Monday, August 15, 2022


12 August, 2022

I'm the only cult member who isn’t a sexy blond nympho, that’s why I’m in charge.  You can't join us.

□ [“Denmark outlaws the COVID vaccines for children”]

Is it finally getting through how deadly the so-called vaccine is?  They’re not just stopping the mandates, they’re forbidding this poison from being pumped into children.  The first shot is banned immediately and the second shots will follow.  No, it’s not clear why they can’t just ban all the shots at once, but anyway…

Even the CDC has put out that they’re lowering the rules on this horrendous virus.  They’re not as vehement as Denmark but it’s still something.  A few months ago, only an evil anti-science bigots would suggest this but now… What’s changed?

Just think of all those people who only got the stupid shots because they were required by the government.  They might lose their jobs if they don’t.  Biden even promised a “winter of death!”  But now the same rulers just shrug and say ‘never mind’?

The vaccine was guaranteed to be entirely safe, so it should at least be left as an ‘option’ to take it.  Yet Denmark is flat-out banning children from taking it.

Obviously there’s no evidence but I really get the impression that this part wasn’t planned.  They would keep mandating the poison but now there’s too much pressure.  That said, I do think they’ve got the next step in place, whatever it turns out to be.

No matter how stupid our masters are, they can’t possibly be so simple-minded as to have reached the end of the line already.  Even if they were, they’d at least recognize their desperate need for self-defense against a furious populous.  Best way to do that would be to send in men with guns and make sure there’s no more fair elections.

There’s just no way they’d give up that easily.  They may completely change direction so now this horrible deadly virus that’ll kill us all is now no big deal, but there’s millions upon millions of people who suffered because they were forced to obey.

That’s not science, that’s a cult.

□ [“Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says COVID Shot Like iPhone, People Want New Model Each Year”]

See?  They’re going to keep going.  Even as nations start dropping the pseudo-vaccine, this rich man is still pushing it.

It’s this sort of thing that, while making the world worse, actually gives me a sense of hope.  It’s like they tear themselves apart before they can get to the rest of us.  We’re still in for great misery, no doubt about that, but there must be ever-fewer brainless copycats automatically going along with ‘it’s just like buying a new cellphone!’

□ [“IRS Annual Report Shows Training of Heavily Armed Agents Raiding Suburban Homes”]

The people in these pictures are all white.  The people who put this report together must have noticed their skin color, right?  These pictures show white people with large weapons barging into people’s houses because the leaders told them to.

I gotta admit, it’s like we’re at a point where the masters are driving themselves over the cliff.  Even hardcore leftists (who *aren’t* in charge) should be asking what the hell this is for.  White people are all evil racists, so send them in with guns???

□ [“Twitter Suppressed Hunter’s Laptop Story, Now Announces Midterms Crackdown On ‘Misleading’ Election Claims”]

But they won’t stop.  None of them even consider that this may be a bad idea or something might go wrong.  No one around them is permitted to suggest the possibility.

They don’t even have the decency to admit they’re just censoring anybody who says something they don’t like.  Leftists claim to believe that reality is whatever an individual believes in but they impose their beliefs on everyone else without even having a clue what this would do to free elections.

Ok, they have a clue.  Their goal is obviously to steal these elections even more than the last ones.  Notice Twitter didn’t censor Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton for claiming elections were stolen, not to mention a lot of other Democrats.

That’s leftism, only one way to go and they decide, no matter the cost.

□ [“Gender-neutral Joan of Arc in I, Joan at Globe Theater in London”]

Well Joan of Arc was great so she obviously wasn’t a woman.  You’d never find a woman doing the things she did.  Male chauvinism has falsely presented her as a woman for all these centuries.  Now, for the first time ever, the Globe Theater will finally present the truth to the world.  The Maid of Orleans will be shown the way she should be.

I just hope she’s not white.

Also 12 August, 2022

Show me the hot babe and I’ll commit show you show you the crime!

They’re still claiming Trump had the nuclear codes.  So they hadn’t changed them in over a year and a half?  People who use computer at work know that passwords change regularly and the more important they are, the more often they get changed.  So now the people in charge are telling us that they’re just too lazy or stupid to do that?

They’re also telling us how important nukes are, the enemy can have the codes for over a year and a half before we do anything about it.  We support transgenders and that’s what matters!  The transgenders say so!

I assume this part of the story was made up, probably by the media to support their rulers.  Most of them never have to win elections but there are a few who really think they should actually know what they’re talking about when dealing with the public.

Sure, Biden supporters will believe it without question, but they aren’t the only ones out there.  Ok, they are the only ones who matter to the Biden administration.  You never see blacks complaining about uniformed men with guns going after whoever’s been accused of something, that’s why blacks vote Democrat.

So does the White House use the same computer codes year after year no matter who’s in office?  Because if Biden ever actually used the real Oval Office, that would mean Trump had complete access to whatever Biden’s doing.

And wouldn’t the White House change computer codes and order the people they’re in charge of to do the same?  ‘We’ll change ours monthly so no enemy can get access, but yours can stay the same for years as you help us fight the enemy!”

Is it possible that every POTUS retains their access to the White House network, or at least the Oval Office?  That would explain why Biden doesn’t work there and hasn’t from the start.  Not that he’s the POTUS, but you know what I mean...

I’ve always wondered why they made such a big deal about moving him to a made-up building that looks like the Oval Office just outside of the real one.  If you’re going to go to the trouble of stealing the election, one would think you’d at least celebrate the victory by taking over the actual office, but this would definitely explain a lot.

13 August, 2022

Why is Bruce Banner's favorite song “No More Mr. Nice Guy”?

□ [“Biden Advisers Pushing Him For Early Launch Of 2024 Presidential Campaign”]

The article is about how worried Democrats are with Biden’s obvious problems affecting their election chances.  I think that’s mostly filler.  A couple years ago he said he’d be just a placeholder, his own people will hold him to that one way or another.

Biden’s only chance of walking out of the White House (or that side tent they made for him) is if he absolutely refuses to try for a second term.

□ [“Russia says Switzerland cannot represent its interests in Ukraine”]

The country that has spent the last eight centuries or so making a profit on neutrality has now picked a side and gets to learn what that means.  Back when Europe was a thing, in 1815, they even agreed that Switzerland must always be neutral.

Without that, they have chocolate and mountains, what else?  Tea?

□ [“CDC Quietly Drops Vaccine-Status Discrimination – Finally Admits Their Vaccines Do Not Prevent Anyone from Getting or Spreading the Virus”]

Still asking what’s changed all of a sudden?  I’m sure their next step all in place, but what’s up with this, suddenly admitting that the so-called vaccinated can spread the virus just as well as the rest of us.  They can even get sick from it too.

They also removed the claim that the vaccine created mRNA and spike proteins which won’t last for long, they’ll go away after a few days or weeks.  Near as I get the explanations, they’re what’s killing people.  They block the heart, which we kinda need.

I probably keep repeating this but I’d bet the vaccine’s medical problems are much higher than we’re being told.  Now the rulers have to at least claim to be doing something sensible or it’d be obvious they did this deliberately.  They have plans to prevent any peasants from revolting, but they want to delay it as long as possible.

□ [“Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Other Billionaires are Funding a Quest for Rare Minerals Buried Beneath Greenland’s Ice Capable to Build Electric Cars and Renewable Batteries”]

They’re going to spend years using diesel-powered vehicles to dig deeply into the earth in order to get the fuel sources they're already requiring people to buy because it kills the earth.  For some reason, they’ve suddenly stopped trusting Russia and China to provide all that energy and they’d never bothered to find a back-up source until now.

Well, they still haven’t.  They just claim they’ll find one.

“We are looking for a discovery that will be one of the largest, most significant nickel and cobalt deposits in the world, potentially capable of powering 100 million EVs."

They don’t say how they knew exactly where in Greenland it’s located or how they calculated the size of this massive source no one had ever discovered before, only that they already know it’s there and that’s all they need to say about that.  Digging this up from the ground is enough to let them keep using so much energy from fuel sources they want to ban for the rest of us.  Because they’re rich.

□ [“Muslim Extremist Who Stabbed Author Salman Rushdie 15 Times Pleads Not Guilty”]

I haven’t paid much attention to this, but in hindsight, we should have expected it.  The House of Islam is in full swing and needs to show what happens to those who turn against it.  The whole world knows they were after him and nobody could stop them.

The attempted assassin is reportedly a Shi'ite, so Iran was probably behind this, but it’s obviously questionable how much involvement was needed.  Some of us have learned about the Shi'ite/Sunni divide in the last twenty years but leftists will still pick a side (Iran.)  They’ll probably send him to a leftist judge who’ll find him not guilty?

It seems like we’re all in a holding pattern these days, waiting for the next disaster to show up.  I’m really not the sort who posts about what’s been going on in my life, but I will say I suspect everyone else is having similar problems, if not worse.

Fortunately I don’t know anything about abusive relationships but I do wonder if there’s a lot similarity going on here, en mass.  Sure feels that way, don’t it?

14 August, 2022

If I knew what I was writing, I’d be really scared...

□ [“Bizarre Boston Children’s Hospital Video Promotes ‘Gender Affirming’ Hysterectomies for Kids”]

HOLY FUCK!!!  They’re pushing for permanent mutilation and sterilization of children!  They see absolutely no problem with this, nothing wrong!  These creatures need to be erased from existence, there can be no living with beasts like that around.

Safe to assume many other hospitals do the same thing, just a bit less noticeable.

□ [“Man Sets Car On Fire — Drives Through Barricade — Fires On US Capitol — Kills Himself”]

So far there is no detail, motivation, skin color, anything…  Was he a long-time US citizen or someone who arrived recently?  Would there be anything the authorities will be lying about?  Well, yes, of course, but what lies will they be telling?

At least some of us are sensible enough to accept the possibility that someone on our side could have gone nuts.  But their side will never acknowledge that truth...

□ [“Investigators Hunt for Motivation and Movements of Man Accused in Salman Rushdie Attack”]

□ [“Iranian media outlets praise Salman Rushdie stabbing”]

Our masters support Iran.  They probably told investigators to look into all the white supremacists and Trump supporters, it’s gotta be one of them who did this.

□ [“Ontario Premier Doug Ford Swallows a Bee During Live Press Conference”]

Turns out to be an amusing anecdote, a bee buzzing around him that went inside for whatever reason.  He took it well, funny response, that’s fine.

But the reason I watched the clip was because of the headline, I assumed he was promoting leftism requirements to eat insects as real food.  We are at a point where we take it as a given that’s what they do.  Can’t assume it’s just a light-hearted news story.

□ [“Energy Sec. Granholm Asked How Bidenflation Bill will Help Americans:  Installing an EV Charging Station in Your Home will Get You a Tax Credit”]

If you wanted to show that you are completely out of touch with the American public, what would you do differently?  Spend money you don’t have to buy something you don’t want and not care about a tax credit?

Electric vehicle costs are going up too, what does she intend to do about that?  Or would that be too much like thinking for her to bother with?  Besides, she obviously likes seeing people suffer or that would be the first thing they try to prevent and avoid.

The network conducting the interview could at least promote it by including footage of her driving up to the studio in her electric car?  Obviously she wouldn’t pay for it out of her own purse like we would have to, but it would at least be something.

Also 14 August, 2022

The FBI’s had Hunter Biden’s laptop for quite a while.  They’ve had Ghislaine Maxwell’s black book for quite a while.  They’ve had all the files taken from Jeffrey Epstein’s island and mansions for quite a while.  They’ve even got Ashley Biden’s diary.

So why have they decided to ignore all that and go to Mar-a-Lago?

I still can’t completely ignore the possibility that this was part of a larger plan, letting the tyrants take over so they’d break themselves apart.  It’s even possible that the FBI, the military and similar organizations could be putting this on to set the rulers up for a trap.  I can’t imagine what that would entail but there’s a chance.

□ [“Mr. Liz Cheney’s Law Firm Represents Companies Linked to China’s Military Hunter Biden”]

Like this.  I’m basically at a point where as a general rule, I don’t trust anybody’s daughter, but are they trying to validate the last 20 years of criticism Dick Cheney got?  The left never accuses her of being a mole, where would she have learned that trait from?

I’d say it is clear now that, whatever role Russia and Iran play, China is definitely the main enemy in this war.  Whatever else you can say about China, they work on their own timetable, so there’s no way to know what, when or how they’ll attack next.

So they drag in the stupidest son of the stupidest man.  Just what we know he’s into is bad enough, he got to spend decades with all the rich people who hate America, also some foreigners.  Those people are all together now to make us suffer.

As I’ve been saying all this time, I expect everything to fall apart any minute.  We’ll need to be able to organize locally, for immediate longer-term survival.  I’m still trying to think of ways to organize neighbors.

Hopefully a neighborhood would have one or more people who can be in charge.  Either way, the man in charge of any large number of people will need assistants, a staff.

The first step will be to take accountability of everyone who lives there, name and address.  List any skills they have to offer along with tools and contacts, family members, who else lives with them, plus any major problems they know of that will crush down on us any minute.  How familiar are they with other people/buildings in the neighborhood?  What other issues do they have that we would need to know about immediately?

I’d suggest the staff work in pairs as much as possible.  If it’s not doable, it’s not doable, but this would help them back each other up.  One can talk to the people while the other looks at repair work.  A system of guards for the vicinity would need to be set up, as well as a need to protect for the women, children, injured and old people.

There’ll be a need for everybody can trust each other and there will also be times when nobody trusts anybody else.  Both parts will come into play.  After the collapse, we won’t know what will happen in ten minutes, much less ten hours, or ten days.  Then there’s the next ten months or ten years where many more problems will be faced.

Like the need for food, water, medical care, electricity and gasoline, weapons and other defensive tools, just to name a few.  Contacts with the neighbors will be important here, but there would also be a need for private conversation with those in charge.  Someone may have useful things to say they aren’t willing to say in front of a crowd.

Gender will definitely matter.  Women’s jobs will be to look after children and old people, men’s jobs will be to provide and protect.  Believing in other genders will be a good way to get kicked out.  Reality will be required.

I’ve probably written all this before, but it’s probably one reason I do these pamphlets, to keep putting out important facts anywhere I can.

15 August, 2022

My cult isn't returning my phone calls. I should ban them.

□ [“Latest FBI Bullsh*t:  Trump Supporters Are Threatening to Set Off a Dirty Bomb Over Mar-a-Lago Raid"]

So this is what they're doing next?  They'll probably need FBI agents to help get the parts and put them together but I'm sure they'll be along soon, if they're not already there.

Today is the first anniversary of the Taliban restoring their control over Afghanistan, is anybody checking their searches for "dirty bombs"?  Well, I guess the FBI and the administration wouldn't object to that.

The administration isn't doing anything about their agents failing against any of the viruses they claim are so dangerous, they aren't doing anything about their agents attempting to help the economy, they aren't doing anything about their agents failing in Afghanistan.  Their priorities are to fly around the world and promote made-up genders and sex with children.

Maybe his reelection motto will be "Make the Taliban Great Again!"  That's what he's doing, might as well make it public.

□ [“ABC’s Jon Karl Confronts Karine Jean-Pierre on Bidenflation Scam Bill: 'Isn’t It Almost Orwellian? How Can You Call it the Inflation Reduction Act…?'"]

They can because they want to and no one can stop them.  Anything else would be oppression.  Are you supporting oppression?  Hunh???

They don't use the correct definition of "recession," they'll do the same to "inflation," and they oppose all working economics anyway in their mansions.  They're actively ignoring reality, even as they impose their will on it.

□ [“Even The Left Is Now Furious With Biden’s Most Inept Cabinet Member”]

They may be looking for a scapegoat, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra.  He's got no experience in medicine or executive experience, they needed a leftist Mexican in the Cabinet and picked him.  Competence was irrelevant.

Obviously he won't be fired, that's not how leftists work, but there will be increasing pressure, publicly from the media and privately from Democrats, all of whom voted to give him the job last year.  There's also the monkeypox which most Americans can ignore entirely but a very prominent Democrat constituency finds very important.  They're not gonna make *that* public.

He'll undoubtedly try to put someone else to blame.  Who knows if that'll happen, we won't get to see most of that.

□ [“Quadruple Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Catches Covid One Year After Claiming His Vaccine Was 100% Effective in Preventing Covid”]

Did he take a competitor's vaccine?  Is that why he suddenly got the virus?  Was he lying in the first place and if so, why was he lying?  Because the government told him to and gave him tons of money to make a fake vaccine?  Because he doesn't have a clue what he's selling?  Because he naturally lies about everything?  Because he's somehow genetically different from everyone else and he's the first person to be infected by a virus that the vaccine would prevent?  Is his vaccine just garbage?

The people need to be told!  Albert Bourla also calls people "criminals" if they spread "misinformation" so *this time* he'll tell the truth.

The CDC's reversals are coming out now.  After two and a half years, they're dropping the mandates.  Only people who are genuinely sick from the virus need to worry about it now, and like almost every other virus, it only goes after old, fat, unhealthy people.  If you're not actually sick of from the virus, you don't need to get tested constantly.

Our rulers have said for the last year+ that the unvaccinated will all die, but now they can just go on like normal with everybody else.  Our masters' sycophants who were saying we need to go home and die, ignore them until the next time they give us orders.

But universities, the media and other liberal institutions still have mandates for separate treatment of the unvaccinated.  Does this include the 40% of blacks who aren't vaccinated?  Because Democrats need to know if *those people* should be treated like equals.

This won't effect immigrants, they never needed to be vaccinated.

And that's just the unvaccinated.  What about all those told to avoid them?  The people who are still wearing cloth on their face in the hot sun - I just saw one a little while ago, alone, walking down the street with no shade, but he's still acting like the cloth does anything - are they going to suddenly be treated the same as the unvaccinated which they all opposed?

Remember, all government employees who weren't vaccinated when 2022 began were fired.  There are military members kicked out for that.

Also 15 August, 2022

What pronouns do I need to use to ask if she's hot?

□ [“UK university investigating after PhD student published paper about his own masturbation habits over images of young boys in Japanese comic books"]

That's what he gets taxpayer money for, why waste it?

Karl Andersson is his name and naturally he was defended by his college chums.  He has been promoting his sexual interest in boys for a long time.  From 2006-2010, he published Destroyer Magazine which was about pictures of naked boys and in 2012, he did an interview at about his desire for children.

□ [“I Publish a Magazine Full of Half-Naked Little Boys”]

So he's been doing this for a while, but now he gets taxpayer money to do it.  That's how the masters want it.  How many others are out there doing just that, maybe with less publicity?

It's always boys they go for.  Are girls just not remotely attractive or worth anything?  Ok, they only become attractive when they blossom in puberty, but if you want to fuck children anyway, what does that matter?  Yet these beasts only seem to prefer boys.

□ [“‘LGB drop the T’ keeps trending on Twitter as gay activists turn on transgender activists”]

Well it's taken long enough, but there are finally gays who are willing to stand up and point out what horrors their allies are imposing on the world.

I think this is basically why homosexuality has always been kept in the shadows.  If it's what you do at home and it's nobody else's business, it's your problem.  If everybody else has to pretend to agree with you, that's something else and the only way you're going to get that is by imposing tyranny.

Who do you think is going to go along with you on that?  You don't need consent and you really like taking children, where will you find your allies?

I think this is fundamentally why homosexuality has always been considered immoral and illegal.  It's not that it's wrong for individuals to have sex with their own gender - or it's not just that, it probably is wrong but if you do that anyway, it's your problem - it's that collectively, the child rapists always side with gays.

Pretending there's no such thing as gender helps them get away with it and liberals want those votes.  Gays want the support so within a few decades, this is where we end up.

I assume lesbians were the first ones to see the problem.  They did not want a woman with a beard waggling her dick around but that's what the people she voted for demand, telling those sissy girls with vaginas to just shut up and take it.  Then there's all the publicity those big, strong women-with-penises get for constantly setting new records in sports.

At some point they do have to realize that their own arguments are being used against them and their own gender is the first to be erased with as a result.  That and the gender they're actually attracted to, since they're ignoring biology.  "You don't want sex with a man?  Marry one, problem solved."

I don't have a clue how gay men are responding, as individuals or as a group.  But I do know men are different from women, so I assume their fundamental response to this is not the same either.  Different in a good way, bad way, alternate way?  Don't know, don't care.  This is what they did all that work for, now enjoy it.

As I said, I think it's why homosexuality is and should be considered a sin.  As individuals, gays have their own problems like everybody else.  As a group, this is what they do and most of them don't have the slightest clue about it.

I think this is the same reason marijuana has been illegal for so long.  It's not that I'm against smoking pot (to put it mildly) it's that there is a valid point that *THIS* is what it leads to.  Heavier drugs here, mutilating children there.  It's going to continue regardless, the point is to minimize it publicly as much as possible.

Doing so would also protect gays from the demon-worshipping totalitarian groomers going after children.  Unless that's what they're into, and that's totally wrong.

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