Saturday, June 18, 2022

202202 Thought

09 January, 2022

At least a new virus might cheer us up...

□ [“Bill Filed In Washington State Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families:  ‘They Have Already Set Up The Internment Camps’"]

They're setting up concentration camps.  These will remain open forever, government projects don't get shut down.  Liberals support this.  They'll find others they can lock up there.

It’s why Biden said it would have to be done by the states, they couldn't find justification to federally impose this on everyone.  Notice they aren't treating illegal immigrants this way, showing that it has nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with building death camps.

□ [“CDC Website Reveals Police Power Will be Used at Quarantine Stations for the 'Benefit of Society'"]

How will the police get funding?  These rules have to be divided up for state differences.  Of course the tribes won’t be included.  Do leftists know this is what they’ve always worked for?

So this is what they're doing for the new year, out-right going into totalitarianism.  It's almost a surprise that they aren't starting book burnings.

□ [“Chicago Teachers Union Delegate Threatens to 'Report' Dissenters Who Show Up For Work"]

I've often said the military was the closest example to working socialism but one thing that makes it so is an active system of rank and they've spent thousands of years learning to make it work.  One way it happens is by solving things at the lowest level as much as possible.

This is an example of how leftists actually operate, the higher level always decides everything and puts it out to the lower ranks.  The union leaders work with the government masters and the serfs must obey.  They don't want anybody to do anything outside of their leadership, the opposite of individualism which the military knows how to use.

□ [“Sinead O’Connor’s Teen Son Dies After Going Missing"]

She blames the government for everything.  It wasn’t his first suicide attempt but he’s had to put up with her all of his short life.  Yet somehow she identifies as Muslim.  I’m surprised she doesn't blame God.

We're getting weaker.  I finished the latest book last night and usually feel fine, other than having to deal with the publishing nonsense.  But now I just feel empty.  I've worked on some stuff today but it seems like just killing time.

Is this connected to the ruler's power of shutting down their own property?  They got rid of medical competitors so now they can deny health care to anybody who isn't vaccinated.  They want to ban cars so that nobody can go anywhere without government-run vehicles which can get shut down.  They want to take away guns so that nobody will disagree with them.  They’re making food rare, safe to assume they'll start providing supplies so they can cut us off any other sources.  The internet masters already obey them so they can be turned off any time.

This misery won’t end.  It's just going to get worse.  We don't see any hope for freedom ever again.  At least other people have enough going on in their lives that they don't have to think about it, I'm stuck with nothing else.  Please God, help us.

10 January, 2022

I think it was William Shakespeare who said "I never said that, stop pretending I did."

□ [“Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After COVID Vaccines"]

Deaths are up 31% after the vaccine?  Even if that number is totally exaggerated, wasn't the point to stop people from dying?  The hospitals are full, the media is ignoring it, we don't know what's happening anymore.

□ [“California Governor Newsom Wants Health Coverage For All Illegal Aliens"]

They don't even have to be vaccinated, not like those losers that were born in California.

Naturally we're still getting worse.  The grocery story is even emptier than it was last time but the prices are still high.  And of course they don't provide bags or boxes, we have to bring our own in, but they have to be "approved."  Safe to assume the store owners didn't wake up one morning and decide to inflict that on the customer, they support the masters who inflict it.

The virus is still giving the government an excuse to destroy the supply chain.  Reportedly meat and eggs are going to hit a shortage.  I had written this before I saw this link:

□ [“#BareShelvesBiden: People Showing Impact of Supply Chain Disruption in Stores"]

Pictures from all over the country of grocery stores.  I expect it to drop to completely empty any day now.  People will steal the rest or they'll just buy it all at once because they realize no more is coming in, and then no more will come in.

Starvation will kill a lot more people than the virus.  A lot more will be killed by others trying to get food.  And Democrats call this a success.

It's possible they won't go completely empty.  There must be some people producing food who still try to supply others but what must they go through?  A year ago food was cheap and available, but that was when Trump was POTUS.

Also 10 January, 2022

Read the new book, same as the old book. Oh dear...

I noticed comedian Bob Saget died today.  Never a fan and hardly ever saw anything he ever did, but the one exception was running across a comedy routine on HBO (probably) where he specifically pointed out that his comedy was nothing like the 'family' show he did.

Never watched that show either but I did hear about it, specifically because it featured the Olsen Twins.  Even then it was strange that the media was so in love with tiny twins.  They got older and older and the media was even more interested in them reaching the age of consent.  That was just weird, why would you do that?  Were they clones or something, they didn't do that for Macaulay Culkin.  The twins vanished from fame around the time they became legal but now their sister is famous as the Scarlett Witch.

So Saget was part of that life and just drops dead.  He did a show last night, safe to assume he was vaccinated, no signs of health problems, but he's dead.

11 January, 2022

My poker hand self-identifies as a straight flush.  What do you mean that's homophobic?

□ [“A Warning from Australia – What Biden’s Vaccine Mandate on Truckers Will Look Like #BareShelvesBiden"]

Leftists should take pictures as they buy food to show how well the stores are weathering through the storm.  Their food sources are stocked full, right?  Pictures would show how great leftism is and we should all be more like them.  Or at least have their servants take the pix.

□ [“Virginia Elementary School Teacher Holds Class Outdoors in Sub-Freezing Weather"]

This really is about actively abusing children.  They can do whatever they want to their property and it's more interesting when the property is human so you get to watch it being miserable.  It looks like this is always what this has been about.

Finished the new book, now I’ve been working on the history project.  It's been a while since I really noticed how much there is to analyze of how socialism has always leeched.  Top-of-my-head example, the Middle Ages are really their ideal, everything stayed the same for century after century and everything since have been about individual abilities and freedom.

Most of what actually happened was never recorded.  The famous people will be mentioned, nobody else.  So it's not clear what I'm going for in this project, yet I still work on it.

□ [“Biden Falsely Claims He Got Arrested Marching in the Civil Rights Movement"]

Are blacks stupid enough to fall for this?  Liberal racists sure are but how the hell do Biden’s speech writers think anyone will go along with this?  It's a blatant lie with multiple videos of him saying he had nothing to do with the Civil Rights Movement.  What changed?

It's not the only new thing, now that "good people" are getting the virus (i.e. liberals and media) they need to modify their rhetoric.  It only works for their own people, those who didn't go along with the vaccination aren't going to be convinced now.  And the people who were free to ignore the virus for the last two years and go riot in favor of leftism aren't helpful.

What now?  They're so eager to destroy everything and they're obviously rich enough to not see any problems with this.  "Double down" was obviously the plan for the new year.

12 January, 2022

This is the day-est of all days.

□ [“European Regulators Warn About Dangers of Frequent COVID Boosters Over Immune System Risks"]

A month ago, everybody had to get boosters regularly.  Now they’re not safe, they weaken the immune system, tiring out people who keep taking these.  At least that’s what the leaders who demanded everyone take the shot are now saying.

But only lunatics and people who deserve to die ever refused the shot every chance, that's what we've been told for the last year.

□ [“WHO Joins EU and Changes Direction – Suddenly Warns Against Taking Continued COVID Booster Shots"]

But there's some disagreement, certain people think this is too obvious, too controlling.  Sure, that's what they want but it'll also make them look bad and they don't want that.

My guess is there are people who care more about not looking bad than about demanding power.  Of course they'll lose to those who just want power and don't care about looking good.  But some of these people have suddenly learned what others had known for the last two years.

□ [“Biden Regime Announces Unvaxxed Federal Workers Must Take Weekly Covid Tests"]

Costs money, wastes time, lowers work, morale, defies all liberal insistence that 'your body is your own business' just for a fake virus that’s only dangerous to the old, fat and really unhealthy.  And weren't the unvaccinated federal workers supposed to be fired weeks ago?

How come liberals spent all those decades lying about wanting everyone to have free health care no matter what when they immediately turn around and say health care must be denied?  How come liberals spent all those decades lying about "my body my choice" when they immediately turn around and say you don't get a choice?  How come liberals voted for people who promised to be the last in line to get a vaccine?  How come liberals are firing doctors and nurses who actually know how medicine works?  How come liberals aren't complaining that blacks are the least vaccinated skin color?  Just look at all the blacks you're eager to watch die because they don't obey their masters.

At least they could be upfront and say ‘boy we were really stupid to make those claims.’  That would help convince people to obey your new orders, the point is to be *helpful,* right?

But the CDC says blacks are the least-vaccinated skin color and liberals don’t mind.  Maybe they think the CDC doesn't know what it's talking about, maybe they know the vaccine doesn't mean anything, maybe they just don't care how many of them die.  Maybe one skin color is permitted to do things that other skin colors aren't because that's the way liberals want it but it's strange that the left stays completely silent about this.

□ [“Biden Admin Creating Database For Information About Unvaxxed People Citing Religious Exemptions"]

Out of curiosity, what other options were on the list?  I assume it was deliberate, the options were something like “religion," "allergic to the vaccine" and "I'm racist" so people are pick "religion" even if they just oppose the government forcing a long hard shaft into their bodies to ejaculate fluid.  This is the government lining their opponents up.

When is the supply chain going to go to zero?  Or is it?  Maybe it'll just continue in broken pieces.  Biden said he fixed it, the media is reporting how the shelves are full.  

13 January, 2022

Our grandparents fought a war so we could show our paperwork to be allowed to buy food.

□ [“Minneapolis, St. Paul to Require Proof of Vaccination to Enter Bars, Restaurants, Theaters, Gyms and More"]

And they decide to do this just as it's actually coming out that the latest variant of the virus isn't doing anything, that the last two years of tyranny have harmed people, that only old, fat, sick people have any risk of dying from the virus anyway, that Fauci knew almost two years ago that the virus was man-made and that a lot of people are dying from the vaccines.

They're forcing people to come to work while infected with the virus that they fired the vaccinated people for not protecting themselves from.  No sensible person would think that's workable so no doubt the government will double down.

□ [“Associated Press Won’t Emphasize Covid Case Count to Help Biden and Democrats For Midterm Elections"]

I'm not worried about the midterms.  If they're allowed to happen, Democrats will steal them.  I would love to be proven wrong but that's not up for debate.

But nonetheless, the media is pandering to its masters.  All of a sudden, people may be in the hospital *with* the virus but they aren't there *because of* the virus even though the virus was so awful and deadly for the last two years.  If you drank alcohol and got in your car and drove into a brick wall, it was the virus that killed you, nothing else.

To the extent there's anything interesting, it's seeing the left do a 180 without ever even asking how they got it wrong in the first place.

□ [“CDC Won’t Budge on Mask Guidance Despite Science Saying Cloth Masks Don’t Work"]

Not entirely though, obviously leftists are totally happy with the way things are and aren't going to change no matter what.  They'll have internal fights but will always without hesitation be united when imposing their will on the people.

□ [“After Firing Unvaxxed Healthcare Workers, California Tells Covid-Positive Medical Workers Stay at Work"]

Liberal governments don't care what their workers think, they have to obey.  Even if they have a deadly virus to spread around to everyone they're close to.  But at least it gives them a chance to say the virus is killing more people when the heart surgeon spreads it to his patient.

□ [“Biden Vows to War with State Legislatures After Sinema and Manchin Blow Up His Bid to Kill the Filibuster"]

The left has briefly failed.  The Supreme Court says they can't push the required needles on private business and Democrats filibustered to successfully save the filibuster that Democrats love when they aren't in charge.  They can't get absolute power if others get a say in things.

Biden is obviously getting worse and Harris is showing what a complete idiot she is.

□ [“Kamala Harris Delivers Word Salad When Asked If Biden Regime Needs to Shift Away From Their Covid Strategy of Mandates and Tyranny"]

(asked “At what point does the Administration say, ‘you know what? this strategy isn’t working, we’re gonna change strategy’  Is it time?”)

“It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is everyday.  Everyday it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down and so right now we know we still have a number of people that is in the millions of Americans who have not been vaccinated and could be vaccinated and we are urging them to get vaccinated because it will save their life."

And leftists idolize her.

14 January, 2022

Nearing the second anniversary of this "emergency."

□ [John Schreiber tweets]

"Keep hearing of train burglaries in LA on the scanner so went to #LincolnHeights to see it all. And… there’s looted packages as far as the eye can see. Amazon packages, @UPS boxes, unused Covid tests, fishing lures, epi pens. Cargo containers left busted open on trains. @CBSLA"

They're looting trains.  That can't be allowed but Los Angeles is fine with it.

China's shutting down its ports which are necessary to transport supplies across an ocean which China does a lot of.  They say it's because of the virus, no idea if that's remotely true.

□ [“Biden:  States, Businesses ‘Do The Right Thing,’ Force Workers To Vaccinate Despite Supreme Court Ruling"]

He doesn't care what the federal government says, he expects obedience or else!

□ [“Even Traffic Lights in Chicago Are Racist Now"]

Yeah those, uh, machines, sure hate darkies.  They're programmed to catch whoever is violating traffic laws and sure enough, it's always the blacks.  That's, uh, racist.

Ok, our rulers are obviously stupid enough to fall for this so they think everyone else is too, but isn't there any point where they realize that they're the idiots?  They're the ones passing laws and punish people who break them, they're the ones paying for these cameras and traffic requirements, and then they pick out a skin color who falls into that category and call it "racist"?

Also 14 January, 2022

Miles to go before we sleep.  Or we could just die right now, that’s an option.

One thing that's occurred to me as I focus on history is that I think I'm closer to identifying the issues of the punk movement circa 1977.  No idea how it qualified as an actual political movement but it was promoted by people who knew.  Otherwise, it was made by kids playing instruments in their guitars who were suddenly given major fame.

I'm sure a lot of it has to do with the British media which I don't pretend to understand but I think that they'd basically been stuck in one place since the Beatles and before that since the war.  That was generations earlier so now they have kids who know of nothing else and aren't interested in anything else.  At least there was still rock'n'roll.

There's also the interest in childsex which lately British media people have been caught at, even if they've been dead for a long.  The Sex Pistols got attention by bitching about that to a media perv on his tv show.  Their manager Malcolm McLaren would promote his next band, Bow Wow Wow, by having the 13-year old lead singer naked on record covers.

Not sure how much real success these bands had and at this point I'm coming to the belief that the sales figures are slightly better than being totally made up.  In Britain, they might not even be better than that.  But these acts got publicity and obviously did have some influence, especially when they were showed off to the USA.

  Punk was said to be the next big thing but didn’t really have heavy US sales.  Led Zeppelin’s In Through the Out Door reportedly saved music stores by bringing kids back in.

I have to think that the intent was to get to the post-punk era.  '76/77 was effectively "Year Zero," a term which was started in 1975 Cambodia.  After that, the people in charge knew about the upcoming change in music (synthesizers) television (satellites) and computers.  British bands had already been doing music videos, soon the rest of the world would want their MTV.  Whatever talent rock'n'roll used to require was now gone.

This would explain why Guns'n'Roses was promoted so much as effectively being the last real rock'n'roll act and cut themselves down while leaving the room open for Nirvana to replace them.  At least G'n'R made some actual songs, Nirvana didn't even do that much and they were closer to what the new era's music would sound like.

Of course this description is all simplified, but I think it's a good summary of what I'm trying to look into these days.

15 January, 2022

Whassup, my brother from another mother-in-law’s sister’s nephew’s best friend’s neighbor?

□ [“Transgender UPenn Swimmer Lia Thomas Claims to be the 'Jackie Robinson of Trans Sports'"]

So now this creature – not sure it qualifies as human – is self-identifying as Jackie Robinson who, by the way, was black.

What kind of inflated ego comes from setting such an amazing record that no woman with a vagina has ever come close to?  Definitely sounds like mental problems and I’ve seen comments that such things have a high suicide rate.  Definitely don't need to see him no more.

As I write this, there's a hostage crisis going on in a Texas synagogue by one of the philistines or their supporters.  No reports on if everybody is vaccinated, people might DIE if they’re not!  Are they even wearing a cloth mask?  That's just good protection for everybody.

As always, I don't have much to say tonight.  I always say that but sometimes it's true.  Working on the 'history project' all day, I had some insight this morning but it was very vague and I don't remember a thing about it now.

I've waited for a few hours, haven't come up with anything else.  Good night.

16 January, 2022

If you buy my book, it will vaccinate you from the virus!  But you might need to buy two or three...

□ [“FBI Labels Trump Supporters Terrorists; Can’t Understand Why Jihadi Holds Hostages in Jewish Synagogue"]

They're actively covering up for actual terrorists.  How do you think this guy get into the US and all the way to Texas, hmmmm?  This is an actual conspiracy going on before our eyes.

The media are promoting the conspiracy, doing everything they can to make sure it happens again and again.  Surely the government would want to stop this if it mattered but they don't so obviously it doesn’t.

I'll try to keep track of the idiots pretending to protest Congress for not spending enough money, they say they'll do without food until Congress obeys.  Have to wonder why they're not protesting the White House, it would get more publicity and the guy who pretends to work there has a half-century of experience with Congress.  His party even runs Congress.

□ [“Final Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s Act is to Pardon Democrat State Senator For Underage Sex Crimes"]

They're really into kids.  And by an amazing coincidence, they're really about banning the very concept of parenthood, both through abortion and through the state taking possession of your kids, good and hard.  No consent is required.

□ [“Dems Breaking All the Rules to End Free and Fair Elections Forevermore – Hiding HR1 in a NASA Bill"]

Yeah, they'll ignore any rule they want, we know that, attaching their plans for permanent voter fraud to a bill covering NASA leasing its facilities.  No Democrat will oppose this.  Even if any of them think it's a bad idea, they'll stay quiet about it and vote 'yes' without hesitation.

Also 16 January, 2022

Another week is started, for all that’s worth...

□ [“Cryptic Photo?  Hilaria Baldwin Posts Bizarre Photo of Alec Baldwin Holding Drawing"]

There's no context but these creatures are doing something.  The Baldwins posted multiple images.  The first two have Baldwin holding drawings, the first is a possible-male saying "Hello" and a female saying "Can I help you?"  The photo has a caption, "Alec and his drawings of him and me."

The next has the male lying down saying "Oh God, please help me.  I'm dying" and a female says "Do I know you?   The caption says "Not dramatic at all..."  A female image is attached to the bottom of the photo and is clapping sarcastically.

The other two pictures are just photographs with the captions "Look:  A New Yorker, out in the wild, hailing a cab."  "And it worked."  This is basically what the two pictures are.  It's almost-certainly Baldwin in the picture (seen from behind, there's a very small chance that it's not him) and he's not obviously hailing a cab but one is driving by.  The second picture has the cab in front of him.  He's at the crosswalk, it's technically possible that this isn't Baldwin and/or he's not actually hailing a cab.  Sounds unlikely, I just wanted to mention the possibility.

There's no clue what this is about or what any of it means, so I might as well speculate.  The female in the drawing represents God who’s *obviously* female and I think that's what was represented by the female icon clapping in the second 'panel.   That's as close as it gets to understanding any of this.

Now, Baldwin is obviously insane and either his wife is too or she has to pretend to agree.  Probably the former.  Wouldn't be surprised if drugs were involved too but either way, I think this is an example of what Hollywood has been trying to do, even if we'll never know any reason why.  There's long been an interest in movies connecting unrelated images and it's up to the viewer to figure out what any of it means, I think that's essentially what Baldwin is doing here.  The drawing and getting a taxi means something but only he has a clue.

Collage, montage, those were popular in the 'underground' movie movement, George Lucas was inspired to make movies from that.  This could be an example of where leftists get the notion of self-identifying what reality is or isn't.  Given that it's the audience's job to come up with any meaning, the meaning is whatever they say it is, in a more expensive and time-consuming way than abstract paintings.  I think this is probably really popular among the people who impose their will on the rest of us.

It's also quite possible that there are clues given to those 'in the know' so that conspiracies can operate.  It's also quite possible that this leads to an equivalent of religion which maybe what Baldwin is trying to appeal to with this.  Maybe it's about overall leftism, maybe it's Hollywood-specific, but I definitely think that's what they've been doing for decades, if not longer.

17 January, 2022

Only three more layaway payments to go on that cheeseburger!  In a few months I'll be eating good!

□ [“Fully Vaccinated/Boosted* Mark Milley Positive For Covid Four Days After Having Contact with Biden"]

So this is an assassination attempt?  The virus will kill anybody it hits, right?  It's so deadly, that's why we've been locked down for two years.  Or maybe the so-called vaccine is the best way to spread the virus.  If Biden falls dead, that'll be the best proof.

□ [“Biden, FBI:  We May Never Know Why A Radical Muslim Made Anti-Semitic Comments, Took a Synagogue Hostage, and Demanded the Release of a Terrorist Called 'Lady Al-Qaeda'"]

Why don't they just wear a t-shirt that says "we're too stupid to protect anyone."  The FBI finally did admit the possibility that it's terrorist-RELATED but there's no way this guy can be in the same league as parents who complain when their sissy girl gets forced to take a big strong woman's cock in school.  That's actual terrorism, this is obviously not related.

That's why they're in charge and oppose anyone who disagrees with them being in charge.  They totally know what they're doing and it has nothing to do with the truth.

□ [“Los Angeles DA Gascón Charges 26-Year-Old Transgender as Juvenile in Sex Assault of 10-Year-Old Girl"]

Maybe he self-identifies as 12!  Never thought of that, didja!

□ [“Union Pacific Weighs Avoiding Los Angeles as Cargo Theft Rises"]

I hope so.  For the last few days, there's been a bunch of pictures of the absolute mess the looters are leaving on the railroad tracks.  That's not going to encourage anyone to unload the shipping docks that are still stacked up with boats.

If I was in charge, we’d completely stop all transport to or from that part of the country.  They're so woke, they don't need to self-identify as getting food.  Or they can go fishing.

West Coast ports are still full of unloaded ships and short of workers, the occupational government is trying to make decisions so we know those will go badly.  It costs over three times as much to ship stuff from China than a year ago and China's shutting down its ports over the virus.  They're trying to crush us and it's working.

Also 17 January, 2022

Words are like all tough to do an’ stuff.

Working on the history project, I ran into the Battle of the Somme.  I've said before that I'm not remotely a Great War buff but I know enough to justify it as a turning point for humanity in some ways, more important than the sequel.

At least with World War II, most of the people knew about airplanes and telephones, movies and indoor toilets, even if they'd never seen one themselves.  They knew how the biggest war in history worked so they knew ways to make it bigger the second time around.  They also had socialism openly claiming it ruled the greatest nations ever and would soon take over the rest, before WWI there was only talk with little interest of how it worked in reality.

I'm even going out of my way to avoid getting into details of the battle that lasted four and a half months, deliberately not checking any specifics and have forgotten most of whatever I used to know, but it's still enough to make me get a little teary.  How the fuck did any of them manage to get there, much less have a few survive?  I'm a bit iffy on some details I didn’t avoid, the British were still in a lot of their pre-war status which I find hard to believe.  They'd already been fighting for almost two years, there's no way the earlier battles wouldn't have made it clear what 20th Century War would be like.  Germany would have wiped the floor with them if that was the case, or been crushed by Britain, France and Russia in 1915.

I did notice that many British literary figures were in that battle and some even survived.  A. A. Milne and J. R. R. Tolkien would become very influential writers.  Many other, or their surviving companions, would push whatever influence they had found from this Hell on Earth.

I'm not sure what Milne actually believed, I gather he was an atheist and was trained in school by none other than H. G. Wells who helped invent Futurism which looks to me like an early attempt as socialism.  Dunno if they're connected but they seemed to be aimed in the same direction.  Tolkien was very religious and of the three, I've read the least of his work so I won't comment, but right there is some major influence that was in some small way part of that battle.

The Somme began on July 1, 1916.  On the same day, noted mystic, anti-individualist and Mussolini-supporter W. B. Yeats was engaged in one of his marriage proposals which seem to have spent a large amount of his time.  Yeats would help set-up yet-another Irish rebellion that became a disaster and it seems his intent was specifically for that failure to inspire future generations.  Doesn't that sound like what socialism always does?

Born on that day was Olivia de Havilland, one of the most famous actresses ever.  She only died a year and a half ago.  Robin Hood is the only movie I've ever seen her in and I probably saw it closer to the movie's release than to today.   Dunno or care much about her.

But I also noticed a possible clue to what the left does, whatever pseudo-religion they have going on underground in their mansions.  Soviet scientist Iosif Shklovsky was also born on the first day of the Somme.  He would promote investigation of space aliens – possibly as a fan of H. G. Wells? – whom Russian media would promote in 1965 as proof the aliens exist.

That was a follow-up to July 1, 1916.  Fifty years later, old men were getting ready to celebrate the anniversaries of such battles, some of them must have been thinking how the world had changed in five decades.  Some wanted to keep what worked, some wanted to get rid of everything and use modern media to do it.

I don't know or care if the aliens exist, what strikes me is that it was leftist media who spread all around the world whenever they could.  There have been rumors, or at least confusing reports, that the US government is indeed involved in this kind of research.  I'm sure they are and have been for decades, but at this point I could believe they're doing it from Soviet propaganda, which lines up with my suspicions of what leftist leaders are doing, what I call "Hollywood religion" for lack of a more accurate name.  They’ll do anything that turns against God.

Starting July 1, 1916 in New Jersey, a shark would attack swimmers for weeks.  Decades later, this inspired Peter Benchley to write the novel Jaws which was picked up by someone who grew up to be Steven Spielberg for the first modern blockbuster movie, but not the last.

So that's multiple major connections to this day of one of the biggest battles in history and there's another four months to look through.  It's easy to find other connections, I noticed that A. A. Milne owned a mansion where he wrote Winnie the Pooh and where the founder of the Rolling Stones would die in mysterious circumstances in 1969.  Is it hard to believe there may be some connection between these two famous people and the beliefs surrounding them?

Still working on the history project, still have no idea where I'm going or why, but there's another nifty tidbit.

17 January, 2022

I’m tired of doing the time warp, let’s not do it again.

“When we got together, Axl and I really got over this major sort of hump of negativity that we’ve been carrying around for years and years,” he says.  “It was a real simple, relatively short conversation that we had… In all these years that we’ve been apart, he’s become super-fucking professional. And he’s never missed a beat during this whole time.  So it’s been great.  There has been a sort of synergy that’s been happening this last six years that we never had in our first incarnation.”

 – Slash

Slash never says 'we all show up in the same room and write/record new songs.  Kind of an odd thing to miss when just a few months ago he said that's how G'n'R music is created and they hadn't once gotten together in all these years since he and Duff were rehired.  You'd think it would be easy to say 'we were sitting in a room together, I came up with a riff, Duff started building on it and then Axl started singing.  The next day we called all the other employees to go to the studio with us.  The new song is being mixed now.'

But now they're ‘working on a new album.’  Right.  Slash said that sort of thing over 25 years ago and look how that worked out.  He also says Axl has become more professional.  I don't pay much attention but as far as I know he shows up on-time to concerts and doesn't bitch about stuff on-stage for ten minutes now.  What else is professional?  Accepting the blame when Slash and Duff don't get their paychecks on-time instead of blaming the manager?

Slash has lied about the band's productivity before.  On September 21, 1996, he said they had new songs that were really good, it would be a "very angry album."  While Duff and Matt were touring with the Neurotic Outsiders, he and Axl would write more songs.  Duff said around the same time that the new album would be out the following spring and Matt said they'd finished seven of fourteen songs, not wild like Appetite or sophisticated like UYI.

They were more detailed than Slash is now but he still says they have new stuff.  It could just be redoing CD2 tracks, he could say 'dunno when it'll come out but my part is finished.'

I don't know how much to really blame Slash.  Famous people at that level do have legitimate reasons to lie about some things.  I saw an interview with Sammy Hagar a few months before Eddie Van Halen died, he said Eddie had recently gotten in touch, all these years after their hateful break-up, Eddie was doing great, VH would be around for a long time.  It's not like he was specifically asked, he just threw EVH into the interview for no reason.  He probably knew EVH would be dead any day but absolutely would not be the one to make that news public.

I think that's basically what Slash and Duff are doing, although it may be because they're stupid or their contracts prohibit them saying anything relevant or some other reason.  So Slash is lying but I can't automatically fault him for it the way I would blame Axl.

None of us know what's actually going on so either I’m right or I’m close enough that G’n’R would hire me.  Slash lies to look cool, because he's an idiot, because he's a highly-paid employee, all of the above?  He and Axl did Rockline together in January 1994 and even said that right before the show, Slash had given over his demos, which would grow up to be Snakepit.  Axl said he looked forward to hearing them and sounded like he already knew he’d reject them.

Axl won’t write a new album with Slash and Duff but they're the ones who keep saying that's what they're doing.  Ok, pretend to take them seriously like productive human beings and bring up the last few decades of new music being right around the corner.  In theory, Slash and Duff could say they're just here for the paycheck, they'll write/record/release music on their own time.  Instead they have to claim G'n'R is as productive as it was in late 1994 when they covered "Sympathy for the Devil."

My favorite G’n’R song is “Bohemian Rhapsody.”  I wish that version of New G'n'R had lasted longer.  Axl just can’t keep employees.

[Get in the Ring] But he'd been doing that since he was 15 or earlier.  He'd always gotten away with it and now he's surrounded by people who mindlessly obey.  He could say he's dead and they'd ask what he wanted to wear for the funeral.

I don't think it was a fantasy, I think he was showing off against someone exactly as gangsta rap would do in a year or so.  He'd call out all these less-famous people he didn't like and all his fans would go along with it.  I don't think he ever expected someone would stand up to him and that was the surprise.  This was the only song he actually named the people he was attacking.

After he'd publicly made the threat that millions of fans got to hear, Axl finally found out that Bob might actually be able to handle himself in a fight.  I don't think that was a fantasy, I think Axl totally believed he could stand up to anybody at that point.

I may be misremembering, but I thought "Get in the Ring" was the last song finished for UYI.  Axl was in the prime of his life, he had money and fame that few people in history have ever had a fraction of, he'd already spent his life bullying and abusing everybody he could, he was now on tour for millions of applauding fans and releasing an album that (he thought) would bury that tired old "Appetite."  The whole world was at his feet and these peons were publishing things he didn't like.  He may not have expected it to come to an actual fight but that was because they'd run away in fright.

Did Axl want a one-on-one fight or have his bandmates backing him in the ring?

All of the above.  Sociopaths will always analyze things however it takes to get them what they want.  Axl will beat him up by himself, his gang will do it, it was just a metaphor that never actually challenged him to a real fight, whatever it takes to show Axl's the *real* winner.

Remember, Axl *is* the band, starting off as the singer in AXL, then becoming the singer in Rose which became Hollywood Rose and eventually Guns'n'Roses.  His minions are just extensions of himself, the fans love him, the media worships him, everyone must obey.

I don't remember the specifics, but there's a story from the early days, Axl's beating up some girl, someone else wants to stop him and Slash tells her 'don't get involved, that'll just make it worse.'  That's who Axl has been his whole life.

18 January, 2022

If you can read this, it can read you.  Like ohmigod!  That's disgusting!

Not a single Democrat is bothered by a foreign terrorist entering the US, illegally getting a weapon, holding a synagogue hostage by himself or that they can't figure out his motivation.  Yet they immediately knew that Kyle Rittenhouse was trying to shoot blacks and parents complaining about their daughters being raped are terrorists.

Biden himself explained the shooting by saying Rittenhouse was obviously a "white supremacist" and has never had to think back about that.  But this time he doesn't have a clue?

□ [“In Wake of Texas Synagogue Hostage-Taking, Anti-Defamation League Warns Against ‘Islamophobia’"]

This is one reason, possibly the main reason, God created the Jews.  They're always there to be blamed, they can always be attacked which God's adversary ignores.  I think this also applies to levels mere humans can't comprehend, but as individuals, many Jews are on the side of the adversary and always show up as convenient targets.

I don't think Adam and Eve were the first humans to exist, they were the ones God picked to start the lesson He was teaching his adversary and the rest of us.  They would lead to Moses and Abraham who would lead to Jesus who would lead to Muhammed.

Destroying the Jews has always been a primary goal of the adversary and its supporters.

□ [“Media Ignores Mueller’s Star Witness Guilty for Plan to Funnel Foreign Money to Hillary’s 2016 Campaign"]

Odd how we don't hear anything about this stuff anymore.  Breaking laws to get foreign money for the person you're voting for, didn't Democrats complain about that once upon a time?  I'd swear they were really opposed to some political candidate being helped by some foreigner and getting money for it but against the law of the land.  That did happen, didn't it?

And it seems this guy really wanted sex with a 14-year old boy, he was arrested in 2000 and again in 2019.  Yet he didn't support Donald Trump?  How does that happen

□ [“CNN Skewers Biden’s Voter Suppression Lies. Yes, CNN."]

Although it's possible the media is getting desperate in some places.  They're actually pointing out that Biden looks old and weak and despite being so awesome he's not actually very awesome.  They're even admitting that blue states have stricter voting requirement laws than the evil racist red state laws that they totally oppose, even Delaware, a state Joe Biden has probably heard about once or twice in his very brief life.  Obviously he doesn't remember anything about it, but Delaware has stricter voting laws than liberals support.

□ [“Justice Sonia Sotomayor Working Remotely Because Gorsuch Refuses to Wear Face Mask in Court"]

They're both triple-vaccinated and have boosters but the old, fat diabetic can't be protected from the virus unless other people are forced to wear masks?  Not just the cloth ones, that's already court policy, but that new type!  She already claimed a few weeks ago that the virus had put over 100,000 children into serious condition in the hospital, many on ventilators, but can't point to a single one outside of her imagination.  And nobody's going to question her.

Clearly an example of the “useful idiot” who goes along with whatever they’re told and even take initiative to impose upon others without the slightest question of what they're doing.

I've been pondering that term, no one knows where it came from although it's generally credited to Lenin, sometimes Stalin or Hitler.  I assume it just came out of conversation somewhere, 'why are you dealing with that idiot?   'I know he's an idiot but there are ways he's useful.'  The term got passed along even as the idiot got purged or set-up for a trap.

What types are there?  There's 'the seeker' who looks for meaning, something to believe in, and they've found it, communism explains everything.  There's 'the utopian' believing they're building a paradise, everything is justifiable for that and they’ll kills as many as need be to get a step further.  There's 'the power worshiper,' they don't really want power themselves, they love being around and promoting those who do, often with the media.

There are other types which seem to be variations of sociopath.  There are those who want to impose rules on others but don't need to follow it themselves, there's those that want to destroy freedom and individuality and will go along with anybody who might make that happen.  Some even focus on the olden days of 'real' socialism.

19 January, 2022

My orders are great.  It's the people who follow them that are horrible and evil.

□ [“ALL Illinois Residents To Be Involuntarily Entered Into Vaccine Database If HB 4244 Passes On January 19"]

The 1974 federal Right of Privacy and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is supposed to protect “all identifiable health information” unless the patient consents to disclosure.  But it's totally cool to disobey the law if you want, that's good to know.  They don't see any way this could go wrong.

□ [“Delusional Biden White House Blames His Imploding Poll Numbers On ‘Messaging’"]

Typical leftism.  Whoever's telling him to say this isn't remotely considering that they might be doing the wrong thing and that has people react this way, they're not even blaming themselves for being incapable of proper "messaging."  Oh no, they're totally right, it's other people failing to understand them correctly that's the problem.

This has to be partially about removing any aspect of individuality.  Recognizing the individual is required to see the possibility that one is making the mistakes, not blaming others.  So even a group of people who recognize individuality would be capable of having someone make the suggestion that they screwed it up.  Without that, it's all about *them* trying to figure out who to blame for not having everyone else agree with *them.*

So apparently he did a press conference today, the first time in ages.  Possibly the first one since he stole office, it's not like people pay much attention to him.  Maybe he has one every week, who would know?  He babbles instead of answering questions, everything is someone else's fault, everything is going well.  He's totally fine with how Afghanistan is going, getting rid of gays and abortion, nothing wrong with that.

He did mention that grocery store shelves are empty which very much surprises me.  Even more that he claims to see them himself (albeit on television.)  But he says it's barely below what it was before the virus hit, who's supposed to believe that?

□ [“Fauci Warns There Are Five Stages in a Pandemic… and We Are Still in the First Stage"]

They've obviously been planning this for a while, imposing tyranny for two years now, but they're less than 20% of the way.

Negative impact ----> Deceleration ----> Control ----> Elimination ----> Eradication

He admits that stage five will never end, it'll never go away.  Funny how that works.

20 January, 2022

That moment where you give up on trying to come up with a funny headline.

□ [“NHS Doctor Tells Patient NOT to Take Covid Vaccine Because They Will Be PULLED Soon – Warns That Vaccine Data is Being Hidden From Public"]

At this point I have to worry that even stories I support from websites I support are completely made up.  This sounds like it's part of a deliberate plan to expose the socialist plan to kill as many people as possible but it also sounds as made-up as what the socialists report.

□ [“NPR Reporter Furious Over Supreme Court Denies Story on Masking Feud, Implies Justices Lied #MaskGate"]

And this, justices Gorsuch, Sotomayor and Roberts in a government-funded media story of internal conflict over wearing masks in court but all three of them say the story was false.  Are they covering themselves, was it a plan to trap the media?  Were they actually quoted in the story or was it just the media saying whatever it wants to fool as many people as possible?

This is an example of how socialism fails, the media may be all-in on the Biden regime but they're still individuals and some of them are looking in different directions.

□ [“Psaki Spins Like a Top About Biden’s Comments Questioning 2022 Midterm Election Legitimacy"]

□ [“Kamala Harris Cackles When Confronted on Biden’s Lie that He Would 'Shut Down the Virus'"]

□ [“Fireworks!  Kamala Harris Snaps When Asked About Biden’s Disastrous Press Conference"]

□ [“Biden Stares Blankly When Asked About Ukrainian President’s 'No Minor Incursions' Comment"]

They're actually being asked questions that aren't standard suck-ups.  Obviously they don't answer the questions and don't like the people who ask them (no idea if the questions come from liberal media) but that's *something.*

□ [“Elizabeth Warren Thinks Biden Can Save His Imploding Presidency By Cancelling Student Loan Debt"]

Or Biden could make her pay for all of it.  He has just as much constitutional authority for that and just think about how awesome she’d look for paying for everything you had nothing to do with.  She'll go to jail if she doesn't pay because Biden makes the rules.

This could really turn Biden's poll numbers around, that would be so awesome.

□ [“Penn State prof Edward Fuller – Masked drunk drivers should speed through ‘pro-covid’ neighborhoods"]

And he could be setting the example tonight.  And tomorrow night.  And the following night.  What is it about leftists that they refuse to actually do what they order other people to do?

For that matter, he deleted this tweet, why do they always delete their stupid tweets?  It seems like a perfect example for a *professor* to show, 'I actually said this, it's right here, you can't miss it.  This is what I'm totally capable of putting out to anyone who listens to me.  I'm not going to hide this, it's what I do.   Maybe he was already drunk when he tweeted.

Then again, it's not all that different from how the so-called right-wing media operates, they all promoted Biden as some competent intelligent person who could lead and unite despite the last half-century of proof to the contrary, and they aren't going to say that was a bad idea, no matter how miserable other people get.

21 January, 2022

Do illegal immigrants have to wear masks when they enter the US?

□ [“'No vaccine, no booze':  Quebec introduces new restrictions for the unvaccinated"]

People won't be allowed in liquor or cannabis stores if they don't have proof of vaccination.  So we're redoing Prohibition now.  Do they seriously think people will just obey?  They didn't when drugs and booze were illegal but this time it'll be different?

It occurs to me that it's the "nature vs. nurture" argument, probably a fundamental aspect of socialism.  The people who are most obnoxious about fighting *for* nature don't believe it exists, everything can be whatever they make it to be.

Just a note, I think socialism/marxism/liberalism/leftism/etc. are all the same thing, they're just not definable enough, basically because the advocates constantly insist on changing things, even their own definitions of themselves.  For now, I'm going with "socialism" as the most accurate term although I'll use the others on occasion just because it gets boring otherwise.  “Anti-individualism” would probably be most accurate but it's a bit awkward.

I'm not saying my examples/excuses are good but they are what I've been going with.

Collectivism – to collect, a collection, it leaves out who's doing the collecting or why.

Leftism – if the French revolutionaries (or whoever came up with it) had been sitting in a different part of the room, it would be 'rightism' or 'middle-ism'?  And it leaves out whoever's not 'one of them' even as they pretend to be working for 'everybody.'

Marxism – It’s not Marx, he’d been dead for years before anyone even heard of him.

Liberalism – 'liber' is 'to free' which they don't do unless it's a way they approve of (like self-identifying as a female with a penis).

Socialism – uh, well, it does require everyone as part of a group, no getting away from that.  It's why I've picked it as the best term so far.

It is basically feudalism, that's effectively what the people who pretend to believe in freedom want to return to but it's not remotely equivalent in any real sense.  We really have no clue what life was like during feudalism where even the rich and powerful may only take a bath once a year and almost nobody posted on Facebook.  That's why I'm trying to define that intellectual elitism, which makes 'socialism' or 'collectivism' the best terms I've found so far.

They can't be stupid enough to have the goal of bathing/eating/raising children to adulthood more than the peons, even though that's the actual result.  They spent decades claiming health care should be free for everybody and now they'll ban anybody they don't like from health care.  They spent decades claiming women are equal to men and now women-with-penises are beating women-with-vaginas at every turn and the sissy girls just have to shut up and take it good and hard.  They spent all those decades promoting gays and abortions, Biden voted for war against Afghanistan, was in charge of it as Veep and now surrenders unconditionally to the Taliban who are not fans of gays or abortions, no liberal sees anything wrong with that.

Feudalism is the result of their actions but can't possibly be what they believe they're working towards.  Most of them are "useful idiots" but someone has to give the orders or the idiots will just go do their own thing.  Hitler and Mussolini sure came from that side so fascism is essentially modern feudalism.  I'm just trying to figure out how the hell they even get to this.

Except for the Cloward-Piven types, none of those people are following an articulated plan.  They're following urges, instincts, no more complex than the urge to exert power over the miller so one can shtup the miller's daughter.  As those urges and instincts play out in the aggregate, conflicts arise, and some compromises are achieve the overall goals while ratiocinating veneer upon veneer of intellectualism, 'it's for the betterment of mankind, my dear.'  That's how I see it.

Hmmmmm...  This is just top-of-my-head speculation, you've definitely captured part of what I'm looking for.  Can't tell how much you got, 10%, 20%, 50%, 75%, 90%, but you're definitely right about that part.  Sensible human beings have been trying to figure this out for thousands of years and have figured out this much.  It'd be easy enough to just say the rest of it is 'God's plan' but that doesn't give us any detailed explanation to work with.

True, some of them can articulate the goal or the plans and they all have 'government' as the universal savior, yet they’re all individuals so each one sees and reacts differently to things with different abilities.  Then there's their willingness to turn against 'government' when they aren't in charge, as we've seen with Trump and GWB in the White House.

This all causes problems in their own groups, never mind foisting it on everyone else.  If we're sensible and disagree, you can go your way, I'll go mine.  If we're collectivists, we have to delude ourselves that we'll stay together for the greater struggle even though I'm totally right and you'll be punished sooner or later for disagreeing with me because we believe in "freedom."  But no matter how much we disagree, we'll always get back together whenever we see a chance to take over.  Trotsky and Lenin didn't like each other but were co-rulers of Russia while someone else they didn't like did the work.  LBJ and JFK were similar.

Does it matter how articulate or intelligent they are as individuals?  At some level, yes, they have to go along with whatever provides food and shelter and some can do better than others.  At another level, no, they're basically all the same.  Can they challenge their own biases before going after others?  We’ll never know, that's the point of being individuals.  Each one of us is too complicated to be so easily understood by anyone else.

"Look no further than..." definitely seems relevant,  an order from the higher-ups that encourages self-destruction of the individual.  I am definitely from the 'keep it simple, stupid' side but that doesn't mean simplicity can be imposed.

And it strikes me that they always seem to pick the wrong things to be simple about.  Everything's racist, everything's capitalist, everything's evil about America, that's what the white-skinned elected mega-millionaire told me to say.  "Look no further than..." 

Also 21 January, 2022

Sirens are screaming and the fires are howling, so it's like every other night then.

□ [“Meatloaf Passes Away – Rocked the World with 'Paradise by the Dashboard Lights' in 1977"]

The bat has gone back to hell.  From the day he was born, he was trouble!  At least now he can work with Jim Steinman again.  I wonder if the last thing he saw was his heart still beating, still beating, breaking out of his body and flying away...

But another one is gone.  

22 January 2022

If I knew then what I know now, my memory would have quit a long time ago.

□ [“China, Russia and Iran Sending Warships for a Joint Exercise in the Middle East"]

Iran's been there for a few thousand years, Russia's been there for centuries and China's been moving in for a while.  And we have... that guy.

Americans may not pay much attention to geopolitics but we know about senile old people.  His handlers are rushing out to claim he didn't actually say what he clearly said on-camera.  Last week the media loved that Biden could stand and babble for an hour and fifty minutes.  Russia and co. are so afraid of him now!!!

□ [“Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov:  US Must Leave, Unambiguously Cede All Former Soviet States to Russia"]

Or not.  France is so confident in Biden that they want separate talks with Russia, US not invited.  Russia is so scared of Biden’s permission for a "minor incursion" of Ukraine that they're retreating through the entire Soviet Empire and Eastern Europe.  What, does France not see who benefits from that?  Look at all the money Hunter Biden gets, isn't that worth anything?

I should add, I'm not following some of these stories but it's starting to look like the media is outright making up whatever it wants.  There's the issue I posted yesterday about the Supreme Court but there are a few others, pretending the economy is working.

□ [“Putin’s Real Puppet – After Killing XL Pipeline, Biden Regime Imports Oil from Russia at Record Levels"]

Has it been worked out how much Putin tells Democrats to blame him for everything and they obey?  One thing I've been wondering is how to use 'go ahead and blame me' to advance totalitarian goals.  Can't think of any specific terms but for quite a while I've thought leftists obeyed Putin exactly the way they pretended Trump obeyed Putin, and probably because Putin told them what to say.  He had to get through his first few decades alive by obeying Soviet rule no matter how far away from reality it was, I would think that's somewhat common.

Notice that it matches the support for oil and the heavy use of oil by those who pretend to care about nature.  'I'm going to fly around on jets, people are going to drive to my speeches and I'll say how wrong it is to use oil.'

□ [“State Department Wants Embassy Personnel Families to Evacuate Ukraine, Biden Vacations at Camp David"]

Is this another great victory like Afghanistan?  Are they still giving Hunter Biden lots of money?  Just a few days ago, Biden was so strong and powerful standing up against Russia, the media told us so.  What, is Russia now so scared that we can take everyone out of our embassy in a nation that isn't Russia?  I'm not sure I believe that.

□ [“Biden Legacy:  Former Afghanistan Policewomen Are Hunted for Assassination and Beatings by Taliban"]

Do the women have penises?  Because if they don't, I really don't care what happens to them.  Big strong women with penises, those are the ones who matter.

23 January, 2022

I'm not gonna say this was caused by aliens, but it's aliens.

□ [“Now the BNSF Railroad Prepares to Strike, Adding Challenges in Filling Already Empty Shelves in US Stores"]

They're trying to take down planes, trains and automobiles.  And trucks, cars...  Warren Buffet is a major Democrat and a major stockholder of this railroad which ships lots of oil all across the country.  Not to mention Russia, we imported 18,000 barrels of oil a day in October 2017, up to 206,000 barrels a day in October 2021.

Interesting, the railroad company is trying to force everyone to work despite their health and 'forced overtime' into the bargain.  And they're trying to get a federal judge to stop the strike because it'll hurt the economy.  So it comes down to who appointed the judge and no Democrats will defend the workers.  Suddenly the economy matters.  Suddenly employers can't just hire more people, the ones they have just have to shut up and obey.

□ [“NBC’s Chuck Todd: 'Biden No Longer Seen as Competent and Effective'"]

Biden has never been seen that way because he's never been competent or effective.  That's what got him this far.  At some point in the last 50 years a competent or effective person might have turned against his masters.

Even the media is turning on him now.  It would be nice to think that they're regretting such a horrible mistake but let's face it, they're going to double down.  My guess is Obama will start showing up every day.  It's possible they'll just replace Biden with Harris but it sounds like she's too obviously an idiot even for leftists.

□ [“CBS Host Stunned, None of Face the Nation’s Focus Group Says America is Better After One Year of Biden"]

Another network.  They’d have made sure to know in advance what people they'll point cameras at would say so this is entirely deliberate.  We just passed the first anniversary of the fake-POTUS taking office so it's quite possible they had planned for it all along.

□ [“Dr. Fauci:  'We May Need to Boost Again.  That’s Entirely Conceivable'"]

Doubling down, just assuming they control everyone entirely, no consent needed.

One of the few places I see any reason to hope is that even most of the mindless leftists are tired of this.  They were told to wear cloth masks and stay away from people and everything would be fine.  Those who are alive voted for Biden who had a plan.  They got a vaccination to return to normal.  They get boosters and the rulers are fine with the way things are.

24 January, 2022

Is there anything more important right now than posting this.  That's so sad.

Why don't we just send the ones we have in Syria?  Oh well, we can leave them there when the tyrants win.  I can remember when Democrats claimed they hated attacking other countries and definitely thought it required a congressional declaration.

And China's getting ready to move into Taiwan.  It's safe to assume Iran *always* has plans for Israel and they'll need to move through Iraq and Mecca to get there.

Biden or whoever's in charge will probably give in.  If they’re not actually working for China or Russia directly, they'll look bad if they lose a war that they had pretended to oppose.

I don't have much to say today.  I'm just in a daze.  Most of us probably are.  We need some sign of hope and there is none.  Economy, chaos, now a war coming in.

Well, I do think whoever's in charge of Biden will quit before it actually starts.  Russia, China, Iran and whoever is on their side can just keep going forward.  The media will try to say how brave and bold he was to avoid the conflict.

25 January, 2022

I may start putting titles on these essays at some point.  Someone has to...

□ [“Jen Psaki Finally Comes Clean – Admits Defunding Police Increased Crime in America"]

It's just an excuse to go after guns.  They're fine with the criminals and don't care if they have guns, it's everyone else they want to shut down.

□ [“Insane Masked Karens Attack Unmasked Black Man In Elevator, Screaming 'Black Lives Matter'" (VIDEO)]

"Karen" being the current slang term for leftist middle-class women.  I've liked the women named "Karen" I've known so I'm not a fan of the term.

Anyway, there's no context in this article, not even a clue what city or state this is taking place in, but with nothing else to go on, the guy should have decked them.  They started it and they hit first.  Then again, how can blacks be oppressed if they don't just shut up and obey?

There are other recent video clips like this, possibly where the term "Karen" came from.  This is total insanity.  These are people who would demand men with guns barge into houses of people they don't like and put them in concentration camps.

□ [“Authoritarian-But-Incompetent White House Withdraws OSHA Vaccine Mandate After Supreme Court Rules"]

OSHA was their runaround to avoid Congress or executive orders which were blatantly illegal.  Now they can't do this either.  One great thing about America was that it provided so many steps to forbid totalitarians.  They've taken down every barrier they can but some still exist to stop them.  This is why they're so in favor of censorship.

□ ["Pelosi Announces She Will Run For Reelection… AGAIN"]

Is she desperate about being protected?  29 House Democrats won’t be running for re-election but she's staying in?  She's been there for 42% of her life and she's turning 82 in March.

Gotta admit, it's totally believable that power lust overcomes everything else in her.  Also have to wonder if a dead dog self-identified as a Democrat and ran against her, who would win?

□ [“‘Limit the Spread of Covid Misinformation’ – Surgeon General Calls For Joe Rogan’s Podcast to be Censored"]

Those who say masks do nothing or those who say everyone must wear them?  Those who say we all must wear masks or those always seen without them?  Those who say they'll be the last in line to take the vaccine or those who say they've taken it and everybody else should?

This is active censorship.  Intelligent people know that they don't know everything and it's a bad idea to silence anyone who disagrees.  These people are not intelligent.  They want government to control everything and they want to be in charge of the government.

I'm still thinking about movies, the conspiracies they might have going on.  One thing that crossed my mind was the idea that they want the villains to actually be the point.  Part of it's just the nature of fiction, sure, heroes are only as exciting as their villains, but I have to wonder if at least some of the movies are made with the villain's goals being what the cast actually desires and a happy ending is just something convenient to sell to the audience.

Just a thought, I'm sure there are many conspiracies like that in Hollywood but they wind up fighting with each other off-screen.  I'm sure many of them are into sex with children which seems to link up with some of the most legendary science-fiction writers and, by extension, the Futurists.  I don't think it would be too hard to find connections, 'this writer went to work in Hollywood,' but that doesn't mean there's anything there.  But still, it's scary to think that communists might just be less developed versions of these people.

Also 25 January, 2022

The Wrongs of Spring

On the ‘history project,’ I looked at the 1913 “The Rite of Spring” riots.  Lots of famous people involved, the day before the Great War’s prelude ended, the First Balkan War.  The riots were in Paris, their source material came from Russia...  It just strikes me as *this* is where the 20th Century really got moving in all its... well, I won't say "glory" but you know what I mean.

The famous people wanted to tear everything apart.  Some of the original cast even got back together for a 50th anniversary and it looks like they were deliberately trying to set up Woodstock.  Anyway, just looking at this is mind-blowing and I've only been glimpsing at who was involved and who had connections to other people over the next hundred years.

And that's not even getting into the implicant paganism.

□ [“Stravinsky The Rite of Spring // London Symphony Orchestra/Sir Simon Rattle - 24 September 2017]

Since I’ve been thinking about “The Rite of Spring,” let's see how far I get listening to it.  I've never been a classical music fan, I love the orchestra sound but there's no real song so I usually get bored.  It takes something like "1812 Overture" to make me go 'hey, that's catchy.'

I also have to wonder what a conductor actually does.  Paying attention to all the different instruments and trying to send out signals to each part, there's not a lot of communication variety there.  Maybe it's just giving the audience someone to watch?  Can't add words which are what's need to communicate a specific idea.  It's fun to speculate what the wealthy audience would have learned about music but that's all it is, speculation.  Hell, speculation is what the rich folks were doing at the time.  No wonder they rioted.

Obviously there's not much to say about this.  It sounds like an orchestra which I do like, but that's about it.  Are we supposed to know what Stravinsky’d been reading about which gave him the notion to name parts "Ritual of the Two Rival Tribes" or "The Naming and Honoring of the Chosen One"?  There's some skill in combining this large number of instruments.  It's better than Chinese Democracy, I'll give it that.

Maybe it's a way to seduce those 'in the know.'  Or women, whichever.  I liked the ending but face it, every part could have been rearranged and the audience wouldn't know the difference.  I listened to a little classic rock earlier today, world of difference.  I enjoyed it.  That's what's wrong with classical music, you play it, it starts, goes along, then ends.  That's all.

26 January, 2022

I guess this was another day where I ain’t got nothin’ to say.  Hey, that rhymes...

□ [“EV Recharge Hell for Climate Activist Heidi Harmon"]

I think electric cars were where I first realized the real goal of the left was to use force to make everybody miserable.  These cars don't have enough power to run for long, they take a long time to charge and the chargers use gasoline anyway.

This green person had to go to an Earth-saving rally but had to look all over for a charger and then discovered that it would take seven hours to get powered up.  She missed the rally.  She could have left a half-day earlier but they wouldn't have wanted that.

□ [“Biden Afghan ‘Refugee’ Convicted for Sexual Assault of 3-Year-Old Girl at Quantico Base – Argued His Conduct Was ‘Acceptable in His Culture’"]

This is what they want.  This is who they want to populate the USA.  This guy isn't the only one they've brought in.  There's a reason Biden calls it an "extraordinary success."

□ [“Biden’s Handlers Cut the Feed after He Starts Babbling about His Father the Used Car Salesman"]

Outright censorship.  How can we pretend he's POTUS if they ban him from telling the media what he thinks?  I’m surprised they allowed him to say he'll stand up against Russia.

□ [“Boston patient removed from heart transplant list for being unvaccinated"]

They claimed to say 'it's worth it if it saves a single life,' they forbid people to say "every life matters" and they’ll kill anyone they want, that's their ‘healthcare.’  That's what they do and they see nothing wrong with it.  And they can ignore people who die from the vaccine too.

Also 26 January, 2022

We can’t be out of time, there’s still more movies and tv shows to watch!

□ [“The Facts of Roses"]

Because you're interested, I finally received printed copies of the latest book, finished and ordered barely a week into the year.  If I'd have finished it a little earlier, I'd have done three books in 2021 and would be at least a quarter of the way into the 2022 book.  This is what I do.

I’m thinking about how to promote it and have found an odd coincidence.

I’ve been posting for a while on a Guns'n'Roses message board (rarely), basically seeing what I can work out about whatever my recent obsession with that band is.  Over the last week or so, someone has been going through G’n’R, my collection of essays about the band, and finished reading it a couple days ago, just as the message board went offline.

Now that's rather odd timing.  I think it was down for a day or two just after I'd started posting.  Obviously there's no proof but one gets the impression *someone* is watching me.

□ [“Spotify Removing Neil Young’s Music For Giving Ultimatum for Platform to Choose Him or Joe Rogan"]

This is an amusing decision.  The rock star loses when making a threat against someone else and demanding the business pander to him?  Then again, didn't Young sell his catalogue a few years ago?  He wouldn't even have the authority to make such a demand but he’s spent decades surrounded by fans and sycophants.  That’s how these people come to believe they have all the power, they’re the wave, not the surfer.

Now if Yoko Ono threatened to make Spotify play her music unless Rogan was released, that’d be a different story…

27 January, 2022

There should be food trucks parked outside the restaurants that require vaccine passports

□ [“Canadian Freedom Convoy:  Over 50,000 Truckers Protest COVID Mandates – Massive Crowds In Support"]

Ok, it sounds good but I thought something like this had happened before and never went anywhere, no one even noticed.  We really can't take that anymore, we need actual progress.

□ [“Maryland:  Hyattsville Mayor Kevin Ward Dies by Suicide"]

Gun in his face, survived by his husband and "two adopted sons"?  Nothing suspicious about that.  The official news doesn't even mention what political party he's a member of.

This is the sort of thing that makes me wonder if leftism is fundamentally about molesting black boys.  Girls, sure, older people, sure, non-blacks, sure, but sex with children specifically for black boys more than anything.

It's probably not *that* specific, I just happened to run into some stuff about Samuel R. Delany, black and quite open about wanting to fuck children ever since he was a youth on the receiving end.  He's also a legendary figure in science fiction, totally adored by the modern era, which is where that connection to the Futurists comes in again.

Showing that it's not entirely about skin color, the guy who was the voice of Charlie Brown just killed himself too, *first* voice, the one we know from Charlie Brown Christmas and Great Pumpkin.  He apparently had a brief acting career in popular shows of the era, and several arrests for violence and drugs after he quit show business.

That's where I'm looking at because I think there are people who know they aren't all that, their goal is to gain and use as much power as soon as possible.

There've been some new police shootings in Houston and some in St. Louis today.

Also 27 January, 2022

Hey Joe Chill, where you goin’ with that gun of yours?

□ [“Fans Reject Woke Superman; DC Comics Sales ‘Terrifying’"]

Only two DC comics that don't star Batman sold in the top 50, only one reached the top 40.  The article doesn't say how many get sold (ordered by the comic store) because since DC stopped using Diamond, they don’t have say how much they actual sell, but I'm guessing it's pretty low.  Mind-bogglingly low.  Even the hits would have been cancelled on the spot a few decades ago if they had sales this bad and that's just from the direct market.

28 January, 2022

Just keep going down, there’s no bottom floor...

□ [“Biden Ends Press Conference, Hands Justice Breyer a Dirty Mask, Then Walks Off the Stage Maskless']

He's obviously broken down.  I have to wonder if there's some level where he's outright resisting (or the closest he can come to that) because that's the only way he can rest.  His schedule's mostly empty, his weekends are long, there's no sense that he has anything to do with being in charge, but they keep pushing him into this.

There's some word about evil right-wingers trying to ban Maus from a school in, I think, Tennessee.  This sounds like a set-up by the people who vow to keep teaching Critical Race Theory even if it's against the law.  They say only a terrorist would criticize a big strong woman forcing her penis into a sissy little girl's vagina and have spent decades supporting an organization whose founding documents openly desire death for all Jews and have won every election in Palestine for quite a while now.  I'll need some proof that the school claiming this censorship of a comic book isn't actually part of *those* people.

We can see this sort of deliberate lie as Biden claims he's going to nominate the first black female ever for the Supreme Court.  Less than 20 years ago, GWB nominated Janice Rogers Brown and you can tell from her skin color that she ain't white.  You can also that Democrats are totally into evil racist filibustering, and that's how they took that bitch down.  None other than Joe Biden stuck it to her, good and hard.  He was not going to vote for a black woman and didn't want anyone else to do that either.

Obviously Biden doesn't remember this, he probably doesn't know what he ate for breakfast this morning, but liberals pretend to keep track of these things and they really really care about skin color.  There's gotta be C-Span footage around somewhere of Biden talking and talking and talking about how awful this black woman was.

□ [“Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers:  'If Wisconsin Can Do [Recall Electors], Arizona Should Have Been First'"]

So now two states know they were stolen in the 2020 election, or at least willing to admit it.  I deliberately haven't looked up how much the election was stolen, officially, but right there it must be close and the other 48 states should be wondering how much of that went on for them.

□ [“Here We Go:  New Omicron Variant BA.2 Detected in at Least Four US States"]\

Oh no!  This version of the virus will kill us all, the other versions were just preludes!  This one is the killer and those wimpy vaccines won’t stop it, we'll all have to get a new one!

□ [“University of Northampton slaps a TRIGGER warning on George Orwell's 1984 as it contains 'explicit material' which some students may find 'offensive and upsetting'"]

This is really what they're into.  Normal people couldn't even think of this as a parody, they're censoring one of the most classic novels of the last hundred years and imposing their own totalitarian views on it.  Why don't they just point out that it has a happy ending, everything is government property?  SOMEONE may be offended!!!

The truck movement in Canada is still ongoing.  Dunno what the status currently is but to the extent the media is covering any part of this, it’s calling it fascist so it must be hitting something.  The truckers and their supporters are putting videos online that look cool.

It's a small bit of hope, there are things like this going on in Canada and Europe along with the US, the real fascists are finally being stood up against.  I still can't believe we're actually in this mess and I've been predicting it for years.  Look at my books if you don't believe me.

Gotta admit, last night I found a version of the video someone posted with Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It" and it really spoke to me.  I just saw a video using CW McCall's "Convoy" so I decided to look for the Twisted Sister video again.  I'm breaking up, actual tears coming out of my eyes.  God how we need more of that.

Not, uh, not me crying, but you know…

29 January, 2022

Let's go, Trudeau!  Let's go, Trudeau!  Let's go, Trudeau!

□ [“Not a Joke, U.S. Govt Takes the Official Position There Is No Food Inflation"]

People who don't actually pay for their own food.  It's quite possible they don't even go to the store themselves, they have their servants do it for them and their servants aren't exactly allowed to be honest about what's going on.

And that's the USDA.  Despite what we all see in the increase of prices for fruit, vegetables, milk and meat, consistently for a year now, they say there's only been a 3.5% increase in 2021 and 2020 but it's only 1.5-2.5% for this year.  Who are they trying to fool?  How can even the people who work there be stupid enough to fall for it?

Germany was very strict under the Hohenzollerns, but it applied to the government and military as much as civilians.  They were punished severely if they abused civilians.  But anyone in Nazi uniform could do whatever they wanted to everybody except their own higher-ups.

In everything but name, these are Nazis.  They pretend to be offended by letters of the alphabet and everyone must obey, they come up with whatever stupid rules they want to impose them on everyone else and they don't even have to obey it themselves.

□ [“Biden Says He 'Could Have Been an All-American' Football Player; He Quit Freshman Year For Poor Grades"]

He could have been POTUS the honest way but even Democrats wouldn't vote for him.  It's not like he didn't try multiple times.  I suspect he was supposed to be Hillary's competition, possibly her Veep, but then Obama came out of nowhere.  She’d have picked Obama for Veep and Biden would have been told to sit down.  He'd have obeyed without question.

I assume Obama would have picked Hillary for Veep without hesitation but she knew how Bill ignored Gore.  She’d pretend she was important and set records for using airplane fuel, wait four eight years and wouldn’t allow any more competition.  Even there, she almost lost to Bernie.  Even scarier, she's clearly more intelligent and competent than Kamala Harris.

Anyway, this is almost-spooky, an old man fantasizing about his ‘football star’ past that he never actually had.  Many college football players actually finished their first year and still never make All-American but half a century later, this guy just talks about how great he was on the field?  To the extent he's capable of thinking about anything, this is what he thinks about.

Worth noting that he claims to have attended the University of Delaware from 1961 to 1965 and they don't have any records of him even being on the team.  That's reality for you.

□ [“Freedom Convoy | Ontario - "We're Not Gonna Take It"]

Just wanted to get a link to the video to see how long it lasts.

□ [“Justin Trudeau and family move to secret location as Canada trucker protests spark security fears, report says"]

I hope they stay there and wait for him to come back, no matter how many days it lasts.  If that interferes with supplies being delivered through Canada, then the guy who claims to be in charge should show up to work and meet voters.  If the choice is waiting for the government official to show up or do the job they're paid for, they'll be like the government official and wait for the government official.

Similar protests are going on in Brussels, Sweden, Spain, Paris...  What are they going to hit us with next?

Also 29 January, 2022

Nah, see, nosy nazis know “no si”

□ [“Joni Mitchell Removes Music From Spotify in Support of Neil Young Against Joe Rogan"]

No idea if Mitchell actually owns her songs.  If I had to guess, I'd say "no," but that's just a guess.  At least we know Neil Young sold his to a giant corporation for tons of money a while back because leftists do not rock in the free world.

In one sense, this is taking down the aged rockers, no one's going to care.  In another, it's the giant corporations getting whatever loot they can and have no need for the people who made it possible, just what these rockers pretended to oppose for all these decades.  In still another sense, that's the lifestyle they've been living in for all these decades so they have no clue what an ordinary person's life is like and are surrounded by sycophants so they don't even realize that.

30 January, 2022

The Word of the Day is:  "Word."  It's been a slow day.

□ [“University of Nebraska Changes Their Mascot Because Liberals Claimed the Okay Sign Means White Power"]

Obviously UNL would be into this nonsense – I should know, I spent enough years there and lived right next to it when I wasn't a student – but this is a good example of what they're into.  They make up this nonsense about an "ok" being racist and demand it gets changed, they have to defend it that they can't just say 'that's not what it means.’  Yes, they can say that, they're the ones forbidding it and expecting everyone else to go along.

And they have to make sure everybody knows about it.  To this day, Lincoln, Nebraska is still my *home town* even though you can count on your fingers the number of times I've been there in the last couple decades.  But I am not a football fan (to put it mildly) and if they hadn't announced the change, I wouldn't have noticed.  As it is, I have to look up the name of the mascot, that's how little interest I have in it.  That's how people go about living their own lives.  But the left doesn't want that.  They want everyone to know that they have to be obeyed on whatever their most-recent false claim happens to be.

The left expects to change everything with complete obedience, no matter how stupid.  It's like this is how they recruit others, people who can't think but can repeat "RACISM!!!" to get obedience will always find more like them.

□ [“White Liberals Nine Times More Likely to Use Term ‘Latinx’ Than Actual Hispanics"]

Just a generic poll, but I bet there's a lot of truth to it and if anything, the number of Hispanics who actually use this idiotic term is probably just trying to get along with the left due to their experience with how tyranny operates.  People who get paid to make up unrealistic orders and impose them on the rest of the populace are probably trying to figure out right now how to change the languages into what they want with no interest in what the people who have spoken them for centuries actually think.

If there's any truth to Hispanics running to the Republican side, it's probably because things like this go down very deeply in each of them.  Socialists don't even perceive of such levels of human existence but they demand it to change to be whatever they want today.

□ [“Marxist BLM Leader Patrisse Khan-Cullors Bought Four High-End Homes in US Before Stepping Down – Is Now Linked to $6 Million Mansion in Canada"]

And she was broke just a few years ago.  These are obviously being used for transport and storage like the military does during an invasion.  I wonder how many of these people did a couple stints in the Army to learn this stuff.

□ [“Two Long Island Nurses Charged with Forging Covid Vaccine Cards, Racking in More Than $1.5 Million"]

I've been wondering how long this would take.  I'm surprised we hadn't heard about it earlier.  They had only been running this since November and charged $225 per adult, $85 per kids.  Rough estimate, that's about 10,000 people in three months, what are the odds that women are the only two in the country doing this?  I know I would buy a forge if I thought it would work and knew where to get one, there are probably a lot of people who are more desperate/knowledgeable on this than I am.

I'm still waiting for anybody to cite examples of good governments requiring everyone to get shot and have proper paperwork on it.  I can think of bad governments doing that but the left doesn't seem to mention those, so they should bring up the ones they want us to be more like.

31 January, 2022

If you don't like government healthcare, you're poorly educated.  That's why the government runs education.

□ [“Freedom Convoy 2022 Live Audio]

I've been listening to live chat on the Freedom Convoy.  It's not that interesting but at least it's continuing.  They're probably being set up, by fake protestors and on the internet.  The truckers have already compared it to 1/6.  There's also a report that the same things (might) be going on now in Europe and even Australia.

They are definitely being trolled on the Audio.  They're also trying to get off the streets by 8PM (their time.)  It's possible the police might have tried to get them last night.

As always, I have little to say.  It was a long day, let’s see what I can come up with.

□ [“In Georgia RINOs Are Pushing Legislation that Gives Money to Illegal Aliens"]

Like most Confederate states, Georgia began voting Republican in the 1990s or 2000s.  Democrats claim that it was caused by the civil rights movement in the 1960s and 70s.  Those states remained strong Democrat positions and they sure knew how to keep blacks in one place.

It just occurred to me that at least part of this may have been deliberate and I would definitely think the Clintons were involved, given that 1995 was the first major turn-over to Republicans.  I definitely would think Georgia would be the cornerstone of that movement, it's the state that brought us Jimmy Carter, back when the state was all-Democrat.

Did Democrats start self-identifying as Republicans in the 1990s to (a) convert the masses and (b) to blame Republicans for everything?  Not just Georgia, this could explain why all these noted Republicans always turned on Reagan, Bush, Bush Jr, Sarah Palin and especially Trump.  It also explains candidates like McCain and possibly some of those I just mentioned.

I have wondered for a while if something like this might be going on, it's the focus on Georgia here that suggests it might have been the actual plan.

□ [“Arizona Senate Testimony:  Democrats Stole Overseas/Military Ballots from Michigan, Georgia, Arizona"]

This was a deliberate plan, going on at least since 2016 if not earlier.  They were going full speed to tyranny and throwing out actual votes was required, or at least a lot of fun.  Those three states make up 43 electoral votes, more than enough to sway the 2020 election theft.

□ [“Nervous Newsom Stutters Self-Defense For Getting Caught Maskless at 49ers-Rams Game"]

Hey, the virus wasn't allowed to be in the picture ok, it was just a picture for rich and famous people close together, no COVID allowed.  Why don't the peasants get that?  Well, they're poor and had to go through California education so they don't know anything anyway, but that's why it's fun to ignore them.

Any other news?  It seems that the sissy girls on the Penn swimming team are forced to see that big strong woman's penis in their locker room are pointing out that she often has an erection when they're around.  Well duh, they might be stupid girls but they're fit young women in great physical shape who keep taking their clothes off in front of him her, what would they expect?  You college girls never seen that before?  Not likely.

I also had a slight perception earlier today, that the 'nothing exists if you don't believe in it' is at least close to the fundamental part of socialists, explaining why they aspire to impose their nonsense on everybody.  It's not enough that they don't believe in reality and just let other people go their own way, they must force everyone to agree with them.

It doesn't explain the why but it seems like a crucial part of the what and how.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy is still underway.  The US is planning to do the same thing, even Australia.  This may be where we start taking a stand.  There's suddenly going to be a lot more shortages and price-increases of whatever's still available.  That's going to suck for everybody but we need to push this.

Trudeau has tested positive for the virus and taken into hiding, but publicly stated that the truckers are full of "hateful rhetoric" and "violence towards citizens."  But he agreed with Black Lives Matter, that's why he didn't mind them doing what he actually claims is going on here.

To the extent that the media is covering any of this, it's to agree with Trudeau and call the truckers "racist."  Liberals never like it when the working class is speaking out against them.  Those are the "nazis"!  And they're blaming Russia.

01 February, 2022

Black males who self-identify as female may even be considered for the Supreme Court.

□ [“‘CBS Mornings’ Suggests Joe Rogan is Killing People with His Podcast When Discussing Covid-19"]

This is government media, all being given their same orders to gang up against a peasant who's speaking out.  They actively support censorship.  The networks are all doing this at once and none of them dare to support the right to freedom of speech.  This is how tyranny works.

Obviously no way to verify it, but reportedly the Mayor of Ottawa called all the towing companies to start getting rid of those trucks in the street but every company called said they couldn't they had COVID.  Gosh, will we ever get rid of that horrible disease?

The food supply is going to get worse.  Fertilizer, liquid nitrogen and seeds are skyrocketing in prices.  Sounds like the government trying to promote soybeans but those are being hit by shortages.  Did they read Atlas Shrugged and say "let's do that"?  It's not like animals eat soybeans, they eat actual plants and meat.

And the government's response has already been to start telling the grocery stores to tell people to only buy what they need and leave the rest to others.  That's going to drop.  Democrats really do not have a clue where food comes from.

On Friday, there’ll be an economic report.  I don't remotely pretend to understand the specifics but it doesn't sound good.  It's like the people running Biden have just been giving money to corporations so they wouldn’t fire people and calling that economic improvement, but now that's run out.  I think the truckers standing out has another motivation, maybe that’s it.

Could Trump have installed some practice that worked and Biden's immediate reversal of everything guaranteed a collapse like this?  The national debt just passed $30 trillion dollars.

□ [“After Failing To Pass BBB And Voter Reform, Chuck Schumer Moves On To Gun Control"]

Because of course.  We're all negros now, Democrats must disarm us.  Because it's done so well every other time they tried it.  This is what they've worked for, at least their leaders have.

Also 01 February, 2022

Looking at the "history project," I noticed the Battle of the Somme took place just after the Ireland Easter Rising.  I haven't looked into it much but the Rising always struck me as sort of prequel of the hell we've been living in, well, ever since.  All the nonsense about "racism" is just a replay of what the Irish have been complaining about even as part of the greatest civilization up to that point, hating all things English.  And the Irish sure liked using violence to do it.  I assume there may also be a distinction between Catholicism and Protestantism but haven't gotten into that yet.  Just on this, that view can be expanded to all the other skin colors.

They got support and weapons from Germany to use against the English, most notably Roger Casement working with Franz von Papen, a diplomat to Britannia at the time who became German Chancellor just before Hitler took over, then worked for Hitler.  He would be found non-guilty of some Nazi crimes, for others he was found guilty and mildly punished, before being set free and his fortune given back.  Haven't looked into the details but my impression was that he was being rewarded by the organizations that would grow up to be the European Union.  Was this the plan all along or had they just found their way there through a couple World Wars?

There's more in the background as well.  Roger Casement had also been deeply involved in exposing Belgium's behavior in the Congo.  I don't seriously call anything "racist" but that was mindboggling exploitation that goes far beyond imagination, yet it was quite natural to Belgium who, by the way, founded the European Union by leeching off all their neighbors.  They even helped start the World Wars by getting one of their people on the British Throne to promise defense against any attackers and were quite helpful when the Nazis moved in.

So now I've found connections of the Battle of the Somme to the Easter Rising and now to the "Heart of Darkness," one of the most famous short stories ever written, published in 1899.  I've read it but that was a long time ago and I remember nothing.  What everybody knows from the late 20th century is that it inspired one of the most infamous movies ever, Apocalypse Now.

And it goes further, Richard Casement was on trial for the Easter Rising and the prosecutors tried to show his private journals, now known as "The Black Diaries," which were very detailed in the gay sex he had.  Near as I can tell, it's about his youthful adventures – I'm obviously not going to read it, that's like, too much work, man! – but the intention of the prosecutors was to get him ruled "guilty but insane" so he wouldn't be executed.  Casement didn't want it released, preferring guilty and being executed.

Interestingly, there's still conflict on whether or not those journals were real or not.  I assume the conflict is mostly due to the Catholicism of his supporters but it's entirely possible he was just young and stupid and very drunk, like most Irish.  It's also possible this never happened and the authorities wanted to press their own desires upon him.  It may have been invented to give the gay mafia a dead body to promote as a symbol for generations to come, or it may have been a man making a genuine choice of 'live free or die,' standing up for freedom against... all of this.  It may be some or all of these.

I haven't even looked into other figures with some connection, temporal or political.  U2 built on it as much as it built on punk rock and post-punk.  Then there's W. B. Yates who strikes me as very arrogant, wanting to be the model everybody follows.  He was busy trying to marry the wife of one of the Easter Rising leaders, proposing to her since 1891.  That's not very realistic but it's what he did.  Then there's George Bernard Shaw who was also involved with the leaders just as he was of Mussolini and Stalin.  He even went to Russia and was thrilled by how many people Stalin hadn't killed, yet.

This is what they've always been after.

02 February, 2022

I put the hogs into the blender, now how do I find out if they have a shadow?

□ [“ABC Suspends Whoopi Goldberg from The View for Offensive Holocaust Comments"]

The fat, stupid old bitch claimed the Holocaust was just 'whites against whites,' nothing to care about.  It had nothing to do with race, never mind that the killers specifically said they were removing an inferior race.  Since then she's made false apologies and apparently had never bothered to learn a basic truth of the 20th century in all her many decades on this planet.  It's like blacks killing blacks, nobody cares, that's her opinion.  She's in Hollywood, how is she going to know anybody who could tell her what really happened?

So she's been suspended for two weeks.  Rosanne made a similar comment and got fired from a show she owned but Whoopi just gets a vacation.  The curve will be flattened by the time she gets back and she can return to saying some rape isn't really 'rape-rape.'  But Rosanne just obeyed, reportedly Whoopi is pissed.

She was probably eager to ban Joe Rogan though, something about telling the audience bad things that weren't remotely true.

The jobs report is coming out, instead of the faux-government insisting that we'd grow by 200,000 jobs in January, we lost 300,000.  That's a big difference.  Biden's people even tweeted today that 2021 was the greatest year of jobs growth in US history, letting people go back to the jobs they already had before the government forced them to stop working.

To the extent these numbers are real, the government is just moving them around until they see what they want, regardless of what the truth is.  Where have we seen this before?

□ [“Leaked White House Notes From Situation Room Meeting Day Before Kabul Fell Reveals Afghan Failures"]

Oh, right.  They decided that whatever they did would succeed and absolutely refused to listen to anyone who actually knew how things work.  It was literally only a few hours before Kabul fell that they started looking into who had been working for the US all these years and might want to flee the Taliban.  Might want to get started asking people about that, maybe working out how to get them out.

Nah, what's the worst that could happen?  They couldn't do more to prove the truth of Islam if they prayed five times a day and made the Mecca pilgrimage.  That's how infidels roll.

In other news, a "Convoy to DC" is getting ready.  If there's any way I can help them, I would totally do that.

How else can we help?  I'm not a trucker, don't have money and don't live close by but I do have free time and a work-ethic that focuses on supply and logistics.  I can fill out forms, I can keep an eye on cameras and contact you if something looks suspicious, stuff like that.  What can I do to help or who can we contact to make the same offer?

□ [“Virginia AG to Intervene in Loudoun County Mask Fight After Assistant Principal Threatens to Charge Maskless Elementary Schoolchildren with 'Trespassing'"]

For the last couple days, I've been seeing if my reading abilities are any better (they're not) by going through the final Preacher collection.  Seeing this article reminds me of the scene where Jesse makes a deal with the Patron Saint of Killers.  Right now I totally agree with that, "Then by God, let's turn you LOOSE."

03 February, 2022

The convoy will be over in two weeks, once they've flattened the curve.

□ [“Canadian Farmers Driving Tractors Break Through Police Barricades To Join Trucker Freedom Convoy"]

Holy fuck on poptarts, it gets even better!  It's not clear which side of the Montana border the tractors came from but they're joining the convoy and it's a ways away from Ontario.

I find it hard to believe that the cops are all that interested in stopping the protests and it's not like there's much of a chance to get the military involved from either side.

I don't want to be too optimistic but this seems hopeful.  My main worry is government(s) preparation to squash dissent.  “Mostly peaceful” BLM and Antifa burned buildings and killed people, these people will be attacked at all costs and the government calls them dangerous.

Notice, for all their decades of unquestioning rhetoric, here's a chance where leftists can support the working class standing up against the government telling them what to do and without exception they all expect total obedience.  There is no ' you have the right to disagree and do your own thing.'  They always demand it for themselves, not for anyone else.

Not that long ago, they were cheering the truckers for working through these conditions while leftists stayed at home and got paid anyway.  That's not how working class jobs operate, you have to go out and do them for real.  Now the truckers are still doing just that and the left doesn't like that.  I'm beginning to wonder they think blacks are 'naturally' working class and whites are 'naturally' elite.  It would explain why these white liberals are so into this.

□ [“Quebec Dumps Plans to Tax Unvaccinated"]

It sounds nice but given that it's Quebec, I assume they know totalitarianism enough to know when to take a break.  Wouldn't surprise me if they’ve got have a follow-up plan ready.

The Defense Medical Epidemiology Database keeps track of illness and injury of military personnel.  Since everybody there *has* to be vaccinated, they recently reported to the Senate that there's been an increase in:

Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 894% increase

Multiple sclerosis – 680% increase

Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 624% increase

Guillain-Barre syndrome – 551% increase

Breast cancer – 487% increase

Demyelinating – 487% increase

Malignant neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 474% increase

Migraines – 452% increase

Ovarian dysfunction – 437% increase

Testicular cancer – 369% increase

Tachycardia – 302% increase

Myocardial infarction (heart attack) -- 269% increase

Cancer diagnoses -- 300% increase

Miscarriage -- 300% increase

Bell’s palsy -- 291% increase

Congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase

Female infertility -- 471% increase

Pulmonary embolisms -- 467% increase

Neurological issues -- 1,000% increase

Diseases of the nervous system – 1,048% increase

Hypertension – 2,181% increase

Then there's all the young, healthy athletes dropping dead.  Safe to assume they're all vaccinated too.  This is what leftists want to impose on everybody, no choice permitted.

Another picture has come out with Magic Johnson posing with someone and not wearing a mask.  He's an overweight 62 year-old who has had HIV for 31 years.  The seven others do not have high health-risks due to age or weight but are required to wear a mask because cloth somehow keeps molecules out.  The others are sexy cheerleaders.

As far as I know, Magic Johnson isn't Muslim, at least that would explain why women are required to wear masks and don't get any choice in the matter.

□ [“Pelosi Tells US Olympic Athletes in Beijing not to Speak Out Against the CCP, 'Do Not Risk Incurring the Anger of the Chinese Government Because They Are Ruthless'"]

Oh fer...  She's flat out telling them to obey the master or he'll get mad.  She knows which side she's on and it's not the Americans.  Anyone who wants to be more like the China regime will agree.  Might as well tell the athletes not to try so hard to stay on China’s good side.  Who would dare complain about the slavery of Uyghurs and Tibetans and the colonies in Africa?

“I am deeply concerned about the legal rationale of last night’s strikes.  The president needs to lay out a comprehensive strategy in Syria in consultation with Congress – and he needs to do it now.”

 – Kamala Harris, April 14, 2018

A "diversion from the plummeting poll numbers"?  Or is that just what the media only says about Republicans?

Also 03 February, 2022

If I didn't publish this, I'd cry like a little girl.  In fact, I think I'll do that anyway.

Just a few notes about Neil Young, in 1985, he told Melody Maker "You go to a supermarket and you see a faggot behind the fuckin' cash register, you don't want him to handle your potatoes."  Good to know.

On January 6, 2021, he sold half his catalogue to Merck Mercuriadis whose company, Hipgnosis, merged with Blackstone, and their new Senior Adviser Jeffrey B. Kindler had come from Pfizer, the company making tons of money by forcing people to be vaccinated for the virus.  I've heard of Blackstone but know nothing about it, the Pfizer connection is interesting but what I'd really like to know is what f*ck Merck is doing.  I know very little about him either, just the time he spent putting up with Axl Rose.

Don't really know what any of this is about but I wanted it noted.  This note's for you.

And another note, I just learned that Frank Zappa was born on the day F. Scott Fitzgerald died.  Something to think about.

04 February, 2022

If your leaders are controlling what you eat, you're in a cult.

Word has come out, the US version of the Canada trucking convoy is expected to start on March 1.  With this, things have just started to get worse very quickly.  Everybody who sees this coming will need to load up on supplies so the stores will get quite empty.  The socialists are going to start fighting right away and whatever the administration is doing with Syria and Russia will double-down.  And those are just the issues I'm tracking at the moment.

So now they have an excuse to spy on anybody who might be involved (I know, they'd do that anyway, but still...) for these 'mostly friendly protests.'

□ [“Labor Dept. Jobless Numbers Leave Experts Gobsmacked – 150K Expected, ADP Showed Loss of 300K, Then Biden Labor Dept. Reports 467K Gain"]

They're manufacturing their own lies, this is basically the same thing as Biden getting more votes than any Presidential candidate in history.  If they believe it, then it's real and can be imposed it on everyone else.

The military has put it out their massive increase in medical problems and they're all vaccinated, any idiot could see a connection.  Unlike leftists, the military actually has to work in the realm of reality.  They have to find out what's going on and fix it.  The rulers, not so much.

It’s true that the military has many unrealistic problems but that’s natural with human existence.  At some level even the highest ranks know that their authority comes from the soldiers they’re in charge of and forcing them to die for this is not a winning position.  And even if the highest ranks don’t know that, they’re surrounded by lower ranks who do.  It’s a lot easier to betray the senile old man who thinks he’s in charge than to have to order your men to kill themselves just to go along with him.

One thing I learned from my ten years in the Army is that it gets the closest to functional socialism but it does so by strictly imposing a rank structure and by recognizing the individual.  Who’s going to call up parents and spouses to say “your loved one is dead because I ordered another booster shot of an untested vaccine for a virus that only kills fat old unhealthy people”?

They still have to prepare for combat and this is an obviously bad way to go about that.  Many unrealistic problems, yes, but they’re a lot more willing to recognize reality because that’s the only way to survive.

□ [“Biden Admits He Made Life Suck:  'Average People are Getting Clobbered by the Cost of Everything Today'"]

Which is exactly what he wanted, or at least that's what the people who tell him what to say wanted.  Either way, this is exactly what Biden has been working for all these decades.  The best thing I can say about the last year is that at least it's a good advertisement for Trump.  When *he* was in charge, grocery stores were full of cheap food and Biden's masters hated that.

I was at the store today, noticed a lot of milk with the expiration dates only a few days away.  Saw one bottle of milk that expired February 3.  Decided not to buy that one.  And that's just me, people with more needs and expenses see these problems in a lot more places than I do.

And Biden says they'll react by making "our capitalist system work better."  He's just given a speech lying about how many jobs they just created and he didn't take any questions afterwards.  Trump would have stayed for questions.

Obviously at some level they have to realize this isn't working well.  My theory is that they never wanted it to work well but it's possible they genuinely believed this would make everyone happy.  They're trying to claim Biden is standing up to Russia which no sensible person believes.  They'll credit him for the first black woman nominated for the Supreme Court who wasn't filibustered by Biden and now he's claiming they're going to cure cancer just as well as they fought the virus, a "Cancer Moonshot."

And he showed up an hour late to the speech.

□ [“California Tries and Fails Again to Create Government-Controlled Health Care System"]

They can't even get Democrats to bring it to the floor for a vote.  They would remove all private insurance and massively increase taxes.  They could just start their own, have it cover everybody and make it as expensive as possible, that would be really popular, wouldn't it?  But no, the point is to shut down everybody else.  Notice how they're trying to deny healthcare for anybody who doesn't submit to the vaccine, so much for everybody getting 'free health care.'

And they keep trying this, they'll do it again in a year or two.  Or else the governor – who was totally absent from trying to promote this bill – will just announce his dictatorship and send men with guns to take down anyone who disagrees.

05 February, 2022

This world sucks, let's throw it away and get a new one.

□ [“Breaking: Florida Governor DeSantis to Launch Investigations into GoFundMe Over Fraudulent Fundraising Practices …Update: Georgia Too! Update:  Missouri Too!"]

What the hell were they thinking?  GoFundMe is an internet site to transfer donations of money, they don't get to say they don't like the receiver and decide who gets the money.  Don't they have the slightest clue what the people who use GoFundMe would think of or do they just not care enough to think about that?

And they moved in immediately.  No waiting a day or three to see if there was anything going wrong with this particular donation, they just decided the money was theirs and grabbed it.  I bet this was planned on both sides because multiple states have already moved in on them.

Fascism is leftism.  Hitler got started with the local communist party and was inspired by Mussolini who was an outright communist for quite a while.  Look at all the positive publicity western media gave them until the war started.

Essentially the only difference is that fascists recognize the nation will stay, communists believe that the leaders will leave the palace, at least when the rest of the world starts obeying.

To this day, Palestinians are still big Hitler fans who openly want to wipe out all the Jews and no liberal ever complains about that.

There seems to be rumors that more evidence of the stolen election is ready to be released and the left/media is desperate to hide it.  We can only hope...

As always, leftists are going straight to tyranny.  They’re totally support the police, they just don't want anyone else by them, especially those who complains about the government.

How much of this has been planned internationally?  Obviously it doesn't need to be the entire world but the US and Canada, probably Mexico and Europe, if the rulers are together on this, they'd quite possibly be ready to move in.

They might need to be quick about it.  There's a saying, something along the lines of 'when the truck deliveries stop, we run out of supplies in a couple days.   Well, the trucks in Canada haven't been delivering for a week now.

06 February, 2022

Superman supports the virus, he can hid his secret identity better if Clark Kent wore a mask.

We can see the parallel of nukes and guns with Russia's treatment of Ukraine and leftists everywhere else, Democrats promise we don't need them, they’ll protect us forever.

The Canadian convoy has gotten a few victories, Quebec is dropping the 'non-vaccinated' tax and Saskatchewan says it’ll drop the passport requirement.  I have not found Canadian reaction to trucks not bringing in supplies but this suggests they're feeling the hit after a week.

There are signals that the government is ready to expand its fascism, in Canada and presumably in the States and everywhere else.  They don't want people disagreeing with them.  They've been eager to do this for a long time, the truckers are just giving them the excuse.  If people suffer because of it, that's fine with them.

It's going to be tough to keep the resistance in line.  I can sympathize, I’m totally on the 'let's take these motherfuckers out' side but that's not really workable.  Even if it was, it would creates problems when individuals in the resistance disagree with each other which is absolutely going to happen, it's human nature.  I don't have a solution to that.

I don't think it's possible to limit this to opposing vaccine mandates.  They've been trying to control our lives in too many ways for too long to stop there and we've had enough.  We can agree on that as the immediate target but that won't last long.  As it is, I'm not sure it would last until March 1, or whatever the latest Convoy starting date is.

How much planning and preparation absolutely must be done in advance?  THAT should be the starting date.  If I had the power to do it, I'd say pack up and start today or tomorrow.  Obviously sensible people will have better suggestions than that but this is what I'd vote for.

Top of my head fantasy, I know it's not possible, but as many truckers as possible on the left coast should start as soon as the required advance planning is done.  They meet a couple days later around Denver, joined by others in the Rockies ready to start immediately, then move in a group to the Missouri, then the Mississippi and so on.  Meanwhile, the truckers who had business to finish start moving several days later, then the next group several days later, and so on.

It'll never happen, even I can see some problems with the idea, but wouldn't it be nice to see this start immediately?

What will be set up to destroy the resistance?  I've just seen another report that they're trying to take down the next website to handle donations.  They must have been planning this.

□ [“Ottawa Mayor Declares State of Emergency Due to Ongoing Freedom Convoy Protest"]

A state of emergency for what?  The only danger we see is for people who aren't getting their supplies delivered and truckers using their right to protest, just like any other form of labor.  Remember when leftists pretended to support that?

I haven't found any information on just how Canadians are getting by with the lack of trucks although it is winter and it’s possible Canada would stock up for that.  I also have to think that in some ways, there's not a downside to this.  Let's say they arrest all the truckers, then what?  They've got nobody to replace them with, the military already has a job and it's not driving all across the country constantly.  Who else is there?

Sure, they’ll claim it’s easy to find replacements, but I'd bet it takes a lot of work to qualify.  The job itself probably isn't that difficult but jumping through all the hoops just to be permitted by the government would stop people from just applying because they support leftism.  They would have to drop their own regulations just to hire people to replace the ones who followed the rules but got fired anyway.  That's still not going to get food into the empty stores.

Reportedly police will be cutting off the gas supply tonight at midnight.  We'll see if that happens.  Canada gets cold at night, hopefully they’ll keep the heat running or they might get sick.  Remember when leftists pretended to support health?

07 February, 2022

Everybody has to answer a question with another question because we've run out of answers.

And the cops may be trying to move in already.  Are they faking theft of the fuel, hoping for a response?  They didn't behave like this for the Black Lives Matter riots, which shows that those were government-approved.

□ [“Ottawa police decree is illegal, Justice Centre warns"]

So the police will break the law by arresting people who aren't breaking the law, we get that, it won’t stop them from doing it.  They're the police, they don't need to follow the laws.

For higher-ups, that probably makes perfect sense.  But what will the actual men in uniform on the street think of that?  It was a good sign when the towing companies refused to do anything but this is the crucial part.

It's also reported that the military flat-out told Trudeau there was no reason for them to be involved.  As politely as possible, I'm sure, but they won’t get in on this and he can't make them.

A court has reportedly required them to stop honking.  They stopped at night anyway but apparently that isn't enough, protests must be silent so people can’t hear about them.  Well, leftists protests can still be noisy but you know...

It's not like there's an actual law against honking horns, just people who think they can give orders enforced by men with guns.  The line of truck along the border is still there.  The federal government is sending out a negotiator tomorrow, we'll see how that goes.

The internet chat site of the upcoming American convoy has been shut down, reportedly to fix some of the problems with bots and scammers.  It shut down immediately after I made a couple suggestions and responded to the comments that the Administrators were the ones who made the decision, is that a coincidence?  Naturally I hadn't bothered to get a snap-shot of the post or even copy-and-paste it here as I've been doing with most of my other posts on that site.  We'll see if that website or an equivalent gets restarted.

□ [“'I’ve Got to Get New Yorkers to Eat a Plant-Based Centered Life!' – NYC Mayor Adams After Serving Inedible Vegan Slop to School Kids"]

He's obviously got nothing better to do with his time and energy except force whatever he wants into children's mouths.  They don't get a say in the matter.

Just stop!  This is insane tyranny!  What in the hell do they think they're doing?

They're doing this maskless thing deliberately.  My guess is they need to show off to their peers that they aren't like the peasants.  Not sure who those peers are but this is going on too deliberately to be coincidence.  Otherwise Pelosi or someone would be asked why their subordinates are trying to spread the virus.

Where do they see this going?  This is not going to encourage truckers to deliver food to them, all it does is show that they won't live up to the standards they impose on others.

I don't have anything else to say but *yikes* that's a lot headlines.  Am I going to have to do a book that's just news headlines?

08 February, 2022

I can't remember, did I used to have a memory?

Now there's a new form of gonorrhoea discovered in Britain.  What, was the point of the vaccine to mutate other viruses?  That's gotta be impossible but is a fear that probably won't leave my head for a while.

□ [“Democrat Govs. Drop Mask Mandates as Biden Holds Tight to His Science"]

Lemme guess, they see the Convoy and assorted resistance will wipe them out if they don't suddenly act better.  Colorado, Pennsylvania and New Jersey all suddenly discovered the magical science that makes cloth masks not that big of a deal against a virus.  They're willing to defy their masters who still recite that this will continue for the foreseeable future.

But then the states themselves will have internal conflict.

□ [“California will end mask mandate on Feb. 15, LA County will not align with state's changes"]

Even there, the cities and counties will each have to go in their own way which will cause disagreements with each other.  That's part of individuality and they haven't noticed in all these decades because they demanded unity.

□ [“Yale professor claims Hitler never saw Jews as an 'inferior race'"]

Despite Hitler saying that's what they are?  According to Hitler, Jews weren’t an inferior race.  Hitler didn’t even regard Jewish people as human persons."  So we could say that about blacks and liberals would go along with it?

At the moment, the US Convoy site is up again.  I've just asked "Is anybody keeping actual snapshots or control F of what people are saying just so we can keep a record of that without the porn?"  Obviously I keep a copy of my posts (although I've missed a few that aren't important) but not everyone's.

□ [“Maricopa County, Arizona Investigation Finds Another 740,000 Ballots W/O Documented Chain Of Custody"]

Is this all from one county?  If so, it makes every other county suspicious and every other election.  Biden's win was barely 10,000 votes, but 740,000 were messed with?  The people who refuse to find out what the hell happen are supporting the theft.

What are they going to do, spy on people?  Well, of course they're going to spy on people.  They've got cameras, they pay secret agents, it's their job to know everything you're saying or doing and they don't need your permission.  That's what this is all about.

□ [“'The Science Has Changed' – Communist Doctor on CNN Explains Why She Now Supports Lifting Pandemic Restrictions and Mask Mandates"]

The c*nt said nothing about the science itself, only that masks should be an individual choice and damages childrens' ability to learn.  We knew that before she imposed these rules.

Still working on the "History project," it seems to be all I do.  Anyway, I'm going through the dawn of humanity.  One thing that struck me was the Battle of Kadesh, circa 1274BC.  It was the largest battle up to that point in history, between Egypt and the Hittites, and lead to the first peace treaty.  That would be a major starting point for nations, the ability to say 'we shall stop fighting' and be expected to keep that promise, a group negotiating with another group.

Egypt had already been around for quite a while and one thing that struck me was how few names are known of anybody involved.  As always, I need to stress that I'm not researching in depth, but it's been rare to see anybody named other than the rulers and even the rulers don't have full names as we know them, and this was the most advanced society on the planet.

But it's understandable, they basically didn't have writing and had even less reading.  There would be little sense of a timeline.  Yeah, you know the people in your vicinity, your neighbors, their parents, their kids, but that's about it.  Grandparents and grandkids are fairly distant and beyond that, there's nothing to base anything on.  Still understandable, but from what I remember of Egyptian mythology, there was a lot of incest going on.  Sex with your son or daughter was totally acceptable and the rulers' religions imposed that belief.  That's how they'd gotten this far, why stop now?

Roughly around that time, Jews were trying to get the hell out of Egypt, what a coincidence.  They had started off with Abel trying to be like mom and pop with his brother and Cain not going with that. *DON'T DO THAT* is one of the main starting points in God's lesson to the planet and everyone on it, which Jews have done their best to maintain ever since.  And by an amazing coincidence, they're hated.

Also around the same time, there was a war in Turkey.  At this point I basically believe it happened the way it's known, the people did live and die there and at least one of them took a long time to get home.  The original bases for them is true, no matter how much they've been modified ever since.  Did the Trojan Horse actually happen?  Probably not the way we know it but probably some sort of infiltration, hiding among the spoils of victory to get inside the city.

It's not like all these events happened at once, as far as we know, but the collective mentality was aware of them and could compare them across however many decades or centuries were actually involved.  For all intents and purposes, these were the first events that started civilization.  And incest/sex with children is still being promoted to this day.

Obviously it didn't get stopped even at the time.  For the Greeks, Zeus was banging his sisters and probably not the only one.  Didn't Hera cheat with one of her brothers to set up a scheme in the Trojan War?  Probably wouldn't be hard to find kings of Jerusalem who got into that although they might be known for being infamous right before the fall.

Also ran into the Battle of Megiddo, the first recorded military battle in history as well as the source of the word "armageddon."  The battle itself took place in Israel.

09 February, 2022

How can we use the government-funded crack pipes if we're forced to wear a mask?

People who pretend to believe in scientist are suddenly going to start saying things that Trump said two years ago about masks and such.

They're starting to crack somewhat, some states are already dropping the mask/vaccine requirements.  Some of them will give in, others will double down.  Then there's the ones who are eager for the so-called 'dictatorship of the people,' i.e. they're the dictators.  Probably Obama or whoever tells him what to do.

But notice how, just a little while ago, it was only a "small fringe minority" involved in this and now they're suddenly saying there's a "state of emergency."  Is there any explanation of what they missed in those first several days that could have been used to prevent the emergency?

GoFundMe immediately has to pay millions of dollars in charge-back fees, they're being investigated by several states, burned off a lot of future donors and still had to refund the money they decided was theirs, just to stop truckers.

In the process, they also showed exactly why real money is a good thing, it can't be seized like this.

Meanwhile, Trudeau promises to arrest anyone bringing gas to the truckers so now there's footage of crowds coming in all carrying gascans.  Most are probably empty, or just containing water, but even fascists can't check every one and some probably have actual gasoline.

Just to note, it is being said that Trudeau is probably Fidel Castro's son.  His parents were noted commies and honeymooned in Cuba, getting to meet Castro *privately* exactly nine months before Trudeau was born.  Others point to physical similarities but I don't see that much, but it's still a neat theory.  Heard similar notions about Angela Merkel and Adolph.  Also doubtful but at this point I have to wonder if that's another part of the conspiracy, that these people are all related.  Why?  No idea.  Proof?  None.

The US Convoy groups are trying to get together but there's no visible leadership.  This works good and bad.  I do think there are groups working in private who are planning this.  It's good that they're not showing their authority, it's also good that it inspires people to speak out and organize.  It's bad because otherwise it leaves everybody without any direction or purpose.

The Convoy should have leaders who interact with the government.  That's how government is *supposed* to work but that's not what our government does anymore.  They will make up whatever laws they want and ignore any laws they impose on the rest of us.  You can see that with the way they don't wear a mask even as they insist everyone else has to.

I only wear a mask to be polite but I almost never go out and if I see others not wearing it, I take mine off.  As it is, I only put it on after I've gone inside and take it off while walking out.  This isn't fun when my hands are full but I did more than enough wearing that stupid thing just to avoid causing the employees any problems.

You can see this with the fight against the vaccine or other tyranny, it's all the same fight.  Your children are government property, you have no say in the matter.  Your body is government property, you will take shots and wear masks.  Everything this country has fought for is evil and must be erased, teachers say so and they're getting paid for not even working.

□ [“Teachers’ Union Boss Weingarten Will Only Support Unmasking Kids When There’s 0 Covid Transmission"]

Which she knows will never happen.  She is the ruler, everyone else is the servant.  That's what she's told to say and won't think twice about it.  Safe to assume she wasn't wearing a mask.

□ [“Olympians in tears over poor living conditions, lack of food at Winter Games"]

And apparently a lot of players can't even compete, they just tested positive with the virus.  Just think of all the work the females-with-vaginas did and now they don't even have the chance to lose to a woman-with-a-penis.  Tsk tsk.

Still trying to think about the point of collectivism.  "Society" is *something* that exists aside from the individuals making it up but without those individuals, there's nothing.  Sure, there's still the remains but those remains are from the individuals.

□ [“Stacey Abrams Tries to Explain Why She Went Unmasked in a Classroom Full of Masked Children"]

She is the reason black stereotypes exist.  Having spent several days blaming racism for her not wearing a mask when surrounded by children who are forced to wear masks against their will and all the black kids were sitting in the back, now this self-identified Georgia governor says she was just so "excited" getting to read to children that she never thought of wearing a mask.

So for the last two years, she's paid no attention to this virus that we're all in such danger from.  She's never noticed everybody else being required to wear a mask.  Nobody around her would dare tell her to wear the mask.  She was just so excited to read a book that all this completely exited her head.  And when it's finally pointed out to her, she blames "racism."

If that’s the best blacks have to offer then let's just say they’re inferior and move on with our lives.  Black men, I blame you for her.  Go ahead, prove me wrong.

10 February, 2022

If I could only find the words then I could write it all down... oh wait, there they are.

□ [“Calgary Police Officer Blasts Fellow Officers: 'I was just following orders’ is no longer an excuse…You signed up to help people…Stand with your fellow Canadians'"]

I've been hoping this would start.  They can't all be supporters of tyrants like the left claims, they know they're being used to squash the people's resistance to the masters.  This probably applies to the military as well, they don't want to get involved and if they do, they'll side with the people.

This is where I'm worried about the ones who did infiltrate the military and probably the police as well.  They were started by the end of Obama's term.  Most thought I gave them was about the military, so I'm wondering if they're still enlisted.  Probably harder to stay in the police but those that do could have more success.  The point is, where are they now?  They can't be senior leaders unless they'd enlisted earlier and I think it wouldn't have been much earlier than Obama's second term which was only ten years ago.

Canada is probably a bit different but probably not that much.  If we can get many more of these, the tyrants are gone.

□ [“'Slash the Tires, Empty Gas Tanks, Arrest the Drivers' – CNN Contributor and Former Obama DHS Advisor on How to Deal with Freedom Convoy Bridge Blockade"]

No crime mentioned for arrest, no justification given for assault and damage, it's just how they are.  They don't even need to know how to move a 25,000 pound vehicle without gas or wheels, they just give orders.  She's a Harvard graduate, that's all she knows.

□ [“GiveSendGo Fundraiser for Trucker Convoy Freezes by Court Order"]

Another argument for real money.  Having immediately moved on GoFundMe, Ontario immediately followed up against the replacement, GiveSendGo.

Who is defending them on our side?  I'm sure there are people but who?

This is a stupid idea and will be turned down, but is there any way we can do it without the computer donation companies?  Ideally we should find a way to do it with real money, not computers, but that's probably not possible.

Just a made-up example, but is there a way I can set up a bank account and then you each give me your donation and I put it into the account and then provide supplies for the truckers?  Obviously you don't trust me and I have no idea if it's even possible to give someone money online the same way you could give a few dollars to someone on the street, but is there any way someone who knows more about money than I do could make it workable?

The little I know about Bitcoin, I never trusted, but just a thought.  I figured a bank account probably wouldn't work either, it can be seized by the IRS if it's withholding income.  I'm just trying to think of something as close to handing over cash as possible.

□ [“What Do They Know that We Don’t?  China Not Administered mRNA Vaccine to Its 1.45 Billion Citizens"]

They know how to make a virus, they know how to infect the rest of the world with it, they know how to control the governments of the rest of the world and they know how deadly the so-called 'vaccine' is.  You'd think they could at least get their military vaccinated, or would that interfere with them being prepared to fight?

11 February, 2022

Make up your own damn headline. But don't make it funnier than mine or I'll sue!

Well, we've made it through another week, we're closer to death now than we've ever been.  There are rumors of a crackdown on the Convoy.  I don't think sending men with guns to impose obedience on the masses will work.  Not that it would stop our masters, they'd probably enjoy it, but the people would resist even more.  It would sure have an effect on all the truckers that hadn't gotten involved yet, not to mention the rest of us.

We really need a specific explanation of why we'll have to wait another three weeks for the US convoy to start.  Why wait?

I'm not a trucker so I am ignorant, but what is specifically required to make this move?  Gasoline, definitely.  Food would help but you're probably not required to eat a specific amount every day and that's something that could be worked on in the process, your supporters providing you food.

A place to rest, definitely.  You can drive for a couple days without food if you absolutely have to, doing it without sleep is a horrible idea and doomed to failure.  I don't know how that can be taken care of.  Or maintenance, I have no idea how much your trucks require.  Maybe maintenance and rest can be done at the same places, like normal truck stops.

What else is specifically required?

□ [“ - viewjob: Role Players]

This is a company in DC, CA&M Inc. offering jobs for people to:

support a number of training packages and events. We are currently accepting resumes from Role Players to support a wide range of training events in spaces such as health, disaster training, law enforcement training, military training. We are looking for role players that can meet the following requirements


Realistically, accurately and convincingly portray a variety of scenarios, in diversified settings and environments, such as practical, situational and field training exercises and tests

Portray a variety of role playing scenarios

Memorize critical data contained in each role

Be prepared for each role so as to portray assigned role(s) with no reliance to the role script (off book)

Ability to follow directions, be on time and keep within the assigned bounds of the training exercise's scope

Take direction, adjustments, and notes and quickly implement those changes moving forward

Convey information and data in response to students’ correct and proper interview skills, questioning and/or elicitation techniques, while simultaneously completing Government provided Student Evaluation Sheets, in accordance with Government provided references, procedures and formsRealistically, accurately and convincingly portray your role

Must be able to withstand working in austere environments, weather challenges, standing, walking considerable distances, and in certain training programs may be required to lift up to 50 lbs.

Candidates should be comfortable on being scheduled on short notice 3-5 business days for OCONUS events

Candidates that are interested in OCONUS events should hold a current US Passport, and be up to date on all applicable vaccines.

Role Players with SECRET clearance, retired DOD, Department of State, Foreign Service Officers, and Veterans are highly encouraged to apply

Really?  They're trying to get spies from a hiring website.

Apparently Biden gave a horrible interview recently.  It would have been worse but he was talking to a suckup media figure who wouldn't ask any challenging questions.  I have to admit, I get the impression that whoever's making them do this is bragging about the results.  This is exactly what they wanted and they're enjoying every minute of it.

□ [“Trudeau at Panicked Press Conference, Blames Americans, Joining Convoy Punishment 'To Get More Severe'"]

I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking of when Nicolae Ceauşescu made a speech on December 21, 1989.  The communist dictator of Romania was not happy that his fellow communist dictators were leaving and needed to give a great speech about how powerful he was, how he'd stay in office for a long time and how anyone who disagreed would be punished.  He and his wife were shot a few days later.

At this point, I really don't care if it winds up like that.  I do wonder if the sudden turn-around by the Ontario Premier is just pretending to go along with the master, saying 'yes sir, right away' and then sitting back and doing nothing.  Probably not it but it's nice to think so.

Also 11 February, 2022

If only we had Rococo Coffee, everyone would be happy.

Ontario has put out a message that the truckers must clear out by midnight.  Now we'll see where the police stand on this.  Hopefully it'll be like the tow trucks, they joined the convoy in Alberta.  GiveSpendGo has reportedly said they'll pay the truckers regardless of the rule.

Are there any rules on honking?  If every trucker everywhere honks tomorrow at 12 noon, would there be negative repercussions?  Because *that* would be a powerful statement.

So far nothing has come out tonight.

□ [“Freedom Convoy Truckers Vote to Defy Trudeau and His 7 PM Deadline – Government Threatens Arrest"]

Ok, here's the set-up.  What's happening next?  The police are outnumbered, they'll need weapons to have any chance of winning.

□ [“Covid Booster Effectiveness Wanes After 4 Months, CDC Says"]

So it's now a drug you need to be addicted to.  Even if you don't want to take it, the government will force you to do it.

Still 11 February, 2022

China’s in charge and we never even voted for them.  They’re used to that.

Still going through the 'History project,' I've only got about 3000 years left to get through.  Looking at ancient Egypt, I noticed that at its highest level, the pharaoh Amenhotep IV suddenly decided to rename himself Akhenaton and start a new religion, worshiping the sun god.  He also moved the capital to another city and, like many Egyptian rulers, married and/or impregnated close family members.

This 'sex with whoever you want' mentality is difficult to understand and there's probably a good reason for that.  But what I have to wonder is if this is directly connected to what's going on in the world today or if it's just coincidentally similar, that's always the direction these people go even if they think of the idea on their own.

His son would be the most famous pharaoh known today, King Tut.  Tutankhaten also renamed himself, Tutankhamun, but otherwise went back to the old ways.  He also married/impregnated his sister.

This has to have been part of Egyptian society, at least the higher ranks if not overall.  Maybe it was just showing how they were better than everybody else, maybe it was setting the example for others to follow.  We'll never know and that's probably a good thing.

But what we *should* look into is if this actually stopped.  A thousand years later, they'd still be into that, best known through the descendants of one of Alexander the Great's generals who got Egypt when the empire was split up.  You might know his name, Ptolemy.  His wife was Cleopatra.  Ring a bell now?

Of course the kids and grandkids kept the name so it was a few centuries of ruling Egypt before the ones we know became famous, the ones invaded by Julius Caesar and Elizabeth Taylor.  *That's* the sort of thing that makes be think there's some ancient conspiracy going on.  I haven't found a specific example of parents impregnating their kids but wouldn't be surprised if there are some and I take it as a given that they weren't that bothered by age.

12 February, 2022

How many trucks can Trudeau tow if the tow trucks won't tow trucks?

This won't stop it from getting violent.  Still don't know if this is true or not, it's possibly the tyrants trying to lie to the media.  This post just came in on the Freedom Convoy website:

As much as you think your side is tough, just know that you're not the majority.  Youre just loud.

And we let you grieve and cry a lot, but when you fuck with us for too long, you'll find out we outnumber you and have no problem showing you how real violence is done.

There's no conversation to be had.  We had it for two years.  You lost the election and got to cry real loud and be in the papers.

Now go home.  Or we make your home where your body falls.

When has that ever worked.  The next step is some "mostly peaceful protests" that liberals love and they claim to have won the election.  All right then.  Right here is support for violence and killing lots of people.

This will not support people to provide the stores with food for people to buy.  What's their solution for that?  Well, they're already eager to kill lots of people, that would up their alley.

No news has been coming out all morning, it's early-mid afternoon now.  Are the truckers arrested, are they standing up, which side are the police on?  By late afternoon, trucks are forming on the US side of the bridge, I'm not optimistic that this will stand for long.

Reportedly there's also some live streams tonight.  Can't find weblink or anything like that but I'll keep looking.

I've been productive today but not as much as usual.  At this point I give up.  Maybe I'll post something later tonight.

If Ukraine hadn't given up its nukes, there wouldn't be a problem.  But Biden promised if they gave up their nukes, we'd defend them against Russia.  Then the 2014 invasion happened and we did nothing.  Do you really think this will be any different?

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