Wednesday, February 8, 2023


05 February, 2023

□ [“Angry Citizens Post Thousands of Notes for Each Vaxx Death at Netherlands’ Largest News Agency”]

This happened at the BBC recently as well, we need more of this.  I think every media outlet local and national should be covered with them.  There has to be lashing out against our masters making this happen.  It would also help put together a record of the deaths/damage from the poison and to encourage more resistance against the rulers.

Have the BBC or NOS reported on people doing this in memory of their lost ones?  Probably not, they aren’t there to tell the public what’s going on, they just recite what the rulers tell them to say.  Do they realize that this will only give people less reason to trust them or do they just assume everything will work how they want, no change?

I’m definitely glad to hear about things like this but it should have happened ages ago.  I’m pondering how to organize a record, by book or website.  I’d prefer the former but convenience and publicity would probably go for the latter.  I suggest the following:

Last name, first name, city/state/country, reason for death, age.  That’s a workable memorial.  We could add birthdate, pictures, any comments made about the individual.  A website could adjust it alphabetically, by date or location, so you could get, say, a list of names from Chicago in September 2022.  I would go by date if it’s in a book.

05 February, 2023

□ [“NSA Courting Thousands Of Fired Woke Big Tech Workers For Intelligence Activities”]

As always, I assume this is part of the plan.  Tech companies are having problems so they fire people, who will now move over to the government where they can do the same thing and not worry about being fired.  There are reasons why this might be a bad idea – it’s not like they were crucial to the tech companies – but will increase the number of government puppets imposed on the rest of us.  They were doing this for the IRS too.

Remember, our rulers oppose anything the government doesn’t control.  They will add thousands-upon-thousands of experienced people who also want that.  They don’t even need to make a profit, none of them will turn that down.

It may be part of the plan to cut down any private business so everybody must accept a government job.  Probably not workable but they’d start with the companies that have worked with government for decades anyway.  A “hive mind” is impossible for human beings but a lot of individuals believe it can work and that they’re part of it.

05 February, 2023

□ [“China:  US Hitting Balloon ‘A Clear Overreaction and a Serious Violation of International Practice’”]

They’re China so they’re allowed.  They’d shoot a US balloon down on the spot if we sent one, but our rulers needed to show what wussies they are.  Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III boasts about how long the balloon lasted, spying or spreading viruses or whatever, before the US stopped it.  Can’t risk people dying from “suddenly” without government approval!  Monitoring something is just as good as stopping it, right?

But the military doesn’t have any salvage vehicles ready so it’ll be days before they get around to looking at the wreckage.  Hope China doesn’t get there first, or anyone else.  The government’s behavior for the last week shows that they aren’t involved, so it’s not like they can say they planned to take the balloon down ‘when it was safe.’  They would have prepared salvage vehicles beforehand.  There’s even companies on the coastlines who handle things like this but it’s too much work to call one of them.

China definitely wants to show how stupid our rulers are.  They couldn’t do anything about the balloon until it accomplished its mission.  Can’t say they followed the chain-of-command because Biden now claims he gave orders to shoot it down that were ignored.  Can’t say they're protecting America because they’re ignoring all the deaths from “suddenly” and they just look ridiculous promoting this like an achievement.

05 February, 2023

You can get what you want and still not be very happy.

□ [“Biden Quietly Took Out $250,000 Line of Credit Against Rehoboth Beach Home in December”]

Why would he need a line of credit?  Assuming he gets the paycheck that goes to the real POTUS, that’s more than enough money for this guy.  He has millions of dollars in the bank, enough to maintain his many houses, and his food, transportation, security, etc. all comes from the taxpayer.  Then there’s all the rich doners he’s sucked up to for decades, they could help.  Hunter has lots of money and must owe the big guy something.

So why does he need the money?  It’s based on one of the houses he used to illegally store classified documents, is that relevant?  Nothing comes to mind on that but given how our rulers claim they’re creating a world where nobody owns anything, they already own so much property and never say they’ll give it up soon.

Just a thought, but could lack-of-ownership already be established in whatever ‘hidden government’ they seem to operate in?  Could Biden not actually own his houses and John Kerry, Obama, the Clintons, etc don’t either?  Since the government was inspecting the house and they haven’t gotten rid of all the actual laws, Biden needed something to show he actually owned something in the real world and this was the most convenient way to do that.  He didn’t need the money so it wasn’t a big line of credit, he just needed documents showing that he could if he wanted to.

05 February, 2023

Our masters have a plan and keep moving towards it.  They’re incompetent and lazy but that doesn’t guarantee failure.  I don’t have any real insights but I’ve been looking at pop culture and wondering how much of that was part of the planning stages.

Music is basically gone.  We can blame computers for some of it but nobody’s trying to make actual songs anymore.  I avoid country music as much as possible but it always seemed like that was also affected and this would explain what rock’n’roll has always been about:  mindless simplicity.  They’ve done this to the medium itself.

And movies.  They’re still expensive and require dozens of people to do even the basic ones.  They’re still focused on their highly-paid stars but now it looks like they’re just made on a greenscreen with barely any thought put into an actual story.  The movies are getting longer and longer to compensate.  They were basically an hour-and-a-half a few decades ago for whatever genre, comedy or action or romance.  Now it’s like they just film many hours, then edit together two or three hours and release that.

I’m not remotely a movie fan and it’s been a couple decades since I paid attention to new music, so I’m just speculation, mostly from ignorance.  But to the limited extent I see or hear anything about these, it’s just bizarre, and it’s all done by the front-line pop culture warriors, promoting our rulers’ agenda. They wanted this, they got it.

06 February, 2023

The world can’t be fixed until Dazzler wins a grammy for her cover of “Yub-Nub!”

□ [“Anonymous Deep State Defenders Put Out New Official IC Lie That Chinese Spy Airships Were Always Over the US Under Trump"]

And these people who never give out their names just found out years later?  They don't give any dates or locations, it just happened and you have to believe them.  Trump officials with names are going public and saying it never happened, 

□ [“Rep. Waltz Says DOD Told Him China Spy Balloons Crossed US During Trump Years But Gen. Mattis Didn't Tell Trump – Thought He Was Too Aggressive"]

That wasn't helping so a Republican Congressman claimed it really happened.  That also doesn't help.  Don't tell Trump about something, you're hiding it from him against your job requirements and you can't blame the man-in-charge for not stopping something you didn't tell him about.  They're already on-record as flat-out ignoring what Biden (allegedly) told them to do, so if we pretend he's POTUS, you're already ignoring him.  You told us *that* before you told us that this was going on under Trump so you weren't going to do anything to change that.

And what would Trump's "aggression" do?  He specifically avoided starting any wars, Biden had to send more troops to Syria on Day One, back when we were further away from nuclear war than we are now.  This is only believable in the sense that you solve problems at lower levels so that the commander doesn't get informed about them - I was a supply sergeant, I know how that works - but an attack by China really isn't something to leave the commander ignorant of.

And yet that's what you did.  And the unnamed government officials agree.

06 February, 2023

□ [“NYC Teachers Fired for Defying Covid Mandate, Illegals At Schools Without Proof of Immunization”]

Do the rulers hope the illegal immigrants all die from the virus?  They’ve told us that’s what would happen to the unvaccinated.  Or does the virus only hit certain types of people and everyone else is fine?  That’s not what we’ve heard for the last three years.

Why don’t our masters just admit that they oppose treating people equally, they prefer discrimination based on skin color and any other excuse they come up with?  They’re doing that anyway, why not be honest about it?  It’s not like they have to worry about losing future elections.  It’s not like the newcomers can vote, at least legally.

It’s things like this which make it clear that our masters are obeying a ‘secret government’ which has already made these decisions and just give their subjects the orders to impose on the rest of us.  They want to eliminate us permanently and replace us with more obedient slaves.  This is why the new ones get everything for free.

06 February, 2023

□ [“Satanic ‘Unholy’ Grammy Performance Presented by Pfizer”]

Just more evidence that our rulers promote demon-worship as much as possible.  “Best pop duet/group performance” went to “Unholy,” which required seven people with six producers.  That’s not how good music is created but our masters want it this way.

The single only includes remixes of the same track, why?  If this creature’ “music” is so great, shouldn’t they include another track to promote the single?  Well, that hasn’t been part of the industry for a long time.  For that matter, these people became famous by appearing on other people’s tracks, which just seems creepy.

So of course Jill Biden appeared, wasting fossil fuel to go to Los Angeles.  Our masters obviously approved of that.  Most performers wore dark red outfits and looked like a cult.  It’s not clear just what they were trying to show off or to whom but they were definitely aiming at something and it wasn’t appealing.

06 February, 2023

□ [“Is Woke Disney Spooked by Proxy Fight?"]

Some interesting articles are coming out about various problems Disney's having, not least of which is that they're really only guaranteed the pedophile customer.  But aside from that, they're just trying to crank out product and it's not going well for their various branches.  They don't seem to have a clue what to do with Star Wars or Marvel, and it's not like they pay much attention to their older franchises.  Then there's the 'woke' nonsense they're obsessed with like every other leftist organization.

But this is an example of my concern that our rulers are just going to make it worse.  They own Disney, they're going to keep it from making money because money is bad.  Even if people start selling their stock, leftists will be the ones buying it.  They've been funneling tons of money for a reason and I think things like this are one reason, to keep Disney operating at a loss for a long time.

I do think they can maintain their reliance on theme parks and although I have no clue how streaming works, they'll probably stick with that for a while.  I also suspect they've filmed their actors doing and saying so much that they can basically generate more movies out of them for a long time even if they die of old age.  Disney product is basically the ground forces for the demon-worshipping cult.

There's really nothing Disney can do with these properties.  Star Wars is not about a galaxy, it's about Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie and the droids fighting an empire.  The Marvel superheroes have been around for decades but virtually all of their stories are crap that only nerds like me would read when we were younger.  You can take pieces of the best stories and glue them together for an entertaining movie, fine.  Those of us who lived and breathed comics can even appreciate the interconnection between different releases, building up to a climax in Endgame.  That's certainly a novelty for movies.

But there's nothing to go on from there.  The Star Wars actors are old or dead and there's nothing to add.  The point of Endgame was that everybody showed up at the same time.  That only worked because death is now a temporary thing.

The Marvel stories are from decades which our rulers want to erase.  At least Marvel had to get through the process of making new stories each and every month, but they also required complete ownership of every concept, meaning there was little incentive to create new ones.

What's worse is that the people involved in all this don't seem remotely interested in creating new characters and stories, they want to mutilate previously-existing ones to use as propaganda, and they always seem to be replaced by one-dimensional females who are perfect at everything, but use the same character names as the ones they replace.  You can do superheroes and space adventures without being part of the franchise so that's what actual creators would be more interested in.

07 February, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Won’t Name Official Who Divulged Misleading Info About Chinese Spy Balloons During Trump Admin"]

Probably won't go anywhere but we're getting yet-another look at how our rulers have always ignored rules to gain power and blame others for it.  A transcript on has a "senior defense official" saying that China had sent balloons into the US at least three times under Trump.  But then another "official" told the Wall Street Journal that they only learned of this after Trump had left office.

All those decades of national defense are worthless, the enemy can just slip over the boarder and do what they want, our leaders won't notice until it's too late.  It's certainly a valid reason to not trust what the government says.  And this is from the military, the ones we really need to rely on.

Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Mark Milley told China he'd warn them in advance if we were up to anything.  We 've already been told that other defense officials flat-out didn't tell Trump what was going on.  It's also coming out that Trump ordered US troops taken out from Syria and his military officials lied to him about it so they never left.  Biden's very first act as pretend-POTUS was to send more troops to Syria, who never attacked us and Congress has never declared war on.  Once-upon-a-time, liberals opposed such a thing.

□ [“US Military Now Says Six China Spy Balloons Were Spotted During Trump Years – But No One Was Notified"]

One advantage of telling the truth from the start is that there's just less to keep track of.  If you lie, you have to keep track of the lie and you have to know the truth to be able to get it right.  Just admitting to not know the truth is a lot simpler than having to lie about it.  But it is possible to work with others to *avoid* putting out relevant information.  You might call that a conspiracy.

It doesn't help that the people whose job is to defend us say they hadn't even noticed.  Large balloons coming into US airspace, they aren't looking for any of that.  What's more likely, that they're making it all up now or that they're incompetent at their jobs or that they were deliberately hiding it from the POTUS in some sort of conspiracy against the President?

Japan sent thousands of balloons to the US during WWII and hundreds of them reached the Continental US.  Some of them made it as far as Nebraska, and on May 5, 1945, one of them killed six Americans in Oregon.  China can do that any time they want, there's nothing to stop them.

And the military also says it wasn't their fault, it's the intelligence services who knew about balloons when Trump was the evil dictator and they're the ones who kept quiet about it.  We already know our rulers will send men-with-guns to people's houses to find out what they're hiding, why not do that with everybody involved in defending the nation from invaders, regardless of their position or rank, and start questioning them.

Probably don't need everybody, but if they've magically discovered when and where balloons (or anything else) entered the US without permission in Trump's term, who was on duty at that location and time?  Those are the people you go to first.  The next group would be who do those people report their findings too?  And you just start going up the chain.

You're the ones saying (for the moment) that this has happened before, so you need to present evidence that this is the truth.  They're not even bothering to ask why China did this, or even explain why they're not asking China.  That would probably be too close to the truth, which our rulers don't want.

07 February, 2023

□ [“IRS Proposes New Program to Crack Down on Waiters’ Tips and other Service Industries"]

It's always the poor they go after.  They've usually at least pretended to be helping the poor and going after the rich, but now they're not even doing that.  Granted the people making these rules aren't remotely poor but it's like they're trying to work out what would make poor people suffer more.  No shame, no regret, suffering is all they're after.

It's clearly about spying on people, being a "voluntary tip-reporting scheme" with employers.  "Voluntary" like all taxes and they can threaten employers in far more ways if they don't comply.  But beyond that, I really can't see any motivation for this.  Don't they already pretend the government makes all the money?

Could this also be part of the plan to get rid of printed money?  I'm still trying to figure that out.  How do they intend to prevent people who are willing to use real money from that sort of trade?  I'm sure it would be a struggle to get to that point but they're the ones who are somehow convinced that it can be gotten rid of.

07 February, 2023

□ [“Media Hypes Terrible Ratings For Awful Grammy Awards Show – Down 6 Million Viewers from 2020"]

But it's up three million from the last couple years.  Assuming the numbers are correct - and I still don't know why people trust Nielson ratings - I think that's a basic count of the 'cult members' actively involved in this.  They're required to pay attention to the ceremony, they'd look bad if they missed it.

□ [“Jill Biden’s Guests for State of the Union Address Include Paul Pelosi, Bono, Ukraine Ambassador"]

They're definitely building on something, and at least one level of it is part of their witchcraft.  It's clear that they need to maintain social order, their status as elites would be gone without that.  Why is Paul here and not with his wife?  Or is he just trying to stay the hell away from her?

□ [“Woke Church Of England To Consider 'Gender-Neutral' God"]

Does God get a vote or do you make all the decisions?  They're going to be bringing back human sacrifice any time now.  I've long said that the last bastions of human freedom were, in no particular order, the US military, the Catholic Church and the British Royalty.  We're now 0 for 3.  Here comes the deluge.

08 February, 2023

□ [“Biden Gave Approval to Bomb Russia’s Nord Stream Pipeline"]

The point of the attack was always to shut down Russian fuel to Europe.  That way even if Europe disagrees with the US about Russia, they're screwed.  It's not Russians suffering, they have fuel.  There's not too many nations that have the ability to function that deeply and destructively underwater against something so well-protected and the investigators recently put out that Russia wasn't to blame.

Before the invasion started, Biden said he would destroy the pipeline.  "If Russia invades, then there will be longer Nord Stream 2.  We will bring an end to it.  I promise you we will be able to do it."  The SoS praised the explosions when they happened.

If you publicly say your girlfriend will be killed if she tries to leave you and she gets shot several months later with her new boyfriend, that makes you a suspect. Our rulers' eagerness to deny this without the slightest doubt basically proves the US did it.  They don't even say 'yeah, that looks really awkward, shouldn't have said it like that' or anything of the sort.

The pipeline is also basically proof that the US wants WWIII.  Our military would have to be the ones who made the attack on another nation who wasn't at war with us.  Germany is supposed to be on our side, or at least our masters' side.  Or at least Germany's rulers are on the same side as our rulers.

Along with the bizarre demon-worship practices at places like the Grammys and the eagerness with which they pledge allegiance to the Pride Flag, this is basically showing that 'secret government' I've been suspecting for a while.  They're the ones who want the war against anybody who doesn't obey them.  Still speculating how they could form this in the first place.  My guess is that if it didn't completely start in Hollywood/rock'n'roll, they got involved very early in the proceedings to pump out their propaganda.

This would also explain the paganism, looking for 'code words' as well as some established practice which would openly oppose religion and white people.  And the opposition to heterosexuality, knowing how to find people 'in the know.'

I don't know how 'official' it is to any of them but they've formed a new government.  They're probably also behind all the money being given by governments, funneling it through Ukraine or wherever.  Whatever money they already have, they help themselves to ours and use it to increase their power over us.  That's always been the plan, that's who we're at war with.  The one Biden said would happen if we sent tanks to Ukraine, so he sent tanks to Ukraine.

And for whatever reason, they're using abortion as the focus.  I've always thought it strange that the Supreme Court finally issued a ruling on it all of a sudden, but it is clear that the left got to spend half a century brainwashing their supporters to get rid of reproduction and now they had something to unify on.

08 February, 2023

Last night was the State of the Union address.  The POTUS is supposed to give it but Trump was busy or something so someone else filled in.  Biden just ranted like always, near as I can tell.  Apparently he didn't even mention the balloon.  Maybe he'd forgotten all about it.

No one took him seriously back when he was in the best shape of his life and those days are long gone.  About the best argument that the elections *weren't* stolen is that if you can get away with that, why would you pick Biden to pretend they happened for real?  It's largely just an other example of how our masters really have no respect for the US that such a worthless puppet would be all they put into office.

There are complaints about the SOTU itself.  I get the point but I think the problem is basically unfixable.  The POTUS is head of one of the three branches and it's just more natural to identify with an individual.  You can complain that too big a deal is made of it and that's fair, but the media is going to pay attention and promote it, many people want to focus on it also, and the last century or so has required whoever delivers it to handle public speeches.  Even Biden in his younger days would know that.

08 February, 2023

□ [“'They’ve Informed Me Not to Speak to This Issue' – Biden When Asked About His Classified Documents Scandal"]

They tell him what he's allowed to say and he obeys.  That's how he got this far.  Of course there should be an "investigation" going on so everybody's being told to not talk about it, we'll be given the approved-information when our rulers are ready for that.  Biden was allowed to say they found stuff that's been there since 1974.

Say what?  He only joined the Senate in 1973, he's kept secret information for that long?  Does everybody get a briefing on stuff that they're supposed to leave at work but he took his home?  The JFK assassination or something?

Oh well, it's just something else they'll stuff under the carpet.  There must be a limit to how much of that they can get away with though.  I think the only reason he's being allowed to consider running again is because Trump is still out there.  If it was up to Biden, sure he'd run again, but he'll be given orders one way or another.  A lot of press is out now about how Harris isn't qualified either.  People keep mentioning Michelle Obama but I don't think she's remotely interested.  I'd bet on Hillary.

08 February, 2023

□ [“Attorney on First Trump Impeachment Sham Says It’s a Lie that Biden Pressured Ukraine to Fire Prosecutor"]

There is something going on, it's just too messy to figure out the specifics.  Biden blatantly told the story about how he pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor going after Hunter, you have to accuse Biden of lying to have anybody believe you.

Are they trying to take Biden down?  Is this something going on about Hunter's laptop and the influence in Ukraine?  Are the classified documents relevant?  Are our rulers just trying to demonstrate that they can make up reality and impose it on the rest of us?  It really does seem like they're trying to push something through right now.

For that matter, could this be used for the video of Biden telling the story about the prosecutor?  We just saw a great fake-video of Biden.  People complain that it's not perfect animation but face it, most of us looking at videos on laptops are used to the sound not matching the facial expressions and it probably wouldn't be too much extra work to fake a believable speech from modern Biden.

202301 Classified Struggling