Saturday, June 18, 2022


06 June, 2022

This post was Made in China.  Buy it or die.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Can’t Say Why Biden Used Defense Production Act for Solar Panel Manufacture”]

Because he’s invested in the slave-owning Chinese companies that will manufacture the panels, duh.  So do his other Democrat allies, *THAT’s* the emergency.  Can't they at least get someone competent enough to explain that?

Well, I guess it comes down to a choice, you can have competence or you can have female/black/gay.  You can't have both.

□ [“Biological males win London’s Thundercrit women’s cycling event, kiss after getting medals”]

See?  You think some sissy girl-with-a-vagina could win this?  She didn't get this far through ability.  One more big, strong woman-with-a-penis joins the competition, they'll completely dominate, which is of course how women’s sports should be treated.

We need to take these bitches down.  Those bold women-with-penises should beat the shit out of them every chance they get.  The girls deserve it.  And wave those penises at the stupid ditzes, show them what being a real woman is about.

Not clear if it’s official but Zhang Hanhui, Chinese Ambassador to Russia has reportedly stated “We must put an end once and for all to the hegemony of the United States, with its eternal desire to interfere in the affairs of sovereign states.”

No liberal would disagree with that, that’s what they vote for in every election.  China knows that, as does Russia.  Chinese Foreign Minister Zhao Lijian made a similar comment today which *IS* official, just a bit too long for me to bother with.

China, Russia and leftists are on the same side but only some of these people understand that.  China and Russia know that the US is at war with them, our masters just haven't bothered to tell anybody.  That’s how important it is to them.

□ [“Totally Compromised Biden Is Now Working on Reducing Trump’s Tariffs on China”]

What, does he spend every waking moment asking what he can do to help China even more?  China knows what he’s invested in, they’re taking everything and thanks to leftists, no one can stop them.  According to the media, Biden only focuses on his approval-ratings, that and his truck-driving football star career at the Naval Academy.

Part of me really hopes everything breaks as soon as possible.  We're already miserable, let’s just get the next step started.  Not happy to be someone who would think that but it’s the kind of world we live in.

07 June, 2022

Like amputation, inflation is merely transitory.

□ [“Seattle School Principal Refused to Cooperate With Police as Deranged Intruder Terrorized a Fifth Grade Class, Letting Him Exit School Lockdown To Commit Multiple Assaults Before His Arrest”]

They're getting students to wipe out other students, probably just an excuse to ban guns but I assume they quite enjoy doing this.  They're already doing everything they can to wipe out the concept of reality for children, meaning there will be some who see nothing wrong with wiping everybody out.  That’s what they’ve been taught.

Face it, if they really wanted to protect their students, they'd have demanded the police go in immediately.  Instead this principal will probably get a bonus, maybe a promotion.  More teachers will want to be like him.

□ [“Janet Yellen:  US Faces ‘Unacceptable Levels of Inflation'“]

Unacceptable to who?  You're obviously fine with it, you promise it’ll keep going.  The peons may not like it but you don't work for them, their approval means nothing.

I do think that at some level, it’s about showing off how superior they are to the peasants, they look for ways to make that happen.  Only a very small minority isn’t having money problems these days, they love being that minority.

□ [“Where’s Paul Pelosi’s Mugshot?  Crooked California Officials Hiding Pelosi’s Booking Photos”]

And of course they don't get punished.  If the situation was reversed, would a picture of that hispanic guy be kept private for nearly killing that very rich, very old, very drunk white man?  Is that JUSTICE?  Sucks to be the spic.  I am sure he’s getting a few bucks to keep his mouth shut, that’s how such situations are usually handled.

So why wouldn’t the famous guy with a famous wife’s picture not be released?  One doesn’t look too bad just being drunk although he may have a very high self-opinion of his looks.  Maybe he was up to something else and pix would show us what that is.

Ah, the life of the elites...

□ [“Remarkable Admission, Pete Buttigieg Announces Biden Inflation Plan is to Increase Dependency State With Socialist Economics; Biden’s Govt to Provide Medicine, Childcare, Housing and Food”]

Yet these same people who own a lot of stuff insist on taking ownership away from other people.  Are they flat-out lying or just too stupid to realize what will happen?

Never mind that totalitarians can deny anything to anyone they don’t like, there’s human nature.  Collective ownership avoids work.  Food and medicine isn’t produced, only people who don't care about their kids want to treat other kids the same way.

Which is what they're after.  Disaster quickly arrives so the pretense of supporting democracy or freedom gets wiped away by the very people who cause the disaster.  They won't think twice about it.  I know, I know, they won't think once but you get my point.

□ [“The U.S. has wasted over 82 million Covid vaccine doses”]

We didn't follow their stupid orders and now they're going to blame and punish us for it.  What kind of relationship is that?

□ [“Biden’s Commerce Secretary Gives Up on Gas Prices:  ‘There Isn’t Very Much More to be Done’'’]

They could reopen Keystone and ANWR.  There’s fracking.  They could bring back the drilling leases they cancelled.

That’s four options they *could* do right there, but they don't *want* to, so gas prices were steadily risen since Russia and Ukraine were peaceful.  Anyone who bought gas through 2021 saw that, you and your minions are the ones who didn’t.

You know that, unless you only say what they tell you to.

□ [“Bloomington, Illinois Methodist Church’s First Drag Queen Pastor: ‘God Is Nothing’”]

And this creature is tearing down the churches, do you think it’ll keep its hands off the kids?  They're providing evidence of God’s will by being so eager to oppose Him.  For gender?  Women are already living proof, they don't create anything without the seed being planted.  Most women don't acknowledge this and, coincidentally, most women are unhappy.  This is part of God’s message to His creations.

But this beast claims to be a woman and takes over religion.  These monsters have always been after that.  We may not be in the Last Days but it sure looks like it.

A note, this is why we identify God as we do.  God isn’t male, God is God, but is a “He” from our perspective.  And all the leftists oppose that.  Coincidence?  I think not.

So how should we organize after everything breaks down?  Our side probably won't just shoot anybody who gets close but there needs to be some way of distinguishing between possible allies and everybody else, especially once food gets scarce.

Obvious leftists would be kept away, saving ammo would be the only reason to not shoot on sight.  Sure, they can be executed in other ways, but most leftists would probably pretend they're decent people.  They used to do that, it’s what got them so far.

Religion is an option, everyone trying to get in joins the group’s belief, but that’s uncomfortably close to a cult.  I don't see a good way around that.  Leftists have no actual skills so there’s one less option.  Ability to keep a refrigerator running gives a lot more leeway than someone who recites pro-trans/abortion/global warming propaganda.

One worrisome thing is if people show up with food.  That’s understandable, some of us are getting back-up supplies to be as ready as possible for the upcoming collapse.  A month or two after the downfall, we might be willing to stick our heads outside and look for survivors, sharing food would be part of that out of human decency.

But there will be leftists who made similar plans to infiltrate the survivors.  They won't be any more sane by then but claiming they were never liberals and by the way, here’s food.  That would give them a pass which could lead to more problems.

My military experience isn’t helpful here, I just obeyed and never bothered to learn how or why the rules worked.  Security obviously needs to think about such things.

08 June, 2022

All people who give us cooties should be forced to stay home and wear masks!

□ [“Biden Quietly Raised Amount of Ethanol Required in Summer Blend Gasoline from 10% to 15%”]

We already use about 40% of corn grown in the US for ethanol, now there will be even less to eat.  It'll also cause more damage to our cars, forcing us to buy new ones that are government-approved.  There’s no down side to any of this!!!

I've been saying it all year and I'll keep saying it, the truckers need to go on strike.  I want all of them to stay at home but even if only 1/3 does this, it would be a major problem for our self-appointed rulers.  Or even 1/4.

It’d put a major dent in the supply field that leftists would have no clue how to solve and possibly even bring in more truckers on strike.  They certainly wouldn't want to pick up all the loads now and the government’s still screwing them over too.

The standard leftist response is to ‘just use the military,’ this shows off their ignorance.  That’s not what the military does, few of them can drive trucks anyway and taking those who do would shut down all other military tasks that require truck driving.

What else could they do, train people to drive trucks?  They've had decades to do that and we're still short of drivers.  Remove the rules on truck driving?  That would give the truckers a win and everyone else who thinks the government is making rules for the sake of ruling.  Send in leftists to drive trucks?  That’s not going to happen.

This is going to happen soon anyway.  At some point, truckers will refuse to put up with this and then everything will go to hell.  Doing it *NOW* would give our side the advantage and their side the disaster.  The sooner we get it started on our terms, the sooner we can end it and rebuild something worthwhile instead of what leftists want.

To put it another way, they're probably already planning to have robots do the truck driving, is that who you want to be replaced by?

Otherwise, all the news on Ukraine has dropped.  Looking on leftist sites, there’s some, not much.  I guess they've found something else to focus on so this ‘evil Russia being defeated month after month by the heroic Ukraine’ is no longer important.

I'm still wondering if Russia is actually the enemy or just the heavy, someone our masters can blame for everything bad but they're actually working with to further the overall scheme.  There’s no way to know of course and even if it were true, it wouldn't tell us anything about Russia’s allies, China and Iran.  To be honest, I think Russia’s the most likely of the three to be secretly working for the pseudo-world government.

□ [“CDC Backtracks on Non-Airborne Monkeypox Mask Guidance After Criticism”]

I'm surprised they changed their minds so quickly.  The virus has been around for a decade or so and it’s only passed through physical contact with infectious skin lesions [anal sex] so there’s not much point to wearing cloth on your face, but frankly I thought they'd double down on it.  They’d already put out that they were keeping the mandates because it was power over everyone, why wouldn't anal sex be the next step?

Of course they didn't say they were wrong, they just erased the lines where they were 100% wrong so their perfect record remains intact.  They were so looking forward to the next virus and then this happens!  Now they have to hurry up and get the third virus, gotta keep their excuse for power somehow.

□ [“California Court Puts Bees in State Endangered Species Law Category Of Fish and Aquatic Life”]

See?  You can't do things like this if you've ever admitted to being wrong.  We know that bees die if they're in water but California doesn't and they're never wrong.

The fish and the bees, aren't they beautiful together?  It feels like spring time!

□ [“What is SADS?  Healthy young people dying from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”]

Over 210,000 deaths last year in the US alone, any connection?  One doctor is quoted, “All you know is it wasn’t drugs, suicide, trauma or heart attack.  You’re still left wondering what it was.”  Were these people vaccinated?  That could explain everything.

But no one’s going to ask about that.  All that nonsense about ‘preventing one death is all it takes’ (or whatever the phrase was) is completely irrelevant all of a sudden.

Most likely it’s the vaccine.  There is a chance that it’s something else but we can assume the masters are behind that.  I've seen some articles recently about leftists openly saying we should get a disease to kill large numbers of people and make the world a better place, most notably Bill Gates.  I haven't gotten into that, yet, but it is a possibility.

09 June, 2022

When are we going to get the facts of life?  These are just lies.

Not sure what to say at the moment.  It's been a long day.  I'm struggling just to get through the headlines, much less making any comments about them.

It's always the same thing, leftist tyranny and they get away with it.  Right now they're running Congressional hearings on the January 6 nonsense, pretending it was some sort of coup when the people they're accusing didn't even have guns.  What sort of coup doesn't send armed men against the armed government men?

No one asks Nancy Pelosi why she forbade the National Guard.  If Congress was so safe without them, what's the problem?  Democrats blatantly oppose any extra protection for the Supreme Court who’s been threatened with assassination in the last few weeks.  If leftists really mean what they're saying, they'd go overboard on security.

They're the coup, projecting their own acts onto others.  At some level they do know they're pushing too far and there’s probably internal conflict as well.  Putting cloth on your face does nothing for a virus and kids are basically immune anyway, so after a couple years, they’re beginning to admit this.  That’s how nice they are.

□ [“New York City to Finally End Sick and Abusive Mask Mandates for Children 2 to 4 Years Old"]

I can't believe leftists push this.  Ok, I don't get what they do in the first place but causing misery just for power?  We need to fight them, we need a resistance NOW!

It just gets worse.  April 2022 had the second highest credit card debt in history, $17.8 billion.  The highest credit card debt was March 2022, $25.6 billion.

I will admit it's been many years since I had to think about credit card debt so I don’t get this but it does make sense.  People need to spend and have none thanks to the government.  They may even be hoping government will cancel it for them.

It's late, I'm tired, didn't have much to say, just repeating the same stuff I always post.  Sorry about that.  I'll try to do better tomorrow.

10 June, 2022

Only the anti-woman can say what a woman actually is.

□ [“With Border Cities Completely Overwhelmed, Biden to Begin Bussing Illegals Deeper into the US"]

And they're supporting the invaders.  Why didn't Ukraine think of this?  Maybe their rulers are supposedly trying to help them, ours aren't.  Got a better answer?

The gas prices will officially hit $5/gallon any day now, if it hasn't already.  Our masters are so happy about that, you'd think they invested in oil companies.

□ [“Biden Downplays Inflation, Falsely Claims Americans Are Seeing 'Better Pay'"]

It's not like our self-appointed master has a clue what's going on.  We don’t make more money, we're spending more just to keep from falling too far behind.  Why do you think credit cards are getting used so much, setting historical records two months in a row?  That's not going to last too long, the companies won't be able to handle the debt.

And then what?  You think wiping everything out is going to work?  Or do the people who tell you what to say think that's going to work?

Oh, but he justifies it, "every country in the world is getting a big bite and piece of this inflation worse than we are."  Sure, you only amputated one of our legs, you amputated two from everybody else, that's so much better.  We owe you so much.

It's not like he’ll lose votes, dead people can't drive so they don't notice the prices.

□ [“Flash Star Ezra Miller Accused of Child Trafficking and Abusing Minor for Four Years"]

I had to look it up, he’s not just someone who's a character on the tv show (or movie or whatever it is) he’s the one who plays The Flash.  He got the leading role and molests kids, in this case kidnapping a 12 year-old.  That probably guarantees an Oscar for whatever his next movie is, and not just an Oscar from Earth 2.

□ [“'We Have Laws Against Child Endangerment':  DeSantis On Drag Show Groomers"]

More stories are coming out about this.  It is one of the most fundamental parts of society:  your kids are yours, nobody else's.  But the people who uniformly disagree also want to shove made-up genders into them as early as possible to get their way.

One has to wonder if destroying the ‘family’ is their main goal, everything else is just a step on that path.  We'll never know and they're not capable of comprehending what they're doing but what would they be doing differently if that *was* their goal?

I don’t even see the appeal, everybody trapped and raised in massive rooms and you can do whatever you want to any kid because they aren't yours in the first place?  Government agents never have to do that, they already believe they own everything, the kids are their property.  But they never point to any kids who grow up healthy and competent as a result of this, they always stick with the 'it's never really been tried' motif.

Leftists are far more open about violence, claiming it's hypothetical but they're only kidding themselves.  One Twitter even said someone with a terminal illness should kill whoever they don’t like – the Supreme Court in this case – showing that they want to have suicide bombers.  We've dealt with those for over 20 years, the left just wants more.

And who's siding with leftists?  Islam.  The leftist infidel will suck up to them, as seen by their giving Iran everything they can to make it nuclear ASAP.  The left has learned from Islam, everything except the truth.  Muslims have learned too.

□ [“Bidenomics:  U.S. is Now Experiencing a Shortage of Tampons"]

That's hilarious!  You need to be a biologist to know what a woman is, so now some who self-identify as women can’t stop the blood leaking out of their vagina, if they have one.  If they don't, they're probably buying a lot of extra tampons, just in case.

They already proved sissy-girls-with-vaginas are worthless at sports against big strong women-with-penises, now they get to piss blood for a week every month and can’t keep it off their clothes.  What else can we do to take women down?

There’s definitely a benefit to being a gender that doesn't have to put up with this in the first place.  I hope one day I’ll find out what gender that is.

I will admit I’ve only seen this one article on the matter so we'll have to wait a bit to see what comes out.  Officially it's because tampons require cotton which requires fertilizer which comes from Russia and Ukraine.  We'll see how that goes.

But it’s still hilarious.  I really need this reason to laugh.

11 June, 2022

I'd write a book about this but I've got too many video games to play.

□ [“New Zealand Plans to Tax Cow and Sheep Burps in an Effort to Stop Climate Change"]

But they're not taxing cows and sheep, they're taxing other people for what cows and sheep do.  If the government was serious about global warming, they'd actually tax the cows and sheep to bring that message home.

Face it, any government official who supports this should be the one taxed every time cows and sheep burp.  That's the only way to solve the problem.

□ [“Massachusetts Gas Station Owner Revolts, Stops Selling Fuel as Price Soars to $5 Per Gallon"]

This could work.  I'm sure they're having their own problems and it would be going on strike like I support [because my support is what matters, right?]  There’s still repairs, selling other stuff and not dealing with the prices rising every day.

I prefer to support the truckers but they're both part of the supply chain and they both need to go on strike.  We all do.

□ [“Jan 6 Sham Hearings a Ratings BUST for Big Networks Compared to Normal Week Night"]

More than that, we need to fight back.  They're actively trying to destroy us.  Otherwise they'd see the problems we all face under their self-appointed leadership.  Instead they're busy pretending that people without guns tried to overthrow them.

So why not do it for real?  It’s not like we have a Constitution putting them in charge, they oppose that.  They worship death, might as well let them enjoy it.  They set these terms, let’s see them try to live up to them first.

□ [“Reuters Photos to Generate Sympathy to Ukrainian Cause, Accidentally Has Pix of Ukrainian Nazi”]

Maybe they just don't pay attention to what they publish.  Maybe they were told ‘these are the pix you’ll print’ and obeyed without hesitation.  Maybe they're just lazy.

Or maybe they support Nazis and hate anyone who isn't defending Ukraine.  Got a better answer?  Why else do you think they want the German Weapons Act gun control or treat January 6 like Reichstag fire?  Why else do they support the eugenics program Planned Parenthood?  Antifa and the others sure qualify as Brownshirts.

I'm not totally in line with this comparison but it’s a legitimate argument.  They sure think they’re in charge of people who are stupid enough to go along with them.

□ [“China Threatens Biden and Will ‘Not Hesitate to Start War’ Over Taiwan”]

Obviously China will take their time to move in but there is no doubt that they see the advantage.  Biden doesn’t and most likely the people in charge of him will say he should go along with China.  That’s not a good solution either.

So is this like 1984 where the various rulers used war to control their people or is it something more serious?  I dunno, I don’t even wanna know.  We were never supposed to be here, but Biden now celebrates Russia’s massive defeat while China is open about their plans to move further.  They won't “hesitate to start a war.”  Most nations are quite willing to let the other nation start the war, not China.  They’ll start, they’ll finish.  What’s the United States going to do about it, stop buying Chinese products?

And where are the leftists?  None of them are promoting conflict with China.  None of them are putting Taiwan flags on their cars or front doors.  It’s like they were told not to bother with this, just keep pretending Russia’s the problem.

Also 11 June, 2022

Stop letting the Wookie win.

□ [“Why Did the Star Wars Hotel Flop?  Disney Is Desperate To Find Out”]

I've had this article open for a few days, what to say?  I didn't know there was a Star Wars Hotel at Disney World.  I might even have gone there if they paid me enough.  It’s one of those hotels that pays people to stay there, right?

Oh.  Well, they interest others, that’s why they opened this hotel, right?  Oh...

$5000 for a two-night stay?  Right there, a lot of people simply can’t stay there.  And guests are basically required to not leave the hotel.  Apparently it’s supposed to be some galactic star-cruiser that wasn't in any of the movies.  Why?

Think about it, people can't just walk outside and see... Disney World.  If you want to go to Disney World and can afford it (most people don’t go alone so there will be others) then the point isn’t to avoid Disney World.  If you don’t want to see Disney World or go outside, you can stay home and watch a movie, it’s cheaper.

But ok, let's say you're a really really really big Star Wars fan with tons of money to throw away and hate seeing anything except Star Wars.  You've got a spare weekend, not counting the travel time and expense, so why not, just to say you've been there?

What are you supposed to get out of this?  Based on the promo video, there's almost nothing that has any obvious connections to the movies.  Apparently the name of the cruiser itself came from some book.  These are movies, the books aren’t part of the official canon and few people read anyway.  Who would want this?

There's lightsaber training, a movie connection, score one for the hotel.  Can your lightsaber through walls to leave like whatsisname did in that Prequel movie?  I'm willing to bet you can't, meaning you can’t do a lot of other stuff with a lightsaber you imagined all these decades.  That's the closest to the One True Trilogy you're gonna get.

The movies are wonderful, a good time was had by all, but they were never really any more than that.  I read exactly one Marvel comic that wasn't an adaptation of the movies although I did spend a lot of quarters on the first two video games.  Their influence was minimal, they didn't build anything, there was nothing to build.

It's just a movie, likable main characters, fun adventures, little more.  You’re seriously deluded to think otherwise, like you self-identify as a jedi or something stupid.

The lightsaber was a nifty movie weapon and was rarely used in the Trilogy, but they’ve thrown it in everywhere ever since.  Luke didn't even know what they were, remember?  Old Ben took one out of an old trunk, Luke asked what that was.  He didn't know what the Force was or what Jedis were.  At most, everybody considered them some old myth, but now we’re told they were galaxy-famous in Luke's own lifetime.

It's like someone in their mid-twenties not believing that George Lucas used to make Star Wars movies.  That's not how reality works, at least if you're sane.

But now the franchise is a part of Disney's World, imposing them more every year to insist that everything they invent is some magical wonder.  What, will people hire a smuggler to get them into that $2500/night hotel they're not allowed to leave? 

Obviously there are people dangerously-obsessed with this franchise.  It's tough to imagine how they could have gotten into positions of authority or influence over those in charge but it does look like several decades could be summarized as our self-appointed rulers trying to use the Star Wars franchise to imprison us all, and our younglings.

I know, if Lucas hadn't wanted to do a Flash Gordon movie, something else would have come along to be just as useful for our masters.  We don't know how much of this is planned and how much is just happenstance, but it gives us something to think about for a few decades while waiting in a desert for some kid to come along.

Hell, next they'll try to do a hotel where you can be in all the movies owned by Disney.  Now that actually sounds tempting but it won't be cheap, that's for sure.

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