Saturday, June 18, 2022


27 May, 2022

Lois Lane think Clark Kent self-identifies as Superman, that's why he's such a dork.

Notice the elites are claiming the economy was gone because of the virus (which the administration says is still here) and that's why gas prices were so low.  That's ignoring the working class, people who had to go to work every day before, during and after the virus, and there’s a lot more of them than the elites.

But that's how they justify it.  All those rich people started driving again so now poor people have to pay more.  Sucks to be them.

□ [“White House Eyes Restarting Idle Refineries"]

It's possible this is just made up by the media, maybe as a small bit of hope.  It's also possible that there is some discussion at some level but it’ll be quickly shut down by a higher level.  Even marxists are individuals and some may not like how the masses are suffering, but the others will always hold a higher rank and do like seeing that.

Otherwise, it's just talk.  If they wanted to help, they could immediately cut federal taxes.  It wouldn't help much but it’d be more than the 0 help they've given so far.

But now they’re trying to confiscate guns after showing the government won't do anything to protect us but the rulers will defund the police.

□ [“More Lies:  Biden Falsely Claims He Was Appointed to the Naval Academy in 1965"]

At this point, I think he's told to say this, there's no way he could come up with this stuff on his own.  He had all these decades to claim the Navy wanted him but never said that.  He never mentioned it in his supposed biography either.  His records do say he graduated the University of Delaware in 1965, so he’d have to be applying to graduate school which the Naval Academy has never had.

His records also show that he had enough medical problems by 1965 that he was kept out of the draft, so what use would the Naval Academy have had for him?

In theory, he might even be moral enough to have resisted saying it, since it's obviously false.  Or he would have if he still had a clue what's going on.  He could be told to say he was the first man on the moon and he wouldn't know the difference.

□ [“Boston University Professor Says Property 'a Racist Construct,' Justifies Violent George Floyd Riots"]

A black female who's too stupid to have a clue what property is but gets more money than the rest of us will ever see, what a coincidence.

If you really wanted to prove that blacks are inferior, what would work better than putting creatures like her in well-paid positions where people must listen to them?

□ [“Biden Says The ‘Protests’ In The Summer Of 2020 ‘Unified’ People Of Every Generation"]

That's why you had to steal an election and immediately had over authority to the world rulers.  But you don't realize that, do you?  Of course not.

□ [“Klaus Schwab, Pfizer CEO Trash ‘Conspiracy People’ At World Health Assembly:  ‘There Is A Very Fanatic Group Of Anti-Vaxxers That Will Go After Us No Matter What’"]

They self-identify anyone they don't like as being the enemies they invent.  How do they do this?  It's like when you make some random comment about television or something and leftists immediately accuse you of lying.  They don’t ask any questions, that would help them learn what's going on, they go straight to false accusations of lying.

We don't get vaccines against swine flu or the other supposed horrible viruses of the last decade or so, why is this one different?  Other viruses are as big as air molecules and won’t be stopped by putting cloth on your face, how does it work for this one?  Actual vaccines have been tested for years to learn long-term results, this one hasn't and many vaccinated people are dying for no reason.  You're trying to impose this on the rest of the world and expect obedience, you're the ones who will go after us no matter what.

There's nothing fanatic about that, you're tyrants and we oppose that.

As we enter Memorial Day weekend, we should put some thought into the men who died for us, they didn't do it for this.  I'd like to think that maybe we can remember them this weekend and actually carry on the fight the way they would have if they could.

They're trying to wipe out every form of hope in existence and are deluded enough to think we'll enjoy that as much as they do.  They'll be the one-world bureaucracy and we all have to obey without question.

28 May, 2022

The wolf self-identifies as a sheep.

□ [“CNN Admits ‘It’s Time to Prepare for a Recession’"]

They're several months late but they didn't get where they are by telling their small audience the truth.  Will any of that audience actually prepare for what’s coming?  Then again, if they’d would, they'd have been doing that in the first place.

Of course they gave no reason for the economic problems, government crushing the gas industry and refusing to help Americans.  If the audience wants to know anything about that, for help in preparing, they'll need to look someplace else for guidance.

They're not looking at the audience, much less trying to get more viewers, they're looking at the masters who tell them what to say.  If you're more interested in Ukraine or abortion, they've got something for you to stare at.

Well, not Ukraine so much, they're now basically ignoring that.  That's how you treat victorious allies and we've been assured for months that Ukraine has wiped the floor with Russia every step of the way.

I'm a little sarcastic, CNN is reporting that we're sending longer-range missiles, now the world knows.  Democrats would have loved if we did that with Vietnam.

They were in charge of both houses of Congress from 1933 through 1983 (minus 1947-8 and 1955-6) *and* the White House except for Eisenhower and Nixon.  Reagan had six years of a Republican Senate, then it went back to Democrats until Bill Clinton.

This shows that Democrats got the media they wanted.  This is what we face now, like the complete lack of a peace movement until Nixon took over Vietnam.  Then there’s the media.  LBJ spied on Nixon supporters in 1968 and his opponent Barry Goldwater was spied on in 1964.  JFK told reporters about Republicans’ tax returns and nobody minded, or reported what they’d been told.  FDR created the FBI to spy on opponents.

But Nixon horrifically perverted the office of President, he wasn't a Democrat.

So we're waiting for the self-declared world government.  It’d be nice to think they'll be fighting among themselves.  They'll do that sooner or later anyway but they could start right away.  It’s not like any of us would have to fight for them.

Russia, China and Iran are probably ready for their next moves.  The left knows theirs.  Fuel and food are ready to go scarce, these are just the obvious looming problems.  Every city, town and neighborhood will probably crack up.  We don't know how many people have been getting back-up supplies to hold out and behave rationally for a while.

It's a fair assumption that the rulers are using the passage of time to break us down even more, although they may have actual reasons for delay.  China and Iran will wait until they're ready, no clue why the others are holding off.

Maybe they're all as incompetent as they appear to be.  I’d need conclusive proof of that, but it would be helpful.  We can assume American leftists are incompetent but unfortunately there's no reason to assume that for China, Russia or the others.

When will we break?  They’re obviously aiming for that, in addition to their absolute power.  I'm amazed we've lasted this long but it's got to come to an end soon.

29 May, 2022

You can get three strikes before you're out, when will truckers start the first one?

“The Speaker will not be commenting on this private matter which occurred while she was on the East Coast.”

Nancy Pelosi's 82-year old hubby was busted for drunk driving around midnight.  The charges weren't even filed until 4AM, was he still drunk?

Of course he won't be punished, he’s old, white and very rich.  But suddenly Nancy has nothing to say about someone's private matters except that she was nowhere nearby when it happened.  Mothers Against Drunk Driving or any of those organizations has made no comment.  Maybe he'll just say he was arrested for 'driving while black.'

I guess they need something to compensate now that she can’t have communion.

□ [“Biden Falsely Claims Jan. 6 Rioters ‘Killed Two Police Officers’ In Speech At Alma Mater"]

It looks like more people see that Biden is not remotely up to the job.  Those who respect him could say 'get the hell out of there' but nobody seems to be saying that.  Odd coincidence.  Even his wife won't tell him to stop ruining himself.  But those who can get what they want from him will keep him there no matter what.

As always, no way to know how many people see the real problem but just mouth the required words when they have to.  Such people would probably be most 'in the know' with the most access to escape plans or just seizing power, whichever they're into.

Those are the most worrisome people.  They're clever enough to not be obvious so we don't know what they're up to and they’ll have enough assets to take down the rest of us.  Near as I can tell, these are the ones who united to steal elections and impose the world dictatorship.  Maybe there's some on our side but who knows?

Or as Biden just told Navy graduates that he claimed he could’ve been one of, “By the way, once you’re commissioned, remember, (whispers) I’m your commander-in-chief.  So don’t ask me too tough a question, okay?”

□ [“Uvalde Police Department Releases Statement:  Thankful 'Officers Did Not Sustain Any Life Threatening Injuries' After 19 Children And Two Teachers Are Dead"]

Probably helped waiting outside for an hour so the killer could use up his ammo.

More is coming out that this was a blatant set-up for leftists to demand banning guns.  The shooter entered through a door that was always locked but a teacher had opened exactly one minute before he arrived, as seen on the school cameras.

The guy started shooting immediately while outside but the teachers kept the door open to make sure he had access.  Every inside door was kept open, despite all the lockdown training the school went through every week.  After entering, the shooter knew how to lock the classroom doors so he could shoot people at his own pace.

The FBI had been tracking him for quite a while but did nothing.  Despite not having a job or using a credit card, somehow the killer got not one but two rifles costing over $6000 each.  They're close to the border, maybe guns come in that way, no wonder Democrats want it open.  No wonder the police had been told to stay the hell away.

□ [“CDC Raises Travel Alert to ‘Level 2’ For Monkeypox"]

And they're putting out this stuff.  I've seen internet articles saying people are traveling more this weekend, or less, like the media hasn't come to a consensus.  My guess is less, there's less reason to go anywhere these days without specific plans, unless you're someone who give no thought to what's going on.

But the rulers are going to keep pushing the latest disease.  They don't want us going anywhere either.  It's easier to rule people who stay in one place.  But then again, it's also easier for us to be more productive in one place.  So there's good and bad.

I think the rulers will take their next step by the start of June, assuming they don't use the Memorial Day weekend.

30 May, 2022

Buy a man a hamburger, he says he wants a Big Mac that day.  Screw it, just let him starve.

□ [“Mile-Long Line of Cars to Pick Up Baby Formula in Michigan as Baby Formula Crisis Continues"]

On the southern border, people are going over to Mexico to buy baby formula.  It's nice that even a third-world country can get help from its neighbors, but that still leaves us with the late-term abortion supporters who openly want to reduce population and by an amazing coincidence, were the ones who caused this shortage.

The ‘mile-long line of cars’ had to drive miles just to get there and will have to drive more to get home.  Just getting this baby formula will cost a lot more than usual.  Presumably none of them are black, they're too oppressed to buy gasoline *and* baby formula, assuming they haven't already aborted their babies.  Living the liberal dream.

□ [“Fox News on Gun Control, Republicans ‘Party of Egregious Mass Shootings and Uncontrolled Guns’"]

For a long time, I've wondered if Fox News was a set-up for leftists who always focused on it while ignoring the media who said what they wanted to hear.  When hearing anything they didn’t like, it was common to say 'you got that from Fox News,' which had nothing to do with the topic of discussion.  But at least they got to advertise Fox.

I've suspected it was a manufactured target, Fox was liberal but pretended to be different, inclusive, truthful, whatever the term is.  It gave the left something to focus on and let the right think there was someone on their side.

The left has been filling up all the media companies, just as they did with the unions and schools.  They ignore the unions now but the schools always have new targets every year so the teachers are used.  The media reports what they're told to say.

They've got the Jews and Christians, they think they've got Muslims although Islam is closer to the truth so it's probably reversed, they're the pawns.  But they're all in on taking away freedom.  Notice that none of them are in favor of the riots going on in Iran against the government, they're all in favor of the government.

Also 30 May, 2022

Dorothy is the only female sleeping in the poppies.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

 – Major John McCrae

These men didn't fight for this.  They didn't die for this.  They did this for us, so we could be free to stand up against the same enemy and fight back.  The enemy is always there, it will destroy us as soon as possible.

We must follow their example.  If we don't fight now, it's over.  If we break faith, they died for nothing and we will too.  There will be no poppies to mark our passing.

I've been thinking about how to organize resistance groups.  My influence is with Army Headquarters companies from which I have some experience and I'm thinking in terms of an apartment complex because of where I live.  Obviously other locations would be different.  My suggestion isn’t a hard-and-fast rule, a group has a different way to unite that works better for them, go ahead.  It's not like anyone else could stop them.

I am taking it as a given that someone with military/police experience would be available and could automatically lead because I think one would be needed.

Organization:  S1) personnel, essentially a secretary for the commander who keeps track of everybody else in the unit.  S2) intelligence, focusing on the big picture.  S3) operations, contacting everyone else on our side.  S4) logistics, keeping track of the supply chain here and with other units, accountability for all the equipment.  There's also obviously need for maintenance, medics, food.  There would probably be children around so some must keep a watch of them and probably help educate them.

I think the first step is to see who in the vicinity has military/police experience, as well as to find who else has skills that could be useful, particularly with maintenance and medicine, who has useful tools and/or weapons, who has local or regional connections.  Also see who has medical weakness or other issues that could lead to a problem.

Unless there are walls/fences available, people could come and go as they want which could cause problems.  It would probably be difficult and time-consuming, but I'd suggest the leader make a point of specifically meeting everyone to ask about their strengths and weaknesses.  That way they could talk in private if the people didn't want to say they had a bunch of food and guns in front of everyone else.

If more than one person has military leadership experience, they should definitely work together and as bodyguards.  There’d be no need for someone whose job is to be a bodyguard but there’s need for someone who can think in those terms.  If possible, there would also need to be guards on each side of the 'base' (for lack of a better term) 24-7.

I don't know what communications we'd have – phones, internet, etc. – so I don't know how that could be handled, and I don't know where outside supplies would come from.  Then there's fuel, electricity, food...  I do think that a lot of the last century's gender nonsense would be entirely dropped as counterproductive and women would be the first to demand that, particularly those with children.

Obviously there would have leadership difficulties.  That happens at the best of times and we've all gone insane these days.  It would be tough to keep anybody from escaping and there's always the enemy trying to break in.  Would this be a temporary thing or would it last for a long time?  No way of knowing, but we need to prepare.

31 May, 2022

When all you have is writing, everything looks like a keyboard. That doesn't go well.

□ [“Rocket Man’s Regime Will Soon Chair U.N.’s Nuclear Disarmament Body"]

China must be happy, more help in the UN with countries that have nukes.  Iran too.  Everybody in the UN knows that the dictators get what they want.

□ [“Trudeau announces national handgun ban"]

Canada knows that, they want to be more like North Korea.  Only dictators and criminals should have guns, the serfs just have to suffer.  They’re easier to rule that way, Just take anything you want from them.  The US could invade and they couldn’t stop us.

How many Canadians are armed?  We need to unite.  As a union, we can go on strike.  Gotta assume Trudeau's people won’t lose any elections any time in the future.

□ [“7,000 Flights Canceled On Memorial Day Weekend; Stranded Passengers Lash Out at Airlines"]

How the hell can they do this?  Pilots and stewardesses who aren't vaccinated?  TSA or fuel problems?  The companies just give the generic excuse, bad weather and air traffic control actions, whatever that means.  Were there storms going on all over the US this weekend that we never saw or heard about?  There must be pilots who are vaccinated, are they having heart problems now?

The government is doing this deliberately, crushing our use of cars and planes.  They've already ordered us to stay home for the last two years.

□ [“Biden Wanted Photo-Op w/ Hero Border Patrol Agents, Then Insulted Them and Dropped Invitations"]

Biden did, the people around him did or the masters his people are working for?

It does seem to be coming out that even the people around Biden have major problems with him.  He doesn't know what he's talking about, he can't do anything and his name is on the door so they have to pretend to obey him.

□ [“NBC News:  Biden 'Rattled' By Polling, Angry He's Not Getting Enough Credit"]

Even NBC is reporting on this.  It’s based on polls which sensible people wouldn't really trust, but it is something.  Biden gets a 36% approval in Delaware, his home state.  Who’d have thought a third of the people who know him could tolerate him?

Apparently he's also angry that his people immediately contradict what he tells the media.  Are we defending Taiwan or not when China invades?  Biden says yes, his people say no.  Obviously Democrats can win in November without blatant election theft so Biden's attacking those around him.  It's not his fault, he had nothing to do with it.

The administration's hope is to solve problems with ‘messaging,’ the opposite of accomplishing anything worthwhile.  They think they're wonderful and are hurt that everybody else doesn't agree with them.

Last May, inflation was “temporary.”  In June, it would “pop up, then go back down.”  In July, it was “transitory” and long-term inflation was “highly unlikely.”  In August it was “decelerating.”  In September it was “Big Meat’s fault.  In October it was a “high class problem.”  In November, Covid was the “root cause.”  By January it was at its “peak.”  In February it was the supply crisis’ fault and by March it was “Putin’s fault.”

None of these people think they make mistakes.  None of them are responsible, especially the guy who claims to be in charge.  It's just easier to blame speculators, racists, transphobia, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Meat, Putin, climate change, climate change deniers, the unvaccinated, guns and Trump.

Now even the media isn't helping him like he thinks he deserves.  Last September he told them “I don’t look at the polls.  Not a joke,” now he complains about the polls.  In 2020, someone texted under his name that he'd do the job and not blame others.

□ [“Worries about coming ObamaCare premium spikes intensify"]

Who even remembers this anymore?  It’s still there, government taking over, forcing people to buy things they don’t want with irrelevant perks to make it more expensive, all while promising that we could keep what we already had.

Last year Biden gave money so people could pay for this, the payment ends just before the election.  Some people would be worried about that, others not so much.

□ [“Biden Spox Says Regime Looking at 'Other Executive Actions' on Gun Control"]

I've got several more headlines like this, tyrants wanting their subjects disarmed.   They’ll protect the criminals and law enforcement will side with the tyrants.

So of course the pretend-POTUS will ignore Congress as tyrants always do.  No wonder they must disarm their subjects.  They even call guns an "epidemic," giving our new world order masters the opportunity to move in.  They'll have guns, that's for sure.

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