Friday, July 14, 2023


11 July, 2023

Live fast, love hard, die with your mask on!

□ [“Bud Light Now Falls Out of the Top Ten In Beer Sales; Other Tranheuser-Busch Brands Also Declining"]

Good to know.  They made such a point of not wanting the customers they had and their sales are taking the hit.  I guess I'm surprised that it's taken this long but I'm guessing the reason sales are going down for other brands is because people are actually looking into what corporation makes all these and if you're skipping one, might as well skip the rest.

And the people in charge are still refusing to admit they have a problem.  Even Disney has some acknowledgement, the CEO recently admitted that they screwed up on Indiana Jones.  Wasn't a great apology but at least it was a start.  The alcohol company hasn't even gotten that far.  Whatever the merits of such an apology, it at least helps the company that pays its leaders even if it doesn't do anything for former-consumers.

Yet nobody's lost their jobs for this.  Well ok, lower-class factory workers have to look for new jobs now but they weren't the ones who decided to promote brand new genders.  The people who made this decision are already rich and they're still getting a large paycheck, what incentive do they have to change a thing?  They could at least say 'give my paycheck to the poor people who are being fired because of my decisions, they need the money more than I do.'

As I said, I disagree with the article on the apology.  Even a fake apology is at least acknowledging there's a problem, even though it won't really help.  But I do like the idea that if they're going to be political, they'll have to do it according to their customers' beliefs.  They should start making commercials about abortion being murder and marriage is only between one man and one woman.  Now that would help them sell beer and they're the ones who insisted on being political.  Live with that.

11 July, 2023

□ [“Feeble Joe Biden Skips NATO Dinner, Heads Straight to His Hotel Room"]

He's not there for anything important.  He'll sign whatever he's told to and there might be a few pictures.  The decisions are already made, this is just mindless chatter anyway, and nobody wants to listen to Biden.  He might get angry, and you wouldn't like him when he's angry.  Of course you don't like him when he's happy.

Still, they've got to pretend he's actually there to do something that resembles work.  Definitely gotta give Trump credit for that, the guy always had a work-ethic.  That's probably one reason among the dozens that they hated him.  If he were there, this would be going a lot different.  Well he might not have showed up, what are they going to do except plan for war and lower the standards?

Otherwise, this is just more of our rulers showing off how worthless Biden is, just as they want it.  He needs a cheat sheet just to have a clue that he's talking to President Erdogan of Turkey.  For whatever reason, they permit their mindless puppets to be there despite being completely useless.  I can't figure out what they're trying to prove, other than their domination of the world.

11 July, 2023

□ [“Prison Reparations: California Democrats Propose Racial Consideration in Court Sentencing"]

The government will use your skin color to decide what to do with you.  These people (if that is the right term) openly support racism and aren't remotely smart enough to have a clue what they're doing.  What's their skin color, by the way?  That might show something about their people.

Also keep in mind that when you go to court, you're not just there as a defendant any longer.  You are not an individual, you are just one of your skin color and that's all the court needs to make decisions.  They're going to need to start including the victim's skin color too if they *really* want to make a decision.  Unless it's blacks murdering blacks, but those criminals won't be punished anyway.

Since they're so willing to ignore what the law actually says so they can focus on skin color, they're also going to ignore any requirements for proof.  The accusation is all that's needed, at least if it's made against the correct targets.  Accusations against other people will be completely ignored because that's how these things work, and those who support this will recite 'the law applies to everybody!' without the slightest awareness of what those words mean.

11 July, 2023

□ [“California Assembly Blocks Legislation That Would Have Made Child Trafficking Punishable By Life in Prison"]

California also has certain laws they really don't want to punish people for.  Slavery is one of those.  That is what "trafficking" is, that's probably why the term was used because Democrats are supposed to at least pretend they oppose slavery despite all those centuries of practicing it and keeping the skin color they owned right where they want it.

They can't *all* be trying to have sex with children, could they?  This is has to be about mandating stupidity.  I don't have any evidence, I just really can't bring myself to believe they're all molesters, every one of them.  If that was the case, I'd asking for the quickest, easiest way to get a genocide started because that would be the only option.

□ [“DOJ Eliminates Language on Child Sex Trafficking from Government Website and Child Victims of Prostitution"]

So, what do you think might be the quickest and easiest option for genociding all these m*therf*ckers?  The DOJ is definitely part of the slavetrade, and probably all the other government offices as well, at least the relevant ones.  I might be wrong (hopefully) but at this moment that's probably the reason this info doesn't really come out in any meaningful way.  There's no media, no officials, nobody relevant who knows about this and is trying to stop it, or even put the truth out there.

Are the government employees active traffickers?  Do they get bribes or are they just too stupid to notice anything?  At this point I don't care, just wipe them off the face of the Earth.

11 July, 2023

□ [“Satanic Temple’s Lawsuit Claiming Texas Law Violates Their ‘Religious Freedom’ to ‘Abortion Rituals’ Dismissed By Federal Judge"]

So is this the leading cult?  Is this just some group of people who say what our rulers like to hear?  Are they trying to actually create a religion without any clue what religions actually do?

Take abortion itself out of the equation, this is mutilating a human body and calling that a religious practice.  You don't get freedom to do that, you shouldn't even have the right to walk outside by yourself for the rest of your short life.  That's monstrous enough and that's without the concept of abortion.  These people are allowed to walk around loose?

This sort of demon-worship has always been part of human history but this time around it's put up front-and-center.  I don't know if it's an actual cult in charge of everything but if not, they work for a cult that is.  Death-worship is promoted everywhere and they're all working for the same boss.

12 July, 2023

I've actually got two things to say and only one of them is 'dammit, Janet.'

□ [“Nato summit:  Allies refuse to give Ukraine timeframe on joining"]

They might change their mind at any moment but right now, it looks pretty clear that they aren't going to jump into a war (at least not more than they already are.)  NATO says they should move faster but there will still be no timeline, meaning there's no clue if they're moving faster or just saying a few meaningless words.

Zelensky is at the summit for some reason and has already admitted that they can't join NATO as long as the fighting is still going on.  So why not stop fighting and then join NATO?  They're going to lower their standards for you and you're the one making demands on them, you could at least meet them halfway.  You know, just to look like someone they'd want to ally with.  More than they already have,.

It is starting to look like our rulers have decided that Ukraine will have to get by on its own.  Of course they could have made that decision a year and a half ago and saved their own citizens money and saved their own militaries weapons and ammunition, but they aren't here to look out for us.  For some reason they're devoted to a nation that has never bothered to join the club but can funnel a lot of money to keep it hidden.  That nation also hires our rulers children for some reason and pays them a lot of money.  Any connection?

12 July, 2023

□ [“The War In Ukraine Shifts Decisively In Russia’s Favor"]

You couldn't have let them handle their own problems.  You couldn't have said Americans have enough troubles these days so let these people on the other side of the world fight their own conflicts without us, without our money or military force.  You insisted that anyone who disagreed with you supported Putin and there was no other alternative, none.  You couldn't be wrong in any way about this.

So this where we are because of you.  Russia is moving forward across the line.  NATO really doesn't want to get involved any more and is now out of weapons and ammunition because we've given them all to Russia.  I mean Ukraine.  And now we find that the FBI thought they were censoring Americans on behalf of Ukraine but were actually censoring Americans on behalf of Russia.  And you support this!

Censoring Americans is against the Constitution.  Censoring Americans for a foreign power is against the law.  The FBI is supposed to enforce the law and they're the ones breaking it, but they're too stupid to realize who they're doing it for.  And you support that.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) got the FBI to censor Americans, but the SBU had already been infiltrated by Russia so that's who the orders were coming from.  Zelensky's not going to be banning the SBU, they're not like political parties and churches.

There are a few rational questions.  Why would the FBI censor pro-Ukraine journalists and social media if they think they're supporting Ukraine?  Are they totally stupid or were Ukraine really responsible and they're just blaming Russia for it?  I don't know, there are multiple possible answers.  But Ukraine supporters were totally willing to believe made-up Russian documents as an excuse to attack the POTUS and those documents came from someone who'd never even been to Russia so whoever really gets the blame, they're anti-American and our rulers believe them unquestioningly.

If the FBI is willing to go along with this, safe to assume every single other government institution is also, including the military.  They are literally colluding with Russia, just as leftists have complained about for the last seven years.  What else do they censor on behalf of foreign nations?

12 July, 2023

□ [“Biden Reveals Sensitive U.S. Military Information in Rare Live CNN Interview"]

Things like this make me wonder if there really is a plan to show how our masters really are.  Maybe it's not a plan so much as God's will, but still...  This is from Biden saying the US was running low on ammunition, so that's why he's committing the war crime of sending the cluster bombs to Ukraine.  Telling the world that the US military is low on ammo is the sort of thing you really shouldn't announce to our enemies, yet he just went ahead with it.

I suppose it's a relevant question if this really is a security concern.  Stupidity itself isn't a crime and he self-identifies as POTUS so the rules don't apply to him anyway.  Even if it actually is illegal for him to say this, I'm sure nothing will happen.  Well, the military can't function like it should but that's how our rulers want it.

They're running out of emergency petroleum which is there for military vehicles when everything else has been shut off.  They'd need ammunition which is also running out.  Enlistment has gone way down thanks to our rulers' policies, promoting made-up genders rather than killing the enemy and breaking his stuff.  They're also forced to take deadly chemicals to fight a meaningless virus.  Our allies see how worthless we are, it's all about destroying America from within and that's exactly what they've done.

12 July, 2023

□ [“Fauci and Other NIH 'Directors' Have Been Acting Without Any Actual Government Authorization"]

As if we needed more proof that they're just ignoring the laws and imposing their will on the world, here it is.  Are they doing it because they just want to or because they're getting orders from the WHO/WEF?  Probably doesn't matter much although if I had to guess, I'd say the latter.  They've shredded the Constitution and the laws of the nation and only people who agree with them get promoted to high authority.

In this case, the National Institutes of Health have 14 directors.  According to a law passed in 2016, the POTUS is legally required to appoint them every five years, which Biden and his people ignored in December 2021.  By law, every decision the NIH made since can be ignored and the billions of dollars they've spent is flat-out illegal.

Is that going to matter?  Probably not.  They were fighting a biolab virus and demanding everyone take a poison-vaccine, you think they're going to care what the law says?  Whatever it takes, they're not going to obey the law and neither will any other government official.  I think it's time we celebrate Bastille Day.

12 July, 2023

□ [“Trans Influencer Dylan Mulvaney Raises Safety Concerns in U.S. Amidst Bud Light Fiasco"]

I don't think this thing is serious, I suspect it's just propaganda.  It's probably part of a cult in Peru, what other reason would there be to go there?  For that matter, why is Peru permitting it?  But it insisted it was scared to death for being given so much money by Bud Lite who then didn't pay any attention to it.  So this is the natural reaction.  Of course.  You'd think Iran would be a better place to visit.

If there's anything good to say about 2023, it's that people have clearly had enough of this trans nonsense.  They're obviously targeting children and seizing as much power as possible to justify their insanity.  This is the result.  The company that gave it all this money has lost a lot of customers and the CDC has just announced that certain people have a problem producing milk from their breasts.  How insightful.

And this is what it comes down to.  The entire world is suffering so this thing can spend tons of money whining about imaginary problems.  I'm still surprised by the fact that he hasn't been replaced for any other ads.  If there's so many of these creatures and they deserve so much publicity, why would advertisers limit themselves to this one?

13 July, 2023

When I rule the world, we'll be able to order twinkies on pizza!

□ [“Sleepy Joe Blows Off NATO Dinner – the Whole Point of Coming to Europe – and Heads to Bed Early"]

There's been any number of articles about him stumbling or speaking horribly.  They obviously don't need him, or want him, so my guess is that showing off this useless puppet is the only reason they brought him.  It may even be the only reason for the meeting in the first place although that's less likely.  These people get paid for something, they might as well burn fossil fuels to have a get-together and talk.

If they weren't deliberately showing off how weak he is, what's the point of bringing him?  He can't negotiate, he's lucky to even comprehend what anybody is saying to him.  I'm sure there are requirements for holding the highest position in the realm, the one that everybody turns to, but he obviously can't be relied upon to even function coherently, much less contribute anything to the matter at hand.

So that would be what they're trying to show the world, Biden is the symbol of what America stands for now, how pathetic.  Everybody there will know that we won't have any more free elections and although I don't get how they've managed to pacify the citizens, these people probably know how that happened and they want more of it.  It's all he's good for.  It's also why I assume he'll run for election again, even if he doesn't have a clue about it.

13 July, 2023

□ [“Chicago’s New Mayor Brandon Johnson Wants to ‘Reimagine’ the Police"]

They're already keeping the police from stopping crime, but that isn't enough.  They need to focus on one specific skin color and assist the gangs who run the neighborhoods.  Judges and other officials are probably already in line as well, that's what they get paid for.

This really came from the black riots a few years ago.  They spent a few decades making blacks as illiterate and emotion-based as possible to maximize crime.  Abortion and ruining marriage helped.  The crime rate kept growing so the masters could impose it on everyone else.  They finally managed to get away with a few riots and use that as an excuse to seize even more power, which they're using against the police here.

Why are the police putting up with this?  Even the most corrupt still face more danger than most of us ever have to deal with, why are these people still showing up to work every day?  Just quit.  There is no point whatsoever to putting themselves out for a government that treats them like this.  Our rulers obviously intend to make this national, even world-wide.  Your obedience is just encouraging them and tearing down civilization.

13 July, 2023

□ [“As Predicted, Secret Service Concludes Cocaine Investigation – No Suspect Identified"]

It's like a modern election, we know the results before they even start.  All these decades of the building with the highest security on the planet and they just couldn't figure out who brought in suspicious material completely unnoticed.  All these decades with cameras and no one had ever noticed that there are places within the building that cameras cannot see anything.  Well, obviously one person knew that, why else do you think that person chose the camera's blind spot to bring in illegal substances?

The people who say we're at war with Russia aren't even remotely curious what would happen if Russia knew it could bring in material without being caught.  Or Trump supporters who want to relive January 6, this is a huge message that they can get into the White House without being caught by anybody.  Some of us are even old enough to have heard of suicide bombers, what could they do if they knew this was possible?  They might die from the attempt but that's kinda part of the job description.

But there's just no clues whatsoever.  Cameras, fingerprints, DNA samples, nothing.  There was around 500 people possibly responsible and investigating them is too much like work, so there are no leads whatsoever.  Those are the people whose job is to protect Joe Biden.

13 July, 2023

□ [“China was using a Flaw in Microsoft Cloud to Hack on US Government Officials"]

This is one reason I oppose the cloud being used for anything.  Anybody can spy on it, they can steal it, they can alter it however they want.  The mentality that thinks the cloud is a good idea is what supports digital currency, and we see right here the nation that will have access to our digital currency using the cloud to spy on the people who stupidly believe they'll be controlling it.

They even hacked the email of the Commerce Secretary and her subordinates, as well as some in the State Department, and this went unnoticed for a month.  More than anything, this looks like a group of people who, by definition, cannot conceive of asking if anything could go wrong with their plans.  How do you even get to that point with such a perfect life that nothing has ever gone wrong with anything you've been a part of?

I also think this is part of the ongoing WWIII.  Perhaps China is trying to teach us a lesson, in the real sense, something we didn't know about before.  Or in the punitive sense, if we're stupid enough to believe computers run everything, we deserve this.  It's also quite possible they're helping themselves to whatever data they can get from our rulers, just to show they can.

I do think we're reaching a point where it will be shown that printed data is far more important than digital data or the internet.  Unfortunately this will be forced upon us by the same people who insist that everything is digital.  And just a random thought, is that why they have decided to believe that people can make up their genders?  Men online have been pretending to be women for a few decades now.  Something to think about.

13 July, 2023

□ [“Attendance at Disney World Sinks in 2023 – CEO and Liberal Media Make Excuses for Theme Park’s Falling Attendance"]

We're not seeing enough of this but it's obviously deliberate, just like the problems with Bud Lite, Target and whoever else is being hit.  We're tired of putting up with this crap so you're not getting our money without a fight.

But Disney just unanimously voted to keep their CEO so he can keep tearing the company down even further.  That really proves that this is the intention, why else would anyone keep him?  I've heard a rumor that it's about lowering prices so Apple (or someone) can purchase Disney, which is believable but I don't pay enough attention to that stuff to have any further thoughts.  I'm just watching the decimation of this pop culture monolith.

They really need their theme parks to work.  The movies sure aren't.  So far in 2023, Disney has five of the top thirteen grossing movies and only one of them has actually been profitable, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 at #3.  The #4 movie is the Little Mermaid remake.  In 2022, they only had four of the top fifteen grossing movies.  Three of them were probably profitable, they were all Marvel movies, and the fourth-highest was Lightyear which was an absolute bomb.

 People aren't going to see this crap.  Regardless of what the government says, the economy is horrible so we're not going to spend money on this anyway, but even if we were, we wouldn't pick Disney's propaganda.  But they're just going to double-down on this anyway.  I don't know what they think will save them but they clearly expect something to come along.

14 July, 2023

Why do they call it Alcoholics Anonymous if you have to make sure everyone knows who you are?

□ [“Orbán:  'USA Could End this War in Five Minutes – Bringing Ukraine into NATO Means World War'"]

He's the prime minister of Hungary so he has some experience with tyranny and Russia, but this is interesting.  Trump has said basically the same thing, so this makes it look like there's something specific this war is about that we're not being told.  This lines up with the view I've had for the last year and a half, that this isn't a war in the sense we've always known.  Whatever Russia's doing, it's not about conquest for its own sake.

There's the way they haven't just wiped out anyone in front of them which is traditional Russian strategy.  Then there's all the US biolabs they've obviously gotten through and I'd think by this point they have all the money funneled by the world rulers, so whatever the secrets are, Russia has access to them.

Then there's the weaking of western militaries.  We're running out of weapons and ammunition which are required if we actually want to win a battle.  Cluster bombs were a war crime a year and a half ago but now we're giving ours to Ukraine because we have nothing else left and there's no reason to think cluster bombs will affect the battle zone.

So it's becoming more clear that fewer and fewer people are willing to go along with this attempt to start WWIII.  The militaries are falling apart so they couldn't handle it no matter what.  The US is starting an attempt to draft prior service members.  It's possible they're needed because certain jobs have nobody able to do them any longer, or maybe it's just an attempt to see how a larger draft will work.  It won't work, that much is clear.  But our rulers won't accept that, so what will they do?

14 July, 2023

□ [“Actors Join Writers on Strike, Effectively Shutting Down Hollywood – Will Anyone Notice?"]

No one will notice.  That's the point.  It's why I think this is all deliberate, companies spending ridiculous amounts of money to put out garbage that nobody wants to see.  Writers can't demand any credit for recent movies and now actors can't either.  You're not worth this much money.

It's not clear what the actual plan is but that's why I'm positive they have something in mind.  Is this to push A.I.?  Did they think the recent movies would be actual hits so they're just surprised now?  Are they just obeying the "new world order" for some reason?  I don't know, but that's why I think these strikes were set for a deliberate time and they have very little to work with.  Maybe they have new movies ready to go that are all cgi and AI.

But Hollywood has made a point of getting rid of the audience so there's nothing to fall back on.  Most of the writers and actors aren't paid very much so they don't have any income to rely on.  I'm not capable of saying this is all out of stupidity, I just think there would be people somewhere along the line who could see what's going wrong, unless they blatantly supported that.  So what are they after?

14 July, 2023

□ [“Defiant Biden Regime Forgives Students Loans to Hundreds of Thousands of Borrowers – Comes Two Weeks After Supreme Court Ruling"]

Of course, he doesn't need to follow the laws.  Congress and the Supreme Court are completely irrelevant as far as any leftists are concern.  They just want the rich old white man to make all the decisions, even if it contradicts what they just said.  They're certainly not going to ask what other powers he's seizing.

This is basically why I expect Biden to last through the 2024 fake elections.  Unless he drops dead, and maybe not even then, there's no point to replacing him.  Or at least if you didn't see any problems with him in 2020, you won't see any problems now.  Chairman Mao was able to figure out a way to make the younger generation purge the older generation but I think that was pretty specific to China and he still stayed in power throughout.

But this may also be an attempt to follow up on Mao's purges, making the younger generation as mindless and obedient as possible.  That will cause damage, no doubt about that, but as I said, I think it only worked in China and can't really be transferred elsewhere.  So I think Biden's attempt here is more about bribing people stupid enough to spend money they don't have for useless college paperwork, probably to make them defend the old white men in power and get rid of that stupid Constitution.

I do think there will be Democrats who oppose him but that's more about seizing power for themselves.  They don't care how small the throne gets so long as they're the one sitting on it.

14 July, 2023

□ [“Finnish Child Terrified As Biden Nibbles Her Arm and Sniffs Her Hair!"]

Yeah, look at the video, the little girl is clearly scared of him. But, as always, Biden can do whatever he wants with her body and doesn't need any permission.  Rich old white man, everybody is expected to be like him.  At least according to the media and his supporters, it's not like anybody will ever say he shouldn't do that.

This was happening as he went to the plane to leave the NATO summit.  It's over and as far as we know, nothing relevant happened except a lot of fossil fuel burned to bring these rich people together.  Biden certainly wasn't needed.  I guess the point of this summit was to decide something about the Russia/Ukraine thing but it doesn't sound like they did, at least nothing that would help Ukraine.

But Biden got back to the US last night and has already left on vacation today.  That's how relevant he is to anything.  One of those things that suggests there's a conspiracy is the ideal that anybody in their right minds would bring children to see Biden.  You'd have to know that he's going to do whatever he wants with those kids and consent isn't needed and you do it anyway?  That tells us what side these people are on and shows who the real enemy is.

14 July, 2023

□ [“'Reduce Population': Kamala Harris Gaffe Reveals Goal of Climate Change Agenda"]

It's a valid question if this is the actual goal or if it's just an excuse to seize power.  Personally, I think God's adversary wants the population reduction and his obedient servants are just using whatever excuse comes to their minds.  Doesn't matter what individual makes it happen or why, so long as the result remains the same.  And these people all worship Earth, what a coincidence.

Just today I heard a few rumors that the rulers have literally planned massive population reduction by 2025.  The rumors listed the expected populations and they're way down from what they are now.  No proof, no clue how this would happen, don't even remember where I heard this, it's sure believable.  That would put us halfway through the goal of 2030 and give our rulers a chance to steal another election, ensuring they're still in charge of whoever remains.

But that is what they're planning.  Not clear how but that's obviously the goal.  It's why I assume they'll use nukes as a last resort if they have the option.  They really come off like the stereotypical cults who kill themselves to avoid getting caught by the police.  Nothing about these people suggests they'll avoid this when it comes down to it.

14 July, 2023

I keep saying we need a resistance movement and I think the best way to get that started would be to get those with senior-leadership experience to have an answer when people ask what they can do about this mess.  I think that's where I heard the rumor, from one of those people saying people were saying 'tell me what to do.'  It would really help if we can form organizations as soon as possible.  I don't know what would be done about government spies, but otherwise, have an answer.  A lot more people would be willing to get involved if they could see a valid option.  We don't know all the people in our town or this part of the state, but having that connection would help to set up a business or grow a garden.

For instance, when asked 'what can I do,' answer with something like 'put together a list of what medical supplies are required for these five injuries/illnesses and email it to everybody on this list.  Then work out how many of those supplies we have available, what it would take to acquire more and what alternatives could be used.'  The people who ask could be told to do that with food, medicine, mechanical equipment, computers, communications, etc.  Then tell some people can work on acquiring those supplies and others to start using them and training others to do the same.

The point is I really think having an answer to what to do would help and also increase motivation.  It would give people more options to get involved if they don't know how or who to talk to.  I think starting something like this would quickly expand the organization and do it on our terms.  We'd also have incentive to regularly check in each other and make sure everybody's doing ok.

Monday, July 10, 2023


07 July, 2023

If I knew you were coming, I'd have stolen some cake

□ [“BLM/LGBT Activist Claims Conservative Media Reports About Philly Mass Shooter Are ‘Violence’ Against Trans People"]

Sure puts the guy in a dress shooting people in his place.  Murder isn't really violence, saying bad things about the murderer is the *real* violence.  These people are utterly insane, they're showing this off by dismissing the dead people as irrelevant.

This is part of their brainwashing, that 'words are bullets.'  I'm still trying to figure out if this is basically what the concept of 'demon possession' means, that these people are basically empty and have been replaced, mentally or spiritually, by something else.  It would be different from brainwashing, that requires a working brain to take possession of.  Or maybe not, maybe it's erasing whatever used to be there.

These creatures have been suddenly doing a lot more mass shootings lately, that has to be deliberate although this may just be a side-effect of the main plan.  Maybe it's supposed to get guns banned, but these creatures are shooting people and making excuses for it on full media so it's definitely what our rulers want to have happen.

07 July, 2023

□ [“17-Year-Old New York Football Player in Coma After Collapsing on the Field Due to 'Cardiac Event' – Had No Known Heart Problems"]

Still hearing about these deaths from *suddenly.*  Still don't see any of the people in charge wondering what's causing this.  All that rhetoric about how important it was to preserve life - amidst their rhetoric about how we need to reduce the population - and none of our rulers seem the slightest bit curious about what's going on here.  Could there be some brand-new virus that had never existed before?

We still haven't heard about the mass death we were promised from all the unvaccinated, could this have any connection?  Whatever happened to that "winter of death" Biden promised?  Can't say the vaccine prevented it because the vaccinated were all in danger *because* of the unvaccinated.  Can't say the virus was beaten because then the vaccine itself had no purpose since we easily survived without it.  Yet none of the people who insisted on getting it seem to be remotely curious about any of this.

The big worry is what's going to happen when another virus is sent from a biolab that our rulers have invested in as they did with Wuhan.  They have absolutely destroyed the basic concept of medical care, just as they destroy everything else, and they're making no effort to fix it.  But to do that, they'd have to admit they were wrong.  A few months ago there was a bit of media rhetoric about how we all need to just 'forgive and forget' about what went on and, no, that's not going to happen.  We won't let it.  Nuremberg 2.0, baby!

07 July, 2023

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Lashes Out at New York Post Reporter For Asking if Cocaine Found at White House Belongs to Biden Family"]

At this point, it's basically obvious that Hunter brought it.  He's protected from any broken laws and it's not like any courts will be bothered to point out that he's just violated probation.  He wouldn't have gotten the probation if he wasn't rich, white and male, and related to someone who's also rich, white and male, so of course he's going to enjoy breaking laws for the fun of it.  What's the worst that could happen?

In theory, it could have been someone else who brought it, that just seems very unlikely.  Everyone else would have all the success of their life come from not using drugs, and they really want to use drugs, just do it at home.  Even Kamala Harris seems more likely to drug herself unconscious than need to snort some lines.  There's Hunter, there's the people who hang around with Hunter, and that's basically it.

But even friendly media is starting to ask questions.  They keep changing the location where the coke was found, they deny Hunter's long-term use of drugs, they ignore the fact that taxpayer money goes to keeping everything under control when entering the White House.  There's the fact that a remotely competent police officer could figure out how to investigate the use of drugs here and none of these people are capable of doing even that much.  Our masters are just demonstrating how little the law means to them.

07 July, 2023

□ [“'A War Crime' – Biden Turns US into International Enemy #1"]

But the rules don't apply to our leaders, people keep forgetting that.  Sure, cluster bombs are illegal according to 111 nations, but the US isn't one of them.  Neither is Russia or Ukraine, so if Biden wants to defy the rest of the world, they just have to shut up and take it.  Our NATO allies sure have to obey him, even if over two thirds of them have signed the Convention on Cluster Munitions since it came out in 2008.

Biden was even asked by CNN why he did this and he said that Ukraine was running out of ammunition.  What kind of excuse is that?  If you're running low on ammo, war crimes are the next rational step?  He also said we're low on ammo too so this was the only option.  If only we had someone in charge who would recognize the importance of having enough ammunition, but we don't, so he'll give the rest away.

As a decision, I don't see much to complain about it.  Since Russia and Ukraine (and China) never signed the convention either, I'll assume they already have cluster bombs and probably have already used them.  Really, it's just another example of our masters doing whatever they want and giving away our weapons to a war none of us voted for.  Russia and China have already seen our willingness to do that and have taken our measure.

NATO has already been sending weapons and tanks to Ukraine which have not been doing well.  Most of those seem to have been destroyed in the last month's "spring offensive."  NATO has a meeting in a few days and I doubt anyone attending will be happy about this.

07 July, 2023

□ [“Vermont chief says Ben & Jerry’s HQ is on ‘stolen’ Native American land"]

This looks like another Bud Lite situation, where a stupid company showed how leftist they were and get a response that any sane people could have seen coming.  Ben & Jerry's announced on July 4 that Mount Rushmore was “stolen Indigenous land” that should be given back to the rightful owners, so the chief of the Abenaki Nation says they're from Vermont and want that land back from Ben & Jerry's.

Ok, does the ice cream company actually live up to its supposed standards or do they just tell other people what to do?  We can all guess the answer to that but let's make them prove it.  If nothing else, they should start paying rent if they want to keep their hq where it is.  That probably means they'll have to raise the costs of buying their ice cream, but it's a small price to pay.

We really do need to start taking effort to prove that these insane people can't even live up to their own rhetoric and have absolutely no right to impose their will on anyone else.  Hopefully this will start another boycott, although the customers already know how leftist this company is and will probably keep going anyway, but we'll see.

08 July, 2023

I think we've seen that movie too.  Oh, we didn't. It looked boring.

□ [“Russia Confirms BRICS+ Nations Will Launch New Joint Gold-Backed Currency to Counter US Dollar Dominance"]

They're planning to start it in August.  Non-white countries are interested in taking part.  How many people in all nations will try moving over to that immediately?  Then there's a question of how many problems they will have, because I doubt you can switch to a brand-new currency without problems somewhere.  Wouldn't be surprised if the US government suddenly has a law taking 70 or 80% of any money that gets transferred to the new currency.

It's also not clear how our rulers will respond.  The dollar is getting weaker anyway, they're destroying all the influence that made it the world currency.  It looks like they expect everybody to just start using the made-up digital currency but few people will be stupid enough to do that without a gun at our heads, then you have to give the men with guns control over our money.

Then there's the question of when they're supposed to get this digital currency started.  People will have a lot of incentive to keep away from it and once this BRICS dollar is established, what will that do to business here?  Groceries, gasoline, rent, that sort of thing.  And how will we know what anything is worth?  Things are going to get very bad very quickly.

08 July, 2023

□ [“Tampon Company Says They Want to Be ‘Gender Inclusive’ Brand, Refers to Women as ‘Menstruaters’"]

Do they need to put "men" into the word?  That seems misogynist, these tampons should probably be banned.  Or stupidity, since they obviously don't have a clue what a woman is.

I really don't get why businesses aren't loudly resisting this.  I get that the ESG scores impose tyranny but every company needs to justify this to themselves, to their employees and their customers.  And none of them complain about it?  You'd think resistance to this would be going all down the line.  I really don't get why people aren't just gathering together and saying 'we've had enough.'

But these companies, how can they be forced to put out a pointless product that will only drive away their customers?  We see this going on from Disney and Bud Lite all the way down to the local manufacturers.  If nothing else, it would show an enormous market for any company that's willing to ignore this nonsense.  Yet they all just go along and expect everyone else to obey.

08 July, 2023

□ [“‘Not My King’ Chants from Protesters as King Charles visits Scotland"]

Nice thought but we'll need a little more proof.  Scotland and England have had the same monarch for 400 years, just after Queen Elizabeth died.  Maybe it's time for some actual separation, or at least a serious attempt.  Don't make us have to rely on the Irish to take care of this.

□ [“Resetting the Great Reset: Dutch WEF Government Falls, Populists to Gain in Fall Elections"]

Something like this only with a little more oomph.  The Netherlands basically has permanent government officials who move around periodically.  I don't know if it's relevant, but the Netherlands' royal family has been the Orange and they've ruled since Elizabeth took over in England.  It is interesting to look at how close-knit these royal families really have been for centuries although it does get tough to keep track of unless you're really fascinated by who these people are.

But anyway, the Netherlands has been watching the French riots and must be nervous.  They're devout fans of the EU, they've been bringing in replacement subjects and seizing farmland, they don't want to have to deal with the same resistance.  I expect more of Europe to be having these problems soon, although as always I tend to assume it's deliberate, an excuse for the EU to seize all power and erase the nation-state.

08 July, 2023

□ [“Democrats and Activists Renew Push to Lower the Voting Age to 16"]

This is grooming, telling your victim how everything will be find as long as they do what you tell them and how hard you're fighting against anybody who tries to keep this from happening.  It's also a fundamental lack-of-awareness about what being a child actually means, which gives the impression that these people were groomed the same way.

Once upon a time, children were properly raised and they were required to work for a living.  They would have been much more capable of voting and they would have been the first to understand that it wasn't their problem.  They're not going to get the farming done and the animals fed and maybe get to school for a day or two *and* have to pay attention to that voting stuff so there's a basic understanding of what's actually important.  They'll get to that stuff later if they want.

But now of course, Democrats are totally in favor of letting children mutilate themselves and encouraging invaders to vote to take anything they want from actual Americans.  So of course they want anything else that lets them do whatever they want to children, they know how easily they can be brainwashed.

08 July, 2023

Despite not watching movies, I'm still paying attention to the recent problems Hollywood is having.  After three weeks, The Flash has finally passed $100 million domestic, something it only took Indiana Jones eight days to do.  Of course it only took Ant-Man 3 three days, but we know what a success really looks like.

But for the second time in its eight days-so-far, another movies has done better box office than Indiana Jones.  This time it's an horror movie that's in 1500-fewer theaters.  The previous movie was about combating child-trafficking and it was in 2000-fewer theaters.  Both movies get much less promotion and cost about $15 million each to make, so they're already close to making a profit.  Not like that old man who just wants to die after he discovers time travel.

We're also getting ready for the next superhero movie bombs.  The Blue Beetle movie has no chance if you know the character and even less if you don't, but the movie trailer made sure to call Batman a fascist even though he's not in the movie.  The director first said how he wanted to drive away people who didn't like that, now he's saying that they should buy a ticket to his movie anyway.

Oh, by the way, director Angel Manuel Soto also tweeted on August 7, 2018 "The only thing I hope Trump has similar to Lincoln's presidency is the way it ended."  He has recently deleted his old tweets so I'm just putting this out there in case you want to see a movie made by someone who sides with the Confederacy.

Anyway, then we'll get Captain Marvel 2 which was originally scheduled to be released one year ago today.  [I would have called Ms. Marvel 2 but Monica was Captain Marvel so she gets a pass.]  It's almost fascinating that this is looming in, getting closer every day, and everybody can see how badly it's going to fail.  What I'm really surprised about is how nobody from the CEO on down seems to have a clue what to do with this.  Why not send them out to do the promotion if they're really going to force theaters to take this thing.  Why not give movie theaters 100% of the ticket sales to give them some incentive?

Never mind movies, this stuff is far more interesting.

09 July, 2023

When Harrison Ford dies, he might be allowed into heaven. It just depends on who shot first.

□ [“Liberal Journal ‘The Atlantic’ Calls for Joe Biden to ‘Step Aside’ in 2024"]

The media is still daring to criticize the senile old wheezer who pretends to be in charge.  Just the fact that they're doing that is surprising but it's not clear why.  They're certainly going to endorse him for the election and no one will question that.  Maybe they're hoping to endorse some younger leftist who wants to steal the election, I guess that's a possibility.  But the WHO or WEF can shut their magazine down as a potential virus and Biden will obey.

Thinking about it, their excuse probably is mostly about getting someone young enough to steal more elections, along with the obvious idiocy we've been forced to see for all these years.  It might also be a case of at least pretending to be a legitimate news site, like he's not fully up to the high level he used to hold.  But just the fact that they to claim how much he's helped the country, despite the empty grocery stores, the unelected world government, the love of child abuse and foreign invasion, shows that they're only talking to their own side who already believes this nonsense.  Nobody else is relevant.

They certainly don't mind the cocaine use and the increasing numbers of lies being told about that.  Now it's come out that all of the Bidens were in the White House just before the coke was discovered.  They don't even mind his increasing inability to walk more than a few steps without falling.  At least the rest of us know he'll just be replaced by someone as stupid and incompetent, but not as old.

It is interesting to wonder who's fighting backstage to replace him.  I won't bother trying to think of any names, if you're reading this you can probably name more than I could, but it must be very harsh for those who want to declare themselves the leader.  Like crabs in a bucket, they need each other's help but they can't let anyone else get ahead of them.  Like the sausage factory, they also can't let the public see how this gets made.

09 July, 2023

□ [“Ukraine’s Failed Counter Offensive Paints NATO Into A Corner"]

To the extent that anything about war is clear, I think that was the point.  Russia could easily handle Ukraine as it did in 2014 and earlier.  The real problem was all the NATO support of a non-NATO member.  No idea if Russia could handle that but they probably wouldn't want to even try, so how do they weaken NATO without being obvious about it?

Well, they found a way.  Now Ukraine and NATO are running out of weapons and ammo.  Ukraine's run out of anybody who got trained by the west to use western weapons and have basically not taken anything on the battlefield.  Latin America sure doesn't want anything to do with this war and are turning against the EU for demanding it (along with cutting down forests, global warming and paying for slavery centuries ago.)  Turkey and Sweden are arguing about who gets to join NATO anyway, which is trying to lower its standards to the point where Ukraine can join.  Then there's the use of cluster bombs which only last year the Biden administration said was a "war crime."  [Jen Psaki, February 28, 2022]

Then there's the military, Russia's got a lot more to rely on.  Ukraine is still only drafting one of the dozens and dozens of genders Ukraine supporters believe in but they're still lowering the standards and sending the injured back into battle.  You want population reduction, this is how it works.  That's still with China keeping its distance, along with every other country who's increasingly willing to side with them.  Those countries aren't white but still haven't found a single Ukraine supporter who acknowledges this.  Odd coincidence.

09 July, 2023

□ [“Unnamed BBC Star Accused of Paying Teenager for Explicit Pictures"]

More is slowly coming out how media figures really want sex with children.  The victim's family had been trying to report this for almost two months and it's only now that the BBC is bothering to do anything about it, like keeping the abuser's name private.  One gets the impression that such monsters have been part of these media institutions right from the start.  And probably politics too.

Here in America, our media is unanimously opposing a movie about child-sex traffickers being busted while supporting a movie showing young near-naked children.  The first outlet I heard this from was Rolling Stone which, obviously, has been in on this every way possible from the start.  It was basically founded so the gay publisher could hang out with rich and famous abusers, and that's how he's spent the last fifty years.

We know that they're all in on this, or at least aspire to be, so how can we work to destroy them?  It really is showing how civilization took centuries to build and can be torn apart in a few years.  Well, you could say decades, but it hasn't been that many regardless and there's always been people who want to tear it down.  Some of us knew this without needing a lesson like this.

09 July, 2023

□ [“Armed Crews Across Chicago Rob Dozens Overnight"]

Got no police, got no government, got no law.  This is what civilized nations fight against and ours is gone, so now the gangs will take whatever they want.  The big cities are the starting point but this will start happening elsewhere.  Hopefully other cities permit citizens to own guns, but of course our masters oppose that.

What will it take to get armed citizens to start working together to keep their neighborhood safe?  They'll have to ignore the government but that precedent has already been set.  I could see just putting men with guns on the rooftops in 4-6 hour shifts to keep a watch over things.  Maybe veterans could put together groups like this.  But seriously, why haven't people been working together this way?

You can make the argument that Chicago doesn't have a chance but fortunately there aren't many cities like Chicago.  Might as well hope the mafia will save people, which is indeed how the mafia works.  That's basically who's running Chicago and everywhere else.

09 July, 2023

□ [“Trans Activist Who Served 30 Years in Jail for Attempted Murder Tells London Crowd 'If You See a TERF, Punch Them in the Face'"]

A "TERF" is a 'trans-exclusionary radical feminist,' one of those women who oppose anyone who's not a woman, including men who pretend.  So this thing spent thirty years in jail for torturing people and learned nothing from that.  It wants to beat up women, because equality and it's surrounded by an applauding audience.

Interesting that "TERF" is pronounced the same as 'turf,' i.e. territory taken over by a gang or other militant force.  But here the 'turf' is the enemy, which is effectively what reality is to any of these people.  They're going to beat it into obedience, no matter how long it takes.  And this sort of mental illness is now celebrated around the world.

I go back and forth on whether or not it's actually demon-possession.  Fortunately I don't have enough proof or experience in the matter to confirm, so at the moment I'm going with mental illness.  This thing was born a male but is eagerly willing to beat up any woman who disagrees and that's what leftism has united for.  You'd almost think demons would be sickened at the thought of this but liberals sure aren't.

10 July, 2023

I self-identify as the very model of a modern major-general. Don't be a hater.

□ [“Biden Meets with Charles at Windsor Castle – Can Barely Walk"]

Probably just my imagination but this is coming across like a 'last tour.'  Biden's actually been permitted to travel a bit so he's headed over to Europe for a NATO get-together and of course he gets to stop off and see people along the way, but this is just showing off how far he's made it by being this worthless.  And Biden's there too.

Of course they have to go through ceremonies and Biden starts talking to one of the Honor Guard.  Biden even starts walking in front of Charles, which the media ignores.  Now when Trump had met Elizabeth II and started walking in front of her, it was an outrage, how dare he do that, it's so disrespectful!  But the rules don't apply to everybody and the media knows that.

Charles has to tell the guard to stop talking and lead Biden away.  Charles has had to deal with a lot of horrible people in his life and whatever else you can say about him, he still seems as coherent as ever.  Sent out to schmooze on behalf of his mother, he's faced a lot of rulers who are stupid enough to get away with anything and had to at least present himself as a civilized nobleman in public.  So now he has to stand here with someone who's just wondering where the children are.  (probably in the same palace room as the cocaine.)

So now he's in Lithuania for whatever this summit is about.  John Kerry and others are already handling things in the background.  Of course they used separate planes, have to burn as much fossil fuel as possible to get there.  It's not like they're paying for it.

10 July, 2023

□ [“'Get the F*ck Out of Here!' – Angry Biden Screams at Staffers, Abuses His Aides Behind Closed Doors"]

And this story comes out on a leftist website.  It's possible they're hoping to use this as excuse to replace him for next year's stolen elections, or at least promote someone else as Veep.  Then again, it might just be excuse to say how bold he is and pushes what he wants onto other people, which leftists pretend to oppose when others do it.

Makes for an odd picture of Biden though.  First of all, he's been one of the highest ranking government officials for most of his very old life, so he doesn't know any other way to treat people.  Second, he's always been leftist, so of course they're going to demand whatever they want and abuse any peons who dare disagree with them, the opposite of what they pretend to be on camera.  He's also rich too, which they also pretend to oppose.  Everyone is expected to be an obedient servant.

Third, whatever self-identifies as his mind is decomposing so he doesn't know what's going on anyway.  That's something people would naturally get angry about, whether or not there's a reason.  Old people are known for keeping things the same way every day because that's easier to keep track of.  So he's already an old rich white leftist sociopath, and he's got dementia.  Yet they waited until now to publicize it.

But of course the media reporting this love it.  This behavior shows that he's strong, he's engaged, he pays attention to detail.  They didn't want to make that public either until now.

10 July, 2023

Last week the World Economic Forum had a get-together in China.  Probably just getting orders, but one thing that was discussed was how digital currency could be used to prevent people from purchasing things that were unhealthy, such as ammunition, drugs and pornography.  The totalitarianism is obvious but they could also prevent people from spending money on homosexuals.  That's also unhealthy and many allies of China and the WEF have very strong stances against homosexuality.

They could just ban money from anyone who self-identifies as gay, that would be simple enough.  They could also do a little investigation to see what purchases are made by *those people* and use that as an excuse to ban.  The new A.I. should have no problems finding patterns there.  Oh, sure, they'll have a real human being who makes the actual decision, but what nation will that man in charge come from?  Who will decide?

Then there's the people who may not be gay themselves but who actively support homosexual causes, they could suddenly have no money, just on the push of a button.  Who's going to prevent this from happening?  The people who support digital currency?  Not likely.

10 July, 2023

□ [“Clinton-Appointed Liberal Judge Rules Wisconsin School Must Let Trans-Identifying Biological Male Students Use Girls’ Restroom"]

Every week it seems to come more clear that this is the primary goal of our rulers, although it's still not clear whether this is the objective itself or just one part of their actual desire.  This pretend-gender abuse of actual females is also another aspect, as is the way they go after children.  There's never any distinction, people who want sex with children but believe there's only two genders.  They all uniformly line up with all these beliefs, and that goes across leftism as a whole.

The also run across the media, Hollywood and the government.  Right now I have articles about some music celebrity who has made up his own gender, worships satan and does sex acts on stage for children.  There's also further news on the latest BBC star who abuses children, although they still refuse to give his name because that's offensive to someone.  Gradeschools paying for special classes on oral and anal sex.  A number of articles on rape of children and rape by women-with-penises because rape is less-important than getting the gender right.

Sex trafficking is clearly a large organization running across the whole world, quite possibly that's what unites our rulers, media, celebrities, government officials, etc.  They all belong to a special club and can impose their will on inferiors, i.e. everyone else.  More and more people are obviously willing to do something about this, but they haven't started yet.  I don't get what they're waiting for.

I will say that going on strike would help bring this out in the open.  Just the refusal to take part in any organization or activity that supports these child rapists would make them desperate and easy to pick out with a bullet.  It would also help the rest of us identify sane people with genuine morals instead of the propaganda our rulers have always imposed on us.  Instead of being subjected to these abusers, our children and grandchildren would learn what it's like to actually work for something real and right.  We grew up in a world like that and this is the only way we'll be able to get it back.

10 July, 2023

□ [“UN Set to Launch ‘Global Shocks’ Plan Just Prior to US Presidential Election"]

□ [“Biden Administration Files Emergency Stay with 5th Circuit Court Demanding the Right to Censor, Silence, and Manipulate Americans"]

□ [“Biden Regime in a Rush to Jail Trump – DOJ Opposes Delay in Pretrial Hearing in Trump Classified Docs Case"]

In the second half of this year, the rulers need to get everything together to handle next year.  As Americans, we have to deal with the next stolen batch of elections but I'm sure every other country has similar problems to deal with.  The point is that we'll all be so desperate that we'll turn to our unelected world government to save us from what they caused.

They were able to test all their plans with the virus, pretending they had an excuse to poison everybody with a pretend-vaccine.  This also helped to break the economy, give us total distrust of everything else and order everybody to stay home until we're permitted to leave.  Except if we're lower class people who have to actually show up every day, but we don't count.  For the rest, it was like living in North Korea and they liked it.

Still no way to know if Trump has actually been on their side all along.  This may be why they're trying to attack him, to give his supporters no other options.  Or Trump actually sees the real problems and opposes them.  Most of us see these problems and would really like a leader so we can start destroying them, so that's also possible.  It's just that Trump hasn't been famous all these decades for being comprehensible.  My recommendation would still be that I don't want him to be POTUS again, I want him to pick the next POTUS.

But we need a resistance movement.  We need to put groups together.  I've just learned that there actually is an organization trying to re-establish the Republic of Texas, which sounds awesome.  Every state should start doing something like that and wash off the federal tyranny.  Right there, that would remove a lot of problems we're having and help the whole world.