Wednesday, August 24, 2022


20 August, 2022

I could write more if I wanted to, but I'm lazy.

□ [“California:  4-Year-Old Boy Removed From School by Police For Refusing to Wear Mask”]

Can’t pump gender-neutrality into his brain if he’s not wearing cloth on his face.  Well, you can, but it’s less fun for you.

Where is the breaking point?  When do parents put their foot down?  I saw an article that even some teachers being sick of this and flat-out quitting.  They get with parents and are paid to teach their kids at home, essentially a small private school.  That’s a good idea.  Not sure I’d trust the teacher anyway but the concept itself is fine.

California can’t solve any other problem but they can force children to pretend cloth does something against a virus, that’s what really matters.

□ [“'Another proud moment for women's sports':  Trans golfer beating opponents in LPGA qualifiers”]

Sissy girls-with-vaginas must be so sick of being told to pretend they’re proud of getting their stupid asses beaten by a big strong woman-with-a-penis.  Just sit on the couch and eat chocolate, ladies, you’ll still win as much LPGA prize money as you would competing against this heroic athlete that all boys should idolize.

There is one obvious reason for the success, this person who self-identifies as a golfer uses clubs that are designed for men and wimpy girls are too inferior for.  Only a real woman would know what to do, handling that long hard shaft with such ease.  Just get used to it, girls, it’s going to keep pounding you all day and all night, good and hard.

Is there any point where women get fed up from this and the people they voted for?  Men who just want pussy are going to keep pushing this.  The last several decades have done everything they can to erase the family so you won’t be defended either.

□ [“Daughter of Putin Ally Killed in Explosion Outside Moscow”]

No news yet on who or why.  I’ve heard suggestions it was the CIA, pushing war with Russia.  Certainly possible but there’s too many other possibilities to just assume it’s the CIA.  It was a car bombing so it’s definitely deliberate, possibly aimed at her father, but maybe it’s Russian mafia or even Putin or someone who’ll blame the west.

□ [“Alec Baldwin Says Trump’s Comments Over Fatal Rust Shooting Has ‘Taken Years Off’ His Life”]

Did Trump’s comments take as many years from your life as you took from the props assistant?  Because you took a lot of years from her and don’t seem to be remotely guilty.  We know you won’t be punished like a black person doing the same thing would.

Oh, he’s lost some jobs and just sits in his mansion all day.  What a hardship!

By now, it’s like Hollywood and related groups actively practice Aztec sacrifice by doing what Baldwin does.  When I notice a celebrity death nowadays, I wonder if it happened the way the news makes it out to be or they were religiously executed.

And this would line up with the fake-vaccine killing lots of people and the respectable media doesn’t cover this.  They’re all in on it, this is what they’re after.

I don't seriously believe this but I’d really need some conclusive proof that it’s not what happens before I’ll drop it off the list of possibilities.

We know Baldwin’s a total sociopath which is probably common among his ilk.  They’re paid tons of money to pretend they’re different and only surrounded by ass-kissers.  They lost sight of reality a long time ago, if they ever had any.

21 August, 2022

Another day closer to the end...

□ [“Federal Agency Warns iPhone Users To Change Settings; Attacker Could Exploit Vulnerabilities”]

Who’s going to listen?  The same rulers told us Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine.  They said cloth wouldn’t stop a virus, then demanded we wear cloth to stop a virus.  They told us to take a vaccine to avoid a virus, then got the virus, then got it again.

We’ll assume these orders on setting up our iphones are intended to cause problems so the government will have another excuse to invade our lives.  That’s why it’s important to not lose credibility, although our masters never had in the first place.

The virus helped them impose tyranny, they won’t restrain themselves for the iphone.  They’ll have control over how we use it, what we see and they can turn it off any time they want.  They’ll also import illegal images and documents, then accuse us of being spies.  There won’t be evidence that they’re lying, it’s all under their control.

It helps that most of the parts come from China who has lots of experience in this.

They’re trying to get Civil War 2.0 started with this stuff, pissing the opponents off to the point where we strike back.  There’s no way to avoid it, something will happen, someone will respond somewhere and they get to impose more tyranny.

But there’s still the best way to respond to these tyrants and their media servants:

Go on strike.  Our side will have to work out trade/barter for food, protection, supplies, etc. but their side has nothing to go on but tyranny. Their leaders have food in their mansions, they’ll be the first ones who get attacked by their own people.

□ [“Facebook Leaves Progressive Conference After Booth Was Protested By Pro-Abortion Activists”]

An immediate example.  Why not protest an NRA convention?  There must be something they disagree with the NRA on, abortion or whatever, why not go there?

Oh.  It’s just easier to attack the higher ranks on their own side.  There is no ‘go your own way, do your own thing’ mentality, that doesn’t help achieve absolute power.

They’re always united until after they rule.  Only then do they start turning on each other.  They won’t have any other options if we go on strike, the best of all possible worlds at this point.  They’ll rip each other apart and we get used to life without them.

□ [“Energy Secretary On Suffering From Bidenflation:  ‘You Can Get 30% Off the Price of Solar Panels’”]

Otherwise you get things like someone with no clue how anything works says poor people should buy something they don’t want from China for only $35,000 instead of $50,000.  She has no idea that it’s still more than they make in a year and the prices will go up since we’re trying to start a war with China, as will repair and maintenance.

See, you’d have to know how something works to think of that.  She never will, but she’ll impose that on the rest of us.  No one will stop her until we’re on strike.

Europe is worried about getting through the upcoming winter.  Switzerland produces its own energy but have to give it up now for the rest of Europe, so they aren’t happy.  But at least they gave up their neutrality, maybe that’ll keep them warm.

At this point I think the Russia/Ukraine thing was probably part of the plan.  Russia adds some territory and the West blames them for getting rid of gas like they’d planned all these years.  You could argue that Putin’s just not going along with that but I’d need some sort of actual proof of that.  They all benefit, we all suffer, that’s the plan.

Germany even gets to announce that they’re absolutely not going to keep their remaining nuclear plants running.  The economic minister is making this statement, he must know what the lack of energy is going to do to the economy, that’s why he said it.

The left really does look like a pseudo-religion, with Pelosi saying Mother Earth was angry with us so they had to do that not-Inflation bill.  Safe to assume she told the Pope about that when they met a few months back and he totally agreed.

Earth really wanted us to pay China $300 billion for windmills, solar panels and batteries.  That’s all we needed to know.  It’ll magically stop the rise of the oceans and stop the weather from warming or cooling, whichever one was the problem.

The term has always been ‘tree worship’ or ‘dirt worship.’  I doubt the Earth cares, as long as we’re not worshiping God.

22 August, 2022

Knowledge is power but power is not knowledge.  What's up with that?

□ [“Los Angeles Public Health Offers Free COVID Testing for Pets After City Records Zero Pet Cases”]

This is an example of these creatures’ mentality, they’re willing to go after our pets.  I’m guessing that they didn’t just decide to do this one day, they know how their subordinates are and will show how kind they are by taking the animals in.

Sensible people know that viruses don’t affect animals as they do humans, but this is Los Angeles.  If you declare your cat doesn’t self-identify as a cat, then who knows what diseases it might have or what can happen?  Better safe than sorry.  And just ignore that you’ve had two years to think of this and even the important scientific people didn’t give it any thought because that would be stupid.  But *NOW* it’s important.

Animal care is much cheaper than human care because there’s less government regulation.  Some people want to change that.  Recently China started testing seafood, that’s probably the main inspiration.  LA is just following their masters’ example.

□ [“Fauci Announces Resignation One Day After Rand Paul Says He’ll Get to Bottom of Covid Origins”]

Obviously some leftists aren’t aware of the election-theft they've perpetrated on the nation and think Republicans have a chance to win this November.  If they win, they might demand the right to do what Democrats have been doing.  Can’t have that.

Can you just imagine what the FBI could do to leftists?  They might do act like they did at Mar-a-Lago, and who wants that?  I mean who wants that on their own home, I’m sure leftists want that done to people they don’t like.  The rulers make that decision.

So if Republicans win in November, then Fauci would (theoretically) be required to answer questions as a highly-paid government employee.  He wouldn’t get an option, he has to answer.  So he’s quitting in December.  How convenient.

But what’ll that do about the virus?  Aren’t we all supposed to die from it without him protecting us?  He’s just running away to avoid questions?  Now we may never know about the work he did with China at the lab where the virus started.

□ [“While New York Burns, Migrants Get Free Phones, Food, Supplies and Healthcare”]

That tells you who the rulers consider important, it’s not the people.  The invaders get everything for free, the serfs just stay where they’re told.  No questions, no problem, the peons are only required to obey.  And pay higher taxes but don’t worry, the rulers pretend that only rich people will have to pay those.

We can’t get in our masters’ way, so new people are coming in to replace us.

□ [“World Economic Forum Recommends Humans Become Cyborgs, Implant Brain Chips:  There Are ‘Solid, Rational’ Reasons For Children To Be Microchipped”]

Rational reasons like turning kids off anytime they say something you don’t like, modifying their senses so they can’t see or hear anything you don’t want them to.

That’s what you do to toys, not actual people.  Notice none of the rulers who think this is a good are volunteering to be the first ones getting the brain implants.  If it’s so beneficial, they should be the ones setting the example.  But no, they don’t want that.

Biden’s still on vacation.  Less footage of him feeling up kids, the only difference.  His people do everything anyway, now they don’t bother pretending he was elected.

Polls increasingly show him getting dropping but Democrats don’t seem remotely worried about someone who got more votes than any POTUS in history.  For the sake of argument, pretend Biden actually got those votes because real people didn’t like Trump, where’s the concern about those voters not liking Biden?

How many documents do the staff actually need an authentic POTUS signature for?  It wouldn’t be like they need proof that it’s real, this way they don’t have to put up with Biden either.  He’d just get in the way if staff asked him about the Russia/Ukraine thing, the economic collapse, problems with Europe and North Korea, China…

No proof or even anecdotal evidence but I’m getting the impression that the next target date is the end of September.  I’ve noticed a few references to September 30 in random places, those stuck out for me so I’m going with that.  I’ve expected them to go a few months here-and-there to let the collapse get closer, I think that’s happening now.

There are plans to cancel printed money by the end of the year and do it all on computer.  There’s no way that’ll work out, the question is what plans they have to stop the resistance?  It’ll be winter so there’s a need for heat.  Europe is preparing now.

I keep saying this but get as many back-up supplies as you can.  We need to make connections with others for trade and barter, fuel, defense and more.

“Knowledge” will be the real source of wealth, people who actually know how to do things.  When the collapse happens, someone who keep cars running will basically be allowed to get away with everything else.  Someone who produces food, someone with medical abilities, these will be crucial for a lot of people.

I can think and I'm good at supply/logistics but that’s a far cry from actually being competently able to do things.  Those of us who respect ability need to start interacting as soon as possible.  At the very least, it’ll give us a chance for survival.

Also 22 August, 2022

I was going to survive, but then I found something better to do.

What we really need to do is figure out how to contact/work with as our side, locally, regionally and nationally, so as many as possible of our people can survive.

I’ve been looking at bug-out bags and related websites.  I won’t say what I’ve gotten done but hopefully you’re all doing at least as much.  Those who live away from a city are fairly safe.  As long as you produce food and security, you’re in far less danger.

Attackers will need fuel to drive out to your place, which probably won’t happen.  If you live in the middle of nowhere, it’ll be hard for them to get to you, even on food.  You’re not totally safe, maintain as much security as possible, but it’s far less dangerous.

Your main worry will be when you’re the one who needs help.  Nobody will be there to save you.  Fire, medical problems, if the invaders do find you...  You’ll basically be much safer than the rest of us, but when you are in danger, you’re basically finished.

Those who live in the cities, I’m not sure.  The danger will be much higher.  More people there who can help but that increases the need for food, water, security and that any of them might turn traitor on the rest of the group.  I see two choices that are the best.

The first is to pack your stuff in the car and get as far into the middle of nowhere as you have fuel for.  I don’t know how much of an option that is or how soon you should run.  For one thing, how big is your car?  How much back-up supplies can you fit in it?

If you have a trailer, ok, that helps.  If you don’t, there’s the expense of getting one now, storing it until you need it and preventing anyone else from stealing it.  Or you could wait until everything falls apart and hope there’s one available for you to steal.  Dunno if that’s a good option but it’s certainly a valid one.

The other kinda-good option I see is lock yourself up at home with all your stuff and hope that you have enough food and security to survive on.  If you have a gun, keep it loaded and ready.  If all you’ve got is a knife or a baseball bat, do the best you can.

This is where having people you can trust helps.  It’s just that I expect that to be so much chaos that there’s no way to know what will happen.  Riots?  Fires?  Everybody running away?  Everybody hiding at home?  Invaders?  Do the rulers actually have a plan for the next step to increase their power at our expense?  Anything can happen.

I come from the military so that’s naturally where I look for inspiration. You’ll hopefully have other people involved, but you’ll need organization and keeping track of what you’re doing.  You’ll need to contact other units and keep in touch with them.  There’s maintenance, medical, security, and where are you getting food from?

I don’t know how far this will extend, it’ll probably be different for everyone.  A block, a neighborhood, an apartment complex?  No idea.

I do think only one person should be in charge and, face it, he’ll be male, with as many military/police experience advisers as possible.  There must be a way to tell the leader when he’s wrong but also a way the leader can just give orders, end of discussion.  Don’t know how that works but fortunately my military experience never got that far.

Ideally it can be divided into security, maintenance, etc.  My guess is women will look after children and old people, those in charge of the women will work with the men.  But many women will have to be involved with things like security, a lot of kids will too.

Don’t know when everything will break down, but we can all see it coming.  We should put together organizations and connections now to help us pull through the mess.  It’s our only hope.  That's why I keep pushing this stuff.

We need to promote as much real knowledge as possible.  For example, I think this is a good summary of what we need, but that doesn’t mean I got everything right.  Spread it to as many other people as you can but point out what I was wrong about.

That’s how I came up with the example of advisers.  I sure as hell hope I’m never in charge of anyone but if that’s what we’re stuck with, where can I find help?

We really need to get this resistance going as soon as possible.  I don’t see any other way to have any chance of surviving the tyranny that’s only getting started.

23 August, 2022

Didja ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?  Feels nice, doesn’t it?

□ [“Biden to Return to WH Wednesday for DNC Event, Then Leave For Next Delaware Vacation”]

Isn’t the Democrat-run Congress passing any laws Biden needs to sign?  Doesn’t the POTUS get confidential information required for decision making, or is that just taken out of safe locations to be brought to him, even though it might get lost or stolen on the trip?  Or do is he just given that classified info in a phone call?

They’re making it clear that they’re better off when Biden’s out of the way, the least-important part of the operation.  His health has been an issue for years, but they’re not doing anything about that.  Younger people keep going on camera to claim he’s doing great and provide no evidence, which isn’t like showing actual proof.

The media doesn’t question this, nor do their minions.  Whoever’s giving the orders runs a tight ship.  They all know what they’re after and unanimously refuse to let the secret out.  This is how dictatorships work against the people.

Oh, but Biden’s going to a Maryland DNC event.  That won’t get publicity or the public that he’s still as competent after all.  He got more votes than any POTUS in history by not going anywhere he might be seen, maybe they’re trying to redo that.  It’s not like they’re worried about whoever runs against him in 2024 getting even more votes.

□ [“Three California Courts in a Week Rule Against Newsom’s COVID Lockdowns”]

Don’t they know they’re dealing with a Democrat in a Democrat-run state?  When he permits your business to stay open in a pandemic, that’s the law.  If he doesn’t permit your business to stay open, you and your customers just have to suffer.  You can’t all be treated the same way, how could these courts see a problem with this?

But now Newsom can be sued by businesses he shut down for criticizing him.  That’s so unfair!  What person would sue someone who punished them for criticism?

□ [“The CDC (Finally) Admitted the Science on Natural Immunity.  Why Did It Take so Long?”]

Because they do what they’re told.  They didn’t get this job to report facts, they’re there to tell the government what it wants to hear.  They’re paid very well for this.

This shows what the whole government is from top-to-bottom.  Government’s often described as an imaginary concept we all go along with, which I’d like to give more thought to, but that’s what brings in leftists.  They ignore God so the government fills the role to be eternally believed in, only defied whenever they feel like it.

□ [“Dr. Fauci Defends Career – ‘I Have Nothing to Hide and I Can Defend Everything I’ve Done and Every Decision I’ve Made’”]

Just that quote tells us he’s a sociopath.  Any sane person would know they made bad decisions in their long lives.  And now he says he’s starting the ‘next chapter of his career’ which makes it worse.  At his age he isn’t getting any more careers.  He’s rich so he can fool around with whatever peaks his interest, driving contests with Paul Pelosi or something, but there’s no more career.  If he actually knew anything, he’d know that.

He flip-flopped multiple times on the importance of putting cloth on your face to stop a virus.  He claims he never shut anything down and there’s already video of him saying the opposite numerous times.  That’s sociopathy and he’s done that for fifty years.

□ [“Paul Pelosi Pleads Guilty to One DUI Charge – *Avoids Jail* – Gets Three Years Probation”]

They don’t want to be punished for doing things other people would be punished for, they want to be free to go on with their lives.  It’s like when Hillary treated classified documents far worse than Trump is being accused of, just obey.

Pelosi also had a DUI in 2018 but obviously didn’t need to learn anything from that.  Why would he?  He’s rich, he can afford drivers, or booze and drugs.  He’s above the law, just the way leftists want it.  The hispanic he ran into just has to suffer.

At least he kept his driver’s license so he can do it again and again.  Did he keep the girl he had with him or has he traded her in for a younger one?

□ [“The White House Claimed It Had No Prior Knowledge of the Raid on Donald Trump's House.”]

Your boss doesn’t want to know what you’re doing?  You don't want your boss to know what you’re doing?  You won’t even tell him ‘hey, we’re after one of your predecessors which will set an example of going after you’?

Their only hope is that the courts declare anything Trump did to be illegal but everyone else can do it.  What will they do if the classified info Trump had described what Hillary sent on her unclassified server?  How can it be illegal to keep files on Hillary doing the same thing but she can’t be punished?

Notice the talk about nuclear secrets has died down for some reason.

The Russia/Ukraine thing is still going.  No clue who tried to kill a Russian figure and got his daughter instead, but a point is made that if Ukraine was behind it, then they consider assassination a valid aspect of war.  Which is fine, but Russia is free to retaliate.

And if the US was involved...  That’s the standard our rulers set for a war we shouldn’t be in but they demanded it.  They really see no way that could go wrong.

At this point, the only hope is that it’s discovered this some other Russians did this and everybody believes that answer, which isn’t how wars work.

I also wonder if the point is to arm the world against the USA.  That’d explain all the money and weapons being pumped through Ukraine with only 30% getting to the destination.  This may create so much world chaos that the New World Order is begged to take over.  Seems unlikely but that doesn’t mean it’s not their intention.

24 August, 2022

At least when we're dead, we'll have a reason to vote Democrat!

□ [“Animals are victims of ‘human supremacy,’ growing student organization claims"]

I was expecting this as soon as we started seeing ads about how wonderful eating insects was.  Bugs are animals too so they need someone to defend them.  Obviously that contradicts the mentality that our rulers aren't *entirely* trying to starve the world but they're on the same side with the 'insect rights' movement.

It is an example of how leftists turn against each other without hesitation and they're starting with the most gullible creatures on earth, the college students.

What does it take to bring someone to this ridiculous level?  I've suspected for a long time that wealth actually is corruptive in and of itself and if you can afford college, with its massively increasing prices, you're wealthy.  Just because you can coerce other people to pay for it doesn't change that.

If they actually believed what they were paid lots of money to say, colleges would be the first to demand that they lower prices instead of just forcing others to give them money.  But they'd have to think about what they're saying and, coincidentally enough, colleges oppose thought.  They're only into 'feelings.'

Animals have feelings, humans have thought.  Which side are they on?  Oh, right.

□ [“Ukrainian Parliament Votes to Give Themselves a 70% Raise thanks to US Taxpayers – As Country Bans Free Speech and Targets ‘Information Terrorists’"]

And that's what they do with their time.  If the nation is under such massive suffering, where would they even get the money to put in their own pockets?  Wait, hold on, I know that one!

Why not give every citizen of Ukraine a raise?  Aren't they suffering too?  And it only took four days to unanimously pass the bill after it was submitted, that's not enough time for serious debate.  Maybe you should give yourself a 65% raise.  Or maybe a 75% raise.  You have to look at the pro's and con's of all possibilities.

The poor become poorer and they blame Russia but the people running Ukraine are getting richer.

□ [“California to Ban Sale of New Gas-Powered Cars – All Electric Vehicles in Next Decade"]

They banned drugs, did that work?  They banned alcohol, did that work?

I may have more to say later, but this strikes me as a crucial part of an underground resistance movement, keep gas-powered cars running.  Obviously the gas part would be the most problematic, what sort of options are there?

How crappy can we get gasoline and still have a working car?  What maintenance would be required to keep it running on that?  I am not remotely a car expert so I don't have the slightest clue, but there are others who would.

Given what they've done so far, you have to wonder how they're going to celebrate the anniversary of 9/11 this year.