Saturday, June 18, 2022


21 May, 2022

□ [“Stan Lee about how he created the SpiderMan!”]

Lee and Kirby both had horrible memories and Ditko didn't talk so right there, the facts about creating Marvel will never be known.

Stan ran the office so he was right there whenever Marvel was called and got most of the publicity by default.  Kirby and Ditko were at home drawing, only coming in to drop off pages every week or two.  If Kirby had been available for interviews, the success of Fantastic Four would have kept him from doing other titles.

There's also the question which will probably never be answered about 'what is writing a comic?'  There’s writing the dialogue, which Lee did and was far better at than Kirby or Ditko, but then there's page-by-page and panel-by-panel.

This is also writing comics.  How big is each panel?  What does each panel focus on?  Lee, Kirby and Ditko would never have wasted time with a full script but even if they had, the artists can toss it out whenever they want to do something different which Ditko and Kirby did a lot.  And Lee can do that to the finished work since he's the editor.

Then there's the fact that they all put their time and effort into working so it was just easier for Lee to skip the decisions about 'writing.'  Let Jack and Steve come up with the story, Stan adds the dialogue and puts the pages through the production process.

They're all fine with that, it's their job.  Only after Marvel became popular was this a problem.  Lee gets all the attention, Kirby and Ditko were paid by the page of art.

Lee definitely contributed as a creator, not just an office lacky, and got decades of experience with the media and the audience.  Good or bad, telling the audience something interesting is different from telling the truth.  There are obvious falsehoods in this video.

1:  Kirby was the artist Lee went to first for 'Spider-Man.'  There's been different descriptions and to my knowledge, nobody outside the office ever saw the finished art, but Kirby's version had nothing to do with the Spider-Man we know.  I’ve heard that there was an Aunt May and Uncle Ben involved in the story but the rest was different.  Lee didn't like the results and turned to Ditko who did the story we know.

2:  By all accounts, Lee and Ditko intended to continue Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy and had finished two more stories when they learned the series was cancelled.  Ditko was paid for those so use his finished art, the first two issues of Spider-Man have four stories total.  My guess is that one story intended to be the follow-up in Amazing Fantasy was in each issue, the other one was new, to fill out the issue.  Then they moved on to full-length comics like they’d already been doing with Fantastic Four.

22 May, 2022

The buck has stopped but Biden refuses to take credit for that.

□ [“‘We Are Literally Experimenting on Children, There’s Going to Be Problems' – Bill Maher Takes on Dangers of the Radical Trans Movement"]

Yes, and...?  They’ve always wanted that and opposed anyone who disagreed with pumping chemicals into a seven-year old boy stupid enough to say he’s a girl.  It's about taking away from parents and destroying people, plus the benefits of inventing a gender.

One has to wonder if Maher's just trying to get in front of an upcoming disaster.

□ [“CDC Recommends Covid-19 Testing in All Domestic Flights, Even Vaccinated Travelers"]

They're doubling and tripling down.  Any day now the pseudo-world government will run everything and their servants will enforce the orders, they're just getting ready now.  There's a lot more headlines about this, along with the latest pseudo-virus.

They're imposing tyranny to take control of our lives every step of the way.  We'll be required to show ID and paperwork to go anywhere and they’ve made transportation costs skyrocket.  I think they're basically going up every day at this point.

We're out of time.  The Freedom Convoy seems to be gone.  To the extent I've paid any attention to it lately, it looks like they’d formed a 501(c) nonprofit corporations which meant they had to spend money on personal things for the people in charge.  Al Gore and Bill Clinton get mansions, other people get other stuff.

No idea if there's any actual scandal but it would definitely cause problems which could have been avoided if they'd just gone on strike.

□ [“Senator Cotton:  We Needed to Give Ukraine $40 Billion or China Will Attack Taiwan"]

So we're just paying bribes now.  Is the money for China or have they fully organized the trafficking so they can move their slaves anywhere?  If we're so determined to defend Taiwan, wouldn't it make more sense to actually work with Taiwan?

Ukraine and Taiwan are far apart, a direct path goes through Russia, Kazakhstan and China.  If all we're doing is sending stuff that computers can hack into, we're not really helping as our masters want.  We might as well be funding China and Russia.

China is preparing for sanctions against its ruling class like Russia’s been hit with.  They know what's coming and they have more cards to play than Putin or Biden does.

We've already seen them going through the 501(c) nonprofits to handle their minions.  All in the same groups, the protest signs already manufactured, all attacking whoever they're told to go after.  The employees are paid to show up so they don't need actual jobs.  Their phone service and gas tank are covered.

□ [“Here We Go:  Biden:  Everybody Should Be Concerned About Monkeypox"]

These are people who have nothing better to do than serve their masters and cannot conceive that anybody else would think differently.  Their masters oppose anybody else thinking differently and that's why they rule.

Right there, people who see the price of gas and the lack of food recognize actual problems on a day-to-day basis.  None of our masters have the slightest concept of that.  It's not like they have anything to do with the rest of us.  They control us but they have no responsibility for what happens.  They say so and you're not allowed to disagree.

We're about to lose the power grid, not sure how long we have on that but summer is coming up and the government will order everything shut down.  Food is going to go down, I just saw a report that there's 10 weeks of wheat left in storage.  We already know gas will vanish and with it, truckers bringing supplies.

We're all breaking down, that's the point, and we have no way to know which of our rulers are breaking down, whether from glee, despair or competition with each other.

This is World War III, only there's no organization we can comprehend other than the rulers against everyone else.  We need to get this together and soon.

23 May, 2022

Who told you to be here?  I didn't post this on the internet so everyone else could read it!!!

□ [“Zelensky Requests $5 Billion a Month from Global Community in World Economic Forum Speech"]

It's a payoff.  Give them money every month or else...  Who knows, maybe a few dollars will go the Ukrainian people, but the big guy gets 10%.

Sure, it's for 'rebuilding,' right, just like after 2014.  Sounds like a good way to launder money, the mafia worked with construction sites too.

□ [“Biden in Japan, US 'Will Get Involved Militarily' Defend Taiwan, Staffers Immediately Walk It Back"]

Biden talked about the 'minor incursion' over a month before Russia actually invaded.  This sort of thing just shows the rulers have it planned out, they even let Biden make comments about it.  Our tyrants apparently permit that for the lower ranks.

He even promised a food shortage.  I haven't found any quotes earlier than March 19, but they’ve obviously got that planned as well.  You'd think if he's allowed to say this in public, he could also say that back-up plans were in place to provide food, or fuel for that matter.  But no, they're going to happen just like he predicted.

The immediate goal was to make Americans suffer as much as possible.  We don't know how much the rulers intend to make everyone else suffer, nor do we know how much of it is just them self-identifying as 'citizens of the world' with no clue how reality works.  But the rulers will do fine, even as everyone else has less, that's all that matters.

But it can't be fun for the hired-help to have to go back and insist that the master didn't really mean what he said.  Couldn't his handlers just tell him what to say and threaten him with punishment if he gets out of line?

□ [“Biden Admits It's All On Purpose:  'When It Comes to Gas Prices, We’re Going Through Incredible Transition – God Willing, We’ll Be Less Reliant on Fossil Fuels'"]

So it's not the evil gas companies' fault for these massively increased prices, it's the government telling them what to do.  But leftists can’t think that far, they'll go along with whatever the master says, even if it contradicts something else the master said.

There's the virus and the new virus, there's abortion, Ukraine and China, there's the promise that the earth will burn up immediately...  They’ll keep going after anything that might give them leeway to do whatever they want, no matter who suffers.

□ [“NYC Mayor Declares State of Emergency Against Price Gouging For Baby Formula Shortage”]

That's more than he'd do for all the blacks being shot in his city on a daily basis but I guess that's not really a crisis.  Then again, he could have done something in March when Biden promised a food shortage and obviously that didn't matter.

And obviously he's using this to attack business.  They’ll be limited for how much they can charge for baby formula no matter how much they have to pay to get it.  This never works but it's always a leftist tact.  It's not like they ever need to produce food.

At least they get to kill the earth by using fuel to bring food around the world, not everybody would do that.  Or giving the increasing prices of fuel, could afford it.

□ [“Army to Let Soldiers Change Base or State to Oppose Local Laws on Gender, Racism or Abortion"]

So if I don't want to be assigned to a state where abortion or gays are legal, the Army has to obey?  We'll be sending a lot more to Muslim countries, that's for sure.

Wait, this probably only goes one way, doesn't it?  Some people won't be forced to go against their will but you will be.  You're government property, you get no choice.

That's what the Army is for, it turns boys into girls.  Well, they don't know what a girl is, but you get what I mean.

The government will be turning over everything to self-appointed world rulers any day now.  I wonder if we'll even be told about it or if they'll just pretend everything is normal, despite nothing being normal anymore.  At a guess, I would say the latter, giving them the chance to take power silently so nothing can stop them.

24 May, 2022
The fouls or the strikes? Let's just run home.

□ [“Newsom Threatens to Impose Mandatory Water Restrictions if Californians Don’t Use Less"]

A shortage that Democrats created and will punish people for not obeying.  The goal is to increase their power over everyone else, that's all.  Makes you wonder if that was the whole point of limiting the water so that everybody could be cut off.  One also wonders if illegal immigrants are being checked for their water usage or if they're just taking as much as they want because the law doesn't apply to them.

□ [“World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab at Davos Pushes Elitist Garbage 'That We Act All as Stakeholders of Larger Communities'"]

Except for that period where he worked for the Nazis, he's basically spent his entire life as a stakeholder in various businesses.  Then again, he says working for the Nazis was the most enjoyable part of his life so that does make a difference.

We're not stakeholders and we're not in "larger communities."  Just because you say so doesn't make it true and only someone who thinks they're automatically in charge of us would try.  We're not permitted to be anything other than whatever he defines us as.  The master doesn't permit the slaves to be anything else.

And none of these people admit to focusing on anything other than leftism.  It's their purpose for living and anybody who thinks otherwise is inferior and and enemy and must be destroyed at all costs.  The believers are rich enough to get away with that.

□ [“Looks Like CNN and Rest of The American Media Are Growing Weary of the War in Ukraine"]

Not a surprise, it was basically just something to kill time until the world government took over.  They're also probably starting to hear from other people about the lack of food and the massive increase in gas prices, something their audience sees on a daily basis and the media has never noticed because they don't live like the serfs.

They're probably also realizing that they've reported Russia's total failure for the last several months so at some point they'd need to explain why Russia is still bothering when they don't have a chance of winning.  For that matter, why aren't these same media showing footage of Russians being slaughtered by the media-supported victors?  Does Russia still have the air control?  Who knows?

It's like all we're doing is sending money for laundering and that's it.  Meanwhile the people here are increasingly miserable.  That's not how a war is conducted.  Did Harry Truman do that when Russia and China helped North Korea invade South Korea?  Did JFK do that when Russia and China helped North Vietnam invade South Vietnam?

□ [“DEVELOPING: Active Shooter at Texas Elementary School, Several Students Taken to Hospital"]

No idea how, but these seem to be happening more often.  Probably an excuse to ban guns although if anybody else at that school was permitted to have a gun, this shooter would be taken out quickly.  Wonder what his skin color is...

Only a few days left until the world government imposes itself on us all.  The date I originally saw was May 27-8, so that's what I'm going with, but for all we know it may have happened already.  It's not like the serfs need to be told anything important.

Over the last few days, it's looked like the traffic on the interstate I live next to has gone down a little bit.  No proof, maybe it's just my suspicion, but I thought I'd make that comment.  The gas prices are going to wipe everything out before long and I hope hope hope that everyone will go on strike before that happens.  This is going to hurt a lot of people, let's make sure it's as few of *us* as possible.

25 May, 2022

Never drink *and* drive. First you drink, then you drive.

□ [“Buttigieg calls for a Marshall Plan-style rebuilding of Ukraine"]

First of all, the so-called Transportation Secretary's job isn’t to work on rebuilding other countries.  His job, where he’s paid more money than most of us will ever see, is to focus on transportation in the United States.  Is he saying that everything’s totally fine here, nothing he can do, so he's totally paying attention to something else?

Second, does this mean the war is over?  If so, that means Russia won so we'd be rebuilding for them.  If not, shouldn't the war end first before rebuilding starts?  That’d make more sense, unless you just want to give Russia more targets.  Maybe he does.

Third, that sure insults Europe.  They're right next to Ukraine and Russia, aren’t they interested or are they too busy buying Russian fuel and sending us baby formula?

□ [“Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Postpones Gun Control Legislation – Does Not Have the Votes"]

This doesn't mean much, Democrats are very clear, the executive branch is all that matters.  Biden will get rid of anything he doesn't like about the Constitution and never consider what that means to his authority.  Or whoever tells him what to say, anyway.

□ [“Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell Says Republicans Are Facilitating Mass Shootings 'By Design'"]

It's all about projection for these people, as if their personalities are designed to blame someone else for what they think about themselves.  I knew this would happen before the world government took over.

Remember, they'll control anything they declare as a pandemic and they're the ones who get to decide what’s a pandemic.  Guns will obviously be their first target, then there's free speech and anything they call "racism."  They're also planning to install digital IDs on every single person on the planet.

Nobody gave them the authority, they obey China.  They see nothing wrong with that.  They'll have men with guns moving in as harshly as possible.  It won't be pretty.

I think the best option would be to re-ratify the Constitution by those of us who are able.  This is what we're standing by, you self-appointed dictators are irrelevant.  I very much like the idea but I don't think it's doable for a while.  How would it work, do whatever groups we have just send in a representative to vote?  I do think it should be done live, not just online, but of course that causes extra problems.

A Declaration of Freedom would be a better place to start.  Re-write it a bit to be less 18th Century and more specific to our current tyrants.  I'm not sure who would be voting on it but as a standard to follow, it's good.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Not sure what else to write about tonight.  Word is coming out about what the world rulers will be doing to us.  There's some report that they depended on Ukraine to win and that's not happening.  There's even a bit of info about Biden's failure in Afghanistan.  They're still holding off on actually reporting on who was left behind or, for that matter, who they brought here, regardless of laws that this must be reported.

But they just handed everything over to the Taliban, whom some of them have been dealing with since 1979.  No wonder they don't want to tell us what's going on.

The military knew it would fail immediately if we ran away like little girls, the only question is if any of them had the courage or decency to tell the administration or if they obeyed for the sake of obedience.  My guess could go either way.

At this point, it's easiest to just assume the military who stay in are total suck-ups and those who had any conscience left.  I might be wrong, I hope I am, but it's better than assuming they're great and they'll stand up for American freedom.

26 May, 2022

We need to support dogs who self-identify as cats.

□ [“FDA Chief, Dr. Robert Califf Admits The Agency Holds Blame In The Baby Formula Shortage"]

That’s surprising, some people are actually saying in public that maybe they could have done something to help people because that's vaguely in the job description.  It's not exactly The Buck Stops Here but face it, we're not going to get anyone who says that.

They shut production down months ago and it turns out there's a lot less being produced, so people who want the product was have to do without.  Who knew?  This info came out months ago, even for people who didn't already know this would happen.

Of course nobody's going to lose their job for this.  They'll keep their paychecks and authority, everyone must obey.  And if this happens again, we just have to suffer.

This is clearly a test for the upcoming food shortage.  In theory the rulers could help us make preparations for it right now so we’d ready if the rulers failed to prevent it, but in theory, communism works.  In theory.

□ [“Soros calls for Putin's defeat"]

“That could be the end of our civilization, we must mobilize all our resources to bring the war to an early end.  The best and perhaps only way to preserve our civilization is to defeat Putin as soon as possible.”

But this mentality makes Soros seem a little desperate.  Russia must be defeated immediately or civilization is over, but even if Russia is defeated, “the situation will never revert to what it was before.”  They're keeping their power no matter what.

This has about "climate change," it’ll win forever if Russia isn't stopped now, yet those who heard Al Gore in 2006 know that it happened in 2016.  That's that.  If Al Gore knew what he was talking about.  Soros could point to where Gore was wrong but that would be, like, work.  Why do that for people who already agree with anything he says?

They just show more and more clearly that this is all an excuse to seize power.  They'll rule the world and nobody else has any say about it.  Soros adds China into the list of enemies too because that helps so much.

Of course they're being vague on what exactly the WHO will do.  It's been reported that 12 of Biden's 13 amendments have been rejected.  Maybe that’s true, maybe they’re just being re-written by the members.  Either way, the rulers are after total power so they don't need Biden's help.  This is treason, no other way around it.

They also intend to physically impose themselves into every single person and track us.  Many people probably won’t be included by they’re aiming at First World Countries.  Of course our rulers won't be required to follow their own commands, why do you think they all used jets to get to Switzerland for this conference?

□ [“Iran Warns Israel:  ‘We Are Ready for War’"]

And another Russia ally is involved.  If they don't have nukes right now, they'll have them shortly, thanks to Democrats.

How does this even work?  We're supposed to hate Russia, but their ally China gives our rulers orders.  Their other ally, Iran, we’ll do anything to help.  Maybe it would make a difference if Russians chanted "Death to America" more often.

Hopefully they really have no clue what they're doing.  That’s better than if they actually want this to happen.  We definitely need to do something about their treason.  But the left will keep doing this no matter what, as if leftism is just a flat-out version of insanity and anybody who isn’t involved is a hateful bigot.  But they aren’t up-front about it, any law they can't get passed right away, they'll just insert without any attention.

And there's still problems with the energy which everything we do requires but the government is totally opposed to.  They're willing to give up everything *we* have until it's their magical electric engine providing everything.

Never mind that everything is delivered a very long distance via truck, train or airplane, which all require fuel.  We can’t provide the needed energy now but they think shutting it down will bring in replacements, which require energy to create themselves by the way.  It's not cheap to mine raw earth metals out of China or manufacture a single electric car battery.  Trusting sun or wind to provide everything is guaranteed to failure and that isn't counting production of the actual car or powering it every single day.

And they never give us any choice in the matter, the orders come from top down.  Their decisions are to end production and transport and that's the way they like it.

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