Saturday, June 18, 2022


28 March, 2022

Posted on The People’s Convoy Telegram page:

□ [“Rather than be on the sidelines, join the Convoy & offer up yr assistance rather than pointing out all that is wrong with the movement.”]

Spend money I don't have to drive thousands of miles and find complete strangers to do... something.  To an extent, supply/logistics don't need to be done on the ground, I've worked with people around the world on that.   Otherwise, thinking and writing are what I'm best at and pointing out what's wrong *IS* helping to the best of my ability.

Ok, California's trying to pass 10 fascist laws and stopping one of them would be a victory?  That's nine losses.  Even if you magically stop all 10 (which you won't) they'll just do it again in a few weeks.  Mandates in Washington DC don't need to be made into laws, they just need to be kept around which is exactly what the tyrants are going to do.

They're pushing this tyranny everywhere and just driving trucks around isn't going to stop them.  As much as possible, none of you deliver any supplies anywhere.  What are they going to do, throw out their own laws to get replacements in less than six weeks?  They don't even have people qualified to replace you.  What are they going to do, force people to work against their will?  They might as well do that to the truckers now.

The next step, I don't know how to make it happen, but it would be for truckers to agree to resume deliveries to FRIENDLY cities and businesses.  Probably need to do it in convoys because you're going to be attacked by thieves and hijackers.  But the point is to leave all the locations that support this tyranny out of the equation.  They can drive their electric cars to a farm every time they want something to eat and they're the ones saying there should be lower population anyway.

When the trucks stop, there will be suffering, that's a given.  But there's already suffering.  The sooner we start it on our terms, the sooner we can end it on our terms and, more important, the sooner suffering is limited to those who inflicted it on the rest of us.

There was a picture a few days ago of Biden eating pizza in Poland as the lower enlisted soldiers around him waited for food.  That is 100% the wrong way to go, senior leadership eats last, but these creatures completely ignore that for themselves.  That's what they're fighting for.  We need to make them openly take away their subordinates' food because there is no more food.  They started this, we can end it but that won’t happen until they're the ones in desperate need.

29 March, 2022

This would explain why Batman is still so popular, wearing costumes with little boys.

□ [“'You’re Asking Me to Do What?'  Madison Cawthorn Says ‘DC elites’ Have Orgies and Do Cocaine”]

Partially, I think it's just what elites do.  They need to find ways of showing they’re not like the peons.  Partially I think these people are really into kids, even if they’re of legal age.  By the time the youngsters hit puberty, the oldsters have figured out ways to groom them with or without their parents' knowledge.  That's probably where actual conspiracies would emerge, passed on from generation to generation.

Is there more to it than that?  I don't know, they never invited me. ☹ I go back and forth on whether that's basically it or if there's some real conspiracy underlying it.  We can make up all the generic examples, world conquest, demon worship, liberalism, sex with Cher, but you could make up those explanations just by filling in the blanks and never actually thinking.  But what else could it be?

□ [“Disney Executive Producer Admits She Regularly ‘Adds Queerness’ to Children’s Programming”]

Here’s proof that Disney is intentionally perverting the young.  It also lines up with the gay desire to corrupt kids.  Do any of them stand up against this?  There are lesbians opposed to women-with-penises but that's an obvious thing for women to do.

Probably not the literal truth but it comes as ‘gays were all raped as kids, that’s why they’re gay,’ which lines up with sensible opposition to homosexuality.  Where are the gays who stand up against sex with children?  It would be really easy to prove me wrong, just point to all the gays opposing the abuse of kids.  Anybody?

□ [“After Yesterday’s Disastrous Presser, Biden’s Handlers Only Permit One Pre-Approved Q Today”]

He's getting worse on a consistent basis.  All these decades in Washington and this is what he's been reduced to, a feeble figurehead.

There's got to be some plan to get him out, even his masters have to see that.  If any of them still think about that relic Constitution, there’s the 25th Amendment.  What else?  Even scarier is that Harris makes Biden look competent.

We may just be at a time out but everything now seems to have faded.  The virus is still talked about but clearly it's just a weapon to us against us.  Russia's is still after Ukraine (still don’t know why) but there's not much talk anymore since we’re obviously not getting involved.  That means everyone demanding vaccine-tyranny or World War III needs to find something else to complain about.

How much of this have the dictators scheduled?  There's human nature and there's leftist nature and then there's the fact that we can't assume they're improvising everything every step of the way.  Aside from the wars, I'm expecting the vaccinated to start dying.

But that's gotta be impossible, tricking/commanding a large population into those poisonous vaccines.  There would just be so many things that could go wrong with the plan.  So is there a plan and who made it?  This is what inspires conspiracy theories, just trying to figure out some explanation that makes sense.

So what do we do, kill time until death?  We can’t stop the tyrants so why bother?

I also think March 31 is still the plan for something.  All we know is the witches doing something.  This is the world as they want it.

I'm kinda depressed, can't think of anything else to say.  Not worth it.

30 March, 2022

The only thing that can save the world right now is this post. I hope this one's actually interesting.

The G-7 has decided it won’t go along with Russia's decision to accept only rubles for selling energy.  Ok, they've also seized property and money from Russians in breach-of-contract with Russia, the same excuse they're giving for not using rubles.  Stealing from Russian citizens who didn't have anything to do with the supposed crimes.

You drop contracts you've made with nations you've declared war on, sure, but how does that apply here?  You agreed to pay Russia for fuel, you import Russian fuel, you've seized Russian property and now you don't have any reason to pay for it?

It's not like Russia is helpless, Europe made the deal to pay Russia for fuel.  If they don't pay, Russia won't give them fuel next month, simple as that.  And Russia has every right to strike back because Europe is using a basis of war to justify this.

Russia and China are getting closer and closer, they've obviously planned this for a while.  Eventually they'll have problems with each other but that's not going to help us.

□ [“CNN Admits 'Hunter Biden Was Trading on His Father’s Name to Make a Lot of Money’”]

The media definitely wants to get ahead on this.  They won’t admit they reported lies all these years, they’ll protect themselves.  They also won’t demand a special investigator go after the POTUS to find everything and be given special protection from the POTUS and his defenders.  They did that for four years and it went nowhere.

Currently the guess is that the rulers are trying to get rid of Biden.  He's clearly not up to the job and that's been clearer every day since 1988.

As much as I think our rulers have planned things out, this is something I don't think they expected.  They're into the same things as Hunter and could have exposed him long ago if they'd wanted us to know that, admitting they'd help themselves to our kids.

But obviously they didn't think that would work.  They didn't want this info being released  so who's doing it?  Russia or China are the obvious guess but who knows?  It's (remotely) possible that there are decent people somewhere in the government who are fighting this.  I know, I know, but do you have any better suggestions?

□ [“Fauci Says Americans Need to be 'Prepared' For Another Round of Covid Restrictions”]

They're not going to give this up.  They like it, they want more.  All they need to do is take control of everything and, well, the virus still comes back to kill us but at least they have absolute control so that's a win.

I haven't paid attention to reports – not that they'd be trustworthy – so I have no idea if this was just a real virus like we get every few years and the left just weaponized it to seize control or if it's actually some Chinese weapon made with-or-without US help.  Personally I'm not that concerned either way although others obviously are.

Either way they're going to keep pushing this for as long as they can get away with it.  How do we stop them?

Sooner or later there's going to be an underground movement.  I'm looking for one, I’d try to form one if I had the ability,  but we need to start that as soon as possible.  It should deal as little as possible with the internet and economic system as we know them because that's how the rulers will track us and take us down.

If I knew how, I'd try to get in touch with some of the soldiers in my unit because those guys knew how to pass communications without being caught and I'm pretty sure at least some of their tactics didn't require major technology.

Anyway, there's still a sense of disaster coming down on us, whether it's caused by our self-appointed masters or if they just invited new attackers or if it's something even bigger than that.  It does seem like more people are thinking about God these days, which is fine, but because we're living in a realm where only He can help us.  That's always been the case but it's really better for us if our daily lives are simple.

But this disaster is going on all around the world and that's basically impossible unless the planet itself is involved in making it happen.

Also 30 March, 2022

Why is "the end" moving so slowly?  We want it to arrive quickly.

It’d be nice to think there was actually some response going on.  If I was still in the military, I’d think the Freedom Convoy moving from DC to California was to inspire everyone to stand up against the tyrants.  There'd be a chain-of-command going on.

Maybe there is, I'm just skeptical as always.  There's that witches-thing going on which I believe is the enemy's next big step.  There’s some effort to prove the election was stolen, there's even some media actually pointing out some of these problems.

Still no reason to be hopeful.  I would like to be but I need actual proof first.

□ [“'Surprised and Concerned':  Poison Control Issues Nationwide ‘Toxic’ Warning About Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests – Kit Includes Poisonous 'Liquid Substance' Used Commonly in 'Pest Control'“]

And they come out with this, something they've known about for months?  Flat-out telling people to take poison freely given to them by the Biden regime, 60 million sent out?  Leftist sycophants would love it, sure, but everybody else is supposed to take it too?  That's the law, or whatever it is.

Biden promised a "winter of death," he just didn't know who would actually get it.

Idle thought, maybe they're turning on Biden just to show how Trump *should* have been turned against but all those inferiors just obeyed him.  Naturally leftists will immediately turn on Biden when ordered to.

And oh boy, they'll replace him with the first female POTUS, the one who couldn't even campaign for President long enough to get votes from Democrats.  But she'll have all the problems Biden has and probably a lot more.  Don't put her in charge unless you want immediate destruction.  Which the rulers do.

I'll say again, I think that witches-thing is their next step.  Not checking what time zone they're in but it'll probably be starting any time now.

31 March, 2022

Men really are from Mars but women just self-identify as being from Venus.  Silly girls...

□ [“Robot Dog Patrols Empty Streets Of China, Barks COVID Sanitary Instructions On Loudspeaker”]

In case you weren't sure if we'd made it to the 21st Century yet, that should sum it up.  Robot dogs to keep people indoors because of a Virus.  Guess who this will inspire…

□ [“Will Smith Was Asked to Leave Academy Awards After Assaulting Chris Rock But He Refused”]

This coverage keeps going on.  Could this be some sort of follow-up to the gay black guy paying black people to beat him up so he can blame whitey?

Anyway, a number of people say that violence isn't a good idea anyway but support a wife being so incompetent that the man has to do all the work, like attacking a comedian for... making fun of someone.  When did comedians get permission to do that?

Smith has already put out that he just didn't have any control over his emotion, telling us what happens when his wife does something that doesn't make him happy, but the media doesn't want to cover that.  Nor do they point out that white liberals are opposed to marriage, so any man standing up for his wife is automatically wrong.

And what sort of security do the Oscars have if they can just be ignored when someone wants to commit violence?  Still a good chance this was all a stunt.

□ [“TSA Announces Advanced Imaging Tech to Gender Neutral Screening Processes for Transgenders”]

□ [“State Department Announces 'X' Gender Marker Option Added to U.S. Passports”]

Two more federal agencies surrendered and will pretend that gender’s something you invent for yourself.  I assume they deliberately did it today.  If the government’s not centered around mentally-ill people in less than 1% of the population, who is it for?

It’s a direct line from allowing gay marriage and includes getting to do to children whatever you want sexually.  No doubt Russia funded them for decades to destroy the world as we know it, but I’m not sure how much was really required.  Some people are just that way, it’s what they do and they’re not even crazy enough to invent genders.

□ [“Biden Demands Congress Approve More Covid Funding Now 'We are Not Going to Have Enough Money to Purchase' New Vaccines Later”]

It's one of those times where wonder if he actually knows what he’s saying.  That aside, he's giving billions of dollars to Ukraine and they’re not even vaccinated.  There's his invasions of Syria and Somalia which Congress has not voted for.  There's the mind-bogglingly large amount of spending they've all been enjoying for the last year.

But now we're running out of cash to pay big companies for drugs that don't work.

□ [“WEF’s Klaus Schwab 'Global Energy, Food Systems and Supply Chains will Be Deeply Affected'“]

Someone who decides how to make the world suffer.  I can't find any specifics of what’s going to cause this – presumably him and his people – or how many will die from this, but his solution is that the government needs more power.  Isn't that always the way?

□ [“Economist Pippa Malmgrem at WGS; financial world order to shift in dramatic new direction”]

And the explanation, they're changing to blockchain, digital currency controlled by central banks who’ll have total control over every single purchase anybody makes.  Everyone on the planet will be required to have digital ID or be barred from society.  No autonomy, no thought, just obedience.  It’ll be easy to ban religion in the process.

If I got that wrong, what would be seriously different from their actual plans?

The most obvious objection I see is there's no way the whole world could be in on this.  They'd have to invade most countries for obedience.  Maybe that's part of the plan, maybe they’ll get around to it when they can and rule the First World in the meantime.

The second biggest objection I see is that a lot of people would only go along if they're the ones in charge, they'll fight for power otherwise.  That would immediately rip up their own rule and bring about disaster, for them and everybody else.

There's also the possibility that they're outright planning to kill 50%+ of the world's population.  The chaos would make it much easier to take over whoever survives.  If they can do that, they can probably secure their own lives in the process.

We need a resistance movement now.  Find ways to produce medicine, food, money and the rest.  And pray because there’s no other chance.  How long do we have?

01 April, 2022

Keep It Scottish, Stupid!

One fundamental aspect of leftists is the insistence that reality is whatever they say it is.  'It only exists if you believe in it' is the closest they get to sincere beliefs but obviously they don't give it any thought.  They’d save a lot of money on food if hunger doesn’t exist unless you believe in it.  Poor people could just stop believing in hunger.

Or maybe hunger is too complicated for them to think of, it’s not like they ever deal with it personally.  What else is there that doesn't exist if you don’t believe in it?

Guns.  Can't ban what doesn't exist.  Who wants a law that bans fictional objects?  How would you enforce that law, send men with guns to arrest people who doesn't obey.

Gasoline.  Don’t believe in fueling cars with stuff that kills Earth, problem solved.

Gravity.  They could go to the roof and say they don't believe in gravity and start walking.  What's the worst that could happen?  It doesn't exist unless you believe in it.

These are all very basic concepts that have been around for a long time and totally disprove their insistence that reality is whatever they say it is, yet they uniformly ignore that.  They'll change the world for the better because they say so, we just have to obey.

Obedience is actually what they stand by, explaining why they participate with pretending there are other genders, they impose it on everyone else.  You'd expect them to be the first ones to say 'if you don't believe in any gender other than male/female, they don't exist.'  But no, reality is whatever they think it is, no one else gets a say.

That's what we need to fight, reality is reality, A is A, whether they like it or not.

Believe in God is the most obvious objection to this.  A three year-old could ask basic questions like 'why doesn't God show Himself?'  It's the easiest excuse for disbelief.  Faith just isn't enough.

For me it was very easy.  Either there’s a God or there isn’t.  If there is no God, it doesn't matter whether or not you believe.  I personally think there's a convincing argument that belief in God works better whether or not God exists but still, there's no genuine proof.  But if there is a God, then belief works better than not believing in God.

That was pretty simple.  Belief works better than disbelief and if there really is a God, He'd prefer it that way too.  I don't remember specifically when I came up with this and it's probably not remotely original.  We've all been thinking about God all our lives regardless of what we believe, I can't be the first one who came up with this.

This description is very simplistic but as humans, we prefer it that way whenever possible.  I definitely think that the individual matters on God's level.  If Heaven and Hell actually exist, I'd bet a lot of atheists have woken up in the former and a lot of believers in the latter.  God is the one who judges us and He created us all.

If nothing else, look at all the people who died with literally no way of knowing God, the thousands of years humanity existed without belief in Him.  There’s also infant deaths, God created them, then killed them before they even became conscious.  But if they don’t believe, they'll be in Hell for eternity, sucks to be them.

I give very little thought to Heaven/Hell and even less to things like reincarnation.  That's just above my pay-grade, we'll find out when we get there.  I go back and forth on what results I'd like to see but it's essentially just killing time until we see for ourselves.

Meanwhile we’ve got to spend every day on Earth and I really can't conceive of any reason God doesn’t give us a literal example, Joe Biden speaking on camera and suddenly turns to dust, a note saying "Don't do that again, or else," signed "Love, God."

That's totally within God's capabilities, right?  It would sure dispel any doubts about Him and would be fun to watch.  So why have we gone through all these centuries and have nothing more than faith?  At what point do we deserve more solid evidence?

Well, we also have organized religion.  I'm sure religion has its benefits and probably many more benefits than drawbacks but I’m just not a fan.  I think it's just too collective, too focused on the group.  That requires organization, rank structure and leaves every individual with the opportunity for power and corruption, exactly what we're supposed to avoid.  God can function in that environment, but so can His adversary.

I suspect organized religion is more for women who are generally collective.  It works for them and for the men who actually want to stick with a woman.

I definitely come from the side of the individual.  We're all here for something but only God knows what that is.  That's fine, but individually or collectively, what are we supposed to do about it that doesn't create still more problems in a world of misery and disaster?  We really need the help and there's only One who can bring it.  The alternative is eternal despair.  Why else are we here?

As always, there's no answer.  Just more reasons to get depressed each day.  The last few years haven't dented my faith, it's just made me a lot more willing to get this over with, for me if not for everybody else.

Is there any more than that?  I hope so but who knows?

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