Saturday, June 18, 2022


25 April, 2022

Héloïse is texting Abelard again.  Nothing can keep those two crazy kids apart.

□ [“NYC schools facing unprecedented levels of chronic student absenteeism”] 

They decided to take control over kids’ bodies and force them to stay with you as much as possible, what else would you expect them to do but escape?

Before the virus, for at least 10% of the schoolyear, 25% of the students didn't show up.  Last year they were at 30%, now they're at 37%.  Black students are over 40%.  Of course asian students smash the curve, they're basically the same as before, @ 13%.

Obviously the administrators promise to push down harder on what they've already been doing because that works so well.  Freedom is a natural human right and they’re totally opposed to nature, humanity and rights.

□ [“Peer Reviewed Study:  Vaccinated 15X More Likely Than Unvaxxed to Get Heart Inflammation”] 

It’s clear by now that the people making and pushing the vaccine want to kill people.  Now maybe they didn't actually know this would happen but face it, this was the deliberate goal or else they would all be screaming “DON’T TAKE THE VACCINE!  STOP IMMEDIATELY!”  But no, they still want to force it on us no matter what.

All for a virus that’s magically more dangerous than West Nile Virus, SARS, Bird Flu, E coli, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika Virus, yet somehow can be prevented by wearing cloth on your face.  Then we were told that wasn’t enough to stop it so we were required to take a vaccine which is now killing people *and* keep wearing cloth on our face.

□ [“Authorities now fencing in buildings in Shanghai to stop people from leaving”] 

Authoritarians are sealing up buildings to make sure no one can get away from them.  It's tough to be authoritarian if your subjects can just leave.  It's not like Democrats ever say we should be *less* like China.  If they have to build walls to keep people from going where they want, they'll do that.  So will China.  There's no escape.

You keep animals in cages, right?  Liberals support that.  Prisoners have to stay within these walls or they'll be punished.  The authorities have all the guns.

□ [“Panic buying in Beijing over fear of food shortage and lockdown”] 

I definitely don't get what's going on with China.  They gave us the virus and they've always been willing to oppress their people, why is this suddenly different?  But people in the capital city are clearing out grocery stores.

□ [“White House Claims Biden Can Win Reelection in 2024 with Dementia and 36% Approval Rating”] 

They've already got the votes set up, they may already be counting them.  It’s just a formality to claim there'll be an actual election.  Biden said he’d be just a placeholder for Democrats, now he says he'll stay in office.  Maybe he’ll even want a third term, who could stop him?  Only the Constitution and that was made by old white men.

Now there might be some unnatural death, perhaps some people around him would like to replace him.  Sure, the Constitution wouldn't permit that but it's gone.

Apparently Biden’s comment was made in response to Macron's winning an election despite low approval ratings.  That’ll help prove he didn't steal the election.

□ [“‘I Tried to Talk to Him Last Night, We Spoke with His Staff’ – Emmanuel Macron Snubs Biden”] 

Biden once said “We need a president who is respected on the world stage,” so much for that idea.  Macron would certainly have taken Trump’s phone call.  But his staff is paid to keep losers from bothering their boss.  Maybe some really important losers get to talk to him but Biden doesn't fall into that category.

Besides, what would they talk about, Biden going on and on about the time he spent as a steel worker building the Eiffel Tower?

Meanwhile, nothing seems to be happening in Ukraine.  Reports suggest that even Ukrainians aren't as opposed to Russia as their masters are, while our rulers are stuck with NATO rules.  Article One says you can't use or threaten to use force, which the US is trying to do by sending weapons, to a non-NATO member by the way.  Oh, but we'll try to get other NATO members involved in the war because... that means peace?

Article Eight says *ALL* NATO members must agree to get involved in conflicts with non-members.  But no NATO members are in immediate danger from Russia.

Article Eleven says each NATO member must follow its respective constitution, the US is sending weapons and trying to start a war without Congress voting on it which Democrats sometimes pretend to oppose.  NATO members aren't *required* to help other NATO members, much less non-members.

But all that is supposed to be ignored now because our masters really want a war with Russia, no matter the cost.

□ [“Europe Still Selling Weapons To Russia For Use In Ukraine”] 

And there's this article which I'm not sure about, but France and Germany have sold Russia 346 million euros worth of weapons even to this day and these two sell over 75% of them, finding loopholes in the last eight years of sanctions.  Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Finland, Spain and Croatia sell the rest.

Austria and Finland are the only two that aren't NATO members so you can see why Biden claims NATO is united here.  No wonder Macron wouldn't talk to him.

26 April, 2022

We can only have freedom when we eliminate anyone we don't like, who's with me?

Media is reporting the purchase of Twitter.  Since I don't look at Twitter, there's not much to say, but I am (vaguely) seeing leftist reactions.  Last week they were praising Disney for making its own laws, avoiding taxes, forcing itself on everyone and getting paid billions for it, but now there's an evil corporation!  That can't be allowed!

I wonder if it has something to do with the 240 character limit (or whatever the limit is) on posts.  That makes them easy and quick to read, no need to think, a good way to message your subordinates.  As you can see, I couldn't do that even if I was interested.

□ [“Italy Announces Rollout of Dystopian ‘Social Credit System’ to 'Conserve Resources' – First of its Kind in the EU – Compliant Citizens Will Be Rewarded for 'Good Behavior'“] 

Modern fascism.  People have to spend time and energy spying on and reporting their fellow citizens.  Food and other supplies are running low, a major incentive to go along with this.  Boy, it's a good thing resources suddenly reduced or Italians could just go on with their own lives.  As always, Italy sets the lead on this sort of thing.

□ [“Biden:  world food shortages 'going to be real' because Putin invaded the world's 'breadbasket'“] 

No one has ever been able to predict a food shortage unless they deliberately caused one.  People who actually go to grocery stores and pay out of their own pocket knows we're already in a shortage, this guy just intends to make it worse for everybody.

And food processing plants are being attacked while Bill Gates buys farmland.  By this time next year, there may be no other working farms producing food.

□ [“Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly”] 

There's the planned world government, getting to make decisions to be imposed onto the world.  It won't be totally in place yet, they'll probably just limit themselves to the virus, but they'll get to decide what emergencies to be involved in.  They'll have more and more authority over all the governments and men with guns to enforce their will.

They are removing sovereignty and they don't need to be approved by any of the governments they rule.  This is basically how the EU came into existence.

□ [“Schumer Says 'Only Way' to Reduce Biden’s Inflation is to Raise Taxes on Americans”]

Taking your money will somehow stop inflation and they'll keep spending trillions.  This time it’ll work.  Everyone will vote Democrat forever out of gratitude.

There's just more and more proof that they've already got the stolen elections ready.  It wasn't a fluke, this is what they were after.  We need some way to cut them off.  Literally would be fine but at least figuratively.

27 April, 2022

I hope dogs and cats have a plan to escape or they're going to be dinner soon.

□ [“White House sources:  'There is as Much a Plan to Win the Midterms as There Was to Airlift Afghans Out of Kabul'“] 

They’ll just have to steal the elections.  Only weaklings try to win voters over.  Less food and it costs more, gas prices higher, this all started in January 2021.  They totally wanted to do this, they aren't happy without making others miserable.

It’s what the Democratic Party has been after for as long as Biden's been in it, a loooooong time.  I'm middle-aged and he was the Senate before I was born.

“I admit to you, what I haven’t done – and the reason I’m getting out on the road again instead of dealing with the day-to-day emergencies in my office – is making the case of what we’ve done.”

 – Joe Biden, April 21, 2022

Fixing problems is for losers, he's going to tour instead.  He didn't get this office to be in the office.  But the crowds are very small where he goes, nobody wants to see him.  He's got nothing to lose so why would he want a fair election?

□ [“Fauci Says US is 'Out of the Pandemic Phase'“] 

□ [“Psaki Contradicts Fauci, Says 'Covid Isn’t Over, and the Pandemic Isn’t Over'“] 

I assume Fauci will give in.  Remember when he pointed out that putting cloth on your face did nothing to stop a virus, then demanded everybody put cloth on their face?

About the only possible hope I see is leftists turning against each other.  As they deny individuality, they attack each other to insist ‘I truly represent the collective, you’re a fascist!’  But everybody else has to suffer in the process.  Psaki even admitted that this was really about grabbing more power and that's just what they'll keep doing.

□ [“Department of Homeland Security Creates 'Disinformation Governance Board' Censorship Authority”] 

And this is it.  The KGB, the SS, now we've got ours.  They will be going after everyone else, patrolling our speech and they'll decide what's bad and why.  Trump should have done this, then they'd be really happy.

New Censorship Kommissar Nina Jankowicz bought "Russian Disinformation" Hunter laptop OP from deep state colleagues and pushed the lie on Twitter.

See, they can lie to protect their own, that's ok because they're in charge.

"Last week I told @NPRMichel: I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities... which are already shouldering... disproportionate amounts of this abuse."

 – Nina Jankowicz

That's what she claims free speech does and that's why she's going to stop it.  She was also an advisor to the Ukrainian government.

□ [“Megan Fox Admits To Participating In Ritual Blood Drinking With Machine Gun Kelly”] 

This would explain the open Satanism the left practices.  They really needed to throw everything onto the table to steal the election.  Yes, I think that included China, Russia and Iran along with raping children and everything else they could get their hands on like Biden does with little girls.  They didn't need consent or votes.

□ [“Russia Ratchets Up the Pressure – Cuts Off Gas Pipeline to Poland”] 

The Russia/Ukraine thing is still going on.  At least Putin was polite enough to wait until spring was underway, not that this helps refrigerators or hospitals.  It's not just Poland getting the fuel, it's that they deliver it to other European nations.

Russia is also taking out the railroad tracks.  That leaves only trucks and planes to deliver fuel and supplies and Ukraine doesn't have any planes.  Trucks are big targets, easy to hit, how many drivers are you going to find for those?

British defense secretary Ben Wallace just claimed that Russia had lost 15,000 soldiers in this invasion.  Really?  That averages @250/day.  Britain lost 383,700 soldiers in six years of World War II, averaging @182 soldiers/day.  The USA lost 407,300 in three and a half years of that war, @319 soldiers/day, but we fought on two fronts and battlefield medicine wasn't remotely as good as it is in 2022.  Between 2003 and 2011, the invaders of Iraq lost 4825 soldiers.  Nine years and that's less than one a day.

Yet as far as we know, not a single Ukrainian soldier has been injured.  There's no reported deaths even though Ukraine isn't even vaccinated against Covid. You'd think the 2014 invasion death rate would be along the same lines.

And no one questions this.  The new KBG would punish them if they did.

28 April, 2022

If there's reincarnation, I'd like to come back as a mayfly. Get it over with as soon as possible.

Is the US insistence on war with Russia based on how we can't build electric cars without their minerals and China's factories?  There's already liberalism as a basis, they know everything and the world must obey.

Liz Truss, the British Foreign Secretary, gave a speech saying we all needed to give Ukraine tons and tons of (gas-fueled) vehicles and weapons to fight Russia.  We’ll fight China too if they didn't “play by the rules.”

'We'll punish you if you don't obey' is such a freedom-based concept.  She claims "My vision is a world where free nations are assertive and in the ascendant" which did nothing for Iraq, Iran or everywhere else.  We need "Euro-Atlantic security and Indo-Pacific security” with a global NATO so nations like Taiwan can defend themselves.

Wait, they'd be in a global NATO but they’d have to defend themselves?  Sounds like NATO is worthless for its members.  This is just doubling down on the globalists' urge to rule everything and not even considering how much it helps Russia/China/Iran gain influence in the rest of the world who doesn't like putting up with this shit either.

But western globalists just keep pushing this as an excuse to take away freedom.

□ [“Biden Warns That the US May Seize Russian Assets Because 'Putin’s Kleptoc-ra-uh… Yeah…'”] 

He has no idea what these words are, the words he's told to say, and he quickly gives up.  He's in charge, it's not his job to know these word things that he's told to use.  I wonder if it's possible to find him using the word correctly in his younger days.

Back in the late-70s/early-80s, Russians had dictators who were never smart but had lost whatever competence they once had, Brezhnev and Chernenko, feeble old men who should have been kept far away from power by anybody who actually cared about their nation.  But nobody in charge did, they were all hoping for their chance to take over.

□ [“Biden:  'I Think We’re Seeing Enormous Growth in the Country' 1st Quarter Economy Sank 1.4%”] 

Is he flat-out lying, is he just saying what he's told to say or is the destruction we're all witnessing what he calls "growth"?  Probably the latter, the inflation is growing, gas prices are growing, the Taliban is growing, even Covid is growing.

□ [“‘They Never Ask Relevant Questions' Biden Caught on Hot Mic as Handlers Shoo Away Reporters”] 

You could bring this up with the people they submit questions to but that would be too much like work.  Hell, he may not even know the questions are submitted in advance.  He’d have to be told that and no one would bother telling Biden anything.

□ [“Fauci Walks Back Covid Comments, White House Set Him Straight, Says Pandemic Not Over in US”] 

Yep, he was told to immediately reverse his position and didn't hesitate.  When he said “We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic phase” he did not in any way mean that we are right now out of the pandemic phase.  Only an idiot would think that was what he meant.  Or maybe he just doesn't know what the words mean.

How long do they think we'll keep taking this?  This has got to be building, our lives are getting worse.  This can't last.  Everything finite comes to an end, leftist tyranny included, although they believe otherwise.

Even worse, everybody else is going through this, seemingly every nation too.  I see my life falling apart, I assume everyone else's is also.  My biggest worry is that our masters planned for this and are ready to take it to the next step.  Not that they'll do it right, they'll probably make the disaster worse, but they’re aiming to secure their power.

There's absolutely no chance they'll permit fair elections in November and a possibility they won’t permit elections of any kind.  Then there's other countries getting involved for whatever their goals are, especially countries that don’t have elections.

We need a way out of this, individually and collectively.  I'm out of hope, I don't care if we all die, or at least if I die.  It wouldn't help anybody but at least our problems would be over.  That's obviously not the right way to go but it's what leftists are inflicting on us every day and they won't stop.

29 April, 2022

Sure, we all hate women, but there's no reason to treat them like that!

□ [“SoS Tony Blinken Says Afghanistan Has 'Greater Stability and Peace' for Women Under Taliban”] 

How many women told him that?  Did he spend weeks in Afghanistan to see for himself how much better off women were now that those horrible Americans are gone?

We should treat women like the Taliban does, that would please Blinken so much.

□ [“Pelosi Dismisses Bidenflation and Shrinking Economy as an 'Aberration'“] 

She doesn't go to grocery stores and see how the shelves are getting emptier and the prices of what's left is getting higher.  Her servants might see it but don’t tell her.

This wouldn’t happen in the working economy Democrats have always opposed, and Pelosi said all this in response to a question about the economy affecting upcoming elections.  This shows how far away she is from what actual people have to deal with every single day and what they’ve seen since these tyrants took over.

This is more proof that the November elections are already stolen.  If they actually had to consider what real voters think, they’d be terrified of what’s guaranteed to happen in fair elections.  But no, they’ll never have to deal with that again.

We’re clearly now at war with Russia.  Congress hasn’t bothered to declare it but nobody minds.  We're shipping Ukraine every possible weapon except nukes – Congress has authorized a transfer which specifies that – and worth more money than Ukraine spends on defense.  We're also sending many more billions of dollars although there's no clue who's actually going to get it.  Might just be paying off Hunter Biden's creditors.

There’s precedent.  Germany sank the Lusitania for sending weapons to England, which helped get the US into WWI.  Early 1941 Lend-Lease showed everyone whose side we were on and Germany/Japan didn’t have the ability to strike back, the only reason they didn’t.  Russia can hit us.  There's no way we can do this and not be part of the conflict.  Russia has every right to attack us in any way it sees fit, and they *have* nukes along with free access like everybody else to the southern border.

America’s enemies (other than leftists) must be asking themselves ‘is this a trap?’

□ [“Dept. of Defense Study Shows Pregnant Female Soldiers Are Experiencing 'Absolutely Catastrophic Rate of Abnormalities and Fetal Problems'“] 

It gets worse.  Military women who were forced to take this hard shaft regardless of their desire for it now have massive pregnancy and milking problems.  Pfizer tested the vaccine on 44 rats to see how it affected them and decided that was enough.

They did no long-term tests to see how it might affect humans and specifically excluded pregnant women from any test they did make for how it affected humans but they still had to take the vaccine.  Pfizer wants these records sealed for 75 years.

So now there’s thousands upon thousands of pregnancies already affected and those are just the ones the Defense Department looked into.

This was totally deliberate.  This is actively mutilating as many people as possible by government force and the entire government supports this.  I'll need some sort of evidence before I believe that Trump wasn't in on it.

For a long time, I've thought Hollywood finally went with the Marvel characters and made Thanos the actual hero in their minds.  That would explain this.

30 April, 2022

Covid-19 is the disease and Rococo Coffee is the cure!

□ [“MSNBC Chuck Todd Upset That Voters Don’t Care About Jan 6th”]

These people have never had to go to a grocery store, have they?  People who actually need to buy food for themselves have seen the prices going up and up since Biden became our ruler and the shelves have gotten emptier and emptier.

We've also noticed the gas prices getting higher and higher once Biden started making all the decisions by himself, that means in addition to costing more for us to drive to work and back for a paycheck, it’s more expensive to run farming equipment, to bring crops to factories and then to the grocery store, so everything else gets more expensive.

People who have to pay their own bills can all see this.  The people on tv don’t have to give that any thought and it sounds like their servants never mention it either.  TV stars have enough free time to whine about those evil rebels who couldn't be bothered to shoot anybody or blow up any buildings.  That's how the ruling class wants it.

□ [“Moderna Seeks Emergency Use Authorization For Covid Vaccine for Children Under the Age of 6"]

It’s like they’re actively trying to sacrifice as many as possible to their demonic masters.  I’ve never seriously used the word “satanic” before but that's close enough.

By an amazing coincidence, they also want total control over your kids and put a long, hard shaft into your kid's body to ejaculate fluid.  No one can stop them, consent isn't needed and all men with guns on their side.  Those are banned for anyone else.

This is becoming genuine proof of demons and devils ruling us.  Others would sometimes want to take a break from tyranny, it's a lot of work, but these evil forces will not quit.  You can really see why belief in God is increased during periods like these.

Even if there’s no God, the infidel is incapable of perceiving any other options the believers can comprehend.  One could argue that this also happens in reverse but doesn't change the fact that believers have something to work with which unbelievers don't.  The infidel thinks they've solved everything in this area so nothing can surprise them.  The faithful know there's always more because God is still there.

□ [“Neo-Nazis Fighting For Ukraine are Real And Other Updates"]

Still don't believe it.  Not saying it's not true, just that there may be some other reason for stupid kids to do something stupid.  Maybe they’re government puppets.

It's been a month and a half since Russia was reported to be running out fuel and ammo in ten days.  It's been three months since Biden mentioned a "minor incursion" that may or may not get NATO involved.  And they still aren't involved, at least officially.

It's also been three months since Russia, China and Iran did some joint warfare exercises in the Middle East.  They're going to start the next attack before long.

I still assume tomorrow will be the start of the next phase, it's Karl Marx Day.

And with that, I've finished the latest 8-page "pamphlet," collections of my latest writing.  It also means I've finished the first part of the next "booklet," collecting these pamphlets and formatting them in the style of my normal books.  These will be edited wherever I see a reason so the eventual collected book will be somewhat different.

The pamphlets are just named by the date I finish them, the booklets are named by the month as well as an actual title.  Of course the book has its own actual title.  This is what I do, like it, love it or give me money to go away.  There are no other options.

Well, that should be it for now.  It's possible I'll write something more tonight, who knows?  I don't.  That's what I write about.

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