Sunday, July 3, 2022


28 June, 2022

I don't care if everybody knows my name, I just want to get away!

□ [“Biden Admin Signs Five Year Lease to House Illegal Alien Children at Luxury $42K Per Year Private School Campus in North Carolina"]

It's a large, expensive, fancy plot of land, why else would they waste money on this when Americans are suffering?  This may be headquarters for their pseudo-military or whoever else they’re bringing in.  They’ve got to give the invaders some preparation for dominating Americans, can’t just let them walk around on the street.

It may be a bit extreme but they must know that “flyover country” is armed to the teeth.  They’ve got no chance of winning on the ground and this is something I’d totally expect them to have a back-up plan for.  That’s what I’m worried about.

I’ve heard “flyover country” airports are in a lot worse shape than the big cities.  That might be relevant but probably isn’t a major weapon to use.  We produce the food that cities desperately need, they can’t just wipe us out.  Can they?

Not sure what to say today, not much news worth citing and I’ve got nothing.

I still expect the next hit to be on July 4th, less than a week away.  I do wonder if any of them are having second thoughts.  Probably not but I do wonder.  This may have been the point of the Roe v. Wade thing, to make sure their servants doubled down.

There’s also news about Sri Lanka, it’s entirely out of gas.  For the last couple years, it’s fallen apart, there’s mass suffering, etc.  Looking at the basic details shows that nobody on earth should be forced to go through that too, but the rulers want it.

They’re still trying to push this ‘January 6’ nonsense, pretending Trump was somehow involved with disarmed people and that qualifies as an insurrection.

□ [“‘The Fact of the Matter Is the Border Is Closed’:  Karine Jean-Pierre on Mass Death of Illegal Alien Migrants in Texas Truck Smuggling Attempt”]

Why is it always so important to lie?  Anybody can look at the border and see there’s absolutely nothing closing it down.  Obviously she won't talk to anybody who actually looks but that doesn’t change the facts.  It’s entirely open.  Maybe she’s just too lazy and stupid to check for herself.  She’ll repeat what she’s told to say.

□ [“France's Emmanuel Macron Drops Truth on Biden About His Insane Energy Policies”]

At least something is coming out.  Marcon isn’t just privately pointing out that the US is capable of producing more energy and would be better than trying to buy from Saudi Arabia and UAE, who are already at capacity, FYI.  Macron is telling Biden on television in front of a crowd.  Now the whole world knows Biden has been blatantly told that the US needs to produce more oil or else everything will get worse for everybody.

But Biden would need to understand that, not likely.  Then there’s the people who tell him what to do and have already shut down oil production.  I’d expect them to double down with this.  They’re rich, they can get enough fuel to survive, not like the peasants who wouldn't even be vaccinated against the virus that’s promised to kill them all.

I don’t expect this week to go well for anybody except our masters.

29 June, 2022

There is no "ground floor" in Hell...

□ [“Biden Looks Totally Lost Walking Into Dinner Reception at Royal Palace in Madrid”]

They just ignoring him.  He’s worthless so why bother?  That may be what this meeting is for, showing everyone the guy who absolutely doesn’t set US policy.

Next time they should have him wear a goofy costume, like he’s applying to a college fraternity who’s already rejected him, they just haven’t let him know yet.

□ [“Farmers Riot Over Holland’s Environmental War on Livestock Farming and Nitrogen Pollution”]

The government intends to shut down 1/3 of the farms by 2030.  They’ll need to kill a LOT of people for that o happen and… Well, that seems pretty believable.

The US is basically doing the same thing, so it’s basically a worldwide policy.  Maybe Russia isn’t doing it, but y’know…

□ [“Biden Climate Advisor Gina McCarthy Cheers that ‘Fossil Fuels Are Losing Jobs’”]

They need to get a new group of poor people.  The current ones don’t understand how the rich and powerful enjoy paying China for such expensive electric vehicles.  Is this a massive conspiracy, are these people just pawns for the real conspiracy, or are they all too stupid to see the disaster they're imposing on everybody else?

NATO is moving 400,000 troops to Poland, above the 30,00 we’ve had all this time.  You’d think they could declare war at some point since that’s what they’re going for.  Russia and China will probably make the next move before the troops arrive.

NATO’s also trying to get Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand to join, even though they have nothing to do with Russia, the supposed enemy.  Not that these nations will be very useful.  And the Philippines aren’t invited.  You’d think they’d be a natural choice, given all the years of US influence.  I guess they’ve escaped.

Y’know, our rulers would be taken more seriously about some actual war if they themselves treated it more seriously.  Banning gasoline is not a real weapon of war.  Nor is closing factories so we can buy all our supplies from Russia and China.

□ [“CDC Uses Elmo to Convince Children to Get Vaccinated For Covid”]

Instead they’re promoting the flavorade vaccine.  I’ll assume it’s the same stuff they pushed for the other viruses, covid variations, the gay sex virus and so on.  That won’t help win an actual war, which tells us what they’re really after:  mass death.

But this links up with the childsex they’re pushing through Disney.  It’s not like anybody needs to live through it.  They’ll prefer death, and in the process try to delude everyone into thinking there’s no real gender, just whatever we self-identify as.

□ [“FDA Panel Advisor Admits Agency 'Lost' Clinical Trial Data for Placebo Group Before Approving Experimental Vaccine for Babies and Toddlers”]

People with morality would see a red flag there, *STOP IMMEDIATELY!*  These people don’t.  It just keeps getting more and more obvious that they want massive death.  We don’t know how many will have to suffer on their own side, but probably not as many as everyone else they’re forcing this poison into.

□ [“Cornell library removes Gettysburg Address, Lincoln bust – ‘Someone complained, and it was gone.’”]

Well?  What are we going to do?  They’re not going to stop voluntarily.  They’ll only keep pushing harder and harder, no matter how much suffering they cause.  Economy’s still getting worse, everything is collapsing.

Let’s just hit them back now, get it over with.  We’ll have to do that anyway.

30 June, 2022

If this were any more depressing, I’d be playing country music.  Thankfully we’re spared that!

□ [“Biden Confronted on 85% Wrong-Track Number, Record Inflation – Blames US Supreme Court”]

Biden was doing so well in the polls with the supply crisis and starting a war with Russia until last week.  But the Supreme Court turned everything around, darn it.

It’s all about showing the world how helpless the US is now.  They show off their puppet and Biden acts like he think a POTUS should, to the extent that he understands any of this, getting his hands on as many kids as possible.  And he can go on tv too!

□ [“Biden Calls for Lifting Filibuster to Legalize Abortion at NATO Press Conference in Spain”]

In 2019, he said on television that ending the filibuster would be a “very dangerous thing.”  Does he remember that or was he just saying whatever the prompter told him?  His fans certainly don't remember this, but they didn’t get what they wanted, so now they’ll change the rules.  That’s how they always behave.

□ [“Chemical Shortages Affecting U.S. Farms Described as ‘Off the Charts', U.N. Secretary-General warns of ‘catastrophe’ from global food shortage.”]

This isn’t lazy leftism, it’s totally deliberate.  They want mass starvation.

Farmers already know they can’t grow as many crops and also problems feeding their animals.  Sounds like meat will get very cheap for a time, then very expensive.

Was this supposed to happen under Hillary but now they have to wait for Harris?

□ [“Biden Economy Officially in Recession – Key Fed GDP Tracker Turns Negative”]

Can you believe it took a whole year-and-a-half to get this far?  Trump could have made a recession happen overnight, but he actually knew what he was doing.  Biden’s masters just pretend to know how the economy works, or doesn't work in this case.

□ [“Biden:  High gas prices to last ‘as long as it takes’ for Ukraine victory”]

He means ‘forever,’ he’s just not honest enough to say that.  Ukraine has lost so there’s no chance for a victory ever.  Maybe the next Russian invasion somewhere down the line, but even Biden couldn’t be stupid enough to think he’ll still be in office by then.  Wait, could he?  Ok, never mind, scratch that, but it’ll still be a while.

And not long ago, they blamed oil companies, saying prices would be cheaper if they obeyed more.  And now Biden promises they’ll never go down.  So much for that.

□ [“Biden Regime Inks $3.2 Billion Deal With Pfizer For 105 Million More Experimental Jab Doses”]

And this is what he does.  They know they've got future elections in the bag.

□ [“AOC Calls to Abolish Supreme Court For Restraining EPA’s Power to Regulate Greenhouse Gases”]

Let’s abolish Congress first because they haven’t shut this stupid bitch up yet.  Congress and the Supreme Court have the same relevance and authority, she doesn’t even know that.  She doesn’t have to know anything and no one can make her.

□ [“Now we’re going to meet with the Taliban about unfreezing their money?"]

They already know that they won, now they’ll get their rewards.  Does the administration just sit around asking what they can do that’s stupider than the last thing they did?  If they were, what would they be doing differently?

□ [“3.7% rate of myocarditis in latest survey of vaccinated Americans; 500x more than CDC predicted”]

Not a typo, the CDC said there *might* be a slight increase.  This isn’t what they predicted.  This would explain the heart inflammations people are dying from now.

There's also a report that one out of five vaccinated females may now be sterile.  That’s game and match if you’re trying to end the human race.

I hope this is wrong, but I don’t see any proof that it is.

01 July, 2022

If this wasn’t bad enough, we’re out of Rococo Coffee!

□ [“‘This is the Future of the Liberal World Order and We Have to Stand Firm’ – Biden Advisor On What He Would Tell Americans Who Can’t Afford High Gas Prices”]

Good thing poor people can’t vote or he’d have to worry about losing elections, but there are only 20 or 30 poor people in the country, no problem.  Making poor people suffer is one benefit of Democrat policy, it tops the list of priorities.  It’s not like they’d make rich people suffer, don’t be absurd.  That’s just rhetoric.

That’s the desired “world order,” their boot in our face forever.

That’s depressing, I’m not even sure what else to add.

□ [“'F*ck You, Barrett!’ – Activists Protest at Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Home”]

They’re trying to destroy the Supreme Court and anything else they don’t like.  There’s a fake committee pretending that January 6 was some sort of insurrection.  They handed over authority to a world government.  They pretend inflation hasn’t been happening for the last year and a half.  But they’ll totally treat the next election fairly.

Nobody could be stupid enough to believe that.  At most, some people pretend to believe it, thinking they’ll get an advantage over other people for it.

I think the tyranny will be out in the open this month, starting with July 4th.  Airlines are already cancelling weekend flights, there’ll be a lot more before Monday.

□ [“Native Americans Tell Democrats to Back Off on Building Their Abortion Mills on Tribal Lands”]

Hey, the government can do whatever it wants with your territory!  There’s nothing you can do about it!  They have men with guns, you don’t!

The left knows they can do anything they want to get anything they want and don’t care who suffers for it.  Everything they said was just an excuse to gain power.

And you never see Elizabeth Warren defending Indians.  All those decades of getting paid to claim she was one of them and she tosses them away for the white man.

□ [“Zuckerberg Tells Employees He’s ‘Turning Up the Heat’ as Facebook Braces For Massive Layoffs in ‘One of the Worst Economic Downturns in Recent History’”]

Facebook and other tech giants have problems in the economy they promoted.  Zuckerberg says “Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn’t be here.”  He didn’t say that when they took down Trump, what’s changed?

It needs to be pointed out that nothing works when the left is in charge.  Even those who genuinely want society to collapse still want to keep their mansions and perks, no matter what.  Notice that Zuckerberg and the other ridiculously rich company owners aren’t putting their money into fixing the companies’ problems, heck no.

So if there’s any reason to hope, it’s that the left will completely fail.  Now we can’t plan for that.  There’s no reason to expect anything of the sort, no matter what.  Their failure will always impose suffering on the rest of us before they even notice.

So how much disaster are we going to have and when?  This is really burning us out, we need an actual sign of hope.  Otherwise it’ll just get worse for as long as we live.

□ [“Massive Migrant Caravan of Thousands of Military-Aged Males March to US Border After Supreme Court Overturns Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ Policy"]

Like this.  Here’s the invading army, it’s ready to go.  They’ll destroy everything, just as their masters want it.  We are at war.

02 July, 2022

I don't have anything to say.  Let me explain why...

□ [“Vasectomies Soar After Roe Overturned; Left Sees Male Sterilization As Fight For Women’s Rights”]

More leftist subjugation, getting obedient men males to end future generations.  Where do they think taxpayers come from?  If there’s an up-side, it's that they guarantee they won’t produce anything of any benefit to anybody.  The rest of us can see that.

Neutering males is always part of it.  This may line up with the Muslim world in a decade+, ensuring men with 5 or 10 wives is common.  Muslims know this, leftists don’t.

□ [“South Africans left in the dark after grid collapse”]

As does what happens to blacks when whites aren't in charge.  Democrats like that and they don't like using coal.  Blacks obeyed Democrats, now they have no electricity.

□ [“Biden Limits Oil Production, Blocks Offshore Drilling After Attacking Oil Companies+Gas Stations”]

No reason to think they’ll be permitted, but companies can only make drilling requests for 11 places.  Everything else is off-limits forever.

As always, I wonder if they have a clue what they’re doing or just lying.  They know they’re shutting everything down but they say it’s other people’s fault, ensuring no company will ever request drilling, they already know they’ll be turned down.

But Biden says gas stations should reduce their prices, “this is a time of war and global peril.”  He could tell Ferrari dealers to lower their prices, and luxury dealers like diamond stores, but those can stay expensive, they’re for rich people.  And just a week ago Biden said gas prices would stay high.  Couldn’t make up his mind if he had one.

□ [“Germany Labels Journalist 'Criminal' And Seizes Her Bank Accounts For Reporting From Ukraine”]

It’s now a crime in Germany to interview Donbas citizens.  The government shut down her internet accounts, seized her bank account, and imprisoned her for three years.

In 2014, Donbas voted to leave Ukraine.  Ukraine didn’t let it go and has been killing people there ever since.  Russia finally got tired of telling Ukraine to leave, so that’s the war.  Donbas citizens are glad Russia has rescued them, but western countries are unified that Russia is to blame for everything, no questions permitted.

Ukraine sides with Nazis, so that’s understandable.  It’s also understandable that they're trying to hide this from the world.  They want to do this to everybody else too.

□ [“Revolution In The Netherlands? Farmers Plan July 4th Protests, Supported By Huge Crowds”]

A good start but there’s gotta be more, many millions more.  It’s believable that farmers are starting this, growing food is crucial, but the important thing is to start pushing this and don’t give up until the tyrants and their supporters are gone.

□ [“Gender Fluid Drag Queen w/Animal Role-Playing Kinks is Energy Department’s Nuclear Energy Officer”]

This thing has disaster written all over it, which may be how they apply for jobs.  They don’t need to list abilities or accomplishments, they pretend to have a gender and list their sexual kinks.  It’s a short way to the top if that’s all you have to do.

I know I keep saying we need hope but we really really do!  Everything just gets worse, we can’t take this.  Something will collapse at some point and the rest will follow immediately.  Many people see this and are probably as worried as I am.

What supplies do we need to get while there’s still time?  Weapons, food, water, medical supplies, what else?  It’s been pointed out many times that cities have enough food for three days, that’s all.  Once the drop happens, it’s over.

I’m still trying to think of how local units can work but haven’t come up with anything else.  Obviously food will be needed and violence will happen but how many will die from the ‘vaccine’?  At this point any sensible person should be petrified at what the rulers will impose on us and probably already have further plans in place for more.

We know the leftist masters will fall apart, they’ll just make sure they’re the last ones to do so.  One benefit to collectivist rulers, everyone else suffers first before they get around to thinking of trying something else.  And all the servants have quietly run away.

I gotta think religion is more popular these days for exactly that reason.  God has a plan too, we can only hope we’ll be allowed to see it soon.

03 July, 2022

I've given up trying to be the shepherd, Ringo.

□ [“Saudi Arabia in Discussion to Join BRICS Coalition with China/Russia and Move Away from US”]

It’s like Democrats are trying to unite the world against us, which Democrats always want.  That certainly lines up with their intent to rule the world but why do they think they’ll be the ones on top?  Everybody who’s allowed to go to Mecca could see the problem but Democrats just assume they’re going to win because they say so.

And the other nations will also work on getting nukes to defend themselves against the US.  Democrats hate nukes but they support defense against the US, a ‘heads they win, tails we lose’ kind of thing.

It’s clear the leftist goal is complete obedience.  The problem is that China, Russia, Iran, etc. understand that such obedience doesn’t just happen, they’d need options to fight anyone who disagrees.  This puts the left in a weak position and the established dictatorships know that.  Even worse, the rest of us are still obeying which needs to stop.

I’d really like it if we can turn that around on the 4th of July.

□ [“Hoax?  Massachusetts college won’t provide race of employee fired for swastikas, racial threats”]

How surprising, liberal colleges are so quick to blame whites for anything because whites are evil, but skin color isn’t relevant this time.  How did that happen?

The big worry is that they really have large numbers of people who believe this.  Maybe we’ll be lucky and they’ll all drop dead tomorrow, but not.

Do they target skin color for the sake of skin color or is it a convenient way to fight individualism and promote collectivism?  A person’s skin color tells you everything you need to know about them, but they also have to silence people who don’t say individually what their skin color is required to say collectively.

Also 03 July, 2022

I come for the meme's but stay for the pornspambots.

□ [“California Governor Gavin Newsom Runs Florida Campaign Ad For 2024 Presidential Campaign?”]

They know Biden is hopeless.  Some of them may think the election wasn’t stolen but they’d still want in on the ground floor.  In Soviet Russia, everyone looked around to see if they’d face any challenges, then the first one who gets up to take control won.

Gorbachev did that, as did Chernenko, Andropov, Brezhnev and Khrushchev.  Before that, Stalin had built the country even Lenin was ruling and Lenin obviously never planned a successor.  As dictator, he can have just declared a law that Trotsky would take over, but he didn't, so when he died, whoever took power was the winner, i.e. Stalin.

Just noting, Gorbachev was born seven years into Stalin’s rule, the only Soviet leader not born before the revolution.  Putin was born one year before Stalin’s rule ended.

Now Biden’s there, doing nothing while those who want to rule can do anything.  But despite being collectivists, these men are individuals.  Some want absolute power, like most leftists.  Maybe they expect to take everything over, maybe they’re just arguing to be in with others on the decision-making level, they might just want part of the country to break out under their rule, like California with Newsom.  They could be pawns of someone else, like Harris or Hillary to make decisions but not get the blame.

They can move in any direction as individuals.  Collectivism fails because each individual is responsible for making their own decisions.  Gender is relevant here, not just the made-up pronouns our rulers are imposing on us.  Men are expected to do this to be considered men, which collectivists oppose while claiming their leaders are individuals.

We desperately need to flush these creatures out.  Probably can’t make it happen permanently but we need to cleanse them from our system.  They could sit in a cage and google their latest self-identified gender while everyone else goes through real life.  Not sure how much they’d have to eat but that’s not our problem.

If we don’t do this, we’re facing a dictatorship that may as well last for all eternity as far as we’re concerned.  It must be fought now.

Still 03 July, 2022

□ [“DC Studios Bought for $0, Failed Superhero Shows in Crumbles”]

Amusing but like everything else, I assume this is part of the plan these days.

Sure, DC isn’t doing much as far as media successes, but a) we don’t know how much is really needed for success, how much is enough to pay the bills and keep going, and for that matter, how much is just handed around to all the AOL-Time/Warner companies?  b)  The plan could possibly be to make DC look weaker than it is, with Marvel as the huge success story.  No idea why but this has happened before.  c)  They’re all working for the ‘multi-verse’ concept so that’s has to be part of it as well.

I’ve mentioned before that it’s not clear if they’re trying to use the multiverse for its own sake or as a stand-in to help self-identify with whichever Batman or Spider-Man actor was your favorite.  Either way, I think the point is to definitely be more complicated on a ridiculous level, such as ‘I can self-identify as POTUS and everybody blames me for Biden.’  It may sound stupid but it’s a multiverse so you must believe in it.

But part of the plan is to merge everything so DC takes the hit, Marvel’s the cool one and between them, they basically own everything.  That’s just one way for our rulers to implement this with complete obedience.

Obviously I’m distant from these productions.  No idea which DC characters have tv show and the few times I see pictures, some characters don’t look remotely familiar.  I used to spend so much time focusing on Marvel and DC characters, wishing everybody else would know who they were.  Now they do and I’m the one not remotely interested.

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