Thursday, August 11, 2022

202209 Strike One - 20220811

06 August, 2022

It’s not over until we decide it is!  Ok, we’ve decided.  Bye.

□ [“CBS News Exposes Ukraine Weapons Scam:  ‘30% Maybe Reaches Its Final Destination’”]

That explains that, it’s a ruse to arm the pseudo-army’s international division.  We already know that’s where the money is going, obviously why Biden keeps sending more.

I guess it’s possible the weapons are just going to the highest bidder, but I dunno.  Who would buy them, Iran?  More possibly, Russia has been putting out the info it seized from Ukraine although obviously that wouldn’t make it any more trustworthy.

It’s just surprising that CBS of all networks would broadcast something like this.  Is it a fraud or do they know something bad is coming and hope to get out of the way?

□ [“Pelosi Claims a ‘Connection’ to China Because Of What She Was Told As a Little Girl”]

Nancy is asked:

“Good morning.  My name is Jackie.  I have a question for the Speaker about China and the reaction of China.  The military drill since yesterday: do you think how they think this visit will affect the U.S.-China relationship?”

Nancy responds:

“But when I was a little girl, I was told when at the beach that if I dug a hole deep enough, we would reach China – so we’ve always felt a connection there.”


Ok, she is not well.  I can’t find where this happened, I’m guessing South Korea.  She has a connection to China because as a stupid kid, she was told about digging a hole there and she believed it.  Well that explains everything.

□ [“Here We Go:  Biden Regime Plans to Extend Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Once Again Beyond the Midterm Elections”]

The emergency will continue until the Democrats are no longer in power, which they won’t let happen.  Notice they have no plans to end the virus, not even a reference to Biden's so-called plan two years ago.  They’re happy this way, sadism works for them.

□ [“Schumer Says the 230 Economists Who Wrote Letters to Congress Saying Dems’ Tax-and-Spend Bill Will Make Inflation Worse are ‘Wrong’”]

This is someone who doesn’t have any back-up plans in case he’s wrong but he won’t permit anybody around him to think about what to do if he’s wrong.  This probably applies to anything he does.  People who have actual accomplishments in their lives know what it’s like to be wrong but they wouldn’t be allowed into Schumer’s presence.

That also implies that anybody who’d defend Schumer from the poor and starving won’t be around by then either.  They’d know he was wrong and he wouldn’t like that.

We really should start taking some of these rich people’s mansions down, those who want to make decisions for us and are never wrong about anything.

□ [“Even Bernie Sanders admits Biden’s ‘inflation reduction’ plan is a joke”]

He doesn’t say it’s a joke, just that this bill has little to do with the inflation making people suffer.  He’s still going to support it, we know that.

There’s the sadism, enjoy making other people suffer.  They claim it’s just some individuals they’re after, not everybody else, but this spreads fear of them and enforces their rule on everyone.  They always project this and blame *others* for sadism.

And that’s the end.

07 August, 2022

World War III:  This time it's personal!

□ [“Democrats Cheer and Clap Like Seals After They Pass Bill to Raise Taxes on Middle Class, Raise Inflation, Crush Small Businesses During Biden’s Economic Recession"]

So that’s today’s news.  It’s just a sequel to Obamacare, tying everything down, expanding government, taking from the people…  More of what the rulers want.

They’re hiring thousands more for the IRS, soldiers on the ground to attack the enemy, i.e. us.  They already go after poor people and Republicans, who do you think they’ll be doubling down on now?  Members of Congress are even telling the media that the IRS won’t be attacking us, conclusive proof that they absolutely will be attacking us.

It's like defending the police, ‘if you’re not breaking the law, you’ve got nothing to worry about.’  How do Democrats stand on that?  Oh, right…

They’ve dreamed for ages of a global elite that rule, now it’s time.  Their own estimates – as accurate as all leftist government figures – raises taxes on those who make $40,000/year+ by 60% and 24.6% of those who make over $10,000 a year.  They’re just helping themselves to more money from the distinctly poor than they already get.

They’re also buying lots of ammo for themselves.  Strange why they would need that if they’re trying to ban guns, but...

□ [“Study Finds 96% of Supporting Data For $369 Billion Democrat Senate Climate Bill Is Flawed”]

This is just a given.  Leftists don’t accept reality and don’t do math so their numbers will always be made-up.  Their obsession with government ensures that government data is always wrong, there’s the explanation.

The money will be going into the pockets of their collectivist leaders, that’s what it's for.  *They* keep track of how much they’re getting.

□ [“Biden Heads for Marine One on White House Lawn and Won't Answer Questions”]

And this is their shining flag.  He finally tested negative for the virus two days in a row, now he’s permitted to immediately go on vacation.

This was probably the longest he’d gone without a vacation in years.

□ [“COVID/Climate Warrior Justin Trudeau Lands Private Jet in Costa Rica, Unmasked with His Family”]

This is our global elite, it’s what they do.  They say oil kills the planet so they use oil to go far away.  They call the virus dangerous so everyone must be forced to put cloth on their faces but we won’t see them with cloth on their faces.  Just accept it, he’s worked so hard to cut down the farmers who provide food for the masses.

Is it just me or do they seem to be acting more obvious about this mentality?  They used to at least have to pretend they cared about their own country and didn’t consider everyone else to be inferior.  That’s not happening now.  They’ve finally established their own group and aren’t there for the rest of us.

They basically qualify as a cult and frankly I suspect it’s along the lines of the Manson/Jim Jones style.  I don’t know if they literally practice human sacrifice, but, well, they probably do.  If not in actual religious format, then some other way.

□ [“Ohio Man Executes 4 Neighbors Over ‘Mind Control’ – Posts Insane Facebook Rant Claiming They Used ‘Telepathy’ to Control Him”]

This also seems to be happening more often these days.  We know Facebook is run by so *if* it’s possible to mind-control lunatics, take it as a given that they’ll do it for an excuse to ban guns and impose government surveillance on everyone they don’t like.

It’s also entirely possible it’s all a coincidence that some psycho falls in line with leftist desires.  That’s believable, the world is driving us all crazy, but I do think they take conscious advantage of that to impose it on the rest of us.

□ [“With a Single Missile, Israel Decapitates Palestinian Terror Command”]

Haven’t heard much of this in a while.  With Iran’s genuine threat, some Muslim states have acknowledge Israel’s existence, even opening up trade and travel.  That’s a definite plus.  We don’t know if this is related to the recent attack on al-Quaida.

How long has it been since the Palestinians  even had elections for a leader?  ‘One man, one vote, one time’ really doesn't work but they’re sticking with it.

08 August, 2022

Is this how it ends?  Keep turning the pages to find out!

□ [“Biden Sniffs Woman’s Hair, Gets Touchy-Feely with Girls as He Visits Families Impacted by Kentucky Floods”]

He’s back!  He suffered those long days of not getting to be around anyone.  Hour after hour he couldn’t put his hands on anybody but himself.  He wants it now!

□ [“Kentucky Governor Beshear Leans Away as Maskless Biden Repeatedly Coughs into His Hand”]

One gets the impression they just went with the ‘don't test, don't tell’ method Congress just used.  They don’t know or care what diseases he has, they’ll just push him as far as possible and when he finally drops, they’ll replace him with other cattle.

□ [“Biden Needs Dr. Jill’s Help to Put On His Own Jacket”]

This is elder abuse.  I wrote that before actually looking at the article which says exactly the same thing.  If he’s so wonderful and competent in total isolation then there’s no reason to force him out to this nonsense, but that’s exactly what his masters demand.

I think it’s partially about humiliating the United States in front of the world, but it’s also about identifying who is or isn’t among their subordinates.  One type are those who publicly announce how proud they are to follow this big, strong white man who can’t put on a jacket.  The people who repeat what the rulers say or just say nothing probably aren’t.  It’s a mystery which group will the new IRS enforcers be going after.

Now some personalities would stand out and show how devoted they are to the rulers but not mean it.  Some would just be sucking up for their own reasons, to get a bonus or avoid a punishment, or possibly to send a signal to some other ally.  We don’t know.  Or I don’t anyway, you probably know and just won’t tell me, you rat-bastard.

Have to wonder if she helps put on his underwear every morning.  That’s a lot more difficult than putting on a jacket, it requires arms *and* legs to move properly.

□ [“Trump says Mar-a-Lago home in Florida ‘under siege’ by FBI agents”]

This’ll work out.  They went after him during his entire time in office and they’ll keep doing it.  That isn’t how peaceful transfers of power work, a new POTUS doesn’t harass the one he replaced.  This is more like a banana republic coup, those lead to more.

Trump could just say he deleted everything Congress subpoenaed to see, just like Hillary did for 33,000 emails, the left totally supported that.

But he might be accused of selling drugs to Hunter Biden and the only named to Jeffrey Epstein’s island.  They’ll make up whatever they need.

Also 08 August, 2022

□ [“What happened to Batgirl?”]

This story’s been out for several days, apparently the 90 million Batgirl movie was filmed, but Warner Bros’s new owners decided to cancel its release.  It’s said to be ridiculously ‘woke’ and none of the test marketed audiences liked it in the slightest.

I’ve also heard that there was a plan to get rid of Superman and Batman as two of DC’s top three characters with Wonder Woman and replace them with Supergirl and Batgirl.  No idea if that's true, this only came out recently, but it’s as believable as the rest.  My main question is why they wouldn’t use Bat/Super-WOMAN?  Jus’ curious...

But they’ve already sunk the Flash movie for getting caught doing what these movie-makers do, this causes serious damage to any serious attempt at a movie DCU.  Apparently the Superpets movie has already come and gone, who knew?  It also cost $90 million but only brought in $83 million.  I’m old enough to remember when a movie that brings in that much money was automatically a big hit.

The director(s) released a statement whining about the movie never being released, adding that they hoped it would be someday, “insha’Allah.”  I take it as a given that Muslims know how to do ‘woke’ better than leftists when it comes to selling product to the infidel, but really?  If the new AOL/Time-Warner owners are serious, they’ll need to do a major purge of which the DCU would only be a minor part.

It's just the world we live in now, but I’m suspicious.  Yes, they’ll purge, but that’s not what they’re after.  My guess is they’ll end up doubling-down on being ‘woke,’ they just need to find another way since this one ran out.

They’re doing something, Time-Warner employees are putting public statements out about their awful and racist employers.  Other studios are making a point of cutting ‘woke’ material down as well.  At some point they have to make a profit.

You’d think leftist film-makers could just spend their own money to make their stuff but, well, they don’t.  At least Disney is still pushing it hard.  Creating intellectual property is pointless, changing what’s already been created is the goal.

09 August, 2022

I would resist you but you're so sexy!!!

Just a note, Michael Jackson has released two albums in the last thirty years, and that’s not counting the posthumous releases.  He’s been dead over thirteen years ago and he still found time and money to make more music than Axl Rose.

"It is the duty of the revolution to put an end to compromise, and to put an end to compromise means taking the path of socialist revolution”

 – Vladimir Lenin, Speech On The Agrarian Question, November 14, 1917

Not sure what to write today.  The rulers are seizing more power at full speed.  They absolutely need to steal future elections for any chance of winning, so they’ll shut down anyone who opposes them.  Is there a secret police or are they just working through the FBI?  Obviously they already have the elections, an actual ballot is just a formality.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi:  ‘China Is one of the Freest Societies in the World’”]

And that’s who they work for.  China, I mean, Nancy’s just a stooge.  Her son’s getting a huge profit from the trip.  Is he using their slaves, Pelosis obviously like having those around.  They aren’t in this for the rest of us and have no clue about ‘free society.’

Naturally no disagreement will be permitted.  Obviously this means there won’t be any more fair elections.  The one-party state has always been the goal, they just squabble about who’s actually in charge.  The peons will get told after-the-fact.

□ [“Pelosi Unilaterally Extends Unconstitutional Proxy Voting Scheme… Again”]

Nancy’s breaking the rules, again, to keep things the way she wants.  Democrats don’t have to show up to vote and no one bothers to check if they vote for districts they don’t actually live in.  That’s how they run their country, from China.

□ [“Biden Mumbles and Coughs His Way Through Press Conference on CHIPS Program”]

He’s obviously going downhill faster.  They may have planned to replace him, or clone him, but they still need to get everything they can out of him while there’s time.  If he drops dead tomorrow, do they have everything ready?

Gotta admit, he makes a big case against my theory that leftists are really into human sacrifice like the Aztecs.  Biden would be an obvious target and it’s not like he gets any say about it, but every day that passes shows that they can’t get rid of him.

Our rulers are all in on this.  Nancy, Biden and Mitch McConnell were all asked about this and laughed.  Even Hillary Clinton just made a rare public statement.  They’re attacking us as individuals.  Perhaps the goal is merely to keep Trump from running for POTUS again, like that’ll work.  He’ll run or not run, whichever he decides.

But they really do seem to have reached a point where everything they say should be taken as a blatant lie.  Earlier, even if they were wrong, you could still see it as an honest mistake, but asked now about the raid on Trump’s mansion, Karine Jean-Pierre claims Biden believes in the “rule of law.”  Blatant falsehood for the media to repeat.

Maybe she’s too stupid to lie but I’m skeptical.  She says Biden only learned about this watching the news, but his permission is needed to attack another POTUS.

It's just getting worse and that’s the way they want it.  We need resistance.

□ [“Veteran Calls For Sunday Protest at FBI Headquarters in DC to Protest FBI Actions Against Trump”]

This is one of those things that just seems like a hoax.  Peaceful demonstrations won’t accomplish a thing.  The options are ‘not-peaceful’ or simply leaving society.

I’m still trying to work out how resistance units can organize for maximum efficiency and production.  They’d require food and weapons which would require contact other units in the vicinity.  Transport would be required, fuel and electricity, etc...

This part is obvious, I’ve pointed it out before.  But I still don't see how it could get started.  This supposed-protest is absolutely not the way.

My vote is to go on strike.  I hope it can be organized because it will cause major suffering, but the sooner, the better, along with the pain it causes our tyrants.

10 August, 2022

Sistance worked last time, let’s try it again.

□ [“Biden:  ‘Today We Received News Our Economy Had 0% Inflation in the Month of July – 0%’”]

This isn’t about Biden, he’s just repeating whatever he’s told to say.  This is our masters demonstrating that they can say whatever they want and it’s imposed on us through the media.  They can just make up anything and we’re required to believe them.

They already deny that it’s a recession, so this lets the prices just keep going up for everything.  What’s going to stop them, reality?  Don’t think so.

That’s why they drove us into recession.  They can pretend the economy is just fine while we watch it get far worse.  The only question is if they planned for this or if a handful of them know better and had this a sudden reaction to the economic crisis.

My guess is they planned for it.  I always assume they spent a long time preparing the atrocities they’re foisting on the world, but it’s certainly possible that they didn’t predict this and so they’re just having a sudden reaction to these events.

Even if this is all part of an elaborate leftist plan, they don’t actually know reality as well as they think they do, as seen by their pretense that there’s no recession.  They deliberately need to lie just to say that as they’re clearly doing about the economy, so we know that they’re also lying deliberately elsewhere.

Biden says the Taliban isn’t going to take over Afghanistan, he says Russia won’t invade Ukraine or it’ll at least be a minor incursion.  He didn’t get where he is now by knowing what he’s talking about and he’s not going to start here.

□ [“Joe and Hunter Biden Jet-Set to South Carolina For Beach Vacation”]

He just finished a long weekend right after a couple weeks of doing nothing, now he’s taking a week off.  Naturally.  What else would you expect?

It’s really becoming clear that he’s not capable of making physical appearances anymore and the actual decision-makers can see that.  This is what they wanted, an all-powerful government that we have no say in providing us with economic misery.

As always, my main worry is that they’ve planned this so in-depth that we simply have no options.  Many people point out that leftists don’t make plans in-depth, which is quite correct, but it’s just not possible for anyone else to not see that as an option.

Why is Hunter there?  Does he just not have anything better to do with his life?  Maybe this is just the best way to keep him from saying anything embarrassing to anybody.  They could send him fishing with his nephew on vacation, that would be nice.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Claims Her Son Didn’t Have Business Dealings When Traveling with Her to Asia?”]

Then there’s this example.  Is she totally lying or just admitting how ignorant she is?  She could swear under oath that she kept complete tabs on his actions on this trip 100% of the time, because if she didn’t, he could have gotten away easily to conduct BUSINESS which she was opposed to him doing.

I’ll assume she just told him to keep her ignorant of what he’s doing.  That way, she can say it never happened and won’t be lying.  He just magically brought in so much money because of what he didn't do on that trip which he had no reason to be part of.

□ [“DOJ Calls Trump Raid a ‘Spectacular Backfire;’ Claims Merrick Garland Never Signed Off On It”]

They didn’t make the decisions, a Florida DA did.  It’s also coming out that Trump did have a lot of souvenir documents from his Presidency to make copies of and then return, as he informed the DOJ and National Archives a couple months ago.

Naturally that would lead to an FBI raid.  They had to act fast, so they waited a couple months.  That’s how big government operates.  Fortunately he didn’t destroy the files like Hillary did.  And like her, Biden only learned about this afterwards on the news.

As always, I don’t expect this to lead anyplace good.  At best, they wasted a lot of time and money to trap Trump and still lost, but a positive result would be a nice change of pace.  Could this be a set-up to draw our masters into a trap which they fell for?

Also 10 August, 2022

□ [“DC Website Drops ‘Comics’ Designation From Its Branding In A Sign That Suggests The Company Could Be Moving Away From Publishing”]

You came from comics, you idiots!

Sure, it’s all about the intellectual property and they’ll use that anywhere, but they really don’t comprehend how valuable comics are.  You wouldn’t have any intellectual property for all these decades without them and you really don't perceive human traits well enough to recognize that it takes a certain type of person to create comics.

I’ve always been curious about this, why the medium is so blatantly simple as far as most people are concerned.  As very small children, we learn that it takes ability to write words, and by that point we’ve already started drawing pictures, so we’re already familiar with the concepts.

This happens with other art forms.  We know that it takes specific abilities to play a musical instrument.  We know what painting is but some people do it much better than everybody else.  We know real people are involved in making plays and movies.

Yet comics – and animation – are natural to perceive as not requiring any living people at all.  Even if we know who Stan Lee is, or Walt Disney, or the voice actors on The Simpsons, that’s still a long ways away from the basic awareness of creation we have about other artforms.

At least cartoons fall into an ‘industry,’ exceptions duly noted, it’s really not possible to sit down and create a cartoon by yourself.  But comics...  Ok, most comics have a small group involved in the creation, but that’s the point, it’s a small group.  Painting and novels are the only other art forms I can think that have so few people involved.  Even rock bands, once they reach any level of success, they need a large number of people in their organization to keep everything functioning.

And DC is erasing that from the base they've always stood on.  What do they think “DC” stands for?  You don’t need to be a detective to figure that out.  [Get it?  Get it?  Hunh?  Do you get it?]

To be honest, this is really where I can see the use for a story about Superman, tearing this institution apart with his bare hands.

11 August, 2022

Is this the headline I'm looking for?

□ [“IRS seeks armed accountants ready for ‘deadly force’"]

So they're the new 'secret police,' or 'higher ranking' police organization, whichever.  They're not looking for criminals, they're looking for political enemies, and they'll find them.  "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime."

With Pelosi and Hunter Biden getting away with anything, there'll be no reason whatsoever to expect them to enforce actual laws.  It's not like they have any excuse for this, just that they want to carry guns and nobody's going to stop them.

Who the hell do they think is going to sign up for this?  What kind of people would want to be in this kind of job?  Exactly.  Why do you think these people never tried to join the IRS before?

This could be another example for the Mar-a-lago raid, getting footage to show people 'this is what you'll be doing!'  There's a reason the job description includes "be willing to use deadly force, if required."

□ [“WaPo Leak: FBI Searched Trump’s Florida Residence for Classified Records Related to Nuclear Weapons"]

I'm not sure who's making it but this is obviously a joke.  They wait a year and a half to do anything about missing classified info on nukes?  They don't keep track of classified files in the first place?  Hillary put classified information through her unclassified server and they didn't go after her like this.  Sandy Berger and General David Petraeus didn't get FBI raids.  None of them went to jail for a single day either.

It's starting to sound like the press is just desperately trying to defend the FBI, which might be a good sign.  At a guess, I'll say it's made up.  Otherwise they would at least call first and ask if Trump has these supposed documents on nukes.  Or anything else, for that matter, besides the information that he'd already contacted them about months ago.

□ [“FBI Director Chris Wray Says the FBI Is the Real Victim"]

So they're weak people who will just go after anyone they can.  Sounds like they should have been kept home instead, and they definitely shouldn't be allowed to have guns.  I hear the IRS is looking for new people though, maybe they should give that a try.

□ [“AG Garland on Trump Raid: 'I Personally Approved the Decision to Seek a Search Warrant'"]

Doesn't have any reason, just wants to show that he can.  They didn't find anything, at least not that they're willing to say, but he sure doesn't like it when people criticize the FBI.  They could at least specify some actual crime they found, but like every other investigation, they've got nothing.  And this is the guy leftists wanted on the Supreme Court.

□ [“The Left is Now Desperately Trying to Change the Meaning of the Word ‘Raid’"]

They're going all-out on trying to rewrite language into whatever they want it to be.  Just a couple weeks ago they did that with "recession" and they've been doing that with all the others.

I assume they're getting these orders from the same group but don't they even consider how confused they are if they don't know what a word means on a given day?  This is a shining example of collectivism, they just think everyone will 'know' what the ruler wants.

I've never really thought of them, but the term 'queen bee' comes to mind.  Not remotely original but like I say, I never thought about this.  That basically is collectivism.

□ [“‘Motherf*cker!’ – Texas Democrat Gubernatorial Candidate Beto O’Rourke Snaps at Heckler at Town Hall Event"]

And they all see themselves in the queen's position.  His supporters have sex with their mother - or father, assuming he self-identifies as female - and he just puts that out to the public.  Kamala Harris calls Democrats "racist."

□ [“CDC Eases Recommendations for Quarantine, Social Distancing, and Other Restrictive Measures Against Covid-19"]

The gays are totally ignoring them for orgies - where virus is spread - so you either have to tell gays to 'stop it,' you have to announce that gays don't need to obey your rules but everyone else does, or you have to take the easy option and pretend that Biden defeated this horrible virus that nearly killed him despite all the vaccinations.

It's just getting worse.  They're never going to stop.  We've revolted against taxes before, when are we going to try it again?