Monday, June 27, 2022


22 June, 2022

My preferred pronouns are "Huh?" and "WTF?"

□ [“Biden Celebrates His Green Policies that Will ‘Take Millions of Cars Off the Road’”]

And it makes people suffer, a bonus!  What’s the point of doing something if it doesn’t make other people suffer?  No one even suggests that this might hurt Democratic votes this November, or in 2024.  There’s all the proof you need that future elections are already locked up.  They’re probably already counting the votes.

Biden doesn’t even have the decency to take responsibility.  It’s Putin’s fault, or anybody else’s.  Anybody with a brain has seen prices go up since the day he stole office.

@December 18, 2019, Trump tweeted “In reality they aren't after me, they’re after you.  I’m just in the way.”  We have way too much proof that he was exactly right.

□ [“Biden To Announce Three Month Gas Tax Holiday While Lying About Why Gas Prices Surge”]

But Biden just thanked Putin for the inflation increases.  Now he blames Putin?  Do the people who tell him to say this know he keeps contradicting himself?  They’re the ones pretending he’s POTUS, shouldn’t they know?  Or is that the point?

A standard description of leftists is that they fundamentally assume they’re smart and everybody is stupid.  That could explain why they always cite government as the solution to any problem.  They only know Demands, not Supply.  That doesn’t work.

□ [“MSNBC Guest to Americans:  Stop Complaining, I’m Gonna Need You to Calm Down and Back Off"]

If she doesn’t get what she needs, what’ll she do about it?  Complain?  Send men with guns to enforce her will on suffering people?  Her outfit and hairstyle aren’t cheap, she probably doesn’t even notice prices going up.  Her skin color has that privilege.

The only people who believe this are the oppressors and the taxpayers already pay for their gas.  Now Biden is saying states should also have a ‘holiday’ for gas taxes, but states don’t print their own money.  If they cut taxes there, they’ll raise taxes elsewhere.

A lot of Democrats seem to have fallen silent.  Where's Nancy Pelosi these days, checking refrigerators in one of her giant mansions?  Buying her husband a brand-new Porsche after the old one got a dent when some hispanic was in his way?  None of the stupid bitches who joined congress in the last several years are making any noise.

They may spend all their time destroying the country and see no reason to bother with the media.  Or they just may not want to be blamed for what’s about to happen, even though they’ve totally worked for it all this time.  It’s all Biden's fault, not theirs.

Yes, this is why women shouldn’t be allowed in politics.  It also may be where the word ‘tool’ came from, as in “He’s a…”  Most guys who got into that were just trying to get laid.  If they have to follow orders and self-identify as female to do it, ok by them.

□ [“Biden Administration’s Transgender Face Pushes For Surgical And Chemical Castration Of Children"]

This creature is our rulers’ ideal.  It only vaguely looks human, there's certainly no gender, but it still wants to chop up children.  We know they did that in Sodom and Gomorrah, where handing over your daughter to a mob was a sensible reaction.  But they didn’t even want her, they wanted your other guests.

I rarely use terms like ‘nauseating’ but here it is.  This creature is actively trying to wipe out your children, specifically boys, which it *used* to self-identify as one of.

I sometimes wonder if this was part of a long-range post-9/11 plan, putting leftists and sodomites under Muslims, in charge because they knew how to control the infidel.  I sometimes run across some celebrity that seems like proof this was exactly what happened, or at least explains the demonic corruption over the last few decades.

23 June, 2022

I don't know what "shall not be infringed” means.  Let's just ignore it.

□ [“Here We Go:  NYC to Offer Monkeypox Vaccines"]

It took months to design, manufacture and distribute the Covid vaccine for all the people they're killing with it, but it’s taken a week or two to get their hands on this thing?

And new reports say the government threw away thousands of Covid vaccine doses because nobody bothered to use them.  Aren't they worried they'll have to do the same thing with this brand-new vaccine?  That's government planning for ya...

□ [“'Nothing Changes Today' – NYC Mayor Eric Adams Will Ignore Supreme Court Gun Law Ruling”]

It’s like the statement made when a military officer assumes command, ‘all orders remain in effect.’  The transfer of authority won’t cancel everything their predecessor did without further inspection.  The military does this because they think in terms of a junior officer suddenly being in charge because all the senior officers just got killed in battle.

But Adams is showing that he follows a different chain-of-command and can ignore the Supreme Court, unless it's something he can exploit.  None of his supporters are bothered by the contradiction, they follow their established chain-of-command.

□ [“Biden Scolds Republicans:  ‘Are You Saying That We’d Rather Have Lower Gas Prices in America Than Putin’s Iron Fist in Europe?’”]

We had no danger in Europe and lower gas prices until you took over.  Whoever writes old Biden’s speeches just gave him an excuse for tyranny.  He comes from a time when Russia actually tried to conquer Europe, which didn't effect gas prices.

□ [“Russian Success in the Donbas Accelerates”]

Russia may officially win by July 4.  Our rulers hope so, they haven’t bothered to give any real help to this point.  Sure, they tell the media things like Russia would run out of supplies in ten days, but who does that help?  Other than Russia, I mean.

Destroy the economy, take our money, take our guns and delude themselves into thinking it helps anyone except those who crave power.  Similar conflicts are going on all over the world.  The tyrants are trying to take everything, so at one level the US is the target.  At another level, we’re all targets.  We need organization and leadership.

Republicans are saying they’ll win the upcoming elections.  Do they have any plans ready if they’re stolen again?  No, they probably don't.  They're on the left's side.

24 June, 2022

At least it gives them a reason to stop talking about Ukraine, good timing.

□ [“Napa County DA Officially Charges Paul Pelosi with Misdemeanor For Drunken Car Crash”]

They waited four hours before testing the rich white man’s blood alcohol level and it was still at .082%.  His new 911 Porsche does about 17.5 miles-per-gallon, poor people couldn’t afford to kill the earth like that and get a misdemeanor.

□ [“Biden Administration To Allow Boys In Girls Bathrooms And Locker Rooms w/ Title IX Revision”]

What have these people been up to for decades that they finally seize power and run straight there?  It really is something that makes you believe in demon possession.

Well, I’m not going to say much today.  I've been working, so there’s that, but otherwise we're watching the left behave exactly as they accuse others of doing.  The Supreme Court leave abortion up to the states.  So much for Roe v. Wade.

□ [“California, Oregon And Washington Form A West Coast Coalition To Provide Access To Abortions”]

Here’s an example of what they’re doing, breaking everything up and turning on other states.  Of course there will be rioters smashing everything.  They’ll go after the court, gotta destroy part of the government they pretend to support.

They’re reducing food, getting rid of cars, banning guns, they sure aren’t paying attention to the Russia/Ukraine thing anymore.  Are we ready to go on strike yet?

25 June, 2022

Ending Roe v. Wade is the reason we have inflation and high gas prices!

Glimpsing news headlines, they’re obviously on the attack now.  They can’t bring in enough money to buy food or gas but they’ll still get to go everywhere they want.

Will anybody ask Biden about his 1982 speech to overturn Roe v. Wade for states to decide their own abortion policies or is do we just pretend that didn’t happen?  How about 2006?  “I do not view abortion as a, um, as choice and a right.  I think it’s always a tragedy.  And I think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions.  And there ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus as to do that.”

They're also destroying their own pretense of intelligence.  They don’t know what a woman is but claim to support women’s rights.  Same as men, she can’t deny getting vaccinated, why would she have any control over her body?

□ [“DNC Chair Claims That the Supreme Court is Now ‘Illegitimate’”]

You’re not the one who decides who is “legitimate.”

And why don’t Democrats just point out how popular abortion is for blacks, a small percentage of the population, to promote the large percentage of abortions they have.  They aren’t human and have no right to live, so government should pay for this.

Democrats have long advocated this.  Abortion would be the most popular thing in America if we’re so racist.  We might lose a few whites but Republicans can say they totally changed their views on abortion when they saw how many black lives it ended.

As I expected, the headlines just show pro-abortionists attacking anyone they don’t like.  I have little to say about these headlines, I’ll just bundle them all here.

□ [“Women’s March Behind Arizona Riots, Schedules Multiple Events Across US Over the Next Week”]

□ [“Chaos in Los Angeles as Violent Leftists Riot Over Roe v. Wade Being Overturned”]

□ [“Arizona Senate Evacuated After Pro-Choice Rioters and Teachers Breach Security”]

□ [“Person Drives Through Pro-Abortion Protesters Surrounding Their Truck in Iowa”]

□ [“Young Pro-Life Woman Attacked By Pro-Abortion Antifa Mob in Seattle”]

□ [“‘To Hell with the Supreme Court. We Will Defy Them.’ – Maxine Waters on Roe v. Wade Decision”]

If you do, then we can defy Congress.  You’re the one breaking the agreement, all because of this nonsense you’ve been foisting on us for all these decades.

This sort of thing still makes me wonder if there is a real plan here.  The Supreme Court could have done this at any point for decades, but they didn’t.  Who made the decision to wait until now, and who also knew about that and went along?

□ [“Justin Trudeau Weeps Over US Women ‘Losing’ the Right Over Their Bodies After Forcing Every Person in Canada to Receive Experimental Vaccine”]

□ [“Justin Trudeau Says Unvaccinated People Have to Deal with the 'Consequences' of their Choice”]

So much for supporting “choice.”  They contradict themselves and don’t even know it but it’s not just basic stupidity, there must be some other reason.  A sensible person would at least acknowledge ‘if we do X, we’ll cause problems for doing Y which we’ll have to solve sometime down the road,’ but these people don’t even get that far.

□ [“Islamist Terror Attack at Oslo, Norway Gay Nightclub; Kills 2, Wounds 21; Iranian Gunman Caught”]

They even side with Iran who does ban guns but also bans gays and abortion riots.  Iran doesn’t side with the infidel but can find uses for them along the way.

It’s things like this that show we are really in a war that’s been planned for a long time.  But knowing that doesn’t tell us what to do about it.  I know I keep saying this but it just seems more and more true.  How high up was the planning done?  By this point, one might as well say it's the word of God making all this for a reason.

I do believe that, but it’s not useful for us at our level.  Slightly better is that this may be where the concept of ‘demon possession’ comes from.  These creatures do seem to trying to promote demonic sacrifice and get pissed off when it doesn’t see it working.  How do they not realize they’re doing this?  They must be “possessed”!!!

I do think that belief in God simply grows because these demonic advocates are so relentless.  It’s also related to the concept of individualism v. collectivism.

Individuals recognize that they don’t have all the answers and what they do know can contradict itself, causing problems that wouldn’t otherwise happen.  Collectivists do not see that and will not hesitate, at least as a group.  As individuals – which they are, even if they don’t self-identify as individuals – that just happens naturally, that's life.

Which they want to end for as many people as possible.  That’s *their* choice.

26 June, 2022

Anything today other than headlines that don't make me want to say anything?

□ [“Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine:  Sex Reassignment Surgery For Kids is ‘Lifesaving, Medically Necessary’”]

This thing really is the administration’s main public face, a modern version of Heliogabalus.  The trans community must worship Heliogabalus, maybe not in a literal sense but close enough.  For that matter, maybe they do in a literal sense!  He tried to form a religion and it’s not completely unrealistic that some part of that still survives.

Or at least the mentality survives.  I also wonder if it has something to do with the upper-classes, they’re always down with such insanely evil forces.  And if they aren’t, their kids are easy pickings.  Whatever the goal is, it always requires damaging kids.

□ [“Man Charged With Attempted Murder, Used Flamethrower on L.A. Police at Pro-Abortion Riot”]

□ [“Ten Arrested at Oregon Pro-Life Pregnancy Center During Violent ‘Night of Rage’ Protest”]

□ [“Second Night of Vandalism and Protests in Portland in Response to Roe v. Wade Decision”]

Republicans should have done this on January 6, 2021.  Liberals would be so much more respectful if they had and it’s totally not about overthrowing anything.

It gets more and more obvious that this was totally planned.  The last couple years of riots were preparation which itself started with 2011 Occupy Wall Street.  Congress is getting together to push federal fascism and overthrow the Supreme Court.  They’re all about women despite never including any definition of what a “woman” is.  We’re told that knowledge is only permitted to biologists.

□ [“White House Doesn’t Rule Out Building Abortion Clinics on Federal Land in Conservative States”]

They’ll do it and use as headquarters for the extra-military, the one with no regard for the Constitution or anything else.  Perhaps part of the goal is an excuse to simply erase the concept of “states” which they really don’t like and ignore when they can.  It’s one of the steps to prevent dictatorship, which probably explains why they’re doing it.

Anyway, technically they can’t establish these places in military bases, post offices, national parks, courthouses and other federal places.  They also don’t have any Congressional bills to fund these things.  In both cases, just assume they’ll completely ignore the law.  They don't need courts, only guns to get anything they want.

□ [“White House Press Secretary Says Biden Does Not Agree With Packing the Supreme Court”]

They are *DEFINITELY* planning to do that, probably as the first act after stealing the next elections, intending to wipe everything out starting next January.  When they steal the elections, they won’t have any problems overthrowing everything else.

It’s bizarre how they call this court decision “horrific” and “dangerous.”  They force everybody to give up everything else just to afford food, but killing babies is the priority?  The massive death increase from the vaccine they forced on us?  Not important.  They see no chance that all the stolen elections might give people reasons to mistrust them in the first place and they sure want things to improve for us, quite the opposite.

They don’t pay attention to what they’re doing, just like they never thank the all-male Supreme Court for Roe v. Wade, which the most “diverse” Supreme Court ended.

It’s good timing though, Russia completely occupies Severodonetsk, the city Volodymyr Zelensky said a few weeks ago would determine the outcome of eastern Ukraine.  Ok.  Russia wins.  That’s the outcome.  Just like you said.  Now what?

But leftists now ignore Ukraine, just as they did with Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Also 26 June, 2022

This movie is false!  He's never actually riding a saddle that blazes!

I am watching Blazing Saddles.  Only one scene-or-so at a time, in-between working on the book, but otherwise I’m captivated.  I’ve seen it enough times to know what happens but it’s been many years and when I play it, I can’t take my eyes away.

Never mind the story, the coloring is spectacular, at least compared to modern crap.  So bright and watchable.  When was the last time I saw a movie with real lighting?

No idea how coloring is done in movies but one thing which ruined the medium is the use of computer filming.  Back when they had to pay for new film every time the camera was turned on, a lot more work had to be done to get things right for filming.  Now there seems to be more filming 'whatever' and pretending it makes an actual story.  You can add special effects but there’s no reason to think the actors are even in the same room for those, much less wearing those outfits on the same set at the same time.

So I’m enjoying this movie immensely.  The sets look real even though they’re obviously fake as shown later on.  The actors are bringing forth the characters, the storyline builds very smoothly.  There’s just something about it that’s far more interesting to watch than basically anything else I can remember seeing in the last few decades.

I really liked the first Avengers movie, but my interest there and in the sequels was more about the characters in a shared universe I had followed for most of my life.  The last movie that comes to mind which I completely enjoyed for its own sake was Incredibles, a cartoon made back when superhero movies were barely a thing.

Anyway, the movie was a very fun way to spend an hour and a half.

But that farting scene is totally offensive to modern audiences.  They abuse the mentally-disabled Mongo!  This would never be allowed nowadays.

27 June, 2022

I’ve always wondered what it sounds like when doves cry.  I guess I’ll never know.

□ [“Shortages of Neon, Other Rare Gases Likely in Wake of Russia Limiting Exports”]

Neon, helium, xenon, these noble gases are used for semi-conductor chips.  The supply was already short and now it’s been cut down because we refuse to buy from Russia.  Can you think of anything that uses semi-conductors?

From smart phones to solar panels, they get used a *lot*!  Leftists demand we use more but insist we boycott the country they come from, even as they forbid gas, coal and other energy producers, a disaster waiting to happen.  At least Russia can find customers elsewhere among nations that don’t have to obey the US.

□ [“Biden Promises $200 Billion for Solar Panels, Vaccine Plants and Worldwide Communication Links”]

Whoever tells Biden what to say knows that and probably has investments in Russian mines and manufacturing companies.  And China.  They’d know (or think they do) what Putin’s actually doing, not remotely the goal they order liberals to declare.

□ [“Texas Democrat Tells Pro-Abortionists to Take to the Street, ‘Shut Down Businesses as Usual’”]

What will they eat?  Can’t get food if you shut down business as usual.  Can’t even go to a hospital if you get shot for trying to shut down their businesses or just get mugged, that’s business as usual.  Paying taxes is also business as usual.

Food, medical care, taxes, you want all of those gone.  Haven’t thought this through, have you?  Will your armed guards be paid?  That’s business as usual too.

This is a command to destroy society as they’ve planned for a long time.  This is why the Supreme Court ruling was leaked weeks in advance.  They aimed for this since the 2020 election.  They don’t need everybody to agree with them, they need everybody to obey and will use as much force as required to make that happen.

This is intended for all 50 states, not just Texas.  Dyana Limon-Mercado gave the order, a former top ranking member of the Travis County Democrat Party, i.e. someone who was never elected, and current Executive Director of Planned Parenthood.  Local, regional, national, not sure, but that's what they do.

Trump got rid of a lot of fake names on voter rolls while abortion guarantees Democrats don’t get many new voters, so they need to work on making up new names.  Can’t let the states make their own rules, the masters have spoken.

□ [“TikTok Trend Angry Leftist Women Threatening Hookup Sex Will Die Now”]

Right, because women are known for making good decisions about sex.  There’s a reason they weren’t allowed to go to bars and drink alcohol, but then Democrats imposed Prohibition so women totally obeyed like they’re supposed to.

They’ve gotta hope no women disobeys, caring more about empty grocery stores, increased gas prices and higher taxes than about the rioters who demand dead babies.  Of course by “women,” I mean “sissy little girls with vaginas.”  Obviously the big, strong women-with-penises will obey, no questions asked.  Why aren’t more women like that?

At least men will have more time to work on food and home security, what will women to do?  It’s not like they have anything to exchange for food, shelter or protection.  Married women might think feel they should show their husbands a more respect.

They may also be bringing eugenics back into pop culture.  Kill the weak ones as Margret Sanger wanted, promoting abortion for blacks with so much success.

□ [“Why Are The Conspicuously-Virtuous Not Displaying The Flags of African Countries Under Attack?”]

This article is a good summery of the wars going on in Africa that the US media ignores, just as much as they do our attacks on Syria and Somalia.  My first guess is that China is expanding its colonies in Africa although Iran might be expanding Islam as well.

But the dead aren’t white, so the media can’t be bothered.  Go figure…

Villages in Ethiopia are slaughtered.  Burkina Faso is fighting Muslim jihadists, over two million displaced so far.  Muslims also massacre Christians in Nigeria and Mali.  The war in Yemen has killed over 150,000 people and Rwanda just invaded Congo.

But the media wants to focus on Ukraine abortion.  It’s not like they’re going to claim these lives matter, that wouldn’t get them anywhere.

Also 27 June, 2022

This message is sponsored by Rococo Propaganda.  You’ll love it.  Or else!

I’m a bit down, waiting for the collapse.  I still expect it to happen by July 4th.  They’ve already got the executive branch attacking Americans, what will they do next, ignore the Posse Comitatus Act and send the military after us?  They’ll probably have to because we aren’t going to disarm otherwise, and that’s what tyrants always require.

But what else could China and the WEF demand that they aren’t already doing?

Then there’s the Russia/Ukraine thing.  NATO has sent in troops.  On the ground, active-duty, not only Special Forces.  That’s not counting however many they sent in who aren’t in uniform.  Does Ukraine have anybody else left?  They can’t just be sending FNG’s to the front lines, can they?  Either NATO has to declare official war or it’s over.

Maybe there’s an overall plan, this is just a cleansing we need every so often.  It’s beneficial, but we probably won’t live long enough to even get a clue of that.

I said I was a little down, ok, aren’t you listening?  What do I pay you people for?

I’m still trying to think of how we could organize those of us who can keep fighting.  Obviously I base it on the military structure although that’s clearly not enough.  I don’t know how we could produce or transport supplies on a regional basis.  And that’s just basic things like food and fuel, we need more than that to survive.

I expect the communications to be cut off.  The enemy loves their smart phones but we could use them too, so our tyrants will have to change that.  They want to wipe out everything they don’t like and ignore any clue that they’ll be affected.  It’s basically a murder/suicide mentality that they make much more complex, so they can delude themselves into trying to make everyone happy.  It’s the same as Jim Jones did.

If we’re not fighting demons from Hell, we’re fighting those who want to be.  That’s why I keep sending these messages out, trying to get everybody to stand up now before it’s too late and we’re all in Hell on Earth.

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