium and onyx.

There was also a tree of knowledge in the garden but "Lord God" told Adam not to eat from that.  Instead he could name the cattle and the fowls.  But Adam was told not to eat from that tree so he didn't eat from it and "Lord God" didn't need an obedient male to be part of this story about her and God.  She needed someone who would do the opposite of what she was told, a 'help'm eat.'  So she pulls out Adam's rib and that's how females were born and now they're going to be one flesh with the man after he leaves his mother and father.

You get the feeling there's a few details missing in this version of the story?  Sure, now we've finally learned why cattle have names and bdellium is so important but the point is that males and females have to be "one flesh," just like children and their parents, just like "Lord God" and actual God.  They can just go around naked and there's nothing wrong with that, hint hint hint, wink wink.

Oh, forgot to mention, there are talking serpents too, that's kind of a big deal.  "Lord God" asks Adam how this happened and why he ate from the tree he wasn't supposed to.  Adam blames Eve, Eve blames the serpent who said eating from the tree was ok, it would make them gods, knowing good and evil, so that's why they're wearing clothes.  Serpents bad!  They should crawl around on the ground their whole lives as punishment!  And they have to stop talking to people!  That'll show 'em!

Eve and Adam and "Lord God" could all have said they ate from the tree they were told not to eat from.  I don't know if God would forgive that, but they didn't so it doesn't matter.  "Lord God" is still trying to be the one in charge, so Adam has to leave the garden and work for food every day, there are now armed guards to keep him from coming back.  Eve can leave whenever she wants though, she'll be allowed back in to keep eating from the tree of life.

Then Eve has children, from "Lord God."  You sure she wasn't pregnant with Adam's baby at any point and that's what happened?  Well, they're just trying to keep up with "Lord God"s version of the story although that's getting tougher to do.  Eve can still see Adam if she's lonely, that would explain the children they have and she doesn't even need child support.

Cain is hard worker, farming and offering his food as a gift to "Lord God."  Abel grows sheep, cutting them open and pulling out their fat as a gift to "Lord God."  Just think of all the blood the Earth got to taste when Abel was sacrificing sheep for her, yummy!  And she's still trying to get the story back to having no people, just her and God.  It was already established that children have to be like their parents until the boys go out to find a wife, so Cain and Abel had better start doing what Adam and Eve were doing.  Now!  If Cain doesn't obey, well, sin lieth at the door where his father went.  You want to be like him?

Cain doesn't really like the idea.  Abel is much more willing to chop up bodies if it pleases "Lord God" so after a discussion, only one of them walk away.  "Lord God" is still pretending to be in charge and asks where Abel is, but Cain's not going to keep his sick perverted brother.  Abel's blood is dripping into the Earth, which really turns her on.  Sheep blood, human blood, she wants more.  She can't go too far because that would require honesty to God, so Cain's not going to get executed for murder.  He can't grow plants though, she makes sure of that.

She even needs to put a sign on Cain so nobody else dares hurting him.  As Adam represented God and Eve represented "Lord God," so did Cain and Abel represent them, and she can't really punish God just because He didn't give her enough blood to drink or have sex with His brother.  So Cain goes out into the big bad world.  Since he couldn't farm, he had to figure out how to get other men to do the work.

Cain found a woman somewhere and they had a son.  Cain founded a city and named it for his son.  They would bring forth generations who started inventing musical instruments, working with metals and organizing cattle.  And the family all stood by the desire to avenge Cain for what had been done to him by Abel and "Lord God."

I can't figure out any specific dates, but this must have been shortly after 4004BC so it was around the time that copper was being mined, horses were being trained and pottery became a thing people wanted.  This happened elsewhere in the world as well, but obviously this story is focused on the Middle East.  The specific dates of Cain's children's birthdays and their filing for trademarks are lost to the ages.

Meanwhile, back at the Garden, Eve was getting a little anxious.  She hadn't seen Adam in a while, so she visited him.  He was still in good shape for a 130-year old and she got pregnant with Seth.  This would be around 3874BC.  Not only that, but Adam would live another 800 years after that and would meet many more baby-mamas, but Seth's the only one who matters to this story.  Eve specifically mentions that God gave her the seed.  Not "Lord God," but the real thing.

When he was old enough, Seth had a son, Enos, and men began to call on the "Lord God."  She'd found another way to try winning power.  If nothing else, there would be a lot of sheep blood spilled for her to drink.  So this would be where organized religion really got started.  For the time being, God will permit it.  They aren't even worshipping Him, they're believing in "Lord God," but God does know better, He has a plan and the story will go on.

There was progress being made, here and elsewhere in the world.  There's a road in England that is dated to 3838BC and they probably weren't the only ones building roads at the time.  Construction of Stonehenge began.  There's a mass grave in Syria so people were obviously getting buried at large numbers in one place.  New Mexico had even invented popcorn around this time, further proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  There was also a zoo in Egypt, probably a convenient way to keep animals ready for sacrifice.  There was even development of the wheel and written language, both of which would help people in the future.

Seth was 105 years old when Enos was born, so that would be 3769BC.  He would live another 807 years after that.  When Enos was 90 years old, his son Cainan was born, that would be 3679BC.  He would live another 815 years after that.  When Cainan was 70 years old, his son Mahalaleel was born, that would be 3609BC.  He would live another 840 years after that.  When Mahalaleel was 65 years old, his son Jared was born, that would be 3544BC.  He would live another 830 years after that.  When Jared was 162 years old, his son Enoch was born, that would be 3382BC.  He would live another 800 years after that.  When Enoch was 65 years old, his son Methuselah was born, that would be 3317BC.  He would live for another 300 years after that.  When Methuselah was 187 years old, his son Lamech was born, that would be 3130BC.  He would live for another 782 years after that.

Methuselah would have been born around the time Egypt started as the nation-state we know it today.  They built pyramids which still exist today and the pharaohs had began their reign.  It was still Upper Egypt and Lower, but they would soon be put together.  Cain's descendants had started bringing progress to the world around them.

Keep in mind, it's not like this is a huge world that they lived in.  They didn't have cars and very few of them had horses but still, it's barely 800 miles from Cairo and Memphis, Egypt to Baghdad and most of the important history happened within that area, less distance than El Paso, Texas to Omaha, Nebraska.  Obviously the population was a lot less and we have no clue how many people there actually were at the time.  There's also the fact that, according to the scripture, these people were living a lot longer than we do nowadays.

In 3074BC, Adam finally got around to dying.  The world had changed a lot in his lifetime.  God and "Lord God" hadn't really settled their differences either, they were barely started.  But Egypt had started building dams, canals, boat sails and musical instruments - thanks to Cain's descendant - while Sumer was forming and creating things like potter's wheels.

To us it seems like a long time, but to them it might not have been that long, Adam's grandson Enoch died soon, in 3017BC.  He had walked with God, so God took him.  There's no details on what exactly that meant, but walking with God sounds like a better option than slaughtering sheep like everybody else was doing.

There's no way to know how these people interacted with each other.  This was the dawn of civilization, what we take for granted hadn't even been invented yet when they were struggling to get through day-by-day.  They barely qualify as human, except in a biological sense, and the fact that they live to such old ages makes that easy to ignore that.

I've wondered if there is just some difference in math or translation, but I can't see any way that would work.  Maybe they didn't know years the way we know them but just the regular patterns of the weather would be fairly similar to what we have now.  You can't just swap the word "years" and "months" and have the math work, either they're too young to reproduce or they're still far older than any normal person could get.

The problem may come from the translation.  I'm using the King James, a translation from Greek and Hebrew, but that was made back when English itself was barely the language we know today.  Seriously, read Shakespeare and there's a lot of sentences that really don't make any sense in the 21st Century.

[And just a note, I don't remotely believe Shakespeare did the King James version.  Technically it's possible that he might have been on some committee to discuss the project, but seriously...  James has people on the payroll who are far more obedient and Shakespeare has theater business to handle.  Shakespeare did perform some plays for the King but why would such a topic even be part of the conversation if they met in person?]

Anyway, over the next several centuries, the people God and "Lord God" were following finally started dropping dead.  Seth died in 2962BC, a few years before the first pharaoh of a united Egypt died, Djer.  Meanwhile Lamech was 182 years old and his son Noah was born, that would be 2948BC.  Then in 2874BC, Egypt specified the 365-day calendar.  Enos dies in 2864BC and a century after that, Cainan died in 2769BC.  China and Indus Valley were growing but we know virtually nothing about them now because there's no written documents left.  At least Egypt was making these pyramids.

Mahalaleel died in 2714BC, Jared died in 2582BC and Lamech in 2353BC.  Egypt actually wrote down that it had a female doctor and Mesopotamia started growing maize.  The generations of Adam and Cain were still struggling in toil because "Lord God" hath cursed the ground.  She wants to end the story and get back to being along with God.  So it's time for the flood.

First of all, the flood was probably just regional.  To the people there, it was the whole world, but they didn't know how big the place actually was.  Second of all, Noah clearly stands out to God for some reason so He says to let him and his sons survive.  Ok, fine, but the rest have to go!  Third of all, the scripture itself is contradictory.  Noah is told to pick two of every kind of beast, then the clean beasts "by sevens."  What does that mean and which way does "Lord God" want it to go?

One part of the deal is that men do not get to live so long anymore.  Noah begat Shem, Ham and Japheth when he was 500 years old and it was another hundred years before the storms arrive and they get onto the ark.  So by my count, that happened in 2348BC which, by the way, is the year Methuselah died.  Coincidence?  They sail around, they land on Mount Ararat, it takes away for the water to dry off, so I'll say it's 2347BC by the time they get out and Noah sacrifices an animal to "Lord God" in gratitude for what she put him and his family through.  Not to mention all the dead people.

It's possible that this version of "Lord God" isn't even the entire Earth, she might just be regional and used as a tool by the actual Earth who also aspires to be "Lord God," just as the Sun aspires, just as the Milky Way aspires, just as the Universe aspires, all doomed to failure against the God who created them in the first place.  Earth is just a little version of the others and is creating even smaller versions to try to prove some nonsensical point to God.  And the men have been obeying her all this time.

That's why I always site 1969 as *the* turnaround point in human history, because for all the years of imagination, mental, emotional and spiritual, it was the first time man had actually landed on the Moon.  It was the first time Earth had a physical encounter with one of those other rocks going around the Sun.  No way we can perceive of Earth's reaction but look at how the world was before that and what's happened since.  It explains a lot.

So now that Noah and co. have come out safe from the storm, God decides to see if "Lord God" has learned anything from this.  She's tries to be respectable, she'll no longer curse the ground any more, for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth.  How nice, we're born evil in our hearts, thanks "Lord God."

But now God's going to point out a new arrangement.  Every beast, fowl and fish will be afraid of man now.  Can't just walk them all into an ark any more.  Man can eat them too, not just chopping them up as a sacrifice to "Lord God."  But she wants the blood, she's gotta have the blood.  Noah and his family are the biggest group of people we've seen in this story and they've had the longest 'screen  time' and this is already far more complicated than Adam or Cain.  This is God and "Lord God" trading lines back and forth with the humans just doing what they're told by whichever is speaking at the moment.

"Surely your blood of your lives will I require."  The hands of every beast and every man.  And every man's brother too!  And that's because man is in the image of God, so there!  This is kinda crazy.  "Lord God" is the one who claims she created them in the first place, then she kicked them out of the garden where Eve is probably still sitting and eating from the tree of life, and then got this flood to kill as many men as possible, and she's still not happy. No wonder, she's always known what's in the tree of knowledge, most people would be unhappy if they knew that much.

So God responds, telling Noah to be fruitful and makes a covenant with him.  The covenant doesn't seem to be much of anything, beyond saying that floods won't destroy the Earth or cut off man's skin.  But there's a rainbow to show for it, isn't that special?  It doesn't really look like a deal, more like pointing to natural events like rainbows and floods not destroying the Earth.  You know, something ordinary people could look at and say "thanks" to.  It probably means more to "Lord God" which may explain the rainbow flags we've seen for the last several decades, but that's just a guess.

So now "Lord God" gets to see if she can repeat the story and this time she'll be in charge.  So Noah builds a garden, or a vineyard, and he gets really drunk.  And he gets really naked which everybody sees.  Then Noah sobers up and blames Ham's son, Canaan for it.  He demands that Canaan serve Shem, "blessed be the Lord God of Shem," and Canaan's tents are given to an enlarged Japheth and... Canaan must have been wondering 'what the hell is this?'  But this is what you get when belief in God isn't the center of your life.

From there, the generations of Noah go off to form their own nations, which may well have their own spirits as part of "Lord God" and the earth.  Egypt and Mesopotamia were certainly going strong by this point, and we're only nearing 2000BC.  Noah lived 350 years after the flood and his drunken spree, so by my count, he died in 1998BC.  Obviously, being related, they all spoke the same language, giving them a unity which "Lord God" doesn't approve of unless it's worshipping her even more than they already do.  She still needs to work against the real God so she needs division.

Men already knew how to construct buildings.  Maybe the point was just to create storage units, maybe they wanted to reach up to the sky (i.e. heaven.)  So "Lord God" smashed it.  There was another list of the generations of Noah, with no mention of how long anybody lives or when their children are born.  Then we follow the generations of Shem and finally get to Abraham.

This is where the math really stops working.  I haven't done it completely yet, but considering how long these people are still living, it looks like there'd be people who knew Abraham personally who'd have seen Jesus Christ personally, or at least their parents would have, and there'd be serious attention given to what these people are doing that makes them so old.  Given that I'm not even halfway through the Book of Genesis, that's really not workable.

But as you can see, there is a major appeal to scripture which is why it's lasted for so long and inspired so many people.  The point is that God and His adversary are working their way through the book and, by extension to everybody else who follows it.  As humans, we aren't complicated enough to comprehend it all, but the point is that each of us as individuals are playing our own role in God's plan and we don't know what's going to happen next.  I certainly didn't expect to write all this when I woke up this morning.  Yet here we are, thanks to God.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


02 April, 2023

You said that was the "last day!"  Why do we keep getting new ones?

□ [“RINO Asa Hutchinson Announces 2024 Presidential Bid, Calls on Trump to Drop Out of Race”]

Another old white man wants to be in charge.  He claims to be a Republican but it’s clear which side he’s on.  I really think leftists have been infiltrating both parties for decades, blatantly obvious on one side but hidden on the other except when they need to show unity.  Might as well ask who he voted for in 2020, we all know the answer to that.

Who do they think will vote for this guy?  Maybe the point is to take up space so nobody else can have it while guaranteeing Biden can win without the slightest effort, but that’s not really what Republicans should be doing.  Yet here they are.

This is an example of what makes democracy its own weakness.  The only people who run for office are those who want to be in power, everybody else can find something else to do with their lives.  I don’t see a good way to change that.  “Term limits” are the closest I can see and even there, the rulers could just replace one pawn with another.

02 April, 2023

□ [“‘Joe Biden Too Old to Travel’ – White House Admits They Are Limiting Old Joe’s Foreign Travel”]

It’s from a British paper so they’re just covering that Biden was invited to watch Prince Charles self-identify as “queen” and this is why he’s turned the offer down.  He’s  six years older than Charles, too old to just be hopping across the pond.  It doesn’t help that the world dislikes him, even if they’re getting money and power for it.

But it’s odd that Biden isn’t going, it’s not like he does any real work.  He signs what he’s told to, is on camera briefly and won’t go anywhere unless he’s told to.  Trump couldn’t stop working if he tried.  He should just go to the ceremony and show off.

If Charles had any decency, he’d have handed the crown to his son William.  That would be honorable and respectful, so he did the opposite.  Civilization’s largest pillars were the USA, the British royal family and the Catholic Church.  We’re now 0 for 3.

02 April, 2023

□ [“San Francisco Throws in Towel, Asks For Federal Help Amid ‘Unprecedented Police Shortage’”]

Republicans should push a bill denying federal money to cities that defunded the police.  That’s what they wanted so there you go.  We knew their citizens would suffer from this and their rulers insisted that so here it is.  If they need more money, just take it from Nancy Pelosi, or from the blacks they’re giving billions of dollars to.

Who would sign up for their police force?  They’d more likely to get the criminals who the city already supports, they’re probably more likely to win a vote if it comes to that.  The next mayor will just fire the police anyway so what incentive is there?

Chicago, NYC and other leftist headquarters have also been doing this.  The point may have been to set up a national police force like other tyrants.  Do they already have them ready or do they need to steal another election to make that happen?

02 April, 2023

□ [“Trump Announces He’ll Deliver Remarks Tuesday from Mar-a-Lago”]

He was supposed to be arrested on Tuesday two weeks ago, are they taking this seriously?  Maybe they’ll just keep postponing it.  If you really want him taken down, just get some suicide bombers.  They’ll still vote Democrat even after the explosion.

Right now, my guess is they’ll give up for whatever reason and might even publicly announce it.  I don’t think they’ll send men-with-guns out to Mar-a-Lago again so if Trump doesn’t come to them, they won’t get him.  It’s totally unclear if Trump will show up, but NYC is already announcing roads will be shut down in case he does.  NYC addresses show the court is right next to Chinatown, I wonder if that’ll make a difference.

[Wasted too much time looking at NYC, trying to see what neat sites are also in the vicinity.  It’s New York City, of course there are nearby tourist traps within several blocks, duh!  Why don’t I just look up Palm Sunday how it leads to Easter next week?]

So what’ll happen if Trump shows up and the rulers get the spectacle they crave?  I really like the argument that if they go through with this, now the Bidens can be hit by the same thing.  And the Clintons, the Bush’s, the Obamas, etc.  I won’t actually believe that until it happens, but I’d really like it to happen.  Any chance it will?  I don’t know.

They might also just grab Trump, chain him up and walk him down the streets to a cell where he’ll never be seen again.  Probably won’t happen but there’s a chance.  If they can do that to him, they can do it to anybody, especially if we aren’t fighting back.

□ [“Trump Attorneys Believe DA Will Impose Gag Order On Trump to Prevent Him From Campaigning”]

There are a number of reports and no way to know if any of them are real.  The Manhattan DA’s office is full of people who give Democrats money.  Bragg may have committed a felony by letting grand jury information be leaked to the media.  No idea what will happen but if they ignore their own rules, so can everybody else.

A gag order for Trump must be a joke.  It wouldn’t stop him from campaigning and it’s not like he has to worry about the election.  It won’t take years to bring him to court for whatever these ridiculous charges turn out to be.  If this is actually true, they’ll file the gag tomorrow and the next day, they’ll see what Trump said about it.

There’s also news about this DA arresting someone who was shot by a criminal, managed to get the criminal’s gun and shot him.  It’s not a crime to shoot someone, it’s only a crime to shoot back, according to rules our rulers want to impose on us.

I’m not that interested in this, I just want this nonsense to be end.  There’s enough Trump supporters to take down anything our rulers try and Biden has few enough supporters to be able to stop them.  It’s just very irritating that we haven’t reached that point yet, it was supposed to happen two weeks ago and look how that went.

03 April, 2023

I'm not serious, so you can call me "Shirley."

□ [“McDonald’s Shuts US Offices, Prepares For Layoffs”]

And yet our rulers still insist that the economy is doing well.  More accurately, they the economy is how they want it, which means it will continue getting worse and worse.  I can’t imagine how McDonalds can lose money but that’s what happened.

This may be a typical example of our rulers trying to destroy iconic American institutions but it may also be an iconic institutions which is run by leftists with the same result.  We’ll know if Ronald McDonald switches genders or if they start selling the Bug Mac, but there’s also the basic economic problems.  By the way, it’s also cheaper to just to buy groceries and eat food at home than it is to go through drive-ins or restaurants.

McDonalds is also a place where teenagers can learn a work ethic with their first jobs, which our rulers also want to eliminate.  Can’t let people learn ability, initiative, or constantly dealing with the public customers.  It’s always a top-down preference, ‘It’ll only be done *MY* way, you’ll take what I give and like it!’

03 April, 2023

□ [“Japan Breaks with Western Allies, Buys Russian Oil at Prices Above Cap”]

Our rulers told this non-white nation what to do, but Japan is about as far from Ukraine as the US is.  Japan doesn’t care about Ukraine’s problems, they have their own.  They need fossil fuel and we try to keep them from having any, so they’ll turn on us.

□ [“Mexico Now Seriously Considering Joining BRICS”]

And there’s this, basically evidence that whoever’s really running the US wants this.  Any sensible leader would rush to ask ‘what am I doing wrong’ and would ask that long before the next-door neighbor joins the enemy that didn’t exist until we took charge.  How long before Canada joins BRICS?  I’m surprised Cuba and Venezuela haven’t joined yet, or maybe they have and I just hadn’t heard about it.

They won’t be relying on the dollar either.  If there’s going to be a global cyber-currency, China will be the one holding it and they’ll get to cut off anyone they don’t like.  This explains why our rulers are so determined to get a global cyber-currency.

They’re not just trying to take the US down, they’re trying to salt the earth so nothing will ever grow again, and it looks like they’re doing a very good job of that.

03 April, 2023

□ [“Trump Travels to New York For Soros Prosecutor Arraignment; Plans a Speech Tomorrow”]

There’s footage of him going into Trump Tower, so what’s going to happen next?  I hope it’s something along the lines of Hank Rearden telling the government to take what they want, he can’t stop them.  By all accounts, Trump really enjoyed Atlas Shrugged but maybe I’m just interpreting this as a call for a strike again.

We have to assume the hearing is rigged.  At best we’ll be proven wrong and otherwise we’ll be ready for it.  So what will happen?  My worry is that they’ll just make up some excuse to arrest him and that’ll be that, nobody does anything about it.  Our masters will have won again, this time permanently.

Trump says he’ll make a speech tomorrow after court, if he’s allowed to leave or speak.  I know he’s a showman but come on, that’s a tease!  Anything could go wrong.

The second worst thing would probably be nothing special happens, he goes in and comes out.  That lets the rulers keep imposing their will on us and the suffering continues to grow.  Trump’s fans will still say how great he is, which is the equivalent of Biden fans saying how wonderful he is.   Being better than Biden isn’t enough, we need an actual victory that can’t be ignored and there’s no sign that we’ll get one.

03 April, 2023

□ [“NSC Admits China Spy Balloon Was Able to Gather Substantial Sensitive Information from Several US Military Bases – Contradicting Biden’s Lies"]

Some of us knew that two months ago, which is when we heard about it and several days after the balloon actually started going through the US with your masters' full protection.  I guess China had to make all the use it could of whatever it got before you'd finally get around to saying 'yeah, it was spying on us.'

No idea how much info they were actually able to get, and there's still the possibility that the balloon was used to send out some new lab virus - we're also being told about another upcoming "pandemic" - or some other weapon to use against us.  My guess is still that it was about China showing off what it could to us if it wanted, just a cheap balloon that nobody could do anything about, but it's not like I have any proof of that either.

They can't run trains, they can't handle banks, they can't handle the borders and they can't win WWIII, you'd think they could at least stop a balloon.  But they don't and for the exact same reason.  They wanted this to happen and they want more.  Wouldn't be surprised if they still had Hunter Biden on the payroll.

03 April, 2023

□ [“Jill Biden’s Plane En Route to Michigan Diverted to Denver Due to ‘Aircraft Issue’"]

Just an everyday occurrence, I'm sure.  Maybe they didn't have anyone handy to make sure the plane was able to fly but Jill insisted on going anyway.  Maybe there's some resistance movement waiting for her to land.  Maybe they saw another balloon and needed to escape as quickly as possible.  Maybe there were a lot of clouds and the plane couldn't get the required amount of solar electricity to fly.

Weird little things like this just look like part of the bigger picture that we aren't capable of seeing clearly.  That's how a war operates so it's understandable, but still...  There's all sorts of transportation problems these days and sooner or later our rulers have to deal with those too.  They aren't exactly capable of saying that they get to fly and everybody else is required to stay on the ground.

04 April, 2023

I've got the balls, have you got the strikes?

□ [“‘End of Life Model’: Macron Now Wants to Legalize Euthanasia in France"]

And if that doesn't work, France can use its nuclear weapons.  They probably also have biological weapons and other ways to kill large numbers of people easily.  That's the goal so it just comes down to how they're going to achieve it.  They're already admitting they can't keep the full population if they get rid of fossil fuels.

I suppose there are moral conflicts on the issue but that really comes down to each and every individual.  Putting the government in that position gives them the power to say 'we brought you into this world, we can take you out.  We can make another one just like you.'  That's the point of being the one who gets to make those decisions, which is what they want, that's the goal.

It always comes down to a death-worshipping cult.  Whether it's deliberate or that's just always the motivation they choose, consciously or otherwise, that's what the result is.  Sooner or later, they will go for the most-immediate mass deaths they can get - probably nukes - so is that just because they're losing and getting desperate or was that always the goal?  And how do you know the difference?

04 April, 2023

□ [“Did AOC Use a Secret Twitter Account, 'Zaza Demon' to Wish Death on Conservative Blogger? – Twitter Account Deleted!"]

Who names themselves after a demon for their fake twitter account?  I thought that had been out-of-fashion since myspace.  I guess she's not the brightest ball of snow.

A black guy tweeted AOC that she supports Nazis - presumably the Ukrainians - and "Zaza Demon" answered, “Lol and what makes you think that i did anything to support nazis?"  "Zaza" then had another insulting comment a minute later, following up on the previous statement.  She had also wished death on someone she disagreed with, classy.  Soon after that, "Zaza" deleted thousands of his/her/it's tweets and then cancelled the account altogether.  What other explanation is there, that it's embarrassing to defend AOC, demons should have a little more self-respect than that?

But nobody's going to call her out for threatening people on twitter, making up fake accounts or even the pointless waste of time as a member of Congress.  Republicans are technically in charge of the House, they could do something about this if they wanted to, but...  I wonder how many others use fake internet accounts to do this.  Or at least have their taxpayer-funded staff do that.

04 April, 2023

□ [“After NPR's Major Layoff, Employees Accuse CEO Of Racism"]

You didn't make those claims when he was giving you a paycheck, what's changed?  It's NPR, what do you expect?  Just the fact that all they talk about is race should give you a clue, and also demonstrate how gullible you are in the first place.

It's things like this that keep from being as worried as we really should be in this day and age.  The rulers aren't capable of creating anything, they can only take over what already exists and claim that *now* it's actually good, then their staff immediately turns on them at the first opportunity.  They'll destroy everything else too, but they're aiming at each other.

You have to ignore skin color if you want to get rid of discrimination which is the opposite of what these people want to do.  To do that, they need to ignore "ability," which they're more than willing to do.  This is what leads to their failures and they refuse to recognize that.  You can make the argument that skin color is the reason for this but that really doesn't make them look good.

04 April, 2023

□ [“'Was Not Given a Heads-Up' – Karine Jean-Pierre Says Biden Found Out About Trump’s Indictment in News Reports"]

What is the deal about keeping Biden more ignorant than he already is?  Sure, I get the point about not telling the boss what's actually going on - I was a supply sergeant, that's a basic job requirement - but you really need to let him know when your actions are making him a target.  I don't know how likely it is, but it's at least possible to go after the Bidens and every other uniparty leader for stuff like they're accusing Trump of and worse.  It may not give us any hope but I'm sure there are people who are actually working on this.

Or maybe she's just lying to the media as leftists do, of course they told Biden.  Otherwise they're basically advertising Biden's ignorance of what's going on and make it clear that he won't know anything if they have any say in the matter.  If Biden has a working brain, that itself would be worrisome.  Otherwise it's just Biden has he's always been.  This still doesn't make him look good.

It also doesn't help that the media is so desperate to cover for them.  They see nothing wrong with announcing that of course our wonderful POTUS doesn't know what's going on, all the crimes he's committed will just be ignored!  Now keep watching our tv station for more breaking news!

□ [“Trump Indictment Unsealed – 34 Felony Counts Over ‘Hush Payments’ to Two Women – ‘Undermined the 2016 Election’"]

As I write this, Trump has given his speech and the actual indictment has been released.  I haven't paid attention to either yet, so this is whatever comes to mind.  This is going back six years to payments Trump made to Michael Cohen in 2017 for payments in 2016 that would have affected the election.  Seriously?  They made the same claims about the hundred thousand-or-so dollars Russia spent on Facebook ads (or Twitter?) in 2016 and 2016 and look how that worked out.  Hillary paid more than that for made-up Russian files on Trump which were far more likely to affect the election and hasn't been charged with that.

Trump is being charged for concealing another crime but he's not being charged with that other crime.  They couldn't get him on taxes but this is somehow more workable?  They must have already gotten the corrupt judge and jury in place, nothing else would make this work for them.  Even there, I have to wonder what the odds are this will actually work for them.  As it stands, it sounds like a lot of these charges are just for signing each page of a legal document as is often required, so it's just making up extra charges for the same thing, just to make it sound impressive, "34 felony charges!!!"

Is there any reason to think the statute of limitations still applies?  They aren't using it for whatever supposed crime these crimes were committed to protect and they aren't using it for any other crime Trump supposedly committed.  I know the left will just say this provides an excuse to keep investigating, but they've been doing that for years and this is the only thing they've managed to come up with.  Good thing Trump's rich enough to keep fighting this, few other people could have lasted this long.

05 April, 2023

I was right about being proved wrong: Prove me wrong!

□ [“Macron and Ursula Von der Leyen Arrive in China, Trying to Lure Chi-Coms Away From Russia"]

This isn't remotely the case, they're going to receive their orders and if they're lucky, China will give them a paycheck.  Russia actually produces supplies China requires, what does France have to offer?  Macron going to let China take over the increasing areas in Paris where the French can't go because Muslims are in charge?  Macron going to promote euthanasia?  Macron going to cancel cut the trade deals he made in 2019?

So no, there's really no chance this will accomplish anything except China telling Macron what to do with himself, but at least he gets to use fossil fuels and ignore the riots going on in his own country right now.  This is the delusion of our rulers, that just because they're all surrounded by sycophants, they think they can just give orders.  The only way that would work here is if the plan was made long before anybody had ever heard of Macron.

I am currently coming to the theory that China really is the one in ultimate control of all the conspiracies and enemy actions going at home and abroad.  It's still possible that there's a higher-ranking group in charge of the "new world order" but if I had to place a bet, I'd say they get their orders from China.  Maybe Russia or someone like that but probably China.

They're a member of the WHO and WEF and all the other organizations that are taking control so that's probably just more puppets to use against the world.  But they are openly allied with Russia so regardless of which one of them is genuinely in control, the pawns aren't part of it.

05 April, 2023

□ [“Get Woke, Go Broke: Marketing Experts Reveal Bud Light is Losing Customers After Partnering with 'Transgender' Dylan Mulvaney"]

Leftists are the ones who always say these megacorporations ruin everything for everybody, but then they take charge and prove it.  How do you get to this ad which will turn off all your regular customers and not bring in any new ones?  Isn't there anyone anywhere in the company that would say 'maybe this is a bad idea'?  If the answer is 'no,' then the leaders are surrounded by sycophants.  If the answer is 'yes' then why did you ignore the people who were totally right about this?

What's the highest rank of employee needed to approve these ads?  What's the office that if they say 'no,' it can't be done no matter what, and if they say 'yes,' it can't be stopped by anyone?  Those people need to be found and dragged out to answer a few serious question about what they were thinking.  That should be done in public, you could even put it in ads for "Bud Lite."

Those people decided that they aren't going to sell beer, they're going to promote some insane person who made up their gender.  That's not how a beer company should be run but they made this decision so they can pay for it.  We need to make these people pay for it.

[By the way, back when I drank, Bud Lite was my beer of choice, so I'm not remotely interested in that criticism.]

05 April, 2023

□ [“More Prominent Countries Abandoning the US Dollar and Ignore U.S. Plea To Boost Oil Production"]

A good point to WWIII is that a lot more nations are realizing that they need to pull their own weight and they can't just rely on the US to handle everything important while they focus on leftist tyranny.  Of course the problem with that is that they no longer rely on the US, which weakens us.  And as it is, our masters are pushing everyone away from us as fast as possible, which will help BRICS.

Even worse is that we're not going to change any time soon.  Our rulers have obviously stolen all the future elections so we can't get rid of them that way which leaves only one option which nobody seems ready for.  Ok, there's also foreign invaders conquering us and getting rid of them, but I don't think many actual Americans would support that either.

And that basically takes away any option we have.  Going on strike and forming a resistance movement, that would help but not in the short term.  What other chance for hope is there?

05 April, 2023

□ [“Soros-backed DA Bragg Can’t Answer the What the Crime Is in His Case Against President Trump"]

It's basically coming down to the fact that the point is to stop him from running for POTUS in 2024.  Any chance of a trial will be delayed long enough to make that happen, they're definitely going to stack the judge and jury, to the extent they aren't already Biden supporters.  Doesn't matter if it might get kicked out on appeal, they're just trying to make it last as long as possible.

They can't cite an actual crime, they can't say why the statute of limitations don't apply and they see nothing wrong with this, so they're going to keep pushing it.  They somehow got 34 felonies to charge him with despite all that, which no investigator had bothered with before, so that's what they're going with.  So it's a federal offence, the state prosecutor is still going to push this.

They wouldn't treat New Yorkers who commit felonies that way, why does this guy (who was a New Yorker until recently) get to be an exception?  Doesn't the law apply to everybody?  Trump's lawyers can't even prepare a defense if the accused crimes aren't mentioned, and that's how the prosecutors want it.

05 April, 2023

□ [“Biden Knew About His Classified Documents *BEFORE* Mar-a-Lago Raid! Not Stored in 'Locked Closet'"]

Well he should have known!  If he had a working brain, he'd have been the one giving the orders to unclassified people to move classified documents to an unsafe location.  The people claiming the laws apply to everybody should be the first in line to demand justice for this.  But instead they ignore it.

Hillary did this too.  Probably a lot of people in charge have done this.  And none of them ever get punished for it.  The Republicans pretend to oppose Democrats but won't do anything about it either.  That's how the uniparty works.  And they put their family members at high-paying jobs for foreign companies to pass along the information to whoever needs it to work against us.

Is there any chance of state, county or city officials going after any of these people, given the precedent Manhattan DA is setting for them?  I'd like to think so, but as with everything else, I doubt it.  There's not much reason to hope for anything these days.  Feel free to prove me wrong.