Saturday, June 18, 2022


 06 March, 2022

When you have nothing left to contribute but a;lsdfjaso;iejf

Still haven't heard how the supposed attack on the Ukrainian nuclear plant is going.  I guess the media would report on it if they thought it was important.  Or report on what Biden says about it if he was told to say something.  But no, Putin can (allegedly) attack a nuclear plant and the world just goes on with its daily business.

And if Biden does complain, whoever’s shutting off social media in Russia can do the same to us.  They're the ones who decide and we're the ones who get punished.

□ [“Russian Banks to Switch to Chinese Card System after Visa, Mastercard Suspend Russia Operations”]

Will they include China in the list of nations who can’t use Mastercard or Visa?  That would cause a lot more problems for the US then just banning Russia.

Some animated movie once said, "Some of you may starve but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."  That's where we are.  I've also seen references to the movie Wag the Dog, Hollywood setting up a fake war to support a POTUS doing badly in the polls.  It wasn’t specifically for Biden but I've always assumed it was part of Hollywood's plot to impose their will on the world.  It’s always been about destroying the US at any cost.

This war is obviously a false flag.  They desperately want to present Russia as the enemy, that's why they're buying so much Russian oil.  Does that make sense?  Oh well, don't think about it, support Biden!!!  He's the one who shut down US production because it kills the planet, that's why we need Russian oil.  Would we give Putin several billion dollars a day if he wasn't a "bad guy"?  Are you sure this doesn't make sense, because it sounds like a blatant plot to destroy the US which is what they want.

□ [“Secretary of State Blinken Says US Won’t Ban Russian Oil Without European Countries Permission”]

We need other countries' permission to stop buying fuel.  That’s the sort of leader Biden is.  He has to be told what to do by countries he’s not part of.

We know Putin can just block Ukraine cities and it’ll only be a matter of time until they surrender.  What would the US do, run an airlift like we did in Berlin?  We're too busy bombing Somalia, Biden can’t concentrate on anything so many things at once.

The so-called Secretary of State now says NATO has a "green light" to send air force to Ukraine.  Russia has already said that qualifies as a war so who’s right?

None of the people suddenly insisting that they stand with Ukraine are doing that for Somalia, Syria or Yemen which are also under attack now by various nations including the USA.  These people could have stood for Ukraine in 2014 but they didn't.  It's entirely possible that Putin's the one running the show, or at least part of the clique.

□ [“Stoli vodka announces rebrand”]

And they're doing this, making companies change names because for having something to do with Russia?  A year ago it was changing names because *RACISM!* but now it's because we're trying to start a war.

How much of this is just rich and famous having Ukraine interests that normal people never hear about?  How much of it is just a hoax so those same people can impose their will on us?  How many real people (not internet ‘bots) are going along with it?

□ [“Biden OKs release of 30 million barrels of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve”]

That’s too stupid to be anything but deliberate, we use 30 million barrels in a few hours, then we’ll have to go back to Russia with less in reserves.

Also 06 March, 2022

When pizza hits your eye like the moon...

The Convoy is closing in around DC.  Several convoys with hundreds of trucks each, probably just the best way to organize in their respective regions.  Ok, but I still see trucks on the interstate nearby and I want them all *gone.*

One theory is they’ll just drive around DC en mass.  That would  take up space and slow down every other truck delivering supplies into DC, not to mention everyone else but ignore those people.  It doesn't stop supply, they're doing nothing that’s remotely considered illegal by anyone  but the city would be slowed down.

I like the idea, what will DC do in response?  Arrest truckers for driving on public roads?  How will they know who’s delivering supplies and who to arrest, inspect each truck to see if it's contains supplies?  That would take a long time and slow down delivery and everyone else.   Will they arrest a trucker who just finished delivery and now has an empty truck, effectively punish him for doing his job?

Then there's the people who live in or around DC.   They’ll be pissed off and blame *all* truckers for the delays.  Are they going to invent some was for friendly trucks to get through while arresting the others?  That would take more competence than the federal government has and piss off a lot more truckers who weren’t involved in this.  And that’s just the supply problems I can think of, there’s probably more.  I support the Convoy but I want them to go on strike, the tyrants will have to quit in very short order.

How else could they try to get around the blockade?  Vans and station wagons would be easily available and you don't need special licenses for those.  It would be slower.  I'm not sure how much more expensive it would be to drive a van to a store several times versus driving a truck there once.  Obviously some locations would be "favored" over others.  This would still cause problems but it seems like it would be a lot slower and would have more workaround for DC residents.

What other effect would it have, where else would it be relevant?

07 March, 2022

If we surrender, maybe we can have food again, but is that for Ukraine or here?

□ [“American Truck Convoy Encircles DC on Capital Beltway During First Day of Protests”]

They're driving in a roughly-70 mile-long convoy around Washington DC.  This should be fun, at least for the truckers.  Maybe not so much for others, sucks to be them.

DC probably has a large percentage of people who don't have to come into work every day but they don't provide food or supplies.  A lot of people are still needed for those jobs.  The Pentagon has its own hospitals and shopping malls that need people.  Congress needs maids, the maids need abortionists.  They all have to show up for work.

The Convoy is apparently quite limited in what they can do.  They're not even allowed to drive in DC itself, it's federal property which rules their personal vehicles, which really stresses that they should just be on strike instead of doing this.

As Russia collapsed in 1990, Secretary of State James Baker promised repeatedly in negotiations with Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO wouldn’t move "one inch eastward." But many former Warsaw Pact states did join and more asked to.  It makes sense, they were in chaos and reached out to freedom for help.

I'm ambivalent.  Help yes, NATO no.  They weren’t the only organization the US joined that century or the only one entirely shaped around us after Britain and France, the only other members with serious contributions, basically quit.  This may have been one reason East Germany was so quick to unite with West Germany.

Russia still remained.  They don't like westerners moving in on their turf and they have a lot of turf.  Both sides spent decades building security.  There was also the transfer of personnel who grew up with communism and could now infect the west.

On June 20, 1997, Joe Biden was quoted on C-SPAN saying that the biggest danger from Russia would be letting Baltic nations join NATO, the most likely way to get a "vigorous and hostile reaction."  And that's the next 25 years.

The same day, Biden also told C-SPAN Russia had to look in a western direction.  What else could they do, turn to China?  "Good luck.  And if that doesn't work, try Iran.  I'm serious."  He said that wasn’t an option but clear it was, they’ve done just that.  Now Russia ships Iranian oil and claims it's Russian, how much of that comes into the US?

It's startling how competent Biden looks in these clips. If you didn't know he was Joe Biden, we’d think this guy was intelligent enough to know what he's talking about, a world of difference compared to anything from the last few years.

□ [“Russia Offers Terms to Ukraine for an End to Hostilities”]

Ukraine would stop fighting, acknowledge that Russia owns Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk are independent states (Russian puppets?) and accept “neutrality.”  Not sure what they'd be "neutral" to but surely leftists everywhere want the fighting to stop.  All they're saying is give pizza another chance.  Sure, it means accepting the second successful invasion of Ukraine in under a decade but who can say no to peas?

So far, Ukraine says ‘no.’  I assume whoever's in charge understands reality a bit more than leftists but then again, whoever's in charge really wants more misery.

Perhaps "neutrality" refers to being a corrupt laundering site for western powers.  A lot of Democrats send their kids to work for Ukrainian fossil fuel companies because gas and oil kills the planet.  I do think Ukraine is one hub of the world corruption so "neutrality" may be a way to end part of it.

If Russia just wants to conquer, Ukraine obviously couldn't stand up against them without help which they're not getting from the West.  They’ve fought for centuries but all other things being equal, I think Russia wins.  It's just a matter of time until Ukraine surrenders.  Obviously I have no clue what else needs to be equal but that’s my guess.

Also 07 March, 2022

Why haven't we done it in the road?

On the "History project," I may have figured out part of the basic source of the conspiracies I've focused on.  It's fairly simple, so even if I'm wrong on the specifics, it does strike me as being basically correct.

I ran into the Eleusinian Mysteries which were popular in ancient Greece but little is known about them to this day, they were mysteries.  But they were also well-known, civic events for Athenians and other Greeks.  They were basically composed of two mysteries, the Lesser Mystery explained the misery for our soul of being in our body and the Greater Mystery was some sort of truth about our souls in the world and the hereafter.

“The ultimate design of the Mysteries was to lead us back to the principles from which we descended, a perfect enjoyment of intellectual [spiritual] good.”

 – Plato

This wasn’t some conspiracy of a few people, everybody could join, even slaves, only those who didn’t speak Greek were forbidden.  It basically sounds like an excuse for religious orgies.  They may have even become intoxicated, if you can believe that.

It started @1500BC, worshiping Demeter and Persephone, mother goddesses who represent the seasons,.  Remember, Persephone's father was also her uncle, Demeter's brother Zeus, then Persephone's other uncle Hades got hot for her, kidnapping her to the underground.  This made Demeter sad so that's why the seasons change.

Well, that explains everything, no further questions.

That’s what I mean by basically having the right idea even if I'm wrong on the details.  It's goddess-worship and explains the seasons, people at the time didn’t know anything about nature and it includes the incest that was so popular for most of history.  I'm working on the theory that this is basically the source of evil, even if I'm wrong about the Mysteries and the Zeus/Hades/Demeter threesome.  It still falls basically into line with the 'that's what leftists want' category.

It wasn't all that long ago we finally realized women can't get pregnant without men’s sperm.  Women probably figured it out much earlier, they didn't get pregnant if they don't have sex and then had nobody to feed them when they're old.  Men just want sex and didn't give it any further thought, so women kept it secret for as long as possible.

This would be useful as a basis for goddess-worship.  Eventually men did figure it out, then were able to start writing laws and building cities, but the goddess-worship stayed around for a long time.  Frankly, it's probably never left.  This particular version, the Eleusinian Mysteries, doesn't seem to have spread across the continent – except as history centuries later – but the basic concept was probably worldwide.

There are other famous names who obviously knew what was going on, this lasted for well over a thousand years, but Augustus  is the one I really noticed.  He initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries in 31BC, just after the Battle of Actium, essentially where he won his war against Mark Anthony and Cleopatra.  They would last for a while longer but their army was abandoning them and the ending was obvious by this point.

And now Augustus joined a long-running religion?  Maybe it was for help in negotiations to form the Roman Empire, maybe he was a deeply-believing mystic, maybe all his friends had already joined, maybe he just wanted to get laid after the battle, but he learned the mysteries while taking charge.  To the extent there was an organized religion here, they'd take him to the top right away, probably hoping he'd return the favor.

Remember, God begat Jesus Christ under Emperor Augustus and what relationship they’d have.  I don't think Jesus is God's son but obviously God permitted that belief for thousands of years so it's kind of a moot point, at least at our level.

The other major name I noticed was Emperor Hadrian, the one who led me to this theory.  I noticed that he was the first emperor to start really reorganizing the government and possibly the only one who really travelled all over the empire, joining the Mysteries while passing through Athens.  He did crush some Jews in revolt but did maintain a new rule of not persecuting Christians just because they were Christian, there first had to be an actual reason.  This may be the first major example of accusers having to *prove* a crime was committed before the accused can be punished.

A few decades after Hadrian, the Mysteries started breaking up.  Partially because other emperors were really into this Christianity thing, possibly others were attacking.  That's really not clear but there's a reason they're still called "mysteries."

A couple later emperors tried to bring back the Mysteries but they were basically gone.  Officially anyway, goddess-worship never seems to leave for long.  I do find it hard to believe that whatever secrets they had vanished forever, which makes up my 'conspiracy' theories.  And again, even if I'm wrong on these details, you can probably see my point.  This is what The Enemy is going for, whether they realize it or not.

Gotta admit, I'm tempted to say I've figured it all out except for the 'why.'

One more point, I was wondering where this might have come from.  Athens may have gotten the basic concepts from elsewhere but they also came up with their own specifically Greek details, notably Demeter and Persephone.  They probably didn't just wake up one day a few thousand years ago with this nifty idea.

Then I thought of Crete, the Minoan civilization.  It was one of the most advanced societies but we know almost nothing.  They had writing but we still can’t read it.  They did travel around the Mediterranean, located roughly halfway between Greece and Egypt.

The most common theory is that Crete fell apart @1500BC when a volcano went off.  People might not have fled immediately but they started leaving.  A century after the volcano, Athens had become the major hotspot, though it was founded much earlier.  But this was around the time that the Eleusinian Mysteries officially started.

I made this up, no doubt about that, but it sounds roughly accurate, right?  Early Crete goddess-worshipers – with or without Egypt or Mohenjo-Daro influence – started the Greek myths as we know them and formed one of the millennium’s major societies, but they tried to get by without men in charge so it failed like the rest.  They fled to Greece and started again, much more successfully, reaching the top of the brand-new Roman Empire only to find the new religion growing, so they fell apart again.

From there it's even more of a guess.  They seem to always be feudalist so even without goddess-worship, they had that, but Christianity inspired progress, exploration and more progress.  But the conspiracy continues, going back to Crete and Egypt.

Since the mysteries were never known, they’re easy to ignore.  The most obvious objection to my theory that I can think of is 'why wouldn't this ever be known about before in all these centuries?'  I can't be the first person who thought of it.

Goddess-worship has always been an obvious enemy of mankind.  Many people spend their youth supporting it and then changed their minds.  Does it even matter whether the first attempt came from Greece, Egypt, Crete or Lower Slobbovia?

No, not really.  Maybe it’s just for a simple explanation.  There is still the 'why?'

08 March, 2022

We're not even a quarter of the way through this century yet and I'm tired of it.

□ [“After a Year of Gaslighting Public Jen Psaki Says 'It’s Disturbing' Politicians Are Peddling Conspiracy Theories and Casting Doubt on Vaccinations”]

That’s just projection, they're the conspiracy theorists imposing their fantasies.  They’re preparing to strike, will they wipe out any politician who gets out of line?  They probably can't hit everybody at once so who will they go for first?

□ [“D-NC Hakeem Jeffries On How House Dems Will Fix Gas Prices ‘That Issue Hasn’t Come Up’”]

How much more proof is needed that this is exactly what they've always wanted?  Now they get to delude themselves that it's all Russia's fault.  You must acknowledge people’s problems before you can help them but “that issue hasn't come up” for Democrats.  They won’t say anything about it and don’t want anyone there who would.

Gas prices have gone up over 20 cents since the last time I looked, a couple days ago.  Do you think these people even notice how much it costs to drive?

Just think, barely a year ago we were told that inflation was "transitory."  Then it was "corporate greed."  Now we're told it's because Putin invaded Ukraine.  We noticed the minimum wage doesn't go as far as it did a year ago.

Ukraine estimates killing 12,000 Russian soldiers since the invasion 13 days before, many more wounded.  That's almost a thousand Russians killed every single day.

The Battle of Normandy lasted June 6 to August 25, 1944, 81 days.  The US lost 29,204 soldiers, barely 350.5 deaths a day.  The Battle of the Bulge lasted December 16, 1944 to January 28, 1945, 19,276 soldiers dead, a little over 438 per day.

Germany was desperate, the Bulge was their last chance to prevent defeat, but they didn’t have Ukrainian bloodlust, eagerly killing invaders who aren’t Nazis.  Russia has air command, their army is much bigger and they aren’t trying to destroy everything.  When Russia invaded Germany, they had soldiers in the back whose job was to shoot any Russians who tried to retreat.  That increased Russian casualties.

And why aren’t dead Ukrainians counted?  They could bother to count enemy dead but not their own side?  That comes off like media propaganda.  And the actor-turned-president now says he's willing to give in to some of Putin's demands.

□ [“Biden Admin Crafts Deal to Deploy Polish Al MIG-29 Jets to Ukraine in Exchange for Used Aircraft with Equal Capabilities to Poland”]

There's a problem, Poland would give jets to the US at Ramstein Air Force base in Germany, a NATO member arming another NATO member to attack Russia.  That gives Russia the right to attack Poland and, by extension, other NATO members.  At least it might be excusable if Poland gave the jets directly to Ukraine.

Members of the Convoy are meeting with DC politicians.  I get the point of 'not having a need to know' but this is ridiculous.  They need to at least explain which things we don't have a need to know.  "That's secret" is a specific explanation because many people have a lot of questions and are getting no answers.

09 March, 2022

Let's just force Russia to be vaccinated, that'll kill them.

□ [“Biden Goes Off Script, Makes Awkward Comment to Texas Reps: ‘Two Look Like They Did Play Ball and the Other One Looks Like He Can Bomb You’”]

You can guess which skin colors he’s referring to, but neither of the colored Congressmen complained.  Maybe they're used to it from Democrats or they aren't allowed to speak out against their rightful leader.  He can call them whatever he wants.

I've watched the footage Congressmen meeting members of the Convoy.  There is a bit of hope, everybody else is as pissed off as I am and we can't go on.

We don't have a clear end date yet but the mention of $6 gas stands out.  Trucks will stop if the price gets that high.  How long until that happens?  I get the impression the price will start rising a lot faster than it has been so it won't be that long.

Beyond that, I didn’t see any clear benefit of this meeting.  That's natural, I'm not a meeting person anyway and this is Washington DC.  I wouldn't like it no matter what, so this isn't a complaint about it.  I’d still vote for the truckers to just go on strike and obviously I've been totally outvoted on that, no problem.

My biggest worry is what happens next.  Russia could just send agents to Mexico and cross the border, nobody would stop them.  Or China, Iran, etc.  Democrats support the invaders, even if they bring in nukes which don’t have to be in missile-form.

So my biggest worry is 'what could happen that's even worse than a total truckers strike?’  That's what we have to prepare for.  My biggest question is 'what organization do we have to work with in hopes of surviving?'  That's one of the main reasons I've been supporting these Convoys, because I don't see any other options.

But I will say that these meetings are positive, giving at least a hint of the chance that we can get through this.  I just can't believe we've ever gotten this far.  We need to take these motherfuckers down for good, what can I do to help?

□ [“Poland Calls Blinken’s Bluff, Exposes Fracture in NATO Alliance”]

It only took a day or so to show the stupid Biden administration liars.  Ukraine's not getting US weapons (that we know of) so Blinken says we’re working with Poland on it.  Poland wasn't interested and said we could just have the jets at the US Air Force base in Ramstein, Germany.  It's all on US, not Poland.

A Pentagon spokesman had said the deal wasn't tenable, sounding like they hadn't been involved with the meetings.  They're military, they’re only there to obey.

So now Poland and Germany know the US flat-out lie about supporting Ukraine just to put them on the hook.  I don't see the point of this but obviously the administration wanted NATO to have a war going on right next door.

That's basically what we did when Ukraine was invaded in 2014.  Whoever was in charge of the US cheered Ukraine on, said we'd support them, do everything we could to fight for freedom, then did nothing.  Now we want Poland to be in that situation when they have a few years of history with Russia and invasion.  Because we care.

□ [“Russia Tells the US 'We Have Found Your Biological Weapons'” (VIDEO)]

Oh good, a new development.

On August 29, 2005, Senators Obama and Dick Lugar negotiated a deal to open a Ukraine “level 3 bio-safety lab,” “development of biological weapons.”  Yesterday, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified to the Senate that yes, we're doing biological research there.  Today Russia said we're making chemical and biological weapons, supposedly violating the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.

It gets worse.  China just put out that we have 26 such labs in Ukraine and over 300 in 30 countries around the world.  Can China be accused of lying about us too?

I have enough experience to have a (slight) clue what we're capable of and I know we can do a lot more that I couldn't even conceive of.  Hundreds of biological warfare sites is a pretty obvious tactic.  It doesn't mean Russia and China are telling the truth but...  These labs were funded by the Department of Defense, ring any bells?

143 nations signed the 1972 Convention but there really wasn't any way to moderate it everyone that agreed to give up chemical and toxic weapons.  No one could enforce that agreement and everybody was sensible enough to realize that everyone else might be researching secretly.  No one wanted to come in last in that race.

There may have been a destruction of a lot of files as Russia moved into Ukraine but some of them are still available on the internet and found at the Wayback Machine.

Also 09 March, 2022

This is just my speculation from an internet conversation on how gas prices are determined

□ [“Saudi, UAE Leaders Decline Calls with Joe Biden Amid Ukraine-Russia-Oil Crisis”]

I'd swear one of the final scenes in Atlas Shrugged had the US begging another country for oil and being denied.  Tried to look it up but couldn’t find it. 

But that's what they're doing.  Supposedly the immediate reason is Congress forbidding Biden to permit any more US oil so now the prices are skyrocketing and he’s asking America's enemies to fill in.  I don't think that's the complete story but I believe it.

I'm still trying to work out exactly where the blame for gas prices goes.  It's clear that the pretend-POTUS deserves the blame, but how?  An executive order increasing taxes or cutting tax breaks?  Bureaucrats imposing new regulations which makes it harder for oil companies to do the same job they've always done?  Are low prices a result of constantly adding new exploration and drilling which have now been blocked?

Who and where does someone decide whether to raise gas prices?

They want to get people's attention away from the virus?  Ok.  ‘I don't want people to think about the virus so I'm going to increase gas prices 2¢ a gallon.’

They wanted to increase prices by 2$/gallon?  Ok.  ‘Gas costs $2/gallon, I don't want people to think about the virus so gas now costs 4$/gallon, skipping 2.25$, 2.50$, 3$, 3.50$, because I don't want people to think about the virus.’

So where’s the person who made that decision and how did they impose this on everyone else?  Give orders to the gas stations or to the oil companies?

Wait, it's about destroying the middle class?  Ok.  ‘It's corporate greed.  People at the oil companies woke up one morning and realized they could get more money if they raised prices.  They could have thought of that five years ago but they didn't, and government had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it.’

I'm trying to work out how gas prices are going up with no end in sight.  Leftists have always wanted this but they don't drill for oil or drive trucks, how do they impose this?  The virus is an excuse, not the cause.  Nor is the Keystone pipeline.  It hurt to lose it but we got by for decades without it so I doubt it's the main cause of price increases.

If you have two legs but lose one, that's a huge problem.  If you have two legs and add a third, then lose the third leg, it's not as big of a problem.  Yes, the government took it away and plans to take your other two legs but that's a different problem.

I'm on the "Keep It Simple, Stupid" side and this obviously gets very complicated very quickly.  That's why I'm trying to figure it out.  A better answer I found is:

‘It's blocking the exploration/drilling on federal lands which a court has blocked but Interior Department has gone on with it anyway.  And we'll need to find more specifics, but it's probably also regulations to reduce/end fracking.’

Who made those regulations, the Executive Branch?

9,000 leases that aren’t used, is it because they’ve been checked and there’s no oil?  It’s also common for companies to get leases around the site they’re actually investigating so no other company can move in ‘next-door.’

There’s also the standard desire to reduce oil production to zero but that's always been an excuse longer than I've been alive.  It's another example of a totally different problem, not the last year of price increases.

"I want you to look at my eyes.  I guarantee you.  I guarantee you.  We're going to end fossil fuel."

 – Joe Biden, September 6, 2019 

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