Wednesday, March 8, 2023


05 March, 2023

But what will the bugs eat?

□ [“Thousands of Belgian Farmers Join Protest Against Globalist Reset Plans"]

I would be more optimistic if last year's protest in the Netherlands had made any difference, or the Canadian truckers on strike earlier last year.  But it didn't and now the rulers will just say it's all Russia's fault.  Maybe the government just wants them to grow bugs instead of actual food.

But protests aren't going to get anywhere.  Just go on strike.  From there a resistance will form, because people want to maintain a food supply if nothing else, but stop putting up with our rulers.  They'll be the ones getting the blame because they were supposed to make everything perfect and now their subjects can't eat.  The rulers are still in charge so it's not like you're trying to overthrow them.

□ [“According to Nevada State College Professor ‘How We Eat Our Chicken’ is a Racial Issue"]

See?  This animal shouldn't have been permitted to go to grade school and here she is well-paid to claim that *how* you eat chicken is racist.  Anybody that provides food for that thing needs to walk away and let her figure that out for herself.  If the rest of her body matches her head, she could stand to miss a few meals anyway.  Let's help her miss hundreds of meals in a row.

05 March, 2023

□ [“SoCal Residents Snowed-In and Running Out of Supplies – Roads Remain Closed, Newsom AWOL"]

He's off fighting global warming!  Have some priorities!  You'll do without food for a few weeks, that's not his problem.  He doesn't answer to you, he obeys the New World Order.  This is so much better than when Republicans were in charge, right?

By now it's pretty clear that the point is to make people suffer as much as possible all around the world.  Not just because it's fun, that's just a free benefit.  The point is to make people unhappy with their own nations so they'll all go along with the unelected world tyrants.  It's probably because at some point in the undetermined future, the tyrants will give up their mansions and armed bodyguards and fossil fuel transportation because everybody's happy.  But until then, they'll keep all of those and live very well.

It's also possible that this may be the point of leaders like Joe Biden, being so dislikable that everybody will be glad to see him gone.  It's like Newsom's unwillingness to plow streets or even get the electric plows charged up.  They'll use this as proof that America is bad and must be destroyed even though it worked fine before they were in charge.

05 March, 2023

□ [“Parents Defend Transitioning Child – Say They Knew Their Child Was Trans 'Before She(He) Could Ever Speak'"]

I have to admit, these beasts are making the best pro-abortion argument possible, some people should not be permitted to reproduce.  By extension, since that's impossible to prevent, currently, it's also adding to the argument that government must take the babies away from their parents.  Naturally the government will make all the right decisions and nothing could go wrong.

This may not be deliberate but it's certainly the end result.  Creatures like this are already demonstrating what horrible people they are and requiring much more control over their reproduction, along with everything else.  And I have to admit, I don't see anything in the way of serious alternatives.  Chain them up and let them die?  Seize the children?

They are the societal tumors that need to be removed for any chance of being healthy.  But how do we do that?  This is also a really good reason why we need to go on strike.  These things couldn't survive on their own for a month.  Just a month of that would fix a lot of problems.  Some of these creatures might still be alive but they'd actually learn a few things about reality which they've always denied.

05 March, 2023

□ [“New report finds resumes including ‘they/them’ pronouns are more likely to be overlooked"]

The obvious comment is that it's easier to fire white men, particularly if they start causing problems in the work place because they don't feel respected for whatever they self-identify as.  Which is true, and it's a valid reason to not hire these creatures in the first place.  But it's also clear that this is another weapon being used to destroy everything.

These things can't get jobs because they're clearly stupid/insane enough to go along with this pretend-gender nonsense.  At some point, at least some of them will have serious financial problems because they've never brought in a paycheck in their lives, so they'll demand the government do something about it because *they're* the majority.  That's all the rulers need to hear.

Can't run a business this way, which is also what our rulers want to hear.  Something that always gets me is, what do they expect to replace this?  Pretend for the sake of argument that something can actually be done to replace productive working businesses which create products, paychecks and taxes, what do these idiots think it will be replaced with?

I know there's always Marx's delusional dream that people will do whatever they want, be a brain-surgeon one day and an aircraft pilot the next, then they'll install indoor toilets the following day, but that's not going to work.  I don't see how they can think of anything happening except sitting around doing nothing until the rulers give them orders, which is closer to reality.

05 March, 2023

□ [“Potty-Mouthed Buttigieg Has Hissy Fit Over East Palestine Critics: 'You think Tucker Carlson knows the difference between a T.J. Maxx and a Kohl’s?'"]

This article is negative coverage of CNN's positive coverage so there's nothing clear from this.  What did stick out for me is that the White House also made a statement that “Buttigieg doesn’t have to worry about getting fired."  That's either proof that everything is already settled and they can get away with anything or they're getting ready to fire him and just needed to lie first.  My guess is the former but I don't pay much attention to such things.

Buttigieg's comments also seemed odd, but again, that could also go either way.  He's desperately flailing around to get out of trouble or he knows he's safe so he doesn't have to focus on problems his inferiors are having in his train disaster.  His statement about his brand-new shoes, "who cares what shoes I was wearing?"  Did he pay for those shoes or did the taxpayer do that?  That's an answer about who cares.  Or have you just had them around for all these years without the slightest wear-and-tear?

Otherwise there's just the generic 'blame Trump' and complain about the media.  I think interviewers should just go straight to asking about his "private time" and vacations, and his desire to remove white people from construction sites.  It's not like he has anything to say about trainwrecks or anything he gets paid for.

06 March, 2023

Another day, another ending.

□ [“Gavin Newsom Found – Took 'Personal Trip' to Sunny Baja California, Mexico While Snowed-In Californians Are Freezing to Death"]

Does it matter?  They got along just fine without him.  Or if not 'fine,' they certainly got along just as well as they would have if he was present to do whatever he gets paid for.  The state of California moved along without any problems without him.  They don't need him in the slightest.

Wait, what?  Excuse me, what I meant by that is that he's a very important person whose presence is crucial to California's success and survival.  They can't get by without him, any attempt to do so will be an immediate failure.  You have no chance of surviving if he's not in the governor's mansion making the decisions.  Which is why he sneaked out for a vacation.

Wait, what?  He wanted to party in the global warming and ditch the frozen starving Californians he's supposed to be in charge of?  I guess he's trying to be Biden's replacement.

06 March, 2023

□ [“Illinois Launches African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission Website"]

Does this commission have any Republicans?  Or people who just think this is a horrible idea?  Because if they don't, they'll contradict the "diversity" they claim to demand, the kind they impose upon everyone else.  But they'll make up for it by having very obedient servants, so I guess that's something.

□ [“'Where’s Our Black Bereavement Leave?'- Southern Illinois University Professor Argues for Paid Time Off Leave for Black Staff to Deal with ‘Fatigue’ and ‘Trauma’ from Systemic Racism"]

She already gets paid for doing nothing, now she wants to get even more.  I notice that it's females doing this most, men want to actually work for a living, but don't any of these people ever realize that they're just advertising how worthless their entire race is?  Every other skin color started off at poverty and was able to build something worthwhile but you can't so that makes you special?

Best of all, you can tell just by their skin color.  That's the way they want it, that's how they get it.  And no, they have no right to take other people's money for it, they should be grateful they're permitted to have indoor plumbing, air conditioning and the internet.  At this point, they should just be denied access to anything invented by any other skin color, let's see how quickly they can figure out and rebuild what already exists, and this time only blacks will be credited for it.

06 March, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Gets Testy with Reporter Asking Why Biden Hasn’t Sanctioned Russian Oligarch Who Wired Hunter Biden Millions of Dollars"]

She's going to need to explain how the pretend-POTUS decides which megarich Russians don't need to be affected by sanctions.  How do you determine that *this* rich supporter of Putin's totally evil war which all Americans are eager to fight must be punished with harsh sanctions but *that* rich supporter of Putin etc. must not be?  Because if it comes down to the ones who give Biden's son tons of money for no reason get to avoid sanctions, that doesn't look good.

Not that I'm complaining, I'd take millions of dollars too if it helps you avoid sanctions.  But I'm not even given the option.  I know this isn't going to go anywhere, but at least for kicks someone might want to look into why Hunter got the option.  If nothing else, why does Hunter have so little to show for his life?  Usually someone with energy and ability is looking for more stuff to do than they have time for, but Hunter just sticks with the few jobs he's had in his life that he was paid far more than almost everybody else gets paid in their entire lives.

Karine isn't reporting on Hunter Biden, she''s supposed to be reporting on the so-called POTUS' connections to foreign adversaries that paid him very well and somehow get to avoid sanctions imposed on others in their country.  She probably doesn't even know what she's talking about so the questions are pointless, but you think someone else would notice.

06 March, 2023

□ [“Staged Photos of John Fetterman at Walter Reed Hospital Published"]

He's lot a lot of weight, he's not using his translator and it's only in pictures, no sign of him actually moving of his own ability.  Y'know, there's these brand-new inventions called cell phones which let you take actual video.  A few seconds or even several minutes.  But nobody around this Senator has a clue about those things.  And apparently his family can't be bothered to check on how he's doing.

The article also includes a picture of him being sworn in two months ago.  Yikes he's lost a lot of weight.  I don't know what the current definitions of fat are, but to me, he wasn't fat but certainly bulky.  He is no longer bulky.

If you don't want him to look like he's spending the weekend at Bernie Sanders', there are ways to avoid that.  A century ago they were able to pose corpses for their final photograph, I doubt we've lost that ability, so how about some indicator that he's really alive?  You can do that for Joe Biden, why not this guy?

06 March, 2023

□ [“Emails Show Ocasio-Cortez Was Warned Against Accepting Met Gala Invite"]

Haven't been following this much, but she accepted $70,000 worth of gifts, or tickets for something.  That's a lot more than members of Congress are supposed to accept for free.  They might be repaying the gifts in some other way.  Or she's just saying how open she is to anyone who wants to put something in her.

It was just a small company called "Vogue," who would think they might have some interest in giving politicians expensive gifts?  Who would think the politicians would accept it?  But AOC claims it wasn't a gift, she paid for it, except that the business had to keep sending her bills for months that she couldn't be bothered to pay.  So she blames her employees who are apparently allowed to spend her money on whatever they want without telling her and they just didn't bother to pay this bill.  Which she totally knew was a bill and not a free gift that would be illegal for her to accept.  But it took her months to get around to paying for it.

I haven't paid much attention, I thought the dress she wore cost $30,000.  Maybe I misread/misunderstood and it was actually her ticket.  At least she *could* wear the ridiculously-expensive dress again.  She wouldn't be allowed back into the private event months or years after it finished.  And it's taken this long for her to even realize that what she does is illegal.  How many other free gifts has she taken in the last several years and never made a public notice of it?

07 March, 2023

Alec Baldwin should do SNL as Trump saying he could shoot someone in public and get away with it

I started off wondering what the "best and the brightest" were doing about Ukraine?  After all, we all know what a wonderful job they did with Vietnam, so whichever political party endorsed them would want their help again.  Sure, it's entirely believable that Joe Biden is the "best and the brightest" in his administration, but he'd at least want someone to bounce his thoughts off of.

But the more I thought about the term, and the JFK myth that brought it into being, the more I thought about it as a modernization of those people who self-identify as superior.  They intend everyone else to be just like them.  Because humanity is so easy to make into whatever you want.

This led me to thinking about the "New Soviet Man," possibly the first modern version of that.  And there are other examples like "ubermensch."  These lined up with eugenics and "social Darwinism" and it looks like all of the believers in these various reasons to eliminate large numbers of their inferiors line up with whoever made JFK such an icon and, by extension, to Joe Biden supporters.

Which is what they're doing now while simultaneously lowering intellectual standards as much as possible.  I just saw an article about how Harvard students are incapable of reading basic texts that were published over a hundred years ago, which Harvard students back then were easily capable of doing.  That's what the idolized university has become since JFK was a student there.

07 March, 2023

□ [“US intelligence suggests pro-Ukrainian group sabotaged Nord Stream pipelines, according to NYT"]

Reuters reports that the New York Times reports that US government agents report that Ukraine is the one responsible for taking down the pipeline.  The article also insists that Zelensky and his "top lieutenants" had no clue about this and the Ukrainians had nothing to do with their government.

Were they so bored during the invasion that they decided to travel through eastern Europe and somehow acquire and use major underwater explosives with no one noticing?  They finally reached the Baltic and decided since they were there, they might as well find something to blow up?  If they'd gone further north, they could have hit Russia, but that might be dangerous.  Or south, for that matter.

Is there any chances these people were doing it for one of the banned political parties in Ukraine?  Or banned media or churches?  Because it's hard to see why the leader would want to ban such things and pay no attention whatsoever to anything those people want to blow up.

We already know that Germany insists Russia had nothing to do with taking down the pipeline.  Sweden has completed their investigation but won't release the results for some reason.  And the US government was thrilled to hear that the pipeline had been destroyed, did any of them have connections to people in Ukraine?  Maybe there's something to look into.

□ [“U.S. Troops Running Out of Arms and Munitions as Biden Keeps Sending More to Ukraine"]

And that would explain the purpose.  Waste as much money and weapons as possible to make the US and Europe incapable of any real military action.  This would also explain why Russia didn't just use its massive size to squash Ukraine in a week.  The only real question is if all the rulers agreed on this from the start or one side is being exploited by the other?

If China starts moving into Taiwan or Iran starts moving into Iraq, what's the US going to do about that?  Are we supposed to ask the Taliban to return the equipment we left them?  Probably not going to happen.  It's more likely that the government will only purchase weapons and equipment from companies with appropriate "diversity" practices.  They'll say they're increasing production but no one will actually check.

That's the way the people in charge of "national security" want it.  That's the way they impose everything else on us.  This is how we can see that the Russia/Ukraine thing is not remotely a war in any real sense of the term.  The fact that its supporters willfully ignore all this is proof-enough.  If they really thought this was serious, they'd be demanding the coal and oil start flowing to pump up the war machine and the imaginary-genders need to be completely dismissed the way Ukraine does.

07 March, 2023

□ [“New York City Spending $5 Million Per Day on Housing and Feeding Illegal Immigrants"]

What's the problem?  Just raise taxes.  NYC has lots of rich people, you can seize their money.  Hell, it's an expensive city to live in so all the residents are making more money than most of us are, that's just more to take.  What are they going to do, leave?

It gets even stupider, the city has decided that people entering a store where there are lots others can no longer wear a cloth masks that will save them from a deadly virus, even though just a few months ago it was required to wear a mask.  The virus is still right there, it's just that it's a lot easier to avoid getting caught for crimes if you wear a mask while committing them.

Not stupid enough?  Ok, NYC is also pretending that the crime rates are way down because they don't bother counting them anymore.  And people know the cops won't do anything to help so they don't report them.  And cops know the criminals will be immediately released so they don't bother answering the calls the do get.

07 March, 2023

□ [“Project Fear:  Covid hysteria was engineered"]

Some of us knew this three years ago but we were all bad people who deserved to die from the deadly virus.  Then a magical vaccine was immediately invented and somehow all the five- and ten-year observations had already been completed so everybody was required to take it, or they were all bad people who deserved to die.  Then they had to get boosters over and over.  Or they were all bad people who deserved to die.

And all the world's leaders were united on this.  Donald Trump gets a little credit for saying people didn't have to go along with this if they didn't want to, but that's about it.  Otherwise he completely went along with the power-grabs which leftists always demand, whether or not they have an excuse.

This is one of the things that looks like the most intelligent part of our tyrants' plans.  They've clearly been working for decades (centuries?) to get people stupid enough to go along with this nonsense and, well, they've got it now.  There's actually more data coming out on the fake virus and the poison-vaccine so I'm going to stop now and take a little time to think about it.  Unless I die, but what are the odds of that?

08 March, 2023

Be sure to wear a mask to be protected from the nukes

□ [“The Marvels Reshoots Dump Goofy Footage Following Ant-Man Failure"]

For some reason, I remain focused on movies I haven't seen featuring characters I've rarely-if-ever had any interest in.  I'm still trying to figure out what this insane plan is.  It just looks like they're trying to re-do the mid-70s before the X-Men and Jim Shooter really got started, but they're also required to install modern propaganda.

Part of the enjoyment of comics is following their respective characters along through each installment.  You simply can't fit that into a two-hour movie and they've used up all the worthwhile storylines.  There weren't that many of those either, given how limited the superhero genre is.  I'm still trying to figure out how the genre and the medium meshed so well for so long, but it doesn't look like a positive answer.  They have to ignore reality just to get the superpowers, then decide to wear a goofy outfit and punch people.  They also need to keep their identities secret.

It wouldn't be hard to think of a story where normal people have to put up with a world that heroizes this sort of thing on a regular basis.  That's another reason I think it's become so popular now, except that it hasn't.  It still gets tiring and you can't just follow megamillion dollar movies month after month.  Or day after day as we've seen in comic strips.

The modern propaganda does even worse.  Whatever merits Ant-Man has as a character - he must have something - they're trying to follow him with a group of characters who have nothing in common except being female and using the name of their corporate owners.  The Marvels was scheduled for mid-2022 and keeps being delayed to late-2023.  That's a strange way to handle a sequel to a such a mega-successful movie starring a character everybody supposedly adores so much.

I still think this is actually part of the plan.  DC is having similar problems, just as it did in the 70s when they still refused to accept that Marvel was succeeding.  The corporate mergers continue, at least here on Earth One.

08 March, 2023

□ [“'If You Saw What I Saw, You Wouldn’t Release It Either' – Judge Napolitano on What President Trump Said to Him About Releasing JFK Files"]

This is just pointless teasing.  If it's relevant to anything in our day, then put it out now.  If not, then say that.  There might still be a convincing argument to release the information, but at least point out that there's nothing useful to be gained from the release.  I'm basically at the point where I don't care if it's classified, but to be fair I don't have to make that decision.  What are they really going to do if you just put out the info right now?

There are people who've had access to this information and they're allowed to walk around loose and make decisions for others.  The JFK assassination is probably the first thing every new POTUS looks into, and they're not the only ones who have such access.  Why do these people get the advantage of *whatever* this is to use against the rest of us?

From space aliens to our devil-worshipping masters having controlled every molecule on the planet for centuries, at this point I can't think of anything that wouldn't be better to just put it out now.  If it's bad, this will start a resistance.  If it's not bad, then there's no point to keeping it secret.

08 March, 2023

□ [“Wray: 'The FBI Assessed, Going All the Way Back to the Summer of 2021, That the Origin of the Pandemic Was Likely a Lab Incident in Wuhan'"]

And you've kept this secret for almost two years?  You continued supporting everyone who said it was a real disease and anyone who said otherwise was a lying traitor?  You could have told your boss that he should start warning the American public about China's threats to the nation.

Some of us have known this for a long time.  I didn't specifically think it came from China although I knew it did, I just assumed it was a man-made weapon.  Tomorrow is the three-year anniversary of my saying just that [Uncivil War, page 211.  The printed copy of the book is dated April 28, 2020 so if I'm lying about when I said this, I can't be lying by much.]  Just scanning my collection of material about the virus, I didn't know much about what was going on but was clearly much closer to the truth than our rulers are even to this day.

You can check out yourself how much I got right. □ But it's clear this was a deliberate scheme to overthrow the world order and it's also working pretty well, even if our rulers don't work well.  So why is Wray getting around to admitting it now?

08 March, 2023

□ [“Hillary Clinton Claims Women and Girls are the 'Primary Victims of Climate Change'"]

Hillary doesn't even know what a woman is, unless she somehow became a biologist and didn't tell anybody.  She's just making up nonsense, chicks do that a lot.  She certainly doesn't bother to explain how men are so immune to global warming.  For that matter, how does she determine that black men are helped much more by a change in climate than the actual victims?

Or is it the climate deliberately deciding to attack women?  Maybe the climate's a lot more intelligent than anybody had ever known.  Hillary's not only a biologist, she's also a climate scientist.  But then how do men who suddenly decide to self-identify as women make themselves more vulnerable to the climate than they were the day before?  You'd think that would be a reason not to do it in the first place.  If you were lucid, that is.

These comments were made in Abu Dhabi.  Did she swim there?  I'm getting the impression that more and more people are annoyed by these rich people using fossil fuels to go around the world and tell people not to use fossil fuels and go around the world, but obviously Hillary is well protected from any criticism.  She's surrounded by men with guns.

08 March, 2023

□ [“Personal Information of Hundreds of Lawmakers and Staffers Stolen in Major Security Breach"]

China is the obvious suspect.  Our masters looking for people to purge would be another suspect.  I suppose there's also other hackers around the world, they could be looking in for whatever they can find.  Except for those anonymous hackers, you'd think everyone else would already have all the access they need.

But the FBI is investigating, so obviously they aren't responsible.  There's no way that the people who conducted the hack would ever be the ones picked to investigate it.  And anyway, the FBI is totally trustworthy.  There's no chance members of Congress could be subjected to blackmail based on stolen personal information.

This just keeps going faster and faster.  I'm actually surprised there hasn't been major breakdowns everywhere yet.  Minor problems here or there but much of the system is still working.  Who is keeping it in place and why haven't they gone on strike?  Or just declared themselves the rulers because that would make the same difference.

Here is the brand-new book, available on kindle and amazon.  A chronological coverage of current events for the last couple months.  Can't say you'll love it.