Saturday, June 18, 2022


12 June, 2022

Today self-identifies as St. Patrick's Day.  Prove me wrong.

On July 19, 2021, Biden claimed “There’s nobody suggesting there’s unchecked inflation on the way, no serious economist.”  Where are those “serious economists” now?  Were there any unserious ones paying bills last July and knew everything costed more?  Inflation was “transitory” by October and it hasn't stopped.

If Biden really wanted to show his supporters related to poor people, he’d do an Executive Order for government officials to never use Government Cards for gas.  They'd have to pay out of their own pockets, it's not like they don't get paid enough.

But the elites wouldn't put up with that, he'd be overthrown in twenty minutes.  Only poor people have to pay for gas out of their own pockets.  And pay taxes.

Someone made Biden sign Executive Order 13990 on January 20, 2021.  Despite my lowered reading ability and government forms being unreadable-by-definition, I’ve found a few sections which cancel the Keystone Pipeline, end oil drilling in certain areas and add many bureaucrats to deciding what oil drilling is allowed.

It’s got Biden's signature.  If you think he's the POTUS, you're lying by saying government has no power to make gas more expensive.  A lease costs tens of millions of dollars, drilling permits cost even more.  Then there’s years of drilling and that’s not counting all the other government offices you need to go through for approval, whether or not you get any oil.  It's not the oil companies' fault we're paying more.

I've seen another article on the tampon shortage, more of a chance it’s real.  Hopefully all the shortages will be limited to women and babies but how many would there have to be before the government admits that it's totally messed up?

That’s cult-behavior, everyone has to agree that something's going wrong before anything can be done, but those in charge don’t like that.  That's probably why such organizations don't break apart, people just leave quietly so they won't be noticed.

□ [“Russia-Ukraine war:  ‘That grain needs to get out,’ former NATO Supreme Allied Commander says”]

Here's an example, those who know the need for food would give some thought to Russia sanctions.  Otherwise, the world only has Ukraine who can’t grow and ship wheat now, so there’s only Russia.  What’ll the rest of the world do, start growing wheat?

See, that's stuff you’d have to think about to in a mess on the other side of the world, if you were someone who thinks.  I'm willing to bet Russia thought about it, and of course they made sure they have food to eat, something the people who ordered immediate sanctions never noticed.  They just turned to the media to say it was all working out wonderfully, Russia was totally defeated months ago.

□ [“Ukraine’s War of Attrition”]

This is still going on but it sounds like they're getting close to an end.  Russia will add some more territory, leftists will get more media attention complaining about Russia and they'll keep seizing more and more power in the process.

It's not clear if the powers-that-be all work together on this.  Obviously many people would be left out of the loop but that doesn't make things any clearer.  The Department of Defense has released a public statement admitting that the US indeed has 46 military biolabs in Ukraine, which Russia told the UN about only a couple months ago and leftists/media responded that this was a total lie and Russian-propaganda.

So now the Defense Department is a pawn of Putin?  And what about Zelensky, if he surrenders, will he turn over everything he knows to Russia or will he escape?  Or will the US just shoot him to keep our secrets a little longer?

Of course the DoD says the labs were totally safe and peaceful but who’d believe them?  These aren't the only labs we have all over the world, now everybody’s wondering what we have in their countries, all because leftists couldn't let Russia and Ukraine handle their own problems.  Maybe they just wanted to save the biolabs, who knows?

Well, somebody knows.  Not that it helps us but somebody knows.

I keep pointing this out but it's still true, farmers need fuel to grow crops with tractors and plows.  Truckers need fuel to bring the crops to factories for processing.  The factories need fuel, then more truckers bring the finished food to the grocery store.  Every step costs more because of government-imposition and the consumer has to pay for it.

That's not counting production of everything else, that also requires fuel to manufacture and transport.  Anyone who believes the government has nothing to do with this is part of the problem.  Everything is going to break down at some point and they'll need food, electricity, transportation just like the rest of us.  Our side will have known this was wrong all the time and their side refuses to have any guns.

We have so little to look forward to these days, we should at least keep that in mind.  You want help, ask the people who think there’s more than two genders, not us.

13 June, 2022

I had SADS a few weeks ago, but I'm feeling better now.

□ [“COVID Shuts Down Ringo Starr Summer US Tour After Two All Starr Members Test Positive”]

He turns 82 in a couple weeks, why the hell is he still touring?  It's gotta be a work ethic, I can't think of any other reason.  There's no way he can need the money that badly and given that he has a lot of other famous people in his band – I recognize most of the names although I don’t remember what bands they were in – there's a lot more expenses involved.  He doesn't remotely look like he's in his 80s and that can't be cheap.

Whatever else you can say about them, the era Beatles came from had a serious work ethic.  Their grandparents had to work to survive and those who followed that did better than others.  Paul's only a couple years younger and he's touring too.

Of course they still pretend that the virus is a thing.  It's so dangerous for eighty-year olds.  Most of the others on stage are close to that age themselves.  And then…

□ [“Now the Rolling Stones Tour Is Upended by COVID After Mick Jagger Tests Positive for the Virus"]

The vaccinated are apparently in more danger, maybe they’ll get another vaccine.  And booster.  More boosters.  But then there’s Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, though I don't know how there’s SADS with Keith Richards around.  He’ll just play “Happy.”

□ [“Never About Saving Lives:  Lockdowns Caused 170,000+ NON-Covid Deaths For US Working-Age”]

No, it wasn't, they worship death.  Maybe not literally – MAYBE – but they want more of it.  Massive increases in death for the young and/or healthy, the people who were most automatically immune from the virus and didn't need the so-called vaccination.

□ [“Biden Gets Smashed by Resurrected Clip About Stock Market, Karine-Jean Pierre Flails in Response”]

The Dow Jones crashed today, I don't pretend to know anything about economics but neither does Biden, he insists the economy is doing great.  In January he talked about how well the stock market was doing and how he deserved all the credit.  Obviously we won't see any clips of him accepting credit for the fall.  It’s probably Trump's fault.

So this spokesman is asked about it and she says the economy is booming and Republicans didn't vote for this.  This is what you get when you pick a subordinate for reasons that have nothing to do with ability.

□ [“Iran and Venezuela Sign a 20-Year Agreement – Will Confront the US Together”]

Iran is giving oil to one of the largest oil-producers in the world who needs to import it because but leftist dictators are in charge.  As always, no leftist complains about this even though they insist oil kills the earth.

Obviously Venezuela is involved in the Iran/Russia/China group but well, it's Venezuela so I don't count it.  Still, I'm sure both sides see a benefit to their respective nuclear programs and they get Biden’s full support.

□ [“Ukrainians Hit the Beaches of Kiev Just After Biden Sends Another $40 Billion to ‘Fight Russia’”]

They're still fighting but it’s the endgame.  This is where I have to wonder if this was all planned as a distraction for leftist world-conquest.  There are reports that the Ukraine military has massive desertions and supply problems.  The desertions may be propaganda, Russia has also been claimed to have desertions.

Supply is a bit different.  Ukraine has nowhere to go so it’s a bit easier but any losses make it harder to maintain whatever they have left.  Russia has always needed to keep track of supplies over a long distance, that makes a difference.

The propaganda says Ukraine has lost morale, even their paid officials say they're low on guns and ammo.  Those are kinda necessary.  They have no air force either which isn't mentioned but maybe it’s not important.  The moral problems are understandable.

□ [“Ukraine Has LOST, And So Have We"]

They're drafting women?  I guess it makes sense to draft more than one gender out of all the dozens and dozens of genders but women?  Who would pick them?

More seriously, where are all the men they were drafting?  Are they dead or just not willing to take part in this any longer?  If you've reached the point where you're out of fighting-age men, you've lost and everybody else can see that.

In theory, it's possible that Russia has far more casualties but they have the air power, so it's basically not believable that more of them are dying, especially given Ukraine’s capabilities.  There's also the sanctions the west imposed, meaning now we're short on oil, natural gas and fertilizer which are all necessary.

Other than Ukraine’s example of why men are the ones you turn to for serious help, has anybody but Russia gotten anything for all this?

14 June, 2022

How do we know what genders Batman and Superman self-identify as?

You can't control the drilling, shipping, storing, refining, buying, selling, trading and taxing of oil and then say you don't control oil prices

. – internet meme

□ [“TRAINWRECK:  Sham Jan. 6 Committee Postpones Wednesday Show Trial – Need More Time to Put Together Video Because 17 Months Not Enough Time"]

I'm trying to avoid paying attention to this.  It’s obviously a fraud and they’ve already got the verdict in place, but the headlines are at least entertaining.  Should they bring back the original cast and re-film it?  They're competing against all those heroic BLM riots, they need something to draw an audience.

If they can't put together a video of existing footage in a year and a half, what are they going to do about the food shortages?  Good thing they're in charge, eh?

□ [“FDA Advisers Unanimously Recommend Moderna’s Covid-19 Vaccine for Ages 6-17 Despite Data Showing High Risks of Heart Inflammation”]

It's becoming very clear that the vaccine is the real killer.  Notice that the people who insisted that everybody must get the vaccine or die and 'if it save one life!' aren't remotely interested in the brand-new Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.  Where did it come from?  Who’s getting it?  They don't pay attention to that, no matter how many die.

By this point it's known that the vaccine weakens the heart, making it more vulnerable to drugs or heavy exercise.  Hence all the dying young athletes and the massive increase in military deaths.  And the media that was obsessed over a stupid virus that barely affected anybody isn't even covering this.

□ [“Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who 'suddenly died' – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures"]

Near as I can understand it, the vaccine is creating structures in the blood, from natural blood clots but these are actually protein.  These grow and block your blood, especially around your heart where blood is kinda important.  Of course anybody researching this will be immediately censored.

How long will it be until it hits everyone who's taken this drug?  

There's no way this isn't deliberate.  Forcing everybody to take an untested chemical and then ignoring them as they suddenly dying?  Not even bothering to see if any nonvaccinated people are dying from this?  They’re suddenly ignoring all the fearful propaganda they used to the virus.  It's just a sudden death, that's all, ignore it.

□ [“New Biden Regulations Put American Travelers at Risk, Forces Thousands of Flights to be Cancelled”]

But they still use the virus to impose their will, demanding everybody put cloth on their faces and forcing the remaining employees to put in more hours every week just to keep up.  Like the car, they're destroying the airplane.  What will they go after next?

□ [“Biden Downplays Inflation, Then Starts Screaming: 'I Don’t Wanna Hear Anymore of These Lies About Reckless Spending!'"]

He has no idea what he's talking about but immediately starts yelling about what *HE* doesn't want to hear.  And that, boys and girls, is how sycophants are born.  No one is allowed near him unless they know what he wants to hear and obeys without question.

There’s are comments about emotional instability being one of the aspects of dementia.  He goes from his standards lies about Republicans wanting to raise taxes, talking about gas prices at his childhood dinner table and how Americans now have higher wages and more savings.  Then he suddenly gets angry about hearing things he doesn't like and yells at the audience who said nothing of the kind.

And he'll keep spending trillions of dollars, nothing reckless about that.  He says so.  Besides, other countries have it worse.  We cut your leg off but we cut two legs off of other people so I don’t want to hear you complain!

There is a bit of commentary that *maybe* he shouldn't run for re-election.  No one goes on record, only unnamed persons suggest he might be too old now.  I definitely think there’s more problems going on back stage and we can tell that Biden won't hear any of it.  Neither will we, the ruling elite keep their disagreements private.

□ [“Dems 'Renewable' Energy Plans Face Battery Shortage As They Raise Cost Of Reliable Fossil Fuels”]

They're also destroying their own replacement for the energy they're taking away from us.  You can’t store any energy without batteries which require energy to produce.  Then there’s the supply problems for the materials required to produce and transport batteries around the world.  Imposed rules that require everyone to use these stupid things by the end of the decade don’t help anyone, they only keep drilling down.

They’ll destroy cars and planes, forcing everyone to have electric cars which they destroy by their own policies, just as they did with healthcare and economics.  But they sure want to take away guns from their inferiors.

How can anyone who's not a spambot trust them for anything?

15 June, 2022

These times aren’t really interesting.  The Chinese ripped me off!!!

Given that I suspect everything going in a charade our rulers play on us, I also think they've worked out a specific timeline.  That said, now that Ukraine is nearing defeat, I wonder what's next on the agenda.  Another virus?  Another shortage?  Biden has said he'll grab "emergency powers" if gas prices don't go down and he's working as hard as possible to keep them from going down.

□ [“After Waging War on Oil Industry, Biden Now Blames Oil Refineries For Not Doing ‘Patriotic Duty’”]

They're not the ones trying to destroy America, the Biden White House is, while blaming the people they hit for not doing better.  I should have spent more time abusing women so I'd know how this works, but it sure meets the standards.

“No more drilling on federal lands.  No more drilling, including offshore.  No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill.  Period.”  That’s pretty straightforward.  Now you tell them you want more of what you said you didn't want.  It’s so simple.

These people were willing to claim they’ll fly over and shoot guns for Ukraine, why don't any of them say they'll prove how to properly dig for oil since now they claim to want it?  I think you know the answer to that.

□ [“Russia Further Reduces Natural Gas Flow by 40% into Germany"]

Is this part of the Trump/Russia plan?  Obviously Germany would ignore Trump saying stop relying on Russia so Russia knew Germany was dependent on them.  They could say they ignored Trump by needing Russia to provide fossil fuels, liberals love that.

□ [“Bitcoin Crumbles, Crypto Falls, Another Sign Of The Emerging Recession"]

I’ve always had a minor interest in these cryptocurrencies.  Not enough to invest in them or even to give them the slightest thought in the last couple years, but an interest nonetheless.  I think it's a fundamentally bad idea but understand the attempt to create a currency that doesn't rely on a nation.  The internet is the obvious place to start.

But of course if things are going bad, no one will rely on that.  If it’s useful, great.  If not, look for something else.  I assume silver and gold are increasingly popular.

For that matter, not that it has anything to do with money but I've noticed that more women seem to be trying to look genuinely attractive.  Not enough for me to have any solid observations yet but I'll keep looking. [wink wink]

□ [“Fully Vaccinated/Boosted Dr. Fauci Tests Positive for COVID-19 Pandemic For First Time”]

The virus is hitting all the countries where the so-called vaccinations are highest.  Meanwhile places like Africa have a very small vaccinated population and aren't having any problems.  The left doesn't mind that.  What, is the vaccine meant to kill whites?

Why does that sound entirely believable given what the tyrants are imposing?

When are we going to finally break?  It is quite possible that's the intention, they need an excuse for dictatorship, sane people trying to get away from them would do.  I don't see a good option for that but it’ll happen sooner or later.

Still trying to think of ways the sane can unify, as well as methods and tools for defense and production.  No idea how finances would operate.  My brain may be broken but at least I can still think.  There must be others out there who do it too.

About all we can do at the moment is hope that the sane can manage get through day-after-day, leaving the leftists to crumble.  The right must focus on the task at hand, it’s all I ever talk about anymore.  The left insists that politics precedes everything.

It would be so nice if they have locked themselves in their own political environment which crumbles, leaving the rest of us to go on with our lives.  We can guarantee that won't happen but it's such a nice fantasy.

16 June, 2022

I self-identify Joe Biden as having SADS.

□ [“Daily Caller Asked Every Democrat Senator If They’ll Endorse Biden In 2024 – Not Many Said Yes"]

It's a pose, they'll all fall into line when the time comes.  Right now they just need to pretend they're siding with the miserable people they rule.  It means nothing.

I do assume there are Democrats who are working against Biden but that's more about just being leftist nature and being in politics.  But they’ll work against anybody for any reason, except their true masters.  The people in charge of Biden know that.

The stock market and Dow Jones are going down, these are economic organizations that most people don't have a clue about.  I’ve been wondering if those and other entities are the real reason some in the media have started to turn on Biden.  They have enough money to invest in such places and enough friends in high places to tell them about the incoming disaster.  Or at least their employers do.

They’re fine with destroying other people's investments but have a very different reaction when it’s their own destroyed before their eyes.  They probably all dreamed that ‘one day the revolution will come’ and they wouldn't want their investments anymore.  But that day never comes and human nature overrules them when it seems close.

□ [“'That’s Not Science, That’s Conjecture' – Sen. Rand Paul On Fire After Fauci Admits ‘Not Enough Data’ to Show Booster Shots Reduce Hospitalization and Death in Children"]

It's about giving orders to children!  That's not conjecture, that's his right!  Our master can do anything he wants to anyone.  If he thrusts a long, hard shaft into a child's body and ejaculates fluid, it's our duty to say ‘thank you, sir, do you want another?’

And Fauci decided to have the virus right before he had to testify to Congress, what kind of coincidence is that?  Two years of (supposedly) being surrounded by all those people dying of the virus, getting all the vaccines and boosters (supposedly) and *now* he gets infected, right before he has to talk to those guys?

No reduction in hospitalization or death of kids, then there's no point to getting stabbed with anything.  But Rand Paul is an actual physician.  Fauci has been a bureaucrat for my whole life, yet which one gets the unquestioned adoration?

□ [“Ministry of Truth 2.0:  Kamala Harris to Lead New Task Force Targeting ‘Online Harassment, Abuse, and Disinformation Campaigns’”]

□ [“White House Spox Confirms Biden Moving Forward with Plans to End Fossil Fuel”]

□ [“Biden May Declare ‘National Public Health Emergency’ If Roe v Wade Is Overturned”]

This is what they've all wanted.  Unrestrained power in every part of our lives has always been their dream.  Now they’ll spy on everybody, take away transportation and expand the ruler's power at the expense of the ruled.

Still trying to figure out leftism.  It's hopeless to figure out the ‘why,’ just finding various descriptions of the ‘what’ or ‘how.’  I just ran into some comment that they think their beliefs are universally accepted truths so only the corrupt, evil or stupid could ever disagree.  As always, it’s a good description of what they do.

I do think it’s based on individual choice, even if that just comes down to an individual’s unwillingness to think.  We just passed the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Students for a Democratic Society.  If you're going to point to something to blame for the “New Left,” that's as good a choice as any, but I still don't buy it.

There's the environment, there’s being ruled by emotion, the collective belief system encouraging this, those all build up, sure.  There’s going after kids who don't know any better.  This all forms a perfect explanation, but the ‘why’ still eludes me.

□ [“ExxonMobil Fires Back At Biden in Letter After He Accuses Oil Companies Of Profiteering”]

They'll be the first targets, that much is obvious.  No one is allowed to speak out against the self-identified POTUS.  Punishment will be required and promoted as much as possible so everyone else will see what will happen to them if they speak out.

Which will we run out of first, food or fuel?  Both are getting lower and more expensive.  I assume the baby formula shortage is hitting women almost as much as it’s hitting babies, spending more time worrying about their younglings.  All this was brought to them by the same people who set them up against big, strong women-with-a-penis.

Only the most insane and wealthy of feminists can’t see a problem, being surrounded by people who tell them what they want to hear.  But the rest of us will be hit hard all at once.  Best to assume the enemy is prepared for this, who is ready on our side?

People in the country and small towns will be fairly safe, they know each other and are used to such a life.  It’s the rest of us who will have immediate worries.  The wealthier ones might be able to back up food and supplies before it starts, the rest of will have gotten what we can, if we can.  We’ll be a lot more vulnerable regardless.

And our rulers want it this way.

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