Saturday, June 18, 2022


20 April, 2022

You should be forced to wear a mask, your face makes people sick.

□ [“Emails Reveal Secret Service Agents Furious Over Biden White House Lies”] 

Biden's dog bit multiple Secret Service agents but the government lied and said it only happened once, a minor bit, nothing more.  Now we learn it actually happened eight times in March 2021 alone.  That's how Democrats treat their protectors.  Not a surprise, Biden probably still shows his wang off to the Secret Service.  He does like doing that.

Many people are claiming Russia has failed in this Russia/Ukraine thing.  How does an invader’s attack fail if it keeps the territory it didn’t have before the invasion?  When has that ever happened before?  Ukraine still has electricity and internet connection, doesn’t Russia know that would be a quick way to reach victory?  It would be pretty easy for Russia if all it wanted was to invade and conquer.  Whatever they're doing, it's not conquest.  They do have the farmlands so food will soon be running short.

I think a convincing argument could be made that Putin is doing this for the New World Order, or he's doing it against the NWO, or he's doing it for Russia, or he's doing it for himself.  There's no way to know but the media is definitely getting it wrong.

Someone told me Russia had lost its entire military at Ukraine.  Really?  All forces are in one small part of Ukraine, there's nothing they can do to stop any invader?  China and Poland and Alaska can grab some territory because Russia has no defense?  I don't think any military is stupid enough to give up its job like that but that's what the CIA and CNN say, as are NATO members who want to fight Russia.  The US was trying to get Poland and Germany into sending jets to take away Russia's air-control.

And how does Russia control the air if they're losing so badly?  Shouldn't Ukraine's air force have a few victories to show for the last couple months?  An air force can wipe out cities, which Russia isn't doing, you can't beat the air force from the ground.

Ukraine would have no communication, no refrigerators or indoor lights if Russia aimed at the electric grid or the internet.  Everything would be totally gone and surrender would be the only way to go.  People like electricity.  They like using the internet.  Yet Russia hasn't destroyed it for some reason.

The response told me that Ukraine had some success with rockets and had taken down a few jets.  Ok, a rocket got through a week ago.  Ok, one or two planes no longer fly.  That doesn't remove the air force which controls the skies, that would take a lot more and Ukraine must be too lazy to bother.   Meanwhile Russia can drop thousands of bombs every day, at minimum, but they obviously aren't doing that either.

Conquest would be very easy if they had done that any time in the last two months.   It's obviously not their prime goal despite western media claiming otherwise.

□ [“BLM silent when confronted with data showing massive 2020 spike in Black murders victims”] 

I've seen a theory that the actual goal is to eradicate inferiors.  I can't believe that (yet) but it would explain a lot and for more than old leftists and their fat/lazy/stupid young.  Or this example.  If this is all black lives are worth, they really don't matter.

Religion would say that everybody matters, the left opposes this.  BLM does nothing for black lives, they're busy spending all their money to buy mansions.

□ [“Psaki Walks Back Biden’s Comment That It’s Up to Individuals If They Wear Masks on Airplanes”] 

□ [“Psaki Admits Forced Masking on Planes is About Preserving Power”] 

“The Department of Justice has indicated that they would appeal, not just because they think it’s entirely reasonable but because they think for current and future public health crises.  We want to preserve that authority for the CDC to have in the future, our focus here is seeing what power we had to preserve.”

Not much leeway there.  It's about gaining power, keeping power and by extension, expanding power.  If that means they have to tell lies like "two weeks to flatten the curve" or "I have a plan" then that's what they're going to do.

My guess is that it's more about leftism’s fundamental suicidal attitude.  Their children can't survive but they’ll infect every other child the same way.  The result is still eradicating inferiors but I can't believe they intentionally want that for their own kind.

But Biden says it's up to the individual and the government says they aren't obeying Biden.  Maybe at some point we'll find out who's actually in charge.

21 April, 2022

She gave me her body but I only wanted her heart.  Hello!  I'm on a diet!

Don't have much to say tonight, just a few comments.  It's been a day.

□ [“DOJ Files an Appeal on Mask Mandate Ruling – Wants to Ensure Masks on Trains/Planes Continues”] 

If there's any benefit to this, it'll be that the Executive Branch will have to admit that they don't listen to the person they claim is POTUS.  He says wearing a mask is up to the individual’s choice.  They ignore him and do their own thing but they’ll have to explain why they opposing the guy they pretend is in charge who technically responsible for their actions.  They could say who they're really obeying and on what authority.

We can assume Biden is totally fine with this.  He didn't get to where he is today by making decisions, especially with his subordinates, but they could at least admit how they operate and what whoever’s really in charge expects of them.

This guy is clearly on his last legs.  It’d be easy to blame senility but my theory is that the position of POTUS really crushes whoever's holding it, especially if they stole it.  Biden was never strong, that's why he went for Congress instead.  He was deluded enough to try to run for POTUS a couple times but never had the slightest chance of even getting the nomination.  The tyrants made it happen in 2020, he had nothing to do with it.

□ [“‘This is a CDC Issue, It Should Not Have Been a Court Issue’ Fauci Says CDC Above Law & Courts”] 

Does he not have a clue how the government works or does he just want to copy Disney making its own laws?  Maybe both.  Either way, he's never had to face the voters, actual people of the country, he's been a bureaucrat all his life.

Sad part is if we kill him, two more will take his place.

□ [“Fauci’s China Deal, 'Destroy and/or Return Secret Files, Materials and Equipment With No Backup'“] 

Fauci helped train the Chinese scientists that developed the virus.  This is what they don't want revealed to the public.  They want to erase humanity and will work with communists to do it, but they don't want anyone else to know.  That basically sums it up.

□ [“Obama Admits Billions Were Covid Vaccine Guinea Pigs, Says People Dying From Misinformation”] 

They're dying from the untested chemical you forced on them and called it good, you're the "misinformation."  Or "disinformation" because you did that deliberately.

□ [“Intel Officials Who Called Hunter’s Laptop Russian Disinformation Now Say Big Tech Must Censor to Prevent Russian Disinformation”] 

This is just projection, they're putting out the "disinformation" and will send men with guns to impose their will on anyone who disagrees.  Censorship, lies and defending a drug-using child-molester to seize power.  And all of them stand by this, no exceptions.

□ [“80 Year Old Bernie Sanders Open To Running Again If Biden Doesn’t Run In 2024”] 

He'll probably run against Biden, he’d definitely run against Harris.  Look at how much money he gets every time he runs, mansions ain't cheap.  There's the land, there's the maintenance, there's the staff.  No idea if Bernie pays taxes, that might help a bit.

My schedule has been changed.  Hopefully my millions of fans won’t see any difference here but just in case, that’s why.  Go on with your lives.

22 April, 2022

I self-identify as a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

They're going to shut down the internet.  That's why the new managers of CNN+ and other internet media sites are suddenly dropping everything.  They know what's coming up and there's no point in wasting money on this.  They possibly researched this by banning everyone from going to work for the fraud virus so we had nothing else to do but stay home and play on the internet, or watch movies and stuff.

But liberals are grateful to the megacorporation with tax-avoidance and seperate laws.  No hesitation, they love Disney and want everyone to be more like that.  Just poor.

□ [“Biden Illegally Releasing Millions of Barrels from Strategic Oil Reserves to Lowest Level Ever”] 

I'm sure they are, laws don't apply to them.  The important thing is that they make people suffer and waste fuel by transporting these barrels of oil to other countries.  It takes fuel to run boats, planes and trucks to move the barrels elsewhere.

This is deliberate.  They're cutting the reserves down so we’ll have nothing to fall back on, so it doesn't matter if the law states that the reserves can only be used when there's a supply shortage due to terrorism or natural disaster.  Biden will stick his hands on it no matter what.  That's what his masters tell him to do.

After all, these people started raising prices as much as possible on Day One and only blame the virus or Russia, not their own planned actions to accomplish what they’ve always wanted, higher fuel prices and reducing the population.

□ [“Plane Crashes Near Georgia General Mills Food Plant; Fires Outbreaks At Many Food Facilities”] 

There is a possibility that the owners are doing an 'Ayn Rand' thing, saying we can build the factories ourselves if we want, but probably not.  Most likely it's part of whatever conspiracy is going on to destroy the food chain along with supply.

It's quite possible leftists want us to utterly starve so that we'll give in to everything they demand in exchange for food.  Or to just die, they’re fine with that too.

□ [“Biden Brags About Owning a ’68 Corvette as He Tells Americans to Drive Electric Vehicles”] 

They're not cheap, they're not fuel-efficient and according to leftists, they kill the earth every time they're used so Biden intents to ban them.  But he gets to have one.  He uses it less than Air Force One which requires a lot more fuel so that's ok.

□ [“Truckers Shutdown LA Freeway In Protest Of Biden’s Fuel Prices”] 

I really do hope this is part of the plan.  We really do need to shut everything down.  No freedom, no truck drivers.  It's not like they can just get more, not without breaking all the rules the truckers are opposing.

Ok, they'll probably do that anyway, but still, they don't have the incentive to make people want to drive trucks everywhere and *that's* what's required for supply.  Anyway, I hope that's what they're doing here and I hope it was planned when whatever's left of the Freedom Convoy reached California.

It will happen sooner or later but the later it takes to get to that point, the more our dictators can prepare to make sure their side has everything they need.  They want suffering and they'll get it, the only question is if it happens on their terms or ours.

But the fact is that they don't need to protest.  They just need to not show up to work.  That would make the point in a few days.

What really worries me is that the left has worked for this, infiltrating for many decades.  They have most of the Republican leaders, they have the church, they have a lot of the military and athletes.  Anything they can't take over, they seek to destroy.

We need to stop them.  We need to take them down as much as possible.  They're delighted by misery.  Let's give them some.

23 April, 2022

I told her she could wear a bra but she couldn't have mine.

□ [“CNN Reporter Brian Stelter Claims It’s ‘Too Early’ to Tell if CNN+ Was a Failure After the $100 Million Venture Was Cancelled Less Than a Month After Launch”] 

"Going rogue is a worthy venture."  Some people don't learn from mistakes.  He does not mention any successes of the last month.

How the hell did CNN+ rogue in the slightest against its masters?  Name anybody at CNN who was shocked by their behavior?  Name anyone at AOL/Time-Warner who gave them orders that were ignored by these rogues?  You can't because they obeyed.

And if it's such a worthy venture, why are their corporate masters cancelling it after a month?  They could spend another $100 million to get a second worthy month.

One thing that has leaped out at me recently is that a lot of people have realized that the childsex/pretend-gender conspiracy is really out to attack real people.

□ [“Transgender Novelist’s ‘Depraved Psychosexual Horrorshow’ Book Has J.K. Rowling Burned Alive”] 

This creature is getting a lot of publicity, its book is apparently a hit on Amazon’s “LGBTQ+ Horror Fiction” genre, but a lot of the comments on the page describe it as outright misogyny and fantasies of violence against women.  Which makes sense, this thing is pretending to be a woman so obviously he wouldn't like them very much.

All because Rowling dared to say that you're born as one of the only two genders.

These people are trying to put this into children, as hard as they can.  The term "grooming" has become popular.  Since kids don't know anything, they have no choice but to obey the groomers who always want to be in charge and imposing upon everyone else.  They're insane and they want to cause as much damage to others as possible.

□ [“Could a 'Worldwide Famine' Be Coming?  A Senator and Analyst Are Sounding the Alarm”] 

The government is now telling us there will be food shortages.  A little while ago, they were promising something called "Build Back Better."  I guess it’s the same thing.  Good thing they've already got enough votes to guarantee the next election, that way they can double down afterward to celebrate their victory.

That’s what the left wants to happen.  Without fertilizer, farmers can't grow many crops.  With Russia and Ukraine being blocked from exporting fertilizer, the rest of the world can't grow as many crops and therefore won't have as much to eat.

That's all it takes.  Biden and his masters have already been hitting farms as hard as they could for the last year.  If the convoy isn't going to work, we need something else.  Even if it does work, we'll still need something else.

We should be forming communities that are as self-reliant.  Ideally we’d have contact with other similar communities but these groups need to produce as many necessities as possible for themselves.  Food, shelter, protection are the most obvious, medicine, supply, communication are the next ones that matter the most.

The problem is these would require materials that aren't easily available, not in one location.  Vehicles need supplies to provide fuel and maintenance.  Medicine isn't something that's just grown in the back yard, nor are communication devices.

24 April, 2022

Which will we run out of first, food or fuel?

□ [“Oh, good.  Chicago putting 'unarmed security guards' on the trains and buses”] 

Who's going to be stupid enough to do this?  Chicago has many shootings every day already and their public transportation is the easiest place to find targets.  Who would accept the mission to protect the public and not be allowed to carry a weapon?

This is active support of killers and other criminals.  Those making this decision will be surrounded by men with guns, the people paying for that get nothing of the sort.

There is no pushback, no 'maybe this is the wrong way,' there’s only doubling down on spreading misery.  What do they think will happen when the food runs out?  Chicago needs a lot of food and they're already willing to kill people for a lot less.

Once upon a time, leftists had to worry about losing voter support.  They don’t do that anymore.  At this point, I think their prime goal is mass reduction of the population and as much misery as possible for as long as it takes and I think they've got this planned.

□ [“Stunning Upset!  Le Pen Trounces Globalist Macron in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guayana!”] 

I do like to think that the left has been set up all along – and perhaps they were by God – to seize power and show just how horrible they are.  And maybe that’s the case.  But just because I'd love to believe this is true doesn't make it so.

If the EU loses this, they're also losing something else.  They've just given their member states permission to pay Russia for fuel in rubles.  Even the NATO members?  Even with all the media covering how horrible Russia is?  And the sanctions, what about the sanctions that forbids them from buying anything from Russia?

My guess is they quickly realized how much suffering they imposed on their people by not paying Russia for fuel.  I know I just said they never do that but I do accept exceptions.  Let me know when it's leftists’ actual guiding principle is to prevent misery.

Anyway, Russia provides much of their fuel, Russia wants to be paid in rubles, Russia can find other customers if Europe won't go along.  I'll have to check if any EU officials ever have to face election but there can't be that many.  So totalitarians must find other ways to see what the public wants.  I have no what they do but I suspect there's some level of accuracy.  They wouldn't be able to take power without knowing what their subjects think and feel, even if the rulers don't like the results.

These French votes are from colonies where few people are white but they oppose what liberals have pushed on them.  We'll find out more election theft is coming.

Or not.  If it was stolen, Le Pen has already quit.  Who knows, maybe she was in on it.  So where there was a possible glimpse of hope, it's now gone.

□ [“Dem Rep. Cuellar calls out Biden for hurting party – 'look at the polls'“] 

Why should they trust polls anyway?  They already know polls tell them what they want to hear.  Now they can steal the election and say they overcame the polls.

If Democrats actually cared about the polls, they would immediately be calling out 'do what Trump did!'  That's how they'll avoid food shortages, if they actually want to avoid them.  But of course, that's a big "if."

Also 24 April, 2022

If you can read this, you will be arrested shortly.

I haven't said much about the Freedom Convoy lately, other than pointing out that they don't seem to have been doing anything.  Maybe they are accomplishing something inspirational or maybe they're doing it all at the state level.  If so, that's fine.

But they do seem to be getting into problems, internal arguments about money and leadership and forming as a non-profit.  You have to pay close attention to know who is who and what the issues are about, which obviously I don't do.  They'd be spending a lot less money and not need any leadership if they'd just gone on strike but that's apparently not an option yet.  I think just getting to this point is the problem.

They're arguing about 503(c)1 rules which, the little I know about them, shows that they're going in the wrong direction.  There's no need to organize if you refuse to work or bring in money.  Nothing to pay taxes on either.

I've already been worried that the convoy was a waste of time and effort that would accomplish nothing, this just proves that.  They should be hunkering down, preparing friends and family for the upcoming shortages and subsequent violence.

But these regulations ensure their leaders have a regular paycheck and a lot of stuff to do every day since the rulers aren't paying any attention.  And it keeps supplies being delivered so nobody else has to pay attention either.  That's what they're here for, right?  Soon they'll need to set up group elections and get tax lawyers.  There's a lot of work that goes into opposing... what is it we're opposing again?

This won't go well but it will keep going.  When the leaders get to start buying mansions, we’ll know they’ve made it.

So now what?  I don't know.  Every chance at finding hope vanishes.  All we have is if the left destroys itself before it takes the rest of us.  At this point it wouldn't surprise me if they start launching nukes because they can't think of any other way to get rid of us.  No, it's not a good idea but when has that ever stopped them?

I still think the next step, whatever it is, will start a week from now on Communist Day.  It's also a religious holiday that precedes Christianity, could there be a connection there?  It's 40 days after the spring equinox, also possibly relevant.  Maybe it was just traditional that the planting season was basically over so people could take a bit of a rest.

But they'll keep moving.  War, threats of war, sending men with guns to shut everything down, a brand new virus, all of it.  I also think they'll shut the internet down any time now and we'll be desperate for fuel and food by the end of the year.

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