Saturday, June 18, 2022


13 April, 2022

Every speech should end with the phrase "Russia delenda est!"

Could the 'why' be part of perceiving something that can't be seen?  There’s God or there’s what-isn’t-God, which usually winds up being Government.  Since government doesn't actually exist, we perceive it represented through the human individuals.

With God, we can see that there's more to existence than the individuals.  With Government, it's the end-all/be-all and we are required to worship its representatives, or else oppose them if they're Trump or GWB or whoever our masters tell us to oppose.

So the 'why' is our individual perception of something way beyond our level.  God is God.  Everything else is everything else.  We're born that way so we can't change it.  We're individuals so we each have our own perspectives.  The truth is the truth so the closer we get to that, the more accurate our perceptions are.

I hate to say it but I actually feel a slight bit of confidence.  Not for the disasters themselves, just that there is a sense that the left didn't plan things out well this time either.  They were more like their traditional selves, it's just that they managed to take over the world somehow without being noticed before immediately going totalitarian.

There's still Earth Day and Communist Day coming up in the next few weeks, I do think they'll move in at that point.  But now people who usually ignore politics are forced to pay attention to the masters and they don't like it.

Any Democrat who doesn't know the next election has already been stolen must be panicking.  Any voter who seen food and gas costs since Biden stole office knows what going on and isn't going to blame Russia just because they're told to.

□ [“Biden Says Putin Is Committing Genocide and 'Trying to Wipe Out the Idea of Being Ukrainian' – Then Sends Another $800 Million in US Weapons to Ukraine”] 

Oh, it's genocide.  So war is the immediate solution, unless you’ll just sit around for months whining about it.  You're the one who called it genocide and you're the one supposedly in charge of the military, but the military doesn't seem to be doing anything and liberals aren’t demanding it should.  They aren't enlisting or demanding a draft.

You certainly can’t make peace with people committing genocide and thanks to the tyrants, you can excuse all the other problems people are suffering these days.

"Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should on hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away.”

I still can't figure out how Russia has been totally defeated all this time and somehow is even capable of committing genocide.  So what's going to be done about it?  Nothing, just like with Darfur, thanks to liberal whining and laziness.

"Russia delenda est"

14 April, 2022

Provoy or convoy?

□ [“Dianne Feinstein’s Cognitive Decline; People Reintroduce Themselves Over-and-over in Meeting”] 

88 years old, dead husband, regularly killing the earth with airflights from DC to California.  Only power-lusters would keep doing that.  And which party is she in?  Oh, right.  Doesn't she have anyone close to her who could say get out and let a competent young person take over?  What party did you say she was in again?

There must be criminal charges for these people if they dare get out of office.

□ [“Dr. Fauci Praises China:  'You Use Lockdowns to Get People Vaccinated'“] 

He praises Russia's ally.  He praises sending men with guns to everybody's homes.  He praises a nation that owns slaves.  He praises massive economic damage and increase of government power.  He thinks we should be more like China.

I don't have much to say.  Maybe it's just a break after finishing a book.  I still expect everything to break down so I think about what I can do to give myself a chance.

I really do wish it would just snap now.  As miserable as we’ll be when it finally happens, it would end the wait.  We don't know what to do or who to trust and rely on.

There's no word on what the Freedom Convoy is doing.  I think they're still in California.  It's been a few months, I'm not seeing any hope there.  Any other options?

15 April, 2022

What's so good about Friday?  We should have more Mondays!  And they should all be Leap Days!

□ [“Chris Wallace Has Meltdowns At Lousy CNN+ Launch; Wants Chris Cuomo’s Old CNN Time Slot”] 

Not sure why I'm interested in this but it is entertaining to see how delusional these people are.  Doesn't he have a lot of fans who want to watch him?  Wasn’t that why he was paid so much money?  Are his fans just too lazy to watch him or too poor?

Obviously I don't have a lot of fans but I'm also quite cheap and at least I have something meaningful to say every day.  "He is having staffers count how many times a day his promo is playing"???  Could these staffers do nothing else?  Like working to improve the show so more people would want to watch it?  Or maybe they can't do anything else, in which case why are they on the payroll in the first place?

Media popularity is about as fabricated as it gets.  You're not really doing anything except looking good on camera and reciting what someone else tells you to say.  I’d think there could be hundreds of internet sites doing exactly that.  Maybe there are and I just never hear of them but they'd be CNN+ competitors.

That's something these megacorporations have no clue how to deal with.  Find a reasonably good-looking girl, write a script, she reads it while you film her on your phone, then edit footage on your laptop, post it online and there you go.  It doesn't cost millions to make but could get just as many fans.  People who want to watch her would probably be at least as devoted as the fans of this massive tv star.

□ [“Sean Penn:  ‘I’m Now Thinking About Taking Up Arms Against Russia’”] 

He was also thinking of publicly smashing his Oscars if whussisname didn't get to give a speech at this year's Oscars, look how that worked out.

The guy is 61 years old, he was younger and healthier the last time this happened, eight years ago, but we didn't see him giving a shit about it back then.  What's changed?

Seriously, two invasions in under a decade but only one gets any attention from the left.  Given that they're actively supporting war, leftists really need to explain why they weren't remotely bothered eight years ago.  How many massacres happened in 2014?  Maybe rich and famous people didn't  mind those dead Ukrainians back then.

Some of us remember when Saddam Hussein killed people during his rule.  The lowest estimates are that he killed many tens of thousands of Kurds each time and he did that many times, but leftists didn’t want him taken out of power, they opposed us doing exactly that.  Would their opinion be different if the Kurds were white like Ukrainians?

□ [“The Pope Goes Woke on Good Friday: 'We Are Racists, and That Is Bad'“] 

Those racists made him the pope.  He's keeping the palace until he dies, thank you very much, and the money.  He's not giving that up because racism!!!

If there's any validity to polls [yes, I just wrote that] Hispanics are running away from leftism in droves and it doesn't sound like they support the Catholic Church either.  If true, that's a good thing and we need much more of it.

I would very much appreciate it if God sends us a message this Easter, something that can't be ignored.  I say that a lot and don't expect anything to happen but we really need hope right now.  The Adversary is doing everything possible to make this a Hell on Earth and there seems to be nothing that can stop them.  I would prefer all sensible people going on strike, that would put the ruling demons out in a flash.  Otherwise all we can do is burn this motherfucker down, a bit more bloodshed than I’d prefer at the moment.

I have gone through Genesis Book 5, it's just a list of Adam's descendants.  If nothing else, I should go through the entire book just to list who was born when and to whom.  I'm still working on the "History" project and that would fit in just fine.  Today I even finished the first millennium AD, only one more to get through.  That won't be fun.

I really hope that this isn't the era we've all been aimed for.  Judgement Day will arrive but we all really preferred that would happen after we were gone.  We can still hope for that but then that means it will still get worse than this.

Either way, a large part of me wants to just get it over with.  How sad is that?

16 April, 2022

Keep it to yourself but I tell everybody everything.

Last October, the inflation rate was "transitory."

In November "greedy corporations" were to blame.

In December and January, there were "supply-chain bottlenecks."

In February it was caused by "oil prices."

In March, it was "Russia's fault."

Who will they blame next?  They'll soon make it illegal to raise prices, that’ll lead to even more shortages, a standard dictatorial tactic which always has the same results.

□ [“White House restarting federal oil, gas lease sales next week”] 

But it does get subtler.  Is it a complete falsehood, a gimmick or is it some deeper trap?  The article flat-out states that government royalties will go up about 50% so the prices won’t get much lower.  It’s only the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management – BLM??? – it's not like other branches will be going along with it although the internal conflicts might be amusing.  They'll continue interfering as much as possible and if the companies are allowed to operate, there'll be more things to interfere with.  It's just a pretense to make them look good, they don't actually mean it.

The article also specifies that only Congress has the authority to shut offshore drilling down but Congress clearly means nothing to this administration.

So is it a hoax?  Is it a trap?  Are Democrats desperate to pretend they won't steal this year's elections?  It's not like they have no other options, California is preparing to ban purchase of any gas-operated vehicle by 2035.

□ [“Russia Warns Biden to Stop Arming Ukraine or Face 'Unpredictable Consequences'“] 

The World Policeman could do just that and Russia couldn’t do anything about it, but who was opposed to the US being the World Policeman?  The people who let Russia get away with all this for decades, no different from what they do to the police in New York, Los Angeles or Chicago.  It keeps them in power, that's all that matters.

So that means we’re openly at war with a nuclear power and we don’t even have the courage to admit it.  Russia has had to deal with people like that for centuries.

Is Leftism effectively a sociopathic virus?   It’s used to infect other people and break their minds to prevent recognition of right or wrong, much less of the individual.  I may be wrong on the cause but that's basically accurate regarding the results.

They aspire to spread it around and infect everyone.  Human nature provides some immunity but not entirely, not enough.  We all have internal conflict between the individual and the collective.  One advantage communists have is that they’ve examined how to crush people into obedience for many years.  Safe to assume they've performed a lot of experiments, particularly in nations they rule.

This could be correct, leftism is just advanced sociopathy.  They do whatever they want because they ‘care so much’ about others and are very good at attracting their own kind.  As collectivists, they'd do this by nature and aim at younger generations.

And doesn't that line up with the other things they're into?

I think it's fair to say to the point of human existence is to overcome this.  We managed to do that for a few centuries but now the left has taken it down.  That won't stop us, it will only create misery that we've always been trying to get beyond.

17 April, 2022

It's Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Chat Site, we hope you will enjoy the streaming...

□ [“Biden Covid Czar Ashish Jha:  'The Pandemic Is Not Over'“] 

If it was over, he'd have to find a new job.  He intends to stay here long after the rest of us are dead.  So do his subordinates.  They don't want to leave, they don't have to and the people who pay for them can't make them go away.  They didn't get this authority because of what voters wanted.  They’ve even got men with guns to enforce their will.

There's only the most minimal pretense of supporting freedom and they take zero actions to defend it.  No real ‘virus czar’ would start that job without a specific target date to end it, but that's not how government works.  Because they care.

Their "revolution" has always strived for this.  It's what they’ve done in every nation they seized-power-then-stifled-dissent in.  What we need is a real revolution.

□ [“Zelenskyy Says the World Should ‘Be Ready’ For Nuclear War With Russia”] 

By this point it's clear that he doesn't work for Ukrainians, he works for whoever's in charge of the New World Order, a la Hollywood and Hunter Biden.  "For them, life of the people is nothing" sounds like standard leftist projection of what they actually believe onto others and saying how wrong others are for that.

They're the ones going for this and they'll blame Russia.  Whether or not it actually happens, the point is to try to fear the world into obedience.  Notice all the talk about the US biolabs has gone away.  There's also such an avoidance of the 2014 invasion.  Did Putin have nothing to do with Russia in 2014 and that's why there were no 'genocides'?  Did Biden have enough authority then to get involved but he doesn't now?

But they're the ones going straight to nuclear war and don’t bring up preparation, training kids in school regularly to get down, cover their necks, etc.  That’s so 1950s!

□ [“CNN Interview:  Zelenskyy Calls for Biden to Visit Ukraine, ‘He Should Come Here’”] 

Why the hell doesn’t Russia just shut down Ukraine’s communications and electricity?  I swear, these are the most politeful invaders I've ever heard of.  The conquered peoples get tv and air conditioning and internet.  Dunno how their food or fuel supply is, that’ll cause problems, but why don't other invaders behave so nicely?

You’d think a real media would cover this but that’s not the media we have.

It’s just keeping the hoax going, no way Biden would visit Ukraine even if he wasn't senile, security forces wouldn't permit it.  He’s got nothing to contribute anything.  Zelensky probably knows that, maybe he's just saying this to get on tv, maybe CNN told him to say it because they need ratings.

They're going to keep up the virus nonsense, their best excuse to increase power.  They'd do that anyway but would rather have an excuse.  It's wearing us down.

I'd like to think that Easter will turn things around for freedom but there's no sign of that.  They got plans to let them rule the world, real plans, not whatever Biden claimed to have about the Virus a year and a half ago, obviously he only planned for tyranny.

America's never had to live like this, leftists have always complained about that.

18 April, 2022

Today is different from all other days, life did not get worse. Oh wait, it did. Never mind.

□ [“Illinois Now Providing Illegal Immigrants With Free Healthcare”] 

Those who pay for their own healthcare have to pay for others.  Those who ignore the laws don't pay, so more people should ignore the laws.  That's how the rulers want it.

□ [“Second Global COVID Summit:  Main Goal Will Be to Vaccinate Everyone on Planet, Everywhere”] 

Extinction is the goal they’re working for.  You can see this with the tumors and cancers affecting so many “vaccinated.”  The body is no longer capable of fighting those mutated cells as is usually had without us even noticing.  We only had those health problems when the disease was too strong.

The victims are already increasing in number, it will be monstrous five-to-ten years from now.  There's no way this could be accidental, they planned this.

I can't stop thinking of Jim Jones.  He had fans who are still in Congress today, like Dianne Feinstein and I'd swear Nancy Pelosi was there at the time, she’s just not included in his list of famous fans.  No idea if he directly influenced what they're doing now but the similarities are there, leftism’s goal for at least a half-century.

□ [“'I’m Not a Doctor' Psaki Asked Why Masks Required on Airplanes but Not in Press Briefing Room”] 

You don't have to be a doctor to say 'inferior people must wear masks, the rest of us are allowed to breath freely.  Ok, you would have to be honest to say it so that’s out.  It’s not like her inferiors would call her out on that.

‘Why don't you ban the virus from going after your servants the way you ban the virus from going after famous media people?’   What would her answer be, 'it's not our job to look after our servants.  We're special, they just have to suffer'?  'This is a very smart virus, it knows who is who and who it can and can't infect'?

This mask-wearing nonsense seems to be, at least partially, about showing off who's superior to whom.  Our superiors aren't forced to wear the cloth.  I also suspect it also has to do with the left's subversion, wearing masks to keep identities secret.  This may have partially influenced the superhero movies of the last decade or so.

That actually makes sense, the actors get credit for wearing superhero costumes but they often don't have to wear the mask, they basically get to have it both ways.

I’m not saying much these days.  Maybe I’m just burned out on making generic comments about some current event.  I'm not coming up with anything clever to say.  Maybe it's just the pleasure of getting another book done.  Maybe I'm just broken.

As always, I see no reason for Hope.  God will win, yes, but that tells us nothing.  It doesn't provide anything for us to work with as individuals.  I just can't believe we have to get through this.  The whole world is on fire and there's no visible way to get out of it.

□ [“TSA, United, Alaska, Delta, American Airlines Drop All Mask Requirements After Federal Judge Declares Biden’s Mandate Unlawful”] 

Sure, there's some little victories here or there but they won’t make a difference.  It’d be nice to think otherwise but I really think the left has had this planned.  Obviously there are psychopaths who just make things up as they go along and overcome adversity because nobody expects that, I just don't think it was all unplanned.

If nothing else, they need to know how organization works and what their minions can and can't accomplish.  Perhaps some part of themselves outright denies individuality and that’s what happens.  I'm still trying to figure out what advantages that has because it clearly has some.  The military has had to deal with it for thousands of years.

As always, I think the military is the best example of collectivism and is precisely because they know how to deal with the individual.  They put a lot of thought into this because their job is to face the enemy in a life-or-death situation.  Everybody else can limit themselves to their own projections.

Then again, maybe leftism was invented by a bunch of druggies in Hollywood, probably influenced by Russian operatives.  That's just as good as an explanation.

19 April, 2022

That ain’t a headline!  THIS is a headline!

□ [“Ukraine is Abusing US Facial Recognition Technology to Scan and Identify Faces of Dead Russians and Then Send the Images to Their Families”] 

The headline is spooky and I'm not sure what the technology does.  It basically sounds like it gathers everything about us available on the internet.  Otherwise it sounds like basic psychological warfare and that would happen no matter what.

More unnerving is the question of how much they have on everyone.  They got this from the US, how much does our stolen government have on us?

And why don't we send this equipment to Hong Kong and Shanghai if we care so much about invasions?  Or would that piss off the nation that produces our equipment?

□ [“Ukraine Claims Russian Phase 2 Has Begun”] 

How would they get to a Phase 2 if they’ve been defeated for the last two months and their own troops are abandoning them?  Did they actually plan the invasion to reach this point, a second phase, and more importantly, they've made it to this point?

Something about that doesn't fit.  After all, on March, US Lieutenant General Ben Hodges said Russia was 10 days away from being “forced to stop their assault on Ukraine due to a lack of resources.”  Surely the Pentagon knows what's going on.  Phase 2 of Russia's plans involved them running out of ammunition three weeks ago?

Either no, they really don't have a clue what's happening on the ground, or they're flat-out lying to the media.  Obviously I hope it's the latter, this is the same media that's been reporting on all these amazing Ukrainian victories.

As I keep saying over and over, I don't have a clue what's actually going on or why but it's definitely not what the media is telling us.

□ [“Panicked Elizabeth Warren Warns Democrats They’re Headed For ‘Big Losses’ In November”] 

That’s probably just cover for the upcoming stolen election.  They’ll magically come up with millions of new ballots and be so pleased that they'll double down.

“To put it bluntly:  If we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed toward big losses in the midterms.”

Everybody can see they've been following their agenda perfectly.  This is what they've always wanted and they won't permit anyone to stand in their way.

□ [“Supreme Court Rejects Appeal From Airman Removed from Command Over Refusing to Get Vaccinated – Amy Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh Side with Liberal Justices”] 

It is a flat-out coup, the left has taken all three branches and want to grab more.  That's bad enough but I'm trying to figure out how they got all these secret agents.  We can also see that in the right-wing media who all love what Democrats do and hate Trump.  They've always been into this, now they're just becoming more open about it.

□ [“HHS Secretary Becerra Claims COVID Vaccines ‘Kill People Of Color’ At ‘Twice The Rate Of Whites,’ Vows To ‘Work’ Harder To Get More People Vaccinated”] 

Yes, the Biden administration's policy is explicitly to kill more the darkies than whites.  They also want to increase the numbers.  He didn't even have the sensibility to add that he doesn't really want to kill more people, it’s just a side-effect of his actions but nope, he wants more dead.  That's government policy.

If they want the vaccine to impose mass-extermination, it could explain Bill Gates buying farmland to feed their people and the military they've constructed with BLM and Antifa and whoever else has been put through the actual US Armed Forces for training.

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