Saturday, June 18, 2022


 02 March, 2022

Why do you think they call it ‘dope’?  I don’t know, I guess I’m an idiot.

I’ve been thinking about “barter,” trade without an agreed form of exchange.  The insanity of saying money is evil would only lead to barter.  Sure, leftists think everything will be free but that’s not remotely doable.

Farmers can’t grow food for free.  Food can’t be delivered to cities for free or be issued for free so people can eat every day.  There’s the creation and distribution of the tools required to farm, deliver food to cities and refrigerate it until you want some milk and cheese.  The people producing plows, trucks and ovens need to eat too.  There’s also the tools required to manufacture a tractor, fuel a truck or keep food stored while you’re waiting to give it away for free.  Are there thieves?  Hungry animals?  That requires more jobs for more people and they all require different tools.

Is everybody wearing clothes?  That’s another level of supplies, tools, deliveries.  Those require buildings.  That’s already a point where “barter” wouldn’t work for the population of one town, much less a city or nation, or the whole world.  Yet they think internet access happens through trading with others for food, shoes and indoor toilets.

Is this basically a baby crying to get attention?  Most people grow up and realize that others have their own lives.  This explanation is too simple but there does seem to be something to it, that socialists think crying should get them whatever they want.  This would have to be where emotion rules if the individual doesn’t grow out of it.

So people ruled by emotion hate anything that doesn’t just give them stuff now with no regard to how any of this came to exist.  That’s still too simple but it definitely fits the explanation I’ve been trying to find, babies that never really grew up.

As individuals, it is possible to grow up for the better.  As groups, that’s also why they what to shut down anything that could make them change for the better.  Some maturity is needed to age so in a technical sense they ‘grow up’ regardless.  That’s where my speculation ends, why don’t they mature in any real sense except (possibly) as individuals?  Their group-mentality opposes that at all costs.

It makes sense that all these centuries of progress learned the best way to raise babies into kids and adults, but individuals-as-groups always leave enough leeway for groups-as-individuals to take power and tear apart everything they can.

Also there’s the concept of ‘time’ which isn’t ‘money’ but there’s definitely a connection between the two.  I’ll need to work that out.

□ [“Honest Mistake:  Biden’s Face on Live TV Report of Elderly Man Accused of Touching Young Girl”]

Amusing, a Pittsburgh news show started a report about a 71-year old feeling up a 12-year old at Walmart so they showed an image of Biden.  The newscaster undoubtedly didn’t know that.  For a split-second they moved to a different camera focused on another newscasters, then back to her where the image was gone.

How do they get to that?  ‘Don’t use pix of some random old guy touching kids, pick someone famous instead.  Who also touches kids.  That’s why we’re the news!’

Maybe the folks setting up images didn’t pay close attention when they were told and figured ‘oh, they finally got Biden’ when the news came out.  Or maybe it’s a reaction to the stolen election, there’s so many possibilities!

So how’s the Convoy doing these days?   It didn’t get much attention anyway, suddenly now all the news focuses on Russia.  Blaming Russia gives the government more excuse to take away freedom, what an amazing coincidence.  Now it’s *treason* to disagree with the government, why didn’t Trump think of that?

That’s an example of why I think they’ve had this planned for a while and Putin was right in the middle of the planning sessions.  Even if leftists have no clue what kind of resistance they’ll face, he does.  The most obvious solution would be to have KGB agents running it to sucker others who go along into getting caught.

03 March, 2022

This would be a better headline if you weren't reading it.

□ [“Taiwan Hit by Widespread Power Outages Affecting Taipei”]

Yes, this calms everybody down.  Nothing special about it, go on with your business, there's nothing to see here.  Sure, China ran military exercises in this region but there's no chance of using that on the nation they’ve always said belongs to China.

Russia produces 20% of Europe's oil, 40% of Europe's natural gas and 20% of Europe's coal.  They also produce nuclear energy.  For all the yammering about Putin, he just needs to double the price and he wins.  Europe would shut its lights and factories down if they don't give in.  The US would be short too.  Energy plants can't just be built in a couple days.  We'd also need China's help in manufacturing and they side with Russia.  I doubt people will refuse Chinese products if they take over Taiwan.

So that's probably part of the plan.  They've already got Google, Apple and other Big Tech companies to shut off any nation that doesn't obey.  International companies aren't known for loyalty to any nation, much less to the actual people there, but now they’re claiming to stand up against Russia.  Is there actually a conflict or is this just a show put on for the peasants before the next step?

□ [National Center for Biotechnology Information, Suicide and Suicidal Behavior among Transgender Persons]

It's a government agency so it must be right!  Well, we don’t know if the numbers are actually correct, obviously they didn't investigate seriously.  They just checked the internet and talked to people who told them what they wanted to hear, then made the expected deliberately backwards conclusions.  It's all society's fault these insane people killed themselves for not getting what they wanted.

The transgender suicide attempt rate across "the countries" – as opposed to "the world"? – is 32-50%.  One-third to one-half of everyone stupid enough to think they can make up their own gender tries to kill themselves.

It's not like this has gone on for ages.  Was this transgender nonsense even a thing a decade ago?  It certainly wasn't two decades ago, except in Hollywood.  Back then the talk was all about men getting to have sex with men.  Or boys, if that's what they're into.  Sex with children and telling kids that they can make up their own gender has progressed hand-in-hand over the last several years.

Someone is obviously smart enough to know that destroying society makes it easier to take over, their pawns are on the front line.  So who’s actually in charge?  What percentage of the would-be rulers just want power and what percentage are stupid enough to believe this?  How many know it’s a hoax under someone else’s command?

Results:  The suicide attempt rate among transgender persons ranges from 32% to 50% across the countries. Gender-based victimization, discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by the family, friends, and community; harassment by intimate partner, family members, police and public; discrimination and ill treatment at health-care system are the major risk factors that influence the suicidal behavior among transgender persons.

Conclusion:  In spite of facing a number of hardships in their day-to-day life, the transgender community holds a number of resiliency factors.  Further, this community needs to be supported to strengthen their resiliency factors and draw culturally sensitive and transgender-inclusive suicide prevention strategies and increase protective factors to tackle this high rate of suicidality.

*Everybody's* against them, even their own sex partners and there's no way they can be wrong.  That's why they kill themselves, despite being a group that holds "a number of resiliency factors."  Without that, more would kill themselves.

Is this openly promoting mass suicide as the primary directive?  The people that support this are the same ones promoting fewer human beings for environmental reasons, abortion and recently demanded all the non-vaccinated die.  And they're willing to kill their own first.  They don't submit to the will of God, the main difference that comes to mind from extremist Islam.  But they're all on the same side.  One team, one fight!

And Iran knows that.

□ [“Pete Buttigieg Says Iran Oil is 'On the Table' As Biden Imposes Restrictions on Domestic Drilling”]

Shooting him is an option, so that’s on the table.  He's deliberately vague but is clearly asked about buying from Iran.  He’s never asked for his opinion about how they treat homosexuals.  Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country gays whine about.

This may be what Iran is waiting for.  I have no idea how much it actually matters to them but seeing the infidel cave in after forty years would be a worthwhile victory.

We still don't know why Russia and the UK are fighting, Ukraine cities still have water, electricity, internet…  That last one is a bit iffy, I've heard it go both ways, but Russia has the countryside.  Now the cities can’t have food without permission and I assume the Russian air force dominates so there's no other options.

It doesn't take much experience to see this, safe to say the Russian military understands, as does the Ukrainian military.  But leftists are so happy that Zelensky puts videos out on social media at buildings that are still standing after a week of attacks.

04 March, 2022

Let's never again give peas a chance, they've had their shot.  Only broccoli can save the world now!

□ [“Fire Erupts at Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plant – Elevated Levels of Radiation Detected”]

The one Russia was bombing?  Lessee, what are the possibilities?

Ukraine surrenders immediately, nuclear problems too much for them to handle.

The world declares war on Russia, more than we already have.

All the hysteria about nukes stops because they really aren't that big of a problem.

All the hysteria about nukes doubles and triples and they'll be banned forever.

This is a hoax, probably by Ukraine, to get some of the previous options.

It's possible life will just go on as always, badly.  It's also possible Russian agents pulled this hoax, or some other group.  Any other possibilities?

The news later said the nuclear plant wasn't bombed, it was just an office fire.  How many people went bonkers before that came out?

□ [“Psaki contradicts Pelosi:  Sorry, but we don't support a ban on Russian oil imports”]

Then there's this.  Nancy gave a basic "I'm all for that, ban the oil coming from Russia."  Psaki said there was no strategic interest in banning Russian oil.  They won't increase US production of course but we'll keep giving Russia money, no hesitation there.

There's more, NATO flat-out refused to defend Ukraine, not even air protection.  If the US wants Ukraine defended, we have to do it ourselves.  If not, sucks to be Ukraine but obviously it's not that big a deal.  What are liberals gonna do about it?

Hell, it’s possible Russia wouldn't have invaded if Putin thought NATO would get involved.  If so, he knew the results in advance and moved ahead with this.

The Freedom Convoy should be arriving around DC today or tomorrow, possibly a reason leftist rulers are suddenly dropping rules about vaccines and masks.  They can't promote war on Russia while demanding people be shackled down by these stupid rules. 

One good aspect of the military is that incompetence goes out the window when there’s actual trouble.  Yes, there are exceptions – particularly in communist countries – but even the exceptions prove the rule, competence beats incompetence.  This military is medically suffering by forcing so-called “vaccines” on everyone so if you really want to impose your will on Russia, they need to be taken seriously.

Stolen elections are about all the leftist rulers can rely on.  Making everybody suffer while trying to set up a war with Russia, tearing down the military and destroying the supply chain doesn't leave many options.

The supply chain keeps getting worse.  Russia has just banned fertilizer exports which are important for farms to grow food.  Seeing immediately where this would go, Hungary is keeping all its grain products, no exports.  China, the US, India and Russia produce the most fertilizer in the world, no one else even comes close.

□ [“Russia Involved in Plot To Help Iran Bust US Oil Sanctions”]

Then there's this, Russia is transporting Iran's oil to the US to disregard sanctions.  Of course our rulers are trying to drop the sanctions anyway so Iran will see its victory over us.  And Russia helped, how about that!  A metaphor has been going around on the internet for a while, Putin playing chess and our leaders trying to play checkers.

So what do we do?  We’re all miserable and the rulers only see one option, expanding their power.  Yeah, that'll work.  What is it about this, belief that everything will be fine for everyone when they rule, except people they don't like?

This really leads to 'it must be Satan' or whatever equivalent there actually is.  Defying God with the insistence that they'll decide for everyone and ignoring any lesson God sends through any individual.  What else could it be?

I don't know if there is any devil or high-level adversary but this is exactly the sort of thing that makes that belief so easy.  Human beings can't be stupid enough to see any of this as a good idea and no one else on the planet could even conceive of this.

Who needs a real devil?  Just imagining one explains most of what's going on.

Also 04 March, 2022

The Wiz is back, stone-cold sober as a matter of fact/I can wiz, I can wiz, 'cos I'm better than you...

□ [“George Pérez & Kurt Busiek JLA/Avengers Reprinted, Only 7000 Copies”]

This article came out in mid-February.  I wasn't sure what to say and wondered if there'd be any change in this decision.  So far, there isn’t

How did Marvel and DC agree on only 7000 copies?  How did they even pick that number and why limit it?  George Pérez has more than 7000 fans.  People might want to donate to him or give the work to another fan as a present.  They'll sell it on ebay too but none of this explains why it should be so limited.  Just leaving the option open to produce more would be more profitable to everybody involved.

My guess is that the main reason is DC's removal from the direct market.  I don't know how that makes a difference but I don’t have a clue why they left the direct market in the first place.  It's probably based on their role in the Time-Warner megacorp.  They've been part of the company longer than I've been alive, unlike Marvel who was purchased by whichever megacorp saw a benefit, most recently Disney.

It's entirely possible this has been part of some long-term plan although I can't imagine what.  This was the last Marvel/DC crossover and there were never all that many.  Most were done in the second-half of the 1990s and probably helped build to this.  The others were in the late 1970s/early 1980s.  You could count them on one hand and Jim Shooter ended them by getting too full of himself, preventing this crossover.

I can't even find info on the first crossover, how was an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz chosen?  The book was an immediate hit in 1900 and immediately became a stage production, then film.  The 1939 version starred Judy Garland who I’m convinced was the first successful person deliberately manufactured by Hollywood.

DC bought the rights to adapt the movie, Marvel had bought the rights to adapt the books.  They realized both companies releasing Wizard of Oz comics would cut sales from each other, so they came together despite their years-long feud.  This project was different.  Marvel basically did all the work, DC just got a percentage of the profit.

Marvel did two other movie adaptations around that time.  There's Star Wars which Marvel's always said infamously saved the company.  There’s also Jack Kirby's 2001:  A Space Odyssey.  I've never understood why he did this a decade after the movie came out, but it led to a regular series that lasted for a year or so before cancellation. 

At least DC and other companies did adaptations of books, movies, cartoons, tv shows, it’s understandable that they’d get around to this movie.  It was popular on tv every year and there was no home video so the audience had nothing unless they actually read the book.  But how did Marvel get into movie adaptations with these three? 

I’m sure L. Frank Baum, Judy Garland and The Wiz were part of what made Hollywood what it is, sucking the hot comics company in (slowly) while professionally grooming their rival.  All of them had further impact on their fields over many decades, some of which we're still putting up with to this day.

So I don't know if this re-release of Justice League/Avengers is the end of an era or just the next step in whatever the hell Hollywood has been after all these years.

05 March, 2022

Gotta give Putin credit, he ended the virus

□ [“Biden:  'How Did We Get to the Place Where, You Know, Putin Decides He’s Going to Invade Russia?’”]

Yep, he actually said that.  I can give leeway, saying the wrong thing, then going back to correct it, that's natural, even at his advanced age.  But he doesn't do that.  He just goes on like he didn't notice and no one around him will point it out.

Whoever's really in charge is just showing off how they can promote someone without a working brain and pretend he got more votes than anybody else in history, so now he's in a made-up office next-door to the White House.  If he thinks Putin's invaded Russia then Putin's invaded Russia, we just go along with that because he's supposed to be in charge.  He must know whatever the hell he's talking about.

They could at least show Biden's response to learning he was completely wrong.  Even if he just says "Russia, Ukraine, what's the difference, they're the same thing."  At least that’d be something, indicating that he has the slightest clue what he says.  But he doesn’t know that.  It would require him to have people around him who tell the truth, or who even know the truth in the first place.  Who would dare speak out to... him?

□ [“'This is the Self-Hypnosis of Those Who are Weak' – President Zelensky Slams NATO’s Decision Over Refusal to Close Ukrainian Air Space”]

So Russia can take what it wants, Putin gets to show off his authority, the US gets free propaganda of how awful Russia is, liberal media gets to say how wonderful Biden is and everybody else gets to suffer.  Win-freaking-win, baby.

Other NATO members might do something but they'd be against Russia *and* the US, not good.  What would they do, deny Russian fuel?  That’d stop them quick.  All the promises to defend Ukraine are out the window, setting an example for everyone of what our masters will do.  It's an example of why I think this was planned all along.

Kamala Harris is obviously the best proof ever that women shouldn't be expected to be as competent as men, only against those women-with-penises.  Two weeks ago, she was sent to Europe to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine and kicked out within a day or so.  She couldn't even spout competent rhetoric for the media.

“We have been clear and consistent for quite some time that we respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and we expect that Russia would to do the same.  Any aggressive action taken by Vladimir Putin will be met with severe consequences.”

Consequences so severe that NATO will do nothing, nor will the US.  They wouldn't even put up with her.  To the extent John McCain wasn't a leftist prop – I'm still ambivalent on that – Sarah Palin would have shown actual competence and learned the job without sucking dick.  No wonder the left had to beat her down hard.

Another note, reportedly several other nations have begun military actions last week (aircraft, missiles, bombs) but aren't getting any media attention.  Saudi Arabia is hitting Yemen, Israel is hitting Syria and the US started bombing Somalia again.

□ [“U.S. Carries Out First Airstrike in Somalia Since August”]

The New York Times said this on February 24.  There are no protestors, no complaints, no one cares about Somalians.  Maybe it's their skin color, who knows?

The Freedom Convoy has arrived.  Whatever their plan is, it's on now.  I'll say it again, I only care that they're not working and I want more of them involved.  At this point, we should all go on strike and literally take these motherfuckers down for good.

Also 05 March, 2022

Hey hey, Biden J!  How much oil did you buy from Russia today?

□ [“Gas Pumps Go Dry At Walmart Gas Station in Scottsdale, Arizona Amid Soaring Gas Prices”]

The station may have already been refueled by the time I saw this article but it's going to become normal, at this point I'd bet it’ll start by next week.  Russia's still taking Ukraine so leftists will be glad, they've always wanted an excuse to make gas expensive.

Remember 2008 when Biden said "even if we start now, It'll take ten years before we see one drop of oil!"  Ten years later, Trump declared energy independence for America.  Boy, they didn't like that.  Gas was $41/barrel when Biden entered the stolen office.  Last Friday it was $118/barrel and it's not going to go down any time soon.

What will that do to the rest of society?  Everything runs on oil.  Can't deliver food, that’s a problem.  The rich and famous people will be surrounded by men with guns to keep vehicles and food available, those men with guns will have some demands.  They'll have families who like to eat as well.  Probably friends too.

□ [“Visa, Mastercard, PayPal Suspend All Russia Operations, Citing 'The Current Circumstances’”]

This is a test-run of the self-appointed world government, showing they can shut down whoever they want.  They'll fine-tune it with Russia before hitting the rest of us.  They could say they’ll shut down the US if we don’t stop bombing Somalia, what would Biden do?  Well, nothing, his masters are the ones who had him start bombing.

They can order countries to fight or stop fighting other countries at any given moment.  If you're dependent on computers and internet, they can shut you down too.  It’s not like they care if you can buy food or pay rent.

Was that how the conspiracy started?  Not in co-shared beliefs but an organization who knew in advance what the internet could be?  The Department of Defense started ARPANET in 1969, connecting computers over long distances.  This had been developed since 1963 by J.C.R. Licklider and basic computer theories had gone back to the 1920s.

Those were all relevant times, could leftists have seen how these ideas could further the revolution and, if they were living in a free society, help develop them?

I don't know if that's realistic but it sure sounds believable.  Advancing computers would further the revolution.  They'd be given high-paying Defense Department jobs and attract other leftist investors to make megaprofits...  They could even share child-porn without getting caught and anyone who disagrees with them on anything "hates science."

And here we are today, with the world in their hands.

Obviously the communism didn't start there.  They first seized power in 1789 and existed long before, but the world was different, no computers, refrigerators or cars.  There was barely any legibility and little to write on anyway.  From the richest on down, the people of earlier eras were human beings like us only in the strictest biological sense.

So what change and more importantly, what didn't change?  This is what my "History project" is about.  I don't have a clue how to figure any of it out and probably never will, but this is what I work on when I can.  Now you know.

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