Friday, July 22, 2022


18 July, 2022

The more money you give me, the less Rococo Coffee I give you.  That's win-freaking-win, baby!

□ [“'Why Don’t You Talk About Something That Matters!’ Biden at Reporter Asking About ‘Fist Bump’”]

They’re not allowed to ask that.  Who do you think you are, Donald Trump?  They present their questions to your supervisors in advance before being allowed into your presence, access is denied if the questions are about something that matters.

That does suggest Biden is still vaguely-conscious at some level.  He thinks he has a real job and went somewhere for some reason, why don’t they ask about that?

□ [“White House Edits Transcript of Biden Comment in Saudi Arabia”]

They forged what Biden said to Mohammed bin Salman.  The video shows “He basically said that he was not personally responsible for [murder of Jamal Khashoggi], I indicated I thought he was.”  The transcript says “I indicated that he probably was.”

What else would he do when meeting someone he thinks is a murderer but fist bump a greeting?  He’s gotta convince OPEC to go along with him, right?

By the way, Russia is also a member of OPEC.  If you have to pick a side, which one are you going to go with?  Things like that make me seriously suspect that the overall plan is to unite the entire world *against* the US.  What else would do this?

Except for going with Trump’s decisions, Biden did nothing to bring peace to the Middle East and they’re not increasing oil production.  So what was the point?  Did he complain about Iran killing anybody or is he fine with that?  Did he even get anybody to follow him on Iran or do they see an actual threat they’d really like to stop?

□ [“Oil Jumps As Biden Fails In Begging Saudis For More Oil"]

Biden’s Middle East trip did nothing.  He showed OPEC that he’s incompetent and they can just ignore what he says, like his claim that they’ll obey his order to increase production.  OPEC says they won’t, now Biden advisers have to defend this to the media.

□ [“Kamala Harris Takes Charge While Feeble Joe Biden Hides at White House”]

Probably nothing, but this trip must have taken a lot out of him.  We’ll see if he’s able to do anything for a while.  Otherwise his masters have to find someone else.

□ [“Transgender Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Levine to 'Empower' Children For Puberty Blockers”]

They’re experienced at dominating children and really enjoy that.  Kids are like dolls, you can do whatever want to them and they’ll obey.  Their lives depend on it.

I’ve said it before but this thing is the biggest symbol of this administration’s intent.  A more challenging question is ‘would any of us object to it being aborted?’  Ok, we don’t know what a baby will turn out to be, but if it were possible, is there anybody who would object to this creature being aborted at any time?

There are some obvious problems with that.  Reproduction and family are the main cornerstones of life.  You take care of your kids when they’re young so they can take care of you when you’re old.  It’s not surprising that the left wants to erase this but given how close we are to massive death, those who survive will need to start thinking in crucial terms like ‘life’ and ‘death’ in ways leftists have opposed for decades.

□ [“DC Mayor Bowser Wants Biden Regime to Stop Illegal Aliens From Being Bussed Into DC”]

This black, female Democrat doesn’t want to be treated the way she wants to treat everyone else.  Why not just send them to the White House who let these people enter in the first place?  Or Congress, they like it when mobs of people show up.  You’re telling them what to do anyway, here’s some incentive.

This is why Washington DC can’t be a state, because it’s the federal government.

Just a note, somebody made a video of Joe Biden as a Senator with a full head of hair talking about his tough laws on drug use and psychos, sided with footage of Hunter doing exactly what Biden says people need to go to jail for.  It’s about as entertaining as you would expect from these two, but we’ll see if it goes anywhere.

Oh who am I kidding, it’ll go nowhere and we know it.

Also 18 July, 2022

□ [“Massive Protests in Panama Over Skyrocketing Inflation, Demonstrators Block Roads”]

And here's more going on.  These protests are definitely worldwide.  What will happen if they shut down the Panama Canal that Jimmy Carter kindly gave them?

France, Spain, Greece, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka, India, Iran, Peru, Argentina, Morocco, U.K, just to name the most obvious places where thousands of people try to stand and fight back.  Inflation and the vaccine tyrants demanding passports are the primary reasons for this although obviously each country has its own individual causes.

At least Europe can blame the Russia sanctions which maims them without even attacking them or any of their official allies.  The media can’t give this any attention given what happened in Sri Lanka last week.  Europe already has to get its people through the upcoming winter which usually isn’t very warm.

There’s an old military saying, ‘never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake.’  Destroying our economies and security just to pretend we oppose Russia is a bad idea, but that’s what the New World Order is doing.

19 July, 2022

Well, it could be worse.  Oh look, it’s getting worse!

□ [“Senior Biden Advisor Left Stuttering After Reporter Calls Him Out For Lying About Gas Prices”]

This should happen more often.  It wasn’t about lying, just a basic question about ‘where does the buck stop?’  It’s about only demanding credit for things that people like.

The type of person who does that always gets surrounded with people who always believe what the master says.  Yes, they’re sycophants but I wonder if Biden told anyone listening that he’d have a guaranteed success with.  This trip would be so important.

So now the suck-ups have to pretend that he never said that, or it really was a total success, we just can’t see that, or just blame the “framing” of the question and claim Biden is working so hard to erase fossil fuels make gas cheaper for people.

I’m sure this happens to every dictator, I’m just curious.

□ [“‘He’s Just Been Very Busy’ – Karine Jean-Pierre Asked What Biden’s Done For the Last Few Days”]

This made me wonder what’s going on, multiple spokesmen defending someone who does nothing, yet he’s very busy.  It just sounds like a blatant lie.  She often says she has no clue what he’s doing, but this time she’ll act like she knows?  That’s just strange.

He’s probably not dead or on the verge of death, but it’s making me wonder how long he’ll finally be dead before anybody gets around to telling us.

□ [“Biden May Declare ‘National Climate Emergency’ This Week”]

And here’s the tyranny coming straight-out.  Biden could be long-dead and they’d still push this with his name on it.  They’ll seize power anyway.  The announcement specifically mentions that Biden would ignore the Senate for not doing anything and even states that he will reinstate a crude oil ban Congress had repealed in 2015.

What other laws did Congress pass that he’ll ignore?  He can just say Congress can’t do anything without his permission.  They’re using the war with Russia as a cover, which Congress hasn’t declared, fyi.  This is not doing what’s required to win.

□ [“CDC Stops Reporting Cruise Ship COVID Levels, They Can Handle their Own Mitigation Programs”]

Something has been changed although I have no idea what.  Went to the post office a few days ago, they’re no longer blocked behind screens that wouldn’t stop a virus.  We no longer have to get temperature readings at work every day, though I can understand that, given the incredibly hot temperatures these days.

But here, every single person on a cruise ship was vaccinated but still had a major virus outbreak.  The CDC may just want to stop showing that they obviously have no clue what’s going on, or admit that the vaccine is part of the problem.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre Says Governors Bussing Illegal Aliens to DC is ‘Shameful' Behavior”]

Then why don’t you just pass a law and arrest them for breaking it.  You can pretend that laws are important, except for the ones you don’t like.

“I fear that they’re being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the United States of America.”

But you’re not the one who decides what their final destinations are.

□ [“China Demands Biden Cancel $108 Million Arms Sale to Taiwan”]

Ok, Biden’s brain-dead so we have an excuse to ignore this.  Or China may just be putting on a show and they’ll pick the weapons up when they move into Taiwan.  They’re China, they’ll wait until they decide the right time and there’s nothing to be done about that.  But now their servants have to look like this is important.

Also noted that the US is using this as an excuse for a world-wide NATO, which would provide the New World Order with its own military force.  The US is also making other countries suffer by forcing them to join us, Japan as an ally they don’t want to be for a war on China, Europe losing energy because of the Russia sanctions.

□ [“Wyoming Senator Warns Fuel Prices Mean Farmers Can’t Harvest, Food Shortages Are Coming”]

Unless all the vaccinated people suddenly drop dead – which would cause more problems – this can’t be underrated.  We need to strike back now.

20 July, 2022

You wanna hear something depressing?  We're still here.

□ [“National Security Council Spokesman, John Kirby, Says Iran Deal Will Lower Gas Prices in the US”]

You don’t lower prices of things you want to ban.  Iran doesn’t lower the price of abortion or weapons.  They know better, as do their allies Russia and China.

All your co-workers are happy that the public is so miserable and if it’s over the gas prices, even better.  As Buttigieg says, “The more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicle.”  Less pain would mean less benefit, he wants more pain and isn’t the only one.

□ [“Buttigieg Says He’s ‘Astonished’ That People ‘Seem to Really Struggle to Let Go’ of Their Gas-Powered Vehicles in Favor of $65,000 Electric Vehicles”]

You totally urge the tyrannical torture of your slaves.  If you’re not smart enough to see that, Iran is, which is why John Kerry spends so much gas to fly over and see them.

Are these people dumb enough to believe this?  Are they blatantly lying to seize power?  Are they just paid by China and co. to say this?  Regardless, they all expect us to believe that it’s Russia’s fault that exactly what they want has come to pass.

□ [“Washington Post Writer Blames Biden’s Plunge On Negative Media Coverage”]

He should fire the media and get a new media.  Maybe that’ll be the next executive order, they’d be so glad to hear that.

They’re willing to make things worse while getting paid more money than most of us make, all to deny the reality we have to live in.  It’s the media's fault he abandoned military members in Afghanistan!  They aren’t willing to report on it but it’s their fault!  It’s the media's fault he puts his hands all over little girls who can do nothing about it.

This is basic sycophancy.  The Ruler is the state, that’s all that matters to them.

□ [“Biden Set to Purge 27.5%+ of Army Unvaccinated w/ Non-FDA Approved COVID Vaccine”]

As we see here, the pawns are replaceable.  We’re supposedly at war with Russia but they can be dumped without any problems.  There’s no way this can go wrong.  Or maybe that’s exactly what they want.  Whoever’s giving Biden orders gets their paycheck from who?  China?  The New World Order billionaires?

I’ve heard anecdotes that many soldiers aren’t re-enlisting, not counting the large increase in medical problems for those forced to get the fake-vaccine.  Leftists already wanted to purge the military of people who pray and we abandoned more in Afghanistan.

Who would actually want to enlist?  They’ll need a draft sooner than they think.

□ [“WEF Video Pushes for the Use of ‘Space Bubbles’ to Block Out The Sun, Reduce Climate Change”]

They’re going to block the sun.  Oh, they claim it’ll just keep radiation out to fight global warming but face it, if they can do that, they can do it to light and heat., not to mention other types of actual weapons, and we’ll all run to tell the king the sky is falling.

It's becoming clear that they’re trying to destroy whites and men.  At least ‘men’ makes sense because it’s the only useful gender so everybody’s helpless without them, but whites are more accomplished.  Leftists hate that, particularly white leftists.

This would explain the last several decades of the education system, trying to tear whites down so they’ll be ‘equal’ to the rest.  Except Asians who are just counted as white.  Everything is “racist” because blacks can’t score as well – if you see their grades as a collective skin color – so scores must be ignored or changed any way they can.

Look at the damage on children for the last two years of being locked up.  White kids now have less chance of succeeding, just as our rulers want it, then there’s all the decades of poisoning their minds.  These teachers aren’t very smart but they believe they are, they’re about making blacks look better, not about having blacks actually do better.

Which lines up with leftists really wanting blacks aborted.  They’ve been quite open about that for all this time.  It’s just too unbelievable for any sane person that this really is what they’re after, total rule of the whole planet to cause mass death for us all.

21 July, 2022

Why is the sky blue?  What can we do to make it happy?

□ [“Disney’s ‘Fairy Godmother’ Not Woke Enough, Parks Do Genderless Transition to New Language”]

I’ve seen arguments back and forth on whether or not Walt had anything to do with this, but regardless, Disney is definitely one of the cornerstones of the tyranny.  I do think it goes back to his immediate heirs who couldn’t really do anything but sure liked being around Hollywood, which Disney now basically owns.

I also think there’s basically a cult that’s been going through all the studios, movie, tv, music, etc. working in-alliance even as they technically competed against each other.  This may have been the centerpoint of the leftist assault on the world, which they could obviously do anywhere else if Hollywood didn’t exist, but it is what it is.

There must be at least one subculture, hiding their conspiracy and participating in everything they can afford.  If there’s more than one, I’m sure they fight each other regularly, but otherwise their boss [singular] will keep them in line.

So I do think Disney is their headquarters, having acquired Marvel, Star Wars and generations of children to do whatever they want with them.

□ [“Bruce Springsteen Fans Shocked to Learn The Boss is a Greedy Capitalist Pig as ‘Verified Fan’ Pre-Sale Tickets for US Tour Sell for Thousands of Dollars"]

$1100 for nosebleed seats?  $4000-5000 for semi-decent floor seats?  Holy fucking shit!  At some level the contracts are made without the talent having anything to do with it but at another level, any decent person would say ‘we ain’t doing it if you’re gonna charge that much.’  Unless they genuinely want to ban poor people from their presence, which maybe Springsteen does.  His mansions don’t pay for themselves.

Springsteen’s entire career has been on Columbia Records, the oldest surviving record company in the world, which is now part of Sony.

I’m no longer sure if there was ever any real value to rock’n’roll although I do still enjoy listening once in a while, but I’ve been theorizing that most rock stars were effectively designed to be exactly this sort of puppet for the Hollywood conspiracy.

□ [“Quadruple Vaxxed Joe Biden Catches Covid”]

But this may be today’s big story, if anybody gives it the slightest thought.  He’s already been hiding out since getting back from the Mid-East, a couple days ago he even said he had cancer, although it’s not clear if he was just being gibberish as usual.

“And my mother drove us and rather than us being able to walk, and guess what?  The first frost you knew it was happening.  You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window.  That’s why I – and so damn many other people I grew up with – have cancer.”

But exactly one year ago, on July 21, 2021, Biden said:

“But again, one last thing.  I – we don’t talk enough to you about this, I don’t think.  One last thing that’s really important is:  We’re not in a position where we think that any virus – including the Delta virus, which is much more transmissible and more deadly in terms of non – unvaccinated people – the vi-  – the various shots that people are getting now cover that.  They’re – you’re okay.  You’re not going to – you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

We’re not going to get the virus if we have these vaccines, says the person who keeps getting the vaccine and also gets the virus.  Supposedly he obeyed everything he was told to avoid the virus and it failed completely.  He even said last December that the virus couldn’t be spread by the vaccinated.  He’s spent the last several days around a lot of Democrats, sharing cars and planes to go to the same places.

It stands out that he said this exactly one year ago, like his masters planned this as some sort of statement.  Why?  No idea, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

□ [“Karine Jean-Pierre:  It Doesn’t Matter Where Biden Got Covid, Won’t Say When Symptoms Started”]

But they’re going all-out on secrecy.  Why not just say Biden isn’t remotely important and nobody needs to learn anything about him?  That’s what they're doing so just say that.  If he actually has some important position, Americans would have a right to know the details.  After all, we’ve been told this is such a deadly virus.

Biden even whined about Trump getting the virus two years ago, “He didn’t take the necessary precautions to protect himself or others.”  The media was tougher then.

□ [“Is She Running Again?  Hillary Clinton Tweets Cryptic Photo Shortly After Biden’s Covid Diagnosis”]

Wouldn’t surprise me but I doubt she’ll get very far.  She was barely strong enough to make it through the 2016 campaign and that was years ago.  She’s barely five years younger than Biden and at some point Democrats would really start looking for people who are less ancient.  Her post was a pic from the 1992 election, 30 years ago.

They’d also have to take out Harris, who’s probably had more sex with Bill Clinton than Hillary has.

□ [“NYC’s Democrat Mayor Eric Adams Complains About Influx Of Migrants Straining Resources”]

Several Democratic mayors are whining about people just entering their cities without permission or security at the border.  Can you believe there are places where that happens?  Oh wait, they totally support that for other places who have no border security.  It’s fine to cause problems for other people, they’ll just suffer from the gangs, rapists, drugs and all the rest.  But Democrats don’t want them around.

So now invaders are filling up their homeless shelters and taking their supplies.  Their rich supporters live far away from the border so they could go on and on about how ‘no human being is illegal,’ but now have them on their own front yards.

Most of us are fine with building a wall to keep you all in there.

22 July, 2022

I try to self-identify as having a virus but it never works.

□ [“The Great Green Grift:  As Globe Plunges into Manufactured Energy Crisis, 'Green' ESG Funds Quietly Begin Purchasing Oil Stocks”]

Are they going to take the industry over to destroy it or are they hoping to profit from it?  They’ll probably add their cronies while promoting abortion and transgenders every time they sell gas while still claiming they’ll shut the business down someday.

Given how much China’s coal production has increased in the last decade or two, they probably investing in that too.  Sooner or later, they’ll call it “clean energy.”

□ [“China’s Economy Falling; Billionaires Want Out; Bankrupt Evergrande Replaces CEO”]

Ok, this is spooky.  Billionaires usually get what they want, that’s sorta the point of being a billionaire.  But they want to leave and China won’t let them.  It has a lot more experience getting what it wants from people than the billionaires do.

Maybe they’ll get out but they may have to leave the money behind and you don’t become a billionaire without a major obsession in keeping that.  But there may be foreign options, one probably doesn’t become a billionaire entirely within Chinese trade.

I’m not sure this is useful information but at least I got to use the word “billionaire” a lot.  Maybe I should self-identify as one of them.

□ [“Attempted Assassin David Jakubonis Who Jumped on Stage with Knife and Attempted to Murder Republican Lee Zeldin Charged with Felony ‘Attempted Assault’ and Immediately Released”]

It’s open season, that’s how these terrorists see it, and government protects them.  They’re at war with us, given they suck up to China, support the Taliban, cripple our military, destroy our supply chain and encourage invaders.  Our rulers have done everything possible to get everyone to behave like them, targeting the most insane losers they could get.  That’s *their* kind of people and they want more of those.

Even if they never actually try to kill anybody, the people who act like this are the actual threats.  Whatever side they may happen to pick in their particular era, that’s the source of ‘leftism,’ and basically why I don’t like the term itself.  But I must admit, the more I complain about the term, the more I seem to use it, so figure that one out.

So their next step is to send individual psychos out to attack whoever they can.  If they survive, they get away with it.  They’re the advance forces.

□ [“White House Covid Czar Says Biden Fully Ate His Breakfast and Lunch, ‘He Showed Me His Plate!’”]

He showed his plate like a small child?  Or did you ask to get it autographed?  Is this all an excuse to finally treat Biden like a stupid child they need to babysit?  He slept well all night, he emptied his plate and made sure to show me each time.

Oh, and he’s also stopped taking medicine for his strokes and high blood-pressure problems because the medicine for the virus interferes with that.  Gee, it’s not like those other medical problems require certain other medicines.  He took the vaccine which doesn’t work, would that be doing anything else to him which has never been tested?

You’d think they’d give a lot more info about someone who self-identifies as POTUS, but they aren’t.  They make grade schoolers get publicly tested every time they go to the school cafeteria but *some* people’s info is private.

Given all the pictures of Biden not wearing a mask, you’d also think there’d be some clarification about which rules have to be obeyed why which people.  Or is that something only the little people have to worry about?

□ [“DOJ Working on Hunter Biden Plea Deal Despite Millions from China, Russia, Ukraine, etc. When His Dad was Obama’s VP, While Jan 6 Protesters Rot in DC Gulag”]

And this is still going on.  Not long ago, Biden bragged about getting a prosecutor fired for going after his son.  His son was freed of the charges, no further investigation.  It didn’t happen here, it was in some other country.  Wonder if Biden had any other connections there or if that was the first and only time he’d ever heard about that nation.

That’s how the law is treated by these people and their kind.  They’re out to get us, no matter what.  This is war and we need to fight back.  Hunter is close to actually being charged with crimes but his father’s people are trying to save him with the federal government and almost none of the media will cover this.  See the connection?

Also 22 July, 2022

So they're opposed to evolution of the climate...

□ [“The Truth Is In There...”]

Some newspaper reporter wrote an editorial that blatantly admits that they don’t want competition, gas prices *MUST* be so high that people have no choice but to buy whatever products the left wants them to buy.  And just use less energy in general.  All the rich and famous people flying jets and driving cars everywhere isn’t enough to convince us, so the government needs to step in.  They don't like competition.

I’m not in favor of the word “competition” although I don’t have a better suggestion.  Competition is specifically going against other people, if nothing else so the results can be measured by everyone.  But this definition negates the concept of working for one’s own individual purpose.  As individuals, we make our own decisions on what to do and how well we try to do it.  Still, the rulers don’t like the results either way.

The engines they want to force us to buy can’t compete against gasoline-power.  That will never work.  Rather than accept this fact as competitors can accept losing, they’ll tip the scales in their own favor, that as they’ve been trying to do for decades.

They’ll need guns to impose this but that’s much easier than relying on wind and solar.  They have the propaganda but never specify what the temperature *should* be, just that they don’t like whatever it is and want it changed.

And they never change.

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