Saturday, June 18, 2022


08 April, 2022

This is a post.  There are many like it but, well, that's about all, there’s many like this.

□ [“U.S. Court Reinstates Biden’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate for All Federal Employees”] 

So now they're going to fire people they weren’t able to fire a few months ago?  I don't now how many federal workers are actually willing to stand up for themselves but even those that aren't would be tired of going back and forth on this.  They don’t get to be so incompetent and lazy by dealing with such constant changes.

That said, a lot of them will just obey.  How many of them is the question.

□ [“More Lies:  White House Says Pelosi’s Embrace and Kiss of Joe Biden Was Not 'Close Contact'“] 

Where would her mouth and hands have to be on his body before it would be "close contact"?  Just quote the virus saying ‘it wasn’t close enough for me to get to.’  Or admit their rules don't apply to them, that would be so much easier for everybody.

□ [“Pete Buttigieg:  Prohibiting Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Will 'Kill Kids'“] 

Isn’t that's why you're supposed aborting them?  That kills them too, you like that.

□ [“Biden to ‘Hold States Accountable’ for Laws Protecting Kids From Gender Surgery/Puberty Blockers”] 

So is this their actual goal?  Abortion and gays were just decorations, taking over children is their biggest desire to keep them from growing up like real human beings.

Ok, maybe there’s a different ultimate goal but this is clearly the first part.  What's the difference, is their real goal truly better that using totalitarianism to stick it into kids?

□ [“Federal 'Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force' Announces The US Will Rename 660 Mountains, Rivers, and landmarks to Remove 'Racist' Language, More Surely to Come”] 

I think this is typical of leftists, they can rename anything into whatever they want.  Russia changed St. Petersburg into Petrograd in 1914 because it had a German influence and there was a war starting.  In 1924, they changed Petrograd into Leningrad to honor their great leader.  In 1991 the city voted to go back to St. Petersburg.

They always think they have total control but no matter how many decades they execute/imprison anyone who disagrees, there's always more who disagree and the first time they get to really vote, they go for the actual names.

Really, it's about showing they have total control over everything and whatever they're changing is just an excuse they tell themselves.

□ [“Academy Bans Violent Actor Will Smith from Attending Oscar Ceremonies for 10 Years”] 

So they’ll just give him another one next year, then what?  Roman Polanski got one and Harrison Ford flew it over to him.  They gave Harvey Weinstein an Oscar too.

09 April, 2022

Should the sheep vote for the wolf or for Donald Trump?  Well they really don't like Trump...

□ [“Biden Food Shortages:  Walgreens Starts Rationing Baby Formula”] 

So it's a late-term government-mandated abortion.  Democrats support that.

You know who doesn't support this?  Mothers.  I can guarantee you've never met a single person who's says “my mother stopped feeding me as a baby and I'm glad.”  And do illegal immigrants support that?  Nobody wants to go to a place that doesn't have food.

They're outright trying to destroy as much as possible although they probably don't include themselves in that.  I’m still trying to figure this out, are they consciously aware of this or are they somehow deluded enough to think this is a good idea?

□ [“State Supreme Court Judge:  New York City Illegally Canceled Trump Contract”] 

But they don't care about that.  They do what they want, no permission needed.  They’ll keep doing it.  They'll break the law and accuse other people of breaking the law.

I get the notion that ‘the law is whatever we say it is’ but I don't get how they can operate with anything more complicated than that.  Pretending the law sometimes matters but ignoring it the rest of the time, while maintaining large organizations to enforce that?

□ [“George Soros is Predicting Internet Blackouts – What Does He Know that We Don’t?”] 

I think the next step will be around May 1.  They have to celebrate communism, what good are they otherwise?  They’ve probably got a month-by-month schedule.

There's reason to worry about what they're going to do next and there's still the mystery of "why?"  There's definitely a worry about what technology they have access to, how organized they are and who else is on their side.  Then there's the question of when supplies will run out and how bad it's going to be.

My guess is they'll take down the internet before they strike, making sure we can't communicate with anybody.  Maybe cell phones would work, who knows?

I really do think they're going to drop something on us.  These days I've wondered it human sacrifice was their ultimate goal.  I looked up the Aztecs, most famous practitioners, and they did it to 'repay' the earth and the various gods.  No idea if there's a direct connection to the efforts today but it probably comes from a similar perspective.

You really need to praise people you're going to sacrifice, at least as a central part of your society that people aspire to reach.  That's one reason I'm paying attention to celebrity deaths.  I noticed that the actors playing the Joker and the Black Panther both died just after their respective movies, I've never thought that was a coincidence.

Of course I don't know what to think about this, it's not like I pay close attention to the details.  I've long thought this is prominent in Hollywood as an 'underground movement' for the rich and famous, as well as their close servants.  I also think they feed that into Hollywood productions specifically to influence everyone else.

I also think Thanos was the actual hero of the recent Marvel movies, the happy ending was just for commercial appeal.  There's the way the Marvel and DC universes seem to work in similar ways, promoting the multiverse these days.  But what else?

Again I have no idea.  I think about this a lot but it quickly reaches a limitation because I don't pretend to know any more about it.  I'd still like to develop the idea in outright fiction but so far that isn't happening.  Otherwise, what am I supposed to do, write non-fiction about how little I know about anything?  Ok, here you go.

Otherwise we're going downhill.  For all the ostensible defeats and casualties, Russia's still over Ukraine, they’ve got something else going on.  The government keeps promoting the virus to expend its power, they’re so grateful for it.  The economy is dying.

10 April, 2022

This would be so much better if it came with variant covers.  It would at least be worth more.

□ [“China Is Taking Cats and Dogs for Extermination Due to COVID”] 

Well, if you're going to be killing all the people, you might as well include their pets.  The more the merrier.

As you might expect, no liberal will be the slightest-bit bothered by this.  Since when do animals have rights?  This is one of the reasons I do still hope this is actually a plan that Trump or whoever got started, these people are going straight to horrific murder without hesitation and everybody on their side will support that.

Without the cats, you're going to have a lot more rodents and with rodents, there'll be more disease.  That's the way China wants it.

□ [“New Jersey Schools to Teach First and Second Graders 'Gender Identity' and 'Climate Change’”] 

Still doesn't explain the "why" but leftists are very into infecting children with non-reality.  Global warming is a fantasy they've followed for decades to impose on everybody else.  It's not clear how long pretending to make up gender has been around, but it only came out in the open very recently.  They're more than willing to ditch actual skills like reading and writing, the kids will be puppets for their masters.

The point of being a kid is to not have to deal with this stuff.  That's what leftists want to take away.  They don't need consent.

□ [Joe Mannix "They Are Playing With Primal Forces”] 

A good summary of what we're about to lose, everything that built society:  clean water, sanitation, refrigeration and transportation.  Without the first two, we lose health.  Without the third, we have very little food.  Without the last, we're going to walk everywhere and only have what we can carry.  Without transportation, the food can’t arrive and the waste can't be removed.

All of this requires energy, fuel, gasoline.  We've only had that for a couple hundred years.  Energy needs to be consistently available for this to work.  But the people who claim to believe in global warming just say people can do without all this.  Or they'll make up some replacements that'll work just as well, no, they'll work better.

Farmers use tractors and other vehicles which use gas to harvest the crops.  The more expensive gas is, the more they’ll charge to harvest.  Without the working vehicles, they won’t remotely be able to harvest it all.  Guess which way the government wants it.  We’ll have food shortages but at least what's there will be much much more expensive.

That hasn't even gotten into transporting crops to factories for processing and then to stores.  That's not counting the fertilizer or anything else the left has always wanted to ban.  There’s other expense in farming as well.  At least farmers can feed themselves, what do the cities have to offer if they don't have food?

This is delusion and that's what they're set on.

□ [“Fauci Says 'We May Need' to Start Wearing Masks Indoors Again”] 

We didn't need it the first time or any time.  A lot of us didn't use it the first time or any time.  We were promised a "winter of death," at least if we weren't vaccinated, and we didn't get it.  The government lied to us.

If this year's elections weren’t already stolen, your side would immediately order you to stop tormenting voters.  That they say nothing tells us what the results will be.

I'm still trying to figure out the 'why' for leftism.  The best explanation I have is that it's all resistance to God's plan but that doesn't explain how individuals do that.

God set us in motion as an explanation to other higher powers.  For Earth, we're here as humans over the animals.  For humans, we're here as Man and Woman.  As couples, we have children which the enemy wants to take and merge them into something that could overthrow God.  It will never work but so far the Earth hasn't learned that yet.

I think that works pretty well as a basic explanation for the meaning of life but there's no clue how we each get here as individuals.  You're reading this, one brief step in this day of your life.  I'm writing this as a different step for a day of my life.  My parents' lives brought me to this point, as did everyone else I've encountered.  Each one of them came to be who and where they were because of everyone that came before them.

Existence is too complicated for us to remotely understand it but we could still try to figure out how individuals get here.  They can't all be brainwashed as kids (or adults) but it also can't be explained that they just turned down the wrong path after a bad day.  We're born who we are and we make good or bad choices through our lives.  For some of us, we learn and grow, others pick the anti-God choice, consciously or otherwise.  Why?

The entire world is on fire.  As often as possible, I really do try to avoid blaming Satan for everything (or whatever you want to call it) but there doesn't seem to be a better explanation.  Even humans who genuinely want to be in this situation would get there long before they'd be able to affect the rest of the planet.  Yet here we are.

Also 10 April, 2022

I don't want a girl just like the girl who had dear old Grandpa's baby, I already have a mother.

I'm thinking again about the book of Genesis, specifically Sodom and Gomorrah.  A month or two ago I decided to read Chapter 11, now I'm thinking about Chapter 19.

Again, this was from the dawn of history.  Lot offered to turn his daughters over 

to the angry mob because it's his duty to protect his guests but the crowd doesn't care, they want the guests.  That's... very off.  I get the point that nobody has learned how exactly a woman gets pregnant but this town really didn't want whatever that took.

But the chapter ends with Lot impregnating his daughters!  It's one thing to run off with a girl and fall in love with her, it's another when she's your daughter and you’ve got two of those.  As icky as it is to consider, the girls had a sensible reason.  They had no men around to look after them, they didn't have any kids and their father was old.

It's not clear why there were no other men in the town they had moved to.  Just being a junior wife to some guy in the neighborhood should have been more appealing.  What were they doing back at Sodom that made this even an option?

It's not just how Sodom, Gomorrah and the other cities on the plain were into that, it's that they had no clue what was right or wrong.  Something in this story didn’t go the way it’s described here.  How could Lot impregnate anyone and not even know about it?  If he was that drunk, just getting an erection would be very difficult and very memorable.

Hopefully the girls just found some f*ckbuddies in the area.  But then, beyond all rationality, everybody agreed the best cover story available was to say they both were having Lot's baby, and Lot was all 'yep, I did that.  Don't remember that night, or two nights actually, but that's sure-enough what happened.'

And they were all that remained from Sodom and Gomorrah.  It does suggest what’s going on nowadays.  We’ll see how that turns out.

This helps explain why scripture starts with Adam and Eve.  God created them but they couldn’t be remotely the first human beings.  In Chapter 11, there was already Babel, a city advanced far enough to build a giant tower, and there’s multiple cities on the plain.  They didn’t all come from Adam, Eve and the kids, this must have been what humans were doing before God decided to teach Earth a lesson.  And we’re still here.

11 April, 2022

Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids, but it's fun making them there.

□ [“'We the People Will Not Comply!' Thousands At LA 'Defeat The Mandates' Rally Against Mandates”] 

One of the few scraps of hope available is seeing a lot of other people oppose the tyranny.  It isn’t about the virus, there’s much more, but we can put a resistance together.

My big worry is that we will need leaders and I have no idea how we’d find any.  My other big worry is that the rulers can cut off the internet any day now.  We’d have no way to contact anybody outside of our local neighborhood and would be real easy to trap.

That is what they're planning to do.  They've gotten this far, I don't have a clue how we can stop them but we need to start immediately.

□ [“New California Bill to Mandate Four-Day Work Week For Companies with Over 500 Employees”] 

Despite the increased prices for everything, people won't be allowed to do more than 32 hours of paying work in a week.  Nobody in California sees a problem with this.

There will be an underground movement, getting work done without the government knowing about it.  When food costs more than you make in 32 hours and you're not permitted to work more, that will be a problem.  And who's going to enforce the laws?  People who are getting off work after 32 hours?

□ [“China ships weapons to Serbia”] 

Because there's no precedent for the world to focus on Serbia.  Russia and China support them and Biden’s the best anti-American advertisement ever so Serbia’s looking for actual protection, as is Hungary.  A couple decades ago, Central Europe was happy to get to deal with the US.  Now we're the communists trying to rule the world.

This is all depressing.  Suffering just keeps going up as the rulers desire.  They've always demanded total control over every part of everyone's lives (except their own) and they have that.  They're even bending over to pretend they opposed the suffering they deliberately caused, saying something should be done about these enormous gas prices that they've been promising to make happen for years.

We don't need this, we don't want it and they're going to force it on us anyway.

Here's a wacky theory.  For several years now, there's been strange news about what's happening on other planets, large objects going by them, strange temperature readings.  I just saw a headline about Neptune having that problem.

There must have been readings on this for years even if the public has only been giving a minimum of information, which we'd all sensibly ignore.  It's not like it would affect our vacation plans.  But we've also started a 'Space Force' recently.

For quite a while, I've been assuming that Earth is the entity that opposes God and is what we're here to teach it as part of God's lesson.  I've also assumed that something similar goes for the other planets, moons, stars, etc.

As I work on the "History project," I've long thought that 1969 was a pivotal year, even if what happened was too high of a level for any of us to perceive of.  I've also wondered if the Moon landing was the most blatant operation of that effect.  I'm really starting to come to the conclusion that it was.  It wasn't just an aspect, it was this actual peak, interaction with another astronomical body.  Whatever else it could do, Earth wasn't able to do that until Man made it happen.

It was obviously in the planning stages for a while, humans had been writing fantasy about other planets for a long time.  Now that it had happened, Earth was probably able to expand upon that and get in touch with other parts of the Solar System.  What that would actually involve is beyond my perception but that's actually a decent explanation for why everything's gone wrong now.  Whatever the other planets aspire to, there's more of a connection to Earth now.

Ok, that solves everything.  Time to find something else to do.

12 April, 2022

Let’s not call it a day, I think "Bill" is a better name.

□ [“That Was Quick – Big Cuts Coming to CNN+”] 

Something is going on with the media.  Back in the day, CNN was a cable cornerstone but has gone down ever since and doesn't seem to have noticed.  They thought an internet channel would be successful.  Few people pay for on-line stuff, they can just go to another site and get the same thing for free, how did CNN not know that?  The audience already wasn’t watching the tv channel and they got that for free.

But they’ll pay money for this anyway?  CNN doesn’t even have to make something people want to watch?  And it’s suddenly a bad idea two weeks after starting.  They just couldn’t have seen that beforehand.  CNN+ has maybe 10,000 viewers and most of them probably got a promotional offer for a free trial subscription.

They even got some big names that cost a lot of money even without an audience.

□ [“Biden Scraps Green Fuel Rules In Bid To Slow Skyrocketing Gas Prices”] 

He’ll lower the price of something he wants to make illegal, it’ll go down until June 1.  Then it’ll end by September 15.  We have to wait a month and a half for a three and a half month period to start, then it ends a month and a half before the election.

What a great plan!  Why not do that with food too?  If you're hungry now, I'll feed you starting in a month and a half, then I’ll stop three months later and you’ll vote for me a couple months after that.  The word "brilliant" doesn't describe it.

By the way, this diesel fuel Biden is legalizing uses corn anyway and the reason it's been banned is because it supposedly causes smog.  How leftist, look for the worst-possible solution for the problems you imposed on everyone else.

□ [“Travel Hell:  JetBlue Cancels More Flights Due to Staffing Shortages”] 

Airlines are having problems and not just from the gas prices.  Apparently the pilots are vanishing.  Passengers show up, then a flight is delayed, then it’s cancelled so they need to buy a new ticket to get where they're going.  Hopefully it'll leave the same day, otherwise they're screwed, especially if they’re only part-way through a trip.

Driving’s too expensive, they can't rely on planes, how else does one get further than a few miles away from home?  They can't, the government doesn't want that.

I'm still expecting us to snap any day.  Of course I've said that for months but we can't last.  I still think we should go on strike, I wanted the truckers to lead that.

There's has to be a way out of this.  As an obvious example, we're going to be in very big trouble in a few months.    Food is one of those things that you really can't get by without for very long.  That is where we'll snap, assuming we haven't already by then.

□ [“US tells non-essential government workers to leave Shanghai due to Covid-19”] 

Only "non-essential" personnel?  Ok, but China’s been very strict about this virus for two years and we obviously don’t mind but now we’re leaving?  What's changed?

We took our people out of Ukraine right before Russia invaded and we took them out of Afghanistan right before the Taliban took over.  But this is different somehow.

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