Saturday, June 18, 2022

202204 End Times - 20220313

 10 March, 2022

Did you ever think we'd get this far?  And if you did, what the hell is wrong with you?

More footage of Convoy meetings with Senators.  It was ok, more hope.  There's definitely a movement here, the reason I supported the Canadian Convoy right away.

Right now, my main worries are (a) what the tyrants will hit us with next and (b) that I don't see any real organization, certainly nothing for normal citizens to be involved with unless they have friends or relatives who are members.  I live next to an interstate, that's the closest I get to any trucks.  My experience with them is all in the past.

Anyway, I hope they're getting some good contacts in DC.

□ [“Biden Gang Now Says Biological Labs That They Said Were in Ukraine Yesterday Do Not Exist”]

Jen Psaki tweets that it's a false claim, echoed by China, and we should be on the lookout for Russia using chemical or biological weapons.  They made weapons themselves or at least got them from China?  What a coincidence.  Yet another example of Russia's long-time "violation of international law."

All this less than a day after a Biden official testified to Congress that yes, the US absolutely had biological labs in Ukraine.  Either Nuland or Psaki is lying.  One was talking to Congress, the other to the media.  Nobody will call them on this.

There’s a rumor that Ukraine is negotiating a surrender.  They won't get to join NATO, they will accept that Russia owns Crimea and the independence of the two states created in 2014, they lose the chemical labs and any nuclear power beyond generic civilian use, and Russia gets to keep whatever records they've taken regarding, oh, Hunter Biden and all the other rich and famous investors.

Celebrities have been really tying themselves to Ukraine, or specifically to Zelenskyy.  If Ukraine really is a hub of corruption, Russia has evidence, leaving aside whatever they kept from the KGB days.  Then there's all the corporations that made a big deal about banning Russia, it can keep all the property they left behind as the Taliban did.

If true, this may explain why Russia was so restrained on the invasion.  They're Russia, they could smash enough to make the Hulk jealous if that's all they wanted but instead accepted more casualties than they should and limited their attacks on civilians.  Putin wanted the world to see they wouldn’t really help – as we saw with Poland refusing to go along with giving jets to NATO – and Zelenskyy got to see he was abandoned.

Also, we’re getting another variant of the virus and we’ll need to be locked away.

Another rumor, having been rejected by NATO, Ukraine is now begging to join the EU because they were so helpful.  Maybe Russia should join the EU.

There’s also been reports for a couple weeks now that Russia is fighting actual Nazis.  I’ve yet to see any actual proof or even an explanation so I'm not going along with that for the time being.  I have seen implications that these so-called Nazis are the actual reason for the invasion and also suggests that the actual so-called Nazi leaders are in the US.  Probably at very high rank and power, that would explain a lot.

So you know, the USA produces more oil and natural gas than any other nation but the left wants that shut down.  They want so-called environmentally-friendly wind and solar power which requires minerals like copper, nickel, cobalt, lithium and rare earths.  Those are only found in certain places like Chile, Indonesia, Congo, Australia and China.  The minerals are then processed, China is the one who does that, as well as producing the majority of wind turbines and solar generators requiring those minerals.

The food crisis is ready to get much worse.  Russia ended wheat exports, China is stockpiling rice, corn and wheat.  US farmers face skyrocketing fertilizer prices.  None of this includes the increased gas prices to get food to your local grocery store.

Also 10 March, 2022

Is this how Popeye built a girlfriend?

The following was inspired by discussions and articles at:

Ok, I think I've got the basics for oil production.  It's the Executive branch's fault.

First you have to bid for a lease to a given property just to see if there’s any oil there.  Leasing is very expensive and takes a lot of time to find anything.  You pay for that lease even if there’s only dirt, or one drop of oil.  Maybe you’ll find fifteen bajillion barrels worth and you don’t know before you pay for it.

Then there’s the manpower, tools and transport required for years of exploration.  That’s tens or hundreds of millions spent and you haven’t made a profit yet.

IF you find oil, you need to bid for a permit to drill.  The Departments of Energy, Interior and Labor all get involved in but Biden’s already said “no” to any new permits.  A “yes” would mean more years of manpower, tools and engineering to pay for drilling.  Then there’s the pipelines needed to move oil from where you found it to where it gets processed.  This is all required whether or not you operate the oil well on federal land.

Financing is required.  Nobody has a billion dollars sitting around to spend on this.  There are deals with investors and banks, and taxes.  Obviously this is all part of planning for the long term, just to pay for all the leases you look into.

You got a lease ten years ago and started drilling five years ago, now it’s running out of oil.  You got another lease nine years ago and started drilling four years ago, it’s still producing.  You got another lease eight years ago and started drilling three years ago but it’s already run dry.  You got another lease seven years ago and started drilling two years ago, now you have to deal with the Biden administration who turned you down for drilling the lease you got six years ago.  There’s no chance you’ll get approved for the leases you got five years ago, four years ago, etc., the ones you’ve paid for all this time.

This is just a simplistic example I made up, the real thing is far more complicated.  I haven’t looked into who approves leases and permits, the Department of Energy or the Interior?  Maybe both, and others are involved, the Department of Labor?  The Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission are there.  Technically they’re not part of the Executive branch but they can’t just tell the POTUS to piss off and ignore him.

Then there’s all the rules and regulations dictated by any government office and the states.  The federal government may give them orders, it might say they can do their own thing but the fed won’t give the state millions of dollars to fund X, Y or Z.  The state may decide by itself that it doesn’t like oil, imposing their own rules and regulation.

There used to be more than 9,000 permits.  Psaki just says the leases have been approved, she never goes on to mention the permits.  Can't drill until those are approved.  They don’t like fracking or shaling either, which many of those permits are for.  Neighbor sites are also leased to ensure no other companies can get involved.  

This is all very very expensive and there’s still no idea how much oil you’ll find, but that’s how the government wants it.  It’s more expensive to pump oil from the dust than from rocks, from the ocean rather than on land.  That has to be worked out before you even get the lease and stuck to through the extraction.

You’d think the oil companies could work this out, it costs *this* much to produce and sell a barrel of oil to a local gas-station who charges *that* much money to fill up car.  What threw me was comments about not being able to extract until the price reached a certain level.  Who does that?

The costs at McDonalds differ depending on location and product-availability.  A Big Mac costs more than a cheeseburger because it requires more ingredients, more government approval is needed for the individual ingredients.  But there’s no way they could say we can order a cheeseburger but they can’t serve a Big Mac until it costs $20.

Many government contracts, perhaps most, are paid for when the agreement is made.  Funding for a jet is established long before construction begins.  A jet that holds two people and goes Mach 3 has a different formula than a jet that holds 120 people and two dozen pallets for several thousand miles.  The process is more complicated than my description but it’s all competitive bidding for a job to build something for government employees.  It’s still fundamentally simpler, get the pieces and put them together.

If the jet fails to fly, it’s the company that got the bid’s fault.  But they used consistent prices for parts, manpower, etc.  Oil leases/extraction don’t work that way.

The oil companies have to set the price for the oil when they bid for leases and extractions.  They’re stuck with that price for years no matter what the government does to raise the costs.  They don’t literally decide that a barrel of oil costs another dollar but it’s close.  Every office, federal and state, gets to add its own rules and regulations.  They can decide to wait six months before making a decision on a lease or permit.  THE TAXPAYER is the one who has to pay for it all at both ends!

Making this bid years in advance and paying so much before you have a clue if you’ll even find oil, and all the other processing the government intrusion, well…

Only a liberal think that was a good idea.  Note that this all gives a lot of incentive to bribe the government officials.  Funny how that works.

Still 10 March, 2022

Clark Kent is reporting on Ukraine.  He says there’s nothing going on.

□ [“Warner Bros delays The Flash and Aquaman 2 into 2023”]

Just a note because I haven't written about pop culture in a while, what the hell is DC trying to do?  They made an immediately-blatant attempt to copy Marvel and haven't really gone anywhere.  The Wonder Woman movie was supposedly a gigantic hit but the sequel didn't do anything.  The Justice League movie came and went.  They're still trying... something… but it doesn't seem to be doing well.  Every movie they had scheduled this year is being pushed back, some into 2023.

Looking at the list, I see a Super Pets movie.  I assume it'll be horrible but at least theoretically it sounds like a fun idea.  I'm pretty sure Krypto and Streaky aren't used in any movies but who cares, a cartoon of them could be enjoyable.  There are probably other characters, I dunno.  It's possible.

Black Atom.  WTF?  I've been so distanced from comics for so long, I have no clue why this happened, but for some reason they turned a random Captain Marvel villain into a star.  I'm guessing it's because they can't use the name “Captain Marvel,” but Black Atom at least has the same origins – I think, never been much of a Captain Marvel fan – but this still makes no sense.  Anyway, his big-budget movie's release is pushed back.

Flash?  Ok, I guess if you're going to do movies DC characters, sooner or later you'll get to the Flash.  I really don't care which one they're doing.  Wasn’t this the movie that's getting so much publicity for having Michael Keaton as Batman?  That's... that’s really what the Flash has always been about, isn't it?

Aquaman, I guess it’s a sequel.  I have no idea what movies have even come out at this point.  I've never seen how this character works as a solo act, he swims and talks to fish and, uh, gets married?  Safe to assume it'll be heavy on the 'environmental' agenda.

Captain Marvel gets a sequel, it's actually being moved forward from 2023 to Christmas 2022, two months after Black Atom.  Ok, whatever, maybe it's just a two-part movie.  There are probably worse ideas.

There's a Batgirl movie with no release date and a Blue Beetle movie that hasn't even started production.  Batgirl and the Super Pets are the closest to any characters I was ever interested in and they wouldn’t make the top 50 back when I was interested, maybe not even the top 100.  Whatever interest I ever had in these characters, it seems like I've lost a lot more just writing this.

Marvel successfully put out a bunch of big-budget movies with characters no one had ever heard of, then combined them into a giant franchise with 'easter eggs,' references to each other.  DC was never very good at that and trying to do the same with movies just sounds like a horrible idea.  Obviously something is being planned for this but what?

Yet again 10 March, 2022

Life was so much easier and happier back when we had Rococo Coffee…

The pamphlet and booklets continue.  I wound up using both terms.  When I write roughly eight pages, for the time being I’ll save them as a pdf  to distribute wherever I can, including Kindle.  These are “pamphlets,” titled after the date of the last article.

I group them into a “booklet” and add news headlines in-between articles.  It’s formatted as I do for my normal books, a-side, midword, b-side, index, etc.  I include the date in the title but do try to include some actual name.

I use the dates because I really don’t want to use issue numbers like a comic book, magazine or newspaper, but I need something to make it easily-identifiable and a normal title wouldn’t do that.  My books have normal titles and I do want something.

So then I’ll put three or four “booklets” together as an actual book.  Hopefully I’ll edit and format everything so it’ll be different.  We’ll see how well that goes.

I’m glad I found these covers.  Returning from Iraq in July 2009, I killed time by making @ a dozen of these simple images, to see if Microsoft Movie (or whatever it’s called) would let me make cartoons.  It couldn’t but the images are only slightly different and wouldn’t be good enough to use as covers on my actual books, but they work here.

So I’ll use one image on each pamphlet and the collected booklet, then I’ll move to the next image and start over.  If I’m still doing this by the time I get to the last image, we’ll probably be in a lot more problems than just me making books.  We’ll find out.

That’s way more information than you needed I’m sure but I’ve said basically everything I have to say in the booklet.  I need to fill this page somehow.  Oh never mind.

11 March, 2022

It's already almost World War III and I still have my Covid decorations set up.

No other evidence but I live next to an interstate that’s looked emptier for the last day or so.  I think we're a few days from collapse.

A video was just released by a trucker filming himself at a gas station, over $1050 to fill up his truck in Tennessee.  He's transporting milk because there's no other way to move it and points out that next month, we'll be buying milk for $11.  It's a straight-forward video, directly to the point and for that reason, quite scary.

□ [“Biden Moves to Revoke ‘Permanent Normal Trade’ Relations with Russia”]

Whoever's in charge of him is actively trying to start a war with a nuclear power while making our soldiers use the correct gender pronouns.  The only other alternative I can think of is that they absolutely don't want us to win and that's why they're doing it.

And they can increase their own tyranny by cutting off any of their people's contacts with Russia, or anyone else they don't like.

□ [“White House Meets/Coaches With Dozens of Tik Tok Influencers to Spread Ukraine Propaganda”]

People who don't steal elections can go "Make sure we don't do anything really stupid, we have to look like we take things seriously.  If we don't, it'll cost us votes."

These people aren't doing that.  They have no incentive to, it's not like they're going to lose another election.  This is just a way to put out the official narrative and everybody has to accept it, no questions permitted.

□ [“'All You Have to Do is Look at the Map' – Kamala Harris Talks About the Black Sea and Romania When Asked About Record Gas Prices”]

Did Putin plan this?  Is he calling the shots, telling Biden what to say and so-on?

□ [“George Soros:  US/EU Must Take Down Putin And Xi ‘Before They Can Destroy Our Civilization’”]

I still have no idea what Putin is doing and still don't like anything China does but Soros is projecting his own desires onto others.  This is what he's worked for his whole life.  The virus and the leftists in charge of our economy wasn't enough, he wants WWIII.

So he’s coming out to give the orders himself?

□ [“U.S UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield Denies Russian Allegations of Bio Labs in Ukraine”]

They're just doubling down on the lies.  Liberals spent decades calling the US an evil warmonger, spreading weapons all over the world, defying treaties, now it’s 'we would NEVER do such a thing."  They're including China on the list of enemies.

Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic have been trying to prove their independence since the 2014 Russian invasion.  Russia supports them, Ukraine doesn't.  We don't know (I don't know) anything about the conflict for the last eight years but if Ukraine’s been attacking supposedly-independent nations, then Russia has the right to defend its allies, end of story.  The US *can* get involved if we really need to, but so can the EU or the UN.  Do any of us actually have a reason to?

I'm trying to remember leftist rhetoric from 2003 or 1991 about how we don't care about some far-away nation invading another far-away nation, let them solve their own problems.  Saddam was doing that to Kuwait and the Kurds, Democrats opposed US getting involved.  There were protests and everything.  Whatever happened to those?  Now Biden attacks Syria on his first day in office and nobody minds.  He bombed Somalia a couple weeks ago, where are liberals?

Also 11 March, 2022


Not being religious, I don't read scripture, but I was thinking of the Tower of Babel a day or so ago, so I looked it up.

The tower itself didn't seem like that big of a deal, just an early attempt by God's adversary to try getting man to raise up in defiance of God who responded by scattering the people.  Nothing about the tower itself, just references to everyone speaking the same language.  The scattering across the face of the earth was repeated in verse 8 and 9.

It works for explaining the different languages in this region.  The repetition of the scattering suggests God and His adversary both dictated a verse but who did which?

And then, with no connection at all, suddenly it starts covering the generations of Shem.  One of Noah’s sons, Shem was born well before the flood.  I hadn't looked Noah up so I just now discovered that his great-great-great grandson Peleg died before he did.

That’s where I have to throw up my hands.  Even if this literally happened the way Genesis says it did, there's no way these people can be considered human.  Humans don't get old enough to reproduce and then live through the next *FIVE* generations.

But maybe God wanted it that way, only changing His mind later on how things work?  Ok, but that’s still the same thing.  God's will isn't on the same level as ours, if He wanted everybody to live for centuries back then, it qualifies as totally non-human.

Not putting them down or anything, jus' saying, is all.  Their descendants became us so that’s only a bad thing if you look at it a certain way.

And what else can explain the age difference?  Their definition of 'years' may be far different from ours but they did already live in cities like Babel so they can watch the season change year after year.  Even if they didn't have actual calendars yet, if you're counting the time between seasons changing, it adds up pretty quickly, even if the counts aren't exactly correct.  Get a girl pregnant as the snow melts and she gives birth months later when the snow returns and it happens every year.  People would notice that.

It's possible ‘year’ was used in reference to the moon, 'full moon to full moon.'  That's somewhat more workable.  If Noah lived for 950 years and we're counting a year by moon-cycles, that's roughly 79 years in our-time, @29 of them after the flood.

The problem there is that Shem's descendants’ reproduction rates are at a much more normal age, but it seems a little older than usual.  Most of them were around 30 when they had the son whose lineage would carry on to the next verse.  There's no way those ages can be turned into moon-years.  Even Terah was 70 when he had the kids he's known for, he couldn't have begat triplets before his sixth birthday.

The only explanation I can think of is that the text hadn't been that clear for all those centuries and when the King James Version was given to us by Shakespeare or whoever, they did the best they could to make it workable.

Otherwise, it's just drawing the line from Noah to Abraham and I quite enjoyed the scripture for its own sake.  I come at it from a 'history' perspective so I don't mind if I've never heard of these people or read anything about them beyond this.  It's enough to know they kept track of this guy having this son who had this son who had this son who had a son that went and did something else.

Beyond that, only verse 29 stuck out for me.  Since I wasn't planning to read any further (for the time being) I wasn't followed the family from Ur to Canaan to see what happened to them next, but the buildup to that point mystifies me.

Terah has three sons, one of whom, Haran, begats Lot but then dies young.  Ok, that's sad but it happens.  The other two sons pick wives.  Abram marries Sarai but they don't have children.  Even without reading further, I know this is Abraham, whether or not he ever reproduces isn't the biggest part of his story.  But then there's verse 29.

Nahor marries Milcah.  She is "the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah."  WTF?  He's marrying his niece?  The text even makes sure to repeat that so we can't miss it.  “And the father of Iscah"?  Who is Iscah and which male mentioned in the last two phrases is his father?

I can't find my printed KJV even though I was looking at it not long ago, so I can't confirm it's the same as this internet version.  I did google and the suggestion is that Iscah is also Haran's son.  Ok, that makes sense but it’s not totally convincing.  Why put that into this verse instead of the previous one about Haran's sons?  The writing doesn't help, coming from before modern-English and a translation of Latin of info dating from the days when Ur was the big place to be and Canaan was becoming the new hot spot.

But that's Genesis 11.

12 March, 2022

You’re going to prove me wrong.  Prove me wrong.  I trust you.

Someone I was discussing the fuel crisis online with:  I've concluded that what's controlling the market is regulatory instability vs stability...basically, trust, rather than supply/demand. Is there any action Biden or his handlers could take that would restore trust in them? I think the answer is no, because half of the world knows they stole the election and that enviro-commies are making the decisions. There's no currency to buy trust. You earn it through actions, and this administration's actions are clearly hostile.

That's not an optimistic view, but I think it shows what we're up against.

"Trust" is an excellent example of that.  I'm not sure it’s the *most* accurate word possible but right now it seems like more work than it's worth to try to find a better one.

They've destroyed "trust."  How?  Why?  How can anyone get to that point?  The very idea is beyond comprehension.  Even if I'm so wonderful that everybody trusts me, destroying it works against me.  Then there's all the people who work directly for me, how can we do anything if we don't trust each other?

They've obviously figured out how to do it and have spent decades (centuries?) working for this.  Despite denying individuality, they are individuals, they disagree and turn on each other, they go their own way on so many things.  How does this happen???

I think this does ultimately come down to ‘linear,’ behaving like a sensible person or else doing... *that,* whether it’s self-identifying as a made-up gender, being a mega-billionaire or protesting Republican-run military invasions of countries that didn’t attack us and Congress never voted for but demanding we attack Syria, Somalia and Russia.

But even there it requires "trust" to work.  How can they not see that?

□ [Tim Gielen "Monopoly, Who Owns The World?”]

An hour-long video that covers the conspiracy pretty well.

BlackRock and Vanguard are international investors of most big companies and media all over the world.  They also fund the WEF.  They're among the world’s richest people, usually heirs to rich families, the self-appointed world government.  They'll take all our money to rebuild the world they want, the New World Order.  They'll own everything and the state works to keep them happy.  They're aiming for 2030.

Obviously the virus was important, an excuse to unite all their companies and government servants in unison.  They also get to work with people like Jeffrey Epstein.  But there's always a resistance movement.  Even North Korea gets resisted.

So what's their back-up plan?  For months I've been expecting food to get too expensive to buy.  When that happens, we’ll get chaos and I hope the people attempt to overthrow of the rich liberals.  We've got the numbers and the guns.

The police won't help the rulers, neither will the military.  They have families too, they know how expensive life already is for their parents and siblings and adult kids.  Those in charge may go along with this tyranny but they can be outnumbered very quickly.  A week without food will not encourage people to obey that commander who eats every day and orders police or soldiers to suppress dissent.  It’s just easier to shoot that guy and take his food.  Most commanders will already know that.

So the left has to have another step in their plan, but what?  Getting China, Russia or Iran to invade/nuke us is all I can think of, what else is there?

[Response] Thre's plenty of stuff people will let go in order to buy food; during great depression or WW2 i dont think many in the USA were actually not getting enough calories to live on. And if we have widespread shortages and outrageous prices, who are the people going to overrun? Houses in fancy neighborhoods? City hall? Oh and enforcement units, they had enough to eat even in Russia in 1919;

Not arguing with you, just speculating and commenting off the top of my head.

First, there's the obvious fear.  Less food that costs more, all costs are going up.  That fear will persist even if we’ll get fed, but we have no such guarantee. Then there's the price of fuel.  Only farmers can feed themselves, what do the rest of us do?

Second, even in the 1920s-40s, the US was still mostly a farm-based society. What we know as New York City was still largely farmland until the 20th Century, much less the rest of the country.  Not everybody had things like refrigerators even by the 20s-40s.  Almost everybody lived a life where they had to work to get food every day and all of society was set up to make that possible.  Even places like 1919 Russia were used to being buried under snow for several months at a time and able to make sure they could store food.  They'd had to do that for centuries.

Third, we may still get food four days a week but just being here imposes mass poverty from politicians who live in mansions.  The olden times with Orange Man had three meals a day, seven days a week and could still afford television, new clothes and cell phones.  Now misery keeps growing.  How much worse do the rulers want it?

As to who protestors will actually go after, I don't know, that's part of what I'm trying to work out.  Societies have fallen apart all through history but never one like we have now.  Looting will be a given but who will get looted first, second or third?

Then there's whatever's going on behind the scenes.  What if tomorrow the news said Biden, Harris, Pelosi and (deliberately not looking up the fourth in line) all got really sick suddenly and died, how sad?  That certainly sounds impossible but just the fact that we're here now seemed impossible two years ago.  What would the national reaction be?  What would the inner circles' reactions be?  What about everyone in between?

Civilization has always been about making sure nobody needs to think of such possibilities but now everybody looks at every possible way just to face the immediate future, even without gangs looting and pillaging or whatever China/Russia/Iran have planned.  That's what America has always fought and what leftists have always wanted.

They’re completely wrong but definitely planned this out, what's their next step?

Also 12 March, 2022

The government isn’t giving me enough money to support the war.

□ [“Massachusetts Lowers Pandemic Death Count – Only Counts Diagnosed Within 30 Days of Death”]

So anyone crying that the virus killed someone 31 days after they were diagnosed is out of luck.  That death was for some other reason and the government was blatantly lying by telling you it was the virus.  But now they've changed the count and they’re still totally believable.  That's how much they care.

□ [“42 GOP Senators and Mitch McConnell Call on Biden to Send MiGs to Ukraine to Bomb Russians”]

*THIS* is the one-party system.  They disagree with Democrats on maybe 20% of the issues but agree on everything else.  They're trying to get a war going and don't even have the courage to just vote a declaration now.

I don't know what else to say.  If ten or twenty Republican senators gave the Democrats an automatic win, it would be one thing, but 42?  That's almost all of them.

□ [“Russia, China, Brazil, India Call for Investigation Into US Biolabs in Ukraine”]

So now China, Brazil and India side with Russia.  They’re now on the enemy's list and we must go to war with them.  Say, those four nations make up about half of the world’s population, are any of those people white?  That would make a difference.

Also, is there a chance they have any of our biological weapons labs or know nations that do?  If so, a lot more information could be brought to light.  Just ask any liberal, the USA would never put deadly biolabs in countries of non-white people.

Congratulations, Democrats, I am now rooting against America.  That's what you've been inspiring all these decades, now you've got it.

By the way, I have no objection to starting these labs around the world.  Someone else would be doing this whether or not we did, my vote would be for America to take the lead.  My objection is these insane dictators trying to get a war started to hide this.

It's got good and bad, but it also about works with other nations, puts dangerous stuff there instead of keeping it right here with us, makes the weapons easier to use against the enemy over there…  We’ve probably got lots of biolabs in the US, no idea if they're out in the countryside or right next to the Mayor's office of every town.

It's just an example of how things like this get really complicated really quickly, a good reason for high ranking people to keep it secret for as long as possible.

[response] All of them have level 3 labs, Wuhan Institute is a level 3, just across town the Chinese have a level 4 military lab. The same is true for Russia, the hypocrites have level 3 and 4 labs all over Russia.  India clearly has level 3 labs to study the many pandemic type diseases that have plagued the country from the beginning of time. India is frequently the victim of cholera and possible detection would take place in level 3 labs like the ones in Ukraine.

We really need to get all the leftist rhetoric used to oppose taking down Saddam Hussein who killed a lot more people than Putin.

Certainly every POTUS since FDR (if not earlier) has approved of this sort of thing and FDR's predecessors probably invested in similar things.  The only exception is possibly George Washington who was busy trying to figure out what the job was.

Personally, I'm blaming that evil bastard William Henry Harrison, the most destructive 30 days ever inflicted on mankind.

□ [“Kamala Harris Exposes That She Has Absolutely No Clue What’s Happening in Europe, Pledges US Support to Defend Ukraine’s Non-Existent NATO Alliance”]

This is the real Sarah Palin.  This is who the left said was so ignorant and stupid.  Not the Sarah Palin we know, the one they made up.

13 March, 2022

But if you self-identify as "strong," then you can't be weak.  That would be oppressive.

So now we're in planting season on the farms.  To grow food, they need fertilizer.  To get fertilizer, they buy it from Russia who produces over 2/3 of the world’s fertilizer, but our governments are forbidding us to buy from Russia.  That's going to be a problem and make food cost more to produce, not counting higher gas prices for tractors and plows or the added expense of transporting crops to factories and then to the store.

The liberal dream continues.

□ [“China to open space station to commercial activity”]

Well, leftists haven't minded the slavery, maybe this will be enough to anger them against China?  Oh who am I kidding, they won't care in the slightest.  They're too busy talking about their hatred of slavery and commercial activity to do anything about China.

Of course all China needs to do is send orders out to Biden and every other leader to knock it off and they'll obey.  Who's going to stop them?

I noticed a comment on Russia/Ukraine quoting Sun Tzu's Art of War.  I've had a copy most of my life but have never been able to read it.  Just not for me.  Anyway...

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

 – Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Based on the media foisted on us every day, who does that fit?  Russia's not doing so well, they must be weak, but Ukraine is smaller but is strongly smashing the invaders.

If Sun Tzu isn't mandatory for every military officer training school in the world ['students, turn to chapter four, who wants to read first?'] it's gotta be close to mandatory ['well you don't have to read it but you'll have trouble getting more than a D+'].  I've seen officers reading it, Russia certainly wouldn't ignore it, Ukraine probably didn't either.  That only leaves... western media.   But the media likes playing footage of Ukrainian victory.  They never show Russian victories although there certainly are some.

The media’s a target like Ukraine but doesn’t know when to look weak or strong.

"He who exercises no forethought but makes light of his opponents is sure to be captured by them."

– Sun Tzu

□ [“The Atlantic Wants Us to Know Climate Change Would Be Severely Impacted By a Nuclear War”]

Maybe so but there'd be a lot of dead humans so there's an up-side too, right?  Also the economy will be destroyed, always a plus.

Anyway, just say you did the opposite of whatever Trump did and you're excused.  He didn't get into a nuclear war so who's going to disagree with you on that?

□ [“Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Takes Credit for the Rocket Attack on US Base in Erbil, Iraq – 10 Days After Iran Asked Biden to Remove them from Terror List”]

This makes sense, they've gotta get through Iraq, Jordon and Syria to hit Israel.  The RG does specify this is an Israeli base, or at least supported by Israel, the real enemy.

Joe Biden turned 18 just a few weeks after JFK was elected.  Kennedy immediately started sending troops to Vietnam, a country that never attacked us but invaded a country that we weren’t allied with.  Democrats wanted to be involved, LBJ followed along.  Biden was in his prime military years throughout that era and supported both the war and the draft.  Until Nixon was in charge.  A Republican, oh no!!!

And now Biden’s going to do the same thing with full Democrat support.

□ [“DHS Secretary Mayorkas Releases New Rules on Extremism – DHS Will Target Anyone Who Believes Election Was Stolen or Who Challenged Fauci’s Everchanging COVID Narrative”]

They just projecting their own desires onto others, they’ll send men with guns after whoever thinks they stole the election despite spending four years freely pretending that Trump stole the election and GWB before him.  But Trump and Bush were tyrants.

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