Saturday, June 18, 2022


 19 March, 2022

Need to take my dog in for another rabies shot, he got rabies again.  Third time this year.

□ [“UPenn Cuts Off Comments on Lia Thomas’s Championship Post – 2nd Place Finisher Flooded with Congratulations 'To the Real Winner' Comments”]

We don't care what you think, you're going to adore the winners we impose on you and ignore the rest.  We make the rules, we get to change them.  Obey!

□ [“Kamala Harris’ Deputy Press Secretary to Leave VP’s Office For Position at Pentagon”]

The 9th high-ranking person to recently quit dealing with her, that makes sense but is there any actual proof that’s why they’re leaving?  Maybe they’re getting effectively promoted, they worked in her office to get the next mission, now they're on to that.

What supplies are going to run out first?  What supplies are the most important?  Toilet paper seems the most obvious example, we take it as a given and have completely forgotten that thousands of years went by without it.

Regarding metal, I thought of gold but I don't pretend to know how it works because I'm one of the many people who have none.  Hadn't thought of other metals, just having metal may be a big deal.  Don't pretend to know about that either but if we have no gas, our cars aren't good for much other than as non-movable tents.  Refrigerators, ovens, is that metal actually something rich people might trade for, I dunno, food?

Just spitballing, we desperately need thinking people to be on our side.  I'm using "thinking people" in its most basic sense, people who can think.  That is an important skill and one that modern society is blatantly opposed to.

Skills are also important and can be traded for chicken or goatmilk, or a midwife.  I'm trying to figure out the best way to get skillful, thinking people together because that's really our only hope of survival. (and maybe I can leech off them 😊)

The left obviously thinks we're now at war with Russia but Congress hasn't declared it.  At least when it’s convenient, the left pretends to believe in peace otherwise.  I often point out that in my ten-year Army career, I deployed four times with full 'combat pay,' 'hazardous duty' pay and all that, but not 'Congress has declared war' pay.  Yet only the first time did I see any protesters demanding peace.  There’s none of those now.

Do they expect NATO to handle everything?  The US already does most of their work without Congressional approval, that's the same thing.  War would give the federal government every excuse to expand power and silence dissent, leftists wouldn’t mind.

The upper class is all in, it's not like they'd actually have to fight.  They're so peace-loving, it's just easier to have the lower-classes do the heavy work.  They do the fighting, the people in charge will make all the decisions, fair enough?  Well, the upper classes say it is and they're the only ones who matter.  Because they care so much.

□ [“Biden warns Xi of the 'consequences' if China supports Putin during his 'brutal attacks against Ukrainian cities and civilians' and told him to stay away from Taiwan in two-hour phone call”]

Pretend for the sake of argument that Biden could actually read all that for two whole hours.  I wouldn't bet on that but let's just pretend for the time being.

An unnamed Biden administration official says the discussion was substantial and detailed.  This person with no name gave no details, even about possible consequences if China doesn't obey.  China's got the stronger position, they already support Russia and whoever tells Biden what to say is already trying to destroy America, so what "consequences" could there possibly be to change China's mind on this?

Will John Kerry give up his China investments?  Will the sports figures look for another place to manufacture their merchandise for sale to America?  Will Hollywood be forbidden to promote movies there?  Will we oppose their use of slaves?  If anything, this is a green light to China, Russia and everybody else to keep going full speed.

□ [“Space Foundation Strips Yuri Gagarin’s Name From Fundraiser Because He Was Russian”]

A "non-profit" group that pretends to advocate space industry advocacy and education is erasing the name of someone who died in 1968 because he's of the wrong nationality.  They have no clue what being the FIRST MAN IN SPACE means so that's easy to ignore.  None of them see anything wrong with that.  If they can erase Yuri Gagarin from history, no one else is safe either and that's the way they like it.

They may as well advocate digging up his corpse to put on trial for his evil ways.

I still wonder about Ukraine.  My guess is it was mainly a convenient place for corrupt deals and storing money after the Soviet Union fell.  Hunter Biden was just there for bribes to his father.  I'm sure there is more to it but what else could there be?

□ [“The $1.5 Trillion 2,500 Pages in the Spending Bill Are Full of Pork and Waste”]

I think we all expected this, they're just helping themselves to the goods as long as they can.  Do they think we can just print more money and/or seize more wealth?  Do they just never give a thought to any of this?  Do they know that time is very short and they're just trying to pig in while they've got the chance?  Some or all of the above?

20 March, 2022

Soon there will be enough gruel for everyone!  Joe Biden will save us!

So there’s a group of people who say Hunter's laptop’s underage sex videos was Russian propaganda.  Another group says Ukraine is winning this war.  Still another group of people say that the 2020 election wasn't stolen.  A totally different group of people say the 2016 election was stolen.  Still another completely unrelated group of people insist we need to keep getting vaccinated for the Chinese virus.  And then there's that other disconnected group of people who praise all the big strong women-with-a-penis setting new athletic records.  And this isn’t counting all the people who want to destroy America, Europe and anything white people ever did because "RACISM!!!"

They are all completely different groups.  No connection whatsoever.

□ [“‘Eat Lentils Instead of Meat’ Bloomberg News On Peons Earning ‘Less Than $300K’ and Inflation”]

Leave more meat for the rich.  I had just made a joke that soon requiring the poor to eat vegetable gruel and then the government puppets flat-out said that.

□ [“Russians Uses a Hypersonic Missile for the First Time in Ukraine”]

But the media and their masters still keep putting out how well Ukraine is doing.  Boots-on-the-ground make an actual difference, media doesn't.  Control of the air also helps, media doesn't.  The Pentagon is reportedly having daily meetings on updates to a war they aren't even part of and Congress hasn't bothered declaring war.

Since we find info despite the media reports, it sounds like Russia is only now getting its main forces involved.  Apparently they'd only been using militias to this point which aren't actually part of Russian military – I'm not sure what they *are* part of – and that could explain the reported casualties, retreats and mass desertions.  Ukraine has also been doing that, as by former US servicemembers who decided to pick up arms and go fight over there.  They were literally pushed into the battlefield immediately.

Makes sense, you can avoid wasting your own troops when foreigners show up willing to die for you.  But that doesn't make them look good when the foreign so-called mercenaries saw the problem and went AWOL themselves to get the hell away.

Since I heard this – and like everything else, no way to know how much of it is true – I've wondered how many of these US and British (former) soldiers that decided to do this were among those who infiltrated our military for Obama/Biden and the left.

□ [“Russia Exploits Ukraine’s Western Flank – Bombing Target was NATO-Connected Training Facility”]

After writing the above, I found this.  It's literally right on the Polish border, a convenient place to send people for NATO to train.  Russia has stated that training and arming the enemy makes you an enemy and that's what NATO is doing lately.

But why didn’t Ukraine even put out a warning when they saw Russia aiming at that facility.  “Look out, they're going to attack!” would be very helpful to your allies.

For that matter, a week or so ago, reports said there were peace talks starting.  Apparently the guy in charge of Ukraine isn't going along.  So he's willing to let his people die because the reported victories are so immense?

And where's the UN been on this?  Oh, they have meetings but they always have those and get well-paid for it, results are irrelevant.  Yet leftists spent decades insisting the UN would solve everything aren’t complaining.  Neither are Democrats in Congress and whoever's in charge of Biden.  What did they all support the UN for?

It's clear that Soros or whatever-the-conspiracy-is doesn’t care about the UN anymore.  They've found other options, just an example of them not wanting to rule the world, not help it.  The UN was only useful in tearing the US down, now it’s irrelevant.

□ [“Sovereign ‘Democracy,’ Zelenskyy Suspends 11 Opposition Parties to Be Head Of One-Party State”]

Was this part of the plan or just a brand-new idea?  A desperate way to keep from losing?  You KNOW Democrats want to do this but may wait until they’ve taken citizens’ guns away.  Like every other crisis, it won't end until the new dictator decides it's over.

□ [“Democrats Are Admitting The January 6th Committee Is All About The 2022 Midterms”]

Have Democrats worked this out with Russia and China?  Did they assume everything afterwards would be perfect forever and now reality has hit them?  Russia and China know reality intrudes and must be dealt with.  That's how to get the upper hand.

The only reason I see that this wasn't a completely-planned out scheme is that if that had been, Ukraine and Taiwan would have been invaded on Day One.  Even if high-level interaction would have made it possible for Trump to get involved right up until the end, they wouldn't have waited this long.

How much did they plan to destroy America with full help from Democrats?  It's possible that there are lead Democrats who really didn't plan for this and it's more likely that many Democratic voters didn't.  But how many of them genuinely wanted this?

They're openly going for tyranny.  One problem is that they will fight themselves over who actually gets to be in charge.  Another problem is they won't be able to ignore much longer the suffering they're causing.  A third problem will be whatever China, Russia, Iran, etc. throws into the world clusterfuck.

I don't know what else to say, we're all just repeating the same lines these days.

21 March, 2022

I'll self-identify your gender for you, you're welcome.

□ [“Pope Francis’ New Decree Lets Any Baptized Lay Catholic Run Vatican Departments, Even Women”]

If you self-identify as a woman, as long as you were baptized at some point in your life, you can be in charge of the Catholic Church.

He's outright trying to destroy the church as he’s done for almost ten years now and the church had been infected long before.  His predecessor, Benedict XVI, suddenly resigned in 2013.  He’s still alive but we don't know why, the first pope to resign since 1415 and the first since 1294 to do so of his own volition.  I think he referred to himself as a ‘place-holder,’ he followed John Paul II and they replaced him with this guy.

This was definitely part of the scheme.

Speaking of schemes, we're 'told' that Hunter Biden's laptop contents will be released, at least to law enforcement, by the end of the week.

People, there are over 100k texts we are curating and 128k emails. Before almost all were hidden in archives and difficult to access without a pertinent search term.  We have also found thousands of pictures he “thought” he deleted.  Some stuff, I’m uncomfortable even explaining.  When I say it is over – I mean it. Please pray and keep your Constitution close.

The world is not ready for what my team has found.  Fair warning, every person on planet earth, with a badge will have access by the end of week.

 – Jack Maxey

This may be true, explaining why it suddenly came out that Hunter's laptop was really his, but how hard is it to say he raped children?  He could have raped Bill Clinton and nobody would be all that surprised.  Sure, it would help explain why the election had to be stolen but there's no reason to wait.  Just release it all now.

The only excuse I can see for not releasing it is for Russian troops on the ground.

□ [“'It’s Coming' – Biden Casually Says Russia is Planning a Cyberattack Against the United States”]

Well, they wouldn't do this under Trump but you insist on being the opposite of Trump so that explains that.  And remember, you gave them a f*cking list of things to attack at last year's meeting in Geneva.

“I gave [Putin] a list of…16 specific entities, 16 defined as critical infrastructure under US policy from the energy sector to our water systems.”

 – Biden, June 16, 2021

No, you probably don't remember that, but we do.  Some of us also think you’re the one working for Russia and this is just a ploy to let you attack our computer networks.  Might not be fixed when the next election rolls around, they may have to cancel it.

It does seem like we're getting really close to absolute madness.  Of course I've thought that before but one way or another, we are getting closer.  I'll keep writing and posting for as long as I can, I've already started checking on my back-up supplies.  We really didn't need this and most of us didn't want it but here we are.

Yes, it's all part of God's plan.  I do submit to His will on all things, it would be stupid not to.  But as a mere human being, this is where faith gets weakest.  Many others are probably more miserable than I am and I can't do anything to help them.  I don't even see a basis for hope and we really really need some of that.  It's already been intolerable for too long and there's only signs it will get worse.

I pray more often these days.  I hope you do too.  Please God, help us.

22 March, 2022

And 2021 is already one of the 'good old days.'

□ [“Psaki Warns World Will Suffer Food Shortages Due to Russia-Ukraine Conflict”]

And you want this starvation!  You've been aiming for it over the last year and were preparing for it before you stole the election.  Otherwise you’d immediately be announcing back-up plans.  This shows your real goals.

I expect it to start early.  We aren’t going to wait until the bad planting season's over, people are going to start hitting the shelves as soon as they can.

What are our self-appointed masters preparing for?  Will Russia or China invade us, or someone else?  Do they just assume they'll triumph over the chaos?  They've obviously been planning this for a while.  They'll get a lot of things wrong but I don't expect them to immediately decide victory is complete, so what else are they planning?

Look at the universal promotion for gruel.  That's what peasants eat.  It's all that peasants are allowed to eat.  Our masters can't point to anything they're doing to make any option available other than gruel.  Eat gruel or starve, that's the way they want it.

□ [“Biden Reveals It:  'There’s Going to be a New World Order Out There and We’ve Gotta Lead It'“]

We were already leading and you hated that.  You did everything you can for decades to stop us from leading.  And now you've got that.  You think the world is just going to put you in charge?  Again?

□ [“No more valedictorians in Cherry Creek, Colorado”]

Thus is feudalism, they actively avoid individual ability, everyone’s a serf.  They don’t use the word “serf” but they didn't get to be the lords with honesty.

But how will they pick athletes that way?  Shouldn't the football team and the basketball team and the track-runners all have their ability ignored?  Would you want a heart surgeon but ignore their ability?  Or do they just want to force that upon others?

They're going to need something to judge people on, that's just human nature.  I guess they'll have to go with the old favorite, skin color.

And they're not remotely horrified.  They blame lack of exercise, a natural part of trapping people at home for years, and bad diet, a natural part of much more expensive food, but ignore the virus that they've been so obsessed with for the last two years.  It's just now a normal thing that happens, get used to it.

□ [“Ketanji Brown Jackson Defends Her Record of Letting Pedophiles Off the Hook”]

She could point to anything on the record where she said sex with children was a bad thing, but that would mean she thinks it’s wrong.  She doesn’t, that’s why she was picked.  I assume the votes are already cast, she'll be passed without any problem.

It was just four weeks ago today that Russia invaded Ukraine.  We still don't know why but the media seems to be paying less attention to it.  It does sound like Russia got access to secret information and is able to put it out so the left needs to figure out how to package it for the masses.  Hunter Biden's laptop would be the big deal, especially given how many other people it would link to.  I do assume that's why the media has been so pro-Ukraine, they know who's in charge and whose secrets need to be kept.

Meanwhile, the economy is still collapsing.  I haven't checked stores lately but I assume prices just keep rising.  I still think this is all part of the leftists' plan.  Something must be going wrong with it somewhere, that's human nature, but we have no way of knowing how or what.  All we see is endless misery that keeps growing every day.

23 March, 2022

(a) The glass is half-full (b) the glass is half-empty (c) the glass is racist

Is this basically a world-wide version of Mao Tse Tung’s Cultural Revolution, last decade or so having kids purge adults in some attempt of purifying the decades of communism he'd built.  The death toll will never be known but it's in the millions.

Mao started this in his 70s, most of the leftists in their 70s now were in their teens at the time.  At some level, I think leftism is about seducing the young. 

Have heard no news about the convoy in a couple days.  There's a bit of footage of a few trucks driving around DC, I can't find any other info about it whatsoever.

□ [“‘You’re a Guy, Go to the War’ – Transgender Women at Ukraine’s Borders Told They Must Fight”]

You think they'd be eager to fight for the nation that gave them such freedom and liberty.  In fact, they should start an entire regiment of these self-determined women.  Just think how equal they'd be to all the men with penises.  They might even show their superiority because what Russian would have a chance against them?

But the left uniformly sees nothing wrong with this.  Only men can be put in danger!  They won’t criticize Ukraine for not acknowledging the transgenders.

□ [“EU Approves Implementation of Rapid Response Military Force to Be Used During Times of Crisis”]

They had decades to prepare for rapid response but they're only *now* saying that might be a good idea?  The US had troops on the ground in Afghanistan a week after 9/11, units that were prepared for any such eventuality, they were organized, they were trained, they were ready to go.  They wouldn't have been there if it we’d only decided on September 12 to form such a military unit.  That's not how the military works.

As much as anything, this makes the Russia/Ukraine event look like a hoax.  Every European country should have already had these units in place for decades.  The European Union started forming at the very beginning of the Cold War, they would have been too stupid to not start preparation.  As it is, they've been trying to shut down all the individual member nations so they'd need a military in the first place, so now they've waited until this comes along to think 'Russia may be a problem in the future'?

Who else was supposed to disagree with the US if Europe hadn't already taken these actions, China?  Iran?  But Europe's expected us to do all their defending for all these decades.  That's how they were able to drop the military from their budgets and spend it all on what they have now, an obedient populace with now power, no guns and no children so they need immigrants just to keep the economy going.

Also 23 March, 2022

If I knew you were coming I’d have boiled some Rococo Coffee.  Howdya do, howdya do, howdya do?

□ [“Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov says Russia Will Use Nukes If Faced with Existential Threat”]

I've always assumed that much is true.  In only 130 years, Russia went through two of the most horrific invasions in history, they really don't intend to deal with that ever again, one of the most obvious examples of impact on an entire nation.  In contrast, the Blitz was very impactful on London at the time but they'd already been dealing with war for centuries and it's well noted that the attacks meant Germans couldn't go after the RAF airfields in north England, giving Britain the chance to hold out.

Even the US Civil War wasn't so impactful on us as a nation.  At least not the war itself, the buildup and aftermath meant a lot more to the citizens and their great-grand-kids.  The war itself was probably most influential on future wars, particularly Ulysses S. Grant who fought in a 20th Century-style of war half-a-century early.

So it’s a given Russia is ready for nukes.  They weren't stupid enough to get rid of theirs like Ukraine was, foolishly thinking the US would defend them.

But this is where it’s hard to understand the Russian character.  People with more experience and knowledge than I have spent years trying to figure it out and the best I can say is they probably got at least a bit closer to understanding than me.  I totally believe nukes are an absolutely-final option but how they'll reach that point is a total mystery.

For one thing, Russia is far more willing to use military force to as "suggestions" to other nations and has a good track record of success.  We Americans simply don't have a clue how that works, who would need it, why would they use it, how do you operate a nation with this ongoing practice?  We don't know but they see it as a normal part of life.

For another thing, there's always the danger of the individual going nuts.  I doubt Putin will be the first one to launch nukes but that doesn't keep anyone else in the chain-of-command from doing that and letting him be blamed.  Whatever else there is to say about Russia, it's very corrupt and a lot of people will turn on others at the drop of a hat.

Then there's all the individuals on our side – for the sake of argument, I include Biden and co. although obviously they aren't on our side – then all the people in-between Washington DC and Moscow who are, well, in the middle.  What are any of them going to do, how and why will they do it?  That's not even getting into conspiracy theories.

My guess is it’s a bluff.  Russia has most of the winning cards or at least more than its opponents.  They know more of our leaders' secrets than we do and control much of the world's food/energy.  They've obviously planned this for years.  They could send agents with low-level nukes across the Mexican border, what would Biden do about it?

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