Tuesday, July 18, 2023


15 July, 2023

"I will not comply"

So far they're all British but I've just seen several recent videos, ordinary citizens taking selfies to say "I withdraw my consent to be governed by any corrupt, compromised, belligerent criminal parliament or government.  I will not comply."

Good start, we need more.  We'll get more, no doubt about that, but then what?  We need a resistance and we'll probably need a sequel to the Declaration of Independence.  This goes in line with the strike I've been advocating, but it's still a question of how it will work.  As I've said before, I think our most immediate requirement is for people with senior-leadership experience to just start giving orders.

There's the 'tell us what to do' need that I've been trying to think out.  First of all, form a unit, a team, with those you work with.  Work out who's in charge, officially if not literally, a spokesman who will keep in contact with everyone on the team, including wives, children and whoever else lives with each member.  Get a list of names, addresses and contact info.  Make it a policy for everyone to text, email, visit, etc. on a regular basis to make sure they're all still alive.

I think the best method is to have a standard policy and then work out what exceptions have to be made.  That way you can figure out why this individual can't contact every day, or why they need some other form of contact, or whatever the exception is.  This is the normal rule, That is a good or bad reason why an individual can't follow it.

The next step is to figure out what skills and supplies the team has and what skills and supplies they don't have.  For the skills, how long does it take to train others on those skills?  That's where it might be helpful if children are present, because they'll need to be watched anyway, so there might be a way to teach them basic skills and training.  If a kid likes cars and is old enough, just have him start working with a mechanic.  If he wants to be a doctor, that will be tougher but start working on ways to start learning as soon as possible.

Then there's the supplies.  Everybody needs food and water, sooner or later we all need medicine.  Weapons, ammo, electricity, communication, computers, just to name a few things.  There's also just a need for knowledge about these things.  That might be one of the first tasks, just to start searching the internet for as much info as possible on these things and get a printed copy that can still be used if the internet is shut down.

So this is what the teams should be doing, organizing themselves as a formal unit.  This is who and where you are, start working out what you're going to do about it.  I come from a military background so that's where my inspiration is.  There's a commanding officer and various levels of subordinates.  Some people will have more leeway than others but you need to all agree on the same rules for everybody.

Skills and supplies are going to each have their own particular problems so start looking for who is the best at each task.  Some people take initiative, some people follow orders, some people like working on their own projects.  That's why senior leadership is needed because they've already had to deal with these differences and have learned.  It's also why I specify senior leadership.  I spent ten years in uniform, assigned to only one unit in all that time and had only two clerks, both of whom were awesome.  I might have learned something from other people's experiences but there's really nothing I can go on, especially compared to someone who actually went through senior leadership roles where you deal with different people at different levels for long periods of time and can see what goes right or wrong.

So then there's the question of how to maintain supplies, food, weapons, gasoline, etc.  That requires more people involved for transport and protection, as well as contacting other units for trade.  If we can get these teams started, I really think they will start growing.  More people will be inspired to help and they'll be able to bring in more skills and supplies.

There will be problems.  Theft is the one that comes to mind first but there will be others.  I can think of a few possible solutions such as a group of, effectively MPs, but there are obvious problems with those, how would everybody agree on the rules they're imposing and who's going to be members of that team?  And all this is without even considering what our rulers will do against us, the ones we refuse to comply with.

So the steps we need from senior leadership are:

1:  Form a team, keep in regular contact to assist each other.

2:  Determine what skills and supplies the team has and what more is needed.

3:  Get as much info as possible on skills and supplies and keep it in printed form.

4:  Develop communication, transport and protection with other teams.

And keep in mind that you're already surrounded by the enemy who thinks they're in charge and wants to reduce your population.  That's who we're here to fight, whatever it takes.

15 July, 2023

I don't think I'm alone now.

□ [“Shocking No One, Interest in NYPD Police Exam Plummets"]

Have they considered lowering the standards?  That might help, although we already have the "Defund the police" riots and they're letting a lot more criminals go free.  So where's the incentive to join the police in the first place?

Maybe they could announce quotas and refuse to hire any white males until they have the same percentage of all the other genders and skin colors.  That's what every other industry is promoting so why not do that with the police force?  They're the government, they can do that, right?

It goes without saying that this is deliberate.  The lawmakers are on the same side as the criminals so the police are the least important when it comes to enforcing the law.  Well, along with the victims.  It's one of those things that proves the problem with big cities, I assume this is going on elsewhere.  NYC just happens to be the most prominent.

At least they keep bringing in more criminals from other countries.  There are laws against that.

15 July, 2023

□ [“California Implementing New K-12 Mathematics Framework Based on Social Justice"]

Obviously this is part of the scheme but it's just bewildering what the point of this is.  We already saw them before with [I forget the name, ebonics?] and they're just doubling down.  For that matter, wasn't this imposed in the early Soviet Union, trying to feed leftism into every form of education that children were expected to memorize if they wanted to pass a test.  I don't think it was literally 2+2=5 but they had to explain all the soviet-justice causes to answer a basic question in a subject that had nothing to do with it.

I'm not aware if it carried on through the entire Soviet era.  On the one hand, they had to win a few wars so that does require acknowledging reality but on the other hand, things like the space program essentially stopped once the German scientists who did the actual work retired.  But this is clearly what they're doing in California and expect to impose everywhere else.

Even worse, this delusion gets an extra twist by insisting that black students are too stupid to work basic math but somehow they'll be capable of figuring this out.  Maybe it's based on self-identifying what 2+2 equals.  I really can't see the point of that but this is something they've been pushing for decades so there's obviously a reason.  Or something like that.

15 July, 2023

□ [“4 People Shot and Killed in South Atlanta – Black Male ‘Active Shooter’ Still at Large"]

□ [“Elderly Maryland Woman Killed After Being Run Over by Black Man in Stolen Forklift in Home Depot Parking Lot"]

There is no report on the skin color of the victims but that doesn't matter much.  There's a ridiculous number of crimes committed by a particular skin color and there doesn't seem to be any civilized people willing to stop this.  At least not of the same skin color.

Given the enormous number of attacks we've seen in the last few years, I doubt the skin color of the victims is particularly relevant.  Might be an excuse here or there but it's really just about killing people and, like it or not, black people are usually found with other blacks.  That's the way Democrats want it.

This does seem to line up several of the left's standard practices.  Population reduction, banning guns, blacks being so oppressed that shooting people is the only sensible option.  They've been able to spend centuries developing this fantasy and imposing it on their subjects as the ideal.

15 July, 2023

□ [“Idiot German Eco Terrorist Screams in Pain as Rescue Workers Try to Free His Hand After He Glued Himself to Road"]

Yes, of course it's fun to watch but there's a valid question about what should really be done with these creatures.  'Just leave them there' is totally understandable but they're blocking the road.  It might take weeks for them to die of starvation and it would be wrong to hold the road up for so long.  So what other options are there?

Is the road still functional if you slice off part of it and leave that attached to their hands, just as they chose to do?  Or at least would it be cheap and easy to replace the cement?  Same problem as before, damaging the road is not a proper response.  Or we could just cut their hand off and leave it there, but then it just leaves a mess behind.  The punishment should fit the crime but let's not inconvenience the citizens.

The people who did this obviously deserve no sympathy.  They put themselves into this mess, they can live with the consequences.  Or die, it's not like they have anything worthwhile to add to the world.  Unless their group has ads that say they totally oppose population reduction, it can start with them.

15 July, 2023

Still paying attention to movies I have no interest in watching.  The new Tom Cruise movie might not be the hit it was expected to be.  In its first three days, it hasn't done as well as Indiana Jones or the Flash and it's way below Ant-Man 3's first three days of release.  If so, that would be a disaster for the whole movie industry, adding Paramount to the high budget bombs along with Disney and Warner Bros.  Ant-Man 3 made as much money on opening day as Tom Cruise has made in three days.

Maybe the movie will have some legs, I dunno.  I'm not a Tom Cruise fan, I've literally just looked up his career to see what movies I've seen that he's in and have already forgotten.  Very few.  And this is a series of big-budget movies based on a tv show so no idea how that works.  So maybe this will be a hit, one of the few Hollywood has had this year, or maybe it's another financial disaster.

Even if this does turn out to be successful, Hollywood is having major problems.  One hit will not pay for all their failures and with the writers and actors on strike, they've got every incentive to just go to cgi animation.  Strange to believe but animation is actually cheaper than making live-action movies, so there's more chance of profit.  Or they could just re-release good movies that people might actually want to see.  Assuming we don't already have them.

16 July, 2023

I self-identify as a wolf so leftists can't complain when I eat meat

□ [“'Fake News' – Mike Pence Lashes Out After His 'That’s Not My Concern' Comment Goes Viral"]

This is basically the sort of thing that completely ends a politician's career.  We don't live in a normal world anymore so I'm not making any promises, but that's what's happening to Pence.

Tucker Carlson said “You’re running for President.  You are distressed that Ukrainians don’t have enough American tanks?  Every city in the U.S. has become much worse over the past three years and it’s visible.  Our economy has degraded, suicide rate has jumped, crime has exponentially increased and yet your concern is that the Ukrainians, country that most people can’t find on a map who’ve received tens of billions of US tax dollars don’t have enough tanks!  I think it’s a fair question to ask, where’s the concern for the United States?”

Pences's response was “That’s not my concern.  Tucker, I’ve heard that routine from you before but that’s not my concern!”

Just on the face of it, that's death for a politician.  You don't get listed a bunch of problems being faced by the people whose votes you're trying to get, and then your first words are "that's not my concern."  This tells us that you are not on the side of the people whose votes your trying to get.  It's just bad form.

But now Pence's excuse is that his words were taken out of context.  He was *actually* responding to the idea that getting American tanks to Ukraine was his concern.  He completely ignored the next several sentences coming out of the interviewers mouth, he was only focusing on American tanks for Ukraine so he could say that wasn't his concern.  A decent politician would have been outraged by what's happening to the American economy, the suicide rate, crime and our tax dollars going to some other nation, but he didn't have anything to say about that.  He was just waiting for the opportunity to say "that's not my concern."

You can take Pence's words totally seriously and see what he's willing to ignore just to say how little American tanks to Ukraine mean to him, but that's not good.  Pence wants us to take that seriously.  I don't know where he gets the idea that he has a chance to win the primaries and he probably won't quit immediately but I think before long he'll realize that it's just a delusion.  The only reason he'll continue is if he hopes to get a good seat at Biden's reinauguration.

16 July, 2023

□ [“NYC Theater Company That Staged Julius Caesar Play as Trump Assassination Now Laying Off 19 Percent of Its Staff"]

Why don't they just put Biden in the role?  That would get a lot of publicity and could increase ticket sales.  What's so hard about it?  Are there people you're too scared to go after and Donald Trump just wasn't in that category?  Funny how that works.

Well, they seem to be reliant on doners who have not increased the amount of money they hand over, but for some strange reason, the costs just keep getting higher.  Things were so much cheaper when Trump was in charge, that's why you opposed it.  And now you have to get rid of all those wonderful actors.

Well, they probably aren't firing the actors, those are the ones who bring in the crowds.  Nobody buys theater tickets to see what some assistant set-designer came up with.  They're lower-class people anyway, you don't need them around.  Maybe there's lots of other popular theater companies in NYC who would just grab them immediately.  Or they'll have to find a real job, who cares?

Maybe this will give the theater more excuse to do *woke* plays.  That's all you need to bring in an audience.

16 July, 2023

The new Tom Cruise movie has made almost as much in five days as Indiana Jones did in the same time frame, but Ant-Man 3 had made that much in its first two days.  In the last decade or so, international results have been at least as important if not more and I don't track those, just because it's too much work.  I can get why the studios break up each country's day-to-day box office but most of us would be fine if the websites just list daily international.  Shouldn't be hard to do that, wouldn't need much more than an Excel sheet.

Anyway, I still think this was times for the Hollywood strikes currently going on and I now think the point is to break down the giant media companies.  It's basically anti-capitalism, big rich companies must be destroyed, no matter how much they agree with and fund the people on strike.  I really don't see the point to A.I. so that's at least a sensible opposition, but all these actors and writers are doing is giving those companies more excuse to use A.I.  They already own the property.

We've seen this going back for decades in comics, where the companies automatically own any art drawn or character created, just as we see with Ant-Man, the Flash, and all those other box-office attractions.  Marvel and DC did agree that the original art itself - DC was more willing to make that decision than Marvel was - but they owned the work.  They paid for it, they hired people to make it.  They legally created the characters and it's just the writer/artist's name on the book.

At least in comics, it's cheap and convenient enough to just make your own stories and characters.  Face it, change the name, the costume and a few details, you can rip off a superhero quite easily.  It's even easier if you dare to do a comic story that isn't about men in tights punching people.  But the company ownership, the characters being all that matters and the easily-replaced employees seems to be what Hollywood has been building up to, and then A.I. becomes a factor.

Don't know what any of this means but it does seem relevant for some reason.

16 July, 2023

□ [“Young Men in Ukraine Hide in Fear of Being Sent to Die: 'My Friends Were Trained for 5 Days and Sent to Donetsk'"]

It's going slowly but the truth is starting to come out about Ukraine.  Not just the biolabs or the funneling money from the west, but about the fact that they've basically gotten rid of all their men.  If they want to keep this war going, they're going to need to start drafting another gender.  Maybe they'll see which genders don't need drugs and surgery to justify their chosen sex.

Then again, I've also seen that they're having problems getting through the minefields the Russians have set up in front of their forces, maybe the other genders would be good at clearing those out.  If the highly-publicized offensive move really gets started.  But of course Ukraine says there's only two genders, it's their supporters who say there are dozens more.  They never seem to quibble about that for some reason.

I've also seen multiple news sources from both sides listing the casualties and Ukraine's is much higher than Russia's.  Just think of how many Ukrainians might still be alive if they didn't get US weapons, vehicles and taxpayer money.  But they're willing to die for that.  Or at least the government is willing to have them die for it and as we all know, the people don't get a choice in the matter.

16 July, 2023

□ [“'Morality Police' Return to Streets of Iran in New Campaign to Force Islamic Dress on Women"]

Ok, I'm missing something, when did Iran *stop* forcing women to wear cloth that protects them from an evil virus?  I thought that was the point!  Slightly more seriously, I have wondered if that's part of what's been going on in the quiet parts of WWIII.  Whatever's been going on in Iran has been happening since the US took over Iraq, maybe even before, possibly as far back as 1979.

But it might also be just another batch of riots like we've seen all over the world these days.  It wouldn't be surprising if most countries are having riots, we're just not hearing about them.  South America, Africa, China and Russia, it might be happening everywhere without us knowing.  I *think* we'd be told if they're going on in the US or Britain but who knows?

Anyway, that's another example of why I think there's been a long-range plan.  So far, I haven't gone along with conspiracy theories about 9/11 - I have my own conspiracy theories, thank you very much - but I've always thought this was something we'd been working on since then.  GWB, Obama, Trump and now Obama's puppet have just been going along with whatever that plan is.  You can make a convincing argument that it's been going on longer than that like I just did a couple paragraphs ago, but I dunno...

Then again, maybe it's just because Iran and Iraq are among two of the oldest continuous civilizations in human history and something about *that* is what's been driving all this.  I do think that's one of the reasons we chose Iraq to invade, along with Saddam and his relationship to Syria and the rest of it.

17 July, 2023

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit being sponsored by Rococo Coffee!

□ [“Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Loudly Booed at North American Indigenous Games"]

That rich white man is going to say what he wants to say.  He doesn't owe you anything, he's in charge of this land and that will never change until the day he dies.  So just shut up and obey like a good little... what's their skin color again?

□ [“Justin Trudeau to Muslims Protesting Gender Ideology Indoctrination: You're All Just Deluded Pawns of Right-Wing American Christians"]

But we know how leftists consider dark-skinned people.  Easy to control, totally obedient.  That's the only reason Muslims would dare to disagree with the rulers on this transgender nonsense.  Or on how the two real genders are different from each other.  Nope, just ignore any Muslim history for the last 1500 years, they're brainwashed by the US right-wing!

A few years ago, the rumor came out that Trudeau was actually Fidel Castro's son, given that his communist mother visited Cuba and met with high-ranking people nine months before her son was born.  It's totally believable, no doubt about that, I just try to ignore it because it seems to be a much deeper conspiracy than anything we've heard yet, so if it's true, something like this would tear apart any rational view of the world, and there would be many more details just like it.

17 July, 2023

□ [“First Korean Transgender Athlete Wins Women’s Cycling Competition and Delivers a Shocking Message"]

This was clearly an insane man who decided to be a woman but his point was that women can't perform athletics as well as him.  He also got all the required surgery last year, so this wasn't about proving the point.  He was openly pointing out that female athletes can't compete against him and wants a third gender group created.

It's always about giving into their insanity and making the world the way they delude themselves into thinking it should be.  That applies to leftism all down the line but they really seem to have tied it all up with these imaginary genders.  There are already several dozens of them, they're each going to need their own gold, silver and bronze medals or they'll be unhappy, just like they always are.

Women athletes need to start speaking up on this.  There have been a few in recent months but there needs to be more.  They need to refuse to take part in these competitions against anyone who was born with a penis, whether or not they still have it.  Male athletes get the attention because they perform better.  Female athletes have to devote themselves to practice and exercise regardless of that, which is a legitimate achievement being taken away from them by this tyranny.

17 July, 2023

□ [“Muslim Billionaire Wins Permission to Turn London’s Famous Landmark in Piccadilly Circus Into Giant 3-Story Super Mosque"]

Well they built a mosque where the World Trade Center used to stand, this is the logical next step.  Soon there will be one at the Eiffel Tower, then the Vatican, assuming it doesn't already have one.  Given what we've put up with the last twenty years, this may be the best option.

It's another example of how leftism always ruins itself for stronger conquerors.  Usually they come from within but the War on Terror had different standards.  I supported the War on Terror now and still would if we had any competent leaders.  Showing the kindliness of Americans is one thing, but there should have been a point that was very easy to reach where we just start shooting anyone who might cause us a problem.  Iraq, Afghanistan and the Middle East in general would be better off today if we had done more of that.

So this is the result.  The left invited as many Muslim invaders as possible, so long as they vote Democrat (or the equivalent in other countries.)  Which they did, Muslims have always understood that they had to obey the infidel for a certain amount of time until Islam was ready to take over.  They're getting close to that point.  Within our lifetime, we will reach an election for "one man, one vote, one time."

17 July, 2023

□ [“Ignoring the Recent Supreme Court Ruling, Biden to Cancel $39 Billion in Student Debt Anyway Without Congressional Authorization"]

It's just showing that the laws don't apply to him.  He can do whatever he wants and Congress gets no say in the matter.  Notice that Congress isn't doing anything about it.  Oh, they might whine, but they do that against the IRS and DOJ and DOD and FBI and all the rest but they never actually do anything about it.  That's not their job.

This shows that basically all of these people are a member of the uniparty.  A very convincing argument is that they all obey China, either through bribes, threats or whatever, but whoever is giving the orders, Congress obeys, just like Biden and his masters.  They'll make a little noise here and there but their only job is to oppress the rest of us and they do that without hesitation.

By extension, this is pushed through all the federal and state employees and the military.  I cannot figure out how they've managed to take over giant corporations but they've managed that.  Basically nobody else but China would be capable of doing this because a real conspiracy couldn't keep itself secret and still get away with all this and the only other alternative is that they really worship Satan and he gives the orders.  Again, that's also believable, but where's the evidence?

17 July, 2023

I still find it hard to believe that society hasn't already collapsed but how much longer do we have?  My experiences are minor but it looks like basic things like electricity and the internet are having more problems working as well as they used to.  There's the obvious problems like truck and train crashes, one such event happened just a few days ago close to where I live.  These are just anecdotal examples but everybody can see problems happening.

We keep hearing there's going to be a food crisis shortly.  Don't know if that's true, not even sure it needs to be true if it causes enough people to worry.  There's the electric grid, the invasion on the southern border, the fact that our so-called leader recently admitted that the US military doesn't have much ammunition, which means they won't be of much use on a battlefield.  And these are just upcoming problems that come immediately to mind.

So how long until anything shuts down?  That's going to start a line of everything else collapsing and then we get to see what it's like to go without meals for a while.  Or running water, electricity, etc.  I'm genuinely surprised it hasn't happened yet - possibly a compliment to the strength of what previous generations built - but it can't last.  The whole point of our rulers is to destroying it and if they have a work ethic, that's where it goes.

18 July, 2023

I could see paradise by the dashboard light better if your head wasn't in the way.

□ [“GOP Uniparty Senators Threaten to Leave and Become Democrats"]

So what's the difference?  They already vote Democrat.  I assume the main reason for this is just to switch seats on committees, or whatever the 'majority' party gets.  I know that there are some rules against such things and there are probably more that only people who work for the Senate know about, they've gotta show those voters who elected Republicans that 'we don't care what you want.'

There's also the need to keep up this propaganda on how all these Republicans are "extreme right-wing."  They're still where they've been for decades, free speech, independence, individual rights.  Democrats can't even support "my body my choice" as we've seen with the pretend-vaccine, much less back when they wanted abortion to be "rare" as Bill Clinton said.  Attacking a nation that hasn't attacked us or any NATO allies?  They'll ignore that because they hate Russia.  How much campaigning did Biden do on giving authority to the "new world order" because he's giving them authority with no permission whatsoever.  Then there's the lqbwiltxzed movement who claimed all they wanted was to get married and look where they are just a couple decades later.

It's just another example of the left changing whatever their current beliefs are and projecting the "extreme" onto their enemies.  Maybe they're a bit desperate so the uniparty needs to become more obvious, to the extent it wasn't already.

18 July, 2023

□ [“UK Amusement Park Will No Longer Host Pride Events After Drag Queen Simulated Sex Acts in Front of Children"]

You could have had this rule *before* you imposed sex acts on children but you just had to prove that you knew best and this is the result.  But *we're* the bigots.  Showing how low our standards have gotten, I actually have to congratulate the amusement park for admitting that they screwed up, but I don't really think there could be much "confusion" in keeping your dick away from children.  That's the world we live in now.

□ [“Convicted Pedophile, Who Abused Daughter, Released from Jail After He Identifies as Transgender"]

They don't accept any other laws either and our rulers agree with that.  Surprised they didn't let him out of jail anyway, who cares if he sexually abuses his daughter?  But all he has to do is pretend he's another gender and that's enough.  There is no dealing with these people.  How long will he wait until he gets his next victim?

□ [“Violent Felon Whose Sentence Was Commuted By Oregon Governor Now Commits Multiple Murders"]

And there's more victims.  He plead guilty to "unauthorized use of a vehicle" so all the other charges were dismissed.  Just think, if this Democrat hadn't put her name on a piece of paper, four people would still be alive.  But she probably supports population reduction anyway so that's what's going to happen.

□ [“Illinois Supreme Court Overturns Lower Court Ruling, Paving the Way for Elimination of Cash Bail on Felonies Including Second-Degree Murder, Drug-Induced Homicide, and Kidnapping"]

Is the jail system where all new Democrats come from?  They're just encouraging more crimes, both by the people they set free and by everyone else who sees no downside to committing their own crimes.  None of them ever bother to ask if anything can go wrong and none of them have to pay the ultimate price for any mistakes.

And they excuse changing the laws because poor people are in jail.  They're the ones committing the crimes.  As typical leftism, we can assume they're self-identifying the poor people as a certain skin color but that's not relevant.  They commit crimes and need to be locked away.  So does everyone who advocates setting these people lose to commit more crimes.

Do they ever even meet these psychos they set lose on the streets?  They certainly don't take any responsibility for their actions, just like the psychos.  The prisoners should be sent to their home as a halfway house.  They murder or rape or kill anybody, you'll be the one punished.  You're the one who wanted them set free so this could happen.

18 July, 2023

□ [“San Francisco Stores Now Chaining Their Freezers and Bathrooms Shut to Stop Shoplifters – One Store Has Been Robbed 20 Times in One Day"]

They're just cutting everything down.  Not sure why, this may just be a side-effect to destroying everything else.  Why are these businesses even staying open?  They're targets and our master's servants are taking everything.  You shouldn't have to chain up everything just to try and fail to keep peace.

This can't keep going.  We didn't have to live like this before the elections were stolen.  All these decades where people could safely sell cheap product to customers.  How much money do these companies have to spend just for chains and alarms?  The cost just keeps going up and the supplies keep going down.

Then there's the problems delivering supplies.  I don't know if any of the truckers are being attacked but that will probably start happening soon.  One of the most immediate need is for guards because the law has been thrown away.  But then there's the worry that it'll just be gangs expecting their payment to keep other gangs out.  They'll probably give the rulers their share but that's how it goes.

18 July, 2023

□ [“In Report About Current Covid Death Rates, the New York Times Sneaks In an 'Oh, By the Way, One Third of Covid Deaths Were Never Covid Deaths at All' Admission"]

They have to admit some things but there's definitely a limit.  There's too much of a chance of them all being slaughtered for the tyranny and abuse they imposed on everyone else just to pretend there was some dangerous virus out there.  There are still people who believe this so it must be working somewhere but they can't take the risk that most of us know the truth.

They lied about the virus, they lied about the deaths, they lied about the quantity.  If three people see the same body, that counts as three deaths.  If you get run over by a car and you have the virus, it was the virus that killed you, according to the medical records.  So everybody has to get a brand-new chemical.  There was already a "winter of death" for those who didn't get it, although I'm blanking on which year we were told that would happen.

It was all an excuse to seize power, although there must be some in the media who realize this might not have been a great idea.  No matter how collectivist and power-seizing they are, at some level they are individuals who have to question what's actually going on.  This sort of problem happens in communist dictatorships.  I don't get how they can only find people who obey unquestioningly but they try their best.  Those are the ones who need to be eradicated although it probably won't last long.

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