Saturday, June 18, 2022

202205 Feint - 20220407

01 April, 2022

This would be more fun if we had a theme song and a t-shirt.

□ [“Biden Administration Considering Pulling Health Care from Veterans to Treat Illegal Aliens”]

The VA sucks, I have experience with that, but why take medical care away from Americans who actually served the country and give it to the exact opposite?

What am I thinking, of course they want that.  I'm surprised they don't make it a new law that the VA must give help to everybody except Americans, especially veterans.  Most of the VA would go along with that without a problem.  Whatever makes for a successful military must be warped and turned against its own people at all costs.

□ [“School Nurse Suspended For Revealing Connecticut Public School Was Secretly Giving Children Puberty Blockers Behind Their Parents’ Backs”]

She's suspended for revealing it, not for doing it.

The resistance needs to eliminate school teachers.  They can do that for real if they want but at the very least, all of these people must be banned from ever being around kids ever again.  I'm not sure how a new education system would work but obviously it would be based on the 3 R's and preventing this abuse.

One way or another, we need to purge these creatures immediately.

□ [“Will Smith Resigns from Academy Following Violent Assault on Oscar Stage”]

Does he get to keep the Oscar?  He had said he can't control his emotions and gets violent if he hears something he doesn't like, I guess his wife was glad that he was doing it to someone else for a change.

Whether or not this was real, it's obviously a distraction from what's going on.  The Russia/Ukraine thing isn't getting much attention now, the virus is only noticed because the government forces it on us.  They want tyranny, what do we do about it?

The Freedom Convoy is going to California, close to Nashville today.  I really don't see the point of this anymore.  I keep saying we need help and we don't get any.

Soon we'll probably hear what that get-together of witches was about.  I really hope they fail but I doubt that'll happen.  They’re just pushing misery across the world.

02 April, 2022

None of this would be happening if we had hoverboards. Damn you, Dr. Brown!

□ [“Not Just the US:  Excess Deaths Skyrocket Worldwide in 2021 After Experimental Covid Vaccine”]

This was deliberate.  Deaths for age 25-44 have gone up 84% after that "vaccine mandate."  Canada and Europe are in the same position, at least 50% increases.  No wonder they need the illegal invaders, their normal voters all rushed to the deadly jab.

Is this their main attack or do they have other plans ready?  It's impossible to say, this is like a supervillain's plot.  They want to cut down the population and it's safe to assume they want to get rid of white people first (except themselves.)  There's no way to know how they even got to this point, much less what they plan to do next.

They must have back-up plans.  They wouldn't install Biden if they didn't have someone to follow him up with and I don't mean the ditz.  Just the mentality required to go straight to tyranny, how do we even perceive that, much less plan a resistance?

Their followers can't *all* be in complete compliance but what percentage is?  We need to get an organized resistance together immediately.

I also have to wonder how high their technology gets.  The problem is that there’s no way to know or even comprehend it.  As has often been pointed out, advanced technology is equivalent to magic for those who don't know it.

I don't think one part of that classic training manual, 1984, gets enough attention, the distinction between the "outer party" and the "inner party."  One is in charge and their purpose is to rule, the other does the actual work to handle the proles and keep tabs on each other.  That’s also they way real-life masters purged co-founders of the ruling party, Stalin with Russia, Mao with China, even the French Revolutionary "reign of terror" or Cambodia's "Year Zero" and "Great Leap Forward."

□ [“Russia’s Gazprom Stops Deliveries of Russian Gas to Germany via Yamal-Europe Pipeline”]

Here's the next step.  40% of Germany energy comes from Russia.  I can’t find if that's natural gas or oil, Gazprom produces a lot of both, but now they have to do without.  Hospitals, factories, streetlights, computers and refrigerators, these are important to everybody every day.  Now Germany gets to just go without 40% of it?

This is where we find out if they really have back-up plans.  The masters really may have something else in mind, advanced technology we can't even conceive of.  Looking up info on Cambodian and others actually gave me a little confidence.  [Yes, I just wrote that.]  The "Great Leap Forward," the "New World Order" and the like were always been a part of leftist rule.  They fail and it's usually obvious very quickly.

Obviously our rulers would prepared for that eventuality, the question is how much genuine preparation they made and how much was just 'it'll be fine this time'?  It would be nice to think it's mostly the latter but, well, that's the mistake leftists make.  So how much have they gotten ready for this chaos?

It's definitely easy to think that the 'inner party' is centered around drugs, sex, witchcraft and being rich enough to get away with it, which I'm sure it is, but there must be more than that.  Is Russia the bad guy or just the 'heavy'?

□ [“Transgender Cyclist Says He Feels 'Demonized' For Being Barred From Women’s Championship Race After Female Competitors Threaten Boycott”]

You're the one who chose to be demon, no one but you did that.  Demons aren't known for thinking what's best for their opponents, they don't want a *fair* competition.

That's what you are.  You could learn from that or do what you've been doing.

It's nice to know that at least some females stood up for their rights.  That happens so rarely anymore, you have to make sure to mention it when you see it.

03 April, 2022

Why was it so important to nominate a woman if she doesn't even know what a woman is?

Still trying to figure out what's going on.  Haven't found any actual news from Germany yet and it's possible that the media will cut off everything.

Russia provides over 50% of Germany's natural gas and a large percentage of coal.  I haven't found any specific percentages of how much energy in Germany comes from Russia but right there is a large chunk of it, possibly at least 30% of the EU overall.  Europe has cut off its own reliance on their own fuel supplies and suddenly refusing to pay the country giving them energy isn't a good move.

There's no court for this and even if there was, there's no reason Russia would go along with it.  You already refused to pay them, you're going to need an army to take anything now.  It's speculated that Russia has not sent its best units to Ukraine and if true, this would be why, because they have to get ready to face an invasion.

If Europe has a back-up plan, this would be the time to bring it out.  There's not going to be a recreation of the Berlin Blockade, we can't just load oil into planes and fly it over for free.  Americans are already having enough problems with energy thanks to our imposed rulers, we're not going to suddenly go empty because Biden decides to fuel Germany because they don't want to buy their own gas.

Even if Germany drops everything and restarts its nuclear plants, they don't just have on-off switches.  If nothing else, they'd need uranium.  Russia only produces about 5% of the world [Ukraine 2%, China 3%, Australia 12%, Canada 15%, Kazakhstan 36%] but they're the most convenient source, as is Kazakhstan which borders Russia and China.

Scary thought:  What if we nuke Russia?

Think about it, is there anyone from Biden on down who would say that's a bad idea?  Is there anyone in the media who would tell the truth and say they didn't try to nuke us first?  They've already fired anyone who would stand up to them.  Hell, they could fake it, nuke a red state and say Russia did it so we have to get back at them.

□ [“German Man Under Investigation For Getting 90 Covid Shots in Order to Sell Forged Vaccine Passes”]

Ok, this is funny.  Shouldn't Germany know there are ways to fake required paperwork?  You'd think that would be something that anyone thinking about requiring paperwork would consider, that if paperwork is absolutely necessary, there are going to be ways to fake it which means extra work for whoever decided to make it necessary.

All you need to say is 'nah, people aren't required to have this paperwork' and all incentive to fake it has vanished.  But the people in charge wouldn't like that.

□ [“MSNBC’s Ali Velshi Calls for NATO 'Direct Military Involvement' in Ukraine After Russia Accused of Massacre of Civilians in Bucha”]

This just comes off like the media is faking this.  They could shoot people themselves and say ‘Russia did that.’  Or they could get actors to pretend to be dead.

If Ukraine is so desperate, why don't they just offer to pay NATO for the military support?  Actual members have to pay so why shouldn't so why shouldn't other countries?  They're desperate, aren't they?  Aren't they?

For that matter, dot they have relations with other countries?  There are six nations on their border that aren't Russia and I think there’s at least two or three others in the world, has Ukraine ever made military agreements with them?  They were invaded eight years ago, that would be time to make plans in case something happened again.

But only now do they want any help.  There's nothing suspicious about that?

Still just killing time, what are we supposed to be doing?  Europe's prices are quickly going to go up, assuming they haven’t been for the last year anyway.  They've been at this for decades, you can make peasants suffer, they can't do anything to stop you.

04 April, 2022

You'd think the apocalypse would at least have some cool music.  This bites.

Is it possible collectivism is a way to get stuff from others without production?  You don't have to make food or build anything, you just give orders to others.

I don't have much to say today, I realized I'm getting close to finishing the next book and that's the priority.  Writing would just get in the way.  Wait, what?

□ [“Zelenskyy to Mothers of Russian Soldiers: ‘See What Bastards You’ve Raised’”]

One more has been added to the leaders who really knew how to hurt the enemy.

"The RAF and the Americans were helpful, but the war was really over when I told Hitler his mother raised him badly."

 – Winston Churchill

"And then seven weeks or so into the Vicksburg Siege, I sent a message to the Confederates that their mothers raised them as bastards.  They immediately surrendered and the Confederacy was broken, possibly my greatest military achievement."

 – Ulysses S. Grant

"Spain, Germany and Italy were easy to conquer, but it was Russia that was the problem.  I even tried speaking to some Russian mothers, asking them why their sons were such horrible people.  They refused to answer me.   I've always wondered if there was a lesson there."

 – Napoleon

This isn’t intended for Russians and probably not even for Ukrainians.  This is to show off to the rest of the world how awesome Zelensky is.  They just keep imposing the impression that this is all an elaborate ruse to fool the lower classes.

NATO's not going to help, the US and EU won’t either.  Russia's got the power and the quantities, they're going to get what they want.  This just makes The Leader look helpless.  But he's obviously fine with that.

□ [“Dr. Fauci Says Covid Lockdowns Could be Utilized 'in a Positive Way'“]

He spent his whole life as a nobody and now he gets fame, he wants to keep that.  This is probably clue about the sort of people who work for the government.

I always wondered if Stalin was the model for this type.  My impression is that he was always willing to stay unknown, he just kept getting promoted more and more.  Obviously he took part in the political fights but wasn't interested in getting the public involved.  He'd been ruling Russia for a few years before anyone outside the party had ever heard of him.  But eventually he had to go public.

That's what Fauci's always done and that's why he's an idol for so many.  How many want to be that way?  They're all leftists, you can bet on that.

□ [“Biden Tells Bizarre Story About 'Big Mama' and How He Used to Drive an 18-Wheeler”]

How does he get to this?  There is no record whatsoever of him ever driving a truck.  On December 12, 1973, there was a news report of him being driven in a truck because truckers were having issues.  He took a plane back to DC.  He's credited as writing that article and, if true, made himself look completely ignorant of how trucking works.  Someone who knew would simply phrase it differently to the reader and verify how accurate the truckers are in their issues.  Biden didn't do that.

As far as I know, it's only been in the last few years that he started pretending he had anything to do with this.  When the White House was asked about this, they said he drove a school bus and that's basically the same thing.  As an 18-wheeler.

□ [“20 Facts About the Emerging Global Food Shortage That Should Chill You to the Core”]

This is a good compilation of the warnings about what's coming up.  France, Germany, Spain and Greece have all been warning about food shortages and prices going up, already starting rationing in some of those countries.  There's the dependence of many nations, particularly Africa, on Russian fertilizer and wheat.  Russia's probably going to reserve sales only to friendly nations which we aren't part of.

Drop any laws that interfere with food production.  That's the only way to get out of this but it's exactly what the rulers don't want to do.  And that's why we're in a disaster.

Also 04 April, 2022

I self-identify as being a good writer, so it’s automatically true, you have to believe me.

The next ‘booklet,’ collecting the ‘pamphlets’ I’ve put out for the last month, adding news headlines and formatting it like my normal books.  It had the shortest B-side I’ve ever done.  I wanted to split the ‘booklet’ up by months but it’s only April 4th!  I just called it quits, I’m close to finishing the actual book and didn’t need the pressure.

Time is getting very short.  Europe hasn’t collapsed but we can expect that any day.  Russia has cut them off from energy and food and Europe hasn’t had to produce that for themselves in a long time.  The fake-POTUS is getting worse, as is everyone around him and by extension, the rest of us.  We didn’t need this, we didn’t want it and it’s very depressing for everyone except those who enjoy misery.

So we’re down to this.  The lunatic tyrants are out in the open and remain in control.  There’s always the hope that their insanity will overrule them but we see none of that yet.  At best, I can try to keep track of what’s going on.  Maybe someone else can use it, maybe it’s just a good way to kill time until we’re out of here.

I think I’ve been doing a pretty good job of analyzing what the left is about.  I still use the term ‘leftist’ even though I say repeatedly that I don’t think that’s accurate.  Convenience always has a place and is in short supply these days, like everything else.  Anyway, I’m quite proud of some of the insights here.

I explain ‘leftism’ very well, it’s the “why” that gets me.  If they were literally constructed to oppose God from birth, that would at least be understandable, but they don’t even get that far.  Near as I can tell, that’s why I’m here, trying to figure this out.

Or at least why I was here.  I didn’t want to use the ‘booklet’ name “End Times” when I came up with it but really, nothing else worked better.  Whatever we’re here for, I hope it was worth something to someone.  At least I got another book out of it.

05 April, 2022

No man-clit, you're a...?

□ [“People Are Horrified After Madonna Shares Creepy TikTok Video”]

This is scary, she only looks human in the vaguest sense of the word.  What the hell did she do to herself?  Her skin looks like she wasn’t born with it, her lips are like a Halloween gimmick and her eyes just look dead.  Is this what Satan’s slaves look like?

That's really what it comes down to.  I don't think about the devil but that's really the only thing that seems to fit.  There's a desire to not age gracefully and then there's... this.  She probably isn’t the only one doing this, or the only one who wants to.

She shouldn't want anybody to see her like this but she posted on TikTok, just after the witches-thing on Bald Mountain and the Satan-worshipping Grammy awards.  I saw an article that Joe Biden posed for a picture on his knees, is that respect for a demon?

There's some sort of purge going on, the term 'nomenklatura' comes to mind.  A modern equivalent of feudalism which communists loved.  People couldn’t get these jobs without the approval of someone in the party so they had to work directly for them while reciting everything about collective need.  They get perks for that.

The point is they always looked 'up' to those in power, never 'down.'  They had as little dealings with commoners as possible.  I would assume that when possible, they sent signals that only their fellow class-mates would see as a way to identify individuals while maintaining the overall belief in collectivism and not noticing the contradictions.

□ [“Pope Francis Removes Cross from Event in Malta So Not to Upset Illegal Muslim Migrants”]

This guy has obviously been in the game his whole life and has probably always been surrounded by fellow leftists.  Taking over the Catholic Church is possibly where the inspiration for satanism came from, since obviously that's popular now.

This conspiracy has been going on for quite a while.  The Catholic Church, the British Royal Family and the USA were basically the last three blockades and two are now down.  The other is probably close.  Maybe Israel but who knows at this point.

□ [“Rapper Goonew’s Corpse Put Up at DC Nightclub Funeral, Friends/Family Dance the Night Away”]

They're practicing human sacrifice and worshiping the corpse.  It must be what they live for even if we can’t see how or why.  If you want to say that's the way blacks naturally are, ok, but that's not a good point.  It's definitely the way leftists are and at this point it's pretty clear that they've been totally controlling blacks for a long time.

□ [“Palm Springs to Give Transgender/Non-Binary Residents $900 Per Month in Universal Basic Income”]

So this is California, setting up their nomenklatura.  They're the special ones, so oppressed that everyone else has to work for the money to give them.  The unoppressed don't have any say in the matter, they're not the ones who matter to the rulers.

06 April, 2022

This isn't much of a post.

Time flies away.  I just finished the latest book, Convoy.  Now I get to wait however long it takes for Amazon to accept it and even longer to get printed copies.  Who even knows if we'll last long enough for that to happen?

We'll definitely be short on food by the 4th of July, then it'll get worse as the fall approaches.  The media will definitely hide this until then and will only change their reporting when they're short of food themselves.  As I've said before, those who support our masters will probably be among the last to actually deal with shortages and even then, Biden will just talk about how proud he is of what he's done.

I need to cut this post short.  Hopefully I'll be back later tonight.

07 April, 2022

It's out-of-style these days but it's called 'thinking.'

The Freedom Convoy stopped in my town.  They didn't visit me so I had to go see them.  It was nice although it's not like I did anything or talked to anybody.  I've never been good at that and my ability has just gotten worse in the last few years.

It was ok I guess.  I did get to make a point about my support, especially if they really go on strike.  I don't know if that'll convince anybody but it's all I have.

□ [“Hunter Biden ‘Laptop From Hell’ Whistleblower Reveals 450 Gigabytes of Deleted Material Will Be Released Soon – Including Over 80,000 Images and Videos”] 

How soon is soon?  It's been weeks since every law enforcement agent in the country (the world?) was supposed to have Hunter's laptop by the end of the week.  The only excuse I could see to not release this is defense for Russian soldiers on the ground.

This is ridiculous, *IF* there's anything relevant than put it out.  For all we know, they’re just hiding their own participation in Hunter's sex and drugs.  That would explain why this is taking so long, much longer than they said it would take.

There is still some investigation into Hunter though.

□ [“Grand Jury Probe To Witness 'Who Is 'The Big Guy' Hunter Got 10% ChiCom Company Stake For?'“] 

We're not given this witness’ answer, just the question.  It’s possible this will go somewhere in theory but there's no reason to think it will.  The White House has stated that Biden believes Hunter never broke the law and also that Biden has no connection to his son and is totally innocent if Hunter's actually found guilty of something.

Hunter made a lot of business deals with Russia and Ukraine around the time of their last war and records show bringing his father to some meetings.  It’s helpful to have the US Veep openly be on your side.  What would Hunter do, refuse to get paid more money and if it makes the "big guy"s share smaller, too bad for him?  He could be getting $100,000 for each drawing these days but no, he's got standards!!!

The corruption is obvious but there's no reason to think it’ll change.  Maybe the rulers will turn in one of their own sometimes, otherwise they’ll all be protected.

□ [“Luhansk Ukraine Acid Tank Bombed, Media Calls It a Chemical Attack; Poison Gas Spills into Air”] 

These days it really seems like they’re just making everything up.  They probably aren't but that's their own fault.  I'm not even sure they want the US to actually get into the war, it's just that I don't see any other reason for doing this.

What I'm worried about is that they're trying to make things go nuclear, or at least look as close to that as possible, maybe so the rulers will get credit for preventing it.  What other explanation is there?  The invasion is still going on no matter how many defeats and retreats and casualties the media *claims* Russia has suffered.  Why is this invasion different from all the others?  Ukraine's not even losing access to the internet, or electricity in general.  It's a strange way to conduct a war.

Ukraine is blocked from import, which they use for oil and other fuels, medical drugs, iron and steel, rubber, lots of basic materials required to run a modern society.  Without that, they're headed for shut-down.

They also can't grow food because Russia holds the countryside.  If Russia really wanted to conquer, it’s clear they’d have done it already.  That doesn't explain what they *do* want but only the western media seems to be focused on this as utter conquest.

Even the massacre which got publicity actually happened weeks earlier, assuming it was real.  Ukraine just now noticed it and got film footage?

□ [“Study:  Fourth Pfizer Covid Jab Extends Protection for Only a Few Weeks”] 

So it's worthless.  Well, it was already worthless, the virus never was a big deal, but the second booster isn't even good for a month.  They want the government to give them tons of money for something that's worthless and they got it.

You really have to hope the real virus is going after them and there is no vaccine.

□ [“Jada Pinkett Smith Says She Wishes Will Smith Didn’t Slap Chris Rock on Stage at the Oscars”] 

This makes me wonder if there's really something else going on.  She was laughing at the bitchslap and now wishes it hadn't happened?  Smith was laughing at Chris Rock’s jokes before she sternly stared her husband into obedience?  She required him to do something because she sure as hell wasn't, she's so bold and independent.

Not sure why I'm following this but here I am.  Make it stop!!!

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