Saturday, June 18, 2022


 25 February, 2022

I miss the days when Palpatine was just a senator.

□ [“Psaki:  Biden Didn’t Mean ‘No One Expected the Sanctions to Prevent Anything From Happening’”]

“That’s not exactly what he meant.”

It’s exactly what he said.  How will anybody know what he’s saying if he doesn’t mean what he says?  What else does he say that he doesn’t mean?  And how do you know he doesn’t mean it, did he say that?

Will he be as proud of this as he is about giving up Afghanistan?  Because he was really proud of that and said it went exactly the way he wanted.  It’s only been six months since the infidels ran away and the Taliban returned to power.

“If you move against Ukraine while I’m president, I will hit Moscow.  All those beautiful golden turrets will be blown up.”

 – Donald Trump

Trump says he told Putin that a few years ago.  No proof but it makes sense, it sounds like him.  This would explain why Putin didn’t invade, we had a real POTUS.  But the left wouldn’t have minded if Putin had bombed Ukraine, they didn’t last time.

“Imagine what can happen in Ukraine” (if Trump were re-elected.)

 – Joe Biden, October 18, 2019

Apparently we’ve given China secret info about Russia, they immediately gave it to Russia because they’re on the same side.  They’re against us, leftists support that.  And the Secret Service says they can’t find several years of Hunter’s travel records.

□ [“AP Reporter Grills State Department on Russia Sanctions, ‘List of Exemptions is Frankly Huge’”]

More evidence that this is all a hoax.  He’s not even sanctioning Russian oil brought to the US three days after he blocked all new US oil.  Russia’s wealth is mostly based on oil and Putin gets his share.  Biden can’t do anything to stop that.

□ [“Military Defies Biden Regime, Refuses to Deploy”]

If true, this is a very big deal.  Reportedly the 82nd Airborne flat-out refuses Biden’s order to deploy 2000 soldiers to Europe to deal with this.

“Maj. Gen. Donahue told Austin his job is to protect America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that he didn’t recognize Biden as the President of the United States.

“They’re not taking orders from an administration living in a soundstage dressed like the White House,” our source said.  “The criminals posing as leaders would take a huge morale hit if the public found out what’s really going on, so they’re photoshopping old pictures and making CGI videos, you know, to give the appearance of authority.  Make no mistake, we’ll defend our nation to the death, but we’ll not obey puppet leaders.”

The article includes pix of deploying soldiers with no clue when they were taken and also says similar orders for another 7000 soldiers went to unspecified units but…

“Commanding officers at Ft. Bragg, Ft. Campbell, and Joint Base Lewis-McChord had received no orders.  Likewise, Marine Corps Camps Pendleton and Lejeune have gotten no mobilization demands.

“Maybe the administration has caught on those illegal orders are falling on deaf ears. I don’t know what units he plans to send, maybe some desk jockeys in the Chair Force, or just empty planes.  There’s a huge charade going on right now,” our source said.

So is this true?  Is it a fake?  A fake response to a fake administration’s lies?  It’s also been reported that NATO is sending tank units to Eastern Europe.

Also 25 February, 2022

When you’re smiling, the whole world thinks you’ve been vaccinated from the virus.  Suckers.

□ [“CDC:  Maybe Young Men Risk Myocarditis From Covid Vaccine As We Silenced Critics For Saying”]

They couldn’t think of this *before* forcing their will onto children.  They hid everything from the public and used fascism to make companies de-platform anyone who disagreed.  Now these same people say you’re a Russian agent if you disagree with them on anything.  They’ll never say “I totally oppose forcing untested chemicals into our kids but yeah, I support fighting Russia.”  Or that they really really want to stick it in your kids but they have any other view on the Ukraine situation beyond being Putin’s puppet.

They are Putin’s puppets.  He learned how this works in the KGB.  I don’t know what he’s after – one theory says Ukraine is actually a major hub of corruption, which it is, that includes the Clintons and Bidens – but he knows how to deal with leftists.

Ukraine is asking us to start bombing Russian planes.  That makes sense, they could use the help, but Congress isn’t declaring war.  The left claims to oppose attacking other nations that aren’t a threat to us.  It’s not like we’re allies.

So now they you are going to war with Russia.  Only Russian agents would be against this.  Seriously.  So are they you putting on the uniform, grabbing a rifle and going to combat?  And Biden has already left for his long weekend.

A quick google search shows only 34.5% of the Ukraine is vaccinated against Covid.  Russia has a much larger population, 49.7% of them vaccinated.  Biden did promise a winter of death for the unvaccinated.

“We are looking at a winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated – for themselves, their families and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm.  But there’s good news:  If you’re vaccinated and you have your booster shot, you’re protected from severe illness and death.”

26 February, 2022

The world was here first so let’s find somewhere else to go

□ [“China Announces Military Exercises in South China Sea from Sunday thru Tuesday”]

How about that, Russia’s ally is showing off its military power surrounding US allies in the region.  Were they worried that Putin will be getting all the attention?  China claims to own Taiwan, how can they have a military exercise there?  That just doesn’t seem right.  They could at least ask the US when the best time to do this.  After all, we’ve pretended to support Taiwan’s independence just like Ukraine.

□ [“Ukraine Orders Men Ages 18 to 60 to Stay Behind and Fight”]

But there’s several dozen other genders, why aren’t any of them ordered to fight for their nation?  Only men have to do all the heavy work, every other gender gets to run away like little girls and nobody objects.  That just limits the, er, man-power.

It also proves that those self-identifying genders are worth absolutely nothing.  When there’s real danger, you need MEN who actually fight for something at the risk of their own lives.  That’s what built the world and everything the left wants to destroy.

I still don’t know what this war is over but I’m positive this is what it’s really about, the left wiping out anything useful and men are their first targets.

I do wonder, if our side wins, even briefly, what will be the left’s next response, hiding and pretending they were on our side all along?  How will they do that?

□ [“Is Canadian Financial Banking System in Serious Trouble After Attack on Private Bank Accounts?”]

They’re also destroying the financial system.  Banking requires trust between all parties, they have nothing without that.  These banks aren’t trying to protect customers from the government abuse.  No bank customer has any incentive to deal with them.

Then there’s the companies that also use them.  They’re not self-existing, business is made up of the individuals involved but companies do rely in banks for payments and transfers and loans.  So this is the worst of both sides, the individuals know there’s no reason to trust banks and the companies are screwed no matter what.  As are the banks.

It’s not like there was any real legal authority to freeze people’s accounts, there’s only totalitarian motivation.  Reportedly the bank accounts were all reopened after someone realized that they looked too obvious about this.

We also hear the situation is much worse than we know and it looks bad enough right now.  We never get any details, just increased speculation of looming disaster.

27 February, 2022

What superpowers do you hope to get after the nukes go off?

□ [“EU Bans Russia Today, Sputnik News Channels; More Tools to Ban Toxic ‘Disinformation’”]

This is an excuse for censorship, anything they don’t like is “dis-mis” and they’re in charge.  There’s nothing anyone can do to stop them, it’s just another excuse to seize power and shut everything down, not that they needed one.  That’s why I think they really are working for Russia, or at least serving the same masters.

□ [“Russia central bank urges calm amid cash run fears”]

Another national run on banks, that must be a good sign, right?  These decisions were probably made at the recent World Economic Forum, trying to rip down world finances.  We can assume US banks are targeted and will be crashing shortly.

They want to destroy money, that’s a given.  I don’t know what they think will replace it but this won’t work.  Whatever fragments of society remaining will make their own financial system with money as the root.  The rulers won’t keep their mansions because they’re special people who get free cooks, maids, gardeners or electricians.

What are they expecting this to do?  Obviously they intend to be on top but what else?  I could see a drug-based religion as an aspect but not the actual purpose.  Maybe it’s the same reason I’m trying to figure out what leftism is based on, who knows?

□ [“North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Eastward Toward Sea”]

Then there’s this guy, because nothing else was going on.  We were all thinking ‘I wish North Korea would get involved.’  Not me though, I’m waiting for Iran.

What do they think they’ll get from this?  A world to shape however they want without regard to reality, that’s believable but how do they think they’ll get that?  Make everyone so miserable that they think we’ll beg them to rule?

□ [“Putin Orders Nuclear Deterrent Forces on Highest Alert”]

I suspect this won’t mean that much.  It’s probably not uncommon for nuclear powers to raise the alert in wartime.  The media usually doesn’t get told but they’re fine with that, they’ll take what they get.  And Putin has to deal with NATO.

There’s definitely something going on but I doubt any of us will figure it out.  I don’t expect nukes to get used but it really seems like we’re in the ‘last days.’

Also 27 February, 2022

If you can read this, make me a cheeseburger.

□ [“Fourth dose of COVID vaccine may not be needed for most people… yet”]

Some of them still take this seriously.  You can’t fight a war if you’re obsessed over a fake virus but not everybody knows that.  Sure, this doesn’t seem like a real war either so they’ve got that, but how do they expect to convince people to obey this?

Leftists are using the terms “misinformation” and “disinformation” as tools, an excuse to avoid thinking.  They never  cite what’s incorrect about whatever they disagree with, they just use “dis/mis” to avoid the issue and unquestionably attack whoever’s talking.  Does it let them project onto others their unwillingness to think, claiming the accused won’t be convinced by the truth so they won’t bother pointing it out.

If so, that is indeed an accomplishment, simplifying their thoughts to the point where they aren’t required.  Perhaps this has always been done in totalitarian regimes, obviously I wouldn’t know, but they sure do like doing it without hesitation.

The convoys are still moving.  Haven’t seen much publicity, different groups that will presumably merge at the destination.  I get the impression some have already reached Washington.  I’m still not sure what they’re intending to do besides wait for the others.  But there’s gotta be something coming out of this, what’s the point otherwise?

I don’t know what else to say at this point, the convoy just seems like something to do.  There aren’t even that many trucks involved, it’s been a few days and still seems to be smaller than the Canada Convoy.  If the truckers are on strike, great, but...?

We really need some heroes at this point.  We can’t take this anymore.

28 February, 2022

Thanks to Biden, Ukrainians will soon be as happy as Afghanis are now.

□ [“Another House Democrat Retirement – 31st Incumbent Dem Won’t Seek Reelection This Year”]

Will Pelosi be the only old person left?  She was born when FDR was running for his first re-election.  I know the Republican average-age is much lower than Democrats but are there any people as old as Pelosi left?

Obviously Democrats will steal elections but they’ve gotta be worried.  There’s the districts Republicans (used to) win under normal circumstances, now dozens more where people have had to put up with the last two years.  Democrats must be freaking out, at least in the “outer party.”  They’ll have to double down on more election theft.

But Pelosi’s not quitting, she knows how to groove with the young cats.

□ [“Federal Government Warns Americans to Mask, Social Distance In Nuclear Explosion Shelters”]

□ [“House Lifts Mask Mandate Just in Time For Biden’s SOTU Address”]

That’s government, some parts insist this virus is no longer a problem, others are drilled into belief that we’ll all die from the Covid and somehow we have large enough shelters that we can stay six feet apart.

This is a problem for leftists, they can’t seriously expect people to believe that they’ve magically solved a deadly virus like this while their own institutions promote this horrible danger and other institutions have long pointed out that it’s just a virus like all the other ‘national disasters’ of the last couple decades, it’s not that big a deal.

So are they stupid enough to think everyone will believe them?  Do they have some other plan in mind?  This is where just trying to understand them reaches a halt, how do they even get to this point, and then want to force everyone else to obey?

Even scarier, it seems like their supporters genuinely are that stupid.  Well, “stupid” isn’t the right word, because they’re usually not, at least not in any obvious way.

No-one in command will straighten this out, they’re all rushing towards tyranny, just obey The Leader and his sycophants.  They’re in charge.  People with a clue what they were doing figured this out a long time ago, The Leader is clueless about that.

Sensible leaders have known for thousands of years to let other people do *their jobs,* that’s what they were hired for.  But leftists don’t do that, which would explain why they always demand more and more power, thinking that’ll solve everything.

You can see this with all the global media companies and Big Tech banning right-wingers, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, etc.  They’re not banning Russia, individuals, companies or government.  Nothing wrong with Russians saying whatever they want, but you’ll get banned if you support the convoy.

NATO and EU say they’ll help Ukraine.  Even Switzerland is ending neutrality.  Could the goal be getting everybody into one group so whoever runs it rules the world?

□ [“Ukraine Parliament Member:  ‘We Not only Fight For Ukraine, We Fight For this New World Order’”]

It’s really coming off like the Ukraine is a global corruption hub and that Putin’s not the villain, whatever else he is.  Klaus Schwab and George Soros use it, the Bidens, the Clintons, etc.  Russia isn’t wiping out buildings or populations, there aren’t major battles going on in the streets.  The cities still have electricity, water, internet…

Most of Ukraine’s army is in the east, surrounded by Russian forces taking out supplies and fuel.  Soon the military will be forced to surrender, along with whatever US technology they have access to.  The Russian air force is dominant.

This isn’t a conquest in any real sense of the word but we still don’t know what it is.  Russia doesn’t seem to be trying to occupy.  Meanwhile a busty Ukrainian chick with a rifle showed off a few days ago, saying they’re fighting for the “new world order.”

The US convoy, whichever version this is, should reach St. Louis tonight.  Almost no press or attention, that’s fine, but I’ve got no idea what they want to accomplish.  But that isn’t much different from what’s going on with Russia and Ukraine now that you mention it.  Since we don’t have any idea what the purpose is, we have no clue what’s going on or even who’s side we should be on.

This is really not the 21st Century we were told to expect.

01 March, 2022

Why wait until we get to the bridge, let’s cross it now!

I keep pointing out that there’s no clear sides or purposes for any of this.  Last December, the Infallible US Leader said that Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine.   Last August, he said that the Taliban would not take over Afghanistan.  In 2020, he said he had a plan to stop the virus and bring everybody’s lives to normal, he hasn’t even started that yet.  Now he says there’s no chance of nukes being launched.  He doesn’t add ‘I was wrong all those other times but this time I actually know what I’m talking about.’

There’s more, Hillary gave control of US uranium mines to Russian state-owned corporation Uranium One, a company that opened January 2, 1997 as Bill’s second term began.  Russia gave him a lot of money to use airplane fuel and make Moscow speeches.

Obama promised Russia he’d have “more flexibility after the election” to give up nukes and supported a 2005 Senate bill to disarm Ukraine of weapons Ukraine really which they had right now.  Then there’s the 2014 invasion when Trump was POTUS. 

□ [“Facebook, Twitter, Google, TikTok, Netflix Block All Russian Media Content After EU Demands”]

They waited for Europe to give orders, not the USA.  Europe really needs Russian energy.  The US could get by without that if we wanted to.  This all makes the war seem unreal for us, we’re just drifting, putting up with whichever media is obeying whichever ruler to impose on the world their version of uniformity.

After all, leftists didn’t mind all those years we spent bombing Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Libya…  They supported the surrender in Afghanistan.

□ [“US Senate Republicans Release ‘We Stand With Ukraine’ Video, Ignore Stolen 2020 Election”]

Ukraine, leftists, Hollywood and the media saying the same thing, is there any better reason to ignore it?  We didn’t stand with them last time, why is this different?  Congress could declare war right now if they really mean it.

Ok, they don’t mean it that much, it’s just stuff to say on tv.  They’ll pretend sanctions work this time so they can keep buying Russian fuel.  Will the Congressional families paid by Ukraine for decades give back the money so it can buy supplies?

So what other options are there besides war, ‘police action’ or whatever they call it now?  None.  The media likes that.  They wouldn’t complain if Russia invaded Taiwan.

Notice that they’ve dropped much of the attention they gave to the virus.  Even Fauci’s suddenly quiet.  It’s almost like they knew people were sick and tired of being sick and tired so they moved onto this.  Shopping for milk today, I saw the expiration dates were very near, or already past-date.  I only saw a few bottles that didn’t expire in February and the ones dated March expire in a few days.

□ [“Six More Trucker Convoys Plan on Merging With ‘The People’s Convoy’ When It Reaches Indianapolis – Organizers Expect Over 10,000 Vehicles to Join the Already 3,000-Strong Group”]

I only care that they’re not bringing supplies.  Take this motherfucker down.

That said, they’re over half-way with only 3000?  That’s barely even a fraction.  10,000 isn’t much better.  This isn’t encouraging.

I’m sure leftists will try to infiltrate the Convoy, assuming they haven’t yet.  It could be tricky, not too many people can fake being able to actually drive a truck and I’m sure the Convoy is keeping track of who actually came along for the ride and who just showed up on foot and claimed to have always been a supporter.

Still, we don’t really get why they’re doing this, it makes no sense.  Not driving trucks would have the same effect.  Are they aiming at some organization higher-up most people don’t know about?  I’ve dealt with some of that before, but I just focused on my job, loading/unloading them as soon as possible so I could get back to something else.  Sign whatever paperwork is needed, ok, thanks, have a nice day, bye.  That was it for me.

I’m not sociable so there can be more conversation but still, truckers may access some higher level.  That’s the only possibility I see here, maybe union agreements.  Anybody working the supply chain knows the importance of transporting large quantities but I don’t see anything that leads to a “let’s go to Washington DC en masse” decision.

And a Russian convoy is going to Kiev, whose side are they on?  But this convoy quickly ended, reportedly running out of fuel.  That’s why logistics are important, operating over a long distance.  Russia (or Ukraine) are rarely good at that.

Also 01 March, 2022

I’m getting a little worried this isn’t just some horrible dream

□ [“Mexico’s President Won’t Impose Economic Sanctions on Russia”]

You can tell the President is tough when he stands up to his neighbor and says he’ll work with his neighbor’s enemies.  And if you don’t like it, he’ll just come in through your open border and do whatever the hell he wants.  Sucks to be you.

Biden says he’ll block Russian aircraft in the US.  They could just go through Mexico, it’s not like there’s border security.  Biden’s masters oppose that.

Apparently Biden actually got through a “State of the Union address.”  Obviously I wasn’t paying attention to that but sooner or later there’ll be reports on his inability to say anything coherently.  “You can’t build a wall high enough to keep out a vaccine.”

But… walls can keep out people who carry a virus.  That’s the point.  Wait, I thought it was a typo from the coverage, did Biden actually say “vaccine”?  [Checks the video]  Yes, he actually said “keep out a vaccine.”  Um, a wall can, uh, also keep out people who are… carrying a vaccine.  That’s, that’s what walls are there for.  At your age, you should have, uh, learned this by... uh, by now.  Right?  Well, um, anyway…

The look on Nancy Pelosi’s face…  She wanted him to get through a coherent sentence and probably read his monitor as well as him.  This is what you wanted, lady.

Putin will “never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.”  Ok, that was just strange.  Several times in the last few seconds, he read “Ukrainian” off the monitor but all of a sudden it’s Iran?  It didn’t sound like a speech problem, very straightforward, he switched nations without skipping a beat.  How would one do that without actually working at it and even then, you might mistakenly say the word you just used several times, “Ukraine.”  It would take practice, “We will we will rock you, we will we will rock you, we will Oklahoma will rock you.”

But of course “we have a choice, one way to fight inflation is to drive down wages and make Americans poorer.  I think I have a better idea to fight inflation, lower your costs not your wages” was coherent.  Someone with no clue how economy works but dictates orders to others.  His people probably have written orders all ready to go, this could be why he ended the speech with “Let’s get ‘em!”

People grabbing other’s money give orders to lower their costs.  They’re causing all the suffering and they blame the people suffering, this is an abusive relationship.

Of course he’s going to stop Russia like the virus, he had that plan ready long ago.  It’s just replaced one with the other, I wonder what he’ll replace Russia with.  He didn’t even mention “white supremacy” or “domestic terrorism” even though the left has been wallowing over for the last year decade generation.

I was kinda hoping that Russia or whoever would hack into his monitors and have him recite total gibberish as seriously as he could manage, just to show the world what a mindless pawn he is.  And apparently he didn’t mention “January 6” even once, which leftists have also been obsessed about the last fourteen months.  That’s an odd omission.

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