Sunday, August 28, 2022


Also 24 August, 2022

Only wimps declare a date has changed after midnight.  Are you a wimp?

□ [“Dennis Rodman Not Going to Russia, State Dept Urged Him Not to Interfere in Brittney Griner Case”]

He’s obeying the government?  He’s not standing up for his skin color and fellow American and whatever other excuses he had?  That’s not the Dennis Rodman I know!

Apparently the government told him that if he went, he wouldn’t be under their protection.  That is the government we know, they’ll cut you loose for any reason that pops into their tiny little heads.  If you suffer and die, they don’t mind.

Even worse, Rodman might succeed in getting her free, the Biden administration has completely failed in on that, assuming it ever tried.  Our master would look bad if someone else did something he wasn’t capable of.  The America we know would protect its citizens even in foreign nations.  That’s what leftists want to destroy.

□ [“Far-Left and Mainstream Media Blame Trump for Vaccine as Vax Dangers Come to Light”]

They’re the ones who wanted it, they kept saying we’d die if we didn’t get it, now the ones that got it are dying.  That’s not Trump’s fault.

I am quite ambivalent on what the hell Trump was doing in the first place, but then, I thought the pseudo-vaccine was a horrible idea to begin with.  The best I can say is that Trump never mandated it.  Leftists did and still do.

Most viruses are completely ignorable, including Anthrax, West Nile Virus, SARS, Bird Flu, E coli, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika Virus.  Some of them were “national emergencies” and did any of our lives change in the slightest because of them?  No.

But this one is magically different.  Cloth stops it from entering your body.  Or it’s not stopped by cloth but everybody must wear cloth anyway.  Or get a shot.  Two shots.  Three shots.  And still get the virus.

Notice we never hear Biden crediting Trump for the vaccine.  No, Biden insists that he did everything.  Are you calling Joe Biden a liar?  A complete idiot who has no clue what he’s doing?  You’re the one who wanted him and you wanted the vaccine.

This really is coming off as proof that the elections are stolen.  Democrats have no worry whatsoever about angering voters in future elections.

So the big news is that everybody who was competent enough to pay off student loans or who never had student loans now get to pay for those who don’t fall into those categories.  First of all, colleges now have incentive to keep rates skyrocketing.  Second of all, nobody will be stupid enough to ever again pay student loans.

Third of all, there’s no law giving the POTUS the authority to do this.  Nancy Pelosi said exactly that in April 2021, so of course today she said how glad she was that Biden did this.  That’s how tyranny works.  She can’t speak out for Congress.

Biden’s excuse is citing a post-9/11 law that allows for debt cancelation “in connection with a war or other military operation or national emergency.”  This national emergency is the virus, it somehow classifies as a war-like environment.  But wait, Biden said the crisis was over as the excuse for ending the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy.

So which is it?  Obviously the answer is that it’s whatever the tyrants want, even if it contradicts the previous thing they wanted.

Biden even spoke to the press (briefly) to say this wouldn’t affect inflation.  That’s strange, he’s said we don’t have inflation, just like he said he had a plan to stop the virus and Russia wouldn’t invade Ukraine.  That’s all the proof needed that college prices are going to rise even more than they already have.

This seems like some sort of bribery.  It can only help the people who are lazy and stupid enough to get worthless degrees that there are no real jobs for while making everybody else suffer.  Also leftists who get highly-paid for meaningless work, although I don’t know how much more government support they could possibly get.

This just comes off as another utterly bonkers leftist scheme, an excuse to help themselves to other people’s money and bribe their supporters.

□ []

In a twist I didn't expect this early, the US military is starting to withdraw equipment in active service to send to Ukraine.

This poster cites messages from people who are clearly Special Forces.  Our rulers are disarming our most important units and not just them but the Marines and probably others as well, to send equipment to where Russia can pick it up, just as the Taliban got its hands on a bunch of other US weapons.  WTF????

25 August, 2022

And this is what’s wrong with the world today.  See you tomorrow.

□ [“Flashback:  Watch Nancy Pelosi Say President Doesn’t Have The Power To Do Debt Forgiveness”]

So was she blatantly lying or did she just not have a clue how Congress works after being there for over thirty years?  Maybe she’s just totally drunk.  What else has she said that she was 100% wrong about?  The people need to be told!

This would cause problems for them if this was a rational society.  Biden claims to have this authority because the virus is some sort of national emergency so he has the power to do something that has nothing to do with the virus, but he’s also arguing in court that the emergency is over so they can get rid of a rule created for the emergency.

A sensible judge would immediately throw these arguments out.  We can assume that won’t happen anymore.  Their job is to keep the master happy at our expense.

□ [“Biden Says ‘Blacks and Hispanics Don’t Own Homes’ in Student Loan Forgiveness Speech”]

“The burden is especially heavy on black and Hispanic borrowers who on average have less family wealth to pay for it.  They don’t own their homes to borrow against it to be able to pay for college.”

Well you’ve gotta seize power because blacks don’t own their own homes.  As of last February, Biden even said they didn’t know how to use the internet.  Anyway, according to Biden supporters, nobody should own anything.

He should have just said “If you own a home, you ain’t black.”

□ [“DC Mayor Bowser Bans Unvaccinated Students From Education – No Option For Virtual Learning”]

They’re going to keep pushing this.  40% of blacks aren’t vaccinated and they’re not permitted to learn if she has anything to say about it, which she does.  That’ll probably help the school system to have fewer blacks allowed entry but still...

There’ll be more crime in black neighborhoods since they aren’t allowed to waste time in schools.  They’ll form or join gangs to fight each other as well as any passers-by.

The federal government will have to step in.  They’ve passed laws requiring kids to go to school every day and this bitch just up and decides to forbid that because she says so.  I'm guessing she’s not worried about any future elections.

Parts of the federal government are also saying that the vaccine does nothing so she’s also contradicting them in front of everybody.  They really need to clarify their policies so we know who has to obey and who can ignore them.

□ [“CNN Medical Analyst Who Wanted The Unvaccinated Banned From Society And Children Forced To Mask Now Reveals How Masking Has Severely Harmed Her Son”]

The goal was to abuse her kids and she helped every step of the way.  She wanted everyone else’s kids get abused too.  I can easily see an argument that these people need to be banned from society forever, exactly what they demanded for everyone else.

I’ll go even further, their kids should be locked away with them as well.  It’s cruel but you insisted on ruining them, you’re stuck with them.  Your kids missed years of their lives, they can be strapped to you for the rest of their short worthless lives.

It would be nice to think they’ve actually learned something from this but they haven’t.  They’re finally getting around to admitting they didn’t know what they were talking about, probably for an election year, but keep them in charge and things will be perfect from now on forever.  Right, they’ll do it again as soon as they get the chance.

I still think something big will hit us by September 11.  The media just gets less and less serious and rarely covers anything that’s important.  The rulers seem like they’re just grabbing everything they can, like they know about something ready to happen.

Even Russia/Ukraine is getting weirder.  All US personnel have been told to get out immediately Ukraine the way they did last year with Afghanistan but why?  Is there some attack or not?  Is this warning a way to prevent an attack?

There’s also the fact that we’re in a recession but nobody’s permitted to say that.  The rulers are pushing more economic disaster.

26 August, 2022

I had a thought once, but don't worry, I got the vaccine for it.

□ [“Los Angeles Residents Will Vote on Whether Homeless Can be Housed in Vacant Hotel Rooms”]

First of all, they’ll just steal the election.  Second of all, how will they decide which of the 60,000 homeless will get access to these 20,000 rooms and which ones don’t?  Third of all, what incentive is there to keep hotels open if the rulers can just take the rooms and give them to whoever they want?

Even leftists point out problems with banning gas vehicles.  California keeps shutting electricity down, which doesn’t power the vehicles they want you to buy.  If the neighborhood’s on fire, you need to run but you can’t if your vehicle isn’t charged.

Besides the power grid problems, there’s also the expense.  You’re punishing poor people for not spending money they don’t have on what you tell them to buy.  The public transportation system is already broken and they’ve taken a lot longer to do anything about it than a competent administration would need.

They’ll obviously support the rulers but a few of them can get close to the truth.  Haven’t seen actual evidence yet but I’ve heard the DC mayor realized how horrible she looked for banning kids from school right away so she’s giving them until January 2023.

□ [“Moderna Sues Pfizer and BioNTech for Patent Infringement in Relation to mRNA COVID-19 Jab”]

That’s how noble and caring the pretend-vaccine makers are, they’ll keep it for themselves and no leftist will claim it belongs to everybody.  They’ll completely ignore this while demanding everyone get the vaccine but also say property is totally bad.

□ [“Who’s in Charge? – ‘I Took Control.  I Shouldn’t Do That.  I’m Not Allowed to Do That.' – Biden Before Handlers Kick Out Press”]

I’m surprised he was allowed to make a brief appearance before going back on vacation.  Can’t do much, he might say what’s on his mind and show that he has none.

It’s becoming more obvious that he’s not running the country, he may not even be needed to sign documents.  He just vies the media something to briefly take pictures of.

Since the recession started and was officially denied, it really seems like the rulers have doubled down on whatever they say is true no matter what.  My guess is those on the highest level know how little time is left and are grabbing everything they can get now because it might not be there tomorrow or whenever the collapse finally happens.

□ [“Fed Chairman Jerome Powell Sinks Markets, Promises Pain Ahead for Households and Businesses”]

Such as this.  He’s probably just copying what France said a day ago but the point is to tell people that we’re in for long term misery with them in charge and they’ll stay in charge.  We saw that in 1984.  So the stock market went down a lot and, assuming it can’t be rigged, we can expect it to keep going down.

They’ve just demonstrated that they’ll support people who do nothing no matter how much it costs people who can actually do something.  But they still claim to be for the “working man,” showing that they’re blatantly lying.

Making as many people as possible suffer is best for us.  Our masters say so.

Also 26 August, 2022

I’d get rid of all the money if you pay me enough.

Still trying to figure out what the sane people can do to organize a resistance.  One thing I’m definitely not sure about is how to handle money.  For the time being, we might be able to continue using the US dollar but that would need to stop at some point unless our rulers crumble, which probably won’t happen.

Barter and trade would be useful but only for low-level/immediate tasks.  How do you barter with someone to install plumbing in your home?  Or for heart surgery or even food production for any more than a handful of people?

Gold and silver would be an obvious choice.  The problem is that most of us don’t have any or live any place we could dig some up so there’s still the same problems.

I don't pretend to know anything about money – give me some and maybe I can learn 😉 – but I think it’s quite possible, even likely, that localities would start printing their own forms of money.  Ok, that’s believable, maybe even sensible, but how do they work out differences for any trade?  At some point the regions may get into an agreement and share a common currency but I doubt that would happen right away.

Then there’s our tyrants but I do think they’re largely ignorable at this level.  They’re trying to put all money on the internet which they use to invent every other falsehood so that’s just going to shut itself off, especially once the electricity goes out.  As the saying goes, knowledge will be the real wealth.

But that still leaves the majority of people with the problems of physical trade.  I try to think how it might work but there will obviously be problems no matter what.

And I’ll add this here just because, I’m assuming people with military experience will wind up in charge of most locals.  They could sew together their respective souvenir t-shirts/posters to treat as a flag or guide-on.  This would help when other regions pay a visit, showing they’re at a place that recognizes the proper policies and traditions.

People probably won’t run into and recognize their old buddies, but they’d know they’re dealing with others who came from the same background.  I don’t know if police or other organizations could also do this, but it’s certainly possible.  Just a thought.

27 August, 2022

When are we going to get debt forgiveness for the bookies and liquor stores?  They're getting mad!

Judges have been turning down Biden’s “laws.”  I assume it’s just to give leftists an excuse to get rid of the courts.  They don’t like the Supreme Court or anything else that doesn’t tell them what they want to hear.  That’s already how they handle Congress.

□ [“Liberals Threaten Manchin’s ‘Side Deal’ Promised By Biden, Schumer And Pelosi”]

He trusted them?  How stupid do you have to be to think they’re actually telling the truth this time and will stand by whatever promise they gave you?  Have you ever met these people before?  All they want is your vote, then they’re done with you until the next time they want your vote.  They owe you nothing and you deserve nothing.

So what was the promise for?  Concessions to the fuel industry.  You’re too stupid to be anywhere except Congress, as long as your constituents are even stupider.

Your leaders know how to sucker people, maybe someday you’ll be able to tell those obvious lies.  This just gives the impression that this was the whole plan, he’d pretend to dissent from his leaders until it was time to blatantly go along with them.  If that really was the plan, what would they have done differently?

I get the impression that the left has crossed some sort of line amongst themselves about pretending that whatever they believe at the moment is absolute reality.  They’ve always done this but something about it seems more intense these days.

□ [“Axios:  Biden and team stunningly unprepared for their trillion-dollar Academia bailout”]

Well that’s believable.  They’ve been talking for years about how they’d ignore debt but apparently never made any actual plans or preparation for it.  They haven’t worked out who’s actually qualified for this removal of debt – so fraud is coming – or have any clue how many people there are so they don’t know how much it’ll cost.

No one can apply for this debt-removal because they haven’t even set up a website yet.  A trillion dollars and they hadn’t even gotten around to working out how it’s done yet despite talking about this for a year and a half.  Even the estimate of a trillion dollars is just an estimate since they haven’t looked at the actual data.

It’s like they’re trying to demonstrate the idiotic nature of tyranny and that it’s fundamentally leftist.   People are far too complicated to simply define yet they’re willfully ignoring that to pursue whatever nonsense they’re going after at the moment.

What other possibility is there, it’s just hype to help them in the midterms?  How delusional to think everyone will ignore the torment inflicted on us all this time just for some perks to those who can’t be bothered to pay their debts at the expense of those who can?  At least saying they’re fundamentally tyrannical is respectful at some level.

□ [“New Mexico Man Arrested for Allegedly Trying to Establish ISIS Training Center in the State”]

There’s a lot more like him out there.  Do our rulers actively support ISIS or are they just demonstrating to the world how the infidel behaves?

I do wonder if this was part of a long-ranged post-9/11 plan, to show how leftists openly support terrorists.  I do actually believe this although obviously I have no clue how it works other than they always side with anyone who wants to destroy America.

Also 27 August, 2022

□ [“How Much Trouble Is Warner Brothers In?”]

Been thinking about this.  The article covers problems with media and superhero movies, ending with a theory that WB might be literally broke.  Not sure about that and obviously I don’t remotely pay attention to pop culture to guess how well their countless subdivisions are doing these days, but I am interested in the stuff on DC Comics.

DC has always lost money for a long time but given their low expenses and the benefits to the intellectual properties, WB could easily ignore that.  But the new owners are auditing DC.  Maybe they’re just looking into everything, maybe WB has no money so they’re looking at cutting everything that doesn’t bring in a profit.

I have no proof or even a decent explanation, but I've always had the theory that comics were one of the corporate empire’s most foundational bricks.  But if we have to have corporate-owned comics, I don’t mind using them as a ‘loss leader.’  Batman brings in more money than Batman could spend so just let the comics creators do their thing.

Ok, fine.  But they’re leftists and all about throwing out what makes things work in favor of anything else they can get their hands on.  And how the hell has the superhero genre has become selling point for movies as it’s been for comics over all these decades?

That does make a convenient example of why the corporate-owned mentality doesn’t work.  Just look at how comics have become nothing but promotion/submission for movies.  And they’ve dumped the thought balloon!!!

[Stops and bitches about that for a while]

The article does say that DC’s been very late on royalty payments which has never been a problem with since Warner Bros. took over, but Warner took over in 1967 and DC didn’t start making royalty payments until around 1980.

But a lack of payments recently does suggest they have money problems.  Those did get eventually paid so clearly there’s *some* money coming in.

□ [“Transgender Batgirl Star Begs For Movie Shelved as ‘Irredeemable’ and ‘Woke’ to Still Be Released”]

But there’s also money going out, like a $90 million movie that was already finished but the new Time-Warner owners cancelled it.  My guess is this loss will be a long-term benefit.  They’re already going for a ‘multiverse’ so they may aim to have a bunch of products all ready for that multiverse whenever it shows up.

I also think their aiming for an Avengers/JLA crossover.  I was glad to see that finally happen in comics after decades but not here as an example of comics used to develop movies and stripping away anything decent.  Their goal is anything but.

As seen here, where any gender or skincolor getting paid to pretend to be Batgirl.  That’s just not realistic.  Um, you know what I mean.

Is the point to impose the fantasy of kids playing superhero on all of us?  That’s indoctrination and requires taking away any sense of reality, but it would explain a lot.

Still 27 August, 2022

One of the greatest assets of comics storytelling is the use of the thought balloon.  Different characters can think for any reason relevant to the story, how can you get rid of that just because you don’t know what some high-paid actor is thinking on screen?

The example I always use is to take a generic boy-meets-girl story.  Ok, they talk to each other, we get that part, but thought balloons would show the reader how they can react to each other or to themselves.  Maybe one is obsessed with the other and the other is thinking about what to have for dinner.  Maybe they’re cautious, or outgoing, or just plain lying to each other.  Thought balloons add more to even the simplest of stories.

Some background character can be in one panel with a thought balloon, maybe a witty comment on the story, maybe a random joke.  Maybe it’s a plot element which the main characters will run into a few pages later but now the reader already knows about it.

There’s all this story potential for comics and they dump it to sell out to movies!

28 August, 2022

I had a few other comments to make but I’ll hold off until the next life.

□ [“DNC Chair Defends Joe Biden Calling Half the Country ‘Semi-Fascist’”]

They’re trying to create a lower class of people to abuse or put into work camps at their leisure.  It will be at least half the country.  Even if we pretend Biden actually got more real votes than anybody else in history, they never ask who’s in second place.  That answer makes it too obvious that they’re trying to destroy anyone they don’t like.

And notice that it’s not the rich and famous they’re going after.  Even leftists can’t be so deluded [citation needed] to claim half the country is rich and famous but Democrat voters are all poor unknowns.  No, these are people who have to go to work everyday despite a so-called virus or they won't be able to afford food, rent and gas, all of which is opposed by Democrats who have never had to go without.

Of course if they have guns, they’re able to defend themselves.  But Democrats oppose that too.  Well what about demanding the POTUS follow the laws?  Oh, that’s fascist.  That’s why they send men with guns to the house of anyone they don’t like.

This is just self-projection, doing what they claim their enemy does.  They could assume their supporters are smart enough to see reasons to disagree but they won’t, so they seize more power and eliminate resistance because they’re fighting fascism.

It’s really about trying to resist individuality.  It can’t be done but they believe (or pretend to believe) it can, so anything they do is for ‘others,’ the ones whose suffering they’re causing.  They don’t need to have individual thought, they just determine who says what according to skin color and made-up gender.

They don’t even notice that contradiction.  You can invent your own biological gender but you’re born with this skin color, the only one you’ll ever have?

Before long, just questioning the rulers will be “domestic terrorism.”  Even being accused of questioning will be enough to guarantee conviction by any court in the land.

□ [“Rather Exhaustive List of Mandela Effect Affected Scriptures”]

They’re rewriting scripture too.  This article was posted August 5, 2016, no doubt preparing for a Hillary Presidency, so they’ve been working on this for a long time.  I doubt this attempt will last.  Those who read English will always turn back to the King James version, those who read other languages undoubtedly have their translations.

It’s just too obvious that the rulers think they can rewrite anything and people will just go along.  That’s actually a good place for underground movements to start.

How long do we have until everything breaks down?  I still expect it’ll happen by the 9/11 anniversary.  There’s the approaching winter which will cause a lot of suffering, people will need heat and the government won’t permit that.  The rest of the world is having similar problems and only dimwits believe they can blame Putin for everything.

I’m trying to figure out their "2030 agenda."  It’s obviously delusional so that’s partly a big waste of time, but they have to have a schedule in mind and back-up plans.

As always, I have to stress how assuming they don’t have anything ready is just a mistake on our parts.  One reason leftism goes without much success is because they usually assume their opponents can’t think or prepare for anything going wrong.  Never mind the longtime saying, ‘no plan survives first contact with the enemy.’

Just because they simplify everything beyond all reason doesn't mean they can’t find ways to make progress on their own terms.  That’s how they get to be the rulers.

Perhaps it’s not so much about plans, it’s a level of perception that’s more direct than most peoples.  No idea if that’s true but it’s certainly possible, an example of the sort of thinking required for preparation or plans.  Now obey me and it’ll all be fine.

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