Friday, September 22, 2023


 □ [“New York’s Democrat Gov. Hochul Blasts Illegal Aliens:  ‘If You’re Going to Leave Your Country, Go Somewhere Else!’”]

That’s the point, you stupid woman!  They did leave their country and go somewhere else.  You can keep them out of your state but you’ll need control over them, as well as borders and guards to keep them from coming in without your permission.

But less than two years ago, she said “Our message to the world is, send us your people, send us those who need the cloak of comfort that we can demonstrate as New Yorkers with big hearts and open arms and we will provide a safe haven."  Was she lying or just has no clue what nonsense was coming out of her mouth?  Either way, she’s the one who claims to be in charge so now she has to live up to her own rules.

At least Texas knows this is an invasion and is preparing to build a wall.  Should Democrats follow that example or just ignore the consequences of their decisions no matter who suffers?  We can see as many invaders as possible are being sent to red states so they can be bribed to vote Democrat and blue states don’t have to put up with them.


□ [“Did Poland Just Torpedo NATO And Ukraine?”]

Poland refuses to send more weapons, Hungary is turning away, Slovakia refuses to buy more wheat.  That’s three NATO members who aren’t in favor of going on with this war for a nation that has never bothered to join NATO.  The rulers really don’t seem to notice that their decisions aren’t enough, they need others to go along with them.

Currently Zelensky is vacationing in the US to beg for more money.  I’m sure he’ll get paid but at this point, I wonder if he’s ever really in Ukraine. Maybe he’s just using a greenscreen somewhere, would anybody notice?  Even leftist media is starting to admit that they really aren’t getting anything from the money and weapons the west is sending in.  They’re even admitting that the “spring offensive” was a failure.

I still wonder if the whole point was a distraction as well as an excuse to suck away as much money, equipment and weapons as possible from western militaries so that Russia/China/etc. have more advantage when that war finally becomes hot.  And our side is the one turning against our own allies in favor of a non-ally, never a good move.

□ [“Anybody believe the WH's reason Biden and Zelensky aren't having a press conference?”]

Ok, I’m surprised Zelensky even tried to meet Biden.  Why would they even be in the same room, it’s not like they have anything to talk about.  Zelensky’s schedule would be trying to talk to people who actually make decisions.  This just seems weird.

The White House claims that this was based on what was best for Ukraine.  Ok, that’s funny.  It’s best for Ukraine to have no press conference with a senile white rich old man.  Well when you put it like that, I guess it makes sense, but also suggests there’s nothing else Ukraine will get from this trip.  Zelensky wanted to speak to both Houses of Congress and that was turned down, so why get the pretend-POTUS either?

Could Biden and Ukraine both be at the end of the line?  It sure looks that way, although I’ve thought that for quite a while.  But my guess for the next week is that the end of the federal Fiscal Year is where it crashes down.  At this point, I don’t even care that much if I’m right or wrong, it’s coming very soon and then we can expect complete chaos.  Except for our tyrants.  They made it happen, they’ll be ready.


□ [“Fetterman Arrives to Senate Looking Like a Slob in Short-Sleeve Shirt and Shorts”]

He’s suddenly getting a lot of attention.  There’s a few possible reasons.  For one, it might be obvious backstage that he’s nearly as incompetent as Biden and this is being leaked out to the public.  Or it’s just a struggle to get everyone to respect someone who isn’t capable of dressing himself.  They keep lowering the standards but there are people who understand standards exist for a reason.  The Senate is degraded by insisting on this.

And maybe that’s intentional, similar to Caligula and his horse Incitatus.  The historical records were vague on this, but Rome had as much insanity and cult-worship as we do.  Jesus Christ had only died a few years before Caligula took the throne so there was definitely a lot of thought in that direction back in those days.

[And every day.  Just looking Caligula up on wikipedia, a brief scan of his life looks similar to Biden.  I’m still surprised when I see this despite realizing long ago that every human being lives according to God’s will, whether we accept that or not, so the results generally end up the same as others, even if we’re not famous historical figures.]

I go back and forth on why Caligula did this.  Insanity, perversion, degradation, boredom?  He was Augustus’ great-grandson, born near the end of his reign.  He was still young and only knew life in the form of the brand-new highest level humanity had ever reached.  Add the cults to that and I suspect that, whatever his specific motivation happened to be, he was just doing it because he could and didn’t know any better.[1]

But Fetterman was brought into this by similar cults with a couple thousand years of Caligula-envy to build on.  Maybe the demon-worship is directly descended from ancient Rome, maybe Bob Guccione and Gore Vidal came up with it one night with a lot of drugs.  I do think this depravity is following the same lines as 2000 years ago but have little interest in whether or not that’s intentional.  The demons you worship get a vote too.

□ [“Biden Struggles to Make it Across South Lawn After He Repeats Same Story Word-for-Word Just Minutes Apart at Campaign Reception”]

He’s clearly getting worse regularly now.  These reports come out regularly and gives one the impression that he’s the horse installed by the modern Caligula.  He’s already been in the senate so that makes sense, right?  You’d think competent rulers would want a front man who’s at least coherent, but it’s like they despise him as much as we do, and as much as they despise us, but then why pick him in the first place?

I was thinking of Caligula after news articles about Biden supposedly saying he’d be dead soon.  There’s no proof, it’s all third- or fourth- or fifth-party and even in context, his comments were that he’d be dead before Hunter’s legal problems were over.  Well, yes, unless Hunter dies first, that’ll happen even if you pardon him right now.

But I often wonder about the pagan urge for human sacrifice undoubtably shared by people in the White House right now.  My theory is still that this came directly from ancient Egypt, but there’s also the Aztecs if you want an American version.  So even though there’s no evidence, is it possible that they’re getting ready to do exactly that to Joe Biden?  Ok, but even if I’m 100% right, it’s not like we’ll be told the truth and we’ll be too distracted by the immediate chaos and disaster to give him any thought.

[1] Note:  It’s not clear whether or not this actually happened.  We’ll never know the truth, it was possibly then-modern media lying about him, or Caligula may have tried to do this but it was never acted upon.

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