Thursday, December 22, 2022


19 December, 2022

Mommy's narrowed the possible Father Christmas candidates down to three...

□ [“FDA Finally Admits Pfizer Covid Vaccine Causes Blood Clots"]

So in October, the vaccine companies had to admit that the vaccines they were paid for didn't actual prevent transmission of the virus.  It's not like the vaccines you get for polio, tetanus, hepatitis, smallpox, measles, mumps or rubella, those actually prevent viruses.  This one not so much.

They needed to bring the vaccine to market first, then they'd get around to finding out what it did in due time.  When it's been ten years, they'll know what the long-term effects are.  If it's bad, they'll stop giving the vaccine to people until they fix it.  But not until then.

Pfizer wasn't telling the US government about this, they were only testifying to Europe.  Our government still requires everybody to get the vaccine or we'll get the virus.

In November, Moderna and Pfizer finally started testing this chemical they've been pumping into people's bodies for two years.  So now the FDA finally admits it causes blood clotting.  Which is bad and kills you.

The government requiring everybody to take this poison now admits that it's poisonous.  Heads need to start rolling, literally.  This isn't just something they woke up and decided to do one day.  This isn't just one crazy mistake after another.  They were all in on it and they were all aiming at us.

We need a resistance and they've broken us down there too.  If there was a competent organization, my first recommendation would be to have everyone tested to see the effects of the vaccine on them, what stage they're at and what future potentials there are.  But even there, who can we trust?  At this point, who can we trust to even take a blood sample?  Maybe they'd be sticking us with poison too, how would we know until it's too late?

And that's just basic medical care to find out how much damage they've inflicted upon our bodies.  We still have to produce food, electricity, security and so on.   You don't think they've made back-up plans, with the immigrant invasion, the made-up genders aiming at children and the destruction of the economy?

This is World War III and there is no point in talking about a sequel to the Nuremburg Trials until the war is finished, which won't happen for a while.  So how do we get moving on that?

So far it’s not known (or admitted) if the vaccine actually caused the bloodclots.  The people who got covid might have already had them.  That’s actually believable.  To an extent, I’m less worried about the vaccine itself than the utter insanity of pumping this into everybody’s bodies without a clue what might happen.  Just the enormous influence it would take to push this onto so many millions of people would be mindboggling.

Even if 98% of the manufactured vaccines were completely worthless fakes, colored water, just the fact that you’d put the whole world through this is evil beyond all measure.  This sort of thing makes me think it’s time for another genocide, of everybody who supported this.  Shoot you in the face or lock you up for life, it’s your choice.

Waiting for them to kill us first just doesn’t sound like a good idea.  That’s why I keep saying we need to go on strike, just remove them from our lives.  They *will* hit us again and then there will be nothing to stop us from hitting back as hard as possible.  They’re trying to make us hit them first, that’s why they’ve faked this “January 6” nonsense for two years.

19 December, 2022

□ [“Drag Queen Performer:  Time to ‘Kick Down Traditional Family Values,’ ‘'F**k Family’”]

So how long until this woman is busted for shoving her penis into children?  I doubt he/she/it will be sent to jail for that, but it would at least be slightly embarrassed, for a short time.  But then this thing will find someone to make him feel better.

They’re an organized conspiracy who’s been at this for quite a while.  Probably can never be fully eradicated but we’re at the point where we need a cleansing.  They’ll only get worse.  It’s been said, it can always get lower.  There is no ground floor in Hell.

And that’s what they’ll impose on the rest of us forever, basically where Genesis 18-19 meets the conclusion of 1984.  We can’t live with these things and they know that.

19 December, 2022

□ [“New Footage Shows Extreme Overcrowding at the El Paso Border Patrol Central Processing Center”]

I guess nobody brought any viruses with them.  What about guns?  It’s not like anybody would check.  They can bring all the slaves they want and vote Democrat.

At this point, I’d say we need more than a wall, we should have a line of men with guns standing guard and shooting at anyone who tries to get through.  But of course the government invited the invaders and would shoot anyone who tried to stop them.

You might think the National Guard could be activated, but they work for the governor who’s been supportive of this all along.  I’m not sure there’s any place to run to, but I am starting to think of how to run away, short of stealing a moving van.

19 December, 2022

□ [“Sham January 6 Committee Approves Criminal Referrals Against Trump”]

Obstructing an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the government and inciting or assisting an insurrection.  Near as I can tell – and don’t take my word for it – the ‘official proceeding’ was Pence handling the electoral vote on January 6.  As far as defrauding the government, he could have just said he had covid and gotten money for that, so no clue about that one.  And they added “insurrection” to keep from spending the last two years to look completely stupid.

I assume this is going right on schedule.  They were able to steal the next batch of elections, but Republicans will technically have a majority in a few weeks.  This would explain why Trump just released those trading cards.  Well, maybe “explain” is too strong a word, but it at least makes slightly more sense for the timing.

There’s all the twitter files, showing how much effort federal agencies put into getting social media to support leftist causes, like Hunter Biden’s laptop or Hillary’s server.  For at least the last couple years, it’s been noticed how people on news channels recite the exact same sentences on camera, this explains how they got these.  They share twitter accounts (or facebook groups, etc.) and receive their orders.

19 December, 2022

□ [“Elon Musk Retweets Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s Predicting Fauci’s Life About to be Turned Upside Down”]

And more stuff like this is coming out.  It’s the end of the year, clean out the files, prepare for the next miserable year, gotta celebrate Christmas somehow.

The FDA has just said the vaccine they required everyone to repeatedly take causes bloodclots, probably not a coincidence so many people who’ve taken that virus are dying from gigantic bloodclots.  We knew Fauci’s the highest-paid federal employee, not counting all his other investments, or his work for China where the virus came from.

This happens just as the January 6 committee finally accuses the POTUS of actual crimes, after two years of rhetoric about what he done.  The New York Times has even put out a crossword puzzle swastika to celebrate the first day of Hanukkah, obviously a symbol to inform whoever's in-the-know.  The Ukrainian Azov regiment? 

And Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape, there’s a coincidence for you.

So the year is over, ready for the next step.  The misery is only getting started.

19 December, 2022

□ [“Biden Makes up a Story About Awarding a Purple Heart, and It Gets Worse From There”]

Biden says his uncle Frank hadn’t gotten a purple heart in the Battle of the Bulge, so as Veep (2009-2016), Biden got one for him.  His uncle Frank died in 1999, but still showed up for the decoration but said he didn’t deserve the medal.  Alive but “not doing well,” how could his condition have changed in the last decade?

Biden says it was his father who told him.

“My dad, when I got elected vice president in 2008, he said, ‘Joey, Uncle Frank fought in the Battle of the Bulge.’  He was not feeling very well now – not because of the Battle of the Bulge, but he said, ‘and he won the Purple Heart and he never received it. He never got it.  Do you think you could help him get it?  We will surprise him’”

And this is the first time Biden mentions this?  Biden’s father died in 2002.  This is proof that people in his family show up for awards no matter what and evidence that the afterlife exists!  Why were you holding out on that, Joe?  You’d think the media would be rushing for that story!  They sure would if a Republican had been telling it.

The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor lists no recipient with the name “Biden,” but maybe the website just wasn’t updated.  It’s not like the dead are going anywhere.

Seriously, this isn’t something you can make up out of senility.  Biden has told similar lies, he just used Uncle Frank this time.  Through his many decades, he blatantly makes up lies for their own sake and gets away with it.  That’s why he’s at the top.

20 December, 2022

Still waiting to see what's coming out about the poison-vaccine.  The risks were ignored, the benefits were blatantly lied about, the only reason people got them was because business and government was pushing this at all levels.  That's totalitarianism, there was no real consent involved.  That's the way our masters run things.

□ [“Top Australian Doctor Who Advocated for COVID Vaccine Finally Breaks Her Silence – Says Doctors are Censored – Reveals She and Her Wife Both Suffer Serious COVID Shot Injuries"]

Censorship is an obvious way to go, when was the last time you had a tyrant who let people say whatever they wanted?  [Who just said "Donald Trump"?]  If the goal is to get as many people as possible stabbed with "adverse effects" that can “cause long-term illness and disability,” obviously you'll need to silence anybody who wants to tell the public about this.

Yet "she and her wife" went along with this.  So now they're suffering along with a lot of other people.  Doctors are threatened with suspension or the lost of registration.

We need to start working on a count of 'sudden deaths' because the people that are paid to protect our lives are hiding this as much as possible.  The quantities are up considerably that that's not counting those that just never get reported as such.

It sounds like effectively nobody knows exactly what to look for.  There's probably not a complete list of all the damage done by the vaccine, but the doctors who could understand it best probably aren't in a position to report it to other doctors, hospitals, insurance or government officials.  Each of those groups have their own views and methods.  Notice that the government isn't remotely curious about why all these people are suddenly dying with no symptoms anybody's noticed.

20 December, 2022

□ [“Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Rules That Biden's Assertion of Power to Order Federal Contractors To Get Vaccinated is Unconstitutional"]

But our rulers' lawyers say that the self-identifies-as-POTUS can do anything he wants as long as it doesn't hurt the economy too bad, so it sucks to be those he causes to suffer.  Only if Congress tries to stop him has he gone too far.  Which of course hasn't happened or two years, and safe to say it won't happen next year either.

And there's going to be a lot on their side, because Trump was a dictator or something.  Even this court voted 2-1 on this.  They want the tyranny and don't care how many bodies it takes to get it.  At least at some points, it becomes totally irrelevant whether they imposed the virus and vaccine upon the world to make this happen or if it was just a convenient excuse.

□ [“Federal Judge Blocks California’s “Unconstitutional” Gun Control Law Allowing Gun Manufacturers to Be Sued For Negligence"]

This may be in the same category.  If you can sue a company that manufactures something used to kill people, then why would that change just because the government paid for that product and required everyone to have it?  Contract workers who only got the vaccine to keep their job and died from it would have a really strong case.

20 December, 2022

□ [“‘Super Sized Salon’ Star and Babydoll Beauty Couture Founder Dead at 37"]

Just to make clear, we can't blame everything on the so-called vaccine or even the rulers who demanded everyone have it.  This bulge of flesh probably did get vaccinated but even there you have to wonder if anybody was able to find a vein to inject, or the chemicals were able to reach her heart.

They're definitely in line with the tyrants but it's more about stupidity and a mentality that 'it's bad, so it must be good.'  There's also the blatant hypocrisy, poor people could never get that fat.  We had to get through most of the 20th century to get to a point where poor people could be overweight.  Yet these beasts would never even consider finding out how many poor people could be fed by one of their meals.

This thing was 846 pounds at one point, but she gets to whine about being oppressed and only be surrounded by people who at-least pretend to agree with her.  I just saw another article, anecdotal but quite believable, saying most of the parents taking their kids to drag queen shows are obese mothers, no men.  This indicates what kind of people are into as much of this as possible.

20 December, 2022

□ [“Senate Votes 70-25 to Advance $1.7 Trillion Schumer-Pelosi Omnibus Spending Bill"]

Maybe this was the plan all along and this is just another step along the path, maybe it's a last chance to get what they want in case the ostensible Republican majority actually does something they don't like.  This is where everything is obviously going down in flames so there's not much point worrying about it.  The question is how will the rest of us who want no part of this save ourselves?

This isn't the final vote, so there will be more chances to add still more trillions of dollars.  I keep asking why they don't just cancel all taxes since the government can print its own money.  If you produce all the food you'll ever want for the rest of your life at your house, why do you need to go to other people's houses and take their food away?

They're obviously not even reading these bills that run across thousands of pages.  I don't know if the Roman Senate actually did this, but it sounds like they're all just including their payoffs to their own people and calling that a budget, leaving the rest up to the Emperor, who just keep seizing more and more power as time goes by.

20 December, 2022

Oh Santa, oh you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away...

Random thought, what if Mike Pence isn't on the enemy's side?  We know that at least some levels have recognized the threat were under, and it just occurred to me that the whole point of Veep might be to identify with the other side.  I don't have a clue how that would work, I don't get paid for that, but simply to make sure there's as much thought given to every possible side.

We know that intelligence and secret agencies do this sort of thing, actively look into the opposing side's viewpoints and try to think them through as positively as possible just to comprehend them as much as possible.  So is it possible that Pence could actually be doing this as a fake?

Just a suggestion, I'm sure he's on our masters' side, the same way I keep saying Putin is actually working with them too as 'the heavy.'  Frankly, I'm worried Trump is on their side too.  But it's a thought, so I wrote it down.  There you go.

21 December, 2022

□ [“China's Crematoria Are Overflowing but CCP Authorities Say Only Seven Were COVID Deaths"]

And this is how our rulers want it here.  They can kill as many people as they want and lie to themselves about the cause of death.

Here's some speculation, just for the fun of it.  Pretend, for the sake of argument, that yes, the virus and vaccine were all deliberately planned to kill people.  Would it be possible to have secret agents in place to make that happen who could aim it at the very people who support massive decrease in population?

It would probably be impossible to confine the deaths only to leftists, but think about it.  Who's most vulnerable to the virus?  Fat, old, unhealthy people.  Can't throw a dead cat without hitting fat unhealthy leftists [try it sometime, by the way.  It's fun!] and they're all going to get old.  Near as I can tell, it's not just being fat or old or unhealthy, it's a mix of the three.  So ok, there's some targets for the death plans.

And then who's the most devoted to the vaccine?  The same liberals who pushed it in the first place, especially once they could get all these different models and boosters and show how proud they were of themselves for going along with it.  Meanwhile everyone else might reluctantly get one, if they would even do that much.  They'd be the smarter and healthier ones, more likely to survive the poison.

It's not that the problems would be solved, it's that the biggest problems would eliminate themselves by promoting what they believe is the winning formula.  The secret agents would probably help them seize so much power that they essentially suffocate themselves.

I know, I made all this up, but it's still fun to think about stuff like this.

21 December, 2022

□ [“Marine Corps Could Axe 'Sir' and 'Ma’am' Over Gender Neutrality Worries"]

And nobody was ever afraid of the Marine Corps ever again.  The end.

What would it take to set up an alternate military force?  It would have to be done on the cheap and quiet, but given how hard the armed services are finding re-enlistment, it probably wouldn't be hard to find volunteers.  It might take a while but hell, even Afghanistan was able to beat us, so it can definitely be done.

At the same time, they're trying to get to war with Russia.  It's like they think it's all a video game.  That's not how a military works and it never will be.

21 December, 2022

If you want a green hat, call now! Operators are standing by!

□ [“Biden Admin Used Taxpayer Money to Pay Foreign Reporters to ‘Promote Climate Alarmism Around the World’"]

Are they bribing foreign media because domestic media will do that for free?  So does this say that our media is real cheap or that foreign media isn't stupid enough to fall for this?  Probably the former, the other media falls for enough as it is.

It at least keeps them from asking questions like 'why do you use so much earth-killing fuel to travel around the world when you could be staying home?'  Or 'why don't you just invent fuel sources that don't depend on China and Russia to provide everything?'

The rulers are obviously using US money to fund their organizations around the world and it's probably not limited to things like these.  They've gotten away with complaining about global warming for half-a-century and have never had to give up their own use of fossil fuels, why stop now?

21 December, 2022

□ [“Biden Forgets Russia Invaded Ukraine in 2014 During Joint Presser with Volodymyr Zelensky"]

“We’ve never seen a major invasion of a European country since World War II.”

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, after World War II!  Was that the previous biggest invasion of a European country since World War II?  Where was Biden in 2014 that he'd pay so little attention to what was going on in Europe?  I guess it wasn't a big deal, just ignore it, that's what he did.

If he wasn't getting paid for it, Zelensky wouldn't want anything to do with Biden.  As the saying goes, he ain't leaving here in six hours without the money.  This probably applies to everybody else around him.  But because they're getting paid, they have no intention to say how idiotic he is, to his face or to the media.  Probably applies to the little girls who are always around him, they're getting something from it, if you know what I mean.

This isn't even counting the 78 days the US spent bombing Serbia only a few decades ago.  Guess Biden doesn't remember that either.  For that matter, how come none of the lectures about Ukraine include the dozens of brand-new genders who aren't being represented, or the covid virus that they aren't vaccinated for?

□ [“McConnell: 'Providing Assistance For Ukrainians to Defeat the Russians is the Number One Priority for the United States Right Now'"]

This is just another example of the uniparty-in-action.  I just passed through another article where McConnell is talking about how wonderful Mitt Romney is.  I don't know how or why but these are people who are totally involved with our leftist rulers and they're the ones pushing for World War 3.

The Number One priority for the USA is taking care of the USA which our rulers are destroying.  You are completely ignoring that insanity and tyranny and misery, all to focus on two countries that have been fighting each other for hundreds of years.  They aren't the problem, you are the problem!

Why won't you just put 'war with Russia' up to a vote, since everybody in Congress agrees on this and that's what you're doing anyway?  That would at least show whether this is a New World Order front or if you actually mean it.  Otherwise you're just driving people away and stealing their money.

22 December, 2022

□ [“Leftist Actor Tim Robbins Now Regrets Adhering 'Orwellian' and Politicized Government Mandates During Pandemic"]

Once upon a time, I would think that this was a sign of learning something.  Unfortunately I now assume it's just some pose until there's evidence to the contrary.  There were people who didn't go along with your 'Orwellian mandates' and you opposed them.  Now you should be saying they were absolutely right while you and every single other person on your side were wrong wrong wrong!

And yes, you need to start giving names.  All the people you said were wrong and all the people you agreed with.  So let's hear it.  Otherwise we might trust these people on other issues that they are just as right about, and ignore the ones you opposed.

What else do you unquestionably trust the government about?  Anything else there, or is this the first time they were ever wrong about anything?  You're the one who's been demanding more government control over everything for decades and never considered they might be wrong, so you'd better start making some lists or you're just going to stay in the exact-same position, rich and famous and expecting everyone to go along with you or be punished.

So *if* you really want to be forgiven, start listing who you listened to who were just as wrong as you and who you tried to silence who were completely right.

22 December, 2022

□ [“Sam Bankman-Fried’s Ex Girlfriend Caroline Ellison is Cooperating with Prosecutors After Pleading Guilty to Charges of Fraud and Conspiracy"]

How noble of her.  She got all that money from a guy who could have paid for much better looking females and then turned on him only when it came time to save herself.  What an amazing relationship they must have had.

Unless this was a complete set-up, which is entirely believable at this point, there's something here that's not right.  Simply running a mega-billion dollar company for any length of time requires some minimum level of ability.  Ok, maybe the elites just picked the stupidest pawn they could find for this job, but it still doesn't make sense.

You'd have to at least be able to sign your name to whatever your 'advisers' tell you to sign so there'd be some basis for questions and/or learning.  If there wasn't, they wouldn't need you in the first place.  He wasn't born a mega-billionaire so that growth process would be an experience.

This is where it comes off as more of a cult that no sane person could remotely comprehend.  That's the only excuse I can think of to get to this point, especially when he's voluntarily chained himself to this 'self-identifies as female' creature.  Poor people know how to deal with hot chicks, especially if they're cheap.  This guy could go to Hollywood, knock on the door of whoever the current sexpots are and tell tell them 'I'll pay for whatever movie you want to make, what are you going to do for me?' and he'd write a check for a few hundred million soon after that.

This has got to be a set-up.  I'm just guessing about the specifics but this is something unlike anything else we've ever heard of.

22 December, 2022

□ [“Biden Realized His Mistake With Kamala Harris Very Early On"]

I doubt this will go anywhere either, but there's some new book out covering Biden's early days in the stolen office and realizing that he made a very bad decision on who his replacement would be.  Harris only got anywhere through sex with a married man.  As attorney-general, she totally imprisoned people for things she claims to support, like drug use.  She claims to be black but you couldn't tell by looking at her skin color.

This is the only reason she was even an option and she couldn't even get anywhere in the Democratic primaries, she quit running before the first votes were cast.  She's obviously only surrounded by people who say what she wants to hear and can't even accomplish anything there.  Remember when she was sent to Europe in February 2022 to Russia and Ukraine from getting into a fight?  Look how that worked.

Things like this make me ponder what conflicts are going on under-the-surface with leftists.  In 2008, I was always baffled by why Obama didn't pick Hillary as veep and frankly, she'd have been a better choice for Biden too.  It's like leftists spend decades demanding equality and fair treatment, then when it's their chance to pick someone, they always always always go for the incompetent above anyone else.

I always assumed Harris was a deliberate contrast to the 'pick someone who can't replace you' stereotype of choosing a Veep.  Frankly, I suspected nobody who's actually in charge expects Biden to survive one term, so the point was to pick a replacement.  Now you have to wonder what kinds of fights are going on behind closed doors.  Biden's masters make the calls, the federal agents work for them and Harris has a lot of contacts with Californians whom she decided not to put in jail but told them '“someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me...'

22 December, 2022

□ [“Putin Vows to Improve Readiness of Nuclear Arsenal as US Uniparty Votes to Donate $100 Billion More to Ukrainian War Efforts in US War on Russia"]

Russia's 2022 military budget was 65 billion [dollars?], the US alone has sent of $100 billion for a war that Russia has supposedly been defeated on every step of the way for ten months now.  What sort of person notices that and just keeps throwing more money away?  They don't even suspect that there's anything going on with this.  Is Congress really just investing in cryptocurrency now that it's so cheap?  Or funding all our biolabs in the region?

Russia's a firm member of the international 'new world order' organizations, how come none of them bother to do anything?  None of their supporters even question this.  It's all a put-on that they unquestionably believe and anyone who doesn't totally agree is the enemy.

The same people believe that the vaccine will prevent us from getting the virus and there's no long-term problems from it.  They opposed Trump telling Europe to stop depending on Russian fossil fuel which these same people want to ban anyway.  They don't even thank Putin for taking it away from Europe.

These same people want to defend a nation of white people that only drafts one single solitary gender into their military, calling transsexuality a psychiatric disorder.  The Ukrainian constitution specifically states that marriage is between a man and a woman.  And every liberal on the planet supports them.  By the way, abortion in Ukraine is illegal after the first 12 weeks, tell all your friends.

But all these people want to relive the days of Vietnam and silence anyone who disagrees.  Silencing the media, the church and the opposing political parties, they see nothing that can go wrong with that.

22 December, 2022

I could have made it this far but I didn't want to.  Why are you here?

One thing I've noticed when arguing with leftists is how they seemingly-always go to insisting what you actually believe and why without ever taking the possibility that they might be wrong.  Moreover, keeping quiet about that gives you an advantage that the opponent doesn't recognize, you've already figured out what their motivation is so you can use it to your advantage, or amusement.

Otherwise, it's giving the enemy an asset.  You're being blatantly obvious about what you're doing and why and they can respond without telling you what they've seen.  These people always use immediate mindless rhetoric, how you *love* something or *applaud* someone.  Why do you assume emotion has anything to do with what you're supposedly responding to?  The person who's responding to you may be using rational thought.  Your accusation of their emotions (which only exist within your own mind) can lead you in the wrong direction.

It's like a move in chess, you can see a way to take the bishop and put the king in check but you have to move other pieces in the process, and you don't want the opponent to know what's what you're doing until you're ready.  That requires strategy and thought, not simplistic emotion-based tactics.

This is why we can't live with these people any longer.  At least a kid can learn chess and decide they're no good at it, they'd rather play checkers.  These people spend their whole lives thinking theirs is the only way to go and will do anything it takes to invent what they're opposed to, while revealing their tactics in advance to everybody.

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