Saturday, July 9, 2022

202208 Message in a Bottle - 20220709

04 July, 2022

Don't forget to leave milk and cookies out tonight for Captain America.

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

□ [“Disney could lose exclusive rights to Mickey Mouse:  The 95-year copyright expires in 2024”]

Not gonna happen.  If they don’t order Congress to pass a law, they’ll just give Biden an Executive Order saying Disney’s special and can keep everything forever.  It may not apply to other companies but they’ll just follow Disney’s example anyway.

But no, unless the world has totally collapsed, there’s no chance Disney will lose any rights to Mickey Mouse.  I’m not someone who makes bets but if I were, I’d put my life savings on that one.  But then, I’d have invested in Disney by now anyway.

□ [“Oregon Health Officials Delayed a Meeting Because 'Urgency Is a White Supremacy Value’”]

They guarantee their own defeat by denying the importance of time.  If they didn’t have obedient men with guns who recognized it, they’d already be gone.

But it’s about proving their power.  They won’t do anything they don’t want to do, no matter how much they’re paid or what their job is.  Health?  Who cares about health!  They don’t, they’re not white.  There’s no way this could work against them.

What am I saying, “work!”  They don't even know what that is.

□ [“Despite Economic Devastation, German Chancellor Scholz Says Western Leaders Can Support Ukraine ‘As Long As Necessary’”]

The leaders get to keep electricity for heating, air conditioning and refrigerators.  The German people don’t.  But the leaders use this to support Ukraine.  They’re also surrounded by men with guns so the Germany people don’t get any say, but they will pay for Germany’s money their leaders are giving Ukraine, which is known for laundering and is hooked up with rich people around the world.  No need to look at that.

Russia has announced the liberation of the Lugansk People’s Republic, one of the two states Ukraine didn’t permit to leave in the last eight years.  They voted for freedom, the US and NATO oppose that.  This is what we’ve become.

Also 04 July, 2022

One thing that’s becoming very clear is that these rulers and their servants don’t think.  This is one of the main differences in humanity although obviously we can’t fully perceive it.  Almost in a literal sense, thought is where an individual comes from.  A man thinks for himself or he’s not a man.  Women, well, they oppose men and always claim to be oppressed by those who can think, but that’s how life goes.

Children are expected to grow up and be able to think but more and more often these days, they never even get that choice.  This is a basic fact.  If you see them as a collective, they won't think, even if they can and do as individuals.

□ [“Shooter ‘Took Elevated Position’ Possibly on Rooftop to Fire on Crowd at Highland Park 4th of July Parade – At Least 9 Shot – Police Describe Active Shooter Situation”]

This is the sort of creature who’s part of the leftist pseudo-military, psychos who just want to shoot people.  They all come from cities with the nation’s harshest gun laws.  Ok, they don’t enforce their own gun laws but they demand stricter ones that won’t be enforced either.  Only law-abiding people will suffer, no big deal to our rulers.

And that’s who they want to have impose their will on the rest of us.  There’s only a difference of degree between these psychos and our rulers.  The latter are rich and don’t have to get their own hands dirty.

It’s also only a difference of degree from suicide bombers.  The point is to take out as many as possible and it’s a given that you won’t walk away afterwards.  About all anyone can do is make sure these creatures are armed and aim them at the targets.  They’re so oppressed!  It’s the people they kill who should be blamed.

Which is also only a difference of degree from the average wife beater.  Can’t do anything with your own life, so take it out on smaller, weaker people who are stuck with you.  Just blame them, that’s what liberals do.  It’s what they are.

No wonder they hate American.  They want to destroy us and they’re winning.  We need to turn that around with force, so let’s move.

05 July, 2022

The Biden administration has banned Rococo Coffee.  Finally, something I can support!

□ [“Kamala Harris Event in Louisiana – Has Another Huge Gaffe”]

So nobody who works for her is smart enough to spell “Louisiana” even when they’re literally in that state with its name up all over the place.  Harris has no clue how to spell “Louisiana” either.  Well, maybe she does, she’s just too lazy to do anything about it.  Besides, a lot of darkies in that state, you think they notice any difference?

□ [“Aging Rockers Quietly Crawl Back To Spotify After Short-Lived Joe Rogan Protest"]

Crosby, Stills and Nash lived up to their high standards for a full five months.  They aren’t making any announcement about how wrong they were or anything, they’re not even explaining the decisions.  They just ban something and then stop banning it without anything changed.  Did anybody notice they were gone?

Apparently Neil Young is still sticking with it, but I don’t know how much of his catalogue he actually owns.

□ [“Philly Mayor Blames Supreme Court After Two Police Officers Shot at 4th of July Concert”]

This is deliberate.  They’re trying to kill people and blame the government, despite being part of the government.  Because guns are bad.

They send their servants to spread fear as an excuse to kill freedom.  I haven’t checked but aren’t the recent shooters mostly white leftists obeying their masters?

□ [“Reports of Two and Three-Year-Old Children Having Seizures – Only Vaccinated Children”]

And that’s what they’re after, deliberately slaughtering as many people as they can.  It’s just a late-term abortion, right?

□ [“Manufacturing Plants Not Just Mysteriously Burned Down In USA, Is Happening Around The World”]

This is part of their pseudo-military.  I don’t know if it’s them who are actually destroying the places but they’re trying to cause even more supply shortages than we already have.  Their masters are hiding the details from us.

□ [“'These Tariffs Have Brought Many Billions of Dollars to Our Country' – Biden Considers Removing Trump’s China Tariffs – Trump Responds"]

Biden’s masters work for China.  Biden may even be aware of that, not that it would make a difference.  He’ll do what he’s told and China will be all the richer for it.

□ [“The Biden Factor: China, Russia, Iran Prepare for War Games in Latin America – Russia to Bring Military Games to Western Hemisphere for First Time”]

And they’re moving in, scheduled for mid-August.  How many armed forces will they send across the border and anybody else they want to bring with them?  Will we have broken down by then or will leftists still be tormenting us?  Or both?

□ [“Biden Lets Brittney Griner Rot In Russian Prison; Trump Freed Americans, Biden Frees Terrorists”]

She’s black, gay and was arrested in Russia for bringing drugs.  What incentive does Biden have to do anything for her?  Or those who give Biden orders?  Just lock up blacks for drugs, they’ll still vote for Biden as much as they always have.

That’s what Democrats do and you support that.  Welcome to Hell.

I guess I don’t have much to say.  It was a busy day so there’s that.  I enjoyed the fireworks last night.  It obviously doesn’t mean anything in the long run but we really needed to see some celebration of America.  I'm surprised our rulers hadn't banned it yet.

So far there are hints that it may not be as completely disastrous as it looks.  The media is starting to ask if Biden’s actually in charge because he looks so incompetent.  They’re also noting that Democrats had weeks to prepare for the Roe v. Wade decision leaked over a month ago and they haven’t done anything.

There’s gotta be some higher plan our masters have that they keep secret so far.  Unless they all publicly drop dead on the spot, I won’t believe anything else.  If it’s just Russia and China making decisions, I could see that they’d just make the US as weak as possible and move ahead on their own, but I don't think it’s just them.

We need hope, we need direction and we need to fight for freedom now.

06 July, 2022

Did you ever know that you're my hero?  Well there's a reason for that.

□ [“Highland Park Shooter, Bobby Crimo, Is Tied to Socialists, Progressives, Antifa and the Occult”]

What a surprise.  There’s too many, they can’t all be leaders, so some of them are taken out this way, as suicide bombers.  I think this one was caught alive but we’ll see how long that lasts.  And yes, the FBI and local police had already investigated him and knew he had weapons, but they didn’t do anything.

□ [“Media Calls Highland Park Shooter Right Wing Despite His Ties to Antifa, Socialists and Occult”]

He’s white, that’s all they need to know.  Only skin color matters and whites are right-wing by definition.  The media hates whites and right-wingers, so that’s convenient.

The left has many people willing to kill as many as possible.  The media will make sure of that by lying and increasing tyranny.  What will they think of next?

□ [“'Bring it On!' – Kansas Democrat Governor Says She is Excited About the Biden Recession”]

“And you hear people talking about, you know, a recession coming.  Bring it on!”

Well, there’s not much leeway for that.  People suffer in a recession and that’s exactly what she wants.  The sooner, the better.  At least for her.

This also puts her on the team saying the recession has already started, many others pretend it hasn’t yet.  But as Biden said, you don’t need votes to win an election.

□ [“In Ohio, Biden Attacks Trump and Republicans Who Stop Him From Lowering Gas/Food Prices”]

Trump made things cheaper for everybody.  You oppose that.  You’re the one making everything more expensive.  It’s not that hard to figure out, you refuse to admit it.  Maybe you’re just too stupid but that’s not our problem, we have enough problems.

Just look at how long it’s taken you to even admit that the prices are going up.  Those of us who buy things have seen that for a year and a half and this was only now put in your speech.  Just like you were told to say gas stations are making money from these gas prices.  They don’t make money from selling gas, they make money from people buying other stuff.  You know nothing and that’s the way you want it.

Whoever’s actually in charge is doing this deliberately.  They’ve already stolen any future elections and they want to show off how idiotic their puppet is.  They’ll just take more control over everything so it doesn't matter if they know anything.

□ [“DOE Employee Says Gender Fluid Drag Queen into Kink and Pups Not Qualified as Nuclear Energy Dept. Deputy Secretary”]

It doesn't need to meet any other qualifications, it gets to be a gender fluid drag queen into kink and pups.  That’s all that’s required.  They’re trying to bring back Sodom and Gomorrah, which is probably what the nukes are for.

How many others are like this or worse and we just haven’t heard of them?  Our rulers would know.  How much of this is a conspiracy that’s gone on for decades or centuries?  Or is there no actual conspiracy, these creatures have always been like this.  If that’s true, we’re guaranteed to win, it’s just the misery that’s the problem.

I’d really love to believe that but can’t say it’s something I see much reason to think about.  Just another example of ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst.’

□ [“EU Parliament Declares Nuclear Power And Natural Gas As ‘Green' Energy’”]

Now this one’s a surprise, they know they’re heading straight into disaster if they don’t find some way to stop buying Russian fuel and have to obey the US sanctions.  But they don’t even have the dignity to say they’ll start building nuclear sites and digging natural gas, they’re just changing the definitions of their “green energy.”

Think about it, they have to redefine “green energy” to use what they haven’t been allowed to use since the term was imposed on the world.  I guess it’s surprising they got this far, but it’s the EU parliament, not just one or two small nations in the vicinity.

I don’t know what this will lead to but there’s a sense of hope about it.

□ [“Director General of the Danish Health Authority Admits Vaccinating Kids was a ‘Mistake’”]

We knew that for two years, what’s your excuse?  I’m amazed he’s actually going public with this but there’s no fucking reason to do this unless you want to kill kids!!!

One more interesting piece of news that I’m not paying close attention to, Nancy Pelosi is complaining that she’s not getting enough donations.  There’s some deadline coming up and she’s not getting other people's money.  She’s partying in Italy so it’s not like she’s broke but it has to be other people’s money.

07 July, 2022

I blame the Beatles for this.  That and the 1972 Super Bowl.  They caused everything.

□ [“England:  Excess Deaths on the Rise But Not Because of COVID – Experts Call for Investigation"]

They’re finally getting around to investigating this?  People have been dying for months and they’re finally deciding to find out what’s going on?  It’s obviously not car crashes or drug overdoses because that would be obvious.  ‘1000 more people died than usual last month, but 970 were on a plane crash.’  No, it’s nothing like that.

It’s the bloody vaccine!  Is this information that came out after Russia took over some of Ukraine’s biolabs?  Europe is still deep into the conspiracy with Biden's masters but parts of it do seem to have suddenly started standing up.

They’re having as many economic problems as we are, lack of food and such, naturally blaming Russia and the virus for everything.  Prime minister Boris Johnson just resigned.  Not clear why, he sure enjoyed going over to Ukraine.  Not going to Somalia or Yemen or any other place a war is going on, I guess he wouldn’t be safe over there.  Not like Ukraine.  Something about skin color maybe?

His people had been resigning, always a bad sign for prime ministers, but he’ll stay around until September elections.  Basically the worst of both worlds.

□ [“Army Mandatory Training Makes Soldiers Shower With Transgenders, ‘Primitive’ Work Conditions”]

Leftist want them tortured the most.  They hate the military despite it being government property and despite them wanting the rest of us to become that.  Parts of me does miss being in the military but things like that make me glad I got out when I could.

They’re setting the military up for failure, a lifelong goal.  Being defeated by the Taliban wasn’t enough, now they’re setting us up against Russia, China and Iran.

□ [“Russian Officials Threaten To Reclaim Alaska After Biden’s U.S. Sanctions”]

And here we go.  We’re the ones who say we’re already at war with them so they can attack as they see fit.  We’re setting up our military to lose big.  Our rulers support the enemy.  Then there’s all of Alaska’s oil and minerals, it’s not like we’re using them. 

□ [“Texas Governor Authorizes National Guard, State Troopers to Return Illegal Aliens to Ports of Entry”]

And then there’s this.  A governor using the military segment who works for him, not the so-called POTUS.  The federal government *wants* the invasion, the states don’t.

Well, the 4th of July is over, now it’s time to get World War III back into motion.

Also 07 July, 2022

□ [“‘We Are Not Slaves, We Are Farmers!’ Polish and Italian Farmers Rise Up Against Government Elites Destroying Their Family Businesses”]

It’s strange how the left is totally about destroying farm.  They want starvation, sure, and it’s a job which does require accepting reality, but I’m starting to wonder if they actively oppose anybody who doesn’t live in cities.  I mean, yes they do, we know that, but could it be one of the root causes for their insanity?

Netherlands, Italy and Poland, those are three countries in Europe that aren’t neighbors.  They’re probably not the only resistance, but we need more.

There’s more resistance to the poisonous vaccine as well as the world’s dictators.  It’s time to a stand, I keep saying that but it doesn’t change, other than to get worse.  They want this to happen and at this point it is looking like 1984 is their training manual.  We can point to other examples but the fact is this is what they want, mass death.

 Even if all you can do is pray, everything counts.  We’re in the last days unless we get real work done and fight these bastards.

08 July, 2022

Anybody who thought it would come to this needs to be shot.  Who’s with me?

□ [“Here We Go:  NYC Indoor Mask Advisory is Back!  Health Officials Tell New Yorkers to Wear N95 Masks Indoors and Around Crowds Outside”]

They’re making this up, seen by how they don’t just make the status permanent.  They could announce that they will never ever stop this mask mandate and lied whenever they said the mandate was lifted.  That would be much more honest and straight forward than going back and forth on forcing people to pretend these stupid masks do anything.

But going back-and-forth is what really appeals to them.  Any tyrant can have strict laws and punish anyone who disobeys, these people make up these stupid laws to reverse themselves again and again.  It’s the joy of tyranny, people who knew the rules yesterday don’t know them today.  The more unrealistic, the better.

Sure, we can pack up and leave – for the time being, if fuel is still available and no current laws require peons to stay put their entire life – but where would we go?  These tyrants run everything now, we’ll never escape.

□ [“'Repeat the Line' – Joe Biden Reads Teleprompter Instructions During Remarks on Abortion”]

And he’s getting worse.  This speech was for his Executive Order on abortion.  He shows his tyranny even as he shows that he has no clue what he’s saying.

He has no working brain for what he’s told to say so when he reaches “end of quote.  Repeat the line,” that’s exactly what he says.

Does the person setting his prompter have absolute delight over such control over a brainless man?  Biden could declare an Executive Order that gas prices immediately return to what they were the day he took office.  No, he’d have no clue what he’s saying but the government would fully know how impossible that would be.

Some would probably approve the required totalitarianism and the total failure for gas companies to stay open at that price, but more sensible people would know the government caused this mess.  Yet the government denies that basic fact.

He could say he’s fired Congress and nobody would blink an eye.  If he said government employees had to pay for gas on their own, GPC purchases were no longer permitted, he’d be overthrown in about twenty minutes, but he wouldn’t even notice.

There also increasing discussion about how to get rid of Biden.  But then they’d be stuck with Harris who’s just as stupid but fills the skin color/gender requirements so they can’t argue with her.  Assuming they don’t ignore the Constitution, Amendment 25 requires Congress and the Senate to approve a POTUS’s new Veep pick.

Of course they’ll ignore the Constitution.  It does look like they don’t want Harris either but short of her dying before Biden does, there aren’t many other options.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Can’t Answer If Biden ‘Was Aware’ He Sent Millions of Barrels of Oil Overseas”]

The idiocy increases.  She’s too stupid and lazy to know about this so she assumes the POTUS is too.  It gives her more time to blame gas companies who have nothing to do with the strategic reserve.  That’s a government job!  Ever hear of the government?

No, of course not.  She’s not hired for that, she’s hired for skin color, gender and being gay.  That's all she’s capable of as her master sells the strategic reserve to foreign countries who pay his son a lot of money.

□ [“Naked Hunter Biden Films Himself Smoking Crack, Drinking During ‘Detox’ Stint Paid for by Dad”]

Biden already sends US emergency fuel to a Chinese company Hunter co-owns, but this was a few years ago, back when he begged his dad for detox money.

Whatever else you can say about Biden, at least he was in the vicinity when decisions were made for all these years.  You don’t spend 50 years in the Senate without sitting through at least a few committee meetings where these things are discussed.  He also ran for POTUS a few times and had absolutely no chance whatsoever until the election was stolen, but Biden at least knew about this stuff at some point.

Hunter knows nothing.  He’s spent his whole life at the highest levels of society and just calls is father if he’s in trouble to solve everything.  Those who claim to oppose the rich and powerful totally support this.  Especially their kids.

It’s indistinguishable from a demonic influence.  Drugs, sex with children, using his father's influence to get whatever he wants from our nation's enemies.

I’m really surprised that this is getting any coverage.  I can’t believe it’ll go anywhere but it hasn’t been flat-out censored yet so there’s something.  What else would they do, support poor black people who do this?  Just put them in jail, no one cares.  They could also be used to terrorize other blacks, same difference.

□ [“White House Sides with Angry Mobs Chasing Supreme Court Justices from DC Restaurants – ‘People Should Be Allowed to Do That’”]

Where will you be?  You totally support this happening, so we’ll go after you.

It’s being noticed that the mass shooters aren’t Trump supporters despite what the media says.  I don’t know how long it’ll take them to do anything about it but it’s a start.

09 July, 2022

Do you get monkeypox if you're bitten on the hand by a radioactive monkey?

□ [“Parents Resist:  Only 1.3% Of Eligible Kids Under 5 Have Gotten COVID Vaccine”]

I really hope this is true.  Maybe they’re just lying to the polls which sound like they’re only the last three weeks or a similar vague description.  They aren’t saying ‘no, our children will never be poison-vacced,’ just that they haven’t done that recently.

They’re trying to take out the next generation, same as the ‘late term abortion.’

□ [“Sri Lankan President Rajapakse Declares Country Bankrupt, Then Flees with Suitcase of Belongings”]

Well ok then.  They cut off all foreign debts payments in April, around $51 billion worth.  That didn’t help and the riots have made it up to the Presidential Palace.

This could start happening elsewhere.  It *will* start happening, it’s just not clear where yet, or how close it will eventually get to us.  But a boy can dream...

It’s pointed out that they loyally obeyed leftist rhetoric, immediately switching to synthetic fertilizer which cut the food production in half to improve their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) score, a leftist concept for social judgement.  Bill Gates praised their health care system in 2018 which has now failed.  They can’t even export tea which was always Sri Lanka’s biggest export.

Now our leftist masters have to decide whether this is totally deliberate and they want to spread this starvation around the world.  Sri Lanka followed leftist policies and now the rest of the world can see what’s coming.  Do leftists?

I’m worried that yes, our masters planned for this.  If nothing else, they’re the rich and powerful, they know hungry people are cheap workers and would like more of those.

□ [“UN Deletes Article on World Hunger ‘Benefits’:  ‘Hungry People Are the Most Productive People’”]

Get ready for this.  Next they’ll deny to anyone not on their side the right to own guns.  That’ll end the game right there if they can shoot starving people without risk.  “Authoritarian Utopianism that masquerades as liberal humanism” wins again.

□ [“Biden Commits Another $400 Million Of Your Taxpayer Dollars To Ukraine”]

He’s just throwing out tons of money, is this stupidity or funding/bribes to the ruling conspiracy?  We’d be suffering from this tyranny even if he didn’t fund a war but of course he’s doing that too, along with the other trillions of dollars he’s throwing away.

Obviously it’s worse than Sri Lanka, the whole world is tied to us.  When we go down, there’ll be nothing left, which is what the tyrants have always wanted.

□ [“The Biden Gang Decides Against Emergency Order To Protect Abortion Access”]

This is somewhat typical for totalitarians.  They can’t justify their demands in court, which keeps them from going even further.  That’s why they desire to overthrow the courts and install their own servants at every level.  Of course doing that causes them a lot of internal problems but we’re not permitted to see any details of that.

They're trying to figure out how murder is a health emergency.  They’ll get to this point at all costs if we can’t stop them.  It’s not like they want to save any lives.

□ [“Democrat Governors Finally See Biden as Intellectually Bankrupt and Out of Ideas; They’re Scared”]

Only if they won’t steal future elections.  Seriously, they wanted this!  Everybody else knew what a disaster it would be but that didn’t stop them.  They’re still in power, so keep it up.  Biden’s the example and he sure didn’t get here by doing anything useful.

Biden’s only been a national figure for half a century.  Weren’t Democrat governors paying attention before now?  Or just looking at countries like Cuba and Venezuela to see how successful elections get run, which they have totally supported.

If there’s any benefit we’ll ever see from this, it’s that we’re really seeing how federalism works.  The states have their own rights and can stand up against the Fed.  Democrats have long opposed that but it’s still the truth.

□ [“Biden’s Communication Staff Have Bogus Lie to Cover Joe’s Embarrassing ‘Senior Moment’”]

They’re lying about their boss and forging the transcript of what he actually said.  Anybody who watches the video can see and hear that he doesn’t include “let me” before “repeat the line.”  He said “end of quote.  Repeat the line.”  That’s very clear.

How do you even get to the point where you have to blatantly pretend something everyone could see didn't actually happen?  At least a sensible person would be able to say “yeah, we screwed up” but none of them are capable of doing that.

Also 09 July, 2022

Or maybe it’s Loki's fault...

□ [“POLL:  Biden’s Approval Rating Now Lower Than Trump’s Lowest Point”]

Well, if you trust polls, here you go.  An incompetent old geezer who’s never run anything in his life isn’t living up as POTUS to liberal dreams.  He had to steal an election just to get this far and isn’t done yet.

The problem is that he’s the easiest to replace.  No one will miss him and whoever put him on the ballot can pick someone else to steal it next time.  Trump demonstrated what ability could accomplish despite daily attacks by the media and the left.  They sweet talk everything for Biden and he’s still setting new records of disaster.

Do they have a plan to get rid of free elections altogether or is the plan to flat-out destroy the US and the world along with it so they can build a new ‘utopia’?  Is there any chance of forces that can stop our secret rulers?

If so, I’d really appreciate it if they came out in the open.  We really need that kind of help and I think they’d have a lot of supporters.  Ok, our true rulers are keeping themselves private but we can’t do this without some basis in reality.

Meanwhile we’re heading into China starting a second front any time they feel like it.  I really don’t want the world to deal with that.  We never expected to face such disaster and there’s no way it could happen if it wasn’t intentional.  Otherwise people who make decisions would be immediately calling for a complete reversal.

But there’s no sign of that.  This is where a belief in the devil comes from, no one else would want to bring us this Hell on Earth.

Still 09 July, 2022

I just saw a phrase describing the problem as “authoritarian utopianism that masquerades as liberal humanism while usurping it from within.”  A bit of a mouthful but I’ll it more thought because it’s an accurate description.  A simpler version would be ‘their way is the only way because they care so much, so don’t disagree, but their internal conflicts never stop.’  Ok, that last phrase isn’t much simpler but it’s a thought.

“Authoritarian utopianism that masquerades!” comes out with Biden’s staff having to lie about what he actually said, claiming he said nothing of the kind.  Internally that has to trouble at least some of them and create conflict with other collectives rulers.

That’s part of the “usurping it from within.”  This defeats their own self-declared humanism and reinforces the need for tyranny.

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