Saturday, June 18, 2022


01 May, 2022

The people running the Ministry of Truth all say men can get pregnant.

□ [“Democrats Lose Noam Chomsky; He Praises Trump for Seeking Diplomatic Resolution in Ukraine"]

This won't mean anything.  Most leftists have no clue who he is even though he made them.  He's old and white (and probably rich) so they wouldn't pay attention to him anyway.  Even those who do know who he is will just complain that he's become old and weak and can be ignored for not saying what they want to hear.

Leftists will always turn on their own for any reason.  It's not just the stupidity of youth although that may come from the same basic aspect of humanity.  A normal person could ask ‘what does this person we've been worshiping all these decades know that we don’t?  What is he right about that we missed?’  Or they could realize he’d always been wrong, but at some level there would be questions required for understanding.

Yet these people just don't do that, it’s automatic for them.  The rest of us understand individuality so when we deal with one of them we see an individual.

□ [“'Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste' – Samantha Power Celebrates Fertilizer Shortages That Will Force Farmers to Transition to 'Natural Solutions'"]

A crisis they caused and aren't suffering from in the slightest.  They expect to get plenty of food by the end of the year, the suffering poor aren't in that category.

This is deliberate.  They can force people to eat less food and not the food they prefer but what the government wants.  That's the same reason they're getting rid of gasoline so no one can go anywhere without buying an expensive electric car.

The Russia/Ukraine thing is still going.  We still keep being told Russia will run out of supplies any day now, trucks this time around.  The reporters continually insist that Russia sent 100% of their military here, leaving the rest of the nation entirely defenseless.  They're totally out of vehicles, no dissent is permitted.  It's never explained why they can't just get vehicles from their neighbor/ally/manufacturer China.

Frankly, it looks more like they're preparing for conflict with NATO.  China's already preparing to break financially from the west, leaving less of a target when they move on Taiwan.  They’re still ignoring the orders to sanction their ally Russia.

Both nations are far more experienced at dealing with dissidence.

Also 01 May, 2022

The worst part about Hell is that you have to spend all day playing video games.

Still working on the "History project."  I've reached the 13th century.  Obviously history has many things happening but I've noticed that periodically they all seem to happen around the same time.  The early 1200s definitely fall into that category.

England and France had been growing together for centuries and each claimed, rightly or wrongly, royal control over the other.  By then they’d already been fighting for a long time and they're still a long way away from starting the Hundred Years War.

Meanwhile the Holy Roman Empire is still growing.  I haven't been paying close attention but it does seem to be 'most everywhere across Europe.  It was essentially a child of France, having come from Clovis, Charles Martel and Charlemagne's holdings and would eventually become Germany/southern Europe as we know it.

The proto-France and Germany were obviously developing European culture and to a large extent centered around the Catholic Church while still growing from the Roman era.  Europe as a whole had been growing up after the first couple crusades and now they were on the Fourth Crusade which included taking over Constantinople.

This had to have been a major scene.  We refer to the Byzantine Empire but back then it was still the Roman Empire.  Even the Holy Roman Empire didn't get named until the mid-1200s, half a century after the Latin and Greek states quarreled had led to this.

Every state was growing in different ways for different reasons.  England fought France, Spain was still forming as it fought off the Muslims who were still conquering eastern Europe.  England itself made a small version of Europe with the basic conflicts with Scotland, Wales and Ireland.  England was even fighting with the pope regularly.

So by then, progress, thought and writing involved individuals being recognized for their own purposes, not just of the collective rule.  England was still at the front, getting ready to write the Magna Carta which we can expect to be repealed any day now.

Meanwhile China was developing what would become known as rockets and gunpowder while Genghis Kahn was at his peak across Asia, I really wasn't expecting that.  I'd never really thought about the Carta and the Kahn happening at the same time.  The first major precedent of limiting the state happened at the same time as the greatest barbarian ever was building up large piles of corpses across the largest continent.

So my point, or question rather, is what built up to all of this happening around the same time?  Yes, obviously all the events that happened before it, but I'm trying to identify a more basic explanation we're capable of conceiving.  I mean, I think it's God negotiating with His adversary, Earth.  That's a simple reason and it explains every man, woman and child ever, but it's not really workable at our level.

That's what I work on.  We're definitely in one of those times now.

02 May, 2022

Everything would be fine now if we just had a 900-number we could call to kill Robin.

One thing that keeps standing out about the Russia/Ukraine thing is how nobody claiming this is monstrous and genocidal etc. ever brings up the 2014 invasion.  It had the same countries and Putin was in charge then too, why wasn't it so evil eight years ago?  Why wasn't NATO trying to get involved then?  What stopped NATO?

Ukraine's 2014 leaders were different because the US oversaw a coup against an elected President to install someone we wanted.  This inspired Donetsk and Luhansk to declare independence.  Ukraine didn't like that and invaded, then Russia invaded them.

□ [“Russian State News TV Anchor Warns of Nuclear Missile Strikes on West”]

My suspicion is that this is just a pose to look tough because Democrats will back down.  My worry is that the one time Democrats won't back down, their goal is to cause the biggest possible disaster for everybody.

There's still a good chance this is a giant conspiracy and no reason to think Putin isn't involved at least much as Biden.  Possibly more, at least Putin has authority to make decisions.  He gets to be the heavy and pick up some property in the region while they blame him for everything and impose tyranny over here.

Not saying I believe that but it's tough to find anything that would disprove it.

By the way, after writing the above, I got around to looking at the article and it's citing a news broadcast from last December so obviously it's behind the times.  But it doesn't disprove my comments so I'm calling that a win.  We have so little these days...

Remember when the left was all aghast that the senile Ronald Reagan would start a war with Russia?  Now they're the senile ones and we’re finally there.

□ [“Here's Your Disinformation:  Now Psaki Claims TRUMP Started Biden’s Thought Police Board"]

They make up their lies, everyone else has to pretend they're true.  They didn’t credit Trump when announcing this, it was “a new Disinformation Governance Board.”  Couldn’t be "new" if Trump already did it.  They didn’t cite this as an exception when announcing that everything Trump did to the government would be reversed.

But Trump is the fascist because these people say he is.

□ [“Biden:  ‘There Have Not Been Many Senators From Delaware.  Matter of Fact, There’s Never Been One’”]

One of those times where you have to check the video to make sure it's what he really said, you can’t just believe the article’s claim.  But yes, he really did say it.

In reality, Delaware has had 66 senators.  It's easy to look that up on the internet.  It's possible Biden might have met one in his long life.  14 of them have been Republican, the last holding office from 1971 to 2001.  Where was Joe Biden during those years that he has no clue that there was ever a Senator from Delaware?

Maybe he just doesn't know the difference between Senator and POTUS and was referring to the latter.  Does anybody think he'd pay attention to minor differences between the two jobs?  But it is true, there has never been a President of the United States who came from Delaware, not one.  Delaware was our first state but it has never provided anybody who could get elected POTUS.  A sad fact, perhaps, but still the truth.

Also 02 May, 2022

And then this happened...

□ [“Barricades Erected at Supreme Court After Reported Leak of Draft Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade; Hundreds of Protesters Start to Gather at Court"]

Put me on the skeptical side, the tyrants would never permit the court to decide something like this.  Notice that no other Supreme Court rulings have ever been leaked before.  Why break their record now?  Because they were commanded to.

My guess is that it's a fake to sucker public reaction.  Then the court announces abortion will be mandatory and our masters will pick us first.  People are starting to gather around the courthouse, probably for another "January 6" fake incident.

Leftist protestors are there, the rulers paying them to sucker anti-abortionists into showing up.  Who do you think the police would pick to arrest?

This would qualify as something relevant happening after May 1, just as I've been predicting.  First workday after Karl Marx day, there you go.  The court also just announced, unanimously, that Boston's denial to fly a Christian flag outside city hall was unconstitutional.  I want some actual proof that this is not a feint.

If they needed an actual excuse to throw away all the rules and the Constitution, here they go.  What Democrat would oppose that?

03 May, 2022

Pro-abortion protestors will be kicked out if they don't wear a mask and have a vaccination card.

Leftists have insisted on using the terms “birthing people” or “menstruators” for a few years now instead of specifying “women” for those sissy girls with vaginas.  But suddenly “women’s rights” matter and don't include the big, strong women-with-penises.

What are those oppressed people supposed to do?  How oppressive!  The Ministry of Truth should investigate those bigots.  The new black Supreme Court chick isn’t a biologist so she doesn't even know what a woman is but suddenly every liberal does?

And nobody’s even talking about the pregnant man’s right to abortion!

Really, is there any reason to think this isn't just our masters showing how their puppets automatically contradict themselves and never notice?  Maybe some on their side see a contradiction but they can’t say anything or they’d be kicked out like the rest of us.

It's just me being a pessimist but this is really why I think the rulers have planned things out in-depth and with some basis of reality.  That's why I’ve expected this excuse to throw all the rules out.  The Senate is literally holding hearing on this barely 12 hours after the news was released, protestors – well, paid leftists who obviously didn't have a day job to go to – only needed a few hours to show up.

Suddenly Ukraine gets ignored.  Remember the huge problem over there for the last couple months?  Leftists were obsessed with it.  Ukrainians really don't care what the Supreme Court may or may not vote but that's suddenly what leftists are into.

□ [“Coincidence?  Planned Parenthood and Abortion Industry Announce $150 Million Spend on Midterms Just Hours Before SCOTUS Leak"]

This was planned.  The Supreme Court was in on it, the left was ready.  The plan is to mandate abortions for the first nine years months.  The next step may be to ban guns or the whole Constitution.  Maybe they'll just continue making free speech illegal.  I'm sure they'll doing all this but I'm positive they've worked out a plan.  There's even a good chance that they won't even try to overturn Roe v. Wade, it's just to get people riled up.

□ [“Biden’s Handlers Whisk Him Away After Off-Script Remarks that Abortion is Murder"]

They're looking into getting rid of Biden.  Both Obama and Bill Clinton recently visited his pseudo-White House and I think it was to get a close look at him.  We know they're won’t permit any future elections they can't steal.  It's possible the Russia/Ukraine thing is just an excuse to say 'we're at war, we can't permit elections' by November.

□ [“Biden Admin Won’t Block $10 Billion for Russian Nuclear Work in Iran, Blinken Says"]

But they will pay Russia to build nukes for our enemies.  Because that's what friends are for.  Is there anybody else we can give Russia money to help?

I guess nobody will ask him.  Probably a good thing, others might want to ask about him bragging to his constituents in 1994 that he had voted against abortion funding 50 times and in both 1982 and 1983, proposed a Constitutional amendment to end Roe/Wade.  In 1984 he voted against federal funding for abortion.

Sure, he won't remember any of this but someone might ask him.  Then again, do you think any of his supporters care about that?

So that's another day in liberal hell.  It's one reason I suspect they've planned this with Putin, he can pick up territory from Ukraine and the rest of the world will ignore it.

04 May, 2022

I do not accept that the Nile is a river in Egypt!

□ [“Transphobic California Gov. Gavin Newsom says men can’t get pregnant"]

The same people who've spent the last few years insisting that men can become pregnant will completely ignore this.  Those who are smart enough to see through leftist deception already know there are two genders.  The real question is how many people aren't smart enough to know that.  They think there are dozens of genders but they’ll totally support Newsom saying men would support abortion if they could get pregnant.

□ [“Pope Francis Backed Ukraine But Now Says NATO Caused Russian Response to Ukraine"]

I don't know what kind of hoax this is but I assume it's another hoax along the same lines as the Supreme Court pretending to get rid of abortion.  I'd probably trust the Supreme Court more than I'd trust this so-called pope and that's a pretty low standard.  Maybe Russia (or someone) has dirt on him and told him to say this, that's my guess.

□ [“Biden:  MAGA ‘Really the Most Extreme Political Organization That’s Existed in American History’”]

A tired old man who didn’t have a working brain when he was younger is just projecting leftism as a bad thing onto opponents of leftism.  It just seems so tedious that I don't know what else to add to it.  The people who didn't pretend there were more than two genders just a few years ago claim to be right where they've always been.  The people who spent years pretending an election was stolen and forbid anyone to question an election they stole are the same as ever.  The people who spent decades doing everything they could to help Russia now say Russia is evil and don't even notice.

Biden doesn't notice and obviously nobody else does either.

I've been thinking about the original Star Wars.  The original book adaptation, not the movie.  It came out months before the first movie, long before there was any pretense that George Lucas had some epic idea for a series.  Lucas had negotiated adaptations in book and comics form.  Ghosted by Alan Dean Foster, the book added a few scenes and details but what stuck out to me was the prologue.

Palpatine was never supposed to be the character we saw in Return of the Jedi, he was, well, a lot like Biden now, “controlled by the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the people for justice did not reach his ears.”

Looking it up – my copy of the book is long gone – I thought there had been more detail of how incompetent Palpatine was.  At least here, it looks like he did a lot of the work to take power, which Biden hasn’t.  It's a reasonable question if Biden was ever in charge of anything but whatever the answer, that capability is long gone now.

So thinking about this was obviously a waste of time.  The book came out in late-1976 and I was amusing myself with the theory that its depiction of Palpatine was an inspiration for the enemy we face now, leading to Lucas having to change it (or whoever made his decisions) to keep it secret.  Just something I've been working on as I ponder how much Hollywood is actively trying to promote evil in their own movies.

At this point I do think the Devil (or whoever) has been aiming for this all these years.  These creatures are just pawns, it’s not clear how much thought they're actually putting into what they do.  That's not a good sign and there's no reason to find any hope that the rest of us can get out of this but at least it's something to work with.

I still say we need to break away from them and form our own groups to fight for freedom.  No chance of co-existence remains and it's foolish to think otherwise.  We need to do that as soon as possible.  The longer we wait, the worse it'll be.

05 May, 2022

Don't read this, it's a surprise.  Surprise!!!

□ [“Leftwing Group Doxxes Home Address of Conservative Supreme Court Justices"]

They're going all-out on tearing everything down now.  I'm not even sure it's actually that they stop pretending that America is great, it's that they want to destroy anything that doesn't pander to their emotion-based lives.  They would use any excuse at any time or place, it's just that this is where and when they are.

Naturally there's nothing illegal about it, you can do anything you want to people you don't like and the government will support you.  Now if you're someone they don't like, that's a different story.

□ [“Marxist Los Angeles DA George Gascón will NOT Bring Felony Charges Against Knife-Wielding Man Who Attacked Dave Chappelle"]

See?  Nothing wrong with black-on-black violence, they support it.  Just look at all the other blacks killed by blacks in Los Angeles alone and that's obviously what Democrats want.  And yes, LA's DA is an old white male, he knows how to keep those people in line.

□ [“Diesel Hits New Record High on Thursday"]

The truckers have to come to a halt.  If they keep going, it just spreads out the misery for everyone and gives the rulers more time to prepare for their next step.  They clearly expect the truckers to keep going and they've been 100% right up to now.

They can only keep their power when men keep working.  We're at the point where we need truckers to stop working more than we need them to keep working.

□ [“'They Better Be Or They’re Gonna Be Out of Here!' – Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Threatens Airlines to Follow New Sustainable Energy Rules or Face Destruction"]

They can keep crushing movement every time people try to move.  If people stop moving, the rulers will have nothing to work with, nothing to impose their will on.  I don't want to look up Atlas Shrugged to find the specific quotes but this is exactly what the book was about.

□ [“US intelligence 'has helped Ukraine kill multiple Russian generals' since Putin's troops invaded"]

At this point, how many people would complain if Putin takes out Biden?  We're already at war and Biden's just too lazy and stupid to get Congress to approve it, so what would stop Russia from doing exactly that?  'Go ahead and nuke DC, who cares?'  That's really what we're getting to by now and the people who forced this on us see no problems.

At least I'm all about sitting at home and writing whatever my latest speculation is, how many people are out there who would absolutely want to make this happen?  If there's a good thing to say about this era it's that it'll be a really educational lesson on just why civilization exists and how it neutralizes these insane creatures who only tear things down.

Of course that requires us to survive which doesn't seem likely at this point.

06 May, 2022

We've finally run out of hope. Good thing, that stuff was annoying.

□ [“Godless Pro-Abortion Activists Announce Plans to Storm Catholic Churches and Interrupt Mass on Mother’s Day This Weekend"]

So if you're going to church this Sunday, bring your gun to use for some late-term abortions.

Obviously this was deliberate.  After Karl Marx Day, Mother's Day is the next big calendar date and it's an excuse to attack Christians.  I can't figure out what these people think they'll accomplish with this.  They're not going to convince anybody.  Do they really think they can frighten people into obedience?  Do they just hate mothers so much that any attack is a good attack?

□ [“Pro-Life Black Man Confront Protesting Pro-Abortion Doctors and Medical Personnel on Black Lives Matter" (VIDEO)]

I've often wondered why leftists don't promote abortion by pointing out how many black babies are murdered.  Every black abortion is one less black life and they don't matter, they prove that every single time.  Sure, some whites might die too but that's a price they're willing to pay to get rid of as many black lives as possible.

Where is this wrong?  Can't point to their lives mattering if you're so eager to kill them.  What are you supposed to do, say that the ones who aren't killed actually have a chance to live in this evil racist system that didn't kill them?  Ok, fine, then the more blacks get killed, the happier the survivors will be.

What are blacks going to do, vote against it?  They're obviously in favor of ending as many black lives as possible, or maybe just not capable of thinking this through.  Either way, Democrats win.  Joe Biden himself says they aren't black if they don't vote for him.

□ [“Queen Bans Harry, Meghan Markle, and Andrew from Appearing in Palace Balcony for Platinum Jubilee Celebration

Ok, June 2 is definitely a target date.  70 years!  Assuming she lasts that long, she probably won't last long after that.  And then comes the deluge.  Charles has been waiting his entire life to be king and infect Britain with more globalism.

My understanding is that as long as he's still alive, there's no way he can avoid being king.  It would take more work than it's worth to get him out of the line of succession and he's been number two all this time.  If he has any decency at all - which he doesn't - he would immediately resign in favor of his son William.

Even if he does quickly resign, I assume he'll pass whatever rules he can to destroy things just as Joe Biden did.  This is what the enemy has been after all along.

Just a few years ago, I saw that the USA, the Catholic Church and the British Royal Family were the last bastions of civilization.  As we've seen, two of those are gone, do you really think the third has any chance to hold out?

□ [“CNN:  Biden “Close To The Point Of No Return” With Americans On Economy Reports"]

Some of the media is getting a little closer to honesty.  They have to do something to look relevant and pointing out Biden is an incompetent idiot isn't enough, they have to claim he actually does something that directly affects the misery people didn't have before he was foisted upon us.

My guess is they're just putting up a pose, partially to make them seem more respectable and partially so that when Democrats steal the November elections, the media will report it as a comeback and they can double-down on everything.

That's why I am totally arguing 'go on strike.'  The truck drivers would be the most obvious/essential part of it but everyone should be taking part in it.  The left will enjoy other people's misery as long as they can so let's just cut out as much as possible.  Look for ways that we can trade and interact without these tyrants.

We have to do this.  It may already be too late but there's no other way.  Totalitarianism won't permit us to resist, obedience is all it comprehends.  So let's go on strike.

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