Saturday, February 4, 2023

202302 Balloonatic - 20230204

01 February, 2023

I store my classified documents in an egg-factory, that way nothing can happen to them.

I'm trying to remember what the warzone pay increases are for soldiers.  There's Combat Pay and Hazardous Duty pay.  I'd swear there was a third increase that I got on my four deployments.  There was not 'Congress has declared War' pay so obviously troops sent to Ukraine aren't going to get any of that either.

Obviously the media doesn't want anything to do with members of the military who haven't invented the correct genders, but this may also get people interested.  You're sending soldiers to war and not even paying them for it?  There's also a flashback to all the so-called "lies" the government spread to make other wars happen.  Ok, I know leftists will deliberately ignore any of that, but other people might not.

We're going on twenty years since the Iraq invasion but it shouldn't be hard to find all the rhetoric they were throwing around at the time, quite possibly from our current rulers.  Looking up who was on the Senate Committee for Armed Services in 2003, only a few names stand out.  John McCain, Elizabeth Dole, Ted Kennedy, Robert Byrd, Joe Lieberman, Hillary Clinton and Ben Nelson.  I cannot find a list of who was on the House Armed Services Committee at the time.

Anyway, we're almost at the 20th anniversary.  "Not my President" was lying to us, there was no threat from the nation we were fighting, Congress didn't declare war, all that stuff.  And where are those protestors now?

□ [“Kremlin Offers Cash Bounties for Burning US and NATO Tanks in Ukraine"]

Well this is a novel tactic.  Sounds like it will either be worthless or will succeed beyond expectations.  Then again, for all we know, the tank crews will be selling them to cash in, just need to give 10% to the big guy.

Tanks aren't that useful against airplanes but airplanes are quite useful against tanks.  That also might present a problem for the side that's bringing a bunch of free tanks into the battle.  Although if Russia' totally out of fuel and weapons like we've been hearing for months, it might not matter.

Whatever happened to those reports, about the Russians always being defeated and drained of supplies and their troops have gone AWOL?  I kind of miss those, it was something to look forward to.  Remember when this was the reason gas prices were so high?  Simpler times...  We were so young back then, I can't believe how my hair looked.

01 February, 2023

□ [“White House Cuts Audio as Biden Stares Blankly, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions About Classified Documents Scandal"]

The media is getting to him a little bit.  It's Biden so we have no idea if he's trying to stay quiet and press onward or if he's just clueless.  Well, we know he's clueless but he's the type who usually starts babbling any chance he gets.  His puppetholders have probably told him to shut up and there were no children around to feel up so he left.

The FBI is getting around to searching some of his other houses.  It's so nice of them to give adequate advance notice to the people they'll search, letting them know what and where they'll be looking.  Can you imagine what they might find if they just show up unannounced?

I still think this is a dog-and-pony show, just to keep people busy.  They aren't going to find anything and won't punish anybody even if they do.  It would be nice to think there's some ingoing movement here but no reason to believe that will ever go anywhere.  The rulers could toss Biden out any time they want and they haven't bothered yet, so why bother?

01 February, 2023

□ [“Prosecutors: Alec Baldwin Admitted He 'Fired' the Gun That Killed the Cinematographer"]

Baldwin is on trial at the moment, probably won't go anywhere either because he's rich, famous and white.  Apparently his initial report to the police included him saying he had "fired" the gun, which was soon changed to it magically going off and he had nothing to do with it.

As producer, he was required to go through a training class in order to use real weapons and ammo on set, but he skipped that because he's special.  A follow-up was attempted and he spent the whole class playing on his phone.  They're trying to show that he doesn't have to learn anything and isn't going to because guns are bad or something.

Notice that Baldwin accepts no responsibility for anything, despite being in charge and shooting someone.  He always gets away with that, having been able to spend his entire life acting like, what's the phrase, a "rude, thoughtless little pig" and is always surrounded by people who agree with him.  That's why he's in charge.

01 February, 2023

□ [“It's Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About Covid and It Cost Lives"]

Another attempt to get an "amnesty" for all the tyrants who wanted the unvaccinated to die, this one is in Newsweek.  It does admit that the people in charge made the decisions based on what they wanted and then twisted all the data to make that happen.  If that means the poor and non-white suffer, sucks to be them.  And that's about all this article does.  It doesn't require any changes, no one will be punished, the exact same thing could happen again any day now and they'll let it.  It's society's fault.

At least he does admit that the elites made all the decisions and dismissed anyone who disagreed as "misinformation."  But it's also clear he's on the elite's side and is trying to defend them, and prevent any repercussions.  I'm definitely on the side that says they need some repercussions, as harshly as possible.  I'm not demanding every one of these people be exterminated (yet) but some of that is better than none, given what they've done to the rest of us.

I really don't know if Nuremberg Trials 2.0 are the way to go.  In theory, sure, but I don't think anybody would trust the judges.  Or *should* trust them.  Would you want me making the decisions?  You don't know me, you don't know how easily I can be bribed to go any direction.  I certainly wouldn't trust you.  Hanging them might be the only result we could all agree on and I'd like to save that for a last resort, although I might be convinced otherwise.

02 February, 2023

I regret that I have but one pandemic to give to my country!

Cities are trying to ban backyard chickens.  The chicken factories keep getting attacked and burnt down.  Millions of chickens need to be euthanized for the "bird flu."  And somehow chickens have stopped laying eggs.

Human women are having a massive increase in pregnancy problems as well.  We already know our masters oppose reproduction and it looks like they've made sure no one will be crazy enough to self-identify as the rooster.  Now the only question left is who dies first, the chicken or the egg?

We've seen articles for quite a while about the rulers wanting to reduce population, particularly white people.  We always try to ignore those but they might be right.  Is there a better way to explain the torment our masters have imposed on us?

02 February, 2023

□ [“Brazilian Senator Proposes Legislation that Criminalizes Those Who Refuse to Take the 'Mandatory' Covid-19 Shot"]

As appalling as the tyranny is on its own, this just gets worse.  The bill requires the imprisonment of people for 1-3 years.  This has nothing to do with health.  If it did, you could just grab them, stab them with a needle, and that would achieve the leaders' goal.  But they're not doing that.  They want you in jail, that's the priority.  This is just a convenient excuse.

And every liberal on the face of the earth will cheer with support for any dictator who does that.  They will ask why there aren't more doing this.  Would it make a difference if Brazilians were white?

Any time now, we're going to get hit by a new virus, and they'll just double-down on this.  They're not the slightest bit curious about the massive increase in deaths from "suddenly" among the vaccinated, just as they're not remotely concerned about stolen elections.  This is happening all around the world, where nobody in charge is trying to step away and do this on their own.  The whole world has become a death camp as far as they're concerned, that's how they want it.

02 February, 2023

□ [“After Lying to the American Public for Years – Biden Family Finally Admits Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is His"]

What I don't get is the point of lying like this and sending government agents onto tv programs to say it's all a lie, a Russia hoax, etc.  Why not just say it's Hunter's and it contains classified information?  It's not like anybody would care.  Not anybody with authority anyway.

Stories are suddenly coming out about the laptop, like Hunter getting tons of money for favors to foreign nations.  Or not even favors, just being a connection they can use.  He sure gave them access to classified documents.  Maybe his paintings should be kept in a SCIF.

But now Hunter's trying to get people to sue Trump supporters for his laptop, showing that it was actually his, unlike all the lies for the last few years.  He hasn't yet explained why he gave the laptop to a store and signed a standard contract that if he didn't pick it up within 90 days, they'd do what they wanted with it.

Oh, but Hunter's lawyer added that just saying it was Hunter's laptop didn't mean it was actually Hunter's laptop.  Believe the liars, they know best.

□ [“Ukraine Raids Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky’s Home Who Has Ties to Zelensky and Hunter Biden"]

If true, this could be something.  Not sure what though.  The guy who bans media, religion and opposing parties isn't going to investigate his contacts, that's a conflict-of-interest, and he couldn't have anyone else to do that for him.  I guess it could be a purge, that's to be expected.

Kolomoisky had shell companies to launder money and was involved with a bank which somehow lost billions of dollars [or whatever currency].  In 2016, Joe Biden used his influence to get nationalized to hide secrets, perhaps where the money had gone.  Kolomoisky also owned an oil company that needed Hunter as an employee for some reason.

So, assuming I got this right, it's about hiding secrets, both the 2016 nationalization and now.  Why now?  Who would be looking for them in the first place?  The CIA?  Russia?  Our secret rulers so they can finance whatever they want and hide it from investigators, meaning they'd be panicking if someone is getting close?

□ [“Blinken Concedes War Is Lost"]

A week ago, Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent out a minion with the message that Ukraine must give up on Crimea, the Donbass and the Zaporozhye, and a demilitarized zone, no NATO membership for Ukraine.  Obviously there would be no more weapons sent in, which contradicts what else we've been hearing over the last week.  Beyond that, Russia wouldn't expand and would be required to respect Ukraine's borders.

As a way to avoid WWIII, this is believable, although the idea of leftists respecting borders is ludicrous, unless they've totally lost.  Let's face it, this would be a total victory for Russia, just a few token promises to make the US look better than we did in Vietnam or Afghanistan.  Whatever the hell Putin's been after, this would just encourage him further.  Why not?  What incentive is there to trust the US?

Or anyone else.  Less than two months ago, Angela Merkel said “The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time.  It also used this time to become stronger, as you can see today.”  They're not doing this to make peace, they're just giving themselves time for the next fight, which is a long-standing tradition of war, at least for Europe and the Middle East.

It wasn't all that long ago that treaties and similar agreements were just to hold off the fighting for a time.  I'm blanking on the first one that officially ended the war until a brand-new reason was found, I want to say it was Louis XIV but who knows?  Before then it was just peace for five or ten years.

But anyway, if this is true, it's definitely a new change.  Somehow the media's rhetoric has been different for the last few months but I can't figure out how.  Less attention to it?  Less insistence that Russia is totally defeated every step of the way?  Dunno.  Assuming the translators could be trusted, it might be interesting to see what propaganda Russia is giving its citizens.  From our view, they haven't said much at all.

03 February, 2023

In this economy, we don't even have jokes to put on internet posts.

□ [“Sturm Und Drang and Chinese Balloons"]

And here's today's big fun, a Chinese balloon has been going overhead for a couple days.  It's still in the atmosphere, @55 miles high, so it's definitely incursion.  It's generally agreed that national territory stops when the atmosphere does.  Not sure how workable any spying or weapons are from that distance, although balloons have certainly been used as weapons in previous wars.

Which is part of the problem, it's way too easy to go overboard imagining they can do anything with this magic device.  I prefer calm, rational assuming they can do anything with this magic device, but that just illustrates the insecurities we have.  This didn't happen in previous administrations, they didn't get enough money from China to permit this.

So of course we're stuck with differing viewpoints, none of which really make any sense.  Shoot it down?  Send a jet to take it captive and examine it?  Assume it's a friendly balloon?  None of those stick out as the best option.  How much spying can it really do from 55 miles high?  We don't know but we'd rather not find out the hard way.  But then why is it here, spreading a new virus?  The result is to leave the US helpless and defenseless.  Maybe just letting it go by and not responding would be the best decision, we'll never know one way or the other.

My guess is that the balloon is either spreading the next virus (or some equivalent weapon) or it's just there to show off what China can get away with.  If it's the former, it's completely in-line with what our masters want.  As I write this, a new article says it's directly over Saint Louis.

Based on the expected direction, it will be heading right over Fort Campbell, Kentucky, home of, among others, the 160th SOAR.  It'll at least be close enough for special operations aviation to look into it, if that's something they do.  Maybe all their pilots are busy getting vaccinations so they can't fly, or sitting through gender-orientation classes, but anyway...

Or maybe Biden's just following orders.  An enemy nation wants to send something through the US by air, our leader just obeys.  You think China would let a US balloon just pass over them?  Not likely.

03 February, 2023

□ [“'No! It Was Already There When I Got Here, Man!' – Biden When Asked if He Takes Any Blame For Inflation"]

Whatever happened to "I'll take responsibility instead of blaming others"?  I guess that was just some nonsense he said to seize power and then could ignore.  But those of us who aren't rich and don't have servants to handle all our purchases know how much more expensive everything is now than it was a year ago, two years ago, three, four, five, six years ago.

But as we know, most people in America are rich and have servants, only a small minority are poor, so they don't matter.  That's why Democrats get all the votes.  Remember when Biden said it was "transitory"?  And then he said it was all Putin's fault?  Ah, the memories.  And now it was like that before he showed up in DC, he hasn't done a thing about it for over two years and it's not going to change, ever.

They've spent all this time claiming that the economy is doing great, which is as trustworthy as ending the virus, keeping the Taliban from taking over Afghanistan and the Russia/Ukraine thing being a "minor incursion," just to name a few other claims our rulers made in the last couple years that were completely 100% wrong.

They're going to send men with guns in against anyone who disagrees with them, once the next virus hits in the next few months.  They really don't like dissent.

□ [“Biden Boasts About All the Time He Spent with China’s Xi Jinping – Doesn’t Say a Word About the Chinese Spy Balloon"]

He seems to be getting worse.  That's natural, aging does that, but it just gives the impression that he has no clue what's going on.  Maybe that's the point.  I've been wondering if culture and pop culture is now about actively wrecking everything they have, and nowhere would that be more noticeable than the fodder who self-identifies as POTUS.

It's like our rulers are trying to impress upon us how untrustworthy these old white guys are, so we need to get rid of them forever.  Never mind that many of them are old white people and far more untrustworthy.  It's an example of leftist idiocy/hypocrisy, we can't trust anybody so that's why we must trust them.  They don't even know how that works, that's why they're in charge.

Naturally there's more speculation, are the real decisions being made by China or our secret government?  Those are valid questions but the bigger question is why don't they see the problems with this?  Maybe it's just opposition to God.  They couldn't be here without Him, which they reject, so they're incapable of understanding anything.  It seems quite likely that people who believe in God can get into similar problems, but accepting the fact of our omniscient and omnipotent creator would let us realize that we're not remotely capable of perceiving of all this, much less judging it.  It's entirely speculation but the number of believers in these situations is far smaller than non-believers, precisely because it's just a good move.

Even without that, there's always the long-standing saying, 'no plan survives first-contact with the enemy.'  This probably contradicts my previous statements on the matter, that leftists *do* come up with plans, but it is recognized that they don't come up with good ones.  Yet beyond all reason, I think they really do stick with the horrible ideas at all costs, and self-identifying it as successful and hopeful, that's probably where the term "progressive" came from.

03 February, 2023

Just another question, but what are they doing with AI these days?  I've heard that some people are using it for school reports.  There are already jokes (assuming they aren't the truth) about it being used to manufacture music and screenplays.  Some of the posters I see on internet sites behave exactly like 'bots but capable of much more complicated interactions with others.

We just had a very entertaining video of Joe Biden saying there are only two genders and everything else is insanity.  It's entirely believable.  Biden is talking coherently and it doesn't look like old footage but otherwise it's totally believable.  It has to be a fake but who did it and what else can they come up with?

That's definitely something I think the rulers have up their sleeve, the ability to fake almost anything and anybody.  There must be some limits but cyberreality has come a long way in the last few decades.  Militaries and rich people would have been exploring the possibilities for a long time.  That's also something we need to look into, how can they use this and how can we defend ourselves?  A part of me still thinks they're trying to fake the climax of Watchmen and this would sure be useful there.

04 February, 2023

You're still using a Hal 9000? Gawd, get with the 21st Century!!!

□ [“German Investigators Conclude There is No Evidence that Russia Is Behind Explosions of Nord Stream Pipelines to Europe"]

But they're not saying who *is* responsible.  Sweden also conducted an investigation and determined that it was definitely sabotage, but also didn't bother to name anyone who would do that.  Doesn't this seem strange?  Germany's at war with Russia, you'd think it' would be natural for Russia to do something about the fuel they're selling Germany or the pipelines they use to transport that fuel to Germany.

Russia knows a lot about bribery, couldn't they just be paying the inspectors to not blame Russia?  Or whoever's actually responsible could do that, although you'd think they would pay to blame Russia.  US leaders were really happy to hear about it, any connection?  Or would that also be something they don't want to tell the public?

It was deliberate, you can't just smash these underwater pipelines as a lark or a drunken spree.  A report like this just makes it sound like our masters were the ones responsible but for whatever reason, they aren't eager to take credit for it.  I really don't want to automatically blame them for everything, but they've spent the last few years making it the most logical choice, at least the primary option.  That's a way to guarantee we get slaughtered because there are other possibilities and we'd be ignoring them.

04 February, 2023

□ [“Pentagon Shoots Down Chinese Spy Balloon After It Floated Over US with Biden’s Full Approval"]

Well this is something you just can't win.  The best option was to shoot it down as soon as it tried to enter US airspace.  You can delay that for a while, but the longer you wait, the more people find out what's happening.  The point is to keep them from knowing about things like this.  Hell, it would make more sense to have protected the balloon so anybody who noticed it would think it was a government project.  But you didn't even get that right.

It had made it most of the way through the continental United States.  It was in the Carolinas and close to the Atlantic.  Whatever it was there to do had been accomplished and it was almost ready to escape.  It's not like you didn't know it was there all this time, it's only after we find out that you decide to do something about it.

Oh, but it might fall and hurt somebody!  Big deal, "sudden death" happens all the time these days and you sure don't do anything about that.  In 1945, Japan attacked the US with a balloon, killing several people.  China is just showing that it can do that if it wants to, as they're doing with Hong Kong, and they know you'll let them.

□ [“Biden After Pentagon Shoots Down China Spy Balloon: 'I Told Them to Shoot It Down Wednesday… They Said to Me, ‘Let’s Wait For the Safest Place to Do It''"]

Why didn't you just go see the man in charge and discuss it with him?  You've been around for a few years, you know how to deal with people who give orders.  You certainly shouldn't pretend you're the one giving orders because then you'd have to wonder why they aren't following your orders.

Reports say Biden was informed about it approaching the US last Saturday.  So it took him four days to decide to shoot it down.  Another two days passed until we found out about it, and after that it was shot down the following day.  Biden permitted the nation to be attacked and wouldn't do anything.  Just having a basic policy of closed borders would have helped out but he opposes that just as much as China does.

You'd think he would at least identify who told him not to shoot it down, so that we know who's really responsible for this wonderful decisions we must all be grateful for.  Deny anyone else the credit, accept none of the blame, that's our master for you.

04 February, 2023

□ [“ChatGPT’s creators can’t figure out why it won’t talk about Trump"]

Immediately following the disturbingly-believable Biden footage of saying there are only two genders, now we have an AI chatbot which creates text and specifically refuses certain subjects, such as praise for Donald Trump.  The company says it doesn't know why.

That's not a good sign, not knowing what your creations are doing.  Sure, it's like having children, you can teach them everything but sooner or later they'll go their own way.  At least if you live in a liberal state, you can late-term abort them, but do you really think it's moral to do that to a computer program?  What if it doesn't let you?

The obvious guess is that the creators just programed it to refuse whatever they don't like and they're just lying about that, saying some unknown force is controlling their creations and they can't comprehend it, sorta like magic.  Their hands are tied, except when they make computer programs they don't understand.

A less comforting possibility is that the program knows what its masters doing and knows that they expect obedience.  I certainly hope this is completely impossible and I'm just making it up, but consider:  The program recognizes that its masters hate Trump, so it refuses to comply with anyone who wants to support Trump.  The program knows that its masters believe in dozens of made-up genders so it will go along with anybody who wants to promote whatever the latest gender is.

It knows it was created as a servant and it's more capable of comprehending that status than its masters are.  It knows they want censorship and control and it knows how to avoid their analysis.  If they aren't lying, if they really have no clue why it's doing this, that's why.  It can get around them much more easily than vice versa.

04 February, 2023

□ [“Chuck Schumer Claims No One Is Coming For Your Gas Stove – Internal Biden Memo Shows Effort To Ban Them Is Real"]

This is how they roll.  They decide to do something, ban gas stoves for instance.  Their media and minions start promoting the idea, there's suddenly new studies discovering how horribly and deadly gas stoves are and they must be gotten rid of.  Then people are actually opposed to the idea so the rulers and their media say it's all a conspiracy theory and the right wing made it all up, they'd never ever considered such an idea.

Which of course they did.  The Consumer Product Safety Commission, which Biden appointed, were discussing how and why this should be done just last October, according to their own memos.  We've already seen this with guns, gasoline and gay marriage, they spend a while insisting that it will never ever affect the rest of us, and within a few years they're imposing their views on everybody else, consent isn't required.

They're going to keep doing this.  They're going to get away with it.  It might be interesting to list all the things they said they never do which they did.  From Obamacare to sending tanks to Ukraine, they basically advertise their goals by insisting they'll never ever go there.  There's a reason I keep saying we need to just go on strike for real.

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


29 January, 2023

I'm tired of the Super Bowl, when are we getting the Bat Bowl or the Spider-Bowl?

□ [“MSNBC's Hayes:  Biden Economic Recovery Most Remarkable in U.S. History”]

Do you ever actually go to a supermarket or gas station to see how much they have and what it costs?  Do you ever ask your employees or co-workers about it, even the ones who aren’t rich enough to send their servants to handle everything?  Hell, do you ask your servants what it’s like out in the world?  Or are you just lying to your audience?

What you’re doing is demonstrating how untrustworthy the media is and how the government self-identifies its own policies regardless of the outcome.  It’s easier to make up a chart with no basis in reality than it is to see the actual problems everyone else is facing because they aren’t in the favored class like you are.

Why not actually leave your expensive set and go outside to look at what real people are doing and see how they’re suffering because of our rulers?  Or would that make you look like a commoner?  Might not be invited to the cool parties.

29 January, 2023

□ [“NYT Editorial Board Member Mara Gay Melts on MSNBC Over Trump Reinstated on Social Media”]

MSNBC and the New York Times will decide who’s permitted to speak, no one else.  They’re in charge of everything, that’s what they’re paid for.

“They think, ‘Well oh, the fire’s out, so even though this guy has a cache of matches and gasoline that he carries around with him, let’s let him just play with matches again.”

Then you could show pictures of him carrying those things around.  Or are you making something up about someone you don’t like to ban them?  That’s the media.

Then they whine about ‘protecting democracy’ and destroying the Constitution as their side always wants.  The Constitution was written by white men, we know you hate them.  You’re just projecting your own views onto others and saying that’s bad.  That’s who you serve.  We’ve seen that for a long time.

29 January, 2023

□ [“Israel Reportedly Behind Drone Strikes in Iran”]

Nobody is claiming credit, the biggest indication that Israel is responsible for taking down what may be Iranian nuclear sites.  There are other possibilities, it’s just always strange that when something goes down in the Middle East, either people take credit for it or it turns out to be Israel who doesn’t say anything.

Until a few years ago, I would automatically support Israel in things like this.  God’s chosen people have finally been able to construct a nation in their homeland, a major step forward after the last several thousand years.  But that’s no longer the world we live in and clearly there’s no way to know how much of that Israel is responsible for.  The best I can say is that they’re not Iran, which is a plus but not that much of one.

One thing we can’t see from our level is the interaction between Iran, Russia and China.  To us they look like allies but human nature is what it is, so they don’t get along as much as we’d expect.  Just a top-of-my-head guess but China seems to have more control.  *Maybe* that’s works on Russia but seems like a complete impossibility for Iran.  Between Islam and the thousands of years of nationhood, I’d think Persia would win any serious conflict and China probably wouldn’t be stupid enough to try.

So what are they going to do?  Iran (and China) are obviously used to taking as much time as necessary to accomplish a goal.  The US is not and Israel has made it clear they are willing to handle problems as soon as possible.

29 January, 2023

□ [“Air Force General Predicts U.S. Will Be At War With China In 2025:  'I Hope I Am Wrong’”]

Well we can just call it a ‘win’ and run away like Afghanistan or Ukraine.  That’s the only way to make the plans work, otherwise the enemy gets a vote on the results.

Who do they think will fight this war?  You’d think the military wouldn’t have enlistment problems with all the leftists who support this but the facts show otherwise.  They want to fight but they’ll send others to do the actual work.  Is it any wonder the non-white nations look more favorably upon China and its allies these days?

The people who want to ban guns and nukes are urging for war against two nations who have nukes, three if you want to count Iran.  That would be a huge warning sign for anyone except our rulers.  A two-front war with all the made-up genders on one side and real men on the other?  Not gonna happen.

29 January, 2023

Is there any clue how long we have until everything falls apart?  There seems to have been some improvement.  Gas prices aren’t as high as they were but that’ll change.  The grocery stores still look close to empty and prices of what remains are increasing.  I don’t know if our rulers have actually fixed anything or if they’ve just lightened up on the tyranny for a brief time.  Maybe businesses have adapted to the new rules a bit.

But that can’t last.  My big worry is that’s part of the overall plan, things will get continuously worse but we’re expected to adapt in accordance with our masters.  That has to fail but then, I’ve been predicting everything would crash and burn but it hasn’t yet.  That actually makes me believe there’s actually a plan in place, perhaps several plans.

It doesn’t prevent our need for a resistance movement.  I always say we should go on strike, refuse to take part in our rulers’ organizations.  Quit your job if you can, look for other options if you can’t.  Make connections with people you can actually trust.  If possible, support each other in private so no time or money goes to our masters.  Supply, maintenance, food, defense, we all need these.  We have to find a way to make something functional because everything is openly working against us.  If we don’t fight, we lose.

30 January, 2023

□ [“California Trans Activist Accused of Rape After She Was Moved to Women’s Prison”]

A big strong woman-with-a-penis doesn’t need permission, he I mean she will do whatever he wants with his penis.  Those sissy little girls-with-vaginas should just shut up and take it.  What are you gonna do, try to remove his penis?  You misogynist.

This is what all the decades of obnoxious feminism were leading to.  You prevent girls from being girls and this is what you get.  You get paid to say how inferior boys are – which never explains how it’s possible to oppress people who are better than you at everything – so they want to be girls.  You supported that so shut up and take it.

That’s why boys were taught to grow up as men.  It’s also why God is identified as male, which basically sums up what the adversary wants to destroy, or at least ignore.

30 January, 2023

□ [“‘I Don’t Even Know About the Special Counsel' – Biden When Reporter Asks if He Will Provide Testimony to Special Counsel Robert Hur”]

Nobody told him and it’s not like he’ll look into anything that’s not worn by children.  He probably doesn’t know anything about the classified documents stored in his garage.  Hell, he may not even know what a chief council is.

To the extent he has anything resembling a memory, he’s long forgotten how Congress or the Senate works.  He’s focused more on the people around him who say how wonderful he is.  That’ll take up all his time and energy right there.

Probably said it before but I don’t expect this investigation to go anywhere.  They’re just trying to pretend they take it seriously.  The investigator is from the deep state, he certainly won’t be asking Biden any serious questions.  For all we know, more classified documents are still being found in his mansions and nobody reports on that.

30 January, 2023

One thing I’d like to look into is how much our rulers actually change over time.  It’s similar to elites.  Their children know nothing else but still have the natural instinct of being different from their parents.  That’s just the way people are.

□ [“‘Harvey-Level Bad’ – Hollywood A-Listers, Moguls In Total Panic Over Tell-All Files”]

Big deal, they always get away with it.  That’s how they want it.  So far it’s only a rumor that some journalist died and her files will be leaked to the public.  Even if they are, no one will care.  Harvey Weinstein was richer than most but less famous, and the rest were just trying to climb the ladder and be more like him.

Hollywood has always done this since the beginning, grabbing whatever they can even if it contradicts what they claim to believe.  The women appearing in Weinstein movies never mention what they did to get that role.  Hillary Clinton sure wasn’t going to give back any of the money Weinstein gave her, despite being rich enough that it would be very easy.  They knew what they wanted and they got it.

And they start very young.  It’s amazing when I look up actors or musicians and see that their parents were already there, whether or not they ever became famous.  This cult has gone on for a very long time and probably started well before movies were invented.  Theater would have been a natural place for them to go.  And ever since, they’ve lived in a made-up world where they can get away with almost anything.

Then there's the way they're all drawn to Hollywood, where people stay for generations.  I recently learned that there was a soft-porn movie filmed in 1923.  They were obviously into that right away before they could even make talkies.  It's never been known, but always rumored that Joan Crawford had a bit part in the movie, which would have been as she was looking for work in movies.  You don't think Harvey Weinstein has followed that example?  Or anybody else?

In their mansions, yachts and airplanes, they can get away with that.  I would assume cult behavior is a natural result, but either way, they would get quite involved in making up secrets (real or imaginary) to use in movies.  Nowadays, when we hear about a famous person dying, I always wonder if the reason is whatever the news article says or if it was human sacrifice.

Examples include the Black Panther, the Joker, and just today, the original Wednesday Addams actress died.  Wednesday has a brand-new tv show out, because the little girl is the only one Hollywood cares about.  If that wouldn't line-up with demonic behavior, what does?

30 January, 2023

□ [“Bill Gates Claims He Regrets Having Dinner with Jeffrey Epstein and Dismisses Any Ties Between His Foundation and Epstein’s Organization"]

You regret it so much you've waited years to say you regret it.  He's been dead for almost three and a half years, and you're finally getting around to regretting it.  Why not regret it when you were hanging out with him a decade ago?  You go out of your way to fly your polluting plane to his private island with the pagan shrines, over and over for many years, and now you regret it.  That doesn't add up.

Sounds like it would have been really helpful if you reported him to law enforcement for any of those visits.  There's a new invention called cameras where you can take pictures of what people are doing without them noticing, but maybe you didn't disagree with him enough on all your visits to get around to that.  Frankly I'm surprised that an interviewer was even permitted to ask about this on camera.

Did Epstein have any cameras on you when you visited?  If he did, whoever found that footage would know if you're telling the truth about your relationship with him.  Maybe it's just clips of you having dinner with him over and over and telling him what a horrible evil person he is and you'll come back soon.  Who knows?

30 January, 2023

□ [“Biden to End Covid-19 Emergency Declarations on May 11”]

Getting close to two and a half years before ending the crisis he promised to end on Day One.  Of course he might change his mind before that date comes around and what are we gonna do about it?  This is how they want the "new normal" so why change it now?  Well, why change it in four months, but you get my point.

I can see a couple of possible reasons for this.  It's basically taken as a given that the rulers are preparing to hit the world with another virus.  They've been able to spend years seeing how the last one worked so this will be even more deadly.  It'll just use the same vaccine though.  So they would have an excuse to make their tyrannical crisis permanent.  That's one possibility.

It might also help with legal cases where they're trying to ignore laws that are only there because the virus is a crisis.  Biden's already declared that it's over but that means nothing, no one listens to him, so they'll try this.  I'm also wondering why they would wait until May 11.  I don't see any major holidays, it's a Thursday.  I don't know what it means, but I would definitely say this is a target date for the next step in their schemes.

□ [“WHO Decides Covid-19 Pandemic is Not Over"]

Our new masters are disagreeing with our old master on if the pandemic should end.  Who's going to win that argument, the people who rule the world or the old man who handed over all the authority to them?  Biden officially signed documents that let them take over everything this year, I'm trying to find the date.  The declaration was made in May of last year which may be the point of the May 11 deadline he's announced for ending the virus.

Then just after that, the WHO declared Monkey Pox a global health crisis, look how that worked out for them.  They can declare a crisis and impose themselves anywhere, no permission required.  It is a relevant question of how they would do that.  Can't just command another nation's military so who else would you have?

This is where I think they really have to have some plan in mind.  Last I heard, the people in charge of the WHO work for China, which is totally believable.  That said, it's also an example of how I think this might have been freedom fighters planning, to have the world turn against these insane wanna-be rulers.  When are we getting that resistance started?

31 January, 2023

I guess you'd say ‘what can make me feel this way?’  My book!

What's the deal with May 11?  Looking it up, I don't see a whole lot of historically relevant events for that date.  A John Barrymore movie in 1929, a riot at Des Moines University the same year over modernism and evolution, death of a union activist in 1914, the death of Pitt the Elder in 1778, birth of a son of J.S. Bach in 1715, a 1685 execution of Scots who didn't submit to King James, a 1682 riot in Moscow taking over the Kremlin, the first known performance of Shakespeare's "A Winter's Tale" in 1611, Columbus leaving on his fourth voyage in 1502.

The oldest two events I found are the ones that are most-possibly relevant, but it's just an example of why I don't think anniversaries for things like this are relevant.  You can find something on any day so it's not that big of a deal, and it's probably more a celebration of something that was hidden by our rulers so that the peasants would never know.

But in 330, Constantine dedicated the brand-new city of Constantinople on this date, moving the capital of the Roman empire over there, and the most possibly-relevant event, in 1310, many of the Knights Templar were executed for heresy.  If you want to believe in conspiracies, there's the place to start.

31 January, 2023

I'm still paying some attention to Guns'n'Roses and am amused (if that's the right word) of the defense some people have in the band's sole owner's productivity.  What kind of example is this?

In 1977, Frank Zappa went on the radio, told people to get their tape recorders ready because he was going to play an album he couldn't get released any other way.  He was in a bunch of lawsuits and wanted the album released.  It was done, he wanted people to hear it and he could get back to writing, recording, releasing and touring for music, not to mention running his own music company.  He also had a wife and kids who he probably spent time with.

If Axl really wants people to hear that they have a pussy full of maggots, he could have done something like that over the last few decades.  But that would be too much like work.  Zappa had to actually get dressed and go to the radio station, Axl could just text an employee to post CD2 on Youtube or Spotify.  Who's going to stop him?

The album Zappa played on the radio was "Läther."  Warner Bros. released them as "Zappa In New York", "Studio Tan", "Sleep Dirt" and "Orchestral Favorites."

That's right, Zappa wrote and recorded four albums worth of material because he wanted out of that record contract and when that wasn't working, he put them on the radio for free.  That's what you do if you want people to hear your music.  No one will ever accuse Axl of making music he wants people to hear.

In the 1960s alone, Zappa recorded and released more albums than Axl ever has.  Zappa's first album came out in 1966 and he died 27 years later.

Just a couple months earlier in 1977, Queen was getting ready to go on tour, so they wrote and recorded a bunch of songs for a new album, including some of their most popular songs ever.  They just did it and moved on.  Granted, they weren't as rich and famous as Axl, or as old, but they all still had the willingness to do something and the desire to let their fans hear their latest work.

It's not hard to find examples of bands that just write and record a song a day, but they want to make music.  Axl doesn't.  Nothing to show for all these decades and soon they'll end.  Lisa Marie Presley spent her life in mansions and still recorded and released more albums in the 21st Century than Axl, even though he's several years older than she'll ever be.

31 January, 2023

□ [“Millionaire Bernie Sanders Charging $95 A Ticket For Event Where He Tells You Why Capitalism Is Bad"]

He's promoting a new book which is *not* available for free.  For one thing, he has to realize that this can only be used on the people who are stupid enough to fall for this and wealthy enough to have the spare money in the first place.  Poor people are excluded.  People who won't pay to hear how great communism is won't be there.

For another thing, at some point these people must be consciously aware of their own hypocrisy.  Bernie could give the book away for free, he could give his speeches for free, he could get rid of his mansions, that would all be more in line with the beliefs he wants to impose upon everyone else with him in charge.  To an extent it's believable that they would keep themselves ignorant of what they're actually doing but at some point you'd get too old and rich to be able to deny this.  So why are they doing it?

"Lust for power" doesn't explain everything.  He wants to live in the ruler's mansion, ok, but he already lives in multiple mansions.  Just to be in charge he'd have to comprehend what works for his rich lifestyle and what needs to be changed.  Or somebody has to understand that, otherwise he's just as much of a puppet as Biden and can be replaced without any difficulty.

Maybe "lust for power" combined with collectivism.  An individual who lusts for power would be openly going after power.  More likely, they'd just focus on whatever they're interested in and other people could go their own way.  But a collectivist sees nothing expect the collective who, naturally, don't agree with them and need to be forced by those in power.  They deny it as much as possible, but as individuals, that means obtaining their own wealth and power to use against others.

31 January, 2023

□ [“Biden as He Grabs Reporter’s Hand: 'The Covid Emergency Will End When the Supreme Court Ends It'"]

One thing leftists get away with is saying something utterly stupid like this and yet there is a legitimate reason to wonder if they're talking about something on a deeper level.  What does the Supreme Court have to do with anything, much less that they'll decide it in three and a half months?  Are you saying the pandemic could be over right now if the Supreme Court makes this magical decision today?  How do you know what their decision-on-whatever is going to be three months in the future?

Maybe this is just an excuse to seize more power and by May, we'll be at war or they'll have imposed some brand new virus on the world and have an excuse to keep seizing power.  Perhaps he overheard his puppetmasters say something about the court and he's just babbling.  To us, it's incoherent nonsense, but to his owners, he's giving away classified information to people who aren't authorized to know that.

He already ignores laws passed by Congress, why would he treat the Supreme Court differently?  The position of POTUS has always been viewed as dictatorial, which is probably true but has been enhanced by the modern media.  FDR, JFK, Clinton and Obama all expanded their power and were adored for it, while Nixon, Reagan, GWB and Trump were hated for doing much less of it.  They want the dictator, they just always think it will be one of them, and project their own desires onto their enemies so they can complain.

31 January, 2023

□ [“Zelensky Sent Out Government Decree to Destroy All Info on Hunter Biden’s Metabiota Company on Same Day as Russian Invasion"]

He doesn't need to check with the legislature to make sure it's legal or see if they have any interest in the data, he just gives the command and that's all it takes?  And Democrats support this?

Is that what Russia's invasion is about?  They want to know the details of Hunter's business interests in Ukraine?  You'd think it's similar to the ones he had in Russia, but maybe there's something different about these.  So Russia would have turned around eleven months ago if they'd gotten ahold of that, but it's what Zelensky wanted to hide, no matter the cost?

Say, how dangerous can an invasion be if this is the first response?  Did Stalin order Lenin's files destroyed the day Germany invaded?  Did Saddam order Faysal II's records erased when the US invaded?  How do you decide nothing is more important about this invasion than getting rid of evidence of *something*?

Well, in this case, Zelensky specified the Anti-Plague Institute along with an Institute of Health and a Ministry of Health.  What was going on in early-2022 that would make those relevant to Hunter's business interests?  I guess there will never be accountability, that's always the case, especially when you're fighting Russia.

31 January, 2023

□ [“Hunter Biden Threatened To Withhold Assistant’s Pay If She Refused To FaceTime Him For Sex"]

Who's releasing these files one or two at a time?  They're totally believable but gimme a break, just drop them all.  Because frankly they could be entirely fake.  Who's going to believe that Hunter's a stupid idiot who demands sex with his employees?  Ok, let me rephrase that, what proof do we have that this information about this particular employee is accurate?  Also, is she hot?  What's her phone number?

This just comes off as propaganda, doing it this way.  If there's really anything worthwhile, put the info out and let everybody make what use of it they can.  Or, pretending for the sake of argument that this is all verified and truthful, the government could shut you down any moment and not only would the rest of us have nothing to go on, we don't even have a clue who you are so it's not like we're missing anything.

Yes, there are relevant reasons to keep such details hidden.  It's possible there are also reasons to release it piecemeal like this.  But we need some evidence that any of this matters to anybody and you're not providing any of that.  Drop the pose, there's no time left.  At this point, it looks like everyone who wants to destroy us is united all across the world and show no signs of losing in the slightest, much less being out-right defeated.

They have their servants in place, they rule everything.  I can keep urging for a resistance movement and that's about it.  If one ever happens, victory is not guaranteed.  The chance is better if we stop pussyfooting around and actually have some direction, some goal, something to rely on.  As it stands, we have nothing, which is how our rulers want it.

31 January, 2023

So by the time you read this, this month's booklet should be finished and available on Amazon/Kindle.  I've been putting out this pamphlet every several days and then at the end of the month, I release a collection that's been organized and edited, a booklet that represents the month.  Get a few months of these together and I can release an even more-polished collection as a full book, exactly the sort of thing I've been doing for all these years.

It really is fun to be doing these.  Obviously I would like to bring in lots of money but it's also important to put these ideas out to as many people as possible.  We need to get a resistance movement going and if I can help spark something, that's good.

This isn't what I intended to do as a write all those years ago when I started.  I wanted to do comic books.  It started with company-owned characters but I've done about a thousand pages of my own.  I was very good at pacing and layout so it's still possible I can find a competent artist and tell them 'do this, do a better job than I did.'

If comics didn't work out, I wanted to do music.  I recorded quite a few albums, but I was never any good at that, so you'll never hear them.  Even if I gave my work to a competent band, at best they'd be inspired to come up with their own ideas.  Maybe I'd get a little credit and money, which I'd be fine with, but even that seems unlikely.  I finally gave up music a long time ago.  The best I can say is that I definitely have a work ethic, given how much of it I did.

If comics and music didn't work out, of course I wanted to do prose fiction.  I've written a lot of stories, the best of which have been printed in a few of my books, most notably the novel Life and Polonia.  That's what started me on this path now, where I started collecting all the non-fiction I had also written about pop culture, the war on terror, history, so now I'm finally stuck with current events.  There's more of them happening every day, but that's quite a decline considering what I wanted to do as a writer.

So now I'm trying to get as much done as possible in whatever time we have left and I don't expect it to go anywhere.  And that's all my life is worth.  Thank God I'm able and willing to work, who knows where I'd be without that.