Saturday, June 18, 2022


13 May, 2022

The baby formula shortage won't end until pregnant men start producing it.

Diesel fuel prices are getting worse on the East Coast with shortages.  Love’s stations are posting signs.  The truckers will stop sooner or later, hopefully sooner.

I’m sure the rulers will soon impose price controls which will increase shortages.  They want to forbid the right to travel and will deny much more as soon as possible.

This helps explain the recent 'abortion' nonsense, a distraction for the intended hit on May 27.  All authority will be given to the self-appointed world government.

Will everybody be forced to wear masks or will they support the elite ignoring any part of this nonsense, only the peasants must comply?  Sure, no laws are permitted if they're in opposition to the Constitution but they’ll ignore all that.

□ [“Steny Hoyar ‘Unfortunate that in a Time of War, We Spend all the Time Blaming our own President’”]

And he doesn't even tell us when the Senate had voted for war and if there were any no-votes.  You'd think this would be the time to increase military funding.

After some bluster it was added that it was just a reference to Russia vs. Ukraine, since last time wasn’t ‘war’ or something.  This’ll be what the ‘new world government’ does, something happens somewhere so everyone they don’t like must suffer.

□ [“Biden on Baby Formula Shortage, ‘All of a Sudden It’s on the Front Page of Every Newspaper’”]

They kept it secret from him for as long as they could, same as the media people pay attention to these days.  Biden has probably never heard of internet or television anyway.  They didn’t mention the months-long shortage but at some point they have to act like they know what's actually happening in people's lives.

□ [“4th Grade Utah Teacher Fired, Viral TikTok Brags on Inappropriate Chats with ‘Queer Students’"]

They're all in on this, pounding it hard into every kid they get their hands on.  The only change is that they might convince themselves to stop publicly boasting about it.

We used to be told that gays were all about love, nothing about going after kids.  So much for that.  It's possible some gays have no interest whatsoever in sex with children but it's pretty clear that they won’t speak out about it.

Their destruction of society is showing what made it work so well for so long and that's not even considering that these kids *aren't* learning reading and math, actually useful skills.  How deluded to think the world gets by without any of those, or that others will know how to take advantage of the weakness you imposed on your people?

Whatever else defines these creatures, they oppose the very concept of maturity.  They can get away with anything to anyone at any age and they'll act like stupid kids.

So what’ll be done about the May 27 deadline?  I don't know but I definitely think that'll be a breaking point and I hope the reaction is immediate, whatever it is.

14 May, 2022

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name that they self-identify as.

As usual, there's another leftist fantasy they accuse others of doing, blaming Big Oil and Gas companies for the high prices, despite them only producing 17% of our gas, at least the stuff we don't import.  Small, independent companies make up the other 83%.

Oil and Gas companies own only 1% of US gas stations so they don't have any say in the prices either.  A gas station decides the price on their own expenses, taxes and how much gas will cost when the local distributor delivers it.  Oil companies don't get to pick gas prices and gas stations don't get to pick oil prices.

□ [“How Racist!  Pelosi Opens Liquor Store In Congress But You Must Show an ID to Get Served!"]

The people who claim it's racist to require people to show ID are quite willing to require people to show ID.  They see no hypocrisy.  Then again, they also see nothing wrong with spending taxpayer money to get drunk while at work.

Might as well open a strip joint and have Hunter Biden open a crack dealership.

Maybe they're getting the liquor store now so they'll have something to drink after they can get a war started.  By then, everything else will be shutting down for the rest of us.  That's what happens when we send all our factories overseas.

Most of the microchips we use for anything are made elsewhere.  So are our semi-conductors, circuit breakers and lithium batteries, drugs and car parts.  Our electric transformers are made overseas, so if they break down (or are broken by someone) that's it for them.  Where would replacement parts come from, Russia's ally China?

Many mechanical devices replace their parts on a regular bases for standard wear-and-tear.  Every few months, every single part gets replaced with something they won’t be able to get now at any price.  Refrigerators and heat pumps will go away.

Who would bring parts to us, the WHO?  Not likely.  No one's going to pay for naval shipping and planes would be far too expensive.  Anybody getting into that would eat the cost if anything whatsoever goes wrong, no one's stupid enough to do that.  Trade and supply rely on peace which leftists are determined to get rid of.  Russia and China would be quite capable of shooting down anyone trying to transport supplies to the US.

The military's not remotely capable of handling this.  They can usually handle it as part of a mission but that's all, it’s not a permanent job.  Even a military dictatorship wouldn't be able to oversee all the required trade with America's enemies overseas and at home, all being run by people who demand to give billions of dollars worth of free stuff to other countries, including things we're already short on here.

I keep saying this but we desperately need the truckers to go on strike now.  In two weeks, the WHO will have voted for total control over all of us and leftists around the world will applaud.  We're already miserable and it will only get far worse.

Beyond that, we need to work out actual supplies and production.  The Constitution is the only thing that keeps us from stomping them into the ground right now and they want to get rid of it.  Ok, let's go.  It would be nice to think our masses can easily cut them into little pieces and we'd just go on with our lives but that's what I think they've been planning for.  The only up-side is that their overwhelming incompetence but that's not something I would count on happening any time soon.

I hate to say we need leaders but we definitely need organizers and leadership would unfortunately be part of that.  Regional, maybe, but it’ll quickly be clear how bad the cities are, then everyone will get out and take whatever they can elsewhere.

This just gets more depressing to think about it and it'll be worse when it actually happens.  This mentality can't make long-term plans because everything will fall apart at any moment.  I get the concept of having a goal in mind but don't see it working under any current circumstances.  But I'm still here and I’ll write this for as long as possible.

Also 14 May, 2022

Then Petruchio got a job at a shoe store...

So I’d been thinking about Shakespeare lately, getting closer to his era in my ‘History project.’  I've had very little to do with his work for most of my life.  I think I saw movie versions of Hamlet and Romeo and Juliette, nothing else comes to mind.

But I did want to give something a try, see if I can watch the whole thing, but not sure what.  It came down to looking up which play to try and then looking up some version on Youtube.  When I noticed The Taming of the Shrew, the obvious choice.  Youtube had the very first ‘talky’ Shakespeare movie ever, made in 1929, so this was from the early days of modern civilization in a few ways.

So it's an interesting set-up for me to experience Shakespeare.  Unfortunately this version was clearly edited, barely over an hour long.  It had no subplots which, looking it up, the actual play does and the original movie probably did.  The sound editing is also bad in places.  There's also the difficulty of understanding how people actually talked five hundred years ago, and I still have some difficulty reading the captions which didn’t match the speech.  Still, even for me, at least 80% of the story on screen did get through.

It starred two of the biggest movie stars ever in their first ‘talky,’ Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.  They’d been married since Fairbanks convinced Pickford to divorce her first husband but by this time, the marriage was falling apart, though it would still be several years before they finally got divorced.  Their careers basically ended with the ‘talkies’ although Pickford would be a producer for a long time.

I wasn’t familiar with them.  Fairbanks had a bit part in Intolerance which I saw once, a long time ago, but that was it for my previous experience with the first movie royalty.  So they were effectively brand-new for me but I quite enjoyed watching these two, they were great.  It must be an interesting challenge for actors to handle characters who are fundamentally dislikable and make them interesting to the audience.

Petruchio and Katherine are very broad characters with little depth to either, but very entertaining.  The main issue is that the story came from an era where women didn't pick their husbands.  In upper classes at least, they were assigned to the best choice their parents could make.  That probably helped marriages be better than they are now but it's still not workable.  Both parties knew the point of life was to provide and protect and they were better off this way.  Otherwise men be ditching the bitches who give up the pussy.

Even so, the set-up really doesn't work.  Petruchio is a dashing rogue who can handle comedy at his own expense, what does he need a wife for?  If it’s just to get her father's money, he’s already got a mansion with servants, he could drop the wife in her own house and never have to put up with her again, problem solved.

And Katherine, well, she is a woman, that's basically all there is to say.  Why would she decide to go along with her father's wishes this time and get married now?  She could just keep getting away with complete insanity as she’s done her whole life.

But ok, we've all seen this story in some medium or other, couples who don't belong together but that’s what the story’s about.  It certainly works, there’s a reason this has continued to exist for a long time.  The entertainment value stands out, as do the lovebirds.  You don't care how they end up, you just want to watch them getting there.

I tried to find a few clips from other versions.  It’s probably a good thing I didn’t find anything from the 1967 movie starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.  I did find a delightful clip from a 1976 performance by people I've never heard of.  The scene where Petruchio and Katherine first meet was amazing, that’s how marriage should be.

15 May, 2022

There's some free cheese, let's go get it. No way it could be a trap.

One thing that's become clear, whether or not Biden has a clue about it, he's not running for re-election.  That means whoever's in charge of him can impose whatever they want because they'll never be subjected to a vote.  Nor will Biden but it’s possible this leads to conflicts with him which may cause further problems.  He self-identifies as the POTUS, his name is on the paperwork and he's supposed to be capable of making decisions, but most likely they'll break him down and that'll be that.

Will they even bother with elections this November, or 2024?  Probably, just to keep the illusion but this year's elections may be 'postponed' to ensure the voters get no say in what Democrats do.  It depends on how good they are at stealing elections now and if the WHO permits us to have any.  Elections might cause disease, you know.

Leftists lose elections by doing what they actually want to do so the solution is to get rid of elections.  What else would they do, realize that their goals are totally wrong?

□ [“The WHO's Death Trap for the US:  They Vote Next Week"]

And their goals are to remove the nation-state so they can rule everything.  The World Health Assembly runs the organization and can declare any emergency/crisis in any nation they disagree with.  They don't need consent, they don't even need to consult with the subject nation.  The dictatorial Director-General will decide.  His authority is all that's needed, no other nations or organizations matter.

The dictator could invent a virus and that would be enough to decide whatever he wants, no-one could question him, not counting bio-warfare like China’s developed for years.  Lockdowns, taking property, forcing drugs on everyone are obvious possibilities.  They’ll also impose this on the United Nations, all are members of WHO.  If you've wondered why the left has ignored the UN for the last several years, this explains it.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus may be Ethiopian but China put him there.  He knows who to obey.  They’ll have no transparency, accountability or votes needed.  We’ll obey the rules or be punished.  This only works one way and they’ll decide.

I saw Facebook while writing this and the WHO has an ad that announces "It takes several weeks after each dose of COVID-19 vaccine to develop maximum levels of immunity" so you have to keep on doing exactly what you were doing before the vaccine.  Which wears off in a few months anyway.  And you can still get the virus anyway.

That’s what they want for everybody.

□ [“Zelenzkyy Signs Law This Weekend Banning Opposition Parties and Seizing Their Property"]

This is the leftist model.  It probably helps protect their finances but it won’t be long before their servants implement this in every other nation.  Visitors from other countries are coming in these days, of course that's what they're after.

The Nazis did that too, basic details on the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda or Gleichschaltung show only a few differences from what the Nazis actually did.  That’s the left.  The Nazis were a little more honest about controlling everyone, this may be why leftists hate them, that or basic jealousy of the people they were closest to.

And that's not even mentioning the Reichstag fire.  Congratulations, liberals, you've got me looking up basic Nazi facts and unable to find anything different about you.  What, is it a big deal that you have more internet access?

Then again, this is Ukraine, they've been supporting Nazis for a reason.  No wonder Democrats support that.  This is looking like a combination of every single thing they've been after all these centuries, like whatever conspiracy we can think of is involved against us.  And it's just going to get worse.

Also 15 May, 2022

If I had any more to give, I'd be a lemming.  I'd also have a joke that makes sense.

In six months, on November 5, more time will have passed since Chinese Democracy’s release than in the period between G’n’R’s release of the "Sympathy for the Devil" cover and Chinese Democracy.

On August 26, 2002, Axl Rose said:

"There's been some concern.  That if we play five or six new songs, then there can't be that many more on the album.  Au contraire, mon frere.  We're just playing the songs we're not considering putting out as singles or anything.  So you'll get 18 songs, and about 10 extra tracks.  And when that, when the record company feels that has run its course, then you'll get it all over again.  By that time, I should be done with the third album."

That was 7203 days ago.  Axl was just moving to Los Angeles 7203 days before that, December 6, 1982.  The band we know as Guns'n'Roses would form two and a half years later.  Half his life after Indiana has passed since the announcement that he was ready to release 28 new songs as the first part of his ‘trilogy.’  That was 20 years ago!

But there hasn't been 28 brand new songs in all that time.  There’s been no part two of his 'trilogy.'  The latest setlist I can find (October 3, 2021) has 8 Appetite for Destruction songs, 1 more from Lies  and 9 songs from UYI, five of which were written before Appetite was released and/or were covers.  There are a few more new covers and the three old songs they've just released in the last few years.

Obviously I've dropped most of the attention I’d given this band lately but it still sometimes gets to me, what the hell was this for?  At this point I have to wonder if it was intentional all along and if it wasn't, why would anyone pay to hear a bunch of old songs by a guy who can no longer sing and whoever his current employees happen to be?

There's something deliberate about it, a way to destroy modern music?  G'n'R was the last major rock band and were immediately deep in Hollywood.  The UYI albums came out the same time as Nirvana's Nevermind which destroyed rock'n'fuckin'roll.  Both were on Geffen Records so the company was obviously planning this.

I do think it has something to do with mindless fans although I have no clue how that works.  I don’t think that way which defeats the purpose of getting people to hand over large sums of money to listen to "Mr. Brownstone."  But there's something there…

16 May, 2022

The sun is boring, I hope it doesn't come back.

It seems the Russia/Ukraine thing is still going on, despite all our media reporting how Russia is being totally defeated every step of the way.  Our so-called Secretary of Defense even picked up the phone to talk to his Russian counterpart for the first time since mid-February and demand an immediate cease-fire.  Why would you do that when the side you're on is winning everything?  It sounds like Russia should be begging for peace, *if* what the media is telling us accurate.

The left is still eagerly promoting war with Russia but why is it so important that they ignore the 2014 invasion to see what mistakes were made then?  Is there something they might learn from and they want to avoid that or is there something other people might learn from and they *REALLY* want to avoid that?

□ [“Washington Arby’s Manager Urinated ‘At Least Twice' in Milkshake Mix for ‘Sexual Gratification’”]

They found out about this after he was arrested and charged for possession and dealing with multiple depictions of minors in sex acts.  Someone who is into sex with children also gets off by urinating on milkshakes.

How is it even possible to get to that point?  Sane people wouldn't even conceive of such a thing.  Maybe if you're a major asshole, or just really drunk, pissing in the machine might make sense, but the point would be to piss off someone that you aren’t able to piss on.  Beyond that, no clue.  And to be turned on by this?

□ [“Sen. Chris Van Hollen Becomes Third Prominent Democrat to Suffer a Stroke This Year"]

First time's an accident, second time is coincidence, third time is a conspiracy.

Can't these guys get vaccinated like they're supposed to?  What sort of message are they sending to all the youngsters, that they can just ignore this horrible virus that's killing everybody?  These rich old white men need to be protected!

□ [“Project Veritas: Senior Engineer Lashes Out at Elon Musk, Admits 'Twitter Does Not Believe in Free Speech, ‘We Are All Commie as F*ck’" (VIDEO)]

Ok, we need to purge these creatures from the planet.  I’d say rational people should simple break away and let these fuckers starve to death.  How do we do that is a harder question to answer.  It's quite possible – even likely – that many small groups will be breaking away anyway, but we need to do it on a bigger scale as quickly as possible.

I keep trying to work out how we would handle trade and supplies.  There's also the need for defense, given that the mobs would come after us.  Naturally I would look for military veterans to oversee things.

Gas prices keep going up, we'll need some options.  I think the electric cars will fall apart soon but I expect the enemy to have a back-up plan.  Safe to assume they won't just fall apart right away.  That would be so much more convenient for the world.

We'd need a way to make money work.  I don't see any better option than maintaining the dollar but there'd either need to be a replacement of some kind or a way to maintain the dollar itself without the nation it came from.  Fortunately trade would be useful in small amounts but we'd need actual money as soon as possible.

Food, supplies, fuel, medicine, a way to finance it, communications with other units.  These need to be worked out as soon as possible.

Also 16 May, 2022

Look out!  Here comes the Spider-Man!  All over your face!

I had a thought about the movies' recent attempt to establish a 'multi-verse,' is it based on thinking people will self-identify as a given superhero played by a specific actor?  Because that's not going to work.

One thing that comics had going for them (or against them, depending on how you look at it) is that the characters and the story were the main point, especially with corporate-owned superheroes.  There's preferring Spider-Man done by Steve Ditko over John Romita or Todd McFarlane or whoever, then there's self-identifying as Spider-Man which is not a good idea by any stretch of the imagination but it happens.

But are you now supposed to self-identify with the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man, as opposed to the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man or Tom Holland Spider-Man?  Or even relating to one version of this movie character as opposed to the other versions?

I don't know if that's exactly what Marvel leftists are trying to do but it seems mostly-accurate, and makes about as much sense as actually becoming Spider-Man.  That's just too mind-bogglingly far away from reality to even contemplate.

I quite enjoyed the Maguire movies.  Haven't seen them in ages but I'd have no objection to seeing them again, even the third one.  Have no interest in seeing the others.  The only reason I know anything about the Holland run is because he appeared in Captain America 3 and Avengers 3 and 4 as Tony Stark's boytoy with a stupid costume.

The recent Spider-Man movie brought all three of these actors together, obviously implementing the 'multi-verse' viewpoint.  I was tempted to see it just for the novelty but never got around to it.  Anyway, I really think that's what they're trying to do, impose some form of 'self-identification' and they're trying to do it through the history of fans obsessing with superheroes and bringing that over to those who obsess with movies.

The people running Hollywood (Disney) may have over-expected the number of people who actually want to deal with this stuff on a regular basis, or even occasionally.  It’s being said that none of the recent Marvel movies have been remotely successful.  They aren't bombs but they get their biggest audience the first week and that's basically it.

There's however many people are so eager to stare at a screen for hours and see people/special effects to pretend that they're getting something out of it, then there's everybody else who finds other things to do with their lives.

But they want to expand this to all the other characters and franchises?  All the other companies?  All aimed at people who define themselves by staring at a screen?

In every medium, leftism focuses on making it all about leftism, ignoring everything else.  But I do think it stands out for movies.  Reading requires effort, music isn't going to communicate anything particularly coherent, nor is drawing/painting.  Movies involve watching people do things, specifically produced with or without special effects, requiring a massive crew of people behind the scenes and dealing with a large number of very-different crafts all required to get the people onto the screen.

It's not the cause of leftism by any stretch of the imagination but it does seem to define how it works and the insane belief that it really accomplishes anything.  Leftists existed before movies did, they just didn't have as much to work with back then.

But who are these people who think that every waking moment staring at a screen is accomplishing anything?  Of course they'd claim that I'm doing the exact same thing here but writing and reading are actual skills that take energy to accomplish.  They simply don't recognize that fact.

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