Saturday, April 1, 2023

202304 Light-but-Wiser - 20230401

29 March, 2023

There's no time to tell you what the vaccine is, just trust me!

□ [“Manhattan DA Bragg’s Grand Jury Off for a Month on Vacation Without Any Indictments of Trump”]

That’s how serious this is, they’ll take a month off.  At least they’re still getting paid, none of them have the slightest risk of missing a taxpayer-funded paycheck just because they won’t be doing any work for the next month.  It’s like when you’re having a heart attack and the doctor says, ‘I’m on vacation, I’ll see you next month.’

What if Trump escapes?  Will all the evidence they’re sitting on just go to waste?  It won’t appear in trial if Trump has vanished, the public will never see proof of crimes he committed that was found by this heroic investigator after all the other losers missed.  Would the earlier investigators have done a better job if they’d taken long vacations?

What other crimes are committed that the NYC DA’s office will wait until after vacation to do anything about?  You’d think the DA would have the common decency to tell the public that this isn’t remotely important.  Even if by some miracle, they have any evidence on Trump, he won’t be found guilty, and even if by an even greater miracle, he's found guilty, it’ll just be a small fine and that’s that.  They could tell the public the truth.

At least Trump has enough money for lawyers to fight this nonsense.  As always, the left sends the message that poor people can’t defend themselves from the rulers.

29 March, 2023

□ [“South African Minister Says Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, and Others Want to Join BRICS Alliance”]

Will they get any white nations besides Russia?  Leftists always want the non-whites to unite so BRICS already knows how to use them as pawns.  Your mileage may vary on how long-term this will be or whether China and/or Russia is really in charge, but it looks like the sort of alliance we saw in previous World Wars.  And we’re the enemy.

But leftists want this so you know which side they’ll be rooting for.  Otherwise they’d demand the military stop promoting transgenders and start building fuel-powered factories everywhere in the country to restore the economy.  They've never actually seen combat by a force that requires everyone to pretend these made-up genders are real and a force that actually focuses on winning battles.  Yet somehow our rulers think they’ll win.

I’d always supported NATO because it kept the US in the dominant position as was right, but that only works when you support genuine freedom and the rights of people and nations to go their own way.  Without that, NATO is basically the same as BRICS and the rulers don’t care so long as they stay in power.

29 March, 2023

□ [“Trans ‘Day of Vengeance’ Rallies Moves Forward, Will Take Place at Supreme Court This Weekend”]

I must admit, something about this looks like a target date for our rulers.  Not sure how or why, but I’m not sure how or why someone decides to be a pretend-gender and look at what that leads to.  And by the way, I wouldn’t mind if they don’t survive the trip.

Washington DC is mostly-black and blacks aren’t known for putting up with this trash.  That may be the point, get the blacks to slaughter the trans and then blame whitey.  I just made up that guess on the spot, but is there any reason why that wouldn’t work?

I don’t see any other point to this.  Their numbers are too small and their insanity too big to take it seriously.  Using these creatures as an excuse to seize power would just link you to the insane and they’ll turn on each other with the slightest excuse.

But I still expect this to turn into something, a signal to all leftists or their leaders.  Maybe some event is planned for the protests which will lead to something else.  I dunno but this really looks like it’s intended to become something much bigger than we expect.

29 March, 2023

□ [“NHL may cancel LGBT 'Pride' nights as growing number of players refuse to wear rainbow gear”]

Just give them orders and punish anybody who doesn't obey, what's so hard about that?  They still get their paychecks so point that out to them.  And what is hockey about if not picking which pronouns you're going to identify as this week?

This is pushing people over the edge.  Not enough that we all have far more problems under our masters than we used to, but those same masters are desperately going for insanity with this kind of rhetoric.  We really need to fight back against this, we should have started fighting a long time ago, but at least these hocky players are doing something.

I'm not a sports fan, but at least athletics focus on actual ability.  Your political beliefs are worthless when it comes to running or speed or whatever event you're into.  The fans recognize people who are way better than they'll ever be, and the actual athletes have to face each other in regular events.  It's not something you can fake and certainly not at any high level of achievement.  The left has obviously been trying to tear this down for a long time, but that would require ability, which they don't have.

29 March, 2023

□ [“Senate Votes 68-23 to End Covid Emergency”]

75%, that's a majority.  The House has already voted for it, 53%.  It's assumed Biden won't veto it, not that this will make any difference.  They're still able to impose the tyranny brought to them by the virus, the people will still be suffering from the vaccine and we can expect another virus to show up any day to bring things back to what they are now, even if Biden actually follows the law for a change.  This was the guy who promised to end it on "Day One."

Will anybody stop wearing those stupid masks?  I've always been surprised to see that and it just hasn't stopped in all this time.  We never catch our masters putting cloth on their faces like that, I can't believe that anybody is still walking around like this.  What kind of person would be that submissive?  For that matter, will any of the requirements be dropped?

Did they ever "flatten the curve" or are we still waiting for those 15 days to end?  This was not just a stunt to win an election - even if we pretend they won it for real - this was a way to break down everything they possibly could and keep it broken.  And they get the long-term benefits of poisoning everybody who was stupid enough to take the vaccine.

30 March, 2023

It's only the worst hour of the day so far!

□ [“‘They Started Calling Me Joe Bidenopoulos… I’m Not Joking’ – Biden During Greek Independence Day Reception”]

And yet he's somehow managed to go for fifty years without making this claim about the Greeks he grew up with.  Just like the Polacks he grew up with called him "Bidenski” and nobody knew about it until recently.  He hasn't said what the Puerto Ricans he grew up with called him, or the blacks in the church he attended, but they must have made up some name he never bothered to tell anybody about for decades.

I'm still curious if any part of this ever had anything whatsoever to do with his life or if he's just reading whatever the teleprompter says.  He's never been the smartest person in Congress but looking back on videos even from only a decade or so ago, he's gotten far worse.  Mental decline isn't something old people can get over and all his supporters are pretending he will, or that he's as good as ever.  There was nothing special about his speaking ability back then, but he could at least come off as a generic politician.  There's none of that anymore.

Just the fact that he's been permitted to reach this point tells us how eager our rulers are to destroy America.  He's already admitted things like he's not going to get rid of gasoline in his first term, so they're planning him to run again, assuming he survives that long.

30 March, 2023

□ [“NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, NHL, NCAA to Launch ‘Smart Heart Sports Coalition’ That Will Prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest Among High School Students”]

Are they showing the slightest interest in what's causing these cardiac arrests that wasn't causing them two years ago?  Or are they just saying they were too stupid to ever notice such a thing for the last century or so, but now they're suddenly smart enough to know what's wrong so just trust them?  Either way, that's not going to convince people to go along and the fact that they aren't looking into what causes these things tells us that they already know and they're keeping it secret.

They're just putting themselves out as another government tool to oppress the masses and reduce the population as our masters want.  That was probably the real purpose to get China to manufacture the virus in the first place.  And they've got basically all of professional sports to go along with them.  That shows just how deeply the real virus is infected into our society.

How long will it take before they actually start saying maybe it's the vaccine?  How many deaths will be required before anybody says anything out loud?  Because it's not going to stop and it will not help the victims' health.  How do we put together a tribunal for anybody who mandated this poison?

□ [“WHO says healthy adults don’t need to keep getting COVID-19 boosters”]

Oh really?  So what's going to happen when the virus starts killing everybody like it's done for the last three years?  Any chance this is related to the US Congress who just voted that the crisis was over?  And you'll be all surprised when the next version of the virus come back, what will you do then?

But the FDA doesn't like this, so what?  What are they going to do, challenge the masters?  Or is the point that those on the throne look noble and kind, it's their subordinates who look bad?  It's not like that never happens.  So they keep pushing the poison and the cloth masks and so on but the actual rulers say it's their own choice.

Is it possible to start some sort of underground courts on this?  Sooner or later there will be some sort of resistance movements and they will need to create some sort of legal system for internal operations.  I would think by that point, each unit could put together their own lists of who needs to be punished for this.  As they start connecting with each other, they could expand on the list and work out whatever judgements they can.  I don't really know how it would work, but it would at least be a starting point.

30 March, 2023

□ [“Manhattan Grand Jury Votes To Indict President Trump”]

And here's today's big news.  No charges are actually listed, but somehow they decided to go through with this right before vacation.  I will admit I wasn't expecting this, I did think they had quietly given up and were just going for the paycheck now.  It looks like the sort of reason a bill of attainder is illegal but they'd have to actually name the charge to prove that's not what this is.  Is this a felony or misdemeanor?

There's also a report by some unnamed person that Trump has agreed to turn himself in next week.  Not real sure I believe that, but at this point anything can happen.  Maybe he's agreed to do this, knowing something will come along this weekend to make it irrelevant.  That makes as much sense as anything else these days.

It may also explain why the jury suddenly went on vacation, they’ll get to say they’re so scared of all the attackers that will be coming after them.

What would happen?  I don't know, war, economic collapse, open tyranny?  People with made-up genders are rioting at the capitals of Kentucky and Tennessee, as they've done with previous state capitals in recent months.  Maybe they've got orders that'll be carried out this weekend.  There's a reason I keep saying we just need to go on strike.

I don't get the point of the made-up genders rioting.  They're the ones shooting people, why should others have their guns banned?  They aren't a large number of people so they can't impose their views on everyone else, although to be fair, they've been doing that for a decade now and are automatically insane.  But if you really have no problems than people not using whatever pronounce you give yourself, you should get down on your knees and thank God for such an easy life.

Most likely, they're tools being used to start the next step in our masters' plans, whatever that may be.  It's possible that these lunatics are just doing it because they can and are going to realize what a horrible idea this is very soon, so that in a few years we'll be shrugging at the memory of those stupid males who chopped their penises off.

What could the rulers' plans be regarding this?  That's where I draw a blank.  They already want to ban guns from everybody who's not a rich liberal so that's nothing new.  There's no way they could be deluded enough to think they'll get anywhere with these creatures.  As it is, look at how they ignore blacks and women, two of the biggest bricks in their wall.  You could make the argument that blacks and women won't go anywhere no matter how their masters treat them, which is a reasonable point.  I hope it's wrong, but still...

31 March, 2023

Presumption of innocence is for the weak! You must self-identify as guilty!

□ [“Trans Day of Vengeance Protest at Supreme Court Canceled Over Safety Concerns”]

What kind of "vengeance" is it if you don't risk anybody getting hurt?  How safe does "vengeance" need to be before you actually live up to your self-proclaimed standards and go through with it?  Do they self-identify the word "vengeance" as meaning 'totally safe and nothing can go wrong' or are they just scared of all the blacks in town?

Like everything else, I have to wonder if this was a hoax from the start.  It's entirely possible they believed they had the balls to go through with it and just wussed out like pussies, but it's also possible that pretending they would do this was actually sending out a signal to someone.  Don't know why or why, but that doesn't mean it wasn't the plan all along.

Maybe they'll still go through with it and it's this announcement that is the trick.  If they're trying to protest "genocide," they need to actually show up if anybody's supposed to take them seriously.  Otherwise it looks like they're too small and weak and there just isn't enough of them to matter.  Which is true but they've never been affected by the truth before so why start now?

□ [“CBS News Executives Barred the Word ‘Transgender’ From Coverage of Nashville Shooter”]

I thought it was only blacks that had their identities ignored when they shoot people.  Does it apply to both or can we go back to ignoring blacks?  I don't get why the media thinks this will work.  Their audience isn't getting any bigger, quite the opposite, but they only pander to people deluded enough to obey them.

□ [“Bearded Powerlifter Enters Canadian 'Womans' Competition to Make a Point – Shatters Record”]

Well this is interesting.  At the moment, it does look like pretend-genders are the main weapon our rulers have against us, at least the ones they're using the most.  That's probably just a part of fundamental human nature, those who disagree with reality, consciously or otherwise, wind up here.  So it's neat that this guy decided to prove a point and broke the woman's weight-lifting record by 95 pounds.  Can't do a full 100 pounds, you wuss!

I'd like to think that this is going to lead to more realistic gender standards.  Dunno if it'll happen in our lifetimes, or if anybody will still be alive in a couple years, but at least theoretically, this may be the lesson the world was waiting for, showing everyone that men are men and women are women.

31 March, 2023

□ [“NYPD Ordering Every Officer to Show Up in Uniform For ‘Possible Unrest’ Over Trump Indictment”]

So all you need to do is avoid City Hall and maybe Trump Tower and you'll be able to commit any crimes you want anywhere in New York City because the police will be busy elsewhere.  That's how the rulers want it, what a coincidence.  I doubt anyone in the media will ask what they're thinking by letting so many criminals run free so they can make up this nonsense against one guy.  It's not like they risk losing any elections in the future.

Funny, they weren't called up when Antifa and BLM was rioting, they were told to stand down from that.  I guess it's all right if New York citizens get hurt, they don't matter.  They've made that very clear for a long time.

Naturally I hope the cops all call in sick although I'm sure that's not going to happen.  I can't imagine why they're willing to behave like puppets for something like this but here they are, or at least here they will be.  This has to stop.  I'm thinking of the end of Atlas Shrugged, with a little Billy Joel on the soundtrack, I want to see the lights go out on Broadway.

□ [“Trump Hit with 34 Counts Related to Business Fraud!”]

Of course all the expected leftists who ignore the law are tweeting how the law applies to everybody.  They also point out that they don't have to prove anybody guilty, it's the accused who have to do the work to prove their innocence.  Accusations are their favorite tool and they use it for everything.  They don't even list what Trump is being charged with, they don't have to.  They can make up whatever they want, no one will stop them.

Hunter Biden doesn't have to prove his innocence.  Jeffrey Epstein's clients don't have to prove their innocence.  They aren't even accused of crimes, that's how the law works thanks to their allies.

They have announced that the indictment will be made public.  How kind of them.  They've already got the verdict and the sentence ready, what's the point?  It's possible they already have the jury although they might not release that info until it's time.

□ [“Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele Weighs in on Trump Indictment - 'Imagine if this Happened to Leading Opposition Leader Candidate Here in El Salvador''“]

And then there's the way it looks to the rest of the world.  There's the rulers who support rigged elections and political prisoners, then there's everybody else.  Well, what are you folks going to do about this?

31 March, 2023

□ [“A Rubicon Is Crossed”]

I don't know.  I'd like to think so, but I've thought that for over two years now and look where that's brought us.  It's also relevant that I don't think crossing the Rubicon is a particularly good example, given that it lead to dictatorship and then several centuries of emperors.  In hindsight, you could say it was good for Rome, but that's not really where we are today.

I would very very much like to believe that this will be the resistance movement I've been praying for, but once again, that hasn't worked so far.  I also keep saying repeatedly that going on strike is the better option.  Let the rulers form their armies to attack us and then we can shoot them.  Just stop taking part in their warped domain.  Joe Biden just said transgender Americans shape our nations soul and that's exactly what's happening if he has anything to say about it.  As our spiritual leader, he implores us to pay heed to this good book and what it has to say.

It's a bad sign that American's haven't been willing to do anything about this yet, but I do think it is fundamentally a benefit to America's greatness that we're so willing to let things go.  This is what our rulers have always opposed and that's what they're trying to interfere with, so it's also a good thing that there's a point where enough is enough.  If there's any virtue to saying the Rubicon has been crossed *and* such a crucial decision has been made, then fine, I totally support it and will do what I can to help.

But we need something more to show that it's really happening.  We need a leader but I don't think it should be Trump.  We need unity but there's basically no way any decent people could trust anybody else at this point, that's what our enemies have done to us.  That's another reason I keep saying we need to go on strike, so that the decent people who do that will stand out to each other and not be noticed by our masters.

We also need to hurry on working out how to trade with each other because they're going to cancel digital currency any time now.  More than unity, we need organization.  We need a rebellion.  I've got an R-2 unit to text you messages if you're interested.

01 April, 2023

Already? I'm still playing my March Fools pranks on people!

□ [“Ukrainian Security Forces Raid Monastery in Kiev to Forcibly Evict Orthodox Priests Suspected of Being Pro Russia – Patriarch Pavel Placed Under House Arrest"]

Because that always works.  And you know Ukrainians will just obey, they'll never fight for anything that's important to them.  And just think of all the wonderful examples of this that has been set in history before.  It's those precedents that made Ukraine what it is today, which is why leftists always support it.  This monastery is only a thousand years old, no Ukrainian can respect anything that old.

You could at least say it's their problem and they have to handle it themselves, but that would apply to the whole Russia/Ukraine thing and, well, that's not how our rulers want it.  If they want to "liquidate" the priesthood - a term a Zelensky advisor did use last year - then Ukrainians just have to suffer until they're willing to fight back.

Who really wants to wind up saying "First they came for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and I did not speak up because I was a member of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine..."?  And what kind of country has two frickin' churches with the same name?  That's just Russian nonsense.

Haven't seen much other news from Ukraine lately.  I guess Bakhmut is doing fine, just another victory to put on the list.

01 April, 2023

□ [“Zombie Network: CNN Has Disastrous Month Of March – Primetime Ratings Down 61%"]

I'm still trying to figure out how they can afford this.  How much do they have for staff, offices and the like?  For that matter, how much do they charge for ads?  And who's stupid enough to buy those ads?  How can any business possibly get customers from people who watch CNN that they can't get anywhere else?

Then there's the mindset, what news can a viewer get from CNN that they can't get anywhere else?  You can hire expensive actors to deliver the latest stories but that just costs more money and doesn't bring in any viewers, so what's the point?  I would think at this point, some Youtube-esque channel would be more lucrative and as believable for a "news source."

I know they get money just by being part of cable so at some level, they'll never be cancelled, but what kind of delusion does it take to think this would be worth anything to anybody except for the self-absorbed employees and the handful of people who actually watch it?  It was there at the start of cable, brought to us by Ted Turner, so it may be part of the cult that rules the world.  That's as believable as anything else they put out.

01 April, 2023

□ [“Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Admits He Used Federal Dollars in Trump Investigation – Who Approved This?"]

Doesn't matter who approved it, our rulers can ignore the laws all they want.  They're special because they say so.  They don't even have to obey Congress even if it gives them the money.  That's the way they work, or don't work as the case may be.

I see no reason to hope anything good will come out of this.  I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see anything in the way of resistance going on.  In theory, every Republican leader could go after all the Democrat leaders for the same reason, but what are the odds of that?  You'd need someone willing to hold them to the same standards and a Democrat's whole life is about saying those standards don't apply to them.

It's slightly more possible that this will undermine any of the other attempts to get Trump that they're still going with.  But if we're going to live in a banana republic, that doesn't really matter.  They can keep making up as many lies as they want and sooner or later it will work, so long as everyone's willing to take part in it.

01 April, 2023

□ [“Partner From Law Firm That Represents DNC and is Suing Trump Over Jan 6 on Behalf of Democrats in Congress Arrested for Possessing Child Porn"]

This might actually get somewhere.  You'd have to ask these people if molesting children is more or less important than inventing your own gender, but both of them are very high up on their priority list, so this is actually believable that such creatures are the ones going after Trump the most.

Because of that, I do think this is where at least part of the attacks are happening.  Even now, there must be people of high levels who are actually opposed to this demonic behaver, so it's possible that they've been suckered into this trap.  Whatever is going on, I do believe that Trump is the target and everyone knows it, so the goal is to take down the people who are going after him.  I'd like to know more about that and how to support them, but at least something is happening.  [Hire me, I'm cheap!]

So maybe there's progress here.  They're luring in all the child predators.  Ok, that's believable, but it's just going way too slowly.  There needs to be progress and the only way I see that happening is if we just break out of their chains.

It's also possible that these creatures have always gone in for the law - those who aren't grade school teachers - as lawyers or judges, precisely so they can make it legal to do what they want to children.  If our side has an actual scheme to trap these people, I realize that some of them might be able to escape if we reveal that too early, but I just think we need a sign of progress.  If nothing else, those who escape can be named and we'll hunt for them all over the world, while the rest can be executed.  That's pretty straightforward, why not go for that?

01 April, 2023

□ [“Arkansas Judge Rules to Shield Hunter Biden’s Financial Records In Child Support Case"]

And speaking of someone whom the laws don't apply to like the rest of us, here's a rich talentless boy who's related to a rich talentless politicians and gets protected by judges for all his abusive behavior.  He's going to give as little money to his baby momma as possible, making the best advertisement for abortion imaginable.

They kinda have to be, they're a lousy argument for rich people being forced to give up their money to pay for the needy children.  Which lines up with how they don't have to follow their own standards, they just impose it on the rest of us.  Hunter could just give his kid all the money he's paid for a painting every month, but...  No, he won't do that and you can't make him.

These people are just puppets and they're being used to show off to the rest of us how the rulers can get away with anything and they'll punish us for any reason they can make up.  It's "revolting" in several ways, so why don't we add one of those to current events?  What do we have to lose, news about Hunter's latest achievements?

Tuesday, March 28, 2023


25 March, 2023

If you can read this, you're on strike against the government.

□ [“US Authorities Weigh Expansion of Emergency Lending Facility Amid Banking Crisis"]

As always, I turn to Admiral Ackbar for advice in situations like this.  He thinks it's a blatant bribe for all the struggling banks to rush towards amidst the financial crisis that our rulers have been pushing as much as possible for the last 2+ years.  The government will get to decide who does or doesn't qualify for this rescue.  Ackbar says there's nothing suspicious about that so just go along with it.

What's their fall-back plan when this doesn't work?  Those would be required by anybody making sensible decisions.  The back-up parachute was invented for a reason and it doesn't operate like normal parachutes.  Are they really just going to figure that out later, when the main parachute doesn't work like we were told it does?

This is exactly what they want to happen.  This may be intended to give them deliberate control over everything or they'll just turn to that when this doesn't work.  I think the explicit goal is for a central bank handling all crypto-currency, although I'm sure there are other goals in place.

25 March, 2023

□ [“LAPD Officers Sue Owner of Anti-Cop Website for Publishing Their Photos and Information With a ‘Bounty’"]

Oh just go on strike!  Just don't show up to work!  Take an unannounced vacation.  Leave a note saying you'll be back when the masters are more respectful, and their supporters.  You think the city council is complaining about your private info being put out in public?  Has the mayor said anything about it?  They're the ones in charge, it's their jobs to figure out what to do about this.  They're even surrounded by men-with-guns so it's not like they'll be in any danger, unlike the people they give orders to.

I know I keep saying it, but police and truck drivers are basically all that's holding things together at this point and they need to just stop.  I keep recommending a strike because doing that will make it clear who can actually be relied upon, and what happens to everybody else when they don't show up to work.  People with closer connections to truckers and police will be able to help organize and protect the ones closest to them, they can help maintain local security and supplies.

And what would the government do?  They don't have any forces to replace the strikers with.  It's not the military's job and it's not like Antifa/BLM have any useful abilities.  It would be a point where they can try (and fail) to maintain social order or they can send goons to punish the strikers, but they really couldn't do both and the number of problems would increase on a daily basis, taking them further and further away from that even being an option.

I desperately want the military to go on strike as well, although I don't really expect that.  It might be interesting to think about what it would take to make that happen though.

25 March, 2023

□ [“Russian Soldiers Discover 'Baby Factories' in Ukraine where Young Children are Grown for Child Sex Brothels and for Organ Harvesting"]

It's believable, and it would explain why western rich people are so supportive of Ukraine at all costs.  Maybe these were started back when it was Russian territory, who knows?  Or German territory before that.  Or Russian territory before the Germans showed up, although that's a bit less believable.  Maybe Russia's the one doing this and they're just blaming Ukraine, projecting their own goals onto their enemies as an excuse to punish them.  It's not like that's unheard of.  Or maybe it's always been in Ukraine but Russia's always been in charge of it, who knows?

It's also not unheard of for puppets to refuse to believe any bad thing said about their masters, so it's unlikely that any Ukraine supporter will ever stop to think about what if this has been going on without their knowledge.  They could go visit the camps personally and still refuse to believe anything bad has been going on there.  It's just your personal definition of "bad," don't judge!

The article cites a similar report two years ago from Poland, about babies taken from Ukraine and Poland and sent to Germany, which presumably was where they were sent off to the customers.  Given what our leftist rulers openly support, safe to assume this is definitely going on around the world under their watchful eyes, so it's convenient to just assume Ukraine does it too.  It does explain a lot.

25 March, 2023

□ [“Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm Bends Over Backwards to Defend China on Energy and Human Rights"]

They really are China's employees, that's their job.  They've been posted here to give us orders but that's about it.  She even agrees that China pollutes more than any other nation but that gets no criticism from her.  She knows where her orders come from

Has this movement always been this way or is this a new development?  The leaders use a lot more fossil fuel than normal people and it's been noted that their mansions aren't covered in windmills or solar energy.  But they talk about it so that's all that matters, just as Granholm admits to China's emitting more CO2 than the US, EU and Japan combined.  Who cares how much they pollute, they say the words she wants to hear.

They need coal to produce electric batteries so they can get all the coal they want.  They can also expand their African colonies to have child-slaves mining rare metal in places like the Congo.  If that's what China wants, according to our rulers, that's what China gets.  They want us to be more like China, and its allies.

25 March, 2023

□ [“Rude Staff in District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s Office Tells House Judiciary Staffer to ‘Stop Calling Us With This Bulls–t’"]

Oh yes, go ahead and ignore the people who make the laws and the branch that handles the money.  Always a smart move.  They don't have armed forces to send in but if you wouldn't support a Republican defying Congress like this, you should apply the same standards to everybody.

I've noticed that the 'Trump will be arrested' meme has totally dropped away.  Well, they're still going on leftist sites but they've been doing that for six years with no success whatsoever, but they're not going to learn anything.

So what's the next plan?  There's supposed to be something going on with the classified information in his garage or whatever, but you'd think something would have been done about that by now if there was anything illegal.  I do still think something is being planned to have Trump charged with what Biden, Hillary and the others do openly as a set-up, although no idea if that will work.

25 March, 2023

We never see Clark Kent with any paraplegic black women. Hmmmmmm...

□ [“Indiana Jones Series Canceled At Disney Plus"]

How can they cancel Indiana Jones?  If nothing else, the world would finally get to see Harrison Ford starting in a tv show for the first time in his career.  Isn't that worth any other risk?  Or is he just charging too much money, like he did for $20 million or so to show up as Han Solo?  Some actors are just greedy.  That's why you shoot them first!

For some reason, I've been focusing on Disney's recent problems.  I've seen almost none of the movies and have mostly lost whatever affection I ever had for them or the characters.  I've never seen Willow so hearing that it had a tv show which was cancelled after one season is interesting, but not all that meaningful to me.  I've had very little interest in Star Wars outside of the One True Trilogy, although I did see the other trilogies at least once.

I still have some affection for the Marvel characters but that's mostly in the past as well and these particularly characters were never that important to me.  Lee/Ditko's Spider-Man, Claremont's X-Men, a few other titles and a past-tense interest in the Marvel Universe as a whole, that's where I was and is the view I bring to the table looking at Disney these days.

I'm still trying to figure this out.  Ok, they're trying to bring back the multiverse, never mind the contradictions and impossibilities.  Just bring in the Black Panther actor from a universe where he didn't die.  Have him portray the Panther in a universe where one day he had french toast for breakfast instead of an omelet but had the same action scenes as this one.  That's what they're trying to put forward with the multiverse, don't they at least believe in that?

This also looks similar to how Marvel and DC were behaving in the 70s, before X-Men became a hit, but I'm still trying to figure this out.  Partially it's because actors and special effects cost way more than a writer, penciller, inker, letterer and colorist putting out a monthly series.  They're also trying to figure out how to make the characters the only relevant part, but that means they have to figure out what to do with the actors.  They can't just be replaced, but that's the whole point of the characters.  I'm irritated by recent internet discussions about whatsisname playing Superman.  Why not just do what they did with the first one and hire a complete unknown?  That worked quite well, which is probably why they won't do that again.

Of the many things comics have going for them, they're cheap and easy to produce.  Some of my favorite comics are by one or two people putting the work together, sending it to a printer and keeping the profits.  It also helps that you can just steal a character differently, change the name and a few details, and there's a brand-new character.  That's something that could be done with Indiana Jones because no one will accept anybody but Harrison Ford in that role.

I've also been following the recent Marvel flops.  I am worried that this is deliberate, which is one reason I keep thinking of the mid-70s Marvel which was basically going nowhere.  But there's also a similarity to the early-90s when they were pumping out a ridiculous amount of garbage.  Sure, it sold, but it's basically where the industry started to shrink and it's only gotten worse since then.  Movies are a big deal so the problems are multiplied immensely.

I don't know if Disney has actually planned this.  It's actually scary to think it has, but I'd like to at least keep thinking about it for a while.  It took long enough but my interest in superheroes finally ended in various ways and most of the affection I still have falls on specific comics by specific creators.  I am curious what's going to happen to them though, and to the values they claim to represent.

And just after I wrote the above, I discovered Kang the Conqueror had just been arrested for beating a woman.  He’s supposed to follow Thanos as the main villain for the current batch of Marvel movies, but he’s black and has been charged with strangulation, assault, and harassment.  Well, if you want a villain, he needs to prove the part.  I wonder what the woman’s skin color was.

26 March, 2023

□ [“Marvel’s Linchpin Actor Jonathon Majors Arrested"]

So another major character for superhero movies required to establish the multiverse has been arrested, this time Kang the Conqueror charged with strangulation, assault, and harassment.  Can't they just hire an alternate version who doesn't get caught?  Still haven't heard what happening with the Flash these days.

We know someone is watching this.  The arrest happened late last night and literally as I was checking Wikipedia to see who this guy was, someone added a quote from an unnamed spokesperson who said Majors "has done nothing wrong … We look forward to clearing his name and clearing this up."  I saw the quote right away on a couple other news articles.  No time to waste, send someone who was born without a name out to tell everybody that there's evidence this crime was totally made up reasons as an excuse to arrest him.  Why they picked beating up a woman and not shooting somebody, we haven't been told.

Marvel has to bury this as quickly as possible.  They can't recast the guy, they've already released movies with him as the villain and have undoubtedly shot several more.  They were able to replace Rhodey because he'd only been in one movie and the actor demanded too much money for the sequel, but beating a woman doesn't meet that category.  They'll keep him as long as possible in as many variations as they can reach.  If the fans don't like it, sucks to be them.  What are they going to do, not watch the movies?  More than they're already doing?

26 March, 2023

□ [“'No I Didn’t Fly Private' – John Kerry Claims He Didn’t Fly on Private Jet and Backs Those Who Did Because 'They’re Working Harder Than Most People'"]

That'll put the pilots of those planes in their place, being so lazy.  And the maintainers.  And those who deliver fossil fuel so the planes can fly.  And those who produce that fossil fuel from the ground.  Yes, this rich old white man sure knows how inferior the lower classes are to people like him.  That's why Democrats love him so much.

And how hard did Kerry work for his wealth?  He was born into a well-off family.  He married a rich woman.  Then divorced her to marry an even richer woman.  That's how he measures hard work.  That's why Democrats love oh wait, I already said that.  Well, it's not like Kerry has much else to talk about and keeps secret what he does do, flying around the world thanks to the fossil-fuels he wants to ban others from using.  His public airline tickets would be public knowledge, since we pay for them.

But they're working to make poor people's lives harder.  Less food, higher taxes, more work just to try to earn the same living.  That's how you treat servants.  Well, maybe not, but slaves, they can definitely be treated like that and no one will stop you.  Because you work so hard.

26 March, 2023

□ [“Zuckerberg, Meta Leaders Face Human Trafficking Allegations"]

They sure worked hard to ignore child sex trafficking using their computer networks.  What did they get from that?  Just the thrill of letting people do their own thing and making a lot of money from that?  They go to all this effort to say they totally oppose such a thing, but have they ever actually stopped it?  Or even provide aid to anyone else who stops it?

A little under 30 years ago, Michael Jackson was doing well in his career.  Going downhill, yes, but no one could follow Thriller, either with sales or publicity.  But he was still quite popular.  And then there were suddenly some accusations against him.  Michael's fanbase was totally united, there was absolutely no way he would ever do such a thing, never in a million years.  He paid off the accusers, then there were some more accusers and he left the country.  I'm sure he came back at times, but the rest of his life was outside the US.  The last news I remember hearing about him before his death was when he recorded an album in Bahrain - which has never been released - and one of the princes made a public statement saying he would *not* be sleeping with children anymore.

Whether that was true, the people who started off defending him were doing that less and less.  The famous children who used to hang out with him before they got to old went from 'he never did that' to 'he never did that to me' without bothering to explain what they had learned.

There's clearly a large amount of trafficking and people who really want sex with children and are obviously rich enough that they can get away with it.  And they all seem to support modern day liberal causes, what a coincidence.  There's no reason to hope for this but it would be very nice if this information became public knowledge any day.

26 March, 2023

□ [“‘Excited About the Future of Africa’ – Kamala Harris Delivers Cringe Speech in Ghana"]

They don't even have electricity.  They got rid of the white people who brought electric power to the continent and you support that.  You don't even let them use fossil fuels the way China does.  Why don't you just admit that blacks aren't capable of handling these complicated things and if they suffer and die from it, you're fine with that.

Africa as a whole is going down.  More countries are having regular power failures.  Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and South Africa are doing the worst, since they're the ones who promised to give up fossil fuel.  China is expanding its colonies to get rare metals that the western elites love, using child labor.  This is what "black power" brings them.

Why don't they just turn to Wakanda for help?  Sure, it's never helped anybody else for all these centuries, but maybe this time would be different.  Unless you want to just want to see characters created by white men in comics created by white men used for movies which were invented by white men and electricity which was discovered by white men.  Without that, you don't have Wakanda forever.

26 March, 2023

□ [“‘State Sanctioned Kidnapping’ California Bill Lets Therapists Take Kids From Parents Without Trial”]

□ [“Minnesota Pushes Transgender Rep’s Bill To Take Kids From Parents Who Don’t Support Transition”]

They're really doubling down on this.  At no point are there any doubts that they might have gone too far or using too stupid of an excuse to seize power.  But they're doing this everywhere they can get away with it.  I have to wonder if it's just a desire to destroy men, a desire to control children or just to destroy the family in general.  I suppose it might be a different conscious decision for every collectivist but they all move towards the same goal.

At what point will there be a resistance?  When will even the people who've agreed with them so far refuse to put up with this any longer?  There have been a few anecdotes of girls who would really rather be girls and even some feminists are sensible enough to realize they have no chance against the big, strong women-with-penises, which gets rid of everything they've been working for all their lives.  That's fine, but there's no confirmation that this is leading to any large number of people willing to stand up and fight back.

□ [“Chuck Schumer Claims Republican Bill Supporting Parents’ Rights in Education is ‘Orwellian’"]

And they're all in on this.  It would probably be depressing to learn how many people from both parties have been enjoying this for generations.  But better to know the truth than to put up with this anymore.  I'd like to think we're at the point where it will all come out, but that's just mindless optimism.  We need to pull back and start removing these creatures from society, and the best way to do that is to unite and build our own, one with actually works.  They won't be permitted to join.

27 March, 2023

In the Casablanca remake, Rick is black and Ilsa is transgender.

□ [“Massive 70 Car Train Derails in North Dakota Spilling Hazardous Materials"]

It's obviously deliberate, like school shootings and everything else they can use, an excuse to gain more power over everybody.  They never ask why these things didn't happen so often before they were in charge and what they might be doing wrong that leads to these.  That basically tells you all you need to know.

I can guarantee this wouldn't be happening if the trainworkers just went on strike.  We need them to be at a point where they say 'I don't care what you do to us, I'm not showing up' more than we need the supplies they deliver.  Because they're not going to stop.  We have to stop them.

I think the real worry should be that the rulers actually have some back-up plan, automotive trains or something.  That seems unlikely, but what what part of the last few years have you expected to happen this smoothly and quickly for our rulers?  There's really no other option than to make them handle this without us.

27 March, 2023

□ [“The Army’s new ad features ‘Ant-Man’ and ‘Creed’ star Jonathan Majors"]

This just came out two weeks ago.  I'm sure it's already been dropped.  But then, so has the accusation.  I don't know if the charges themselves were completely dropped but basically everything else was.  The woman who called the police and went to the hospital said nothing bad had happened.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't care either way, but these are far from normal times.  There's no reason to think he's not doing this just to show he can get away with it.  That way, if people go see movies with Kang, he'll look less stupid for losing all the time, he might actually appear like a threat.  This may sound ridiculous, but there must be a reason Marvel/Disney is pushing the characters over everything, even the people who make the characters happen.  And if people don't bother to go see movies with Kang, at least they've set the example.

And what is the Army doing bringing back the "Be All You Can Be" slogan?  Yes, it's superior to any of their follow-up slogans, but I always assumed that was why they got rid of it.  My favorite was "Army of One," although that's probably because that's what I enlisted under.  There's no such thing as an "army of one" which showed what the armed forces were becoming.  In many ways, I do miss being in the service, but in other ways, I'm glad I got out when I did.

27 March, 2023

□ [“Nashville School Shooter Was Former Student, Age 28, Transgender – Included Manifesto"]

Why are people who invent their own gender permitted to buy guns?  There should be a law against that.  I've always wondered why Democrats don't just put out a bill that bans guns to such people.  Or blacks, just as Democrats have always supported banning guns from.  Tell them they'd get a lot of support from Republicans and it would help push complete bans against anyone who obeys the law or isn't rich.

Most likely the media will drop this immediately, although I have seen that some media are blaming Republicans and the like for the shooting, which is an obvious second choice.  Can't claim your own people are responsible for anything they do, no matter how many people they kill.  It's always someone else's fault.

I'm also wondering if the rulers are trying to push an actual assault on normal people.  I mean literally, as a transgender organization has literally called for violence on April 1.  Some of them are just going to get ahead of the issue and start right away.  It's not like they're responsible for anything they do.

27 March, 2023

□ [“Israel Government Reportedly Agrees to Delay Controversial Judicial Overhaul After 'Historic' General Strike and Violent Protests"]

Usually I would say Israel is the example to be followed, or at least studied for inspiration.  It's not like I wouldn't want to see a strike/protests here.  It's just that with the world we live in, I have no idea if I would support either side or not.  How much of this is real and how much is propaganda?

But this does seem to be going on everywhere these days.  I'd really wish it happened closer to home, but as I've said, I think the rulers have figured out how to disassemble each nation on its own.  It's the sort of thing you can't conceive of them ever succeeding at but just the fact that they've gotten this far this quickly is astonishing.

And redoing the legal system is just stupid.  What I've seen indicates that the legislature can pass unconstitutional laws any time they want, laws that the court already declared unconstitutional.  No!  Our tyrants are trying to get rid of everything that works and this is the sort of scheme they would completely support everywhere on Earth.  Just stop!

27 March, 2023

□ [“Ripley's Hero:  Adam Kinzinger Was On Pro-Ukraine Group Board of Advisors That Scammed People Out of Millions of Dollars, Is Now Under Federal Investigation"]

Is this just a one-shot or is stuff like this going on across the board?  All the money for Ukraine and the virus will bring in lots of scam-artists, which our leaders will do nothing to prevent.  They probably didn't even consider that they'd be scammed, unless they get a 10% share.  The longer the war goes on, the more they can steal.

But this guy was given so much support for his heroic war efforts.  He was given lots of money and a little bit even went to Ukraine.  How considerate.

At least we expect this from Russia because, y'know, they're Russia.  But shouldn't the people who claim to not be Russian act a little less like Russians?  I was just looking at headlines I posted over a year ago that say Russia's on the run, Putin's forces would stop fighting within fourteen days.  Has anybody who said that in the last year ever come out and admitted they were wrong?  They don't need to be curious about why they were so ignorant, just admitting they were would be a benefit.

But they're on Ukraine's side so they can't do that.  They have to be just as Russian as the Russians, but they can't admit it.

28 March, 2023

I self-identify the dog as a cat, now he's depressed and refuses to eat cat food

□ [“Biden Regime Rejects UN Security Council Calls for International Investigation of Nord Stream Attack – Russia May Demand Compensation"]

Nothing suspicious about that, right?  If Trump refused to permit an investigation of something he says he had nothing to do with, despite saying that he would do exactly what's being investigated, Democrats would support that, right?  That's the principles they believe in and everybody is is required to agree.

They've already accused Ukraine of sending unnamed people a long distance to destroy the pipeline with absolutely no connections to the government, maybe some of those people came from the United States.  Without names or government connections, they just went over and blew up a pipeline.  Do Biden's minions know for certain that this could never happen?  Is that why they're refusing an investigation?

So far Russia, China and Brazil are the only three committee members pushing for an investigation.  Russia is the only nation of white people but has a lot less population than the other two, so you can understand why Democrats oppose them.  Those non-white people just need to go along with America and no investigation of what America's leader said he'd do won't be investigated.

It might wind up destroying the UN - not a bad thing - but I've wondered if this is part of a subtle game to turn world influence away from the US, which BRICS seems to be doing quite well.  And Europe has much less fuel in the meantime.

28 March, 2023

□ [“'Trans Rights Or Else' – Trans Advocate Posts Selfie Wearing Sweatshirt With Guns and Threats"]

I've seen some convincing arguments that China is actually behind all the horrible things happening around the world these days, but this transgender nonsense makes a good example of why I can't believe that entirely.  Yes, China gets as much blame as it deserves and it's certainly possible they're using this as a trap for westerners, but they didn't create the problem itself.

I think we are getting a view of why real genders have been in place for thousands of years.  Men are men, women are women, boys and girls are expected to grow up to be those respectively.  It's also an example of why 'keep it simple, stupid' is usually the best solution, because trying to understand all the reasons makes it far more complicated and time-wasting than it needs to be.  Men are men, women are women, go with that.

Since the left is all about destroying civilization and using whatever excuse they can come up with, this has been part of the plan for a long time.  Just pick whichever gender you want to be from the tree where it grows and everyone must submit to your desires, no matter what.  If complete obedience is the result, violence is the next option.  Like I say, China didn't invent this and I'd need a bit of convincing that they're actively supporting these creatures - in other countries, not in China - but I can definitely believe the goal is to tear down the US and Western Civilization with whatever it takes.

I don't take polls seriously but it is being suggested that the transgender movement has gone too far by this point.  I haven't checked, but it is being reported that other school shootings were done by those people, and they're preparing violence for April 1.  Not a smart move, threatening large numbers of people who have enough trouble just getting through their lives because they don't worship some made-up gender.

As expected, they're leftists.  The Nashville shooter had other targets, although some were taken off the list because they had guns for defense.  I am surprised that this was a girl who pretended to be male, usually I expect it to go the other way.  But all its defenders can do is blame others because transgenders aren't responsible for their actions, even though that's what made them transgenders in the first place.  I would say they can't have it both ways, but this imaginary-gender thing is how they're already trying to have it both ways, so we must support their decisions that they aren't responsible for.

But the left will still push to ban guns, even though this thing was mentally ill and would have been denied a gun if it followed the law.  It was also stopped only by a man with a gun and had avoided other targets because guns were used there.

So it looks like they'll push something on Saturday, April 1.  This may be the target date for complete societal destruction.  That's going to happen anyway, I have no clue if they can actually pick the date.  I'm expecting it to happen when Jimmy Carter dies, so it'll be soon no matter what.

28 March, 2023

□ [“No Vote on Possible Trump Indictment by Manhattan Grand Jury This Week"]

Still not clear what they think they're doing, but it really looks like they're stuck.  Their surprise witness turned out to be a publisher of the National Enquirer, which doesn't seem to be a likely source for major court cases.  He's already testified, so what else could he add to Paula Jones' case this time around, or whatever her name is?

You can get paid to sit around for months and talk endlessly about how you're going to grab the tar baby, but if the tar baby is still free, then you have failed to do your job.  So what's the hold-up?  All the evidence going back to Hillary paying Russia and you still can't grab the tar baby, maybe you should put a white man in charge.  He'll take care of it.

They'll keep this going as long as possible but it's going to have an end-point.  If there was anything to go on for local/state courts, wouldn't that have been pushed out with the failed federal attempts?  Adding more time to how long it takes you to make a decision doesn't change the statute of limitations, those were established before Trump was ever accused of whatever you're making up about him.

28 March, 2023

□ [“John Fetterman Has Missed Over 80 Percent of Senate Roll Call Votes Since Checking Into Hospital"]

We have so little to entertain us these days, might as well stick with this guy.  He gets paid to not show up to work at a job he has no clue how to do.  Honestly, would you oppose it if Joe Biden got that sort of arrangement?

How long are they going to stick with this?  Can't say it's helping Pennsylvania because even if he magically start working tomorrow, he still has no idea how the Senate works.  Even if he had a working brain, he'd have to learn the practice before he could do anything and he hasn't even started.  Not going to be too long before he reaches 90% absence from his job which voters were (supposedly) eager for him to do.  Then 95%.  Then 98%.  And he's still getting paid.

I can understand Democrats wanting to keep the empty lump of flesh where it is, but that means one less vote for Democrats who need everyone they can get at this point.  Yet they're still deluding themselves that he'll magically know everything when he finally gets around to showing up.  I'm surprised to find that he has actually been assigned to committees, which tells you how important those are if they can get by without their one-vote Democrat majorities.

And nobody's saying just replace him with someone who can actually walk and speak under his own power.  Nope, that's not what leftists want, that's not what he gets paid for.