Saturday, June 18, 2022


17 May, 2022

Here come the new TMNTs, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Death!

Another schedule change.  I'll keep writing but don’t know when I can post.  This post will probably be short unless I suddenly think of a lot to say, which isn't likely.

□ [“Bank of England Governor Warns of ‘Apocalyptic’ Food Shortages in Russia-Ukraine War Fallout”]

Well then tell Britain to start growing its own food for a change, for themselves if not for other countries.  You're the ones pretending you want to feed people, why would anybody decide you can only get food from countries that Russia regularly invades?

‘Governor’ Andrew Bailey, was a Deputy Governor of this very bank in 2014 when Russia invaded last time.  What, did you decide that everybody must become more dependent on food from Ukraine because that would somehow prevent it from every happening again?  At any point in the last eight years you could have worked on back-up sources for food but you didn't and now you've got people suffering.

It's this sort of thing that really makes the argument that, whatever conspiracy is running things, Russia is totally part of it.

□ [“Mom reads daughter’s homework assignment and immediately gets shut down by school board"]

They can put whatever they want into your kids but they're offended if you quote them.  They can silence anybody they don't like.  Besides, how can you expect adults to be willing to hear what those adults force upon kids?

□ [“NYC Enters ‘High’ COVID-19 Alert Level, Health Chief Warns Public To ‘Cover Nose And Mouth’"]

Were they always planning to reimpose tyranny or just looking for any excuse to do it whenever they could?  How long are New Yorkers going to put up with this?  Are they going to fight, run away or just obey like mindless servants?

A quick note, I've been looking into Thomas More's Utopia, obviously a source for leftism.  Of course it's directly from Plato so obviously this has gone on for a long time but I wanted to mention that.  Hopefully I'll get back to it soon.  But not now.  Bye.

18 May, 2022

□ [“Biden’s Brain Breaks on Live TV at Asian/Native/Pacific Islander Heritage Month Event"]

Not a big mistake here, he clearly has no idea what he's talking about and had problems reading what he'd been told to say.  I can certainly relate to that but even before my decline in reading ability, I was never stupid enough to want to be POTUS, much less pretend that after my brain stopped working.

□ [“Continuous Protests Spread Across Iran Following Massive Price Hike in Food and Other Goods"]

The rest of the world is going through similar suffering.  These protests have been going on for five days and in a dictatorship, general protests usually turn into opposition to the dictators.  Unfortunately dictators always have men with guns on their side, the protestors don't, so I'm not expecting any major success in this region.

□ [“Nina Jankowicz Submits Resignation Letter, Calls Her Ministry of Truth Work 'Vital' and 'Necessary'"]

□ [“Biden Regime Halts ‘Ministry of Truth’ After Just Three Weeks"]

I haven't found any specific reasons for this beyond blaming the right for everything and I assume they'll continue the Ministry of Truth, but otherwise it's a slight victory.  But it is possible she'll stay in charge and just be listed as an advisor, someone else's name will be on the door.  Regardless, they'll keep doing this, no matter the cost.

But I do have to wonder what caused this.  Too many available online quotes of her specific desire to destroy people who disagree with her?  Promotion of censorship?  Saying something that she's eagerly willing to ban if anybody else said it because that's her job?  Been given a bunch of Biden quotes and say she'd totally ban those?

I do think there are policies on high-levels to handle such things without letting the peons know about them.  There must be some sort of high-level security that actually looks for possible problems like this and has ways of getting involved.  They pretended to support freedom of speech and were obviously lying, maybe that's it.

With a leftist in charge, non-leftists aren't permitted, that much is obvious.  Maybe it interfered with the incoming WHO rulers.  The 1st amendment spreads disease so they need to get rid of it.  The Ministry of Truth would *officially* have no authority, it would just pass on to the tech companies whoever needed to be censored.

Also 18 May, 2022

People who say the king is naked must be banned from the internet!

□ [“Germany’s Foreign Minister Blames Russia for causing 'Brutal Hunger' that was Actually Created by EU Sanctions of Russian Agricultural Products"]

The food is right there for purchase, you can get as much as you want of it.  It's possible you might need to pay in rubles but that's a small price to pay if you actually want to eat.  Or if the people you're in charge of actually want to.

But obviously they don't or you would be buying the food that's available.  You're the one making that decision, not Russia.  You're the one causing hunger.

What is this mentality?  'I'm not responsible for the suffering I'm causing for those I'm in charge of, someone else is making it happen!'

Been looking a little more into Thomas More's Utopia.  Not enough to read it because come on, but it really isn't that different from modern leftism and most of the difference just has to do with technology or lack of civilizational experience.

Some call it a satire, I don't see that.  It's possible More realized this goal couldn't be reached, at least then, but it's too much like modern leftism for this to be satire.

Land is collective, specifically opposed to England's enclosure which really made the nation, letting people farm for themselves.  But enclosure *causes* theft so it must be removed.  All supplies are stored in warehouses where anybody can take what they want.

The population is limited to 6000 households in each city, any extra people are just shipped to the continent.  They'll be called back if the population gets too low.  People can move in from the mainland and leave if they don't like the place.  Households are scattered to keep the population equal everywhere.  This isn't how humans behave but More somehow decides that's what will be best?

Everyone must farm and have one other trade.  Most women are weavers, making the same clothes for everybody, nothing fancy.  Of course slaves handle the rest, coming from war or poor people.  No wonder "scholars" are the ruling class/priests.  Everybody eats the same meals in public, but the old and ruling class get a better selection.

Some slaves are local criminals, despite crime being avoided somehow.  They're punished by... wearing chains made of gold.  Gold is also used as chamber pots for being the source of the nations' wealth and therefore despicable.  Why would they use gold in the first place, as wealth or when taking a shit?  And how do they find it on this island?

Sex for priests is allowed, divorce is fine, sex outside marriage is punished by enforced celibacy and/or slavery.  Slavery is also a punishment for people who move around within the island without carrying a passport.

Bars and taverns are not allowed, nor any place where people can meet in private.  There are multiple acceptable religions, worship of the moon, the sun, the planet, the ancestors and the one, true God.  Astrology is not supported, which doesn't explain how those first three religions can do anything.

More wrote this while Martin Luthor worked against the Catholic church.  I have not looked up specifics on what was going on – I get all this from Wikipedia, come on! – but the book may have been inspired by life in monasteries.  That strikes a bell and I should look that up further, they would obviously be part of the church as well as outside most of normal society.  I could definitely see gays and revolutionaries being tempted to go there.  No idea if they'd make it, but over the centuries, it looks like they did.

To the extent I understand any of this, it could be the inspiration.  More lived in a monastery for a year or so before getting married and running for Parliament.  He ended up working for Henry VIII, which must have been problematic for everyone involved.

As I go through the 'History project,' I've reached the point where many of these monarchs are related and really into inter-marriage.  Henry VIII's sister Mary Tudor was the Queen of France, not just in the way English monarchs claimed to hold the throne but married to the real King of France.  At the same time, Charles V of Spain was ruling most of Germany and Italy, having come from a family that had intermarried to that point.

The point is that these ruling classes had been trying to do this for a long time, just using marriage and help from the church.  Directly or not, it’s all based on Plato's 2000-year old philosophy, distinguishing between the real world and the 'abstract.'

Like everything else, it’s like their version of 'abstract' always lines up with 'how I want.'  Even if it's unconscious, that's the nature of the individual, but means dismissing other individuals from the viewpoint, ‘what I want is more important that whatever you want and I'm the one in the abstract reality, you're just an idiot or a thought-criminal.’  You're just too focused on the real reality and that's why I know you're wrong.

19 May, 2022

Just say this writing is from "Hunter Biden's computer." No one will ever pay attention to it.

□ [“Here We Go:  US Government to Extend Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Past July"]

Tyrants never give up their power or limit it.  They never even bother to explain why they haven't done anything about the problem that they used for an excuse to grab more power.  That's what the masses are there for, to serve them.  It's another example of the Platonic 'abstract' and anybody who disagrees with it must be destroyed.

If mass misery expands their power, they're willing to make that happen.

□ [“Mouth-Gaping Biden Shuffles to Meetings With Officials, Glassy-Eyed and Mumbling to Himself”]

By this point he must be on so many drugs that he's not capable of doing anything else.  Of all the many people leftists want to die, he's not on this list?  They hate him so much that they're going to keep putting him through this.

Do they actually believe in the 'abstract' Joe Biden so they hate the real one?  If that was the case, what would they be doing differently?  It shows how ‘abstraction’ works negatively, they’ll destroy their own version of reality by insisting it be submit to their beliefs, Biden specifically in this case Biden.  Their illusion of him is far more important than the real Joe Biden so if he suffers, no problem.

Maybe they just keep Biden around to show the misery they're imposing, but I also think there are required documents coming up that the so-called POTUS must sign himself for some legal reason, that's why they have him.

□ [“Gov. Kathy Hochul Announces Gun Control Executive Order After Buffalo Shooting, Declares ‘Domestic Terrorism’ to be Public Enemy No. 1"]

Haven't paid attention to this shooting but I have to think it was a deliberate excuse to ban guns.  The shooter was a leftist and so far nobody’s specified that he was white.  But now they've suddenly got an interest in "domestic terrorism."  What ever happened to "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"?

□ [“Jew-Hating Democrats Introduce Resolution Recognizing 'Catastrophe' of Israel’s Founding – Calls for 'Right of Return' of 7 Million Palestinians to Israel"]

They always oppose foreigners coming into your country and taking over when it isn’t the US being invaded and really don't care about the centuries of history that go on before whichever 'invasion' they're opposed to.

Why isn't Israel doing any of this evil conquest from any of the neighboring regions that produce oil?  Just think of how much more money the country would have if they did that.  But the infidel never even thinks of things like this.

Reportedly gas prices have been going up every single day for the last week or so, literally more expensive than they've ever been.  We have to be in the last moments, this has gotta be tearing down whatever supply policies remain.

Still thinking about that 'abstract' notion.  As usual, it's really close to what I'm trying to find and obviously has a lot of historical basis.  It insists that ideas actually exist in a separate reality, that I don't get.  To the extent the concept of a 'chair' exists, it exists here.  This is more like a definition of a definition.  That thing you're sitting on is a chair, it would be a chair whether or not you had the slightest clue what a chair was.

I don't think that's fundamentally any different for ideas like 'love' or 'justice.'  We have the language and the vocabulary as a way of collectively expressing our thoughts and/or emotions.  My definition isn't necessarily the same as yours, but we can still communicate, as long as we have the same language.

We're all individuals, our concepts and definitions are part of that.  We've known for thousands of years what a 'woman' is, now the people going for this 'abstract' concept suddenly have no clue.  It’s really them as individuals imposing their will upon others.

20 May, 2022

Fortunately I have a lot of books.  You can eat those, right?

□ [“WHO to Convene Emergency Meeting on Monkeypox After UK Cases Double to 20"]

What an amazing coincidence, they've got a brand-new virus killing everybody just days before they vote to seize power from all their members.  None of them will oppose this, of course, the question is if there's anyone who will.

It's just an example of people seizing power in an 'emergency' and then creating more emergencies to keep and expand their power.  How many people are going to go along with this?  Unfortunately it'll probably be a lot more than expected, especially at the start.  Even more unfortunately, they'll all have money and be in positions of power.  They'll have food, electricity and men with guns.

□ [“135 Teachers, Aides Have Been Arrested and Charged With Child Sex Crimes In 2022”]

They haven't been shutting down a critic every day, but leftists are fully going after that.  Meanwhile, someone has been arrested every single day this year for molesting children and every single one of them is a liberal.  But nothing will be done about that, they'll only be given more authority and influence on everyone.

'We'll take your children' is a long-standing leftist plan, so it's no surprise that this is what they've been doing.  It is surprising that anybody is doing anything to stop any of them, you'd think they'd all be given legal immunity by this point.

It’s possible there’s political in-fighting in public as distraction to fool leftists, but the rulers never stand out against sex with children, declaring that they'll punish anyone who tries.  Their poll numbers would probably drop if they said that.

□ [“Biden’s Interior Secretary Completely Clueless When Confronted with Memo From Her Department Calling for Shut Down of New Oil Leases" (VIDEO)]

She babbles incoherently, knowing nothing about the memo she put out.  Her goal is sought only in accordance with her masters, she's not there for any talent or ability.  She's there to check a box for her race, one of *them* is included, that's all that matters.

They'll be the last ones in line to see any lack of electricity or food.  They can get enough for themselves by taking from others.

It would be nice to think these people really expected everything to work from the start and are totally surprised by the abject failure of their being in charge.  That's where I keep drawing the line, there's no proof that they expected it to work, it looks like they wanted disaster and misery to spread as far as possible, and that's what they've got.

□ [“Dow Jones Is Down 8 Consecutive Weeks – This Has Not Happened Since 1923"]

The economy is a much more complicated subject, few people understand it, if any.  So obviously I don't know what they're doing about this but it's also going on there.

The closest I get to understanding it (from a very far distance) is that most of what we know as these economic structures is based on what's essentially agreements to delay debts or payment.  They come up with all sorts of different reasons to do it and there are different fees/taxes at different levels, that sort of thing.  There's also options for those who choose to promote leftist propaganda and/or leftist foreign supporters.

This is more devastation going on and most of us don't see it or understand it.  I'm wondering what other parts of society are like that.  To an extent, they all are, we don't know the details of plumbing or farming unless we're involved ourselves, but the financial sector obviously works on a far different level.

21 May, 2022

A is not A, that's disinformation and you'll go to jail for saying it.

□ [“Jankowicz Says Criticizing Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board Endangers National Security"]

So what was she hired for, serving coffee to people who would do something about it?  If her job is to fight fires, does she refuse to go any place that's on fire?

This whole 'dis-mis' information concept is obviously a leftist scheme to censor anything they don't like.  It’d be easy to point out a bunch of Joe Biden comments that have nothing to do with reality but he wouldn't be punished for saying that.

Furthermore, this is how fascism works.  The government pretends innocence by simply telling large corporations what to do.  The companies have to obey or be punished but that’s all hidden from the lower class.  It's also similar to the tax policy, the very-rich obviously have to deal with tax laws most of us could never conceive of, then rich Democrats say how awful it is that the rich aren't paying 'their fair share.'

So now they're trying to do this with speech, shutting down whatever they define as 'dis-mis' so they can, uh, dismiss anybody who said it, except liberals.

And this stupid bitch – who's large chin indicates that she wasn't born female – was supposed to do something about it but gave up within a few weeks.  That's the ability they have on their side.  I do still assume she'll stay in charge and just get cited as a highly-paid "advisor" for whoever's name is on signed documents.

□ [“Loudoun County School Board Moves to Block Investigation of Sexual Assaults it Covered Up"]

I assume it's just a random example, they're probably not the literal center of the conspiracy – despite what else goes on in that part of Florida – but they actively support sex with children and don’t need consent.  That's what they're hiding and safe to assume they're doing this all across the country.  They like that.

Notice how none of them ever stands up to say they totally oppose raping children or oppose self-identifying as a woman-with-a-penis to stick it into sissy girls with vaginas in their school.  But no, they want to increase what they do to kids every single day.

□ [“CDC Urges 1/3 of US Population to Mask Up Again in Public Indoor Settings Based on Covid Risk"]

They're doubling down on this again.  The fraud won them power, they're going to keep going as long as possible which unfortunately will be a very long time if they have anything to say about it.  Isn't a fortunate that it's just in time for the vote next week to create a world-wide unelected government to control us?

And there's another 'virus' coming in, yay!  We need to fight these creatures now.

□ [“AOC Mocks Christians For Opposing Abortion, Rants That Babies in the Womb Are Not a Life"]

Naturally she doesn't criticize Muslims.  They say what she wants to hear despite no evidence that any of them get abortions.  It's like there's something else going on and the only reason she's in charge is because she's too stupid to realize this.

Why not just point out blacks getting abortions?  That sums up all the benefits, not human, have no rights, not worth anything, kill as many as you want for any reason that pops into your head and government will pay you for it.  Blacks will still go along with Democrats no matter what, it's not like they have any other choice.

□ [“New Senate Democrats Bill For DOJ Gun License with 5-Year Limit, Government Can Confiscate"]

Well of course.  It works so well when government permission is required for a license and you can’t purchase a weapon without it.  It worked when Democrats did this to blacks for over a century, wonder why they never mention their success there.

They could at least say how well it works for Ukraine.

□ [“New York Officials Drop Charges for Black 16-Year-Old Rapper C-Blu Who Shot Police Officer"]

But their protected classes won't be subjected to the laws, only others.  Leftists don’t oppose criminals having weapons, only those who obey the law must lose their rights.  Criminals already are on the side of leftists.

□ [“Growing Chorus Is Urging Ukraine To Sue for Peace in a Compromise With Putin"]

But Ukraine was supposed to be winning!  Now they're being told to give peace a chance?  They did that in 2014, minus the winning part, how did that work for them?

This article is based on a New York Times editorial, claiming it would (somehow) be a Ukraine victory to survive as Russia takes whatever it invaded for to 'save face.'  It’s suggested that Americans aren’t stupid enough to get into war with Russia further than we already are, probably the main reason the Times suddenly wants peace at any price.

Russia is still a nuclear power.  Ukraine used to be but Democrats didn't like that.  Going to war against a nuclear power is problematic at best and Russia has a long history of knowing what it takes to fight for their country.

Also 21 May, 2022

I don't want to know where he got those wonderful toys.

□ [“Batman's Gay Now"]

Because of course.  They've already done this with Robin in the last year or so, why not add Bruce Wayne?  Guess now they’ll show whether Batman and Robin ever see each other naked.  Nah, rich guy with his boytoy in a private mansion where they go through heavy physical labor, it's not like they have a shower or a locker room there.

This is in-continuity, the primary DC universe.  The corporate masters want this, apparently it’ll help sell comics or something.

For the last few years, my interest in superheroes has basically gone.  They've been going down for a long time but, well, at one point I had a lot of interest.  I think the Avengers movies are probably mostly to blame although it may also be related to my military career, maybe even the brain bleeding.  Who knows, I don't.

But I've noticed that any interest I had in Batman has entirely vanished, beyond even the remaining memories of my youth.  Just today, I happened to be going through a Lee/Ditko Spider-Man collection and really enjoyed looking at it.  It's probably not related but DC does seem to have some bizarre intentions for Batman and at this point I think it's to make him totally gay.  Don't know why it they didn’t pick Superman and it's already a given with Wonder Woman only wanting women.  It's never been clear why they don't just create some new character that does all that superhero stuff and is gay too.

But that would require creative abilities and apparently DC can't find any of that.  It seems gays aren't about creating anything, they just take whatever already exists and say it’s gay, proven right here, straight from them.

The article says DC just did something like actual creation, they made up a female black teen who has Superman and Captain Marvel's powers so she's the most powerful in the DC Universe.  Don't know if she's been in any comics but she had a tv series that started in January and was just cancelled, who knew?

I'm still not sure how, but it seems like a perfect example of what's wrong with the basic concept of superheroes.

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