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202203 Daily Planet - 20220219

13 February, 2022

The post is here.

□ [“Biden Mocks ‘Personal Freedom’ in His Message For Americans Burnt Out by Covid Mandates”]

That’s how he’s always been.  Couldn’t think of anything interesting to say so he had to just be himself.  There’s no care for freedom, he wants to jab people against their will with deadly chemicals.  So does whoever’s in charge wants.

There’s been little word from Ottawa.  Footage yesterday had police moving in with tear gas.   You’d think everybody would be filming this, people in the nearby buildings would be posting images, something, but I haven’t found anything.  Is it over?

□ [“Trucker Crackdown Begins:  Wild Scenes in Canada As Military, SWAT, and Police are all Sent in to Make Arrests and Tow Away Vehicles At Ambassador Bridge”]

This doesn’t look good for the US Convoy.  It’s not like the government won’t be prepared.  Right now, the only option I see is if truckers just quit.  No convoy, no protests, just finish their latest jobs, get home and stay there.  Blame the virus if needed.

At least Army leadership was straightforward.  Commander + Sergeant-Major, senior officers, NCOs, lower-ranks, etc.  Rank was important, even when you were free to ignore people who outrank you.  At least we all understood the existing structure, even a new guy could walk in and figure it out pretty quickly.

□ [“‘This is far from over’:  Convoy to ‘hold the line,’ block Canadian Ambassador Bridge”]

There’s valid reasons to have no clear Convoy leadership, who’s in charge of what and being able to follow the line, but we need something.  Without real leadership. they could be setting the US Convoy up for failure.  Still weeks to go and we’ve got no clue what’ll happen.  Meanwhile the enemy enjoys tyranny, expecting to rebuild however they want.  But they’re only fooling themselves, nobody sensible will go along with that.

□ [“Hackers Take Over GiveSendGo Website, Then Post Freedom Convoy Doners’ Personal Info Online”]

They’re going after everyone.  I’ve found no discussion about what’s happening today, no information, encouragement, nothing to help get through the next two and a half weeks or however long we wait.  This reduces hope and encourages desperation.  If the guy giving the ‘hold the line’ video was valid, ok, good.  More of that, please.

I watched yesterday’s livestream and it did nothing for me.  I get that these guys aren’t trained leaders but I saw nothing suggesting there was even a plan.

No way to know if that’s true, haven’t found any more info today.  I’ve found other internet comments telling them to hold the line.  Since I have no connection to these people, I have no way to know.

Is this giving up?  Canadian truckers did that yesterday and no one complains.  Wouldn’t pix and videos be streaming all across the internet if the truckers are holding out?  Feel free to post video of the Ottawa crowds demanding freedom right now on Sunday morning.  Or maybe you don’t feel free to post such video.  That’s giving up.  I hope the truckers had a plan B because we’re all screwed if they lose.

I usually see a lot of trucks going by on the interstate.  This weekend I saw some but not many.  Maybe they took a weekend off, maybe I’m just not looking.  I hope they planned something else.  They don’t need to protest, they just need to not drive trucks.

A few probably love driving trucks so much that they’ll do it under any circumstance.  More have a desperate need for money and this is what they’re good at.  Others probably have a similar reason.  Maybe they’re all out there like usual, I just didn’t see them in the rare moments I looked at the interstate.

Blame the virus, not trucking would cause as many problems and they won’t be yelled at for honking.  Cops wouldn’t be involved, they’d probably appreciate that.  I saw an Arizona sheriff video telling officers to stand-down on these mandates, that’s good.

The effect would be the same, we just wouldn’t get the awesome convoy footage.  But they can just play the Ottawa footage and say ‘this is what we’d be doing but they won’t let us.’  Everybody would still see how empty their stores get all of a sudden.

Americans would know we’re not alone by seeing what happens when truckers don’t drive.  The media would keep digging their own graves by promoting government policy instead of the truth.  They’re already throwing the Constitution away.

It would also be effective if every trucker in the world honks at 12 noon every single day until March 1 or whenever, then they’re all gone.  It’s the same effect as a protest and the media don’t even get to whine how scared they are of truckers.

□ [“Burden – “Do Not Comply” (Official Video)]

Well, if you can stomach rap music, this is about as good as it gets in the 21st century.  It’s an actual music video and I haven’t seen a new one of those in ages.  No melody, but it’s about as strong as rap lyrics can get.  For whatever that’s worth.

14 February, 2022

So how’s the “winter of death” we were promised going?

□ [“Justin Trudeau to Invoke Never-Before-Used Emergency Powers Act to Quash Freedom Convoy Protests – This Comes as Truckload of Guns is Stolen in Petersborough”]

No hesitation, he just seizes power and shuts down peaceful citizens who disagree with him.  He must be enjoying this, as are his supporters and the media.  He becomes the dictator without even breaking a sweat.

It probably wouldn’t be hard to find 1930s German newspaper articles that can be renamed to covering Biden or Trudeau and would be indistinguishable from the modern media.  Translation would be the hardest part, otherwise they’ve always wanted a love for all-powerful government and the removal of individual rights.

I keep trying to figure out the “why.”  Why do these people never see how this is always horrible, the opposite of progress?  They always claim the previous times didn’t work but everything will be fine this time.  Some individuals do recognize the mistake and turn around.  The rest just get more and more power-hungry as they age and delude themselves into claiming it’s because they care so much.  How does that happen?

I’d really like to think the stolen election was a plan to show how tyrannical these people are.  Yes, it’s all part of God’s will but for the rest of us, it sucks big time.

Trudeau is showing the benefits of federalism.  The people running Biden have limits so the individual states are needed which creates further problems for tyrants.  The Founding Fathers worked to *stop* government from having control which explains why every leftist in history has been against this.

Like psychopaths, they project their views onto others and claim to oppose it.  They silence everyone else with claims to want freedom and immediately turn against anyone who disagrees with them because they care so much.

They spent decades demanding everyone get free health care, then shut everything down so the government could deny you health care if you don’t submit to the fake vaccine.  They love buying mansions but oppose rich people.  They sit around yammering about nonsense instead of having real jobs but claim to be productive.  They claim to support democracy but always support The Leader uber all.

□ [“Crowdfunding Donations for Anything Trudeau Regime Doesn’t Like Are Terrorist Funding”]

So now they’re shutting down charity donations.  The ones run by Iran or Russia will probably be just fine, the others, well they’ll have to give charity to Hunter Biden or someone.  That’s going to kill charity but they’re fine with that.

They’re just making rules up on the spot which they’ll be able to ignore.  But others who don’t obey will get men with guns sent against them.  This is what they’ve always wanted, we desperately need some unity to oppose it.

I don’t have high hopes for the Freedom Convoy but at least it’s something.

15 February, 2022

Give a man a book, he reads for a day.  Give a man a library and he gets lost and dies of starvation.

The Freedom Convoy date is now February 23, that’s better.  Don’t know if they’ll stay with this and I wish it would start sooner but at least it’s something.

At this point, I basically expect truckers and any supporters to be arrested and their bank-accounts seized.  Can’t limit that to just the Convoy, right?  It won’t work but they’ll still try anyway, and every leftist who accused Trump of wanting this will cheer.

There will be bank runs.  People will want their money before it’s taken away so expect banks to shut down or go broke, in line with what the occupational government tried to do last year.  They want total control over everything we spend.

It’s not a virus or Trump, it’s powerlust.  The truckers are now called terrorists, parking a truck is worse than 9/11.  Canada is passing a bill to specifically limit internet speech, because of course.  Maybe it’ll only last for fifteen days, just to flatten the curve.

□ [“Little Castro:  Trudeau Now Threatens Tow Truck Drivers; Those Who Don’t Cooperate Face Arrest”]

You will arrest people who don’t work for you for not obeying your orders and will “compel them” to obey.  So much for workers rights.

He’s gotta be digging his own hole.  If truckers weren’t getting enough support, now it’s tow-truck operators?  And their families, friends, any supporters.  You’re taking their bank accounts so they can’t pay rent or buy food?  Last week these people couldn’t remove trucks because they had the virus, now they’re forced to work anyway? WTF???

There must be more planned, but what?  Nukes to punish those who disagree?  Safe to assume they’re planning to take down churches as a ‘source of terrorism.’

There’s more going on than the Convoy but we can’t do anything without truckers so that’s the first step.  That’s why I’m supporting them however I can.  My argument is about waiting weeks before they get started and just that they don’t need a Freedom Convoy.  Just don’t drive trucks and we’ll see how quickly the tyrants have nothing to work with.  You haven’t seen John Galt driving a truck recently, have you?

□ [“Russian Begin Withdrawal from Ukraine Border, Heavy Weapons Returning to Russia from Belarus”]

So it was a set-up?  We’re so close to war, so now Biden and Britain look good by stopping it?  France looks good by negotiating with Russia without the other powers and Putin actually knows what’s going on?  He had to survive actual tyranny, he knows what it takes to get by and also knows the kind of folks who wind up in charge there.

□ [“Pentagon Report:  Iraq’s Security Forces Overrun by Iranian-Backed Militants”]

So they’re taking over Iraq similar to the way leftists take over the US.  What a shock, I wonder where they got the idea.

□ [“Biden Forgets Which Administration He Served in as Vice President”]

“I started the Cancer Moonshot which I worked very hard on in the administration – the administration I served in last.”

Well they all look alike, how could he tell them apart?  There’s nothing worth remembering about the last administration he served in.  Sure, you’d think Biden could at least remember the leader’s name but he doesn’t and he was there, so...

Also 15 February, 2022

When she said she wanted to try submission, I thought she was talking about something else entirely.

□ [“California May Drop Mask Mandates For Schools in Two Weeks”]

They’ve gotta be feeling pressure from their own behavior.  All the rich and famous people are so brave that they don’t wear masks as protection from an evil virus but they’re surrounded by non-rich and non-famous people who are required to wear one.  They could at least show the courage to admit that’s what they’re doing.

But no.  Plebeians must obey, the patricians are under no such requirement.

□ [“Maxime Bernier (@MaximeBernier) tweets]

First you demonize your opponents.  Then you falsely accuse them of planning a violent insurrection.  You bribe the press to do your propaganda.  Finally, you declare a state of emergency and give yourself extraordinary powers to crush dissent.

Have we seen this before in history?

16 February, 2022

If I knew now what I knew then, I’d still have a memory.

British Columbia protestors brought an M1070 tank transporter to block the Pacific Highway border crossing.  That fucker is big and it’s on their our side.

Then I saw a video of, I have no idea what these events are, but trucks blazing smoke and fire for stadium crowds, with a warning that these are coming in next.  I’m pretty sure they’re useless for combat but OMf-ingGOD what a sight!  If anybody wants my wife, you can have her.  I’ve just learned what REAL love feels like.

Freedom of assembly isn’t going away without a fight.  But the virus is so awful, it should be spreading with all these people together without masks and not socially distanced.  Unless the government wants to lie about it, always a possibility.

Not long ago, Trudeau said this was a “small fringe minority.”  So small and so fringe and such a minority that he immediately needed to grab dictatorial power.

It’s possible the trucks have started moving out in ones and twos without making the news.  That’s totally fine, we don’t need the footage or cheers as they drive by.  We need the impact of trucks not transporting supplies.

Not clear what’s going on in Ottawa.  Police are preparing to make arrests and seize the vehicles.  They’re passing out fliers to warn about this but there doesn’t seem to be any legal justification.  They can do whatever they want and you can’t stop them.

I should point out that if these truckers lose their jobs, the US has a trucker shortage and will let anybody cross the boarder for any reason.  Jus’ saying...

□ [“San Francisco Residents Overwhelmingly Vote to Recall Three Far-Left School Board Members”]

Probably just a fluke, San Francisco’s been Democrat-only for so long that they never have to put any effort in to win.  They haven’t had a Republican mayor since 1964.  They’ll ensure elections are stolen in advance just to keep from being surprised.  Even now, they’ll just replace the ones kicked out with the same type.

□ [“‘I Wouldn’t Say It’s the Politics’ – Fauci Defends Democrats Suddenly Lifting Mask Mandates”]

The most obvious suggestion is he’s lying in a desperate reaction to the polls.  It’s also possible that he just says whatever he’s told to.  If he’s told to say masks are worthless against a virus or if he’s told to say everybody must wear masks as protection from the virus, he’ll obey and never question the contradiction.

Is this how magic works?  They already deny reality, truth is whatever they say it is.  That’s definitely not how science works.  I have no problem with the concept of magic being real despite our inability to comprehend but that’s still part of reality.  These people oppose the very concept of reality.

Gotta say, that’s a pretty good description of the basic truth I’ve spent all this time looking for.  Doesn’t answer the ‘why’ but that’s it in a nutshell.  If there’s any worth to the concept of ‘magic,’ it’s not what these people are doing with it.

Also 16 February, 2022

If I didn’t know better, I’d think I knew better

□ [Ace of Spades:  “‘MDM’ and the End of Free Speech”]

Free speech hasn’t exactly been robust for the past decade or so.  Cancel culture, asymmetrical enforcement of “terms of service” on social media, institutional capture of the television and movie companies, the lock-step narrative compliance of the news and everything else with which we’re all so familiar have all been just so many arrows plunged into the shambling corpse of our fundamental right to speech.  Late last month, the US government escalated the assault pretty meaningfully, loosing several more arrows into the body.

The “Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency” (CISA) put out a description of “Mis-, dis-, and mal-information,” (MDM) ostensibly as it related to foreign election interference.  This triple classification marks a formal and official US government action against free speech.  But what exactly is MDM?  From CISA:

Misinformation is false, but not created or shared with the intention of causing harm.

Disinformation is deliberately created to mislead, harm, or manipulate a person, social group, organization, or country.

Malinformation is based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.

So misinformation is wrong, disinformation is a lie and malinformation is merely derogatory even though it is true.  And it is now a formal definition of a Very Bad Thing per the government and is targeted for destruction.  Not being wrong, not lying, just being opposed to whatever the state wants.

Last week, the DHS jumped on board to exploit the framework put into place by CISA.  In their terrorism threat bulletin, they call out that the threat in the US is “heightened” due to MDM:

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors.  These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.

So the CISA defined it and called it out as a risk for elections (no doubt inspired by those six-figure Russian ad buys back in 2016), and then the DHS exploited the new lingo to generalize it against the American people.  Anything that questions public institutions, the government or – by extension – the official narrative is now a terrorism threat.  Any derogatory information that could “undermine public trust” is now terrorism.  In other words, your speech – even if truthful – is now a targeted “threat.”  And the government isn’t shy about recruiting the private sector – in this case, it’s likely Big Tech and the telecoms – to help make sure this dreadful MDM risk is contained:

17 February, 2022

Trump didn’t freeze bank accounts of people disagreeing with him, he should be punished for that.

□ [“Canadian Officials Freeze Bank Accounts of Citizens Who Donated to Freedom Convoy – State Run Media Brags About Using Data from GiveSendGo Criminal Hackers to Target Citizens”]

□ [“Trudeau’s Justice Minister Says Being ‘Pro-Trump’ is a Factor That will Decide if Your Bank Account is Frozen Under Emergency Orders”]

First they went after the Trump supporters and I cheered them on because I enjoy persecuting people...

They’re going all-out, they’ve uniformly decided they rule and nothing can go wrong.  At least nothing they’re responsible for, it’s always the fault of people they hate.

There’s a run on Canada’s banks now.  Whether or not they gave the truckers money, a lot of people are scared their bank accounts will be taken away so they’re grabbing all the cash they can.  Problem is, banks aren’t set up for that.  The money doesn’t actually exist, it’s all on computers and nowhere else.

That’ll cause problems for people with nothing to do with the Freedom Convoy, they use their bank accounts to pay rent and buy groceries.  There’s also the mistakes in the process that’ll be made, if they pick the wrong person’s name to freeze their accounts, they’ll drag someone in for persecution for no reason.  They wanted to crush Martin but accidentally typed ‘Marvin,’ sucks to be Marvin, they like persecute people.

It doesn’t help companies who already have enough troubles just getting by.  The police and military use bank accounts too, will they be protected magically?  Or can they just follow Trudeau’s example and take what they want from citizens?

This sort of thing makes me suspect it’s is part of the plan to shut banks down so they can create society the way they want instead of a way that actually works for everybody.  It won’t stay in Canada, that’s for damn sure.

□ [“Trudeau Regime Will Start Confiscating Pets Belonging to Freedom Convoy Protesters”]

If they can take your children, they can take your pets and yes, euthanizing is probably what they’ll do.  At your expense no less.  The pets too.  It’s all government property, they can do whatever they want, they don’t need consent.

□ [“‘Anti-vaxx’ Concerns Make Scotland’s Public Health Hide Vaccine Hospitalizations/Deaths Data”]

They refuse to tell the truth because they don’t think the people who pay them would react well.  Really.  Was there any doubt and hesitation or… oh never mind.

The people with the most vaccinations are the ones hospitalized and dying, far more than the rest of us.  That’s the truth they don’t want people to know?  Uh, ok…

Nope, I don’t see any way this makes sense, yet they still push propaganda on the masses because everyone will believe it.  They don’t see any way this could go wrong.  That’s why they’re in charge and they want it to stay that way.

□ [“Hillary Clinton Yells at Trump in NYC:  ‘We Must Reject the Big Lie About the 2020 Election’”]

She didn’t mind the lies about the 2016 election, she started these.

What is she still doing out.  She just looks old and weak.

18 February, 2022

The ‘fifteen-day curve’ went from forcing everyone to wear a mask to freezing their bank accounts.

The police are moving in against the Ottawa protestors.  Dunno how many are being sent to jail and how many just run away.  Just saw this message:

Start creating your own law enforcement in your local neighborhoods made up of volunteers.

Have a contingency plan.

Have a way to communicate without their technology.

Start today. What is happening in Canada is a test run.

The US Convoy will start on Wednesday if the news is accurate.  If everything hasn’t fallen apart by then, the rest will soon follow.

□ [“Ottawa Police Chief Warns Citizens in ‘Unlawful Activities of Engaging in Demonstrations’”]

“Our message has been pretty clear on that.  And, more importantly, our message from our community and our residents has been pretty clear around that.  Do not come to our downtown court.  We are tired of what’s been happening there.  We’re sick of what’s happening in our streets so leave our area. We will continue with that message this weekend.  What you’re seeing is an increased enforcement presence.  And we won’t be allowing people to come down for the unlawful activities of engaging in demonstrations.”

 – Ottawa interim Police Chief Steve Bell

Just following orders, they don’t cite precedents of shutting demonstrations down.  Not just the ones we’ve seen in the last few years but the ones that went on a decade ago, five decades ago.  They’ve all did a lot more than park trucks and honk horns.

Some Convoy leaders were arrested as the police sealed off the Ottawa area.  It’s the new East Berlin, people will have to prove they permitted to be there or they won’t be denied access.  There are already references to “Checkpoint Trudeau.”

We know the left will threaten all the truckers with arrest.  They’ll say that it’s such an easy job, anybody can do it.  Googling truck driving schools, training would take an absolute minimum of three weeks and more likely seven weeks.  The US already has a trucker shortage.   What would it take to replace the ones they forbid from driving?

They’re checked for medical or drug problems, bad driving records, removing many candidates.  Who else does the left have?  There’s also the required personality.  Another google search gives details for that and it’s not the sort of person you find on the left.  Leftist personalities want to arrest people they don’t like without any actual crimes.

So who would replace the truck drivers?  You can’t draft people for this job, who can you trust with valuable items without supervision?  Someone forced to run a load of food across the country might just vanish with the food.  That won’t help the customer.

The government is crushing the supply chain.  Even without a Convoy, stock up NOW!  That’s why I support the Convoy and wish it had started a week ago.  THIS is how it gets when actual workers quit working.  At least I know enough about supply and logistics to understand that, the people claiming to be in charge of us, not so much.

So, having said that, how does the left think they’ll replace the truckers?  That’s why I looked up what it takes to get a license and how long.  The military can’t do this, they have actual jobs.  So do police and any other government workers who actually know how to drive.  So how do you get replacements?

Let’s just say the training takes “three weeks,” that’s three weeks for the country to go without supplies.  No grocery store can last for three weeks without regular deliveries.  No restaurant, hospitals, any place that uses chemicals or other large items.

Three weeks would be a disaster and the more-realistic seven weeks would be worse, even if thousands of people are ready to start becoming replacements right now.  They have to follow government rules just to drive, will the left ignore the laws to replace the people they arrested who didn’t break the laws?

Who’s going to fall for that?

They could bring slaves in from south-of-the-border to drive, don’t know if that’s workable in the long-run but our rulers don’t seem to think in the long-run anyway.  If they did, they’d have listened to the truckers’ complaints weeks ago.  They’d probably have to throw out the rules about truckers speaking English but that’s probably doable.

For up to several months, instructors do stay with new drivers on-the-road.  That’s a good option for replacement, assuming the instructors have up-to-date licenses (let’s assume they do) and are willing to replace their students who were arrested for disagreeing with the government (that’s probably less likely.)

□ [“Biden Says He is ‘Convinced’ Putin Has Made the Decision to Invade Ukraine”]

He’s just reading whatever’s on the screen.  He could say there’s peace in our time because he fixed everything, it’s not like he’d know the difference.

Maybe his masters haven’t yet been told by Putin what’s going on?

Also 18 February, 2022

That’s why they call it the blues.  I guess.  Whatever.  Who cares?

□ [“Louisiana teacher admits giving kids cupcakes laced with husband’s sperm”]

Teachers don’t need permission, they’re going to put sperm into your kids whether you like it or not.  And whether your kids like it or not.

□ [“BLM protest organizer Chris DeVries pleads guilty to 20 counts of possession of child pornography”]

These… creatures have always been working towards this.

Still working on the “History project.”  Between that and the news coming out these days, I’m starting to think there’s always been a conspiracy one way or another that is always centered around sex with children.  It definitely existed before Hollywood.

The main issue I have with that theory is wondering if it’s all one conspiracy going back to ancient Egypt or if it’s just different people at different times doing the same basic thing.  If it’s the latter, there’s no way all these people could be connected.  If it’s the former, there’s simply no way to have kept it hidden for all this time.  Too many people have had everything seized from them for too many different reasons.

It’s like my theory that rock’n’roll was a corporate scheme to groom a generation after Sinatra, Bing Crosby, etc.  It’s a good explanation for Elvis but not the Beatles a few years later.  Trying to bring England and Europe in, that makes sense, but there no way to pick those songwriters of one band in Liverpool of all places.  Liverpool wasn’t musical.  If a lot of British bands tried to strike it big in the US and the Beatles were just the first ones to succeed, fine, but they were really the first ones to musically cross the pond. 

So anyway, there’s certainly childsex going on (which the Beatles sure did that, don’t think they asked groupies to show IDs first) but that gets back to it being too easy to put the details out, especially in the internet age with a lot of those people still alive.  I’m sure this behavior has gone on for centuries but that only expands the possibilities to just release all the info, at least a good chunk of it.

If they were Jews, there were lots of opportunities to put that info before, during and after the war.  The winners would have known that.  If they were Christians, too many people have tried to get out of that religion.  If they were Muslim, where child sex is legal in the countries they rule, that would have been pointed out after 9/11 if nothing else.  Then there’s the rest of the world we’ve been exploring all these centuries.

I dunno, still trying to think of some possibility, still working on the “History project,” still trying to write and publish whatever I can in whatever time is left.

19 February, 2022

No-one knows I also work at the Daily Planet

The run on the banks will help ruin banks, giving us an example of why we can’t trust them, but the government depends on banks more than it thinks it does.  By crushing them, the government is just hurting itself.  They’re freezing people’s money just to maintain and increase its power.  Who’s going to trust them on anything else?

Without the lockdowns, the government has no ‘state of emergency’ to impose experimental “vaccines.”  Without those, they can’t require proof of vaccination and, incidentally, government officials won’t get billions of dollars from selling the “vaccine.”  Trudeau invests in the companies making it, I think it’s safe to assume a lot of other big-name officials are also, even if they work through puppet companies.

Ottawa reports that arrests aren’t actually happening.  Police handcuff them, drive for twenty minutes or so, then drop them off in the middle of nowhere.  If true, it means police know they can’t actually arrest anyone when no crimes are committed.  It also shows the leftist delusion, law enforcement must create this fiction for them.

If not true, real arrests are basically the same smoke and theater, just for us.  Well, I don’t believe it but you do because you’re simple-minded.  Don’t worry, I still like you anyway.  Unless I’m lying about that to delude you but I wouldn’t do that.  Trust me.

But Canadian arrests must get listed somewhere, local newspapers or something.

Also 19 February, 2022

Life is about work.  Those who don’t agree with that seem to always wear nice clothes.

□ [“Boston abruptly lifts vaccine mandate”]

What happened to “the science is settled”?  Did the virus text them and say it wasn’t going to bother us anymore?  Can’t be that, Boston hospitals still report that people with the virus are still coming in.  But after all these months of mandating it, people who aren’t vaccinated are now permitted to go into public places again?

The CDC says 64.4% of the US are fully vaccinated, however many shots make up the current definition, less than 2/3 of the population but now they say we don’t have to bother.  A lot of them only went along because they were forced to, they didn’t want to get fired or banned from society.  They gave up and now it’s suddenly irrelevant according to the very people who made them do what they didn’t want.

It’s not like they can now self-identify as ‘non-vaccinated.’  And what was the vaccine supposed to save us from if now we can just ignore it?

□ [“Even The Healthiest Athletes at Risk for Blood Clots! – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings”]

But the blood clots have only started with people who got Pfizer’s vaccine, even the “healthiest athletes.”  Those warnings should mention that.

Is this deliberate about murdering as many people as possible?  Why else would they do this?  Biden promised “the winter of death,” is this is?  Whatever happened to “if we save one life, it will all be worth it”?  Liberals pretended to believe that just a moment ago, but they’re fine with this.  I guess it’s the same as ‘free healthcare for everyone.’  They never really meant that, it was just a way to shut down any other form of healthcare.

□ [“Biden Quietly Extends the Federal National Emergency Declaration Related to COVID Beyond Termination Date of March 1st – Provides No End Date”]

What a surprise, dictators keeping extended powers, they won’t give it up.  It’s like the 9/11 Emergency that has never been shut down in twenty years.  Back then I did point out that I didn’t really object to GWB having that authority, my worry was the people who would follow him, which is exactly what we’re seeing now.

And this “emergency” is from a virus that Biden had a *PLAN* to stop without interfering with the rest of us.  But then, he also pretended to support protesters yet we’re ready for the Freedom Convoy to start a few days from now.

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