Sunday, July 17, 2022


14 July, 2022

They don't make apocalypses like they used to.

I’ve noticed New York law is now allowing gun manufactures to be sued for people being shot.  The point is to drive them out of business by legal expenses, even if every case is thrown out in court.

They’ve probably got the lawsuits ready to file as soon as they get an excuse.  Definitely a use of leftist money.  This was planned.

□ [“Western Media and Military Analysts Still Dazed and Confused About Ukraine"]

This is still going on.  Somehow Ukraine is training tons of people but they don’t have weapons because Russia destroyed so many of those months ago.  You’d think Russia could destroy all the people who don’t have weapons, but apparently they haven’t bothered.  Sure, the media insists Russia is killing people, but then who could they draft?

This is quite contradictory and it all comes from western media that unanimously supports Ukraine.  They’re still on the ‘Ukraine is totally winning’ mentality but that’s getting hard to use.  Fortunately they don’t need to convince anybody who doesn’t already believe that.  They also don’t have to pay any attention to facts on the ground.

If Russia is losing so badly, why hasn’t Ukraine taken back any territory?  That’s not normal.  But the media just reports it and demands the US send more weapons.

□ [“24 Hour After Claiming Appearing to Be Reporting Live from Ukraine War Zone, Former CNN Host Chris Cuomo Spotted in the Hamptons”]

The Hamptons are in Long Island, near NYC where Cuomo was born.  Rich people hang out there.

Not paying much attention but a couple days ago I did see an article claiming he was in in Ukraine, covering the war as a “free agent” after CNN fired him.  Some other geeky media figures have made similar claims.

No idea if any of this is true but it’s very strange.  It's not like he’s poor, he could just get on an airplane to Ukraine if he really wants to be there.  Other rich and famous people have done that in the last several months, so it’s not like there's any danger.

It is a possibility that he was in Ukraine doing whatever – which apparently wasn’t being reported – and just got home on vacation.  That is possible.

Otherwise, what hell is this about?  What makes leftists so desperate that they’ll pretend to do something about Ukraine?  If it’s actually a war, start acting like it.  Many Americans have experienced real war zones in the last couple decade without making stuff up like the media is doing now, so what are they after?

□ [“Europe Braces For July 22 'Doomsday Scenario' as Russia Begins Gas Pipeline Maintenance Shutdown – Euro Drops to 20 Year Low – Results Could be Catastrophic”]

There’s a deadline, then Russia will shut off its pipeline.  For maintenance.  Temporarily.  They say that’s what they’re doing so you must believe them.

Good thing Europe ignored Trump saying a few years ago that they should stop depending on Russian fuel.  Can you imagine the disaster if they’d listened to him?

But they claim he obeyed Russia, so by saying they shouldn’t buy Russian fuel, it helped Russia.  Or maybe Trump knew he’d be ignored and that’s why he said it.  ‘Russia wants us to stop buying Russia fuel so we’ll buy more Russian fuel!  Suck it, Trump!’

At what point would there be a ‘Trump was right and we were wrong’?  Ignoring Trump helped Russia, the opposite of the claims that Trump worked for Russia.  Maybe Trump/Russia knew what Europe would do, but that would give them a major advantage Europe didn’t even consider, so they now have people suffering precisely because they never bothered to think about this stuff.

Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have formed BRICS, possibly joined by Saudi Arabis, Turkey and Egypt.  That’s a huge part of the world population right there, oil producers with large non-white populations organizing against us.

After 23 years, the EU has suddenly started considering Turkey’s request to join and would bring them in immediately as the linchpin of Europe/Asia.  Saudi Arabia has Mecca and Egypt is where world history started.  These aren’t small minor nations.

What these countries aren’t doing is promoting pseudo-viruses or spying on everyone to make sure they use the proper fake gender pronouns.  People who do that are only destroying their economies, even as they’ll depend on BRICS members for fuel.

15 July, 2022

You take the good, you take the bad and there you have the facts on file.

□ [“Italian President Rejects Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s Resignation”]

The second European PM resignation attempt in a week.  I don’t have a clue what this is about but that’s gotta be deliberate.  In fairness, Italy changes governments rather often so this may be nothing.  It’s just, at this point, who’s going to think it’s normal?

□ [“Biden Vowed to Make Saudi Arabia a ‘Pariah’; Fist Bump with MBS Completes His Humiliation”]

So Biden’s actually gone to the Middle East.  He rarely the DC/Delaware region, although he has gone a few other places recently.  I wonder if his handlers are just trying to make it look like he’s actually competent to travel, but it’s a long trip.

So of course he went to a place he claims to hate and wasn’t Israel.  He even flew from one country to the other, thanks to Trump making that possible, and even threw away Biden’s promise to open an embassy in “East Jerusalem.”

He’s begging Saudi to produce more earth-killing oil, covering for his own US policy while giving Iran as much money as possible to take over the region.  He didn’t complain about Saudi’s war with Yemen either, and so far hasn’t convinced any nation that had finally recognized Israel’s existence to recant.  But he probably tried.

He’s still trying to throw away the Abraham Accords which Trump also made possible.  Not clear if he’ll succeed with that but he’s definitely trying, or at least the people in charge of him are trying.

□ [“We Now Know Who 'Pedo Peter' on Hunter Biden's iPad Is”]

He addressed his 17-year old niece Natalie Biden as “Pedo Peter.”  Natalie was the daughter of his dead brother Beau and the woman Hunter was banging.  At no point in time would anybody close to them say ‘you’re way too close in relation to be sticking your dick into her.’  No, that’s not what they’re here for.

And no leftist sees anything wrong with it either.  At least it helps us see why so many so many foreign countries gave Hunter money.  They have a lot in common, or at least the countries can use the information for their own purposes.

□ [“After Sri Lanka, Globalist Green Agenda Pushes Ghana on Brink of Collapse”]

Another prosperous nation that agreed to obey leftist environmental policies and now can’t even get fertilizer to grow food.  These collapses are happening right next to each other in pretty short order, the leftist plan.  They hope to completely take over every wealthy nation at once, or at least take the wealth for themselves.

We need to starve the politicians first.  Anyone part of this should be the last in line for food.  Fortunately they all live in big cities where the food isn’t produced.

I also wonder if this is another step in the leftist scheme.  They bring the world to collapse, then Donald Trump or someone unites everyone, then they infiltrate the government that they could never have created.  That seems way too complicated to work but doesn’t mean they couldn’t think of it.  That’s what I suspected the Freedom Convoy was for, albeit at a much lower level than this suggested concept.

□ [“Co-Executive Scrubs and Californication TV Producer Eric Weinberg Arrested on Multiple Rape Charges”]

The victims go back to 1990, although the ones he’s arrested for are from 2012.  Over thirty years and he’s just been getting more and more influence and support.  This has clearly been a primary goal of Hollywood for a very long time.

They’ve been doing this for decades and want to impose themselves on the rest of us.  How do they even get to this point?  More importantly, how do we purge them?

□ [“Bill Gates Vows to Leave the Billionaire’s List by Donating $20 Billion to His Own Foundation”]

He’ll give his money to his foundation which he owns.  That’s so noble.  He promised in 2010 to get rid of all his money and it’s just kept growing.

That is not how you stop being rich.  He makes sure to tell us every day that he hates the rich.  He could let others just take his money, wouldn’t that help?

□ [“Report Shows $44 Billion of COVID Money Was Sent to States that Pushed CRT in Schools”]

Using money for a Chinese virus to pay for teachings that they pretended they aren’t actually teaching.  The people stupid enough to fall for this are being treated by Democrats, well, the way Democrats have always treated blacks.

16 July, 2022

Why are we here?  To make fun of you.

□ [“Kamala Harris’ Chief Speechwriter Quits After Less Than 4 Months on the Job”]

More and more keeps coming out that she’s a horrible person to work with.  She seems to think she’s already POTUS and reinforces that by not doing anything *with* the position, much less that she never actually did anything to earn it.

I’m trying to figure out how a conspiracy could make this workable, the self-identified elite who already happen to be rich and/or famous.  Poor people can think that way too but aren’t surrounded by people who always agree with them.

But if you have enough money for servants, they’ll all tell you what you want to hear, reinforcing your self-identification as an important person.  Is it possible that there is *something* genuinely evil about money that this happens if you have too much of it?  That answer is definitely above my pay-grade but it’s worth thinking about.

□ [“Biden’s Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and Gender Fluid ‘Pup Handler’ Sam Brinton Attend French Ambassador’s Bastille Day Party”]

As everybody has noticed, they didn’t go with Biden to Saudi Arabia.  Muslims actually know what a woman is.  This is about humiliating ourselves before the world.

It’s been a long day and week.  I’m not sure how much stuff I’ll be able to write.  I’ve been thinking about some news articles and may have had some insight on leftism.

Also 16 July, 2022

I’ve always been a very self-absorbed person, focused on what I do and what’s important to me, but I’ve also realized that nobody else thinks that’s important.  Even if they do, it’s because it’s what they’re interested in.  You may have noticed that I write using the first-person a lot but you don’t actually know much about me.

This is what separates normal people from leftists.  They all focus on other people and deny that it has anything to do with their individual selves.  But only as individuals are they actually capable of doing anything, and that’s what they oppose.

As an example, I have no idea how many people follow any of my writing.  I hope it influences them for the better but that’s not why I do it.  I write because I like writing.  It would be entirely different if I was writing specifically to influence others.

This goes for most-if-not-all of human progress.  No one becomes an athlete because they want to influence others.  Constructing a building or performing brain surgery, the desire to do that work has to outweigh anything else or it won’t be any good.

Freedom makes that work.  You aren’t interested in what I do and any interest in what I’m saying comes because you see a benefit from that.  I’d like you to pay for my books but that isn’t why I wrote them.  We can all continue our respective interests and have little or nothing to do with each other for the rest of our lives.  That’s freedom.

Now living in a group does require thinking about other people.  It’s also true that as individuals, humans are far too complicated than these basic definitions I’m using.  We all approach things differently and to different degrees, that’s what makes us individuals.

Collectivists don’t like to accept this but their focus on other people always seems to let them cancel any individual they don’t like and blame any group the individual is part of.  This is over-simplification, all done to impose a connection to others, but notice how the leftist always aspires to make the decisions for any group they identify.

Notice that the left rarely has any of the skills required to fix anything.  They are capable of learning and I assume some do have genuine ability, it’s just that they want to ignore this with their focus on other people, particularly those who agree with them.  This lets them sit around, accomplishing nothing, while claiming everyone is so oppressed.

They’ll say what needs to be changed to help starving people but won’t actually produce or provide food.  They’ll only talk about changing things, not actually working unless their commands are being followed.  Yet whenever they seize power, they immediately threaten to cut off anyone who defies them.  That’s the opposite of freedom.

There’s the recent article about Democrats arguing over the pretend-genres, a news article said they should stop forcing everybody to use these new pronouns.  Half of the responses said they would never force anybody to use them, the other half says they must force everybody to use them.  If you care that much about what pronouns other people use, you’re the one with the problem and you don't even realize it.

I’ll keep thinking about this, it’s a very interesting line of thought.

17 July, 2022

I self-identify you as a group of people I hate.

□ [“US agencies aren’t ‘following the science’ on COVID and staff are too scared to complain”]

This is good coverage of the tyranny of the virus as well as forcing the worthless vaccine on children.  “First, do no harm” is a basic medical truth for a reason and the rulers threw that away without hesitation, forcing doctors to obey, or else.

They’re trying to impose this pseudo-vaccine on small children, even those who already had the virus.  Kids are immune anyway but our masters demand this.

Then they force everybody to put cloth on their face, even though it does nothing.  This is also targeted at kids, along with the fact that all the schools closed down so they couldn’t learn anything.  As adults, we forget what it was like, but kids don’t know anything and are physically growing every month.  This was simply cutting them down.  The masters showed their authority and that’s the way it goes.  Sucks to be the kids.

And the rulers are only demanding more and more of this, forcing the poison into every child no matter what.  The people who manufactured it can’t actually prove that it does anything so the government had to ignore its own rules to approve it.

They’re just cranking this through, forcing anybody who knows better to stay silent.  That’s a huge disaster waiting to happen even *if* there’s no other problems with the vaccine.  But there are, it’s not like they tested it to see what the result was in six months, a year, five years, ten years...  So now there’s all these sudden deaths of young, healthy people, who could’ve seen that coming?

But the government’s keeping its “emergency powers,” the ones it grabbed because of the virus.  So that all works out, at least for them.

□ [“NYC Now the ‘Epicenter of the Monkeypox Outbreak’ Accounting For 30% of All US Cases”]

So the latest ‘gay plague’ is mostly confined to the biggest, most degenerate city.  They’ll find other places to go to but it all started there.  Isn’t that what AIDS did?

Hmm, it was first reported in NYC where, along with San Francisco and worked through the US from there, but AIDS was first reported case was in 1959 from... the Congo???  I used to know a little about what Belgium did there, now I have to wonder if it was a starting ground for what the US is now doing with our worldwide biolabs.

Ok, that’s too depressing to think about, or research to see if I’m remotely correct.  I’ll just say our rulers brought back the gay plague for some reason and quit there.

□ [“Iran Has Capability to Build a Nuclear Bomb But They Say They Haven’t Decided to Build One Yet”]

This is an official statement so I assume it’s a complete lie.  They've already decided, it’s just unclear if they actually have the capability.  There’s no actual proof but I’ll also assume the answer is ‘yes’ to both.  They’re building nukes now.

*Maybe* they don’t have the capability, yet, but my guess is that would have more to do with Iran’s lack of of territory for building and testing nukes.  This would probably have more influence on whether or not they’ll actually decide to build them any time in the future.  Maybe.  Possibly.  There’s a chance.

Otherwise, no, they have nukes now, thanks to Democrats ever since Jimmy Carter.  This has been planned for a long time.

Also 17 July, 2022

□ [“Liberals Mad at Fareed Zakaria’s Washington Post Opinion That Democrats Should Put Policies Before Pronouns”]

They’re already fighting each other.  A prime goal for half of them is to keep imposing their made-up pronouns, the other half see real problems and thinks solving those would be better for the party.

I assume the insane tyrants will win but at least this is happening.  The article was called “Forget Pronouns” but that title was dropped after leftist whining.  Zakaria even responded that he was *so* tolerant, it was Republicans who could take advantage of it.

They spend less time driving trucks to ship supplies across the country and more to focus on these twitter threads about transgenders.  Less time manufacturing building supplies or construction.  They’ve never noticed how much thought about these fake pronouns distracts them from maintaining an airplane or communications site.

All they can do is keep their followers in line, *if* they actually have followers.  People who *might* be their followers under normal circumstances can see everything getting worse while leftists have nothing better to do than focus on false pronouns of made-up genders.  That won’t stop China or Russia’s next invasions, much less prevent starvation, the loss of fuel and communication, etc.

The left seems entirely focused upon connection with others, which keeps them from actually doing anything while reinforcing their belief in collectivist superiority.

Still 17 July, 2022

□ [“Rolling Stone:  Evangelists Believe That When You Pray, You Temporarily Assume the Mantle of God Himself, And It’s a Sin to Dispute You”]

Rolling Stone posted this a week or so ago, I’ve been pondering it for a couple days.  The article is just about banning any religious Supreme Court justice so that the liberals can make all the decisions.  Religion causes moral conflict and leftists don’t want to suffer from that.  This way, they won’t have to.

Basic stuff, but they believe that *other people* believe to actually be God, just by praying.  The universe obeys me because I pray, that’s why I’m telling you to pray.

“Prayer is a powerful communication tool in the evangelical tradition:  The speaker assumes the mantle of the divine, and to disagree with an offered prayer is akin to sin.”

Shouldn’t that be the opposite?  I’m the one who gets to be God so I can control the universe, you’re forbidden to pray because that would make you God.  I don’t want you praying because you’re not God.  Leftists don’t permit prayer and they sure do expect everyone else to obey.  It’s not like they’ll say ‘sure, you can pray if you want to.’

If I tell you to pray and it’s a sin to disagree with me, then if you obey it’ll be a sin to disagree with you.  Why would I want to do that?

The only part of this that is even coherent is saying that there’s absolutely no benefit to prayer other than assuming the mantle of the divine.  None whatsoever.  Mantle of the divine or nothing, that’s it.  Even though we would both assume it if we both pray.

But Rolling Stone doesn’t say that, nor do they cite anybody, real or fictional, who actually pray and believe this.  They just claim everybody they disagree with believes it, definitely a fantasy that nobody is allowed to question.  That’s how the infidel roll.

Yet again17 July, 2022

If you think this is good, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!  You also don't know what the word "good" means.

□ [“Electric Cars Are Now Being Targeted For Overloading The Electric Grids During An Energy Crisis”]

The vehicles they’ve been demanding everybody buy are now being restricted because there’s not enough electricity to power them.  This article is from Texas which is having some huge power shortages anyway, so that’s the solution?

They could have given this the slightest thought before imposing these rules on everyone.  “We know everything so obey us” is not science, they just pretend it is.  That’s why they’ve spent so many decades opposing the energy grid and trying to shut it down.

Oh but they’ve briefly cut prices a little bit, briefly.  That’s so helpful.  They’ll start increasing again in a month or so.  I still say the best solution is to stop government workers from charging the taxpayers for their gasoline.  Pay out of your own pocket if you drive a GOV.  That’ll solve the problem quickly, or at least remove the government vehicles and leave more gas available for us.  Or just send it to China.

Which of course our rulers won’t ever consider.  Wonder why.

□ [“Journalists Tow Camper Behind Electric Truck, End in Stunning Failure”]

An amusing story from a week or so ago about the disaster being imposed on us by people who want to ban the use of gasoline.  An electric pick-up truck competed against a gas-powered pick-up in Colorado, each attached to a 3-ton trailer.  Estimates indicated that the gas truck would get 264 miles before needing a refill while the electric would get 160 miles, so they hoped to make it to Pueblo for a recharge, 150 miles away.

Six miles into the trip, the electric truck’s computer recalculated the potential difference.  Now it would only make 150 miles, so the plan had to be changed.  They would recharge at Colorado Springs, about 100 miles away.

But as they were leaving Denver 50 miles later, the computer recalculated again.  It was now down to 20% battery charge, so they had to turn around to get back to Denver and got to a charging station at 9%.  But you can’t just do a drive-through like at a gas station.  Electric chargers were set up at parking lot edges, not a place where you can stop with your large trailer.  So they had to recharge while blocking part of the parking lot, not endearing themselves to anybody else who wanted to get through the lot.  Then they had to spend an hour charging up, just to make it back to the starting point.

Meanwhile the other truck was able to make it to the Pueblo target, turn around and drive back to the starting point, all on the same tank of gas.  The sponsors did the math, the electric truck’s cost per mile was @60% of the gas truck’s cost, but also did fewer miles.  Hauling heavy items increases the need for fuel but the computer couldn’t calculate the requirements.  You can’t transport massive amounts of supplies like that.

Colorado is known to have one or two hills, those require more power to drive up, particularly when your vehicle has three tons attached to it.  Colorado also has a few winds.  The wind-resistance means more power is required to move through.

Electric motors do get back some energy when the brake is used, however it isn’t used very often when highway-driving.  But you can use a gas engine for heat, helpful when going through the mountains.  An electric vehicle uses more energy if you want the heat on, energy which could be used to drive.  The air-conditioner also uses power.

Lithium batteries also can’t be charged in the freezing cold, so they use their own power to make themselves warm enough to charge.  There is one lithium mine in the United States, specifically Nevada.  Every other lithium battery leftists demand you buy will have to be brought from other countries.  That’ll take fuel as well.

□ [“Trans Sec Pete Buttigieg Brags That High Gas Prices Are Pushing Americans to Electric Vehicles”]

And they’re doing all this on purpose.  The more they hurt us, the more we have to buy what they tell us to buy, no matter how bad the product is.

Do they actually believe these products are any good or is the whole point to hurt Americans?  This would be collectivist individuals going after people they don’t like.

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