Wednesday, July 13, 2022


10 July, 2022

You'll only take your boobs away from my cold, dead hands!

□ [“DC Antifa Group Offering Reward for Locations of Conservative Supreme Court Justices”]

And their pseudo-military is setting up informants so they can attack anyone they don’t like.  They follow a chain-of-command and must be requiring some sort of security clearance so that they can prevent anybody from using this tactic against them.

We know they want world conquest, but you want to ask ‘what do you think this will accomplish?’  Are they stupid enough to believe it’ll work this time or is disaster their specific goal?  Do they somehow think they’ll make everything better after making everything worse?  They already refuse to believe it’ll get worse because according to them, it’s already as bad as it could ever get, so just obey them and you'll see.

They already accuse their enemies of doing this.  They’ll have the iron fist and will use it to keep the peasants poor and hungry.

I was expecting July 4 to begin the tyrants’ next step and that is happening to an extent.  The next holiday is in a few days, the French Revolution, always one of their main points.  I’ve always thought it was where leftism was finally capable of organizing itself to something meaningful, guillotines, a self-proclaimed emperor and so forth.

That’s definitely led to most of history since.  Napoleon spread his empire’s influence across Europe and was so popular that decades later, his nephew was able to get into politics and self-identify as emperor.  He tried but failed badly, to the point where Germany was able to unite against him.  A generation or so of France/German conflict led to the War to End All Wars, where the USA became a world power and the Russians revolted.  The sequel came along twenty years later and we’re still dealing with that one.

So they’ll celebrate the anniversary that, in a nutshell, forced us to this point.

Europe is running out of fuel.  A megawatt hour of gas cost EUR 7 in 2019, now it’s EUR 175 and will get much higher.  They attack their own people and blame Russia.

They’re destroying buildings, businesses, sculptures, paintings, everything they can.  This is obviously part of the plan.  No clue how they’ve organized these attacks or picked their targets but it’s deliberate destruction.

They’re also destroying hope for the future.  No one will form plans which take years to accomplish if the stolen government can shut it down any time.  And there’s no future generations since they’re eager to kill your children.  They’ve always worked for this, or at least what they sit around talking about while pretending to work.

Any day, there’ll be a snap and that’ll be that.  We have no clue what will happen but they’ve planned for this.  I’d really appreciate it if we can get a sign that our side is preparing resistance.  Otherwise we’re already as-good-as-dead.

11 July, 2022

Can I self-identify as dead?

□ [“Pro-Abortion Mob Blocks Traffic on Interstate 64 Near Busch Stadium in St. Louis”]

You know, if you run a few of them over, they’ll quickly stop doing this crap.  Or shoot one or two if you have a gun in your car.  They keep doing this as long as they get away with it and it’s time somebody stopped them.  They can be ‘late term abortions.’

Obviously they don’t make the slightest attempt to convince anybody, that would never enter their heads.  Amusingly, they aren’t claiming to represent the “99%” either, as they did a mere eleven years ago during Occupy Wall Street.

□ [“Abortion On The High Seas, Doctor Propose Floating Baby-Killing Clinic To Bypass State Laws”]

So they’re pirates.  Or victims of pirates, whichever.  They’ll be outside federal lines, nobody’s going to protect them.  Or provide them food, energy or medical supplies.  If we’re in a ‘just let them die’ era now, I’m totally in favor of that.

Unless they have some way of getting federal funding for the specific purpose of avoiding state laws.  Sounds unrealistic but that wouldn’t stop them.

□ [“Eco-Terrorists Deflate SUV Tires in San Francisco, Chicago, and Scranton ‘We Won’t Rest Until SUVs are History’”]

The land pirates strike again, just going out for destruction.  There should be armed guards to shoot them, that’s the only option I see.  If these cities had functioning police departments, there might be possibilities, but at the moment, there’s nothing.

They’re obviously part of the pseudo-military and their respective governments obviously aren’t worried about losing any elections.  All-Democrat, coincidentally enough.  They’ll keep doing this and will fine more and more things to destroy.

□ [“HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Sees ‘Strong Chance We’ll See a Resurgence of the Virus’ This Fall”]

I heard today the virus is as bad as ever, Biden’s plan has totally failed.  But by an amazing coincidence, plans are already in place to steal future elections.  Good thing, they’ll keep requiring everyone to wear cloth on their face and pretend it does something, no doubt they’ll lock as many people at home as possible.  And somehow win elections.

□ [“Biden to Strip Hospital Medicare For Not Giving Emergency Abortions in States That Ban Procedure”]

It’s well-known that the point of a government benefit is so they can threaten to cut it off for disobedience.  One could also point out the ridiculous amount of money Biden is spending, at least this would be an excuse to save money.  There’s supposed to be another pandemic on the way, he said so months ago, that’ll require funding, right?

But people might die for other reasons that your funding could prevent, guess they don’t matter.  Deaths have to come from somewhere to make up the lack of abortions.  But Biden even claims that politicians should have no say in a patient’s health care and he demanded we get stabbed with a fake vaccine!  That’s government control for you.

He’s also claimed to oppose Roe v. Wade for the exact reason the Supreme Court took it down, so it’s obvious he doesn’t pay any attention to what he says.  Maybe his memory doesn’t work but you’d think some other supporters would notice this.

I just spent part of the evening wasting time on a website that, at one point, was part of the Freedom Convoy’s communications.  Several hours and I didn’t find a single comment that could be made by an intelligent person.  They really didn’t like any of my comments about logistics, supply, organization, the world collapsing, the need for food, fuel, communications, etc.  I hadn’t even gotten to some of the stuff on medical care, weapons, maintenance or financing when they banned me.

They call their site “The Objective Truth.”  Not a good sign.  I don’t know if they’re literally leftists or just similar but it’s explains a lot about the convoy these days.  At least I got a little more of the book written so the evening wasn’t completely wasted.

Tomorrow night I’ll get back to doing what I usually do:  Try to conquer the world!  Or work on the book more, whichever.

12 July, 2022

Many of you will die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make!

□ [“New NYC PSA on ‘What to Do in a Nuclear Attack’ Instructs Citizens to ‘Get Inside, Stay Inside, and… Follow Media’ For Updates – ‘Officials' Will Notify You When it’s Safe’”]

So they just threw nuclear war into the mix.  Liberals always pretended to oppose nuclear war – despite one of their patron saints starting one – but here we are.  They’re doing so well against Russia that of course nukes have to be included.

Who do they think will pay attention to this?  The people they torment with their laws or those who are rewarded for ignoring laws?  If this is that much more important than their daily nonsense, they would drop the daily nonsense.  People aren’t going to spend all day posting internet memes when they’ve gone without food for a week.  More vehicles with gasoline would help so maintain the fuel and vehicle production.

But no, our leftist masters remain focused on their own propaganda which has nothing to do with nukes or food production.  They even give the same instructions here as they gave for the virus:  stay inside, follow the media for the next order.  Yet they’ll still check your internet posts to see if you’re using the proper pronouns.

Hell, a nuclear strike would give them more excuse to impose martial law.

□ [“New Zealand Doctors Asking Police to Investigate Deaths Following COVID Vaccinations”]

It’s becoming too obvious that young, healthy people are dying and their only connection is the injection with this ‘experimental drug.’  If the virus isn’t what’s killing people, there must be something else and law enforcement should investigate.

Of course they may decide it’s just right wingers killing people.  At this point, would that surprise you?  New Zealand doesn’t have a reputation for fairness or justice, so this step might be helpful but there are reasons to be doubtful.

These doctors know exactly what this poison is doing.  They may be calling for help because they can’t stand up against the rulers.  More of them should get involved.

□ [“The ‘safe and effective’ narrative is falling apart”]

This is just an article collecting various examples.  England and Ireland are also starting investigations into the pseudo-vaccine that’s killing people.  Canada hasn’t started one yet but are definitely tracking the increase in deaths.

It’s being confirmed that the pseudo-vaccine is lowering the fertility rate.  Still births and miscarriages are growing more numerous, as are deaths of the newly-born.

Insurance companies suddenly have to pay for a lot more deaths now than they did when the virus was hot, they’d sure like to know why.  Then there’s these respiratory and cardiac deaths for people who received something “safe and effective,” what is this?  Even drowning deaths are up.  As with all the dying athletes, as if physical exercise leads to cardiac arrest.  Notice the media and government have no interest in investigating this.

They faked a virus and immediately cranked out a poisonous chemical with no safety measures to learn what it would do in six or twelve months, all by the same people who’ve said for decades the world’s population should be reduced.  What a coincidence.

□ [“Orwellian:  New Emails Confirm CDC Officials Scrambled to Change ‘Problematic’ Definition of ‘Vaccine/Vaccinated’ Because Experimental mRNA Jab Did Not Qualify Under Old Definition”]

So they flat-out changed their proven definition because it didn’t match the poison they wanted to inflict us with.  Then they lied to us about that.

“Vaccine” as “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” became “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”  Immunity is the whole point and was thrown away for this!  You can’t do that if you care about a person’s health!

But they told the press it was to make the definition simpler for non-experts.  Yet their internal emails showed their own definition wouldn’t let them approve the pseudo-vaccine, so they changed the definition.  And guess who they blamed for that!

“Right-wing covid-19 pandemic deniers are using your ‘vaccine’ definition to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines.”

□ [“Prominent Far-Left Democrats Launches Six-Figure Campaign to Keep Biden From Running in 2024”]

This will probably be entertaining to watch but it has no chance of succeeding.  If Biden gets any say in the matter, he’ll run.  It’s already decided and not by these people.

Maybe this group even knows the elections were stolen and don’t oppose an elected POTUS.  This may just be a show, some other plan by the rulers.  It’s not like that’ll stop anything from becoming far more complicated than it needs to be.

Their campaign even specifically acknowledges that Democrats turned against LBJ.  They cite the anti-war candidates but ignore who actually won that election.

13 July, 2022

Throw the economy away and buy a new one.

□ [“Jill Biden Has Her Press Secretary Apologize for Her Over Comparing Latinos to Tacos”]

"I love black people.  They're as distinct as watermelon and fried chicken."

That’s pretty close to what she actually said, just a different food and skin color.  But it’s not racist because leftists say this, only if white people do that.

She is so sorry for offending people that she sent someone else to apologize.  That’s how important it is to her.  You wouldn’t see Marie Antoinette apologize for suggesting people eat cake, same thing here.  At least Marie could have pronounced the word “bodegas” correctly instead of saying “bogidas.”

She gave a speech to what’s called a “Latinx IncluXion Luncheon” but the person paid to apologize didn’t use the word “latinx.”  He said “latino” which we all know is racist and oppressive.  Any chance he’s going to apologize for that?

□ [“The New Ukrainian Unicorn – The Million Man Army”]

So Ukraine’s finally gotten around to forming an army after the previous ones were destroyed.  Those people must have been just sitting around and surfing the internet or something.  That’s how horrible the last five months have been for them.

This was announced by the Defense Minister, someone who should know these things, but really?  Russia still controls the air and planes can have nifty gadgets attached to observe what people are doing so they can adjust accordingly.

Ukraine has just given them a million targets.  Totally believable.  No wonder they reported this to the western media, who else would demand the truth like this?

Surprisingly, news is still coming out about Hunter Biden.  He doesn’t have a job but can somehow afford to rent a $20,000/month mansion in Malibu.  His money came from foreign countries but he isn’t paying taxes on it, yet no law enforcement group are investigating this.  Try that yourself, let me know how far you get.

□ [“Buck Naked and Cracked Out Hunter Biden Rides the Water Slide to His Prostitute’s Delight"]

It’s not clear if this video came from the mansion he’s staying at but it's definitely someone’s mansion.  This is how our rulers live.  They know best.

No one asks Biden about this.  Any chance his son will die from an overdose or get an actual virus from his lady friends?  He’s totally worthless, just look at his laptop.

He dropped it off at a repair shop.  The photos, videos and emails were all stored on public cloud storage so they were easily accessible.  No security codes, it was all right there for anyone to see.  He didn’t bother to pay the repair store for the work so they also saw it.  Hunter’s in his 50s and his concept of security is totally non-existent.  As we’re seeing now, nothing bad can happen to him from any of these decisions.

And he’s just following his father’s example.  It’s not necessary to do anything, their protectors will take care of everything.  And this is what he did with personal items that covered his life details, not just a nation they claim to be in charge of.  Yet everyone stays quiet.  We don’t even get told what orders China’s giving them.

As the economy collapses, people must spend more and more on basics like food, utilities, residence…  Collectively, it’s horrible and we should go the opposite direction if we want to improve after the last year and a half, but the people in charge want this.

Maybe there weren’t enough poor people so nobody listened to liberals claiming to care about poor people.  That had to change.  That’s sure what they’ve done…

They blame Putin for the gas prices which rose a couple dollars before February 2022.  Trump got gas prices getting lower and lower even before the virus so blaming them doesn’t work.  They tried but anyone who’s paid for their own gas over the last several years saw when it was cheaper or not.

It’s now official, inflation is over 9.1%.  This makes people poorer and that’s how our rulers like it.  Because they care so much about the poor.

□ [“Liberal World Order:  Inflation Up To 9.1%, Economic Advisor Brian Deese’s New Spending Bills ‘More Urgency Than Ever to Pass’”]

Because the trillions you already spend haven’t caused enough damage yet.  There’s still a middle class, can’t have that if your rule is going to continue.

They’re trying to make the problem so big that only they can be relied on for the world’s salvation.  They see no way that could possibly fail and they don’t have to take part in the misery imposed on others.  They could just admit inflation will increase whether or not they pass any more spending bills.

□ [“House Judiciary Committee Dems Vote Unanimously to Block Measure That Would Have Increased Penalties For Child Sex Traffickers”]

They’ve always supported the slave trade and will do anything to get more of it, that’s how they’ve gotten so much power over the centuries.  Anyway, nobody wants their friends to go to jail, especially those who bring kids in for them to... play with.

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