Wednesday, September 7, 2022

202210 Fiscal Year Zero - 20220907

03 September, 2022

Stick these solar panels where the sun don't shine!

□ [“California Extends Flex Alert Amid Sweltering Heatwave, Urges People Not to Charge Electric Vehicles During Peak Hours to Avoid Power Outages”]

Is there any point where they know they’re contradicting themselves and making people miserable?  Unless that’s the actual goal, why else would they do this?

California has always seen itself in a higher class so other states are expected to follow their example.  You just expect that from inferiors, so how many other states will have to go along with this?  Is shutting off our electricity a major part of the goal?

It’s not just about making everybody spend $70,000 for a new car that barely-if-ever works, that’s just a bonus for the rich people who sell them.  They even get to blame global warming for their inability to charge up the vehicles they demand everyone buy.

□ [“Russia Toys With Europe, Shuts Down Nord Stream 1 Pipeline to Germany For New Technical Issue”]

Don’t know how California’s hierarchy relates to Germany but they’re doing the same thing to tens of millions of people who get no say.  If the leaders didn’t want this, they’ve just been too lazy for decades to find a back-up plan if something goes wrong.

They don’t mind Russia sanctions or throwing money and weapons at Ukraine, but it’s horrible that Russia responds peacefully so that Europe can’t destroy the planet with fossil fuel.  Just think of how many European businesses had to cut their contracts with Russia because of their rulers’ sanctions, but Russia’s the bad guy for going along?

Nord Stream 2 was completed earlier this year, another Russian pipeline ready to go, but it was shut down from the sanctions.  You can’t say how awful it is to not get fuel from Russia when you deliberately refusing to get fuel from Russia.

For now, Germany’s Energy Saving Ordinance intends to last for the next six months.  They never voted for this and now get to suffer through the fall and winter.

Is there a conscious effort to avoid communism’s usual ‘cult of personality’?  Lenin and Stalin had cults (and still do) but their successors were bureaucrats lusting for power and lucked out by getting it.  Gorbachev was the only Soviet leader who was born after the Russian Revolution, 1931.  Andropov came the second closest, born in 1914.  Putin was born in 1952, five months before Stalin died.

Our rulers may aspire to form a Central Committee that avoids the obvious leader.  At least for now, they need one, but the public sees what a waste of life Biden is.  Our secret rulers have their own conflicts too, assuming they aren’t already brainwashed.

But that may the blatant bizarre move to occultism.  I can’t figure out how or why but it does seem like this sort of demon worship would be the obvious choice when they wipe out everything else.  Human sacrifice would definitely be an option and this lines with the cult-behavior of people like Jim Jones who was very popular among Democrats.  People can’t be told ‘let's quit and find something else to do,’ that’s not an option.

They can’t be expecting to win anyone over with this ridiculous Biden speech.  He didn’t get into much of anything except trashing Trump and his supporters.  The lighting, the military guards, it’s like they deliberately demonize people they don’t like.

□ [“MSNBC Guest on Trump Voters:  ‘We Are at War with These People; These Folks Are Evil’”]

Whether or not there’s a lead figure in a cult – I assume there always is – this is how it works.  A fat black guy in expensive clothes insists that he’s at war in a broadcast for at least a few dozen people.  That’s Jim Jones-territory there.

The guy doesn’t seem to be from San Francisco but it would’ve totally believable.

□ [“WH Press Secretary says Biden created ‘10 thousand million jobs’”]

She really said that, no beat where she suddenly realized she got the word wrong.  That was what she thought she was told to say.

The word is “billion,” not “thousand million.”

□ [“Oops:  Alaskan Electric Buses Run Out of Power in Winter”]

They do know that batteries don’t hold electricity very well in the cold, don’t they?  They know that Alaska gets cold, don’t they?  They could at least tell mechanics to strap some spare electricity onto the trunk in case problems like this happen.

□ [“Ukraine’s Western-Backed Gamble To Capture Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Backfires”]

This was it?  This was the plan they’d spent months training for thanks to western intelligence and military forces?  To take back a nuclear power plant?  Russia might look bad if they lost it but is that the only motivation?

Didn’t anyone in the Ukraine military have any say in this?  They’d probably know that you don’t reach victory by taking back a small piece of land while the rest of your country is occupied by an invader.  Never mind farmland, the westerners will take food from their own people and burn fuel to fly it over to Ukraine, is that next?

04 September, 2022

Something is going on.  I don’t want to know.

□ [“Clown Show:  Biden Posts Fake Text Message of Thanks For Student Loan Forgiveness”]

Was this person poor?  How did this person get access to Biden's phone number?  Is this poor person remotely concerned that the POTUS has just grabbed authority which Congress insisted he didn’t have but Congress just obeys?  Since there’s no longer any incentive to pay back loans, how long until universities stop giving loans?  Why even have a loan department, all it does is pretend to accept loans that nobody pays back.

Gas stations are giving out 20 cents/gallon discount cards, suggesting that prices will soon rise.  We must be close to the end of the three month tax-break which Biden demanded credit for despite insisting that the POTUS has nothing to do with gas prices.

[checks]  Yep.  He announced the three month break in mid-April, saying it would last from June 1 to September 15.  So that’s the game.

Will Biden demand credit for the prices we’ll have to pay in about ten days?  Will he and Congress offer to pay for our gas?  Or even pay for their own out of their own pockets?  Or would that make them too much like “the people” whose pain they share?

We really need to go on strike.  I’d prefer we go all in until our rulers are defeated but right now I’ll say just take one day off.  Nobody show up to work or does anything our masters depend on us doing.  I’d suggest September 11 but it’s a Sunday so how about September 12?  We shouldn’t wait until the prices goes up.

□ [“This is Bizarre! Blue Checkmarks Inundate Twitter with One Word Tweets… Why?"]

I think 'blue checkmarks' is a reference to the official spokesman of companies or famous people.  Not being a twatter, that's just a guess, but it sounds about right.  Amtrak tweeted "Trains" followed by the Wall Street Journal, NPR, NASA, Wikipedia, FedEx, Joe Biden, CNN, the US French Embassy, CERN, McDonalds, Microsoft, Starbucks, Fidelity, WaPo, YouTube, TikTok and the NBA, all tweeting one word more-or-less related to what they do.

This all started just before Biden's big speech a couple days ago, Amtrak tweeted it at 1:00pm from whatever time zone they're in.  It's obviously some sort of signal to one's allies and based on the sort of mentality that thinks twitter is a good idea, limiting your thoughts to 250 words or whatever the rules are.

The left has openly been taking over businesses in recent years, as seen by the urge with which they all announce their belief in made-up genders.  Can't fit in all smaller businesses so those just have to get shut down, exactly as the left pretended to oppose.  It's about reducing everything to as little as possible to minimize the amount of thought required.  Leftism, I mean, not twitter...

□ [“White House Senior Adviser Says ‘Hate Filled MAGA Agenda’ Has ‘No Place in a Democracy’"]

Then why did you let them in?  Seems like a reason to protect the borders, to keep out the scum and inferiors.  Or you could just mandate 70 million late-term abortions.

She claims the country and everything the country is built upon is in danger.  But leftists for decades have said the country and everything the country is built upon is evil, so why wouldn't you want it destroyed?  The enemies of the state are our heroes, we should be more like them.

□ [“Biden tweets 'MAGA Proposals Are a Threat to the Very Soul of This Country'"]

Yes, of course Biden actually posted this.  There's no way his staff would handle that for him.  But it totally contradicts what he just said in public two days ago which totally contradicts what he said on tv the day before that.

Most likely he wasn't reading a script two days ago so he just said whatever came to mind.  That's not what his masters want to put out.  They may not know what a woman is but they decide tens of millions of people are evil and must be destroyed.

That's what they've always wanted.  It's what they've worked for longer than you or I have been alive.  I don't know how much they have planned and how much is collectivists just grouping together automatically.  Just increase the malevolence and blame the enemy for it, what else needs to be added?

They already believe they're at war.  In their delusion, they've been at war their whole lives.  The sensible people never went along with them, that's what makes us the monsters.  Every government unanimously calls their citizens "extremists" for being pissed off at what they're doing.

05 September, 2022

□ [“Clueless President of the EU Ursula von der Leyen: 'Putin Is Using Energy as a Weapon. He will fail. Europe will Prevail.'"]

Not selling earth-killing fuel to nations that say this fuel kills the earth isn't a weapon, it's common sense.  These same nations also impose sanctions to prevent business with Russia, so Russia's just responding in the same way which they have a right to do.  If you really want to call energy a "weapon," that's what Europe is trying and failing to do to Russia.

"We use the power of the wind to free ourselves from Russian fossil fuels and become climate neutral."

Then what's the problem?  Europe still has 14% of the energy producers that they had in February, that's obviously all you need.  Or that's all the voters need, I'm sure this chick won't be short of energy any time soon.  Except maybe when she has to campaign around Europe to speak directly to the voters.

The EU does that, right?  Right?  The people do get a say in how their rulers operate, don't they?  Don't they?  Because otherwise you're the ones declaring war and your subjects have no choice but to obey and suffer.  Good thing this chick isn't from Germany or that would have some obvious historical precedents, to be in charge of Europe and then deciding Russia needs to fall.  Thank God she's not German.

At least she wasn't surrounded in dark red light and backed by the German-equivalent of Marines, talk about dodging a bullet.

Speaking of dodging a bullet, we haven't had any celebrities suddenly die for some mysterious reason that medics and the media are completely ignoring.  Only poor people and non-whites seem to be suffering from it, at least among the otherwise young and healthy.  Wonder if there's a connection.

□ [“Ukraine’s President Zelensky Warns Europe to Brace for Bleak Winter as Russia Cuts Oil and Gas Exports Ukrainian Allies"]

Well there's a connection.  The guy took a break from his photo sessions to do this, cut him some slack.  Do you realize how many famous visitors he has to deal with on a regular basis?  Then there's all the money pouring in, it's more than their self-declared pay raises can spend so a corrupt nation needs to do a lot of work to figure out where to put it all.

And who knows, there may still be some plan in the works to totally defeat Russia, he probably has to look in on that once in a while, even if it's not going anywhere.

□ [“Biden Lashes Out at 'MAGA Republicans' in Labor Day Speech"]

They force us what to buy and are totally supported by the owners of the businesses we're forced to buy from.  The media ignores their blatant lies and says only what they're told to.  They seize our money and give it to other rich supporters.  Their made-up religions impose war, pestilence and death on us with famine not far behind.  They determine everything by anger, violence, hate and division, and that's what they accuse anyone who disagrees with them of doing.

They ignore their own rules and punish anyone else for any reason they come up with.  They steal elections and pretend to support democracy.  They claim things are complicated but sum up tens of millions of people in a few words and nobody's permitted to disagree with them.

We need a reconning.  We need to fight back.  Nothing else can stop them.  There's not going to be a vote, they're stealing elections in red states like Alaska now.

We actually recognize ability and intelligence.  They don't recognize anything that doesn't say what they want to hear.  They'll loot from their own side if they can and they only get away with them because we're still the main targets.

□ [“Federal Judge Reveals Incumbent President Joe Biden Ordered FBI Access to Mar-a-Lago Documents"]

See?  The more we pretend Biden is remotely competent for the job and isn't mentally incapacitated, the more we have to admit that he's blatantly lying.  You can't order people to do something you only find out about on tv after it happens.  That's not how giving orders works.

Now obviously he had no idea what was going on and no clue what he was told to say, but his supporters claim otherwise.  Not all of them can be senile idiots like Biden, so why don't they realize that they're directly contradicting what they defended Biden already saying about not knowing anything?

Of course they'll just ignore this.  Whichever way it goes, they'll all say they're totally behind it, no matter what.  We can't live with these people any more.

□ [“You Can’t Make This Up: Terrence Williams Put His Own Picture on the Box of his Pancake Mix — Facebook Labeled it as ‘Racist’"]

It should be illegal for blacks to make pancakes.  That's food for white people only.  Can't let these darkies get out of line or there's going to be trouble.  You let them sell pancake mix today, who knows what they'll try to do tomorrow?

06 September, 2022

Obviously Transformers: The Movie is the real inspiration, everything else is just second-rate.

□ [“Massive Power Outages Across Bay Area after California’s Grid Operator Declares Emergency Amid Soaring Temps"]

This is another example of those things you might as well assume they had planned.  They just announced the emergency, that would have been a good time to tell everyone to get ready because power is going to go out.  I can understand not causing panic but I can also understand that there's going to be panic when you don't tell anybody about the real problem you had all these decades to prevent but couldn't be bothered.

Naturally the problem was immediately on everybody's minds because they just warned about it.  Now people who were bold enough to buy an electric car before the orders were given can't charge their electric car.  How are they going to get around anywhere?

Ok, it's not poor people who have electric cars so the owners will probably be able to manage.  Poor people just have to go through 110 degree+ days without air conditioning.  It was invented for a reason and the rulers took it away.  That's why other rulers call them the example to follow.

□ [“Biden Covid Czar: 'I Really Believe This is Why God Gave Us Two Arms – One For the Flu Shot and the Other One for the Covid Shot!'"]

So those arms were completely worthless for all the thousands of years humanity existed before inventing a flu shot and that other one?  Nothing before 1937 matters in the slightest because it wasn't part of God's plan to give us arms.  According to you, anyway.

There are millions of people walking around today who haven't gotten either of those shots, they could lose both arms and you wouldn't see anything wrong with that for defying what God wants.  According to you, anyway.

You really believe this.  You must despise all the atheists out there who deny your absolute belief in God.

□ [“Parents Resist: COVID Vaccination Rates For Young Kids Very Low"]

And of course, you despise parents.  Those children are your property, not the ones who made them.  Those are the *real* atheists and you're going to sentence them to an eternity of Hell, here on Earth!

□ [“'Be Ready For Potential Rotating Power Outages' – California’s Grid Operator Issues Upgraded Emergency Alert Amid Heat Wave"]

Yes, we're all fine to watch California suffering, but they aren't going to stop.  Our rulers will demand we all suffer with them.  Something about Russia or Trump or whatever they're into now.  Anything that makes them stop using workable energy sources is fine with them.

Safe to assume Hollywood will get a free pass, they're rich and you can't make movies without electricity.  This article includes a clip of news anchors telling people to shut off their electricity until 9pm, but how would anybody watch their show if they did that?  They don't even notice and they sure aren't obeying their own directives.

California couldn't exist without oil and that's what they want to get rid of, see the connection?  There's a reason no society in history has ever built a better system of fuel, because there isn't one.  You have to dig a half-million pounds of dirt up to get enough lithium to make one electric battery, that takes energy and doesn't include actually making and charging the battery.

Because of them, no one can make any plans because there's no way to know how much time or human energy is required to accomplish any of them.  But they're also shutting down businesses and immensely raising the prices of what business remains.  That can't last for very long.

But they're still not doing anything about it beyond doubling down on the idiocy that get them into this mess and that they demand everyone follow them.

□ [“California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs Fast-Food Worker Bill, Paving the Path to $22 an Hour Minimum Wage"]

And here's more of destroying businesses while increasing the prices of the few that remain.  That's going to cut down on how much food is available, which is also something the government likes doing.

Or the business could just fire everybody and use robots.  I do wonder if that is actually part of the leftist plan although I'd have to figure out how or why.

□ [“Nancy Pelosi Already Planning For GOP Retaking The House — Wants To Be An Ambassador In Europe"]

This is a meaningless story, someone somewhere suggested the possibility.  She obviously can't stay in Congress if she's not in charge, she's done that and won't let it happen again.  She's obviously purged any Democrats who would dare to say in public that they should find a new leader.

□ [“Germany Rules Out Keeping Nuclear Power On Despite Energy Crisis"]

And with that, they always go for whatever makes the people suffer more.  Nuclear power would help so that can't be used.  One of the three remaining plants will be shut down by the end of the year, the remaining two will be kept open in case of emergency... until 2023.

“All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

 – Mussolini

That does qualify as the collectivist motto, probably the first such statement in the modern media era, hence all the promotion Mussolini was given at the time.  There's a mentality that came out around the same time in books like Brave New World and movies like Metropolis, so I'm not going to give much credit to Mussolini as a thinker, but he was riding the wave.

Nobody expected Russia to be the place where communism finally got a chance to rule.  It got a lot of publicity too but places like Italy (and later Germany) were closer to home.  Russia was promoting it everywhere in the world it could reach and we've been in that mess ever since, but it's worth thinking about.

"Nothing outside the state," collectivists defy individuality to the point where they think everyone can be unified, consent isn't required.  Somehow the rulers will be part of everyone.

I dunno.  I'm tired.  I'm going to quit for the night.

07 September, 2022

Why are schools still teaching biology if you can just self-identify as whatever you want?

□ [“Project Veritas: Democrat South Carolina US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews: You Gotta Treat White People Like Sh*t"]

"You gotta treat them [white people] like shit, like I mean that’s the only way they’ll respect you.”

Well, that nails down the liberal vote.  Can you imagine a white liberal who doesn't enjoy being treated like shit?  They should do that as a group chant at her rallies.

□ [“Dutch Agriculture Minister Henk Staghouwer Abruptly Resigns After Protests"]

Doesn't make a big deal, they'll just replace him with someone else who will obey.  As the saying goes, 'can't challenge the narrative.'  

I do wonder if this is where unbridled totalitarianism comes from, people who realize what the job requires and really don't want anything to do with it [beyond reaching such a high level to begin with, that is] and their replacements are chosen for enforcing the master's will, nothing to do with ability or knowledge of what's going on.

It makes you wonder if the rulers flat-out specify that ability is not required.  It's not even their obvious preference for skin-color or leftism, it's that obedience is all that matters to them.  I know that sounds ridiculous but, well, look at where we are.

□ [“‘Do You Think This is Fair?’ – Moderna CEO and AstraZeneca Official Reveal Shocking Secrets to COVID Vaccines After Romanian MEP Cristian Terheș Grills Them"]

I will give Europe credit for this, they are doing more to get to the bottom of the poison vaccine than anyone else seems to be.

First question: I would like to know the date, if possible, when you decoded the entire DNA sequence of this virus or did you rely solely on the sequence provided by the Chinese government?

Second question: Have you tested whether the vaccine stops the spread of the virus or not? Because the data clearly shows that your products are not stopping the spread of this virus.

Third question: Have you had people die during the human trials, and if so, what was the disease they died from?

Those are pretty straightforward questions.  The answers are also basic, yes, the world governments wanted this right away and gave them legal protection from damages, so they didn't do any actual testing and used the information China gave them.

No idea if this will go anywhere - probably not, our rulers won't like it - but it's something.  Notice that Romania and other Eastern Europe countries have been doing more to stand up against leftist tyranny than the rest of the world.  Wonder where they learned that.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Insists Joe Biden’s Moloch Speech Where He Labeled Half the Country 'Enemies of the State' Was Not Divisive"]

Compared to her, Biden's brain is working fine.  She wasn't hired for ability and since she made it this far without learning anything, has no reason to start now.

The left says they're already at war with us.  As collectivists, they're automatically more unified than the rest of us.  Take that as a given, but as individuals, we can unite on higher levels that they can't even comprehend.  That's what individuality can accomplish, but we need to actually do it to succeed.

They really don't know what a war is like.  They can't even perceive of that experience, shown by how eagerly they rush to insist this is already a war and they're guaranteed to win.  Their masters will protect them.

We can see this just in the way they see no way to lose, future elections or anything else.  Given all the problems they've caused with production and supply, it makes sense to believe that they already have their supply chain in place because nobody could possibly be that stupid, especially if they believe they're already at war.

I'm not saying they do have a secret supply chain, just that it's impossible to see any other rational reason for destroying everything around them if they didn't already have a place where food, water, fuel, weapons, etc. would be provided.

That's why my argument is that we should go on strike.  As always, I would recommend everyone just quit entirely anything that the rulers depend on.  I can understand the problems of doing that, we aren't united, there's no way to know how we would even get this info out to everyone else.

I'm not in charge [thank God] and as much as I recommend at least a one-day strike on Monday, September 12 - or a back-up on Wednesday, September 21- I won't be taking part unless I know that a significant number of others are as well.  It's not going to make the slightest bit of difference if I don't show up to work, I'll just stay home and work on the book like I do every day anyway.

At least a one-day strike would be enough to show that the rulers actually have some active supply chain which they don't share with the peons.  It would also show everybody what will vanish very quickly if they actually go through with this war they claim we're already in which they don't see any chance of losing.

Because short of that, we are indeed at war and our side isn't remotely ready for it.  That will only expand their tyranny at our expense.

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