Saturday, June 18, 2022


14 March, 2022

Russia stole a whole hour yesterday!

□ [“Biden Claims He Discussed Rising Gas Prices as a Kid ‘At the Kitchen Table’”]

I didn’t know horses and buggies even used gas.  Assuming for the sake of argument that he wasn't stuck at the kiddy table, dinner was supposed to be a time of propriety and respect, not full of one's own petty whining and complaints.  So Biden is saying his parents did not have any dignity and their kids were forced to hear all of it, every single thing.  Dad wants anal tonight, Mom, you better give it up or you know what'll happen next.  He already blames Russia for those gas prices.

Also, according to the Department of Energy "Historical Gasoline Prices, 1929-2011," the price of a gallon of gas averaged 25.049 cents between 1929-1969, ranging between 17-34 cents for the entire period.  It's compared to 2011 prices but inflation is added so even if the price stayed the same from 1943-1946 (21 cents/gallon) the 2011 price ranges from $2.20-1.90/gallon in comparison.

Don't you wish we had a price like that nowadays?  Well, we did just a couple years ago with Orange Man in charge.

□ [“Israel Comes Under Largest-Ever Cyber Attack in History”]

Iran is the most obvious suspect, they even said on a government website that the Revolutionary Guard was responsible but that may be hype.  There are obviously quite a few other suspects, including the US.  Maybe we just gave Iran the computer access.

□ [“India Turns to Russia – Considers Buying Discounted Russian Oil ‘at Heavy Discount’”]

Well this is a bad sign.  If the choice is the US or getting the benefits of a sensible energy policy, India will choose the latter.  Come on, liberals, you know you want to say how evil and racist India is.  You should also thank Russia for helping India out since the racist US absolutely won't.  And don't forget how evil Russia, anybody who sides with them must be punished.  You're the only ones who've thought this all through so go for it.

Oh, and sanctions, we'll need more sanctions.  Those evil indians!  They even liked profiting from dealings with Trump.  Now they have to turn to Russia.

□ [“Russia Bombing In Ukraine Near Polish Border Kills Three British Ex-Special Forces Troops”]

This is getting spooky, as if it wasn't already.  It was a training exercise, several dozen were killed.  Ukraine sends males there for about three days of training and then puts them on the front lines.  What the hell are former Special Forces doing there?

Well, obviously it’s to conduct training but how the hell do they decide that this is a good idea?  Maybe they just need money and this was the best option.

This training site is just a horrible idea anyway.  Three days isn't enough to be properly trained in firing a weapon, much less medical care, martial arts, tactics and everything else that goes into basic training, but these soldiers interviewed by the BBC (and presumably other western media) say they were trained in those three days.

That's not even getting into unit cohesion and reacting under fire which are very important in a warzone.  Is the Ukraine's thinking that the warzone comes first, they'll get to training on the other stuff later, if they come back in one piece?

And this is what those British ex-SF teachers are supposed to do something with?  What are they thinking?

15 March, 2022

It's just getting worse, nothing else to add.

□ [“'Ukraine has Russia on the run’”]

Putin's forces may only be able to keep fighting for 14 more days, defense sources say as increasingly-desperate invaders launch more devastating strikes on Kharkiv and Zelensky tells Ukrainians they are winning.

14 days to flatten the curve?  When has the Russian military ever had an inability to fight longer than a month?  All they need to do is start using their air superiority, you know, those jets that so far NATO hasn’t given any help with.  What incentive does Zelensky have to tell the truth about this?

So despite what the media says, it looks like Russia's fight to lose.  To avoid this, US and NATO are getting ready to fake Russia using chemical weapons an excuse to invade.  That's really the only option, the Ukraine army is surrounded with no air power to compete with Russia, it's just a matter of time.  NATO needs a reason to attack, so...

□ [“‘Prospect of Nuclear Conflict – Is Now Within the Realm of Possibility” – UN Secretary General Warns Warmongers on Real Possibility of Nuclear War with Russia”]

Well that's what Biden is for, ain't it?  Couldn't get Trump to make nuclear war possible so he had to be replaced.

□ [“US Senate Votes 57-40 to Pass Rand Paul’s Bill to End Transportation and Airplane Mask Mandate”]

Well, it probably still has to get through the House which will be a problem.  A lot of Democrats will want to keep this up no matter how many more suffer.  I do assume that some Democrats have giving this up so it might still pass.  Then it has to go to Biden who will sign everything he's told to, but has he been told to sign this?

Then it’s up to state, local and business who say they'll just keep it up anyway.

I really don't have much to say today.

16 March, 2022

I'm getting worse every day, how about you?

□ [“Biden on Second Gentleman’s Positive Covid Test:  'The First Lady’s Husband Contracted Covid’”]

He probably doesn't know the difference.  Or know what Covid is.  Or maybe she's denying him sex as much as his wife does.  Or everybody's agreed that she's been promoted, they just don't want to tell anybody yet.

□ [“Mitt Romney Is Only Republican to Vote with Democrats to Force Toddlers to Wear Masks”]

I really am coming to the conclusion that most Republicans, at least those of any major name, are basically Democrats.  It's possible that's how they got into politics, it's possible they have maybe a difference view on half a dozen issues.  There's also a chance that they're dupes for Democrats, or flat-out employees, just to get the voters who aren't Democrats only one approved option.

We saw that when Jeb Bush assumed he'd win the 2020 Primaries and then Trump came along.  We saw a similar example on the other side, Hillary took it as a given she'd win the primaries and had to actually fight against Bernie who probably hadn't even expected him to do as well as he did.

It's the sort of thing that makes me think about the conspiracies we don't see, who have been running our political institutions for years, decades, even centuries.

□ [“Biden Administration Blocking July 4th Fireworks At Mount Rushmore For Second Year”]

They have officially shut this country down and they intend to keep it that way.  Do they consciously want to destroy it or just easy to manipulate by those who do?

What are we going to do if Russia invades Alaska?  The people in charge (here, not there) oppose borders and it's not like Russia hasn't maintained a military in that part of the world or that they're not used to the weather there.  They can just take whatever they want from oil, gold and our nuclear defense system.

What's Congress going to do, declare war?  They've had that opportunity for weeks and haven't done a thing.  It's not like there'd be any peace protestors, those I saw against the Iraq War are all in favor of this and everyone else has to shut up and obey.

□ [“Leftist Reaction to Zelensky’s Speech Is 'Let’s Go to War with Russia!'“]

Will blacks in the military be forced to fight for our evil racist society that you say Russia will destroy?  Or do they just have to obey you?  Has the military seen a sudden increase in enlistment from any skin color?

This looks more and more like Russia's whole plan because your imposed masters would never be capable of thinking of this themselves.  It's been almost three weeks, Russia still has air control, they haven't had to retreat in any major way.  As far as I know they haven't lost any major battles.  Ukraine doesn't have any of that.  The only reason it's still standing is because Russia hasn't struck harder and faster.

The only real problem would be Democrats who want to be in charge themselves and have everybody obey them.  *THAT* might lead to further conflict but there's not a single Democrat who would expect to lose that fight so there's nothing to stop them.

□ [“Germany’s Not Laughing Now – Russia Reverses Gas Flow of Key Pipeline Serving Europe”]

Had Germany ever made plans in case they couldn’t get Russian gas?  Or did they just assume it would always work forever and ever?  A couple days ago, the news said they were suddenly moving into nuclear, this is probably why.  Russia invaded Ukraine 8 years ago, that would have been a good time to prepare for doing without Russian energy.

I've seen comparison of this to the World Wars or the US invasion of Iraq which isn’t fair.  We were the nicest, most polite invaders in Iraqi history, no small feat considering our military power.  We could have wiped out everything leading to Baghdad in a couple days if that was all we'd been after.  With Germany, we'd all been in these wars for years, we were all exhausted and every side was fighting as harshly as it could.

Which leads me to wonder what Russia is after.  Obviously they could have been rough if taking Ukraine was the goal.  Russia's got enough problems without adding Ukraine's so they're probably not after blatant conquest, so what are they doing?

□ [“After Russia Invades Ukraine, Biden Responds with Weak Deterrent to China’s Invasion of Taiwan”]

I mean besides working with China and Iran.  Those plans have already been in place for a while.  I could see China and Iran just expanding because it's what they do.  China is the center of everything and Iran needs to spread Islam, not to mention its thousands-of-years-old history as Persia.

Whatever it is they're doing, they're way ahead of the US on this.  Biden was just told to sign paperwork authorizing @2000 troops to go to Australia, just in case.  Now there's a plan.  I assume he obeyed without question.  He probably won't put the transgenders on the front line though, don't want them to get hurt.

Face it, there's no plan except whatever Russia, China and Iran have worked out.  We don't have one, Ukraine doesn't have one, Europe doesn’t…  They expected the US to have plans and we stole the election from a guy who could actually make plans and follow them.  I'm waiting for leftists to realize that the Russia/Ukraine is a perfect excuse to raise gas prices exactly the way the left has always wanted it.

17 March, 2022

We're running low on hope, can we order some on Amazon?

□ [“How plausible is Chinese military aid for Russia?”]

So now we're at war with EastAsia.  With Russia, there’s China who has all the benefits of energy, profit, a strong military and every other nation depending on them.  Of course China and Russia deny the military aid, safe to assume that's a lie.  They've been preparing for this and have decades worth of experience getting leftists to obey.

How long until Congress declares war?  They've gotta be unhappy that they don’t get everything they wanted right away so the only option is more power (for them.)  If that requires a war, that's what they'll do.  And now they've got two 'enemies' in line.

□ [“Biden Effect:  Saudi Arabia Invites Chinese President Xi to Visit as Relations with US Unwind”]

I think this is one of the most obvious aspects of what's going on, an attempt to put together a group of nations working together for their goals, "allies" you might say.  Russia and China are probably the group’s main "axis," not sure how Iran fits in but Saudi Arabia undoubtedly wants help against Iran.

If the US isn't helpful which it clearly isn't, everyone else start looking elsewhere and where’s the first place to look?  Europe is only now realizing how dependent it is on Russia and is always eager to turn against the US.

□ [“Billions of Dollars For Ukraine Missing But US and Ukrainian Politicians Push for More Money”]

Which leads me to wonder if this was the point of the Russia/Ukraine invasion, it's essentially a fake.  They're using it to pump in as much money from the US collapse as possible, Ukraine is effectively working for Russia.  No idea if that's true, no clue how to find out, but that's as doable as everything else.  Biden, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, the Clintons, they all invested in Ukraine, thanks to George Soros.

Whether or not Ukraine is just a Russian pawn, clearly they're all involved in this.  Or someone else's pawn, they were storing the DNC servers for the 2020 election.

□ [“A Year-and-a-Half Out – NY Times Confirms Hunter Biden Laptop is Real”]

SOMETHING is going on although obviously we don’t see it.  Why else would this even be mentioned now?  Hunter is the prince-in-waiting, bringing in lots of money with 10% for the old man, leftists totally support that.  Who would even look into what he does with little kids?  But suddenly the news says that, yeah, this actually happened?

The media+50 “former intelligence officials” called this Russian disinformation.  Biden called it a Russian plot in the 2020 debates.  Were they lying or just not have a clue what they were talking about but they get paid a lot of money to report it so they did?

A day or two ago, Biden commented that “compromising information” was used to blackmail people.  I didn’t post anything about that because that made no sense, why did he even brought it up?  But Hunter's love of little kids was going to come out and Biden somehow knew that.  Ok, that last part seems a little iffy but you get my point.

There's been some other issues with CNN recently, I haven't paid close attention, possibly this is where a move is being made... by somebody... for something...

□ [“‘Hunter Doesn’t Work in the Government’ Psaki Refuses to Answer Questions on Hunter’s Laptop”]

No, he works for foreign agencies and gives a part of his money to his father who does work for the government and deals with those foreign agencies.  He also likes drugs and sex with children.  Hunter likes them too.

They’re openly tyrants, everybody must obey them or be punished.  Or obey and be punished, that's really all that matters.  I'm still wondering how they even get this far.

It does provide an understanding of why they hate America which was always about limiting the government's power.  They want us broken and expect to be the ones in charge of doing that.  Even if they aren't, it's also a removal of the ‘individuality’ concept.  They belong to the government too but they outrank the rest of us.

Look how glad they are to blame Russia for the gas prices they've been raising since Day One.  Only their own people could be stupid enough to believe that and not even all of them.  Only the ones in charge are stupid enough to fall for that.  How do you even get to that point?  The same way you choose tyranny but how does that happen?

I think something has gone down in the last couple days.  I don't know if it's me personally – if it is, I'll assume it's bad – or what, but I've been feeling different the last couple days.  Not sick or in pain but it hasn’t felt good.

We need a real 'underground' movement, free men working together.  Food/water, protection, electricity, gasoline, medical, what else are groups needed to provide and protect?  And how do we get these without the government?  I hoped the trucker convoys would be a basis to start but we'd still need more.  Obviously it’ll have to start locally but just to get food and gas would mean it needs to branch out and that'll cause problems.

We're in for trouble, Russia will keep most of the world's fertilizer, needed to grow food.  There will be starvation this winter unless something is done immediately.

18 March, 2022

We've got war, death and famine, where's Zeppo?

“I just want you to know, I may be Irish, but I’m not stupid.  I married Domenic Giacoppo’s daughter.”

Biden said that at a Saint Patrick's Day thing yesterday.  He brags about marrying Jill Jacob’s mother.  Giacoppo was Sicilian so bringing up the incest is really out of place here.  Biden has no clue who he married, that’s how smart he is.

Russia and Ukraine handle most of the world's wheat and fertilizer, China’s not far behind them.  Ukraine is busy with other stuff right now, Russia’s hit with sanctions and China is on Russia's side.  That's not good for the rest of the world who wants wheat or the ability to grow crops with fertilizer.

But people who believe in 'green energy' make our rules.  Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack claims “Maybe sacrifices are necessary” regarding these shortages.

They want human starvation, the misery and mass-death.  Or at least that's what the people in charge of them want.  But they're all wealthy enough to believe they can pay whatever the increased prices are so it won't affect them, just us.

At this point, I am really scared.  We've known this was coming but it's just a short matter of time now.  It's going to be chaos long before winter actually shows up.

□ [“Iran Deal Gives Russia Major Nuclear Plant Contract”]

Democrats are eager to give Iran more money.  They’ll shut down US nuclear plants and capability but they have to treat Russia’s allies differently.

□ [“Moderna Asks FDA For Emergency Authorization of Second Covid Booster Shot For All Adults”]

And they're hammering down on this.  They're trying to break everybody.  War, disease, famine, all are here or almost here, at least that's what the leaders are telling us.

□ [“CDC Pulls a Fast One – Eliminates 25% of Pediatric COVID Deaths, Blames It on a Coding Error”]

But now it's exactly correct and nobody is allowed to question it.  And no other mistakes will ever be found anywhere along the line.  Or any deliberate changes either.  This is just as much the truth as it was before.  Obedience is required.

At least private industries need to make money or go out of business, the government doesn't even think of such things.  They’ll punish anyone they want as the dictatorship America was founded to oppose.

We need a declaration of independence.  That and a 'strike of the mind.'

The only truckers in DC should be those who live there and they'd have nothing to deliver if others aren’t bringing supplies into the city.

Then there's that report on sissy girls-with-vaginas angry about that big strong woman-with-a-penis winning all the awards.  The girls swim because they enjoy it and are good at it but the guy just set some new record that no woman would ever get close to in the history of personkind.  Only their desire to swim lets them be abused this way.

This is why I was drawn to Canada’s trucker convoy and now the US.  As much as we need their supplies, right now we need to go for a week or three without them.

We need a full strike.

Also 18 March, 2022

Only a 92Y can save us now!!!

What do we need for an actual ‘independence movement’?  The first things that come to mind are communications and money.

For the time being, we can still use the dollar, we have access to food, most who would join have access to weapons.  We would need access to medical supplies, fuel, organizational leadership, but at the start, those could be a little down the road.

But we can't stay trapped to the enemy’s internet and communications systems, so the question is how do we replace those?  Without that, we’d just be pieces and easily taken down.  We need to be able to contact each other from a distance.  ‘My house is on fire,’ ‘my kids are missing,’ ‘we're being attacked by goons,’ that sort of thing.

Right now, money isn’t a big deal although we could certainly use the support.  But we couldn't remain trapped on the dollar either.  I'm not an economist, I have no clue what would be used to replace it, but something would.  And don’t bring up Bitcoin or anything like that, it would be trapping us in the enemy's internet system.

We’d need some method where I can pay you to make me a sandwich, you can pay me to fill your vehicle with gas, people in the next state can pay for supplies a vehicle delivers.  Yes, we can rely on the existing system for the time being but all the enemy needs to do is shut off our computers and we've lost our bank accounts.

We’d need a way to replenish food, fuel, ammo, medical supplies, toilet paper and other disposables.  There's vehicle maintenance, mechanics and medical.  If this can be set up on existing institutions, great, we'll take all we can get.  If you live in a town where the police and the mayors are sensible human beings, that's a major plus.  If not, you need a way to contact those who do.  Otherwise we'll all be small groups of sitting ducks.

And yes, we need leadership.  There are men who are capable of leading and organizing complicated missions.  Most of them would be on our side, the question is how we find them?  The sooner the better for everybody, and the worse for the enemy.

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