Saturday, June 18, 2022


 20 February, 2022

Should I self-identify as Superman or Batman?

□ [“DHS Issues Warning To Truck Drivers Entering DC During Biden’s March 1 SOTU”]

It probably hasn’t been recorded yet but I highly doubt it will actually be live.

□ [“Outraged Citizens Flood Ottawa Police Phone Lines With Complaint Calls About Horrific Treatment of Protesters – OPD Responds by Threatening Callers with Criminal Charges”]

Like calling a fire department and being told they’ll burn your building down?  Like calling an ambulance and being told they’re going to hurt you?

It’s speculated that the UN sent these police on UN planes.  If so, that’s invasion and this is War.  Reportedly there’s also trucks and protestors on the US side in Buffalo, New York, giving Trudeau nothing to work with.  Maybe he’ll just give Biden orders.

There’s footage of protestors in Paris, police are walking in the crowd.  They’re in uniform and not carrying flags but otherwise indistinguishable as protestors.

Also 20 February, 2022

I don’t know what it means to walk along the lonely street of dreams, where do I go again?

Here’s an article from an active-duty officer, nearing retirement who will have everything taken away for not getting the unapproved shot.

□ [“Military Vacc Bait & Switch: ‘DOD Regarding Non-availability of Mandated, FDA-Approved Shots’”]

The FDA-approved shots aren’t available so they order the military to get non-FDA-approved shots.  That’s not how the military works, a few weeks ago they released a report on the massive increases in medical problems/death hitting the vaccinated service members.  Every sensible person in uniform would immediately scream “STOP!!!”

But the rulers don’t care, nor do their socialist followers.  They’re too busy forcing this on everybody and punishing us all.

That is so wrong!  He’s owed for 19 years of service and you’re kick him out now for not taking the jab?, that’s still 19 years of service you *OWE* him and everybody else.  You really want to turn the military into people you will dump at the drop of a hat because they’re not willing to kill themselves?  You really want that?

They will not stay on your side.  They will kill you quickly and easily.  And every single one of us will cheer that.  So if you want to do this, let’s go.

□ [“Hate Hoax:  Black Female Sacramento Student Labelled Water Fountains “White” and “Colored’”]

Blacks simply can’t find any real discrimination, they have to make it up.  They must not be smart enough to understand this.  The bitch was caught on camera and didn’t get how that worked.  ‘Maybe that camera pointed at me is taking pictures and someone could see me fake the hatred against me.  Nah, no chance of that.’

Of course she’s not being charged with hatred, she’s just the one who put official statements of “hatred” in the school and blamed others who were so full of hatred.

You’d think the school could at least be teaching ‘don’t fake hateful statements.  We will catch you and you will be punished.’

□ [“China Wants to Buy 100 Million Metric Tons of Coal from Russia”]

And no liberal complains.  Well, maybe if they aren’t getting their cut, “10% to the old man” and so on.

Still 20 February, 2022

You make me self-identify as a natural woman.  How did you do that?

My “History project” is looking at the 300s BC and suddenly history has much more going on, all from Philip II of Macedonia and his son Alexander III.  Greece had existed for a millennium or so but wasn’t up to much before Philip.  Even his predecessors just took over at a very young age and were then assassinated.

That’s what stuck out, Philip II had basically conquered Greece and was getting ready to move out, but he was assassinated at the age of 46 and to this day, nobody knows why.  People have given explanations since Aristotle but they didn’t make much sense.  Then Alexander III took over, conquered as much of the world as he could, then died in a similar mysterious way.  The only confirmed part of his death was that he spent @12 days in pain and there’s little reason to think it was an assassination.

Of course we know him as Alexander the Great, basically where history’s blank spaces ended for Greece and his Europe/Asia/Africa conquests.  The empire died with him and the best-known area was ruled by his general Ptolemy who had very close family relations with Cleopatra, as did their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren...

Oddly, Alexander III had a number of men named Ptolemy.  They all came from Macedonia and weren’t known for sex with women, or even adults.  Such behavior probably wasn’t limited to Macedonia (or Egypt) but unbroken history had started.  The most notable Ptolemy was a scientist in the first century AD.  He lived in Alexandria and was probably too busy to bang Elizabeth Taylor.

The Jews already had to deal with Egypt, now another religion said men should only have sex with women and should first be of a proper age.  Is the ‘conspiracy’ I’m looking for just how God negotiated with His adversary?  It’s interesting how long the Ptolemy name continued for so long.  No idea if they were blood-relations but anyway…

I checked Wikipedia for other uses of the name and found Barry Ptolemy, born January 24, 1969, a year that sticks out for me.  His parents must have been rich, he got into computers at a young age, his first job was working with Steven Spielberg on E.T and he’d be pretty young at the time.  Since then, he’s filmed famous people and that’s enough for a Wikipedia page.  He’s famous for hanging around with them and they all support the Futurist movement.  What a coincidence.

There were many others named Alexander and it’s reasonable to think there’s *some* inspiration from the famous guy but I looked into who was actually Alexander III.  You can’t just pick that name, there needs to be precedents.

There was a Byzantine emperor.  The empire was in decline from Muslim attacks and rulers more interested in inter-family scandals.  He died of drunkenness after a year, the Macedonian dynasty went on for another couple hundred years, ending in the 1000s.

Soon after that, there was Pope Alexander III.  The papacy was at its highest point and he had to oversee most of Europe, invading the northern part, helping Portugal establish itself as a separate nation, even working with Britain.  He’d been close to Thomas Becket and wanted to find out who murdered him as part of the state/church conflict.  Alexander III also excommunicated the king of Scotland, William the Lionheart, who was having his own battles with the English king Henry II.

The Lionheart died,  replaced by his son who lasted a few decades, Alexander II.  Then his son was named like the pope who got them into this mess and the Byzantine who didn’t get Rome’s help and all were named after Philip II’s son in a world he made.  These men lived closer to today than to the death of the guy whose name they took.

Alexander III of Scotland died at age 44 but had been king for most of his life.  He dealt with countries up north and his death was notable for stupidity.  He’d gone out on a horse during bad weather in the middle of the night.  His wife and kids had already died so succession problems attracted England’s interest.

There’s a 1600s Georgia ruler but Russia had the next big one, the land where the Byzantine rulers fled to and the Pope supported war in.  Tsar Alexander III was the second-to-last on that throne, reversing reforms his father made which had gotten him assassinated, an example of ‘history doesn’t repeat itself but it does rhyme.’

The Tsar didn’t party or cheat on his wife.  He kept Russia at peace.  He didn’t like Germany but liked France.  The Seine in Paris has a bridge named after him.  Some of his children survived into the Soviet era, surprisingly.  He did not like Jews and started persecution soon after his father was assassinated, despite all the assassins being atheist and only a few even having any connections to any Jews.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was fabricated in his persecution although they weren’t released until long after his death.  They have their own relevance to my conspiracy theory.  Near as we can tell, their original sources were from the mid-1800s Paris Commune, during Alexander III’s rule, against Napoleon III (another historical rhyme?) to combine capitalism and Judaism as something everyone should hate, a state-within-a-state.  Those who believe in the Protocols are just projecting their own plans onto the people they hate, just like all leftists.

That projection could be my conspiracy itself, even people who’ve never read them support those views and oppose everyone else.  It’s like Karl Marx dying totally unknown (around the same era as the Protocols) and started being worshipped much later.

So anyway, whatever my ‘conspiracy theory’ is, it began at least as early as Philip II and Alexander III, possibly earlier in Egypt.  But we’ll never know about it.

By the way, looking for other Alexander III, I did notice that city-state Epirus had an Alexander II in the 200s BC.  Couldn’t find if there was a third but there were people named Ptolemy and people marrying their sisters and they were close to Macedonia, on the Adriatic Sea so they weren’t far from Rome either.  Something got started there.

21 February, 2022

It’s almost ‘go’ time

So a new week starts.  I think we’ll see the crisis brought to a head.  The US Freedom Convoy should start on Wednesday.  I don’t know the Canadian trucker’s status but Trudeau is enjoying tyranny and that protest has reportedly been shut down entirely.

These truckers are all in close proximity to each other and not wearing masks hasn’t led to a massive increase in the virus.  There must be some reason for that.  Maybe the government will tells us what it is.

Some people, myself included, are pushing for a strike, not a convoy, a strike to include as many other people as possible.  Just don’t go to work anymore.

Could this be part of the plan?  Even liberal cities are ending punishment of the non-vaccinated.  Biden couldn’t end all arrests for childsex and the slave-trade so some investigations are continuing, leaving Democrats with a problem.  Ok they’ll ignore it but everyone else can see, they’re going after Trump for not treating sensitive information properly but spent years defending Hillary doing that with her server.  Then there’s the “mostly peaceful” protests with massive damages that nobody was arrested for.

There’s a good point somewhere on the internet, the emperor knows that he’s naked, he just wants to show off his dick and everybody has to pretend they don’t see it.  Is that intrinsically different from self-identifying as a woman?

It’s becoming more and more understood that we are at war, even if it’s not clear with who.  Right now the World Economic Forum seems to be the best guess, self-identifying as the world rulers, but no idea how true that is.

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.  So help me God.

I made the oath several times and still stand by it, even thought I’m no longer in uniform.  It is to fight for the Constitution against all enemies.  Regulation and UCMJ don’t require obeying an election thief who was braindead even back in the old days and is doing everything he’s told to destroy this nation and its citizens.

We’ve had enough of this shit.  We need to take these fuckers down.  Tolerating them is what’s been tearing everything apart for so long.

□ [“Hours Before Parliamentary Vote, Tyrant Trudeau Demands Emergencies Act Remains in Place – Claims Any MP Who Votes Against Him is Against ‘Democracy’”]

He’ll send men with guns to get those who criticize him, don’t forget that.  Some of the Canadian parliament are indeed standing up to him, no idea if they’ll get anywhere.

Right now Canada is the front line.  We’ll see what happens in the next few days.  I’m going to stop posting right now because I’m not sure what my computer is doing.

22 February, 2022

Trudeau has just issued Order 66

□ [“Canadian Parliament Votes to Extend Emergencies Act for 30 Days”]

A majority of Parliament is in favor of tyranny, but they promise they’ll quit next month, they’re totally different from everybody else who ever seized total power, right?

□ [“Ottawa Police Chief:  ‘Every Canadian Who Supported Truckers Will Be Hunted Down and Ruined’”]

“If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges.”

If one of us falls, a hundred more will take our place.  Friends, families, co-workers, neighbors, you really think they’ll be on your side in this?  They’ll know others who saw this.  You’re advertising resistance against you and your masters.  Those around you will see a benefit in turning you in at gunpoint.  That’s really how you want it?

If you think the military will crush the resistance, you’re wrong.  Most of them will support the Convoy if push comes to shove.  Service members who refuse to obey doesn’t give much publicity to but it does happen.  A quick google search shows the highest-ranking leaders not going along with Trump, mostly media propaganda but there were some.  Many more lower ranks will not deploy across the US on Biden’s orders.

Also Russia invaded Ukraine today.

□ [“Putin Invades Ukraine Just One Month After Biden Gave Him Permission for a ‘Minor Incursion’”]

The left will completely ignore what Biden said, they talk about more sanctions even though all the others were irrelevant from the last time Russia invaded.  The US had promised to help then too.  Anyone who disagrees is a traitor.

Putin knows we won’t do anything.  I am surprised, a week ago I said this was a hoax, we’d pretend to look good by fixing things and Russia would get more presents.

□ [“Biden:  Defending Ukraine’s ‘Freedom’ Will Mean Higher Gas Prices Than Already-Record High”]

Like this.  Russia exports gas to Europe and the US.  They profit from this.  By an amazing coincidence, higher gas prices are just what Democrats always want.

Looking up US imports of Russian oil, by November 2021, Biden got more than any real POTUS, 232,625,000 barrels.  Obama’s first three years were the next most-profitable, 205,525,000 to 227,774,000 barrels.  Two Trump years, 189,786,000 and 197,720,000, three Obama years, three GWB years, then the other two Trump years.

So right there, Obama and Biden have imported more Russian oil in four years than Trump ever did.  Because oil is bad.  And so is Russia.  They say so.

The graph I found only goes back to 1995 so obviously Clinton’s last six years were at the bottom.  That’s understandable, Russia was a mess at that point, but 1999 imported more than 1995-8 combined and 2000 was close to that.

That’s not counting all the other countries Russia sells to.  Gas prices are going up again.  Are they trying to get Russia back to what it was for most of the 20th Century?  If they were, what would they do differently?

Goodbye, ruby 2’s Day.

23 February, 2022

A lot of folks assume they are hated for their sexuality/race/gender when in reality they’re just assholes.

□ [“FDA Expert Urges CDC to ‘Tell the Truth’ and ‘Present the Data’ After it Refuses to Publish Data on Booster Shot Effectiveness Over Fears of ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’”]

Government offices argue if public truth permitted to hear this.  One side doesn’t want people to know how ineffective the “vaccine” is.  Who do you think will win?

□ [“CDC Stealthily Reduces Early Childhood Speech Development Benchmarks So Parents Not Alarmed By Kids Missing The Benchmarks Due to the CDC’s Masking Recommendations”]

Always about lowering standards, we can see why standards were so high.  People can’t meet standards really want total access to your children, “grooming” is the term.  They’re free to do what they want to their targets if people can’t see the hidden evidence or complain about the results.  Meanwhile…

□ [“Autism appears differently in brains of girls, boys”]

Don’t you mean ‘those who self-identify as girls’ and ‘self-identify as boys’?  If they change what gender they self-identify as, the autism changes because SCIENCE!

□ [“Democrat Rep. Gallego Never Held a Private Sector Job, Calls for Seizing Trucks from Freedom Convoy Truckers and Redistributing them to Other Businesses”]

Trucks are a business, most truckers are owner/operators.  This guy wants to seize a business and give it to someone he likes, probably a donor.  His house could be taken and given to a small business but he’d probably oppose that.  It’s a basic leftist tactic, steal from one group as a bribe to another.  It’s all state property.

I think it’s basically a given that people who want government jobs have no interest in individual freedom.  As a contractor, my employers are private companies and they can fire me at any time.  It was a lot harder to do that in the government or military.

□ [“CBS News Says ‘Ukraine Crisis’ to Blame for Increased Gas Prices, Inflation, Supply-Chain Issues”]

The Ukraine invasion didn’t start a year ago, the supply crisis did.  Gas prices and everything else started rising back then.  Democrats liked that but the media doesn’t want to report the truth.  The way to fix the gas prices would be to permit more drilling in the US but Democrats won’t do that.  Only their voters are stupid enough to fall for this and it’s like they’re flat-out admitting that most of their voters died a long time ago.  How long can the few that are left continue to go along with this?

Oh, but it’s Ukraine’s fault now.  What, didn’t they give Biden enough money?

□ [“United Nations:  Russia Presides Over Emergency UN Meeting on Russian Aggression”]

Well who else would you want in charge?  They’re the most knowledgeable and experienced and already have China and Iran on their side so you know it’s good.  They say so.  Maybe Ukraine can get its nukes back when they take over but then so will everyone else.  This is the best possible promotion for nuclear weapons.

They’d just sent Kamala Harris to Europe to bring peace and this happened a day or so later.  No wonder leftists love her.

Also 23 February, 2022

Notice that the dead people voting Democrat never self-identify as ‘woke.’

□ [“In a Shocking Reversal, Trudeau Revokes His Use of the Emergencies Act”]

???  He just took absolute power, even demanding that Parliament vote in favor of him taking it, and two days later he gives it up?  “The situation is no longer an emergency.”  It never was but that didn’t stop him so what’s changed?

The Convoy has started.  Am I happy?  No, I’m never happy, but I’m worried this is some sort of set-up.  One name given was blatantly leftist, “The People’s Convoy.”  They used similar terminology elsewhere, it may be needed to get government approval but it just comes off wrong.  I really want it to work.

Leftists are already panicking.  Still a week or so to get there but that won’t stop them.  My understanding is the Convoy won’t actually be in DC., which probably won’t stop the military though.  My objection is that other than awesome footage, I don’t see the point.  Truckers could just go on strike for the same effect.

But we desperately need hope and where else can we get any? They’ll steal any future elections, they’ll shut down dissent and bank accounts, the elites will impose suffering and rules that don’t apply to them…  What other alternatives do we have?  My only other hope is that it’s a long-range plan to show the world what the left truly wants.

My first Iraq deployment commanding officer was someone you may have heard of, he got publicity for a recent speech describing what we’re up against now, specifically calling it a ‘war.’  Anyway, at his speech as the deployment ended, he thanked us for chasing out al-Sadr.  After the US invasion, al-Sadr got a lot of support for a few years standing up against us.  We didn’t do much against him so after a while, Iraqis saw what people like him did and were much much more supportive of Americans.  From what I’ve heard, al-Sadr was a lot more restrained years later when he was finally allowed to return.

Could that be exactly the plan after the stolen election?  We’re sure seeing this happen now.  Of course there’s no proof, even if I’m completely right, I still made this up because there’s no other source of hope here anymore.  Could Trump actually go along with the theft to set these lunatics up for failure in front of the world?

At some level it matters but at our level, we really really need hope now.  If the convoy is a hoax, fine, maybe they can kill me since the pet virus hasn’t.

24 February, 2022

Who can say what the meaning of life is and bring us all happiness?  Other than me that is.

□ [“Trudeau ‘We’re Fighting a Virus, Not Each Other, Now Is the Time to Be There for One Another’”]

We can’t report our neighbors to the government for criticizing you if we’re with them.  You can’t freeze our bank accounts unless we’re with you.  Who will our horses run over if people we’re with demand we arrest you?

That’s what we’re here for.  This is the virus we fight.

Putin was born and raised in the type of communist dictatorship Democrats want to impose on us.  Even if he wasn’t an intel agent, he knows far more how to survive and thrive than you ever will and he no longer has to pretend communism works.  At least he wouldn’t be stupid enough to invade Ukraine if again they had nukes but Democrats promised to defend Ukraine against Russia.  That’s what Democrat promises are worth, that’s who we’re supposed to report our neighbors to.

Why didn’t Putin do this two years ago?  Three years, four years, five years ago?  He hasn’t invaded since 2014 and where was Joe Biden then?  Oh, right.  But he learned from the experience, didn’t he?  Oh, right.

Now your 81 million votes can try to stop him.  That’s what you signed up for.

Even a brief look at history shows that Ukraine and Russia have been conquering each other for many centuries.  You’d need to ignore all that history to blame America  but leftists blame America and Trump.

At least a fair argument can be made that it’s not our problem.  There’s also ‘we’re all here and this is how things are now so we need to do something’ but at least that’s a case where both sides make good points.  I don’t have an answer, I assume Putin will take as much of Ukraine as he wants and I don’t have a clue why he’d want any of it.

A competent POTUS would stand and say “don’t do that.”  Putin would have little choice but we have Obama, Biden and Harris.  Putin, China, Iran, etc. know that.

“I have no idea what he’s threatening. I know what he has done. No one expected the sanctions to prevent anything from happening.”

 – Biden

□ [“Biden on Putin’s Attack on Ukraine, Warns of ‘Catastrophic Loss of Life and Human Suffering’”]

The old man gets his share, 10%.  He wouldn’t let this happen if he didn’t.

□ [“John Kerry:  Ukraine Crisis Could Distract From Climate Crisis, Massive Emissions Consequences”]

If you’re distracted from a “climate crises” then you don’t know that there’s “massive emissions consequences.”  That’s what a distraction does.  He could burn fuel in his private jet and go over there right now if it was so important but he won’t.  Whether or not you know it, Putin understand that you work for him.

□ [“Putin Pulls a Trudeau:  Begins Mass Arrest of Innocent Protesters”]

And no leftist sees a problem.  They want more arrests for disagreeing.  Well, they want to give orders to arrest, others do the actual work, but you know what I mean.

I assume Europe will complain to look good for the media, then just go along.  They’ll also attack anyone who criticizes them.  It’s only a small exaggeration to assume they’ll promote the death penalty for anyone who dares criticize the leader during emergency but will not acknowledge what their leaders did to create the emergency.

Besides, ten days ago Biden sent Harris to fix things here, what else is needed?  And didn’t he have a phone call a few days ago?

□ [“Ukrainians answer president’s call to arms as they clear out gun shops of AK-47s”]

No wonder leftists want to ban them, can’t stand up to Russia without guns.

□ [“Russia Reportedly Offers Ukraine Terms of Surrender”]

And that’s the game.  Russia would know if they were taking a big risk and by now it would be obvious if the US or Europe would do anything.  It sounds like Ukraine will resist but you can understand that.  Doesn’t mean they’ll last long.  Maybe Ukraine will get some autonomy and Moscow just makes the important decisions, who knows?

They didn’t expect sanctions to do anything so that’s what they did.  Nothing that would actually have an effect and might actually prevent Russia from invading.  This shows their priorities, it’s who they’re working for.

By the way, will the sanctions mean Hillary has to stop giving them money?  And does Russia have to stop giving money to the Clinton Foundation?

□ [“Taiwan Defense Ministry Says 9 Chinese Aircraft Entered Air Defense Zone Thursday Morning”]

And they’ll support this as well, they get a lot of money from China.  We don’t know if it’s from the slave trade but they get a lot.

□ [“China Foreign Ministry Says Taiwan Is ‘Not Ukraine’ – Has Always Been Part of China”]

Uh-oh, it’s not Ukraine!  That makes things more complicated.  If leftists have this problem just dealing with Ukraine, adding something different will be impossible.  China also supports Russia’s “legitimate security concerns” actions against Ukraine.

At this point I keep checking the news to see if China’s invasion has started.  If I had to bet, I’d suspect an Iranian invasion in the next couple days.

□ [“Biden’s DOJ Ends Trump National Security Initiative Protecting US from China to Adjust Its Focus”]

This makes China happy.  If China’s happy, leftists are happy.  That’s life.

Also 24 February, 2022

Just fill in this space with meaningless nonsense, no one’ll know the difference.

□ [“Two Prosecutors Leading Manhattan DA’s Probe on Trump Abruptly Resign Over ‘Serious Doubts’”]

The verdict’s probably already written, they’re just there to fill out forms whenever a trial actually starts and have realized that this didn’t make them look good.

I’d like to hope that they all found information that pointed directly at their bosses.  The article says they haven’t even interviewed any witnesses for over a month, they probably realize that there’s absolutely no point to this except tyrannical behavior and they’re the ones who will get all the attention for that.

□ [“Missouri ‘Republicans’ New Election Rules, Authorize Drop Boxes, Allow 6 Weeks of Early Voting”]

Who are these people?  Do they think this’ll keep their seats from being stolen?

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