Saturday, June 18, 2022


12 June, 2022

Today self-identifies as St. Patrick's Day.  Prove me wrong.

On July 19, 2021, Biden claimed “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way, no serious economist.”  Where are those “serious economists” now?  Were there any unserious ones paying bills last July and knew everything costed more?  Inflation was “transitory” by October and it hasn't stopped.

If Biden really wanted to show his supporters related to poor people, he’d do an Executive Order for government officials to never use Government Cards for gas.  They'd have to pay out of their own pockets, it's not like they don't get paid enough.

But the elites wouldn't put up with that, he'd be overthrown in twenty minutes.  Only poor people have to pay for gas out of their own pockets.  And pay taxes.

Someone made Biden sign Executive Order 13990 on January 20, 2021.  Despite my lowered reading ability and government forms being unreadable-by-definition, I’ve found a few sections which cancel the Keystone Pipeline, end oil drilling in certain areas and add many bureaucrats to deciding what oil drilling is allowed.

It’s got Biden's signature.  If you think he's the POTUS, you're lying by saying government has no power to make gas more expensive.  A lease costs tens of millions of dollars, drilling permits cost even more.  Then there’s years of drilling and that’s not counting all the other government offices you need to go through for approval, whether or not you get any oil.  It's not the oil companies' fault we're paying more.

I've seen another article on the tampon shortage, more of a chance it’s real.  Hopefully all the shortages will be limited to women and babies but how many would there have to be before the government admits that it's totally messed up?

That’s cult-behavior, everyone has to agree that something's going wrong before anything can be done, but those in charge don’t like that.  That's probably why such organizations don't break apart, people just leave quietly so they won't be noticed.

□ [“Russia-Ukraine war:  ‘That grain needs to get out,’ former NATO Supreme Allied Commander says”]

Here's an example, those who know the need for food would give some thought to Russia sanctions.  Otherwise, the world only has Ukraine who can’t grow and ship wheat now, so there’s only Russia.  What’ll the rest of the world do, start growing wheat?

See, that's stuff you’d have to think about to in a mess on the other side of the world, if you were someone who thinks.  I'm willing to bet Russia thought about it, and of course they made sure they have food to eat, something the people who ordered immediate sanctions never noticed.  They just turned to the media to say it was all working out wonderfully, Russia was totally defeated months ago.

□ [“Ukraine’s War of Attrition”]

This is still going on but it sounds like they're getting close to an end.  Russia will add some more territory, leftists will get more media attention complaining about Russia and they'll keep seizing more and more power in the process.

It's not clear if the powers-that-be all work together on this.  Obviously many people would be left out of the loop but that doesn't make things any clearer.  The Department of Defense has released a public statement admitting that the US indeed has 46 military biolabs in Ukraine, which Russia told the UN about only a couple months ago and leftists/media responded that this was a total lie and Russian-propaganda.

So now the Defense Department is a pawn of Putin?  And what about Zelensky, if he surrenders, will he turn over everything he knows to Russia or will he escape?  Or will the US just shoot him to keep our secrets a little longer?

Of course the DoD says the labs were totally safe and peaceful but who’d believe them?  These aren't the only labs we have all over the world, now everybody’s wondering what we have in their countries, all because leftists couldn't let Russia and Ukraine handle their own problems.  Maybe they just wanted to save the biolabs, who knows?

Well, somebody knows.  Not that it helps us but somebody knows.

I keep pointing this out but it's still true, farmers need fuel to grow crops with tractors and plows.  Truckers need fuel to bring the crops to factories for processing.  The factories need fuel, then more truckers bring the finished food to the grocery store.  Every step costs more because of government-imposition and the consumer has to pay for it.

That's not counting production of everything else, that also requires fuel to manufacture and transport.  Anyone who believes the government has nothing to do with this is part of the problem.  Everything is going to break down at some point and they'll need food, electricity, transportation just like the rest of us.  Our side will have known this was wrong all the time and their side refuses to have any guns.

We have so little to look forward to these days, we should at least keep that in mind.  You want help, ask the people who think there’s more than two genders, not us.

13 June, 2022

I had SADS a few weeks ago, but I'm feeling better now.

□ [“COVID Shuts Down Ringo Starr Summer US Tour After Two All Starr Members Test Positive”]

He turns 82 in a couple weeks, why the hell is he still touring?  It's gotta be a work ethic, I can't think of any other reason.  There's no way he can need the money that badly and given that he has a lot of other famous people in his band – I recognize most of the names although I don’t remember what bands they were in – there's a lot more expenses involved.  He doesn't remotely look like he's in his 80s and that can't be cheap.

Whatever else you can say about them, the era Beatles came from had a serious work ethic.  Their grandparents had to work to survive and those who followed that did better than others.  Paul's only a couple years younger and he's touring too.

Of course they still pretend that the virus is a thing.  It's so dangerous for eighty-year olds.  Most of the others on stage are close to that age themselves.  And then…

□ [“Now the Rolling Stones Tour Is Upended by COVID After Mick Jagger Tests Positive for the Virus"]

The vaccinated are apparently in more danger, maybe they’ll get another vaccine.  And booster.  More boosters.  But then there’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, though I don't know how there’s SADS with Keith Richards around.  He’ll just play “Happy.”

□ [“Never About Saving Lives:  Lockdowns Caused 170,000+ NON-Covid Deaths For US Working-Age”]

No, it wasn't, they worship death.  Maybe not literally – MAYBE – but they want more of it.  Massive increases in death for the young and/or healthy, the people who were most automatically immune from the virus and didn't need the so-called vaccination.

□ [“Biden Gets Smashed by Resurrected Clip About Stock Market, Karine-Jean Pierre Flails in Response”]

The Dow Jones crashed today, I don't pretend to know anything about economics but neither does Biden, he insists the economy is doing great.  In January he talked about how well the stock market was doing and how he deserved all the credit.  Obviously we won't see any clips of him accepting credit for the fall.  It’s probably Trump's fault.

So this spokesman is asked about it and she says the economy is booming and Republicans didn't vote for this.  This is what you get when you pick a subordinate for reasons that have nothing to do with ability.

□ [“Iran and Venezuela Sign a 20-Year Agreement – Will Confront the US Together”]

Iran is giving oil to one of the largest oil-producers in the world who needs to import it because but leftist dictators are in charge.  As always, no leftist complains about this even though they insist oil kills the earth.

Obviously Venezuela is involved in the Iran/Russia/China group but well, it's Venezuela so I don't count it.  Still, I'm sure both sides see a benefit to their respective nuclear programs and they get Biden’s full support.

□ [“Ukrainians Hit the Beaches of Kiev Just After Biden Sends Another $40 Billion to ‘Fight Russia’”]

They're still fighting but it’s the endgame.  This is where I have to wonder if this was all planned as a distraction for leftist world-conquest.  There are reports that the Ukraine military has massive desertions and supply problems.  The desertions may be propaganda, Russia has also been claimed to have desertions.

Supply is a bit different.  Ukraine has nowhere to go so it’s a bit easier but any losses make it harder to maintain whatever they have left.  Russia has always needed to keep track of supplies over a long distance, that makes a difference.

The propaganda says Ukraine has lost morale, even their paid officials say they're low on guns and ammo.  Those are kinda necessary.  They have no air force either which isn't mentioned but maybe it’s not important.  The moral problems are understandable.

□ [“Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We"]

They're drafting women?  I guess it makes sense to draft more than one gender out of all the dozens and dozens of genders but women?  Who would pick them?

More seriously, where are all the men they were drafting?  Are they dead or just not willing to take part in this any longer?  If you've reached the point where you're out of fighting-age men, you've lost and everybody else can see that.

In theory, it's possible that Russia has far more casualties but they have the air power, so it's basically not believable that more of them are dying, especially given Ukraine’s capabilities.  There's also the sanctions the west imposed, meaning now we're short on oil, natural gas and fertilizer which are all necessary.

Other than Ukraine’s example of why men are the ones you turn to for serious help, has anybody but Russia gotten anything for all this?

14 June, 2022

How do we know what genders Batman and Superman self-identify as?

You can't control the drilling, shipping, storing, refining, buying, selling, trading and taxing of oil and then say you don't control oil prices

. – internet meme

□ [“TRAINWRECK:  Sham Jan. 6 Committee Postpones Wednesday Show Trial – Need More Time to Put Together Video Because 17 Months Not Enough Time"]

I'm trying to avoid paying attention to this.  It’s obviously a fraud and they’ve already got the verdict in place, but the headlines are at least entertaining.  Should they bring back the original cast and re-film it?  They're competing against all those heroic BLM riots, they need something to draw an audience.

If they can't put together a video of existing footage in a year and a half, what are they going to do about the food shortages?  Good thing they're in charge, eh?

□ [“FDA Advisers Unanimously Recommend Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 Despite Data Showing High Risks of Heart Inflammation”]

It's becoming very clear that the vaccine is the real killer.  Notice that the people who insisted that everybody must get the vaccine or die and 'if it save one life!' aren't remotely interested in the brand-new Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.  Where did it come from?  Who’s getting it?  They don't pay attention to that, no matter how many die.

By this point it's known that the vaccine weakens the heart, making it more vulnerable to drugs or heavy exercise.  Hence all the dying young athletes and the massive increase in military deaths.  And the media that was obsessed over a stupid virus that barely affected anybody isn't even covering this.

□ [“Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who 'suddenly died' – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures"]

Near as I can understand it, the vaccine is creating structures in the blood, from natural blood clots but these are actually protein.  These grow and block your blood, especially around your heart where blood is kinda important.  Of course anybody researching this will be immediately censored.

How long will it be until it hits everyone who's taken this drug?  

There's no way this isn't deliberate.  Forcing everybody to take an untested chemical and then ignoring them as they suddenly dying?  Not even bothering to see if any nonvaccinated people are dying from this?  They’re suddenly ignoring all the fearful propaganda they used to the virus.  It's just a sudden death, that's all, ignore it.

□ [“New Biden Regulations Put American Travelers at Risk, Forces Thousands of Flights to be Cancelled”]

But they still use the virus to impose their will, demanding everybody put cloth on their faces and forcing the remaining employees to put in more hours every week just to keep up.  Like the car, they're destroying the airplane.  What will they go after next?

□ [“Biden Downplays Inflation, Then Starts Screaming: 'I Don’t Wanna Hear Anymore of These Lies About Reckless Spending!'"]

He has no idea what he's talking about but immediately starts yelling about what *HE* doesn't want to hear.  And that, boys and girls, is how sycophants are born.  No one is allowed near him unless they know what he wants to hear and obeys without question.

There’s are comments about emotional instability being one of the aspects of dementia.  He goes from his standards lies about Republicans wanting to raise taxes, talking about gas prices at his childhood dinner table and how Americans now have higher wages and more savings.  Then he suddenly gets angry about hearing things he doesn't like and yells at the audience who said nothing of the kind.

And he'll keep spending trillions of dollars, nothing reckless about that.  He says so.  Besides, other countries have it worse.  We cut your leg off but we cut two legs off of other people so I don’t want to hear you complain!

There is a bit of commentary that *maybe* he shouldn't run for re-election.  No one goes on record, only unnamed persons suggest he might be too old now.  I definitely think there’s more problems going on back stage and we can tell that Biden won't hear any of it.  Neither will we, the ruling elite keep their disagreements private.

□ [“Dems 'Renewable' Energy Plans Face Battery Shortage As They Raise Cost Of Reliable Fossil Fuels”]

They're also destroying their own replacement for the energy they're taking away from us.  You can’t store any energy without batteries which require energy to produce.  Then there’s the supply problems for the materials required to produce and transport batteries around the world.  Imposed rules that require everyone to use these stupid things by the end of the decade don’t help anyone, they only keep drilling down.

They’ll destroy cars and planes, forcing everyone to have electric cars which they destroy by their own policies, just as they did with healthcare and economics.  But they sure want to take away guns from their inferiors.

How can anyone who's not a spambot trust them for anything?

15 June, 2022

These times aren’t really interesting.  The Chinese ripped me off!!!

Given that I suspect everything going in a charade our rulers play on us, I also think they've worked out a specific timeline.  That said, now that Ukraine is nearing defeat, I wonder what's next on the agenda.  Another virus?  Another shortage?  Biden has said he'll grab "emergency powers" if gas prices don't go down and he's working as hard as possible to keep them from going down.

□ [“After Waging War on Oil Industry, Biden Now Blames Oil Refineries For Not Doing ‘Patriotic Duty’”]

They're not the ones trying to destroy America, the Biden White House is, while blaming the people they hit for not doing better.  I should have spent more time abusing women so I'd know how this works, but it sure meets the standards.

“No more drilling on federal lands.  No more drilling, including offshore.  No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill.  Period.”  That’s pretty straightforward.  Now you tell them you want more of what you said you didn't want.  It’s so simple.

These people were willing to claim they’ll fly over and shoot guns for Ukraine, why don't any of them say they'll prove how to properly dig for oil since now they claim to want it?  I think you know the answer to that.

□ [“Russia Further Reduces Natural Gas Flow by 40% into Germany"]

Is this part of the Trump/Russia plan?  Obviously Germany would ignore Trump saying stop relying on Russia so Russia knew Germany was dependent on them.  They could say they ignored Trump by needing Russia to provide fossil fuels, liberals love that.

□ [“Bitcoin Crumbles, Crypto Falls, Another Sign Of The Emerging Recession"]

I’ve always had a minor interest in these cryptocurrencies.  Not enough to invest in them or even to give them the slightest thought in the last couple years, but an interest nonetheless.  I think it's a fundamentally bad idea but understand the attempt to create a currency that doesn't rely on a nation.  The internet is the obvious place to start.

But of course if things are going bad, no one will rely on that.  If it’s useful, great.  If not, look for something else.  I assume silver and gold are increasingly popular.

For that matter, not that it has anything to do with money but I've noticed that more women seem to be trying to look genuinely attractive.  Not enough for me to have any solid observations yet but I'll keep looking. [wink wink]

□ [“Fully Vaccinated/Boosted Dr. Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19 Pandemic For First Time”]

The virus is hitting all the countries where the so-called vaccinations are highest.  Meanwhile places like Africa have a very small vaccinated population and aren't having any problems.  The left doesn't mind that.  What, is the vaccine meant to kill whites?

Why does that sound entirely believable given what the tyrants are imposing?

When are we going to finally break?  It is quite possible that's the intention, they need an excuse for dictatorship, sane people trying to get away from them would do.  I don't see a good option for that but it’ll happen sooner or later.

Still trying to think of ways the sane can unify, as well as methods and tools for defense and production.  No idea how finances would operate.  My brain may be broken but at least I can still think.  There must be others out there who do it too.

About all we can do at the moment is hope that the sane can manage get through day-after-day, leaving the leftists to crumble.  The right must focus on the task at hand, it’s all I ever talk about anymore.  The left insists that politics precedes everything.

It would be so nice if they have locked themselves in their own political environment which crumbles, leaving the rest of us to go on with our lives.  We can guarantee that won't happen but it's such a nice fantasy.

16 June, 2022

I self-identify Joe Biden as having SADS.

□ [“Daily Caller Asked Every Democrat Senator If They’ll Endorse Biden In 2024 – Not Many Said Yes"]

It's a pose, they'll all fall into line when the time comes.  Right now they just need to pretend they're siding with the miserable people they rule.  It means nothing.

I do assume there are Democrats who are working against Biden but that's more about just being leftist nature and being in politics.  But they’ll work against anybody for any reason, except their true masters.  The people in charge of Biden know that.

The stock market and Dow Jones are going down, these are economic organizations that most people don't have a clue about.  I’ve been wondering if those and other entities are the real reason some in the media have started to turn on Biden.  They have enough money to invest in such places and enough friends in high places to tell them about the incoming disaster.  Or at least their employers do.

They’re fine with destroying other people's investments but have a very different reaction when it’s their own destroyed before their eyes.  They probably all dreamed that ‘one day the revolution will come’ and they wouldn't want their investments anymore.  But that day never comes and human nature overrules them when it seems close.

□ [“'That’s Not Science, That’s Conjecture' – Sen. Rand Paul On Fire After Fauci Admits ‘Not Enough Data’ to Show Booster Shots Reduce Hospitalization and Death in Children"]

It's about giving orders to children!  That's not conjecture, that's his right!  Our master can do anything he wants to anyone.  If he thrusts a long, hard shaft into a child's body and ejaculates fluid, it's our duty to say ‘thank you, sir, do you want another?’

And Fauci decided to have the virus right before he had to testify to Congress, what kind of coincidence is that?  Two years of (supposedly) being surrounded by all those people dying of the virus, getting all the vaccines and boosters (supposedly) and *now* he gets infected, right before he has to talk to those guys?

No reduction in hospitalization or death of kids, then there's no point to getting stabbed with anything.  But Rand Paul is an actual physician.  Fauci has been a bureaucrat for my whole life, yet which one gets the unquestioned adoration?

□ [“Ministry of Truth 2.0:  Kamala Harris to Lead New Task Force Targeting ‘Online Harassment, Abuse, and Disinformation Campaigns’”]

□ [“White House Spox Confirms Biden Moving Forward with Plans to End Fossil Fuel”]

□ [“Biden May Declare ‘National Public Health Emergency’ If Roe v Wade Is Overturned”]

This is what they've all wanted.  Unrestrained power in every part of our lives has always been their dream.  Now they’ll spy on everybody, take away transportation and expand the ruler's power at the expense of the ruled.

Still trying to figure out leftism.  It's hopeless to figure out the ‘why,’ just finding various descriptions of the ‘what’ or ‘how.’  I just ran into some comment that they think their beliefs are universally accepted truths so only the corrupt, evil or stupid could ever disagree.  As always, it’s a good description of what they do.

I do think it’s based on individual choice, even if that just comes down to an individual’s unwillingness to think.  We just passed the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Students for a Democratic Society.  If you're going to point to something to blame for the “New Left,” that's as good a choice as any, but I still don't buy it.

There's the environment, there’s being ruled by emotion, the collective belief system encouraging this, those all build up, sure.  There’s going after kids who don't know any better.  This all forms a perfect explanation, but the ‘why’ still eludes me.

□ [“ExxonMobil Fires Back At Biden in Letter After He Accuses Oil Companies Of Profiteering”]

They'll be the first targets, that much is obvious.  No one is allowed to speak out against the self-identified POTUS.  Punishment will be required and promoted as much as possible so everyone else will see what will happen to them if they speak out.

Which will we run out of first, food or fuel?  Both are getting lower and more expensive.  I assume the baby formula shortage is hitting women almost as much as it’s hitting babies, spending more time worrying about their younglings.  All this was brought to them by the same people who set them up against big, strong women-with-a-penis.

Only the most insane and wealthy of feminists can’t see a problem, being surrounded by people who tell them what they want to hear.  But the rest of us will be hit hard all at once.  Best to assume the enemy is prepared for this, who is ready on our side?

People in the country and small towns will be fairly safe, they know each other and are used to such a life.  It’s the rest of us who will have immediate worries.  The wealthier ones might be able to back up food and supplies before it starts, the rest of will have gotten what we can, if we can.  We’ll be a lot more vulnerable regardless.

And our rulers want it this way.


06 June, 2022

This post was Made in China.  Buy it or die.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Can’t Say Why Biden Used Defense Production Act for Solar Panel Manufacture”]

Because he’s invested in the slave-owning Chinese companies that will manufacture the panels, duh.  So do his other Democrat allies, *THAT’s* the emergency.  Can't they at least get someone competent enough to explain that?

Well, I guess it comes down to a choice, you can have competence or you can have female/black/gay.  You can't have both.

□ [“Biological males win London’s Thundercrit women’s cycling event, kiss after getting medals”]

See?  You think some sissy girl-with-a-vagina could win this?  She didn't get this far through ability.  One more big, strong woman-with-a-penis joins the competition, they'll completely dominate, which is of course how women’s sports should be treated.

We need to take these bitches down.  Those bold women-with-penises should beat the shit out of them every chance they get.  The girls deserve it.  And wave those penises at the stupid ditzes, show them what being a real woman is about.

Not clear if it’s official but Zhang Hanhui, Chinese Ambassador to Russia has reportedly stated “We must put an end once and for all to the hegemony of the United States, with its eternal desire to interfere in the affairs of sovereign states.”

No liberal would disagree with that, that’s what they vote for in every election.  China knows that, as does Russia.  Chinese Foreign Minister Zhao Lijian made a similar comment today which *IS* official, just a bit too long for me to bother with.

China, Russia and leftists are on the same side but only some of these people understand that.  China and Russia know that the US is at war with them, our masters just haven't bothered to tell anybody.  That’s how important it is to them.

□ [“Totally Compromised Biden Is Now Working on Reducing Trump’s Tariffs on China”]

What, does he spend every waking moment asking what he can do to help China even more?  China knows what he’s invested in, they’re taking everything and thanks to leftists, no one can stop them.  According to the media, Biden only focuses on his approval-ratings, that and his truck-driving football star career at the Naval Academy.

Part of me really hopes everything breaks as soon as possible.  We're already miserable, let’s just get the next step started.  Not happy to be someone who would think that but it’s the kind of world we live in.

07 June, 2022

Like amputation, inflation is merely transitory.

□ [“Seattle School Principal Refused to Cooperate With Police as Deranged Intruder Terrorized a Fifth Grade Class, Letting Him Exit School Lockdown To Commit Multiple Assaults Before His Arrest”]

They're getting students to wipe out other students, probably just an excuse to ban guns but I assume they quite enjoy doing this.  They're already doing everything they can to wipe out the concept of reality for children, meaning there will be some who see nothing wrong with wiping everybody out.  That’s what they’ve been taught.

Face it, if they really wanted to protect their students, they'd have demanded the police go in immediately.  Instead this principal will probably get a bonus, maybe a promotion.  More teachers will want to be like him.

□ [“Janet Yellen:  US Faces ‘Unacceptable Levels of Inflation'“]

Unacceptable to who?  You're obviously fine with it, you promise it’ll keep going.  The peons may not like it but you don't work for them, their approval means nothing.

I do think that at some level, it’s about showing off how superior they are to the peasants, they look for ways to make that happen.  Only a very small minority isn’t having money problems these days, they love being that minority.

□ [“Where’s Paul Pelosi’s Mugshot?  Crooked California Officials Hiding Pelosi’s Booking Photos”]

And of course they don't get punished.  If the situation was reversed, would a picture of that hispanic guy be kept private for nearly killing that very rich, very old, very drunk white man?  Is that JUSTICE?  Sucks to be the spic.  I am sure he’s getting a few bucks to keep his mouth shut, that’s how such situations are usually handled.

So why wouldn’t the famous guy with a famous wife’s picture not be released?  One doesn’t look too bad just being drunk although he may have a very high self-opinion of his looks.  Maybe he was up to something else and pix would show us what that is.

Ah, the life of the elites...

□ [“Remarkable Admission, Pete Buttigieg Announces Biden Inflation Plan is to Increase Dependency State With Socialist Economics; Biden’s Govt to Provide Medicine, Childcare, Housing and Food”]

Yet these same people who own a lot of stuff insist on taking ownership away from other people.  Are they flat-out lying or just too stupid to realize what will happen?

Never mind that totalitarians can deny anything to anyone they don’t like, there’s human nature.  Collective ownership avoids work.  Food and medicine isn’t produced, only people who don't care about their kids want to treat other kids the same way.

Which is what they're after.  Disaster quickly arrives so the pretense of supporting democracy or freedom gets wiped away by the very people who cause the disaster.  They won't think twice about it.  I know, I know, they won't think once but you get my point.

□ [“The U.S. has wasted over 82 million Covid vaccine doses”]

We didn't follow their stupid orders and now they're going to blame and punish us for it.  What kind of relationship is that?

□ [“Biden’s Commerce Secretary Gives Up on Gas Prices:  ‘There Isn’t Very Much More to be Done’'’]

They could reopen Keystone and ANWR.  There’s fracking.  They could bring back the drilling leases they cancelled.

That’s four options they *could* do right there, but they don't *want* to, so gas prices were steadily risen since Russia and Ukraine were peaceful.  Anyone who bought gas through 2021 saw that, you and your minions are the ones who didn’t.

You know that, unless you only say what they tell you to.

□ [“Bloomington, Illinois Methodist Church’s First Drag Queen Pastor: ‘God Is Nothing’”]

And this creature is tearing down the churches, do you think it’ll keep its hands off the kids?  They're providing evidence of God’s will by being so eager to oppose Him.  For gender?  Women are already living proof, they don't create anything without the seed being planted.  Most women don't acknowledge this and, coincidentally, most women are unhappy.  This is part of God’s message to His creations.

But this beast claims to be a woman and takes over religion.  These monsters have always been after that.  We may not be in the Last Days but it sure looks like it.

A note, this is why we identify God as we do.  God isn’t male, God is God, but is a “He” from our perspective.  And all the leftists oppose that.  Coincidence?  I think not.

So how should we organize after everything breaks down?  Our side probably won't just shoot anybody who gets close but there needs to be some way of distinguishing between possible allies and everybody else, especially once food gets scarce.

Obvious leftists would be kept away, saving ammo would be the only reason to not shoot on sight.  Sure, they can be executed in other ways, but most leftists would probably pretend they're decent people.  They used to do that, it’s what got them so far.

Religion is an option, everyone trying to get in joins the group’s belief, but that’s uncomfortably close to a cult.  I don't see a good way around that.  Leftists have no actual skills so there’s one less option.  Ability to keep a refrigerator running gives a lot more leeway than someone who recites pro-trans/abortion/global warming propaganda.

One worrisome thing is if people show up with food.  That’s understandable, some of us are getting back-up supplies to be as ready as possible for the upcoming collapse.  A month or two after the downfall, we might be willing to stick our heads outside and look for survivors, sharing food would be part of that out of human decency.

But there will be leftists who made similar plans to infiltrate the survivors.  They won't be any more sane by then but claiming they were never liberals and by the way, here’s food.  That would give them a pass which could lead to more problems.

My military experience isn’t helpful here, I just obeyed and never bothered to learn how or why the rules worked.  Security obviously needs to think about such things.

08 June, 2022

All people who give us cooties should be forced to stay home and wear masks!

□ [“Biden Quietly Raised Amount of Ethanol Required in Summer Blend Gasoline from 10% to 15%”]

We already use about 40% of corn grown in the US for ethanol, now there will be even less to eat.  It'll also cause more damage to our cars, forcing us to buy new ones that are government-approved.  There’s no down side to any of this!!!

I've been saying it all year and I'll keep saying it, the truckers need to go on strike.  I want all of them to stay at home but even if only 1/3 does this, it would be a major problem for our self-appointed rulers.  Or even 1/4.

It’d put a major dent in the supply field that leftists would have no clue how to solve and possibly even bring in more truckers on strike.  They certainly wouldn't want to pick up all the loads now and the government’s still screwing them over too.

The standard leftist response is to ‘just use the military,’ this shows off their ignorance.  That’s not what the military does, few of them can drive trucks anyway and taking those who do would shut down all other military tasks that require truck driving.

What else could they do, train people to drive trucks?  They've had decades to do that and we're still short of drivers.  Remove the rules on truck driving?  That would give the truckers a win and everyone else who thinks the government is making rules for the sake of ruling.  Send in leftists to drive trucks?  That’s not going to happen.

This is going to happen soon anyway.  At some point, truckers will refuse to put up with this and then everything will go to hell.  Doing it *NOW* would give our side the advantage and their side the disaster.  The sooner we get it started on our terms, the sooner we can end it and rebuild something worthwhile instead of what leftists want.

To put it another way, they're probably already planning to have robots do the truck driving, is that who you want to be replaced by?

Otherwise, all the news on Ukraine has dropped.  Looking on leftist sites, there’s some, not much.  I guess they've found something else to focus on so this ‘evil Russia being defeated month after month by the heroic Ukraine’ is no longer important.

I'm still wondering if Russia is actually the enemy or just the heavy, someone our masters can blame for everything bad but they're actually working with to further the overall scheme.  There’s no way to know of course and even if it were true, it wouldn't tell us anything about Russia’s allies, China and Iran.  To be honest, I think Russia’s the most likely of the three to be secretly working for the pseudo-world government.

□ [“CDC Backtracks on Non-Airborne Monkeypox Mask Guidance After Criticism”]

I'm surprised they changed their minds so quickly.  The virus has been around for a decade or so and it’s only passed through physical contact with infectious skin lesions [anal sex] so there’s not much point to wearing cloth on your face, but frankly I thought they'd double down on it.  They’d already put out that they were keeping the mandates because it was power over everyone, why wouldn't anal sex be the next step?

Of course they didn't say they were wrong, they just erased the lines where they were 100% wrong so their perfect record remains intact.  They were so looking forward to the next virus and then this happens!  Now they have to hurry up and get the third virus, gotta keep their excuse for power somehow.

□ [“California Court Puts Bees in State Endangered Species Law Category Of Fish and Aquatic Life”]

See?  You can't do things like this if you've ever admitted to being wrong.  We know that bees die if they're in water but California doesn't and they're never wrong.

The fish and the bees, aren't they beautiful together?  It feels like spring time!

□ [“What is SADS?  Healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”]

Over 210,000 deaths last year in the US alone, any connection?  One doctor is quoted, “All you know is it wasn’t drugs, suicide, trauma or heart attack.  You’re still left wondering what it was.”  Were these people vaccinated?  That could explain everything.

But no one’s going to ask about that.  All that nonsense about ‘preventing one death is all it takes’ (or whatever the phrase was) is completely irrelevant all of a sudden.

Most likely it’s the vaccine.  There is a chance that it’s something else but we can assume the masters are behind that.  I've seen some articles recently about leftists openly saying we should get a disease to kill large numbers of people and make the world a better place, most notably Bill Gates.  I haven't gotten into that, yet, but it is a possibility.

09 June, 2022

When are we going to get the facts of life?  These are just lies.

Not sure what to say at the moment.  It's been a long day.  I'm struggling just to get through the headlines, much less making any comments about them.

It's always the same thing, leftist tyranny and they get away with it.  Right now they're running Congressional hearings on the January 6 nonsense, pretending it was some sort of coup when the people they're accusing didn't even have guns.  What sort of coup doesn't send armed men against the armed government men?

No one asks Nancy Pelosi why she forbade the National Guard.  If Congress was so safe without them, what's the problem?  Democrats blatantly oppose any extra protection for the Supreme Court who’s been threatened with assassination in the last few weeks.  If leftists really mean what they're saying, they'd go overboard on security.

They're the coup, projecting their own acts onto others.  At some level they do know they're pushing too far and there’s probably internal conflict as well.  Putting cloth on your face does nothing for a virus and kids are basically immune anyway, so after a couple years, they’re beginning to admit this.  That’s how nice they are.

□ [“New York City to Finally End Sick and Abusive Mask Mandates for Children 2 to 4 Years Old"]

I can't believe leftists push this.  Ok, I don't get what they do in the first place but causing misery just for power?  We need to fight them, we need a resistance NOW!

It just gets worse.  April 2022 had the second highest credit card debt in history, $17.8 billion.  The highest credit card debt was March 2022, $25.6 billion.

I will admit it's been many years since I had to think about credit card debt so I don’t get this but it does make sense.  People need to spend and have none thanks to the government.  They may even be hoping government will cancel it for them.

It's late, I'm tired, didn't have much to say, just repeating the same stuff I always post.  Sorry about that.  I'll try to do better tomorrow.

10 June, 2022

Only the anti-woman can say what a woman actually is.

□ [“With Border Cities Completely Overwhelmed, Biden to Begin Bussing Illegals Deeper into the US"]

And they're supporting the invaders.  Why didn't Ukraine think of this?  Maybe their rulers are supposedly trying to help them, ours aren't.  Got a better answer?

The gas prices will officially hit $5/gallon any day now, if it hasn't already.  Our masters are so happy about that, you'd think they invested in oil companies.

□ [“Biden Downplays Inflation, Falsely Claims Americans Are Seeing 'Better Pay'"]

It's not like our self-appointed master has a clue what's going on.  We don’t make more money, we're spending more just to keep from falling too far behind.  Why do you think credit cards are getting used so much, setting historical records two months in a row?  That's not going to last too long, the companies won't be able to handle the debt.

And then what?  You think wiping everything out is going to work?  Or do the people who tell you what to say think that's going to work?

Oh, but he justifies it, "every country in the world is getting a big bite and piece of this inflation worse than we are."  Sure, you only amputated one of our legs, you amputated two from everybody else, that's so much better.  We owe you so much.

It's not like he’ll lose votes, dead people can't drive so they don't notice the prices.

□ [“Flash Star Ezra Miller Accused of Child Trafficking and Abusing Minor for Four Years"]

I had to look it up, he’s not just someone who's a character on the tv show (or movie or whatever it is) he’s the one who plays The Flash.  He got the leading role and molests kids, in this case kidnapping a 12 year-old.  That probably guarantees an Oscar for whatever his next movie is, and not just an Oscar from Earth 2.

□ [“'We Have Laws Against Child Endangerment':  DeSantis On Drag Show Groomers"]

More stories are coming out about this.  It is one of the most fundamental parts of society:  your kids are yours, nobody else's.  But the people who uniformly disagree also want to shove made-up genders into them as early as possible to get their way.

One has to wonder if destroying the ‘family’ is their main goal, everything else is just a step on that path.  We'll never know and they're not capable of comprehending what they're doing but what would they be doing differently if that *was* their goal?

I don’t even see the appeal, everybody trapped and raised in massive rooms and you can do whatever you want to any kid because they aren't yours in the first place?  Government agents never have to do that, they already believe they own everything, the kids are their property.  But they never point to any kids who grow up healthy and competent as a result of this, they always stick with the 'it's never really been tried' motif.

Leftists are far more open about violence, claiming it's hypothetical but they're only kidding themselves.  One Twitter even said someone with a terminal illness should kill whoever they don’t like – the Supreme Court in this case – showing that they want to have suicide bombers.  We've dealt with those for over 20 years, the left just wants more.

And who's siding with leftists?  Islam.  The leftist infidel will suck up to them, as seen by their giving Iran everything they can to make it nuclear ASAP.  The left has learned from Islam, everything except the truth.  Muslims have learned too.

□ [“Bidenomics:  U.S. is Now Experiencing a Shortage of Tampons"]

That's hilarious!  You need to be a biologist to know what a woman is, so now some who self-identify as women can’t stop the blood leaking out of their vagina, if they have one.  If they don't, they're probably buying a lot of extra tampons, just in case.

They already proved sissy-girls-with-vaginas are worthless at sports against big strong women-with-penises, now they get to piss blood for a week every month and can’t keep it off their clothes.  What else can we do to take women down?

There’s definitely a benefit to being a gender that doesn't have to put up with this in the first place.  I hope one day I’ll find out what gender that is.

I will admit I’ve only seen this one article on the matter so we'll have to wait a bit to see what comes out.  Officially it's because tampons require cotton which requires fertilizer which comes from Russia and Ukraine.  We'll see how that goes.

But it’s still hilarious.  I really need this reason to laugh.

11 June, 2022

I'd write a book about this but I've got too many video games to play.

□ [“New Zealand Plans to Tax Cow and Sheep Burps in an Effort to Stop Climate Change"]

But they're not taxing cows and sheep, they're taxing other people for what cows and sheep do.  If the government was serious about global warming, they'd actually tax the cows and sheep to bring that message home.

Face it, any government official who supports this should be the one taxed every time cows and sheep burp.  That's the only way to solve the problem.

□ [“Massachusetts Gas Station Owner Revolts, Stops Selling Fuel as Price Soars to $5 Per Gallon"]

This could work.  I'm sure they're having their own problems and it would be going on strike like I support [because my support is what matters, right?]  There’s still repairs, selling other stuff and not dealing with the prices rising every day.

I prefer to support the truckers but they're both part of the supply chain and they both need to go on strike.  We all do.

□ [“Jan 6 Sham Hearings a Ratings BUST for Big Networks Compared to Normal Week Night"]

More than that, we need to fight back.  They're actively trying to destroy us.  Otherwise they'd see the problems we all face under their self-appointed leadership.  Instead they're busy pretending that people without guns tried to overthrow them.

So why not do it for real?  It’s not like we have a Constitution putting them in charge, they oppose that.  They worship death, might as well let them enjoy it.  They set these terms, let’s see them try to live up to them first.

□ [“Reuters Photos to Generate Sympathy to Ukrainian Cause, Accidentally Has Pix of Ukrainian Nazi”]

Maybe they just don't pay attention to what they publish.  Maybe they were told ‘these are the pix you’ll print’ and obeyed without hesitation.  Maybe they're just lazy.

Or maybe they support Nazis and hate anyone who isn't defending Ukraine.  Got a better answer?  Why else do you think they want the German Weapons Act gun control or treat January 6 like Reichstag fire?  Why else do they support the eugenics program Planned Parenthood?  Antifa and the others sure qualify as Brownshirts.

I'm not totally in line with this comparison but it’s a legitimate argument.  They sure think they’re in charge of people who are stupid enough to go along with them.

□ [“China Threatens Biden and Will ‘Not Hesitate to Start War’ Over Taiwan”]

Obviously China will take their time to move in but there is no doubt that they see the advantage.  Biden doesn’t and most likely the people in charge of him will say he should go along with China.  That’s not a good solution either.

So is this like 1984 where the various rulers used war to control their people or is it something more serious?  I dunno, I don’t even wanna know.  We were never supposed to be here, but Biden now celebrates Russia’s massive defeat while China is open about their plans to move further.  They won't “hesitate to start a war.”  Most nations are quite willing to let the other nation start the war, not China.  They’ll start, they’ll finish.  What’s the United States going to do about it, stop buying Chinese products?

And where are the leftists?  None of them are promoting conflict with China.  None of them are putting Taiwan flags on their cars or front doors.  It’s like they were told not to bother with this, just keep pretending Russia’s the problem.

Also 11 June, 2022

Stop letting the Wookie win.

□ [“Why Did the Star Wars Hotel Flop?  Disney Is Desperate To Find Out”]

I've had this article open for a few days, what to say?  I didn't know there was a Star Wars Hotel at Disney World.  I might even have gone there if they paid me enough.  It’s one of those hotels that pays people to stay there, right?

Oh.  Well, they interest others, that’s why they opened this hotel, right?  Oh...

$5000 for a two-night stay?  Right there, a lot of people simply can’t stay there.  And guests are basically required to not leave the hotel.  Apparently it’s supposed to be some galactic star-cruiser that wasn't in any of the movies.  Why?

Think about it, people can't just walk outside and see... Disney World.  If you want to go to Disney World and can afford it (most people don’t go alone so there will be others) then the point isn’t to avoid Disney World.  If you don’t want to see Disney World or go outside, you can stay home and watch a movie, it’s cheaper.

But ok, let's say you're a really really really big Star Wars fan with tons of money to throw away and hate seeing anything except Star Wars.  You've got a spare weekend, not counting the travel time and expense, so why not, just to say you've been there?

What are you supposed to get out of this?  Based on the promo video, there's almost nothing that has any obvious connections to the movies.  Apparently the name of the cruiser itself came from some book.  These are movies, the books aren’t part of the official canon and few people read anyway.  Who would want this?

There's lightsaber training, a movie connection, score one for the hotel.  Can your lightsaber through walls to leave like whatsisname did in that Prequel movie?  I'm willing to bet you can't, meaning you can’t do a lot of other stuff with a lightsaber you imagined all these decades.  That's the closest to the One True Trilogy you're gonna get.

The movies are wonderful, a good time was had by all, but they were never really any more than that.  I read exactly one Marvel comic that wasn't an adaptation of the movies although I did spend a lot of quarters on the first two video games.  Their influence was minimal, they didn't build anything, there was nothing to build.

It's just a movie, likable main characters, fun adventures, little more.  You’re seriously deluded to think otherwise, like you self-identify as a jedi or something stupid.

The lightsaber was a nifty movie weapon and was rarely used in the Trilogy, but they’ve thrown it in everywhere ever since.  Luke didn't even know what they were, remember?  Old Ben took one out of an old trunk, Luke asked what that was.  He didn't know what the Force was or what Jedis were.  At most, everybody considered them some old myth, but now we’re told they were galaxy-famous in Luke's own lifetime.

It's like someone in their mid-twenties not believing that George Lucas used to make Star Wars movies.  That's not how reality works, at least if you're sane.

But now the franchise is a part of Disney's World, imposing them more every year to insist that everything they invent is some magical wonder.  What, will people hire a smuggler to get them into that $2500/night hotel they're not allowed to leave? 

Obviously there are people dangerously-obsessed with this franchise.  It's tough to imagine how they could have gotten into positions of authority or influence over those in charge but it does look like several decades could be summarized as our self-appointed rulers trying to use the Star Wars franchise to imprison us all, and our younglings.

I know, if Lucas hadn't wanted to do a Flash Gordon movie, something else would have come along to be just as useful for our masters.  We don't know how much of this is planned and how much is just happenstance, but it gives us something to think about for a few decades while waiting in a desert for some kid to come along.

Hell, next they'll try to do a hotel where you can be in all the movies owned by Disney.  Now that actually sounds tempting but it won't be cheap, that's for sure.

202207 Fulcrum - 20220606

01 June, 2022

Your children are required to see Brandon’s New Clothes!!!

□ [“Eleven Ukrainian Units Betrayed by Senior Commanders”]

Interesting, 11 different army units posting social media videos about the lack of supplies and the crazy, suicidal chain-of-command orders from Zelensky on down.

Is this real?  Is it a Russian fake?  Even if it’s not real, it makes for rumors among the soldiers who the media said had won two months ago, not rumors friendly to their leadership.  There are similar reports coming out of the Russian forces.

□ [“After Biden Pledged to Defend Taiwan, Chinese Warplanes Violate Country’s Air Defense Zone”]

Not that it’s getting much attention.  The more problems people have in their own lives, the less attention they pay to problems going on halfway around the world.  Leftists don't have such problems, their food is cheap and plentiful, they're allowed to drive cars because they want to save the earth and haven't even noticed the gas prices.

So of course *they* care what China is doing, even they're invested in Chinese businesses.  It’s all these inferiors who whine about having to pay more money to get to work than they get at work, and then they have to drive home.  How declassee.

□ [“Reporter Calls Out Biden’s Lies Related to Baby Formula Crisis”]

Biden:  “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of the shutdown of Abbott facility.”

Reporter:  “Didn’t the CEOs just tell you they understood it would have a very big impact?”

Biden:  "They did but I didn't."

Biden is admitting his own incompetence.  The White House repeatedly insisted that they started trying to fix the problem in February, but now Biden says that he only found out about it in April, meeting with baby food manufacturers to handle whatever plan he had in mind to fix the problem.  His administration had created months last year, but he won't accept any blame.  It’s all someone else’s fault.

They could have just sold him clothes, the kind that can't be seen by the stupid or unfit for their jobs.  That’d show how Biden really is, and he'd get a kick out of it too.

Are people really turning against our rulers or is this just another fake?  Our self-appointed masters would be the last to know either way but their masters would know.  Besides, they're too busy trying to get into a war that Congress hasn't voted for.

I still think they’ve planned the break-down month by month so we’re at the June spot now.  By July 4th, they'll be banning guns from everyone but their paid servants.

02 June, 2022

So guns can be banned like abortion and no one will have them because the law says so.

□ [“Aiming To Jab The Nation’s Youngest, Pfizer Makes Submission For COVID-19 Vaccination Emergency Authorization For Kids Under 5”]

This is about going after kids.  It’s still not clear if the so-called "vaccine" is fatal on its own, but that may be a side-point along with them proving they can stick it into every kid and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Just think how long have they been restraining themselves, pretending they didn't want to take ‘government property’ away from the parents.  There’s suspicion that the rich and famous people never actually took the vaccine, it would risk their health too much.

□ [“Biden’s Navy Secretary: The Existential Threat Is Climate Change”]

The military is really a place where you should pick people for their ability first-and-foremost and their political correctness way down on the list of important traits.  But that’s now how leftists roll, political correctness is all that matters and the military is expected to obey without question.  That’s what they're there for.

The higher levels decide who gets promoted on the lower levels so in no time, that’s all they have.  They never want anyone who thinks differently.

Not sure what else I'll write.  There’s still articles to go through and topics I've already been writing about, some of them are new, none of them are majorly important.

There’s the baby formula thing.  They should just say they don’t want kids to have food.  They're already doing that to schools who don't promote leftist beliefs, even while claiming that school meals are the only food some kids get every day.  Leftists already say people should eat bugs, safe to assume that’ll soon become mandatory, especially at school.  They'll soon need to do that even if they pretend that men can become pregnant.

□ [“No Free Lunch:  Biden Admin to End Meal Funding to Schools Not Complying With LGBT Agenda”]

The benefit of the government controlling everything, the government can deny you everything and you have no other options, they don't permit that.  All the differences they permit is when they get to force everyone else to support that difference, showing that it’s something mindless at best and horrific at worst.

I'm done tonight.  Hopefully I'll do more tomorrow.

03 June, 2022

So this is Earth-2, and what have you done? Another earth over and a new one just begun.

□ [“Biden:  CEOs told me my plan would save $500 per household in utility costs. WaPo:  Lie”]

Even the media is starting to come out against him.  I doubt any of them have bothered to notice the price in gasoline or food, it’s probably just from all about the polls which ask people who *have* noticed this for the last year and a half.

The media even checked on the official records for this meeting, transcribed on February 9, which had absolutely no record of Biden being told this.  There was a report from last October of a leftist-friendly group who said that overall prices would go down $500 a year by 2030.  Not utility costs specifically, just prices in general, *if* everybody stopped using gasoline a decade from now and if solar/wind power could support itself, which it can't do now.  California’s having blackouts regularly for a reason.

That’s the most anyone can find of the quote Biden cites from an official meeting.  He also says they were trying to stop getting gasoline from "autocrats" even though he’s the ones trying to get gasoline from, Venezuela, Iran and yes, Russia.

The media is also starting to ask about the baby food issue.  Biden has already admitted he didn’t understand what he was told so who briefed him and when?  The official POTUS spokesman only says is that the briefings were in "regular channels."  Just some random person who came along or is there anybody whose job is to speak to Biden on a regular basis, someone that he'll actually listen to?

Biden says the briefing was in "early April" but he waited until mid-May to do or say anything.  That’s how important it is to feed Americans.  The spokesman insists it was "late April" so either Biden was lying or just doesn't know when something happens.

It could have been last year for all we know, baby food companies reported this to the FDA in October.  Biden has probably heard of the FDA at some point in his long life.  His spokesman also says Biden and the government weren’t wrong about inflation, they just listened to the Secretary of the Treasury who… says she was wrong about inflation.

That’s not how things actually work but our rulers are people who don't actually work and Karine Jean-Pierre claims the "whole of government" is involved in fixing this problem.  What is the CIA doing?  The IRS?  NASA?  She’s also asked about things Biden said yesterday and says she hasn't talked to him or listened to what he says.

Even CNN is covering this, you wouldn’t expect that:

□ [“Biden’s Failing Presidency Explained by White House Aide:  ‘He has to speak to very serious things and you can’t do that getting ice cream'“]

His decades-long public image wasn't about very serious things, he’d rather get ice cream, at least when he can't feel up small children on camera.  That’s why the media hasn't given him much coverage lately, he'd just look worse than he already had.  It seems like they're slowly giving up on that now.  Biden only got involved on the baby formula thing after the press started reporting on it, but he claimed he’d been informed much earlier despite there being no records of that.

Not that it'll help, the media will receive orders on what to report and they'll obey.

□ [“White House Calls a Lid Before Noon as Biden Takes Another Delaware Beach Vacation While Baby Formula Shortage Gets Worse! (Ten States and 14 Major Metro Areas Short 90% or more)”]

He takes off Monday and Friday, reportedly a full half-year off in the last year and a half.  He does a three-day week where he just complains he’s not being respected like he thinks he deserves.  How productive.  But the kids can wait for food until he gets back from vacation next week, or the week after.  Whenever, they aren’t that important.

So they’ll pretend genders are real in June.  Probably other stuff but they’ll start here.  The oppressed can punish you for speaking out, that’s how you know who they are.

I expect gas prices to hit $5 in a week or so.  Isn't that what gays would want?

□ [“San Francisco mayor Breed announces $6.5M budget plan to end trans homelessness in SF by 2027”]

Well they're special people.  The other homeless can just rot there until they die.  But what if one of those others lie and claim they’re transgender?  Is there a way to make sure those scum don't get their greedy hands on a single penny?  And does this work against any California laws on equal treatment or can those just be ignored?

04 June, 2022

We never see A together with A.  I wonder if they're the same person.

□ [“Children Invited on Stage to Perform with Drag Queens in 21+ Gay Bar in Dallas”]

Who’s giving the orders?  There is no chance that teachers across the country just woke up one morning and decided they absolutely had to take children to gay strip clubs and not a single one of them thought getting parental permission was a good idea.  This cannot be a coincidence, it is entirely deliberate, so who’s giving the order to do this?

They were doing it for quite a while before this ‘gay month’ so that didn't start it, although it possibly inspires more teachers to stick it into kids.

□ [The  “The unpalatable truth in Ukraine”]

A bit more is coming out, Russia didn't have much chance of losing in the first place and the media can’t do anything to stop them.  Russia is much bigger and more powerful, Ukraine hasn't bothered to vaccinate against Covid, much less set up any connection to allies since the 2014 Russian invasion.

They lost that invasion too, eight years ago, remember?  There was a lot of time to stop and ask ‘what did we do wrong?’ regarding that loss.  Learning from that might help in case Russia invades again.  But no, they found something else to do in all that time.  So now the media is starting to comprehend that they either had no clue what they're talking about or they were flat-out lying to their audience.

□ [“U.S. Officials Admit They Have Lied About Ukraine Success and Russian Failures”]

In March, we were told that Russia was getting ready to use chemical weapons.  Now we're told there was never any evidence of this and also that Russia wasn't actually retreating as we’d been told.  There are strategic reasons to reorganize during the attack.

We’ve also been told how hard the Russian economy has been hit, without any proof except for sportscars, fancy boats and other accessories for the very rich.  Russia doesn't need to import much, they make most of what their nation needs and even export more.  It’s not hard to find countries that import food and oil but Russia doesn't need to do that.  They build and fuel their own vehicles, including tanks and planes.  It’s the sort of economy the US used to have before leftists took over.

A common leftist tactic when hearing something they don't like is to say ‘you got that from Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/whatever they're into now.’

This removes the very concept of thought, someone only says what someone else told them to say.  That’s convenient to ignore whatever is actually said while denying the very notion that people can think for themselves and reach a similar conclusion.  

That’s projection, they're the ones who are saying what they’re told as they accuse others of doing.  Like it or not, they probably do think for themselves but they deny it at all costs.  Luckily they all reach the same conclusion, whatever they were told to think.

By dismissing the concept of individual thought, they guarantee they can never perceive everything that exists.  Nor can their masters.  This guarantees their failures and quite possibly encourages them to believe reality is whatever they want it to be.

I always use basic proofs for reality.  If it’s only defined by belief then people would save a lot of money on food if they just believed they're never hungry for months or years at a time.  There’s no point of banning guns, just believe they don't exist and they can't hurt anybody.  You could go up to the roof and declare that you don't believe in gravity, then start walking.  Nothing bad could happen if you don't believe in it.  But believing we don’t need to be vaccinated against Covid is irrelevant.  They say so.

Reality is too complicated for us to define but the closer we get, the better off we are.  As individuals, we all have different perceptions and thoughts.  This is why there’s human conflict, as is the fact that so many people want to deny reality.

This is an unsolvable problem.  We largely can't tell who denies reality and who can actually think.  We can't read each other’s thoughts and often don’t communicate our own accurately with full comprehension.  Those who acknowledge thought and reality have something to work with.  Those who don't, don't.

I am definitely on the side of individualism.  As a bonus, my military experience really showed how the armed forces are *NOT* about individuality.  But they have to recognize reality – it’s part of their job – so they’ve figured out how to handle it.

Military policy is to solve problems at the lowest level, letting judgement and decision be implemented by those who are familiar with the individuals involved in each individual cases.  This method supports the unit and the mission as well as the individuals involved.  Doing it some other way wouldn't work as well.

□ [“WH Postpones Biden’s Trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia; ‘Reason for Delay Wasn’t Immediately Clear'“]

My guess is that either Biden’s health isn't good enough to make the trip or it’s because he'd have to openly oppose a flight going between Israel and Saudi Arabia which Trump had set the precedent.  He’d either have to admit that Trump was right or that Saudi and other Muslim states must not recognize Israel’s existence.  It’s probably easy to find quotes of Biden saying they should do just that.

Also 04 June, 2022

We can do without food, money or hope, as long as we get rid of those mean tweets!

As always, the world is getting worse.  The economy continues to fall apart and our leftist masters think that’s wonderful.  Is it deliberate or are they just too stupid to understand anything?  We don’t know, but we’ll probably find out before long.

As I write this, the media has started admitting that Russia isn’t totally-defeated as they’ve reported for the past three months.  Russia and China obviously have plans, probably including Iran, and probably finding a lot more countries who really don’t like what Western Society has become thanks to our masters.

So at this point, that’s basically all I have to write about.  It’s a good way to fill time for however long I’m stuck here, going through it like the rest of you.

I’ve continued with the pamphlet/booklet formats.  Every several days, I publish a pamphlet of about eight pages.  Every month, I put the edited material out as a booklet.  After several booklets, I’ll put out the next book as you’re reading now.  It’s fun.

I am pleased to note that I was able to write a bit about popular culture recently.  Ok, they’re comics from decades ago, a play from centuries ago and Guns’n’Roses, but at least it’s not the horrible news coming out every day.  My first choice had always been to write comics, my second choice was to write music, my third choice was to write prose fiction.  If I couldn’t do those for whatever reason, my fourth choice would be non-fiction *about* comics, music, books, movies, etc.  Instead, this is what I have to write about.

Gee, sounds kinda depressing when described like that.  But that’s the world we live in, depressing is just a given.  We’ve just gotta keep going until they force us to stop.

05 June, 2022

Well it’s time to go, can we get the bill?

□ [“Biden’s Commerce Secretary ‘Not Involved’ in Regime’s Baby Formula Shortage Response”]

Is she too lazy or just too ignorant of commerce to have a clue what to do?  Can't say she’s too busy, she has time to go on tv.  Since baby formula is made in only a few states and shipped to others, it counts as ‘state-to-state commerce.’  That’s not her job.

Do those she’s in charge of know anything about it or just following her example?  Maybe they're all about making their boss look good so being more incompetent than Biden makes him look good.  That would explain a lot.

It started last October, do you expect them to do anything about food production in a mere eight months?  It'll be a lot longer before anybody thinks maybe they should fix the problem.  That’s how much they care, almost as much as late-term abortion.

There’s also Biden’s example, don’t be responsible for anything.  The department she runs learned about this in April but “I’m not involved in the administration’s response here.”  Then why’s she in charge?  She probably doesn't know that either and wouldn't answer if she did.  She’s paid a lot but not enough money for that.

□ [“ABC Poll:  ‘Biden a Serious Drag on Democrat Candidates Nationwide’ Bad on All Key Issues”]

Clinton and Obama lost a lot of seats in the midterms and were actually popular with voters.  In less than a year and a half, the guy who magically got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history has the lowest polls of any POTUS in history.

Let’s pretend they didn't steal in 2020, they just found enough voters stupid enough to vote for Biden.  How many of them are stupid enough to vote this way again?

Still pretending that they didn't steal the election last time, they really have no choice but to steal it this time.

□ [“MSNBC Host:  Republicans to ‘Cheat’ in the Midterms – ‘They Know Their Policies Are Trash'“]

The left has always been known for the line "Accuse the other side of what you are doing so when you're finally found out, the accusation against you sounds tired and reflexive."  It isn’t clear who actually said it, Lenin, Saul Alinsky or others but it’s what they do regularly.  The ‘unknown’ quote source makes me wonder if it’s fake.

Would they really consider what the other side does?  If their goals are so great that they’ll get away with anything to achieve them, can't the other side do that too?

Anyway, it’s an example of the left accusing others for what the left is doing.  We didn't have food shortages when Trump was in charge so... it’s better to have food shortages?  This reporter is certainly paid to put that out to the public.

□ [“Kamala Activates Leftist Shock Troops Over Upcoming Abortion Ruling:  ‘Our Collective Charge in this Moment Is to Fight – With Everything We’ve Got’”]

They're setting up the assault, undoubtedly why the Supreme Court decision was leaked immediately.  What gangs are they sending out and who are the first targets?

This may be where we learn what armed forces they actually have.  They must have some, they can’t be so stupid as to start attacking people without being armed.

Could they be trying to provoke people to shoot them?  That I could see, it would give the rulers an excuse to punish anyone who didn't want to be attacked.

□ [“Al-Qaida enjoying a haven in Afghanistan under Taliban, UN warns”]

And every Muslim in the world sees the infidel defeated.  Afghanis don't have to live with that nonsense about abortions or letting homosexuals live, they see the benefits of submitting to the will of God and would like to spread that around the world.

□ [“Russia Threatens Direct Attacks on Western Cities for Providing Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine”]

Well, you send troops, weapons and money to a country at war, you're part of the war.  The opponent WILL see you as a target.  This is possibly similar to the upcoming attacks regarding abortion, provoking others to get this conflict going.

Is this inspired by Watchmen.  As you may remember, it ended with a fake alien invasion uniting Russia and the US who were at war.  That would explain a lot…

They’ll be pleased by the deaths, they do seem to largely be about death-worship.  Could they think death isn’t real, you just go somewhere else?  This would line up with the multiverse and Marvel movies they're pushing.  You're dead here but not on Earth 2!

06 June, 2022

Only criminals should be permitted to have guns, nobody else!

□ [“‘Defund the Police’ Narrative Crumbles, Big City Dems Add Crime-Fighting to Election Campaigns”]

It’s just a show they put on when nearing election season, pretending they want to help the public.  After retaining power, they'll go back to supporting criminals at all costs.

In theory, the public might see this but I doubt it.  The rulers wouldn't have gotten power if they had to bother with what the public wants in any real sense.  Their voters will stay where they are and vote as they're told to, ensuring that nothing will improve.

□ [“Washington state drivers don't have to pull over for the cops anymore, so they aren't”]

See?  Apparently cops still have authority to chase someone if there’s "probable cause," the driver just shot some bitch for cheating on him or something, but if they're wrong, the driver won't be prosecuted for anything.  So drunks, rapists, robbers and those who already have arrest warrants can speed away.  Police have no incentive to stop them.

Several big financial groups lately have been putting out the message that we’re ready for a huge economic fall.  I've also seen leftist comments about taking down the middle class, one of their long-time core beliefs, even for their wealthy leaders.

The middle class shows human individuality.  They have enough money to get by for quite a while without mass obedience to the rulers.  The poor need food, homes, gas, etc. on a regular basis and that’s expensive, so they have much less opportunity to think for themselves on their individual interests.  That’s how the left wants everybody to be.

□ [“Out-of-Touch Senior Biden Advisor Gene Sperling Has No Idea What High Gas Prices Feel Like”]

Have you ever met a poor person?  I'm sure you stay away from them as much as possible, but have you ever had to deal with any poor person at any point in your life?

“I’m not gonna try to say I feel that pain personally.”

You could pay for your own gas instead of charging it on your government card.  I'm sure you have more money than 99% of Americans so this would at least give you the experience of paying for something yourself, like poor people have to.

For that matter, you could just give your paycheck to poor people.  I'm sure you have more than enough to get by.  Or would that be against your beliefs?  Poor people have to pay your salary everyone else you work with, you wouldn’t dare to change that.  You're there to rule them, you don't have to give anything up.  They do!

□ [“Biden Resorts To Late Night TV As Approval Ratings Plunge To Record Lows”]

He could have done this on his long weekend, it wouldn’t keep him from doing his job.  Only television executives and old people remember late night tv as a big deal.

There’s a new invention called the internet, you can watch videos there at any time, day or night.  I think it’s called TouYube or something.  I don't really know how these new-fangled gadgets work, I still use horse-drawn digital media like Spotify, but I hear Twitter and Facebook are burning coal for power.  Maybe that'll catch on.

Anyway, what’s this tv appearance supposed to do?  Make people glad gas prices have gone up over 25 cents/gallon in the last week?  ‘I was so depressed that food was so rare and expensive but then I saw Joe Biden on television and I'm happy now!’

Really, I can only hope this will be a disaster for them.  We need that.


27 May, 2022

Lois Lane think Clark Kent self-identifies as Superman, that's why he's such a dork.

Notice the elites are claiming the economy was gone because of the virus (which the administration says is still here) and that's why gas prices were so low.  That's ignoring the working class, people who had to go to work every day before, during and after the virus, and there’s a lot more of them than the elites.

But that's how they justify it.  All those rich people started driving again so now poor people have to pay more.  Sucks to be them.

□ [“White House Eyes Restarting Idle Refineries"]

It's possible this is just made up by the media, maybe as a small bit of hope.  It's also possible that there is some discussion at some level but it’ll be quickly shut down by a higher level.  Even marxists are individuals and some may not like how the masses are suffering, but the others will always hold a higher rank and do like seeing that.

Otherwise, it's just talk.  If they wanted to help, they could immediately cut federal taxes.  It wouldn't help much but it’d be more than the 0 help they've given so far.

But now they’re trying to confiscate guns after showing the government won't do anything to protect us but the rulers will defund the police.

□ [“More Lies:  Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965"]

At this point, I think he's told to say this, there's no way he could come up with this stuff on his own.  He had all these decades to claim the Navy wanted him but never said that.  He never mentioned it in his supposed biography either.  His records do say he graduated the University of Delaware in 1965, so he’d have to be applying to graduate school which the Naval Academy has never had.

His records also show that he had enough medical problems by 1965 that he was kept out of the draft, so what use would the Naval Academy have had for him?

In theory, he might even be moral enough to have resisted saying it, since it's obviously false.  Or he would have if he still had a clue what's going on.  He could be told to say he was the first man on the moon and he wouldn't know the difference.

□ [“Boston University Professor Says Property 'a Racist Construct,' Justifies Violent George Floyd Riots"]

A black female who's too stupid to have a clue what property is but gets more money than the rest of us will ever see, what a coincidence.

If you really wanted to prove that blacks are inferior, what would work better than putting creatures like her in well-paid positions where people must listen to them?

□ [“Biden Says The ‘Protests’ In The Summer Of 2020 ‘Unified’ People Of Every Generation"]

That's why you had to steal an election and immediately had over authority to the world rulers.  But you don't realize that, do you?  Of course not.

□ [“Klaus Schwab, Pfizer CEO Trash ‘Conspiracy People’ At World Health Assembly:  ‘There Is A Very Fanatic Group Of Anti-Vaxxers That Will Go After Us No Matter What’"]

They self-identify anyone they don't like as being the enemies they invent.  How do they do this?  It's like when you make some random comment about television or something and leftists immediately accuse you of lying.  They don’t ask any questions, that would help them learn what's going on, they go straight to false accusations of lying.

We don't get vaccines against swine flu or the other supposed horrible viruses of the last decade or so, why is this one different?  Other viruses are as big as air molecules and won’t be stopped by putting cloth on your face, how does it work for this one?  Actual vaccines have been tested for years to learn long-term results, this one hasn't and many vaccinated people are dying for no reason.  You're trying to impose this on the rest of the world and expect obedience, you're the ones who will go after us no matter what.

There's nothing fanatic about that, you're tyrants and we oppose that.

As we enter Memorial Day weekend, we should put some thought into the men who died for us, they didn't do it for this.  I'd like to think that maybe we can remember them this weekend and actually carry on the fight the way they would have if they could.

They're trying to wipe out every form of hope in existence and are deluded enough to think we'll enjoy that as much as they do.  They'll be the one-world bureaucracy and we all have to obey without question.

28 May, 2022

The wolf self-identifies as a sheep.

□ [“CNN Admits ‘It’s Time to Prepare for a Recession’"]

They're several months late but they didn't get where they are by telling their small audience the truth.  Will any of that audience actually prepare for what’s coming?  Then again, if they’d would, they'd have been doing that in the first place.

Of course they gave no reason for the economic problems, government crushing the gas industry and refusing to help Americans.  If the audience wants to know anything about that, for help in preparing, they'll need to look someplace else for guidance.

They're not looking at the audience, much less trying to get more viewers, they're looking at the masters who tell them what to say.  If you're more interested in Ukraine or abortion, they've got something for you to stare at.

Well, not Ukraine so much, they're now basically ignoring that.  That's how you treat victorious allies and we've been assured for months that Ukraine has wiped the floor with Russia every step of the way.

I'm a little sarcastic, CNN is reporting that we're sending longer-range missiles, now the world knows.  Democrats would have loved if we did that with Vietnam.

They were in charge of both houses of Congress from 1933 through 1983 (minus 1947-8 and 1955-6) *and* the White House except for Eisenhower and Nixon.  Reagan had six years of a Republican Senate, then it went back to Democrats until Bill Clinton.

This shows that Democrats got the media they wanted.  This is what we face now, like the complete lack of a peace movement until Nixon took over Vietnam.  Then there’s the media.  LBJ spied on Nixon supporters in 1968 and his opponent Barry Goldwater was spied on in 1964.  JFK told reporters about Republicans’ tax returns and nobody minded, or reported what they’d been told.  FDR created the FBI to spy on opponents.

But Nixon horrifically perverted the office of President, he wasn't a Democrat.

So we're waiting for the self-declared world government.  It’d be nice to think they'll be fighting among themselves.  They'll do that sooner or later anyway but they could start right away.  It’s not like any of us would have to fight for them.

Russia, China and Iran are probably ready for their next moves.  The left knows theirs.  Fuel and food are ready to go scarce, these are just the obvious looming problems.  Every city, town and neighborhood will probably crack up.  We don't know how many people have been getting back-up supplies to hold out and behave rationally for a while.

It's a fair assumption that the rulers are using the passage of time to break us down even more, although they may have actual reasons for delay.  China and Iran will wait until they're ready, no clue why the others are holding off.

Maybe they're all as incompetent as they appear to be.  I’d need conclusive proof of that, but it would be helpful.  We can assume American leftists are incompetent but unfortunately there's no reason to assume that for China, Russia or the others.

When will we break?  They’re obviously aiming for that, in addition to their absolute power.  I'm amazed we've lasted this long but it's got to come to an end soon.

29 May, 2022

You can get three strikes before you're out, when will truckers start the first one?

“The Speaker will not be commenting on this private matter which occurred while she was on the East Coast.”

Nancy Pelosi's 82-year old hubby was busted for drunk driving around midnight.  The charges weren't even filed until 4AM, was he still drunk?

Of course he won't be punished, he’s old, white and very rich.  But suddenly Nancy has nothing to say about someone's private matters except that she was nowhere nearby when it happened.  Mothers Against Drunk Driving or any of those organizations has made no comment.  Maybe he'll just say he was arrested for 'driving while black.'

I guess they need something to compensate now that she can’t have communion.

□ [“Biden Falsely Claims Jan. 6 Rioters ‘Killed Two Police Officers’ In Speech At Alma Mater"]

It looks like more people see that Biden is not remotely up to the job.  Those who respect him could say 'get the hell out of there' but nobody seems to be saying that.  Odd coincidence.  Even his wife won't tell him to stop ruining himself.  But those who can get what they want from him will keep him there no matter what.

As always, no way to know how many people see the real problem but just mouth the required words when they have to.  Such people would probably be most 'in the know' with the most access to escape plans or just seizing power, whichever they're into.

Those are the most worrisome people.  They're clever enough to not be obvious so we don't know what they're up to and they’ll have enough assets to take down the rest of us.  Near as I can tell, these are the ones who united to steal elections and impose the world dictatorship.  Maybe there's some on our side but who knows?

Or as Biden just told Navy graduates that he claimed he could’ve been one of, “By the way, once you’re commissioned, remember, (whispers) I’m your commander-in-chief.  So don’t ask me too tough a question, okay?”

□ [“Uvalde Police Department Releases Statement:  Thankful 'Officers Did Not Sustain Any Life Threatening Injuries' After 19 Children And Two Teachers Are Dead"]

Probably helped waiting outside for an hour so the killer could use up his ammo.

More is coming out that this was a blatant set-up for leftists to demand banning guns.  The shooter entered through a door that was always locked but a teacher had opened exactly one minute before he arrived, as seen on the school cameras.

The guy started shooting immediately while outside but the teachers kept the door open to make sure he had access.  Every inside door was kept open, despite all the lockdown training the school went through every week.  After entering, the shooter knew how to lock the classroom doors so he could shoot people at his own pace.

The FBI had been tracking him for quite a while but did nothing.  Despite not having a job or using a credit card, somehow the killer got not one but two rifles costing over $6000 each.  They're close to the border, maybe guns come in that way, no wonder Democrats want it open.  No wonder the police had been told to stay the hell away.

□ [“CDC Raises Travel Alert to ‘Level 2’ For Monkeypox"]

And they're putting out this stuff.  I've seen internet articles saying people are traveling more this weekend, or less, like the media hasn't come to a consensus.  My guess is less, there's less reason to go anywhere these days without specific plans, unless you're someone who give no thought to what's going on.

But the rulers are going to keep pushing the latest disease.  They don't want us going anywhere either.  It's easier to rule people who stay in one place.  But then again, it's also easier for us to be more productive in one place.  So there's good and bad.

I think the rulers will take their next step by the start of June, assuming they don't use the Memorial Day weekend.

30 May, 2022

Buy a man a hamburger, he says he wants a Big Mac that day.  Screw it, just let him starve.

□ [“Mile-Long Line of Cars to Pick Up Baby Formula in Michigan as Baby Formula Crisis Continues"]

On the southern border, people are going over to Mexico to buy baby formula.  It's nice that even a third-world country can get help from its neighbors, but that still leaves us with the late-term abortion supporters who openly want to reduce population and by an amazing coincidence, were the ones who caused this shortage.

The ‘mile-long line of cars’ had to drive miles just to get there and will have to drive more to get home.  Just getting this baby formula will cost a lot more than usual.  Presumably none of them are black, they're too oppressed to buy gasoline *and* baby formula, assuming they haven't already aborted their babies.  Living the liberal dream.

□ [“Fox News on Gun Control, Republicans ‘Party of Egregious Mass Shootings and Uncontrolled Guns’"]

For a long time, I've wondered if Fox News was a set-up for leftists who always focused on it while ignoring the media who said what they wanted to hear.  When hearing anything they didn’t like, it was common to say 'you got that from Fox News,' which had nothing to do with the topic of discussion.  But at least they got to advertise Fox.

I've suspected it was a manufactured target, Fox was liberal but pretended to be different, inclusive, truthful, whatever the term is.  It gave the left something to focus on and let the right think there was someone on their side.

The left has been filling up all the media companies, just as they did with the unions and schools.  They ignore the unions now but the schools always have new targets every year so the teachers are used.  The media reports what they're told to say.

They've got the Jews and Christians, they think they've got Muslims although Islam is closer to the truth so it's probably reversed, they're the pawns.  But they're all in on taking away freedom.  Notice that none of them are in favor of the riots going on in Iran against the government, they're all in favor of the government.

Also 30 May, 2022

Dorothy is the only female sleeping in the poppies.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

 – Major John McCrae

These men didn't fight for this.  They didn't die for this.  They did this for us, so we could be free to stand up against the same enemy and fight back.  The enemy is always there, it will destroy us as soon as possible.

We must follow their example.  If we don't fight now, it's over.  If we break faith, they died for nothing and we will too.  There will be no poppies to mark our passing.

I've been thinking about how to organize resistance groups.  My influence is with Army Headquarters companies from which I have some experience and I'm thinking in terms of an apartment complex because of where I live.  Obviously other locations would be different.  My suggestion isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, a group has a different way to unite that works better for them, go ahead.  It's not like anyone else could stop them.

I am taking it as a given that someone with military/police experience would be available and could automatically lead because I think one would be needed.

Organization:  S1) personnel, essentially a secretary for the commander who keeps track of everybody else in the unit.  S2) intelligence, focusing on the big picture.  S3) operations, contacting everyone else on our side.  S4) logistics, keeping track of the supply chain here and with other units, accountability for all the equipment.  There's also obviously need for maintenance, medics, food.  There would probably be children around so some must keep a watch of them and probably help educate them.

I think the first step is to see who in the vicinity has military/police experience, as well as to find who else has skills that could be useful, particularly with maintenance and medicine, who has useful tools and/or weapons, who has local or regional connections.  Also see who has medical weakness or other issues that could lead to a problem.

Unless there are walls/fences available, people could come and go as they want which could cause problems.  It would probably be difficult and time-consuming, but I'd suggest the leader make a point of specifically meeting everyone to ask about their strengths and weaknesses.  That way they could talk in private if the people didn't want to say they had a bunch of food and guns in front of everyone else.

If more than one person has military leadership experience, they should definitely work together and as bodyguards.  There’d be no need for someone whose job is to be a bodyguard but there’s need for someone who can think in those terms.  If possible, there would also need to be guards on each side of the 'base' (for lack of a better term) 24-7.

I don't know what communications we'd have – phones, internet, etc. – so I don't know how that could be handled, and I don't know where outside supplies would come from.  Then there's fuel, electricity, food...  I do think that a lot of the last century's gender nonsense would be entirely dropped as counterproductive and women would be the first to demand that, particularly those with children.

Obviously there would have leadership difficulties.  That happens at the best of times and we've all gone insane these days.  It would be tough to keep anybody from escaping and there's always the enemy trying to break in.  Would this be a temporary thing or would it last for a long time?  No way of knowing, but we need to prepare.

31 May, 2022

When all you have is writing, everything looks like a keyboard. That doesn't go well.

□ [“Rocket Man’s Regime Will Soon Chair U.N.’s Nuclear Disarmament Body"]

China must be happy, more help in the UN with countries that have nukes.  Iran too.  Everybody in the UN knows that the dictators get what they want.

□ [“Trudeau announces national handgun ban"]

Canada knows that, they want to be more like North Korea.  Only dictators and criminals should have guns, the serfs just have to suffer.  They’re easier to rule that way, Just take anything you want from them.  The US could invade and they couldn’t stop us.

How many Canadians are armed?  We need to unite.  As a union, we can go on strike.  Gotta assume Trudeau's people won’t lose any elections any time in the future.

□ [“7,000 Flights Canceled On Memorial Day Weekend; Stranded Passengers Lash Out at Airlines"]

How the hell can they do this?  Pilots and stewardesses who aren't vaccinated?  TSA or fuel problems?  The companies just give the generic excuse, bad weather and air traffic control actions, whatever that means.  Were there storms going on all over the US this weekend that we never saw or heard about?  There must be pilots who are vaccinated, are they having heart problems now?

The government is doing this deliberately, crushing our use of cars and planes.  They've already ordered us to stay home for the last two years.

□ [“Biden Wanted Photo-Op w/ Hero Border Patrol Agents, Then Insulted Them and Dropped Invitations"]

Biden did, the people around him did or the masters his people are working for?

It does seem to be coming out that even the people around Biden have major problems with him.  He doesn't know what he's talking about, he can't do anything and his name is on the door so they have to pretend to obey him.

□ [“NBC News:  Biden 'Rattled' By Polling, Angry He's Not Getting Enough Credit"]

Even NBC is reporting on this.  It’s based on polls which sensible people wouldn't really trust, but it is something.  Biden gets a 36% approval in Delaware, his home state.  Who’d have thought a third of the people who know him could tolerate him?

Apparently he's also angry that his people immediately contradict what he tells the media.  Are we defending Taiwan or not when China invades?  Biden says yes, his people say no.  Obviously Democrats can win in November without blatant election theft so Biden's attacking those around him.  It's not his fault, he had nothing to do with it.

The administration's hope is to solve problems with ‘messaging,’ the opposite of accomplishing anything worthwhile.  They think they're wonderful and are hurt that everybody else doesn't agree with them.

Last May, inflation was “temporary.”  In June, it would “pop up, then go back down.”  In July, it was “transitory” and long-term inflation was “highly unlikely.”  In August it was “decelerating.”  In September it was “Big Meat’s fault.  In October it was a “high class problem.”  In November, Covid was the “root cause.”  By January it was at its “peak.”  In February it was the supply crisis’ fault and by March it was “Putin’s fault.”

None of these people think they make mistakes.  None of them are responsible, especially the guy who claims to be in charge.  It's just easier to blame speculators, racists, transphobia, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Meat, Putin, climate change, climate change deniers, the unvaccinated, guns and Trump.

Now even the media isn't helping him like he thinks he deserves.  Last September he told them “I don’t look at the polls.  Not a joke,” now he complains about the polls.  In 2020, someone texted under his name that he'd do the job and not blame others.

□ [“Worries about coming ObamaCare premium spikes intensify"]

Who even remembers this anymore?  It’s still there, government taking over, forcing people to buy things they don’t want with irrelevant perks to make it more expensive, all while promising that we could keep what we already had.

Last year Biden gave money so people could pay for this, the payment ends just before the election.  Some people would be worried about that, others not so much.

□ [“Biden Spox Says Regime Looking at 'Other Executive Actions' on Gun Control"]

I've got several more headlines like this, tyrants wanting their subjects disarmed.   They’ll protect the criminals and law enforcement will side with the tyrants.

So of course the pretend-POTUS will ignore Congress as tyrants always do.  No wonder they must disarm their subjects.  They even call guns an "epidemic," giving our new world order masters the opportunity to move in.  They'll have guns, that's for sure.