Saturday, June 18, 2022

202207 Fulcrum - 20220606

01 June, 2022

Your children are required to see Brandon’s New Clothes!!!

□ [“Eleven Ukrainian Units Betrayed by Senior Commanders”]

Interesting, 11 different army units posting social media videos about the lack of supplies and the crazy, suicidal chain-of-command orders from Zelensky on down.

Is this real?  Is it a Russian fake?  Even if it’s not real, it makes for rumors among the soldiers who the media said had won two months ago, not rumors friendly to their leadership.  There are similar reports coming out of the Russian forces.

□ [“After Biden Pledged to Defend Taiwan, Chinese Warplanes Violate Country’s Air Defense Zone”]

Not that it’s getting much attention.  The more problems people have in their own lives, the less attention they pay to problems going on halfway around the world.  Leftists don't have such problems, their food is cheap and plentiful, they're allowed to drive cars because they want to save the earth and haven't even noticed the gas prices.

So of course *they* care what China is doing, even they're invested in Chinese businesses.  It’s all these inferiors who whine about having to pay more money to get to work than they get at work, and then they have to drive home.  How declassee.

□ [“Reporter Calls Out Biden’s Lies Related to Baby Formula Crisis”]

Biden:  “I don’t think anyone anticipated the impact of the shutdown of Abbott facility.”

Reporter:  “Didn’t the CEOs just tell you they understood it would have a very big impact?”

Biden:  "They did but I didn't."

Biden is admitting his own incompetence.  The White House repeatedly insisted that they started trying to fix the problem in February, but now Biden says that he only found out about it in April, meeting with baby food manufacturers to handle whatever plan he had in mind to fix the problem.  His administration had created months last year, but he won't accept any blame.  It’s all someone else’s fault.

They could have just sold him clothes, the kind that can't be seen by the stupid or unfit for their jobs.  That’d show how Biden really is, and he'd get a kick out of it too.

Are people really turning against our rulers or is this just another fake?  Our self-appointed masters would be the last to know either way but their masters would know.  Besides, they're too busy trying to get into a war that Congress hasn't voted for.

I still think they’ve planned the break-down month by month so we’re at the June spot now.  By July 4th, they'll be banning guns from everyone but their paid servants.

02 June, 2022

So guns can be banned like abortion and no one will have them because the law says so.

□ [“Aiming To Jab The Nation’s Youngest, Pfizer Makes Submission For COVID-19 Vaccination Emergency Authorization For Kids Under 5”]

This is about going after kids.  It’s still not clear if the so-called "vaccine" is fatal on its own, but that may be a side-point along with them proving they can stick it into every kid and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

Just think how long have they been restraining themselves, pretending they didn't want to take ‘government property’ away from the parents.  There’s suspicion that the rich and famous people never actually took the vaccine, it would risk their health too much.

□ [“Biden’s Navy Secretary: The Existential Threat Is Climate Change”]

The military is really a place where you should pick people for their ability first-and-foremost and their political correctness way down on the list of important traits.  But that’s now how leftists roll, political correctness is all that matters and the military is expected to obey without question.  That’s what they're there for.

The higher levels decide who gets promoted on the lower levels so in no time, that’s all they have.  They never want anyone who thinks differently.

Not sure what else I'll write.  There’s still articles to go through and topics I've already been writing about, some of them are new, none of them are majorly important.

There’s the baby formula thing.  They should just say they don’t want kids to have food.  They're already doing that to schools who don't promote leftist beliefs, even while claiming that school meals are the only food some kids get every day.  Leftists already say people should eat bugs, safe to assume that’ll soon become mandatory, especially at school.  They'll soon need to do that even if they pretend that men can become pregnant.

□ [“No Free Lunch:  Biden Admin to End Meal Funding to Schools Not Complying With LGBT Agenda”]

The benefit of the government controlling everything, the government can deny you everything and you have no other options, they don't permit that.  All the differences they permit is when they get to force everyone else to support that difference, showing that it’s something mindless at best and horrific at worst.

I'm done tonight.  Hopefully I'll do more tomorrow.

03 June, 2022

So this is Earth-2, and what have you done? Another earth over and a new one just begun.

□ [“Biden:  CEOs told me my plan would save $500 per household in utility costs. WaPo:  Lie”]

Even the media is starting to come out against him.  I doubt any of them have bothered to notice the price in gasoline or food, it’s probably just from all about the polls which ask people who *have* noticed this for the last year and a half.

The media even checked on the official records for this meeting, transcribed on February 9, which had absolutely no record of Biden being told this.  There was a report from last October of a leftist-friendly group who said that overall prices would go down $500 a year by 2030.  Not utility costs specifically, just prices in general, *if* everybody stopped using gasoline a decade from now and if solar/wind power could support itself, which it can't do now.  California’s having blackouts regularly for a reason.

That’s the most anyone can find of the quote Biden cites from an official meeting.  He also says they were trying to stop getting gasoline from "autocrats" even though he’s the ones trying to get gasoline from, Venezuela, Iran and yes, Russia.

The media is also starting to ask about the baby food issue.  Biden has already admitted he didn’t understand what he was told so who briefed him and when?  The official POTUS spokesman only says is that the briefings were in "regular channels."  Just some random person who came along or is there anybody whose job is to speak to Biden on a regular basis, someone that he'll actually listen to?

Biden says the briefing was in "early April" but he waited until mid-May to do or say anything.  That’s how important it is to feed Americans.  The spokesman insists it was "late April" so either Biden was lying or just doesn't know when something happens.

It could have been last year for all we know, baby food companies reported this to the FDA in October.  Biden has probably heard of the FDA at some point in his long life.  His spokesman also says Biden and the government weren’t wrong about inflation, they just listened to the Secretary of the Treasury who… says she was wrong about inflation.

That’s not how things actually work but our rulers are people who don't actually work and Karine Jean-Pierre claims the "whole of government" is involved in fixing this problem.  What is the CIA doing?  The IRS?  NASA?  She’s also asked about things Biden said yesterday and says she hasn't talked to him or listened to what he says.

Even CNN is covering this, you wouldn’t expect that:

□ [“Biden’s Failing Presidency Explained by White House Aide:  ‘He has to speak to very serious things and you can’t do that getting ice cream'“]

His decades-long public image wasn't about very serious things, he’d rather get ice cream, at least when he can't feel up small children on camera.  That’s why the media hasn't given him much coverage lately, he'd just look worse than he already had.  It seems like they're slowly giving up on that now.  Biden only got involved on the baby formula thing after the press started reporting on it, but he claimed he’d been informed much earlier despite there being no records of that.

Not that it'll help, the media will receive orders on what to report and they'll obey.

□ [“White House Calls a Lid Before Noon as Biden Takes Another Delaware Beach Vacation While Baby Formula Shortage Gets Worse! (Ten States and 14 Major Metro Areas Short 90% or more)”]

He takes off Monday and Friday, reportedly a full half-year off in the last year and a half.  He does a three-day week where he just complains he’s not being respected like he thinks he deserves.  How productive.  But the kids can wait for food until he gets back from vacation next week, or the week after.  Whenever, they aren’t that important.

So they’ll pretend genders are real in June.  Probably other stuff but they’ll start here.  The oppressed can punish you for speaking out, that’s how you know who they are.

I expect gas prices to hit $5 in a week or so.  Isn't that what gays would want?

□ [“San Francisco mayor Breed announces $6.5M budget plan to end trans homelessness in SF by 2027”]

Well they're special people.  The other homeless can just rot there until they die.  But what if one of those others lie and claim they’re transgender?  Is there a way to make sure those scum don't get their greedy hands on a single penny?  And does this work against any California laws on equal treatment or can those just be ignored?

04 June, 2022

We never see A together with A.  I wonder if they're the same person.

□ [“Children Invited on Stage to Perform with Drag Queens in 21+ Gay Bar in Dallas”]

Who’s giving the orders?  There is no chance that teachers across the country just woke up one morning and decided they absolutely had to take children to gay strip clubs and not a single one of them thought getting parental permission was a good idea.  This cannot be a coincidence, it is entirely deliberate, so who’s giving the order to do this?

They were doing it for quite a while before this ‘gay month’ so that didn't start it, although it possibly inspires more teachers to stick it into kids.

□ [The  “The unpalatable truth in Ukraine”]

A bit more is coming out, Russia didn't have much chance of losing in the first place and the media can’t do anything to stop them.  Russia is much bigger and more powerful, Ukraine hasn't bothered to vaccinate against Covid, much less set up any connection to allies since the 2014 Russian invasion.

They lost that invasion too, eight years ago, remember?  There was a lot of time to stop and ask ‘what did we do wrong?’ regarding that loss.  Learning from that might help in case Russia invades again.  But no, they found something else to do in all that time.  So now the media is starting to comprehend that they either had no clue what they're talking about or they were flat-out lying to their audience.

□ [“U.S. Officials Admit They Have Lied About Ukraine Success and Russian Failures”]

In March, we were told that Russia was getting ready to use chemical weapons.  Now we're told there was never any evidence of this and also that Russia wasn't actually retreating as we’d been told.  There are strategic reasons to reorganize during the attack.

We’ve also been told how hard the Russian economy has been hit, without any proof except for sportscars, fancy boats and other accessories for the very rich.  Russia doesn't need to import much, they make most of what their nation needs and even export more.  It’s not hard to find countries that import food and oil but Russia doesn't need to do that.  They build and fuel their own vehicles, including tanks and planes.  It’s the sort of economy the US used to have before leftists took over.

A common leftist tactic when hearing something they don't like is to say ‘you got that from Fox News/Rush Limbaugh/whatever they're into now.’

This removes the very concept of thought, someone only says what someone else told them to say.  That’s convenient to ignore whatever is actually said while denying the very notion that people can think for themselves and reach a similar conclusion.  

That’s projection, they're the ones who are saying what they’re told as they accuse others of doing.  Like it or not, they probably do think for themselves but they deny it at all costs.  Luckily they all reach the same conclusion, whatever they were told to think.

By dismissing the concept of individual thought, they guarantee they can never perceive everything that exists.  Nor can their masters.  This guarantees their failures and quite possibly encourages them to believe reality is whatever they want it to be.

I always use basic proofs for reality.  If it’s only defined by belief then people would save a lot of money on food if they just believed they're never hungry for months or years at a time.  There’s no point of banning guns, just believe they don't exist and they can't hurt anybody.  You could go up to the roof and declare that you don't believe in gravity, then start walking.  Nothing bad could happen if you don't believe in it.  But believing we don’t need to be vaccinated against Covid is irrelevant.  They say so.

Reality is too complicated for us to define but the closer we get, the better off we are.  As individuals, we all have different perceptions and thoughts.  This is why there’s human conflict, as is the fact that so many people want to deny reality.

This is an unsolvable problem.  We largely can't tell who denies reality and who can actually think.  We can't read each other’s thoughts and often don’t communicate our own accurately with full comprehension.  Those who acknowledge thought and reality have something to work with.  Those who don't, don't.

I am definitely on the side of individualism.  As a bonus, my military experience really showed how the armed forces are *NOT* about individuality.  But they have to recognize reality – it’s part of their job – so they’ve figured out how to handle it.

Military policy is to solve problems at the lowest level, letting judgement and decision be implemented by those who are familiar with the individuals involved in each individual cases.  This method supports the unit and the mission as well as the individuals involved.  Doing it some other way wouldn't work as well.

□ [“WH Postpones Biden’s Trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia; ‘Reason for Delay Wasn’t Immediately Clear'“]

My guess is that either Biden’s health isn't good enough to make the trip or it’s because he'd have to openly oppose a flight going between Israel and Saudi Arabia which Trump had set the precedent.  He’d either have to admit that Trump was right or that Saudi and other Muslim states must not recognize Israel’s existence.  It’s probably easy to find quotes of Biden saying they should do just that.

Also 04 June, 2022

We can do without food, money or hope, as long as we get rid of those mean tweets!

As always, the world is getting worse.  The economy continues to fall apart and our leftist masters think that’s wonderful.  Is it deliberate or are they just too stupid to understand anything?  We don’t know, but we’ll probably find out before long.

As I write this, the media has started admitting that Russia isn’t totally-defeated as they’ve reported for the past three months.  Russia and China obviously have plans, probably including Iran, and probably finding a lot more countries who really don’t like what Western Society has become thanks to our masters.

So at this point, that’s basically all I have to write about.  It’s a good way to fill time for however long I’m stuck here, going through it like the rest of you.

I’ve continued with the pamphlet/booklet formats.  Every several days, I publish a pamphlet of about eight pages.  Every month, I put the edited material out as a booklet.  After several booklets, I’ll put out the next book as you’re reading now.  It’s fun.

I am pleased to note that I was able to write a bit about popular culture recently.  Ok, they’re comics from decades ago, a play from centuries ago and Guns’n’Roses, but at least it’s not the horrible news coming out every day.  My first choice had always been to write comics, my second choice was to write music, my third choice was to write prose fiction.  If I couldn’t do those for whatever reason, my fourth choice would be non-fiction *about* comics, music, books, movies, etc.  Instead, this is what I have to write about.

Gee, sounds kinda depressing when described like that.  But that’s the world we live in, depressing is just a given.  We’ve just gotta keep going until they force us to stop.

05 June, 2022

Well it’s time to go, can we get the bill?

□ [“Biden’s Commerce Secretary ‘Not Involved’ in Regime’s Baby Formula Shortage Response”]

Is she too lazy or just too ignorant of commerce to have a clue what to do?  Can't say she’s too busy, she has time to go on tv.  Since baby formula is made in only a few states and shipped to others, it counts as ‘state-to-state commerce.’  That’s not her job.

Do those she’s in charge of know anything about it or just following her example?  Maybe they're all about making their boss look good so being more incompetent than Biden makes him look good.  That would explain a lot.

It started last October, do you expect them to do anything about food production in a mere eight months?  It'll be a lot longer before anybody thinks maybe they should fix the problem.  That’s how much they care, almost as much as late-term abortion.

There’s also Biden’s example, don’t be responsible for anything.  The department she runs learned about this in April but “I’m not involved in the administration’s response here.”  Then why’s she in charge?  She probably doesn't know that either and wouldn't answer if she did.  She’s paid a lot but not enough money for that.

□ [“ABC Poll:  ‘Biden a Serious Drag on Democrat Candidates Nationwide’ Bad on All Key Issues”]

Clinton and Obama lost a lot of seats in the midterms and were actually popular with voters.  In less than a year and a half, the guy who magically got more votes than any Presidential candidate in history has the lowest polls of any POTUS in history.

Let’s pretend they didn't steal in 2020, they just found enough voters stupid enough to vote for Biden.  How many of them are stupid enough to vote this way again?

Still pretending that they didn't steal the election last time, they really have no choice but to steal it this time.

□ [“MSNBC Host:  Republicans to ‘Cheat’ in the Midterms – ‘They Know Their Policies Are Trash'“]

The left has always been known for the line "Accuse the other side of what you are doing so when you're finally found out, the accusation against you sounds tired and reflexive."  It isn’t clear who actually said it, Lenin, Saul Alinsky or others but it’s what they do regularly.  The ‘unknown’ quote source makes me wonder if it’s fake.

Would they really consider what the other side does?  If their goals are so great that they’ll get away with anything to achieve them, can't the other side do that too?

Anyway, it’s an example of the left accusing others for what the left is doing.  We didn't have food shortages when Trump was in charge so... it’s better to have food shortages?  This reporter is certainly paid to put that out to the public.

□ [“Kamala Activates Leftist Shock Troops Over Upcoming Abortion Ruling:  ‘Our Collective Charge in this Moment Is to Fight – With Everything We’ve Got’”]

They're setting up the assault, undoubtedly why the Supreme Court decision was leaked immediately.  What gangs are they sending out and who are the first targets?

This may be where we learn what armed forces they actually have.  They must have some, they can’t be so stupid as to start attacking people without being armed.

Could they be trying to provoke people to shoot them?  That I could see, it would give the rulers an excuse to punish anyone who didn't want to be attacked.

□ [“Al-Qaida enjoying a haven in Afghanistan under Taliban, UN warns”]

And every Muslim in the world sees the infidel defeated.  Afghanis don't have to live with that nonsense about abortions or letting homosexuals live, they see the benefits of submitting to the will of God and would like to spread that around the world.

□ [“Russia Threatens Direct Attacks on Western Cities for Providing Long-Range Missiles to Ukraine”]

Well, you send troops, weapons and money to a country at war, you're part of the war.  The opponent WILL see you as a target.  This is possibly similar to the upcoming attacks regarding abortion, provoking others to get this conflict going.

Is this inspired by Watchmen.  As you may remember, it ended with a fake alien invasion uniting Russia and the US who were at war.  That would explain a lot…

They’ll be pleased by the deaths, they do seem to largely be about death-worship.  Could they think death isn’t real, you just go somewhere else?  This would line up with the multiverse and Marvel movies they're pushing.  You're dead here but not on Earth 2!

06 June, 2022

Only criminals should be permitted to have guns, nobody else!

□ [“‘Defund the Police’ Narrative Crumbles, Big City Dems Add Crime-Fighting to Election Campaigns”]

It’s just a show they put on when nearing election season, pretending they want to help the public.  After retaining power, they'll go back to supporting criminals at all costs.

In theory, the public might see this but I doubt it.  The rulers wouldn't have gotten power if they had to bother with what the public wants in any real sense.  Their voters will stay where they are and vote as they're told to, ensuring that nothing will improve.

□ [“Washington state drivers don't have to pull over for the cops anymore, so they aren't”]

See?  Apparently cops still have authority to chase someone if there’s "probable cause," the driver just shot some bitch for cheating on him or something, but if they're wrong, the driver won't be prosecuted for anything.  So drunks, rapists, robbers and those who already have arrest warrants can speed away.  Police have no incentive to stop them.

Several big financial groups lately have been putting out the message that we’re ready for a huge economic fall.  I've also seen leftist comments about taking down the middle class, one of their long-time core beliefs, even for their wealthy leaders.

The middle class shows human individuality.  They have enough money to get by for quite a while without mass obedience to the rulers.  The poor need food, homes, gas, etc. on a regular basis and that’s expensive, so they have much less opportunity to think for themselves on their individual interests.  That’s how the left wants everybody to be.

□ [“Out-of-Touch Senior Biden Advisor Gene Sperling Has No Idea What High Gas Prices Feel Like”]

Have you ever met a poor person?  I'm sure you stay away from them as much as possible, but have you ever had to deal with any poor person at any point in your life?

“I’m not gonna try to say I feel that pain personally.”

You could pay for your own gas instead of charging it on your government card.  I'm sure you have more money than 99% of Americans so this would at least give you the experience of paying for something yourself, like poor people have to.

For that matter, you could just give your paycheck to poor people.  I'm sure you have more than enough to get by.  Or would that be against your beliefs?  Poor people have to pay your salary everyone else you work with, you wouldn’t dare to change that.  You're there to rule them, you don't have to give anything up.  They do!

□ [“Biden Resorts To Late Night TV As Approval Ratings Plunge To Record Lows”]

He could have done this on his long weekend, it wouldn’t keep him from doing his job.  Only television executives and old people remember late night tv as a big deal.

There’s a new invention called the internet, you can watch videos there at any time, day or night.  I think it’s called TouYube or something.  I don't really know how these new-fangled gadgets work, I still use horse-drawn digital media like Spotify, but I hear Twitter and Facebook are burning coal for power.  Maybe that'll catch on.

Anyway, what’s this tv appearance supposed to do?  Make people glad gas prices have gone up over 25 cents/gallon in the last week?  ‘I was so depressed that food was so rare and expensive but then I saw Joe Biden on television and I'm happy now!’

Really, I can only hope this will be a disaster for them.  We need that.

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