Saturday, June 18, 2022


24 March, 2022

It's Russia's fault my girlfriend left me!  If I ever have a girlfriend, I'll hate her guts!

□ [“Eleven Airline CEOs Send Biden a Letter Asking Him To Remove Useless Mask Mandates”]

Hopefully it's just a basic step, expecting that Biden’s masters will refuse or ignore this.  It’s possible they'll give in and let people take off those stupid masks but I expect it to be a while before they do that.  But what are the airlines going to do?

□ [“'I Must Move the City Forward' NYC Mayor Exempts Athletes/Performers From Vax Mandate”]

Only if the elites have commanded it.  Seriously, why doesn't he just say he's passed a law forbidding the virus to attack actors?  Obviously he can't do that for everybody, that's too much like equal treatment and he absolutely opposes that, but it would be simpler just to say his rules don't apply to special people.

Will people have to show their athletic or performing cards to be able to prove it to law enforcement?  Also did the rich actors and athletes just pay him a bribe to get off the list of AFFECTED BY THE SCIENCE?

□ [“Chinese Foreign Minister Flies to Kabul and Plants a Tree with Taliban Government Leaders”]

Peace and love, there's even plants to support the earth.  Was this all part of the plan or did it just come up as a neat thing to do for both sides since they'd obviously won?  Did Obama/Biden intend to do this or are they just following orders?

□ [“Croatian Christine Anderson, Second European Official Calls Out Tyrant Justin Trudeau to His Face!”]

There's a NATO meeting in Brussels.  Even Biden was there, surprising.  While Russia/China/Iran/etc. continue smoothly, some NATO members actually dealt with and fought communist rulers for decades.  But other NATO members wish they were more like those communist rulers and are doing everything they can to make that happen.

Who in their right minds would listen to countries that were ruled by Russia?

□ [“Biden:  Expect 'Real' Food Shortages in Europe and the United States”]

They know in advance what’s going to happen, they must have made plans for it.  Obviously those plans don't help the rest of us, we don’t matter.

So what are they going to do?  This will be something which makes patience run out real quickly.  I'm sure they have back-up food but (a) how long will that food last? (b) what will the men with guns who surround them eat? (c) what will the family, friends and neighbors of those men with guns eat? (d) do those family, friends and neighbors have any other family, friends and neighbors who might like to eat too?

What back-up plan could you have to cover all these people while you destroy the supply chain for everyone else?  This is what NATO's working on now, probably don't have much to say about Russia.  This is a pose for us, not for anything really important.

We're probably giving weapons to Ukraine but the so-called administration has no plans to produce more.  These are back-ups, if we don't have them, we won't have replacements and unless Ukraine treats them kindly (and Russia too) they won’t be coming back in working order.  So where will new ones come from?

There's also the sanctions which either make Russia learn to do without the goods, find a new source or make its own.  They had started producing cheese because Lithuania obeyed US sanctions, now Russia has enough cheese.  Fuel, metal, computers, they already deal with China if they don't have enough themselves.  There's a few small parts of Eurasia these two nations don't control, the rest is already theirs and it's very self-sufficient.  That's another advantage in a war on multiple fronts.

Most of Russia's vulnerable sides are Europe, southwest Asia and Alaska, and you can count the Arctic.  China's got communist nations it controls and a bit of India and southwest Asia.  That's a simplified description, they both have the Pacific Oceans and each other, but it gets the basic idea across.  As far as land goes, they're in the top spot and they want more.  They also have allies and colonies around the world to help out.

"I did not say that, in fact, the sanctions would deter him.  Sanctions never deter.  You keep talking about that.  Sanctions never deter."

Biden said that today.  Yet the people who pretend to work for him disagree.

□ [“Five times the White House said sanctions could deter Putin”]

These people are paid to pretend they know anything.  The lady who asked about sanctions actually got picked to speak, most media wouldn't get that unless they obeyed.

I think the main problem comes down to that these people aren't good at planning and they aren't right all that often, but they only need to be right a few times to destroy everything and that's what they've been working on for decades-at-minimum.

□ [“Russia Says Hunter Biden, CDC, George Soros Funded Pentagon’s Biological Program in Ukraine”]

Hunter probably brought money in, they can prove all the others' involvement but I dunno, this makes it convenient to ignore the entire thing.  This will probably mean Hunter gets dropped from any child-rape suspicion.

I came up with this stuff, we need to start mocking more:

It's Russia's fault the candy machine was out of my favorite chocolate bars!

It's Russia's fault we never got hoverboards by 2015!

It's Russia's fault there hasn't been a good Star Wars movie since 1983!

It's Russia's fault my shoes and jacket don't match this tie!

It's Russia's fault the Beatles broke up!

It's Russia's fault I'm allergic to cheese whiz!

25 March, 2022

Only the vaccinated soldiers can deploy to Ukraine.

I'm not able to post a link to the article but it's reported that Ukrainian witches are planning something on Ukraine’s “place of power,” Bald Mountain near Kiev.

“On March 31, on the 29th lunar day, the day of corruption and curses, we, the witches of Ukraine, in collaboration with foreign partners, will perform a ritual of punishing the enemy of the Ukrainian people – Vladimir Putin.”

Foreign partners are imposing this upon the world.  Bald Mountain’s probably best known from Disney’s Fantasia.  It's not clear this is the “Bald Mountain,” many have that name around the world, but Ukraine or Poland are the most obvious choices for an 1867 Russian tone poem-turned-opera by Russian composer Modest Mussorgsky.

I'm listening to Mussorgsky now, it's certainly fun.  If you like that sort of thing, this is one of those things you like.  If you don't like it, that's what the witches are for.

This must be one of those casual, easy-going warzones if people can just leave the city and go party on the mountain.  No Russian troops in the way, aircraft, spies or bots around to stop them.  Probably a fun place to be, like a Disney movie.  Only they're celebrating Cesar Chavez Day and International Transgender Day of Visibility.

So there's no clue whether or not they'll really do this or if it’ll have any effect.  But it's sure easy enough to believe that's what leftists believe they can do.

□ [“Biden Tells US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine”]

This is several problems right there.  First of all, he's flat-out announcing the attack.  That's stupid.  Second of all, after his speech, the White House put out that there has been no change, US troops are still not going to go to Ukraine.  Who's in charge?  The guy we're pretending is POTUS didn't know what he was talking about so who does?

“The Ukrainian people, Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone, they have a lot of guts.  And I’m sure you’re observing it.  And I don’t mean just the military which is, we’ve been training since back when they uh, Russia moved into the southeast, southeast um, Ukraine.  But also the average citizen.  Look at how they’re stepping up.  Look at how they’re stepping up.  And you’re gonna see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people standing, standing in the middle, in front of damn tank just, just saying, 'I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground.'  They’re incredible.  But they take a lot of inspiration from us.  And you know, woman who just died, the secretary of State used to have an expression, she said, 'we are the essential nation.' It sounds like a bit of uh, hyperbole but the truth of the matter is you are the organizational principle around which the rest of the world, the free world is moving.”

One of these things is not like the other.

“The President has been clear we are not sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position.”

Third of all, how will that affect the pay?  Combat pay, hazardous duty pay, imminent danger pay, soldiers notice that on their paychecks, trust me.  But there is not war pay, Congress needs to vote on that.  Ukraine is not on the list of countries (as of 2018) as combat pay so they're not going to get extra money for being shot at.

The military needs to work out who gets paid what and why.  The senile idiot who says this is what's going to happen is the first impediment to making that happen.

□ [“Troops Look Stunned as Biden Talks Gibberish and Eats Pizza, They're Still Waiting For Food”]

Senior ranks eat last, that's a basic military concept since the dawn of time, just a few years after Biden was born.  Yet he doesn't know that.  None of his people know that or mentioned it in preparation for this meeting?  Even the people who actually decided about deployment to Ukraine didn’t step in and say anything?

Is this a set-up for the military to take the POTUS out?

On May 20, 2020, this guy tweeted “We don't have a food shortage problem – we have a leadership problem.”  We didn't have a food shortage problem then, we do now and it's the so-called leader's fault.  Just a couple days ago he finally noticed “With regard to food shortages, it's going to be real.”  *NOW* it'll be real.  All that before was fake.

This is what we're in for.

Ukraine can't produce wheat.  Russia can but nations suddenly won’t buy Russian wheat.  Has any nation ever just gone along as normal during wheat shortages, everything was fine?  The US and Europe will have big problems but actual poor countries will have riots and coup attempts.  Russia and China can set up their own alternate trade system and sell wheat to non-white countries.  They’ll get a lot of fans that way.

Still don't know what the Freedom Convoy is doing.  A bunch of them are still driving around with whatever limitation the DC police have imposed, anything else?

Whether the Night on Bald Mountain actually happens or not, I think they're trying to bring this to a head at the end of the month.  Don't know how or why.  They want to burn us out and they already have way too much success.

26 March, 2022

I self-identify as someone who doesn't need food, so I'll be fine.  Sucks to be you losers.

So far, this year's Women's History Month has seen:

A biological man beating women in swimming and setting new records.

A biological man is named USA Today's "Woman of the Year."

A biological black woman nominated for the Supreme Court can't define what a woman is because she's not a biologist.

□ [“‘Black Lives Matter’ Accused of ‘Clear Violation of IRS Rules,’ Charity Status Reportedly at Risk”]

It's a fraud and protected at the highest levels.  They won't be stopped and they'll keep taking in money.  This must have been part of the plan all along.

"For God sake, this man cannot remain in power. "

 – Biden about Putin

“The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region.  He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.”

 – unnamed White House official

Biden doesn’t think so there's no impression he was saying what he actually thinks.  He said what he's told to say but whoever told him to say this wanted him to specify that Putin can't remain in power, end of discussion.  Otherwise they would have added “except in Russia because we're totally not trying to get regime change.”

If you were Putin, who would you believe?  Would you believe Biden is saying you need have to be taken out or unnamed people who work for Biden who say Biden never said anything like that and anyone who thinks otherwise is misunderstanding him.

Or maybe it's the people who are clarifying what he said who misunderstood him.

Farmers are working out what to do since they can't get fertilizer, food processors are working out what to do since they'll have a lot less food to work with.  No media will cover this, no Democrats will say they've gone the wrong way.  And we’re getting worse.

Also 26 March, 2022

I self-identify as someone who knew then what I know now.

Working on the “History project,” I happened to run into Charles Babbage.  I've heard about him most of my life but never given any thought to when he lived, the early 1800s.  So he had plans for what we now know as computers well over a century before they actually began.  It would be World War II before there was much progress from Babbage's era and the next few decades before there was major advances in the field.

But Babbage's work was known for decades and it inspired people.  They’d know what they were working on even if they never reached it in their lives.  There would’ve been many extraneous thought or discussion on the matter and how it would work for other fields.  Even Babbage had thought of it as putting together unskilled workers to produce something more complicated and his successors saw the 19th Century passing.

When Babbage was born, the French Revolution was starting, the first major outbreak of socialism.  It was followed by the Napoleonic wars that spread this all through Europe.  By the time Babbage was cooking, they'd had a few years of peace.

What strikes me is that this is quite possibly where the basic concept of futurism came from.  They knew what they were developing even if it wouldn't even be close in their lifetimes, major electronic inventions that would cross every field and everyone's lives.  No clue how many of them thought this way as individuals, but as a group, they would decide they knew best and plan how to impose this onto all the inferiors.

Even more, they could look back at previous generations and self-identify them as fellow members, regardless of what the dead people actually did or said.  They’d think they saw and defined everything, past, present and future, and the rest of us had to obey, with or without consent.  They self-identify as superior, that's all that matters to them.

27 March 2022

Meanwhile, at stately Blog mansion...

□ [“New Zealand:  Massey University’s Queer Fat Studies Lecturer and ‘Fatlicious Feminist’ Dies Suddenly in Her Sleep at 42”]

The virus must have killed her, nothing else could get through that massive heap of flesh.  Since she wasn't vaccinated, nobody cares that she's dead.  Good riddance.

Oh, she was vaccinated?  Then it doesn't matter.  The virus didn't kill her and that's all we pay attention to these days.  Still no big loss, I blame Russia for it.

Maybe the vaccine wasn't capable of making it through her bloodlines, that’s why she spent her life trying to expand them.  A heart expecting to pump blood all that way must have been more work than most people would ever want, but she enjoyed it.

□ [“California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench”]

Amazingly, it's not a woman pretending to be a man.  It's always someone with a penis who makes women look sane by comparison.  It shows who’s the best at anything.  We never see big strong men-with-vaginas competing in sports against the wimpy little boys-with-penises.  Maybe men are too sensitive to humiliate losers that way.

Don’t they ever noticing this in the slightest?  Well, maybe the ones in charge do but the obedient never think of this.  Those in charge were probably all born as males, I'm guessing females would, at most, marry into the 'family.'

I assume the leaders who claim to deny reality actually know a lot more about it than their followers and they probably enjoy the perversion in private, keeping their servants and mansions and private jets while publicly insisting those be taken away.

□ [“Sean Penn Will Destroy His Oscars if Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Doesn’t Get To Speak”]

He’s just showing off that he gives the orders, they've probably already filmed the speech from the person who has nothing to do with Hollywood, as far as we know.  It would be nice if they told Sean Penn that they don't work for him but they do.

Considering the media keeps telling us that Russia’s totally defeated and has been failing for weeks, they just keep moving forward.  Suddenly there was more attention giving to the virus again but now they don't seem to have a clue which way to go.

You'd think there'd be footage of the mile-after-mile of destroyed tanks, vehicles and planes, not to mention all the dead bodies.  The victorious Ukraine air force would get some publicity even if the Russians still have dominance of the air.

Unless Russia's taken out all of Ukraine's military airfields but the media doesn't tell us that.  If Russia controls the air, it's only a matter of time until Ukrainian ground forces surrender, assuming they haven't started doing that already.  But again, the media isn't reporting on this.  But the leader has time to ban all opposing political parties and make an appearance with Hollywood stars?  That's not how wars work.

Russia's had some time to prepare if NATO wants to send in jets.  That is how wars work but so far, NATO hasn't announced war.

□ [“Alaska Gives Elections to Democrats; Next Election Will Be Mail-In Ballots, No Signature Check”]

And there we go, that's why they're not worried about the 2022 elections.  They'll start bringing in votes now and decide who to get around to giving them to later on.

The ruble is becoming more popular because Europe needs to use that to pay for electricity.  What else would they do, suddenly start using gasoline, coal, natural gas?  Or have China and Russia bring in all the parts to your solar power devices?

If anybody's got a workable plan, I'd bet on Russia and China.

So what is the plan we can follow?  Who do we turn to?  This is just crumbling more and more, we've got no hope or direction.  And face it, they've got more schemes to go.  Any new viruses?  More government tyranny?

I still follow the Freedom Convoy but there's no sense anything is accomplished.  I expect something to happen around March 31, a curse the witches obviously intend.  I really hope it falls back on them but there's no reason to expect that.  It just looks like everything will worsen for the rest of our lives.  We desperately need God’s help.

28 March, 2022

Another day, another pamphlet... Is there any more to life than this?

The Convoy is getting ready to drive back to California to protest new tyrannies being put into law.  I’ll say again, just go on strike.  It would be far more effective than this waste of time and money.  The tyrants aren't going to listen to you.  Just stop and let the country go without for a couple weeks.

It’s also a bit suspicious, suggesting it at Sunday's meeting and everyone just goes for it?  Weren't they supposed to do something in DC?  Is that suddenly unimportant?

There are patriots in California, they need to overthrow their dictators, but this won’t work.  This is just driving around.  They'd be more effective to convince every other trucker to not drive into California or any other state trying to impose this tyranny.

You're not going to beat this tyranny by driving around and trying to convince them.  They need to see what happens when you are not participating in their games.  The looters know truckers are still there to be relied on.  People need to learn why we can’t get by without them.  The looters appreciate that so they can spend more time going on about how evil it is to use fuel and vehicles that kill the planet.

□ [“Beau Biden Foundation Got Millions, Spent 1/8 on Helping Abused Kids While Hunter Sat on Board”]

He probably took at least as much money, that’s basically what foundations do, help rich people get richer and promote themselves as caring people who get mansions.

Nowadays the rulers are just openly showing off more and more their rules don't apply to them.  Last night Will Smith punched the host Chris Rock on stage at the Oscars.  There's no punishment, black-on-black violence is just a thing that happens.  Smith got an Oscar a little while later.  That’s all that matters.

□ [“Will Smith Holds Oscar Party, Dances to His Own Songs; Chris Rock Won’t File Police Report”]

Well obviously he can't call the police, darkies can commit assault and battery without a problem.  So what option does that leave?  Who knows, maybe it was just an act in the first place to give the Oscars more publicity than they’ve had for a long time.  At least California Penal Code Section 242 gets a little more attention, battery is "any willful & unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another."  And Smith did it on live tv, there must have been at least four or five people watching.

Maybe a lower-level actor would have been punished and gotten bitchslapped around.  Chris Rock is a lower-level actor who got bitchslapped, he just shut up and took it.  But when you're a star, those silly rules don't apply to you.

As near as I can tell, Sean Penn did not get his wish, the Ukraine leader did not make a speech at the Oscars.  No word on if Penn has actually lived up to his promise but he supports Ukraine, he's probably already forgotten all about it.  There's parties to go to.

□ [“Biden Snaps:  'Nobody Believes I Was Talking About Taking Down Putin! Nobody Believes That!'“]

Then who do they think he was talking about in his speech about Putin?  I guess Ukraine was involved too, maybe he wants Zelensky taken down, but liberal media was covering it and said he was talking about Putin.  The White House has people who apparently just woke up one day and decided to announce out of the blue that Biden had not changed his policy on not removing Putin from power.

Face it, even if he'd legitimately won the election, he still wouldn't be POTUS.

Then he admits that he has no control over his emotions – as if yelling at the press wasn't enough – and it was just a personal view about Putin.  But we’re told he wasn’t talking about Putin.  But he believes that he was, he just... never said it... or something.

Also 28 March, 2022

I’d never call her a Witchy Woman because biologists don’t know magic. 

Girl, you'll be a woman soon.

Soon, you'll need a biologist.


She takes just like a woman

She makes love just like a woman

And she aches just like a woman

But I don't know what those are, I'm not a biologist


Alimony, alimony paying your bills

Living, loving, she's just a... Hey, what is she anyway?

When your conscience hits, you knock it back with pills

Living, loving, she's just... um, something. I don't pretend to know anything about her.


Pretty woman, stop a while

Pretty woman, talk a while

Pretty woman, give your smile to a biologist

Pretty woman, yeah, yeah, yeah

Pretty woman, look my way

Pretty woman, say you'll let me identify you


She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes

And she can ruin your faith with her casual lies

And she only reveals what she wants you to see

She hides like a child

But she's always a woman to me because I self-identify as a biologist


When my soul was in the lost and found

You came along to claim it

I didn't know just what was wrong with me

Till your kiss helped me name it

Now I'm no longer doubtful of what I'm living for

And if I make you happy, I don't need to do more

'Cause as a biologist you identified me

As a biologist you identified me

As a biologist you identified me as a natural woman

Thank you gentlemen and whoever biologists identify as ladies, the boys and I are going to take a short break but when we come back, we'll play Modern Woman, Honky Tonk Woman, LA Woman, American Woman and Bess, You Is My Woman Now.

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