Saturday, June 18, 2022

202206 Shaming of the True - 20220512

07 May, 2022

Every rose has its thorn but not every thorn has a rose. How racist!

□ [“Experts:  Even a 'Small' Nuclear War Between US-Russia Will Likely Cause Billions of Deaths"]

This is just hype.  I think it’s most likely that someone will carry a nuke in a suitcase which would do damage but not kill billions of people.  Unless our rulers really want a nuclear war – which is possible – there's no chance of it happening.

□ [“Taliban Orders Adult Afghan Women to Wear Head-to-Toe Burka in Public"]

They’re protecting their citizens from an evil virus.  It's about protecting women.  Joe Biden wouldn't know anything about that.

It's a valid question if Biden's masters actually side with the Taliban or if they're just actively proving the Taliban has always been right.  The closer one is to God's will, the better off.  Muslims know that, the infidel doesn’t.

□ [“Biden Regime Warns Covid Could Infect 100 Million This Fall, Just in Time For Midterm Elections"]

□ [“The FDA Finally Admits that COVID-19 Should Be Treated Like the Flu"]

One of these things is not like the other.  The FDA will cave in though, they’ll promise another winter of death.

The failure of the “vaccine” is slowly coming out.  Johnson and Johnson just had to stop their release, it caused blood clots.  It could have been tested earlier but that’d make it difficult to force people to take it if they want to keep their jobs.  And these blood clots were just a conspiracy theory a month ago, the government didn't permit people to mention them.  That's why they’re starting a "ministry of truth."

□ [“Pro-Abortion Protesters March on Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh and Justice Roberts’s Homes”]

"Roe v. Wade" was passed by all-men.  But now we're told men don't get a say in the matter.  Can't have it both ways.

It's flat-out illegal to go after people at home but laws don't apply to them.  This is an attack, the people doing this should be treated as military.  And our installed rulers don’t condemn it.  They totally support this and would like to do this to the rest of us.

Is this related to something coming up?  One of the c*nts in charge said "We’re about to get doomsday, so I’m not going to be civil to that man at all.”  “Doomsday”?

My guess is the rulers are trying to start some sort of ‘Day Zero.’  Whatever's established by then is all that will be permitted to continue, naturally they want it to be their stuff.  No idea how this would work but that's the only theory I have at the moment.

08 May, 2022

Nobody's come up with any jokes I can steal for this headline! That's so oppressive!

□ [“Biden Institutes Rules Forbidding US Soldiers from Non-Official Travel to Israel"]

Surprised it took them this long, they've been at war with Israel many years.  I cite 9/11 as the turning point but clearly they were on the Muslim side, particularly those who abuse women, illegalize abortion and execute homosexuals.  The Palestinians vote for that every time they're permitted to vote.  No wonder liberals support them.

They always vote for Hamas who are quite upfront about every Jew on the planet being easier to kill if they all come to Israel.  So many Jews support them, or at least support leftists who support them, an example of leftist's desire for destruction, how easy they are to manipulate and the prime example of the Jews as God's Chosen People.

Israel is their home nation and God has clearly intended it to define a people and a nation.  Obviously God could have picked anyone for a lesson to His adversary but He picked the Jews, so just go with it.  Unless you're God which I doubt you are.

By now all of the enemy seems to be lined up on one side and are very blatant about it.  It's showing God's lesson to the world, gotta give them credit for that.

□ [“Fake News CNN Warns the Far Right Is Calling for Violence After Leaked Roe v. Wade Decision"]

Another credit to give them is that they always project onto others what they want to do *to* others.  They’re openly at war with civilization and one main objective is to prevent reproduction.  By this point it's very clear that the 'leak' was entirely deliberate to push their minions into attacking anyone who disagreed.

Since they don't listen to anybody but themselves, there's never any question about what they're saying, much less that anything they do could be wrong.  That would require too much thought and they'll make thinking illegal if they can.

□ [“Disinformation Czarina Nina Jankowicz Calls Parents Concerned About CRT 'Disinformers'"]

They don't even check to see if any tyrants have done what they’re doing now.  They pretend to oppose tyranny but never even think of this as a possibility.  They're flat-out lying about those they accuse of lying and hope to punish for telling lies.

□ [“Jill Biden, Justin Trudeau, U2’s Bono and The Edge Visit Ukraine Today"]

No idea what the point was but they're all obviously safe.  We're told Russia is destroying everything but they must have a 'famous people' radar to know what not to hit.

Which lines up with all the recent news stories about how the US is providing Ukraine with weapons and training and all sorts of things.  Obviously Ukraine is not competent of fighting a war without us and we don’t want to this secret.  The Russians would know what we're doing because they're on the ground right there but nobody else needs to know.  At least not if we're taking this seriously.

□ [“Quebec sniper ‘disappointed’ with reality in Ukraine"]

Meanwhile the Ukrainian mafia gets the first pick of everything coming in.  The rest of the government seems to be incompetent so everyone else is screwed, but the people who deal with rich and famous people across the world get what they want.

There's no organization or logistics and people coming in from around the world to fight are effectively mercenaries, they’ll get no protection if anything goes wrong.

I'm still trying to figure out why the hell anyone would do this specifically for Ukraine but nobody else.  Why not go to China and fight for the Muslims?  Or use their military skills on whatever the US is doing in Syria and Somalia?  How about Yemen?

But those aren't options.?  The media doesn't even cover this stuff, it's all Ukraine all the time.  They know best and anybody who disagrees with them is evil, they can't conceive of any alternative, the "closed mind" they accuse others of having.

As always, I assume we're on the edge of disaster and our leftist masters intend to push us over.  Collectivists want to destroy every aspect of individuality and never see how this can hurt themselves.  They can’t "self-identify" as not being individuals, reality doesn't obey them, all they can do is impose their will on everyone else.

I think this is where human misery generally comes from, collectivists trying to command us all.  Those who accept their individuality find it easier to get along with others, trading abilities and production.  These creatures never want to be part of that.

09 May, 2022

They took the good and added the bad.  That's a fact of life.

□ [“Once the Freest Economy in the World, Hong Kong Is Now Completely Taken Over by China"]

I don't think it's official but a Chinese servant is now in charge and the only one who ran in the recent election.  Naturally they're shutting down anyone who disagrees.  I assume Taiwan will be next, then there's the issue of Japan and Korea.

□ [“World’s First Outer Space Hotel Scheduled to Open in 2025"]

This is either a great idea or the worst idea ever, maybe both.  If the world were normal, I would be totally thrilled.  It'll start expensive, sure, but the price will start going down as more and more investors would get involved.  That would be awesome.

But our tyrant elite could use it for anything.  Definitely a military, possibly supplies, removing anything valuable from the planet.  They’ll enjoy themselves there.  After all, there's a chance their mansions on Earth might get spied on or invaded.

□ [“Netizens Slam Justin Trudeau Not Wearing Mask in 35% Vaccinated Ukraine, Wears Mask in 90% Vaccinated Canada Because SCIENCE"]

They’re just putting on a show for the peons whom they forbid to leave their homes and force to pretend cloth will stop a virus.  They don't have to follow their own rules even when they go to a nation that's not vaccinated.  That's how dangerous it is.

It’s not like when Trudeau sealed himself away so he didn’t have to deal with the Canadian Freedom Convoy.  They were vaccinated.

□ [“Jen Psaki Now Says Leftists Shouldn’t Harass SCOTUS Justices at Home with Their Families"]

First of all, leftists just want puppets they can ignore but it's the third branch of government for a reason.  Second of all, what changed?  Just a few days ago, she said:

“Look, I think the President’s view is that there is a lot of passion, a lot of fear… about what they saw in that leaked document.  I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest."

She could have said it was her personal opinion and how horrible it is to harass government workers at their homes and they should never ever do such a thing.  But no, it's all about "passion" and it sucks to be the people you attack for your "passion."

Third of all, she could specify what the law actually says.  Is it ok to harass people at home or not?  Instead she doesn't bother with that, so now it's suddenly “POTUS strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism. Judges perform an incredibly important function in our society, and they must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.”

It's a pose.  They totally support the protests and don't care who gets late-term aborted, but they need to pretend they're an actual government of all the people.  Even for those they’re trying to destroy.

□ [“Baby Formula Shortage Is Real, Media Realizes Late"]

The shortages get worse.  Baby food is one of those things that you really can't do without.  Well, unless you consider starvation a 'late term abortion' anyway.

Breast-feeding isn't always an option but they want to stab our kids with poison vaccines and deny them food.  That's just what they want for the rest of us.

□ [“Biden Now Says His Top Priority is Fighting Inflation"]

Another pose, this is exactly what he was ordered to do.  It's not like he has to pay for anything, it’s just an excuse to raise taxes whether or not he has legal authority.  His masters can help themself to the money, what’s a crisis good for if they don't profit?

But at the pseudo-POTUS' level, this might not be just projecting their intentions onto other people to blame them.  It's a blatant lie, sure, but he'd have to say this even if he hadn’t caused it.  An alternative would be an executive order to drop everything the government does that increases the price of anything but that's not going to happen.

□ [“The Biden Administration’s ‘Disinformation’ Board Is A Tool Straight From Soviet Russia’s KGB"]

I haven't gotten to the article yet but it points out that the word "disinformation" is from Russian dictators (Stalin in this case) to silence dissent.  No wonder the left loves it, even as they ban Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" for being Russian and the New York Times is finally considering giving up its Pulitzer for fake-reporting on Stalin's famine.

10 May, 2022

Why don't they just make heresy illegal?  Oh wait, that's what they're doing now.

□ [“Psaki: 'I Don’t Think Anyone Could’ve Predicted a Year Ago' Inflation Would Soar to Record Highs"]

Yes.  We.  Did.

I made sure to fill up my gas tank on January 19, 2021.  I knew prices would go up immediately and that's exactly what happened.  They haven't stopped ever since.

When you make gasoline more expensive, it costs farmers more money to run tractors.  It costs more money to move crops to factories for processing.  It costs more money to bring food to the grocery store.  This adds to the cost of getting food to eat.  You don't have to be very intelligent to realize that and they obviously don't realize that.

Then there's everything else that gets to production.  Everything you use to construct a building.  Every part to every machine.  They all require fuel to get from point A to point B and those costs are added to the sales price.

We could see all this coming sixteen months ago but clearly the left can't even see it happening right now.  They told us it was "transitory inflation."  Now it's "Russia's fault."  They have no clue how things work but always claim they’ll fix everything.

□ [“Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Issues 'Call to Arms' for Supreme Court Reaction”]

Because Chicago doesn't have enough people shot, she's just orders her soldiers to shoot more, all for of a Supreme Court decision that hasn't even been released yet.

Whoever she's sending this message to has to be very stupid to believe her.  They also obviously don't have any other problems in their lives.  They're not worried about the price of food or finding a place to live, they don't have a problem with the economy and aren't busy helping anybody who does.  That's her target audience.

We need to work out a convenient term for them, what they are and what they're doing.  Tyrants, insurrectionists, fascists, whatever, they're enemy soldiers and they must be taken out.  I realize knowing we’re at war is currently a minority but most of *them* know it and they’re the minority, I'm just an exception.  We're going to get to where everyone else sees this too and it’d be better to see this happening now.

□ [“Concerning Videos, Images and Words from the Ukrainian Front"]

This is just propaganda and there's no clue which side the propaganda came from, but it does give the impression that the war is over.  Ukraine lost but hasn’t admitted it yet.  They're surrounded, out of food or medical care.  If the soldiers themselves aren't abandoning the front, their leaders already have.

Ukraine may still have cities but it’s lost its oil fields, coal mines, nuclear plants, farmland and seaports.  Only western media still says Russia has following some timeline which they're far behind on.  In reality it looks like Russia got whatever the hell it was after and just needs to hold out, which it has no problems doing.

□ [“Biden Asked If He Will Resign Over Record Inflation Rate:  'Resign. That’s a Good Idea'"]

I assume he misunderstood the question and refers to someone else who should resign.  Probably Republicans but who knows, he won’t quit.  What would he do with his life if he couldn't pretend to be in charge?  Might as well tell Steny Hoyer, Maxine Waters, Bill Pascrell, Grace Napolitano, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Dianne Feinstein or Nancy Pelosi to resign.  You'll only get those seats from their cold dead hands.

Also 10 May, 2022

They don’t stay the hottest chick on the planet for very long.

□ [“Britney Spears Melts Down – Shares Naked Pictures of Herself on Social Media"]

Britney's a little bit past my era, but I will admit to a slight interest in her insanity.  She came from Disney along with several other teenage stars of her time and I assume it was a very intentional model for the next generation of teen girls.  They probably did something with boys too but teen boys will do anything for pussy, no matter how stupid.

This may be why they now self-identify as female, but I digress...

Why did she wait until now to do this?  Why not do it twenty years ago?  Or just hold onto the pictures until now?  I'm surprised more famous sex symbols don't do this.

I'm thinking of Kelly Bundy.  Not Christina Applegate when she was one of the hottest babes on the planet, I mean “Kelly Bundy”!  If she released sex photos or videos of that era today, she'd immediately be the richest person in history.

You'd think Hollywood would do this.  Maybe they are, they just don't share. ☹

11 May, 2022

I'm going to self-identify as a Decepticon, they have all the good memes.

Some people give blatant clues about which side they’re on.  Look at those who automatically repeat the media spin on the Virus, then Ukraine and now abortion while completely dismissing any problems actual people are having in their day-to-day lives.

If you don't have problems with how expensive the grocery store is now then either (a) you make so much money that you’ve never noticed it for the last year and a half or (b) you don't even buy food, you have servants to do that and they probably don't need to tell you how much it cost.  It's not like you'd notice.

And their response is that they aren't really rich because some people are richer than them.  That’s where their attention is directed, not the people who are *poorer* than they are, even though they claim to care about the poor so much.  Yet they haven’t even noticed this basic problem that food is getting rarer and more expensive.

If they did notice this – and if they genuinely cared – they'd be demanding that Biden immediately stop whatever he’s doing to the government and go back to the way Trump did it, making food cheap and plentiful.  But they don't want that.

□ [“Millionaire Dem Katie Porter’s Inflation Sob Story as Wake Up Call, Put Back $9.99 Lb. Bacon"]

This fat woman with lots of money obviously did not put the bacon back and is probably lying to show how in-touch she is with problems the peons have lived with for over a year.  But they really are starting to see that causing mass suffering doesn't make them look good.  They’re suddenly bringing up the supply problem like a bad thing.

We know they don't mean it but they do have to at least pretend to give a damn.  Not sure why but tyrants have always had to pretend that they cared about the peasants.  They made the suffering but somehow needed to show a tear and that's it.  They'll keep the suffering going as long as possible but somehow they need to claim otherwise.

□ [“Biden Randomly Starts Screaming About Recent Food Shortages, Rips Into ‘MAGA Crowd’”]

And no one will dare to point out that it started the day he took over his stolen office.  It's kind of surprising that they let him go out in public since he keeps doing this.  Whoever's in charge must have their reasons but it's baffling.

They still pretend he got 81 million votes, more than any candidate in history.

□ [“Judge Extends Order, Prevents Biden from Rolling Back Title 42 to Open Borders to Illegal Migrants”]

Let me guess, Title 42 was to end border crossings because of the virus.  Biden insists the virus hasn't been beaten, we're headed for a second 'winter of death,' but he wants the border open anyway to anybody.  Can't have it both ways.

Well, they can and they will, they just need to ignore any rules they don't like.  But decent people wouldn't be able to have it both ways.

□ [“Comedian Andy Dick Arrested For Sexual Battery on Livestream After Molesting Male Victim"]

This guy's been molesting people for decades and always gets away with it, he's living the liberal dream.  This is definitely what they want their rich and famous people to do whenever they want to whoever they want.

There are a lot more of them who are into this.  I've been wondering if they genuinely want the world to know about it or if they prefer the elites having some secrets.

□ [“Ukraine Cuts Off Gas to Europe and the Inflation Double Whammy"]

This is an odd choice, wouldn't Ukraine want to get as much money as possible from their customers, their neighbors, members of NATO?  Instead they're going to cut down, making Europe suffer even more.  It'll increase prices and shut businesses down but Ukraine is choosing this, just like Russia chose to not send Europe fuel either.

Maybe they think it'll get NATO immediately in on the fight.  That's the only excuse I can think of.  Slightly less likely, Russia may have flat-out destroyed the fuel lines.  That's possible but I'd assume Russia wouldn't want to waste the effort of rebuilding them when they're in charge.  I dunno, I got nothing.

12 May, 2022

I'm starting and stopping with the man in the mirror.  Nothing else matters but him.

□ [“Maskless Broadway Star Yells At Audience Members For Not Wearing A Mask"]

These creatures are really showing what they are, self-absorbed dictators who don’t permit peons to act like them.  They’re always surrounded by people who agree with them.  They’ll pretend cloth does something but don't have to wear it themselves.

□ [“Pope Francis Silent About CCP Puppet in Hong Kong’s First Act In Office, Arrest of Cardinal Zen”]

Like other puppet-leaders, he knows who he's working for and it ain’t us.  They always prefer an atheist communist dictatorship so they can jail whoever they want and nobody will stop them.  This pope probably was glad the guy got imprisoned anyway.

□ [“Canada Will Pay to Euthanize Those Who Are 'Too Poor to Continue Living With Dignity'"]

And they’re really into mass-death.  They always have been but now they're not even pretending otherwise.  It’s always the poor they want to die first, exactly what they’ve always falsely accused capitalists of wanting.

They don’t define “living with dignity” so who do you think will decide that?  They're already showing eagerness to kill kids and are still trying to force everyone to get a deadly chemical that's supposed to stop some virus that isn't remotely a big deal.

This is where one really does have to start believing that there's some sort of 'satanism,' why else would they uniformly run in the same direction?  Maybe they don't believe in a devil, they’re only pawns for the real one.  There are no master plans, they’ll just doing what he wants.  That's as good an explanation as anything else.

□ [“Baby Formula Pallets Shipping to Border Illegal Alien Facilities so American Babies Go Hungry"]

They support American starvation but not for invaders.  They’ve decided Americans are inferior people and the rest of the world can do whatever it wants to us.  Biden's people are trying to do whatever they can for Ukraine, screw the US.

□ [“Biden Proposing WHO Amendments to Cede US Sovereignty on National Healthcare Issues”]

And here we go.  Whatever their self-defined world government is, they want the US to submit entirely.  We’re their slaves.  The amendments aren’t for our Constitution, they’re for the World Health Organization.  If it was the former, there'd be a (small) chance they wouldn't pass but now they're guaranteed.

The vote is dated for May 27-28, that’s where they'll take everything.  They’ll even blame the guy who claimed on October 15, 2020 to have a plan to stop the virus but hasn't done anything.  No incentive, no interest, no ability, he's only there to hand over power to whoever our new dictators are.

So we’ve got two weeks to start a resistance.  Then it’s over.  Prove me wrong.

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