Saturday, October 29, 2022


25 October, 2022

@Jcock/Samad:  Rdcts coming 2 take our guns lol

□ [“New Zealand No More? Far-Left Political Party Seeks to 'Decolonize' Country’s Name"]

That's how Year Zero works.  In addition to wiping out every historical site, they want to get rid of the nation's actual name.  They want to call it "Aotearoa," a term from an 1890 short story written by Stephenson Percy Smith, fifty years after the British took over from the Dutch who had named it "Nieuw Zeeland" in 1642.

They're not just wiping out history, they're trying to replace it with their own fantasies.  These people literally have nothing better to do with their lives.  That's why I keep advocating we go on strike so they can get a chance to actually learn something.  Or they can starve to death, but either way that's a win for us.

□ [“Give War a Chance! House Democrat Progressive Caucus Withdraws Letter to Biden Calling for Peace Negotiations with Russia Over Ukraine"]

This sounds familiar but I really hadn't noticed it a day or so ago.  A number of Democrats actually suggested peace was an option and then they suddenly changed their minds.  I assume this is internal conflict.  At some level, they had to recognize how stupid this was and actually say something, but then they were told to reverse themselves and they immediately obeyed.

Of course they blame Republicans for it because this looked like they were agreeing with Republicans.  Can't have that.  War is better than agreeing with Republicans.  They also blame their staff for releasing it without vetting.

□ [“One Month After Declaring the Covid Pandemic is Over, Biden Says Covid is Still a 'Global Health Emergency'"]

Well, it's as much of an emergency as it ever was, I'll give you that.  It never was a pandemic so that can't be over.  But this still does give the sense that no one's actually in charge, despite the suspicion that there are secret rulers making all the decisions.

We know Biden doesn't remember saying this was over last month, much less the plan to end the virus on day one which he promised two years ago, but you'd think whoever's running things would at least tell the staff to keep this material straight on the cue cards.  The guy is their front-man and this just makes him look stupid.  er.  Stupider.

Much as I disagree, this does qualify as evidence that they don't actually have any sort of realistic plan.

□ [“Biden Getting ‘Updated’ Covid Booster:  'Almost Everyone Who Will Die From Covid This Year Will Not Be Up To Date on Their Shots'"]

□ [“'That’s a Local Judgment' – Biden Asked if it’s a Mistake For New York to Drop Its Vaccine Mandate"]

They're all going to die but that's a "local judgement"?  He made both of these statements at the same event, obviously he's not even keep track of what nonsense comes out of his mouth.  And if they don't die from the virus - which they won't - this is blatantly false and everyone can see it.  Who's writing these speeches for him?

His people are defending the federal vaccine mandate in court but disobeying the federal mandate is a "local judgement"?  He makes no sense and doesn't even notice, nor do his supporters.  He promised a winter of death for the unvaccinated last winter.  Well, last March but it was still technically winter.

His statement two days ago about 'I could die tomorrow' stuck out at me for some reason.  I'm probably wrong, but that, followed by the fact that he's (supposedly) injecting more poison, makes me wonder if he's going to drop any moment.  As always, I would assume that's part of the plan but I'll be pondering this until the stolen elections.  If it doesn't happen by then, obviously my guess was wrong.

□ [“Threats of a Dirty Bomb in Ukraine Reminiscent of Obama’s Red Line in Syria"]

All the stuff they've been throwing at us for years does make it seem like they're throwing it all at us at once now.  We don't have a clue what we're doing with Syria.  It was supposed to get Bashir Assad out of power but after all these years, he's still right there.  Liberals don't even mention it, much less protest that Congress hadn't declared war or anything like that.

But we don't like it when Russia does that because...?  Are we fighting Russia in Syria?  Is that why Hillary and Obama gave Russia our uranium?

At least I don't have a working memory, I've got an excuse.  Is anyone else remotely capable of keeping track of all this stuff they've been pushing on us for all these years?  Whatever the WWIII-thing is all about, I do suspect this was one of its starting points, whatever the hell we've been doing with Syria all this time.

So now they claim Republicans will steal elections, as they have before they stole elections and said it was illegal to question that.  There's a sudden boost of Jew-hatred posted on the internet, which often happens but this timing is odd.  Why now?

Considering liberals are always on the side of Jew-haters, this just seems strange.  Muslims vote Democrat but Muslims oppose abortion and homosexuality, you sure don't find any of them making up genders.  And they all want to destroy Jews, although sometimes they say it's only Israel they want to destroy.  The elected Palestinian rulers are quite clear that all Jews must die, but liberals never mind that.  They never even ask if there will ever be another election, 'one man, one vote, one time.'

This may have been a long-range post-9/11 plan, to get these people all on the same side.  I've always said that's why the invasion of Iraq was necessary, to get Muslim terrorists something to oppose.  We could have done a better job, but how is that compared to what we've been doing in Syria for almost a decade?

Obviously there's no way I can make any specific points about this, it's just so vague and humongous, there's no way to understand any of it.  But the left is obviously going after us up to stealing this election.

26 October, 2022

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear, here come the Sons of Liberty

□ [“MSNBC Guest Compares Republicans Running to Fix Inflation and Economy to Hitler and Nazis”]

Leftists seem to have a habit of doing exactly what they accuse other people of doing.  I can understand the mentality that 'we're all the same' but then why complain about it?  That must be some part of collectivism and most of us really can't figure out how it works.

At this point I'm half-convinced they really do support nazis and that's why they always accuse others of doing it.  That would their devotion to Ukraine, and the rulers of Palestine for that matter.  Nazis would know how to keep their subordinates in line despite the contradictions.

□ [“It’s Happening! International Banks Begin Moving Billions in Cash for Elon Musk’s Purchase of Twitter"]

I thought he changed his mind and stopped the purchase, when did he change his mind again?  Obviously I've paid very little attention to this - nothing about on Myspace which is where I go for up-to-date news - but something about it may be relevant.

For whatever reason, the left pays a lot of attention to Twitter and have not been happy about this purchase.  So now banks have to move billions of dollars to make it happen, which they'll also dislike.  I have no idea who would be making the move, but is this another attack?  I don't pay attention to banks either but I wouldn't think they're doing well in this economy, at least not without the government making all the decisions.

These days we're all just going through the motions, waiting for the elections to be stolen.  Then the rulers can really start crushing us, pretending that they have all the rights and we have none.  They've been pushing misery and now they'll really get it.  The last two years were just a preview.

It's like they're trying to make the world to us look like it always does for them.  It makes no sense and it's so oppressive, but that's how they want it when they're in charge.

□ [“According to Chinese Media Former President Hu Jintao Exited Closing Ceremony Due to Poor Health"]

Obviously news is not coming out on China and naturally we shouldn't trust what we do hear.  China does not give out any information if it doesn't have to and it never has to.  This was a televised meeting with all the big party leaders and the former president was picked up and escorted out.

Asian, television, marxism, dictatorship, there's nothing about this that can be trusted, it was a show and we can't comprehend any part of it that they don't want us to believe.  The old guy is out and hasn't been seen in public since, that's about all we know.

Xi started passing documents around as Hu was being moved out, Hu tried to take some but was stopped by his escort.  Hu had reportedly been supporting the globalism movement of the last few decades, was this Xi turning against that or was he just picking it up so he could be in charge?

□ [“Democratic PA Secretary of State: 'We Are Not Going to Have Results On Election Night'"]

They're too stupid to count.  Either that or they're promising more time to cheat.  Maybe both.

They used to have people who were smart enough to count the votes on Election Night but then they put Democrats in charge.  How many other states do you think are following their example?

This is where we need a movement, the Sons of Liberty reborn.  We've already tried the Tea Party, now we need to send in the resistance to stop their tyranny.  They're going to hit us any day now, before, during or just after the elections.  It doesn't even matter if they lose, this is what they've been planning.

27 October, 2022

I'm Mr. Information, have you met my wife?

□ [“'It's bulls***!' Jerry Lee Lewis' rep Slams false report that he had died at 87... after rock'n'roll icon sparked health concerns by catching the flu”]

This story came out yesterday and so far no news has come out to contradict it.  As far as we know, Jerry Lee is still alive.  Maybe he's just getting married again.  It's not like there'd be a difference and anyway, eighth time's the charm.

□ [“PayPal Reinstates Policy, Fine Users $2,500 Directly from Accounts For Spreading ‘Misinformation’”]

So in September they announced that they would help themselves to your bank account if you said something they didn't like.  Then they decided that was a bad idea and weren't going to do that anymore.  Now they're going back to the bad idea to get your money.

So is it "misinformation" if you say "PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy"?  Because that's exactly what their paid spokesman said in September.  Who gets to decide, the people who help themselves to our bank accounts or someone else?

This could just be an internal conflict, one side wants to censor people for money,  another side says 'are you nuts?' and the regulations keep changing as a result.  It's also clear that they're doing something to internet sites for the upcoming election.

Facebook changed just before 2020 and they recently picked a post I made to censor for an insanely-stupid reason, that they're too lazy to have the slightest clue what I was saying or even ask me about it so, a year and a half later, they decided censorship was the only option.  I think something like that is going on here.

□ [“Democrats Pull Out of Swing-State Florida – 'It’s Going to Be Ugly'"]

It's just hype, they've got all the votes in place so now they're going to spend the extra money elsewhere where they might need the help.  Although I don't know where that would be, it's already coming out what sort of frauds they're conducting elsewhere.

They have various ways to 'harvest votes' and give enough to Republicans that they can keep a large number of allies on the opposite side.  I've been following the brain-dead running in Pennsylvania and wondering if this is just a draw so that less attention will be given elsewhere.

I would like to be wrong about this but someone would have to prove me wrong.  They've got election-theft in place, they've got leftists who self-identify as Republicans as opposing candidates, they've pay Russia, China and Iran to start a war and provide an excuse to take total control, there's the virus, there's the bribes and funding they've given their supporters with all the recent congressional bills...

□ [“New Project Veritas Drop Suggests DOJ May Go After 'Misinformation' as 'Election Crimes'"]

And as you can expect from tyrants, they'll go after anybody who points this out.  They've got the men with guns ready to go after us for any excuse they come up with.

An obvious response would be 'they can't go after ALL of us' which is true, that's where I think they have a plan.  I can't think of what it might be, other than going after the most prominent among our side to frighten the rest of us into silence.  That would work to a point but beyond that, the rest of us would fight back.

How did Germany, Russia and other famous dictatorships disarm their people?

I do expect them to wait until election day, at the earliest, to come out as stealing winning the elections.  Obviously there's the sensible aspect, knowing how many votes they need to manufacture, and notice that we never expect them to make ridiculous decisions on something like that.

For all the talk about leftists not capable of making plans, we never expect them to say 'just print 10,000 fake votes, we don't need more' or 'fake 100,000,000 votes for each district and we'll use however many we need on election day.'  No, we expect them to make believable plans for that and yes, there would be similar examples for on-line voting or vote-counting.

But in addition to that sensible reason for delay, there's just the fact that they'd need to hold off until the last minute to know what Republicans will do.  That is an aspect where there's no point in making plans, they won't survive first-contact with the enemy.

□ [“Maskless Stacey Abrams to Crowded Room:  'If You’re Over 18 You Gotta Socially Distance For Social Media'"]

This massively-obese creature is the most vulnerable person in the room and she isn't 'socially distant.'  She's just an example of how our rulers work, blatantly ignoring the rules they impose on the rest of us.  She couldn't successfully steal an election but leftists treat her like an actual leader.  They self-identify as deciding what reality is and expect obedience.

We already saw that example with Hillary Clinton pretending to be POTUS.  The elites make up their own government, the deplorables don't get any say in the matter.  They control the media and the message, they decide the truth and punish us for disobedience.

28 October, 2022

□ [“Biden Says Gas Was Over $5 When He Took Office – the Price of Gas Was $2.39"]

They're not even trying now.

Biden is stupid and ignorant, it's entirely possible that he has no clue what gas cost a mere two years ago before we had a ruler who wants to ban it entirely.  But there's no way anybody in charge of him could put this in his speech unless that was the point, to flat-out lie to the public and impose their own made-up reality upon us all.

And nobody will challenge this, nobody will be permitted to report the actual facts.  The media would oppose that.

□ [“Biden Downplays Record Increases in Food Prices: 'You’re Going to See People Buying Other Raisin Bran'"]

Contempt for the poor just comes so naturally, doesn't it.  They didn't have to buy the cheap knockoffs before you were in charge.  Would you be advertising breakfast cereal if Trump was still running things?

By the way, it still requires oil and fuel to produce and transport even the cheap cereals and you're still desiring to ban that entirely so no, they won't be able to buy even the other Raisin Bran.

□ [“AZ FOX 10 Calls Arizona Governor’s Race For Democrat Katie Hobbs on Live TV 12 Days Before Election – Claims 'Error' Was A Test by Associated Press"]

They're just testing the election thefts and making sure the media will obey.  This is the station the Republican candidate used to work for, what an amazing coincidence.

It's things like this that really make me think that one of their back-up plans is leftists self-identifying as Republicans.  Notice all the media attention they get.  She'll probably win and rarely vote against Democrats in Congress, but she'll always support whatever they do that's hidden from the public.

I really don't know how to fix this.  It's the sort of thing that makes me feel they're guaranteed to win sooner or later.  We really do need some evidence of resistance.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi’s Home Broken into Early This Morning in San Francisco – Paul Pelosi Violently Beaten, Taken to Hospital"]

This guy just likes getting into trouble, doesn't he?  He drunkenly runs into a dark-skinned person on the road and doesn't get punished, now someone somehow gets passed all the mansion security to beat him up.

Most very-rich people have enough protection to make sure nobody can enter their home without permission.  They have bodyguards and everything.  So do politicians and I think he has some vague connection with some politician or other.  Yet an attacker just broke in without a problem early this morning.

They have Jessie Smollett paying for his own assault, the leftist driving a car into a Republican crowd and hitting 50+ people, and Bernie Sanders fans shooting members of Congress, but naturally the left and the media are already blaming Republicans for the attack.  Of course they'll hide anything that makes them look bad.  *Someone* was in the Porsche with Paul during the drunken car crash and we've never been told who or why.

For that matter, maybe Paul's wife isn't happy that he's cheating on her and planned revenge.  And their daughter Christine publicly supported Rand Paul being attacked in November 2017, where do you think she learned that from?

Or for that matter, this very house was vandalized by leftists earlier this year because Nancy wasn't provided COVID checks.  But Republicans are always to blame.

Since the attack, some news has come out although as usual, we don't know how much of it to trust.  The attack happened at 2AM.  Isn't that the time when security is supposed to be active because that's when people are most likely to attack, expecting you to be asleep?  And why wasn't Paul asleep?  Who called the cops?

Paul is seriously injured, he's been through brain surgery today.  Or head surgery, one of the two.  The attacker is 42, half Paul's age, had been in naked anti-war rallies, posting about those on the internet and, when the police came in, he was... in his underwear?  Because when you break into someone's house in the middle of the night, you've gotta show off your underwear.

WTF?  Is Nancy just a figurehead so Paul can enjoy the men half-his-age?  That would explain a lot but no one could get away with something like that in San Francisco!!!

Seriously, it would explain a lot.  We already know his wealth came from investing on whatever she did in Congress, we already know he has major connections with China, to add him being gay and reckless means only one thing:  It's all Trump's fault!

Still no news on the Ukraine/Russia thing.  How's their electricity doing?  Former general David Petraeus says we should form a multinational coalition and attack Russia ASAP.  I thought we already had NATO but apparently they're all worthless and...  Wait, right before winter?

What, Russia has to eventually lose a winter invasion so third time's the charm?  Is this just an attempt to get NATO back together to record a new album?  Russia is reportedly building up its forces, contrary to what the media has insisted all year, that they'd used up everything in Ukraine and completely lost.

29 October, 2022

Please, if I had a hammer, I'd hurt 'em.

□ [“Biden at Campaign Event in Philadelphia: We Went to 54 States in 2018"]

Obama got to go to 57 states but now we have a recession.  I do try to avoid thinking of possible explanations that aren't just 'Biden is stupid.'  He is, true, but people around him can't all be that way.  Someone who's actually in charge would have to make decisions and then tell Biden what to say and do.

So what could this be?  Top-of-my-head guess, it's a deliberate copy of Obama's earlier quote, trying to inspire memories of a happier time.  Or maybe Democrats really do believe that there are 54 or 57 states, they just hide it from the public and use it to take advantage of government influence.

It's a nutty conspiracy theory I just made up, I know, but that doesn't mean it's not true.  Invented explanations like this could explain quite a bit about the left's insanity.  They will automatically copy their idols without even thinking about it, so those in the know behave as if Democrats really do run everything and their subordinates will go along.  They can have a private vote for who the 'governor' or 'senator' from the state is, get federal funding, etc.

This was the same speech where Biden said gas prices were $5.00/gallon when he stole office and nearly fell off the stage.  And this was the best they could do?

□ [“Did General David Petraeus Let The Ukrainian Cat Out Of The Bag?"]

This is odd.  Ukraine is doing wonderful, winning at every step, can't be defeated... and that's why they need our help.

That makes no sense, the whole point of not needing help is others don't have to waste time or energy helping you.  At least the money is an excuse, but our rulers obviously don't care about that.  You don't need a multi-national military to come in and rebuild the electrical system.

This article does include a bit of detail on the infrastructure, about 40% was destroyed by that attack last month or whenever it was.  Without electricity, you can't have running water, so Ukraine has had to put up with that and still found time to defeat Russia.

Whatever the hell the Russia/Ukraine thing is, they're obviously faking it the way they faked a January 6 coup attempt which caused no damage and only mild inconvenience.

I never remember but I've looked it up and our time at Fort Campbell does not cross.  I'm sure he visited once in a while but I wouldn't have heard about it.  Maybe some day I'll be capable of remembering without having to look it up.  Oh, never mind...

□ [“There Are Multiple Problems with the Paul Pelosi – David DePape Story – Nothing Adds Up"]

So was this part of the plan to help steal the elections or just something they were able to use?

Just the fact that they immediately attack Republicans for it looks incredibly suspicious.  Don't need to find out what happened, they've already decided that.  The police have needed to give two press conferences already and it doesn't help.

Why was there no security on the rich man's home?  How did the attacker get there in his underwear?  They say he broke in through the back door window but broken glass was on the outside, not the inside.  If they're charging him with robbery, what did he try to steal?  Was it hidden in his underwear?

The police say they entered through the front door which was opened by someone else.  So a third person was there?  The police say Paul called them, so what was the third person doing?  Or wearing?

The police also say they're charging him with "elder abuse" but that doesn't happen when a complete stranger beats up an old person, it has to be someone they know or are related to.  But in the first press conference, they said they were just on “a priority well being check,” which isn't normally something to do when someone calls about a burglar in the middle of the night.

The first conference said Paul and the attacker were each holding a hammer.  The second says only the attacker had a hammer.  How do you get that count wrong?  And if they both had a hammer, a man in his early-40s can easily overpower a man in his early-80s so there wouldn't be time for any call for help.

It's coming out that Paul's attacker was a psycho BLM/LGBT leftist, or at least stayed with them when he had a place to live.  Lots of drugs, lots of nudity and crazy behavior.  That much is officially known, seeing his internet posts.  I still don't see any evidence he had previous arrests as a male prostitute.  It's believable but where in California would the police bust you for that?

As with everything else, we can expect this to be ignored and Republicans blamed for everything.  They're probably trying to figure out how to charge Trump.

25 October, 2022

@Jcock/Samad:  Rdcts coming 2 take our guns lol

□ [“New Zealand No More? Far-Left Political Party Seeks to 'Decolonize' Country’s Name"]

That's how Year Zero works.  In addition to wiping out every historical site, they want to get rid of the nation's actual name.  They want to call it "Aotearoa," a term from an 1890 short story written by Stephenson Percy Smith, fifty years after the British took over from the Dutch who had named it "Nieuw Zeeland" in 1642.

They're not just wiping out history, they're trying to replace it with their own fantasies.  These people literally have nothing better to do with their lives.  That's why I keep advocating we go on strike so they can get a chance to actually learn something.  Or they can starve to death, but either way that's a win for us.

□ [“Give War a Chance! House Democrat Progressive Caucus Withdraws Letter to Biden Calling for Peace Negotiations with Russia Over Ukraine"]

This sounds familiar but I really hadn't noticed it a day or so ago.  A number of Democrats actually suggested peace was an option and then they suddenly changed their minds.  I assume this is internal conflict.  At some level, they had to recognize how stupid this was and actually say something, but then they were told to reverse themselves and they immediately obeyed.

Of course they blame Republicans for it because this looked like they were agreeing with Republicans.  Can't have that.  War is better than agreeing with Republicans.  They also blame their staff for releasing it without vetting.

□ [“One Month After Declaring the Covid Pandemic is Over, Biden Says Covid is Still a 'Global Health Emergency'"]

Well, it's as much of an emergency as it ever was, I'll give you that.  It never was a pandemic so that can't be over.  But this still does give the sense that no one's actually in charge, despite the suspicion that there are secret rulers making all the decisions.

We know Biden doesn't remember saying this was over last month, much less the plan to end the virus on day one which he promised two years ago, but you'd think whoever's running things would at least tell the staff to keep this material straight on the cue cards.  The guy is their front-man and this just makes him look stupid.  er.  Stupider.

Much as I disagree, this does qualify as evidence that they don't actually have any sort of realistic plan.

□ [“Biden Getting ‘Updated’ Covid Booster:  'Almost Everyone Who Will Die From Covid This Year Will Not Be Up To Date on Their Shots'"]

□ [“'That’s a Local Judgment' – Biden Asked if it’s a Mistake For New York to Drop Its Vaccine Mandate"]

They're all going to die but that's a "local judgement"?  He made both of these statements at the same event, obviously he's not even keep track of what nonsense comes out of his mouth.  And if they don't die from the virus - which they won't - this is blatantly false and everyone can see it.  Who's writing these speeches for him?

His people are defending the federal vaccine mandate in court but disobeying the federal mandate is a "local judgement"?  He makes no sense and doesn't even notice, nor do his supporters.  He promised a winter of death for the unvaccinated last winter.  Well, last March but it was still technically winter.

His statement two days ago about 'I could die tomorrow' stuck out at me for some reason.  I'm probably wrong, but that, followed by the fact that he's (supposedly) injecting more poison, makes me wonder if he's going to drop any moment.  As always, I would assume that's part of the plan but I'll be pondering this until the stolen elections.  If it doesn't happen by then, obviously my guess was wrong.

□ [“Threats of a Dirty Bomb in Ukraine Reminiscent of Obama’s Red Line in Syria"]

All the stuff they've been throwing at us for years does make it seem like they're throwing it all at us at once now.  We don't have a clue what we're doing with Syria.  It was supposed to get Bashir Assad out of power but after all these years, he's still right there.  Liberals don't even mention it, much less protest that Congress hadn't declared war or anything like that.

But we don't like it when Russia does that because...?  Are we fighting Russia in Syria?  Is that why Hillary and Obama gave Russia our uranium?

At least I don't have a working memory, I've got an excuse.  Is anyone else remotely capable of keeping track of all this stuff they've been pushing on us for all these years?  Whatever the WWIII-thing is all about, I do suspect this was one of its starting points, whatever the hell we've been doing with Syria all this time.

So now they claim Republicans will steal elections, as they have before they stole elections and said it was illegal to question that.  There's a sudden boost of Jew-hatred posted on the internet, which often happens but this timing is odd.  Why now?

Considering liberals are always on the side of Jew-haters, this just seems strange.  Muslims vote Democrat but Muslims oppose abortion and homosexuality, you sure don't find any of them making up genders.  And they all want to destroy Jews, although sometimes they say it's only Israel they want to destroy.  The elected Palestinian rulers are quite clear that all Jews must die, but liberals never mind that.  They never even ask if there will ever be another election, 'one man, one vote, one time.'

This may have been a long-range post-9/11 plan, to get these people all on the same side.  I've always said that's why the invasion of Iraq was necessary, to get Muslim terrorists something to oppose.  We could have done a better job, but how is that compared to what we've been doing in Syria for almost a decade?

Obviously there's no way I can make any specific points about this, it's just so vague and humongous, there's no way to understand any of it.  But the left is obviously going after us up to stealing this election.


26 October, 2022

Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear, here come the Sons of Liberty

□ [“MSNBC Guest Compares Republicans Running to Fix Inflation and Economy to Hitler and Nazis”]

Leftists seem to have a habit of doing exactly what they accuse other people of doing.  I can understand the mentality that 'we're all the same' but then why complain about it?  That must be some part of collectivism and most of us really can't figure out how it works.

At this point I'm half-convinced they really do support nazis and that's why they always accuse others of doing it.  That would their devotion to Ukraine, and the rulers of Palestine for that matter.  Nazis would know how to keep their subordinates in line despite the contradictions.

□ [“It’s Happening! International Banks Begin Moving Billions in Cash for Elon Musk’s Purchase of Twitter"]

I thought he changed his mind and stopped the purchase, when did he change his mind again?  Obviously I've paid very little attention to this - nothing about on Myspace which is where I go for up-to-date news - but something about it may be relevant.

For whatever reason, the left pays a lot of attention to Twitter and have not been happy about this purchase.  So now banks have to move billions of dollars to make it happen, which they'll also dislike.  I have no idea who would be making the move, but is this another attack?  I don't pay attention to banks either but I wouldn't think they're doing well in this economy, at least not without the government making all the decisions.

These days we're all just going through the motions, waiting for the elections to be stolen.  Then the rulers can really start crushing us, pretending that they have all the rights and we have none.  They've been pushing misery and now they'll really get it.  The last two years were just a preview.

It's like they're trying to make the world to us look like it always does for them.  It makes no sense and it's so oppressive, but that's how they want it when they're in charge.

□ [“According to Chinese Media Former President Hu Jintao Exited Closing Ceremony Due to Poor Health"]

Obviously news is not coming out on China and naturally we shouldn't trust what we do hear.  China does not give out any information if it doesn't have to and it never has to.  This was a televised meeting with all the big party leaders and the former president was picked up and escorted out.

Asian, television, marxism, dictatorship, there's nothing about this that can be trusted, it was a show and we can't comprehend any part of it that they don't want us to believe.  The old guy is out and hasn't been seen in public since, that's about all we know.

Xi started passing documents around as Hu was being moved out, Hu tried to take some but was stopped by his escort.  Hu had reportedly been supporting the globalism movement of the last few decades, was this Xi turning against that or was he just picking it up so he could be in charge?

□ [“Democratic PA Secretary of State: 'We Are Not Going to Have Results On Election Night'"]

They're too stupid to count.  Either that or they're promising more time to cheat.  Maybe both.

They used to have people who were smart enough to count the votes on Election Night but then they put Democrats in charge.  How many other states do you think are following their example?

This is where we need a movement, the Sons of Liberty reborn.  We've already tried the Tea Party, now we need to send in the resistance to stop their tyranny.  They're going to hit us any day now, before, during or just after the elections.  It doesn't even matter if they lose, this is what they've been planning.


27 October, 2022

I'm Mr. Information, have you met my wife?

□ [“'It's bulls***!' Jerry Lee Lewis' rep Slams false report that he had died at 87... after rock'n'roll icon sparked health concerns by catching the flu”]

This story came out yesterday and so far no news has come out to contradict it.  As far as we know, Jerry Lee is still alive.  Maybe he's just getting married again.  It's not like there'd be a difference and anyway, eighth time's the charm.

□ [“PayPal Reinstates Policy, Fine Users $2,500 Directly from Accounts For Spreading ‘Misinformation’”]

So in September they announced that they would help themselves to your bank account if you said something they didn't like.  Then they decided that was a bad idea and weren't going to do that anymore.  Now they're going back to the bad idea to get your money.

So is it "misinformation" if you say "PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy"?  Because that's exactly what their paid spokesman said in September.  Who gets to decide, the people who help themselves to our bank accounts or someone else?

This could just be an internal conflict, one side wants to censor people for money,  another side says 'are you nuts?' and the regulations keep changing as a result.  It's also clear that they're doing something to internet sites for the upcoming election.

Facebook changed just before 2020 and they recently picked a post I made to censor for an insanely-stupid reason, that they're too lazy to have the slightest clue what I was saying or even ask me about it so, a year and a half later, they decided censorship was the only option.  I think something like that is going on here.

□ [“Democrats Pull Out of Swing-State Florida – 'It’s Going to Be Ugly'"]

It's just hype, they've got all the votes in place so now they're going to spend the extra money elsewhere where they might need the help.  Although I don't know where that would be, it's already coming out what sort of frauds they're conducting elsewhere.

They have various ways to 'harvest votes' and give enough to Republicans that they can keep a large number of allies on the opposite side.  I've been following the brain-dead running in Pennsylvania and wondering if this is just a draw so that less attention will be given elsewhere.

I would like to be wrong about this but someone would have to prove me wrong.  They've got election-theft in place, they've got leftists who self-identify as Republicans as opposing candidates, they've pay Russia, China and Iran to start a war and provide an excuse to take total control, there's the virus, there's the bribes and funding they've given their supporters with all the recent congressional bills...

□ [“New Project Veritas Drop Suggests DOJ May Go After 'Misinformation' as 'Election Crimes'"]

And as you can expect from tyrants, they'll go after anybody who points this out.  They've got the men with guns ready to go after us for any excuse they come up with.

An obvious response would be 'they can't go after ALL of us' which is true, that's where I think they have a plan.  I can't think of what it might be, other than going after the most prominent among our side to frighten the rest of us into silence.  That would work to a point but beyond that, the rest of us would fight back.

How did Germany, Russia and other famous dictatorships disarm their people?

I do expect them to wait until election day, at the earliest, to come out as stealing winning the elections.  Obviously there's the sensible aspect, knowing how many votes they need to manufacture, and notice that we never expect them to make ridiculous decisions on something like that.

For all the talk about leftists not capable of making plans, we never expect them to say 'just print 10,000 fake votes, we don't need more' or 'fake 100,000,000 votes for each district and we'll use however many we need on election day.'  No, we expect them to make believable plans for that and yes, there would be similar examples for on-line voting or vote-counting.

But in addition to that sensible reason for delay, there's just the fact that they'd need to hold off until the last minute to know what Republicans will do.  That is an aspect where there's no point in making plans, they won't survive first-contact with the enemy.

□ [“Maskless Stacey Abrams to Crowded Room:  'If You’re Over 18 You Gotta Socially Distance For Social Media'"]

This massively-obese creature is the most vulnerable person in the room and she isn't 'socially distant.'  She's just an example of how our rulers work, blatantly ignoring the rules they impose on the rest of us.  She couldn't successfully steal an election but leftists treat her like an actual leader.  They self-identify as deciding what reality is and expect obedience.

We already saw that example with Hillary Clinton pretending to be POTUS.  The elites make up their own government, the deplorables don't get any say in the matter.  They control the media and the message, they decide the truth and punish us for disobedience.


28 October, 2022

□ [“Biden Says Gas Was Over $5 When He Took Office – the Price of Gas Was $2.39"]

They're not even trying now.

Biden is stupid and ignorant, it's entirely possible that he has no clue what gas cost a mere two years ago before we had a ruler who wants to ban it entirely.  But there's no way anybody in charge of him could put this in his speech unless that was the point, to flat-out lie to the public and impose their own made-up reality upon us all.

And nobody will challenge this, nobody will be permitted to report the actual facts.  The media would oppose that.

□ [“Biden Downplays Record Increases in Food Prices: 'You’re Going to See People Buying Other Raisin Bran'"]

Contempt for the poor just comes so naturally, doesn't it.  They didn't have to buy the cheap knockoffs before you were in charge.  Would you be advertising breakfast cereal if Trump was still running things?

By the way, it still requires oil and fuel to produce and transport even the cheap cereals and you're still desiring to ban that entirely so no, they won't be able to buy even the other Raisin Bran.

□ [“AZ FOX 10 Calls Arizona Governor’s Race For Democrat Katie Hobbs on Live TV 12 Days Before Election – Claims 'Error' Was A Test by Associated Press"]

They're just testing the election thefts and making sure the media will obey.  This is the station the Republican candidate used to work for, what an amazing coincidence.

It's things like this that really make me think that one of their back-up plans is leftists self-identifying as Republicans.  Notice all the media attention they get.  She'll probably win and rarely vote against Democrats in Congress, but she'll always support whatever they do that's hidden from the public.

I really don't know how to fix this.  It's the sort of thing that makes me feel they're guaranteed to win sooner or later.  We really do need some evidence of resistance.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi’s Home Broken into Early This Morning in San Francisco – Paul Pelosi Violently Beaten, Taken to Hospital"]

This guy just likes getting into trouble, doesn't he?  He drunkenly runs into a dark-skinned person on the road and doesn't get punished, now someone somehow gets passed all the mansion security to beat him up.

Most very-rich people have enough protection to make sure nobody can enter their home without permission.  They have bodyguards and everything.  So do politicians and I think he has some vague connection with some politician or other.  Yet an attacker just broke in without a problem early this morning.

They have Jessie Smollett paying for his own assault, the leftist driving a car into a Republican crowd and hitting 50+ people, and Bernie Sanders fans shooting members of Congress, but naturally the left and the media are already blaming Republicans for the attack.  Of course they'll hide anything that makes them look bad.  *Someone* was in the Porsche with Paul during the drunken car crash and we've never been told who or why.

For that matter, maybe Paul's wife isn't happy that he's cheating on her and planned revenge.  And their daughter Christine publicly supported Rand Paul being attacked in November 2017, where do you think she learned that from?

Or for that matter, this very house was vandalized by leftists earlier this year because Nancy wasn't provided COVID checks.  But Republicans are always to blame.

Since the attack, some news has come out although as usual, we don't know how much of it to trust.  The attack happened at 2AM.  Isn't that the time when security is supposed to be active because that's when people are most likely to attack, expecting you to be asleep?  And why wasn't Paul asleep?  Who called the cops?

Paul is seriously injured, he's been through brain surgery today.  Or head surgery, one of the two.  The attacker is 42, half Paul's age, had been in naked anti-war rallies, posting about those on the internet and, when the police came in, he was... in his underwear?  Because when you break into someone's house in the middle of the night, you've gotta show off your underwear.

WTF?  Is Nancy just a figurehead so Paul can enjoy the men half-his-age?  That would explain a lot but no one could get away with something like that in San Francisco!!!

Seriously, it would explain a lot.  We already know his wealth came from investing on whatever she did in Congress, we already know he has major connections with China, to add him being gay and reckless means only one thing:  It's all Trump's fault!

Still no news on the Ukraine/Russia thing.  How's their electricity doing?  Former general David Petraeus says we should form a multinational coalition and attack Russia ASAP.  I thought we already had NATO but apparently they're all worthless and...  Wait, right before winter?

What, Russia has to eventually lose a winter invasion so third time's the charm?  Is this just an attempt to get NATO back together to record a new album?  Russia is reportedly building up its forces, contrary to what the media has insisted all year, that they'd used up everything in Ukraine and completely lost.


29 October, 2022

Please, if I had a hammer, I'd hurt 'em.

□ [“Biden at Campaign Event in Philadelphia: We Went to 54 States in 2018"]

Obama got to go to 57 states but now we have a recession.  I do try to avoid thinking of possible explanations that aren't just 'Biden is stupid.'  He is, true, but people around him can't all be that way.  Someone who's actually in charge would have to make decisions and then tell Biden what to say and do.

So what could this be?  Top-of-my-head guess, it's a deliberate copy of Obama's earlier quote, trying to inspire memories of a happier time.  Or maybe Democrats really do believe that there are 54 or 57 states, they just hide it from the public and use it to take advantage of government influence.

It's a nutty conspiracy theory I just made up, I know, but that doesn't mean it's not true.  Invented explanations like this could explain quite a bit about the left's insanity.  They will automatically copy their idols without even thinking about it, so those in the know behave as if Democrats really do run everything and their subordinates will go along.  They can have a private vote for who the 'governor' or 'senator' from the state is, get federal funding, etc.

This was the same speech where Biden said gas prices were $5.00/gallon when he stole office and nearly fell off the stage.  And this was the best they could do?

□ [“Did General David Petraeus Let The Ukrainian Cat Out Of The Bag?"]

This is odd.  Ukraine is doing wonderful, winning at every step, can't be defeated... and that's why they need our help.

That makes no sense, the whole point of not needing help is others don't have to waste time or energy helping you.  At least the money is an excuse, but our rulers obviously don't care about that.  You don't need a multi-national military to come in and rebuild the electrical system.

This article does include a bit of detail on the infrastructure, about 40% was destroyed by that attack last month or whenever it was.  Without electricity, you can't have running water, so Ukraine has had to put up with that and still found time to defeat Russia.

Whatever the hell the Russia/Ukraine thing is, they're obviously faking it the way they faked a January 6 coup attempt which caused no damage and only mild inconvenience.

I never remember but I've looked it up and our time at Fort Campbell does not cross.  I'm sure he visited once in a while but I wouldn't have heard about it.  Maybe some day I'll be capable of remembering without having to look it up.  Oh, never mind...

□ [“There Are Multiple Problems with the Paul Pelosi – David DePape Story – Nothing Adds Up"]

So was this part of the plan to help steal the elections or just something they were able to use?

Just the fact that they immediately attack Republicans for it looks incredibly suspicious.  Don't need to find out what happened, they've already decided that.  The police have needed to give two press conferences already and it doesn't help.

Why was there no security on the rich man's home?  How did the attacker get there in his underwear?  They say he broke in through the back door window but broken glass was on the outside, not the inside.  If they're charging him with robbery, what did he try to steal?  Was it hidden in his underwear?

The police say they entered through the front door which was opened by someone else.  So a third person was there?  The police say Paul called them, so what was the third person doing?  Or wearing?

The police also say they're charging him with "elder abuse" but that doesn't happen when a complete stranger beats up an old person, it has to be someone they know or are related to.  But in the first press conference, they said they were just on “a priority well being check,” which isn't normally something to do when someone calls about a burglar in the middle of the night.

The first conference said Paul and the attacker were each holding a hammer.  The second says only the attacker had a hammer.  How do you get that count wrong?  And if they both had a hammer, a man in his early-40s can easily overpower a man in his early-80s so there wouldn't be time for any call for help.

It's coming out that Paul's attacker was a psycho BLM/LGBT leftist, or at least stayed with them when he had a place to live.  Lots of drugs, lots of nudity and crazy behavior.  That much is officially known, seeing his internet posts.  I still don't see any evidence he had previous arrests as a male prostitute.  It's believable but where in California would the police bust you for that?

As with everything else, we can expect this to be ignored and Republicans blamed for everything.  They're probably trying to figure out how to charge Trump.

Monday, October 24, 2022


22 October, 2022

I'm feeling rather feckfull today, how unusual.

□ [“Doctors are Baffled After 18-Year-Old Indiana Athlete Suffers Cardiac Arrest During Tennis Practice"]

So they're in on it.  Otherwise they would be looking at what all these dead/injured teenagers have in common and they would be looking to other doctors around the world who are flat-out banning patients from taking the chemical that all these dead/injured teenagers have taken.

They've all taken this poison and they're dying from it.  You can either tell the truth or you can keep doing what you've been doing and watch them die.  The death toll will not go down.  What are you paid for?

Is it actively demon-worship or are the demons just taking them over?  How else could so many people go through their whole medical careers and then suddenly do this?  For that matter, what about the government officials who demanded everybody get stabbed with this poison?  None of them are saying 'stop, this is bad for your health!'  Because they aren't interested in that.

We can see this with their push for abortion up through the umpteenth trimester, there's no way they can push for all of this *and* take the voters seriously but they're clearly pushing for this.

Short of demon possession, there's simply no way these people could be going this direction accidentally-but-uniformly and without hesitation.  They pay staffers to look at what could go wrong with their promotions, or at least they used to.  As with the doctors specifically avoiding obvious medical facts, they can't be doing this by accident.

It is true that the government is threatening to take away their licenses so there is clearly some obedience going on, but by this point, one would expect them to be unified for resistance.

□ [“Microsoft just dropped the latest Pride flag design, and yes, IT'S REAL"]

You may have noticed the last few years of gay flags [I SAID FLAGS!!!] with an increasing amount of color, and with nothing else to get paid for, Microsoft has expanded it to this.  Many people point out that it's like the climax of 2001:  A Space Odyssey.  Or at least the Spaceballs parody, "they've gone to plaid!"

This flag combines 40 different flags from LGBTQIA+ communities around the world, including: Abrosexual, Aceflux, Agender, Ambiamorous, Androgynous, Aroace, Aroflux, Aromantic, Asexual, Bigender, Bisexual, Demifluid, Demigender, Demigirl, Demiromantic, Demisexual, Gay/MLM/Vinician, Genderfluid, Genderflux, Genderqueer, Gender questioning, Graysexual, Intersex, Lesbian, Maverique, Neutrois, Nonbinary, Omnisexual, Pangender, Pansexual, Polyamorous, Polysexual, Transgender, Trigender, Two Spirit, Progress Pride, Queer, Unlabeled.

Which color stands for which of these?  Who has nothing else to do with their lives but figure out what any of these terms are, much less memorize them, much less know which color goes with what?  Most of the colors are very light, only a few are dark.  Probably a coincidence.

Like everything else, it seems to be about destroying the whole concept of individuality.  You have to deal with other people just to figure out what all these made-up genders mean.  Then there's being sexually attracted to other people, you can't do that by yourself, no matter how hard you try.

But you can put people in jail for disagreeing with you on gender.  Collectivists do turn on each other quite often, it's one of their fundamental character traits.  They can also do whatever they want to anybody, although they prefer kids.

One thing to remember about the left is that, as collectivists, they aren't able to make their own individual plans or anything to focus on.  It's always about pointing at other people and usually trying to take them down for any reason they can make up.

The main exception is that they automatically worship the rulers.  This can be changed but I'm not sure how or why.  I've noticed that nobody seemed to miss Obama after he left, they were all focused on Hillary not successfully stealing an election.  They also are specifically blank about Biden's obvious problems, as though at one level he's already gone as far as they're concerned.  At another level they'll worship him as the ruler but this is just strange.

In theory, a normal person could genuinely support Biden for whatever reason, but they'd also be capable of admitting that there are problems.  He says the vaccine will prevent you from getting the virus, he says Russia won't invade Ukraine, he says the economy is doing great, all of which we can see is blatantly false.  He's either lying or has no clue what he's talking about but, technically a real person could still support Biden and his people, although they would admit there are problems.

You can support Trump and be fully aware that he's an arrogant asshole.  The orange skin and fake hair looked stupid and his speech patterns are just strange.  He does whatever the hell he does and is aware that he needs to show actual results, which he's been successful at for decades.  That's how individuals see problems and make-do with what they have.  That's what collectivists avoid at all costs.

That's why I think our rulers have figured out another step to dominate the masses which is why they're not the slightest-bit concerned about the upcoming election thefts.  Something will always go wrong but it's where I do think they've made preparations.  They may even have a plan to accuse Republicans of stealing elections if the votes go against them.  But we need to be prepared and we need to strike back as soon as possible, to show them that this will never ever be allowed again.

23 October, 2022

If they're not showing any worry about voters judging the last two years, what makes you think they'd support making sure voters get to choose?  These mentally ill people could steal the election and make it illegal to say they didn't win fair-and-square.

□ [“Fully Vaxxed and Boosted CDC Director Rochelle Walensky Catches COVID One Month After Her Latest Booster Shot"]

Five days ago, I quoted several people saying that the vaccine prevented you from getting the virus and she was the only one I didn't know had gotten the virus.  That was mostly because I was too lazy to check.  Well, never mind, that's a clean sweep of our rulers not having a clue what the so-called vaccine actually does even though they want everyone else to put it into our bodies.

So are they lying or are they just stupid?  Maybe they just don't know anything about the virus, but then that makes it even worse that they pretend to have a vaccine.  They're basically treating people like cattle, with the same outcome.  They're not remotely curious about all the healthy young people dropping dead.

□ [“Monet Painting in Germany Is Latest Target of Unhinged Climate Activists"]

Other than showing off how stupid the attackers are and how they expect everything to do what they say, what is this supposed to accomplished?  These attacks are clearly organized, the people doing them wouldn't be able to think of something this complicated by themselves, but what is the point?

You have to think some old painting is important, then make plans to get the paint and get into the museum.  Just picking which painting to go after would be more complicated than these creatures can accomplish by themselves.

And they glue themselves to the floor.  Just the use of glue and paint shows how little they know about how important oil is but they go ahead and do it anyway.  Frankly, I think there should be an example, just leave them there.  Close that room in the museum for at least a few days.

It's not like they can complain, they said they'd do this until they get what they wanted.  They haven't gotten what they wanted so that's on them.  They could have thought of a better plan but they committed themselves to this one.

I've heard that at least one of the attacked museums had done this but I'm saying it should be a standard policy.  I'm fine with letting them starve to death although I assume others would disagree, but the word would get out that all they do is make themselves suffer.  Oh, you can't see Monet or the Mona Lisa right now?  Darnit, you'll just have to look them up on the internet.

These creatures don't get to eat for a couple weeks and they're the ones who stuck themselves to the floor.  That's a fair trade.  You can film it and sell the video for us to watch.

□ [“Biden Inches Closer to WWIII:  US Troops on Ukraine-Romania Border in 'Combat Deployment' Prepare to Invade and Fight Russian Forces in Ukraine"]

What happened to Russia being totally defeated for the last eight months?  It's impossible to go to war against a nation that's had its military totally destroyed and the media has been assuring us that's exactly what's happened all this time, every step of the way, no exceptions.  Ukraine totally dominates Russia on the battlefield and Russia has absolutely no military left anywhere in the entire country.

□ [“WWIII Update:  Warnings of Possible Dirty Nuclear Bomb Attack in Ukraine"]

So now we're up to nukes and there's no reason to believe any of it.  Ukraine, Russia and the US government can all be blamed just as easily.  Or maybe they're making this all up in the first place.  In theory, Ukraine couldn't do this because they gave up their nukes, but dirty bombs are a different thing and anyway, given all the weapons and money the US has handed over this year, they could get them.

The US is sending ground troops to neighboring countries, what a coincidence.  I hope we're sending the transgender soldiers in first, so they can show what they're about.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi: 'When I Hear People Talk About Inflation…We Have to Change the Subject!'"]

A woman that rich doesn't permit people around her to speak about things she doesn't like.  She doesn't notice inflation and is offended if others do.

And that's why she's still in charge of the House.  She doesn't permit anyone around her who dares to say something she doesn't want to hear.

Also 23 October, 2022

Beelzebub has a vaccination put aside for me, for me, for meeeeeeeee...

□ [Queen - "Face It Alone" (Official Lyric Video)]

Well, there's a new Queen song.  It's actually been out for over a week but that's how little attention I pay to pop culture anymore.  It's Queen and I didn't rush for it?  What kind of world are we living in where that happens?

The song itself isn't that interesting.  It was from The Miracle sessions.  I would have picked it over "My Baby Does Me" but that's not saying much.  It's Queen so it does sound wonderful, back when actual music was made.  It doesn't work well as a song.  The lyrics are ok but they go nowhere.

This does indicate that there's basically nothing left in the vault.  If this was the best they had to release as a single, they don't have much else.  There's a little leeway, they could require a unanimous vote to work on anything.  They may have basic standards and any song that doesn't make it back then and can't be polished now simply doesn't make the list.  That's kind of iffy, they can't put together random Freddie vocals and make an actual song out of it, or at least something worth listening to for three or four minutes?  They didn't record any covers in the studio during all those years?

Ok, probably not that last one.  We don't get to know the details of Queen's business operations but they were clearly very specific about songwriting.  Only four songs on all their albums had any writers who weren't band-members.  The first album had a song Brian co-wrote before Queen formed.  The tenth album had a duet with David Bowie who gets a pass.  The fourteenth album had a track Freddie co-wrote for a solo project that wasn't used and the fifteenth had a song Brian co-wrote that wasn't used during Freddie's life precisely because Queen had policies against outside songwriters.

I'm sure that had to change when Freddie was dying but I assume Queen still had to own the song for studio recordings, so they wouldn't have wasted time and money on covers.  Right from the start, Queen understood that.  They recorded their first album song-by-song, then when it was finished, looked for a record contract.

So as a result, there's a reason they wouldn't have much left.  There may be some tracks that the band had tried and then came out on solo albums, but even there, Roger did more solo albums than the others combined and most of his were with a side-band he'd formed so the whole point was that Queen wasn't an option.  So short of them remaking Freddie's solo work - which I would totally love - there's not much else left.

Queen has proven that they need Freddie's vocals to count and he hasn't done any of those for thirty years, almost as few as Axl Rose.

Speaking of G'n'R, whom I am strangely more obsessed with than Queen or any other band I like more, a month or so ago, some internet sites went nuts insisting that there was going to be a new release any time.  There was nothing in the way of evidence, just a bizarre obsession.

 But, possibly in response to this, Slash has given an interview where he actually mentions his employer and the possibility of new music.  As usual, there's nothing specific and little difference from what Axl's hired hands have said for the last thirty years.  Really the only difference is that this is from someone who was in the band back when it had multiple co-owners.

"I want to go in and cut a whole brand new record at some point, probably sooner than later."

Six and a half-years and they haven't gotten around to an album.  Slash has done two solo albums in that time, that's where his attention goes if he actually wants a brand new album.  By the way, except for the cover of "Sympathy for the Devil," G'n'R's whole recording career lasted about six and a half-years.

That is not how "probably sooner than later" works.

"We have stuff that we still got to come out, so that’s gonna be coming out piecemeal over the next… I don’t know, over the next few months or something like that."

So there's already stuff that *could* have been released, if you actually wanted to release it, if you actually had anything to release.  You could just put it on Youtube if that's all you needed.  Given the lack of success for any new G'n'R release since 1991, this would just make it convenient for everybody.

"There’s a handful of those songs that we actually fixed up and did when we were in lockdown. So those have yet to be released, so those are gonna come out. They’re really good, too, so I’m excited for those. We’re just gonna put out, like, one or two songs, and then another one or two songs. I think that’s gonna be pretty much all of them; I’m not sure exactly how many we did in total."

It's unclear if he's referring to the two songs that came out last year, but at most, that's six songs total.  Well, he's also not sure how many they did, perhaps Slash just can't count to six.  But that's all you found to work with from the fourteen years of Chinese Democracy recording sessions?

My guess is Axl wasn't capable of doing vocals, or just too lazy.  Either way, that leaves nothing to go with.  I suppose it's possible that Slash and Duff may have heard crap that wasn't even good enough for CD, but given everything else, I think they'd have at least run through some recording sessions with it, just to put their names on it and have it technically count as "Guns'n'Roses."

I've been wondering if the purpose of G'n'R was to increase the cult-like behavior of its fans.  How is it possible to still fill stadiums around the world with this empty career?  How is it possible to love Appetite For Destruction so much that you'll pay tons of money to watch a few people recreate it?  I certainly like the album but I can just put it on 'play' here at home, much cheaper.

But there are people who are still this obsessed.  Whatever the merits of the real band, this is just ridiculous.

24 October, 2022

Only two weeks before another stolen election...

I'm not sure if it's the right word, but emotion can be described as "movement."  You can have it by yourself, it's normal when a girl dumps you or something like that, but it "works" better when dealing with other people.  It's mentally starting in one place and moving to another.  Of course there's no reason for it but after the fact, you can conceive of how and why it happened.

Leftists are powered by emotion, not thought.  The image I'm picturing is college students, sitting around and talking and feeling very proud of themselves for such a thing.  They can claim they have made plans 'for the future,' but the effect is still the same without having to accomplish anything.

This is what politicians aim for, they can get votes by making people 'feel good' at the moment.  This also helps leftists say that anyone with actual thoughts is 'racist' or 'fascist' or whatever their latest terminology is.  This also makes it easy to assume that leftists have no actual plans.  Even if they do, they never bother going through with it whenever they don't feel good.  The effect is the same.

□ [“British Man Becomes First to Get Microchipped with Bank Card"]

Not the first European, just the first Brit.  And as always, there is the mind-boggling 'what the hell are they thinking?'  Your employer and your bank already have access to your money, now your surgeon and the company that provides surgical products has access.  They can shut it off for any reason that comes to their mind.

If you're falsely accused of something, how are you going to buy food or pay rent while you're trying to disprove it?  You'll have to wait until the judge gets around to deciding in court that you can actually use that microchip the way you intended.  And that's not counting anything else that can go wrong.  Are you going to keep getting implants every year to get the new model?

Oh, the article says you'd have to do that when the power runs out.  How nice.  Or creepy, whichever.

□ [“Greenpeace finds most plastics aren't recyclable"]

That's the point.  They want to make up 'recycling' which doesn't exist and impose that on everyone else.  95% of plastic simply cannot be reused.  This is the same nonsense they've been doing with global warming, and for about as long too.

That's why they're suddenly imposing us to use paper bags when they spent decades insisting we should 'save the trees' and not use paper bags.  The only results that matter are their control over us.

Why don't the people who want to defund the police just demand that the government get rid of laws?  Then there would be nothing for police to do, so you could close them down.  This is an indication of how our rulers actually work.

They have to make laws or they have nothing to enforce, but they need to keep their allies from living under the same requirements as the rest of us.  By making the very concept unrealistic, they can send men with guns after anyone they don't like while anyone they do like can get away with anything.

This is where 'keep it simple, stupid' comes from.  Sensible people know that everybody acts in different way, so if you're going to impose something, the point is to keep it as simple and universal as possible, so that anybody could understand it.

Have they actually made any progress at their level?  That's hard to comprehend, much less answer.  Is defining people by skin color their main goal or is it just an excuse to set-up blacks-only locations and hate whitey?  Hispanics and Asians are now accused of being white, which isn't helping anybody, but everyone else recognizes that.  It's just leftists who don't.

But they do seem to have come up with something.  The "critical race theory" seems to be the best example of this but again, is that an actual form of progress that they can expand on or is it just an excuse to seize power?  You could say the same thing about Das Kapital, it gets all the credit after-the-fact but the leftists had always been trying to take over.

□ [“Biden on His Unconstitutional Student Loan Bailout: 'It Passed. I Got it Passed by a Vote or Two"]

My "a vote or two" he means "zero" because Congress has never voted on it.  This basically shows how confident Democrats are in the election results, nobody's remotely bothered by him making this nonsense up.  It's safe to assume Biden has no clue what happened, the only question is if he genuinely thinks Congress voted on something or if he was just told to say this and he obeyed.

If we had a real media, someone might ask "are any of these people who voted for it in the room with us now?"  Just to see what he says.  But that would give away too much, the media isn't there for that.

The guy already said Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine and the vaccine would prevent you from getting the virus.  He says he has nothing to do with gas prices and demands credit when they go down.  It's like the real rulers picked him as the front man precisely because he's stupid enough to say this stuff without question.

□ [“WH Says Biden Was Referring to Inflation Reduction Act When He Falsely Claimed Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Passed 'By a Vote or Two'"]

He doesn't know the difference between inflation and student loans?  That's pretty stupid of him.  Why don't you just make up cue cards so he doesn't need to rely on whatever self-identifies as his brain?

They're trying to pretend he was actually talking about something completely different that he hadn't mentioned at all in the discussion on camera.  Why did they even permit questions in the first place, of Biden or his staff?

Who is supposed to believe any of this?  It's like they're just trying to keep their peasants busy pretending to do something, which is common among marxist governments.

Also 24 October, 2022

So here's an example of why Facebook sucks.  On April 22, 2021, I posted "I'll kill Jim Steinman if he doesn't come back."  Now you might not be maintaining your Steinman-worship temple but that's your problem, nobody else's.

How stupid do you have to be to ban something you don't remotely comprehend?  We can assume that this wasn't something real people spent a year and a half investigating before they banned my post, it was probably bots, which were programmed by people stupid enough to do this.

It takes very little effort to ask who Jim Steinman is.  Facebook would be the very first place for Facebook to check and a basic search shows Jim Steinman died on April 19, 2021.  Three days before my post which was so offensive.  You have to go out of your way to avoid the connection of a dead person being killed if he doesn't come back from the dead.

Could there be any other connection, the not-stupid person might ask themselves before banning a comment made a year and a half ago, a connection between this dead Jim Steinman and being killed if someone doesn't come back from something?

It's still a very easy search on Facebook to see that Jim Steinman was a songwriter, most notably known for his work with Meat Loaf and Meat Loaf even did a song called "I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back."  Do you suppose there's any connection to this song and Jim Steinman dying three days before I made this post about killing him if he doesn't come back?

And of course, the slightest check of any of these details shows that, yes, Steinman did write that song.  So three days after he died, I said I'll kill the guy who wrote the song I'm quoting if he doesn't return from the dead.  And that's offensive.

You have to actively look for ways to be offended and, a year and a half later, you finally find something, so you can ban what offended you.  That is liberal tyranny.  There's no better way to put it, what, you want to say "fascism"?

And that's how Facebook wants it which is exactly the same as every other liberal.  They expect everyone to act like their bots, looking for ways to be offended so they can ban anything they don't like.