Tuesday, July 26, 2022


23 July, 2022

If this book were a window, you couldn’t read it.

Don’t have much to say today, just headlines about how depressing everything is.

□ [“US Public Broadcasting Encourages People to Eat ‘Tasty’ Insects to Help Battle Climate Change”]

They’re really doing this.  Never mind all the leftist rhetoric about how wrong it is to eat live animals, they’re not even bothering to explain why people ever started eating anything else if easily-available insects are so tasty.  Cows take a lot of work to keep together and feed, cockroaches are plentiful. Why would you pick anything else (as humans have throughout all of history) if you’re not actively starving right now?

Oh, the animals are so responsible for global warming.  Right, can’t forget that.  What’ll they come up with next?  We know they’re not gonna stop here!

□ [“What’s for Dinner? – NY Times Now Pushing Cannibalism Insisting ‘The Time Is Now’”]

That’s what they’re going to come up with next.

“Is it more racist to eat white people, or black people?

“Do different ethnicities taste different?

“Is cannibalism indigenous science, and unfairly demonized by white supremacy patriarchy systems of oppression?

“-We need answers to these super relevant questions"

– Alexander Cortes PhD, Fitness, Nutrition, Fat loss

No we don’t.  Only insane Jeffrey Dahmer-type psychos would even think of such a thing.  We can already take it as given that you’ve answered your questions personally.

Stuff like this probably goes on among liberal elites, planning to spread it to the rest of us, at least those who are left.  Now a major newspaper admits this publicly.  Are they preparing for mass death or just supporting human sacrifice?  Now that’s a toughy...

□ [“Supreme Court Blocks Biden Border Policy Limiting Agents Ability To Detain Illegal Aliens”]

At no point do any of them ever suggest any of these ideas may be bad.  No, they want everything now no matter what.  Might any of these invaders kill Americans?  They want that.  Might they bring any new disease?  Don’t care.  Where will we get enough food to feed them?  We don’t want enough food.

□ [“Here We Go:  WHO Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency”]

A 99.97% survival rate and according to WHO’s own figures, it only hits gay men having sex, but it’s still a global emergency.  They need to find something else to do with that fake vaccine people aren’t taking anymore, if they ever did.

□ [“Crayola Posts Transgender ‘Model’ With a Chain-Link Bra Over Clothes, Virtue Signaling Diversity”]

They won’t stop, they’re all after tyranny, misery and destruction.  They had to stay in the shadows for most of history because otherwise they wouldn’t have gotten anything to eat, but every time they get the chance, that’s what they impose on the rest of us.  This is what they’ve spent the last half-century building up to.

No one is permitted to speak out.  No one is allowed to leave.  Death is the only alternative and they want that for everyone.

□ [“Heat Decreases Solar Panel Efficiency, Experts Say; ‘Too Hot’ for Solar Panels to Handle”]

They spent all these decades designing solar panels to force everybody to use because we’re not allowed to use coal, oil or nuclear energy, but they never bothered to see if the sun provided any heat.  That’s not good for solar panels.  Because Science!!!

I don't know if they’re conscious of it, but I think this is what their movement has always been about, pretending to save the planet by destroying everything on it.  The hippy movement started it, along with the media hype and other communists.  They supported Russia and China, who probably knew a good investment when they saw it.

The only reason this industry has survived is because the government gives them enough money, so there’s no reason to work for a profit.  Government people have no clue how money is actually produced but it’s not coming out of their pockets.

This is just a bunch of depressing stuff to write about.  I give up for the night.

24 July, 2022

I self-identify as Santa Claus so I can see who’s naughty or nice.  Or is that Batman?

□ [“WHO Admits Everyone Getting MonkeyPox Vaccine Part of “Clinical Trial” For Effectiveness Data”]

They’re poisoning everybody and it won’t be limited to gays required to get the vaccine.  At least they’d get support limiting it only to those getting this virus, but no...

They also specify that “men who have sex with men” are the most at-risk, how do they know those men self-identify as men?  What about the men they have sex with?  Any one of them could be one of a brand-new gender and that would totally mess up WHO virus statistics and make it harder to fight, but... well, never mind.

Of course drug companies are demanding government money to produce these pseudo-vaccines and force it on everybody, now they only make vaccines that require regular backup shots.  Obviously conspiring is going on which deserves more attention.  The only way to believe this isn’t a collusion is if they go straight towards mass death.

□ [“Biden Treasury Secretary Yellen Warns of Second Quarter Decline Indicating Recession”]

□ [“Biden’s Incompetent Commerce Secretary Says Inflation Has ‘Probably’ Peaked”]

Which one is right, can’t have it both ways.  *We* know it’s already a recession but *they* say it’s still in the future or they’ll say it’s already peaked.  Probably.  Who knows?  Would she bet her paycheck on it?  What does she even get that paycheck for?

And just last year, Yellen said inflation was “a small risk.”  Well, it’s here and it’s just getting worse, what will you do about it?  It’s like the captain of the Titanic saying there was a “small chance” of hitting an iceberg.  Oh well, nothing can be done about it.

The Titanic passengers didn’t vote for the captain, that’s how Democrats want it.

This is where internal conflict comes up.  These people share the goals but have different ways to get there.  Some will have their own goals which we don’t hear about.

So the only way to smooth them out is if the person in charge steps in, and Biden said last December that inflation was at its peak, so we know what side he’s on.  And whoever tells him what to say.  That’s the order, put it out to the masses.

There’s word that more bad economic news will come out next week.  It’s not like they’re actually putting it all out to us now, it would be too helpful to give us time to prepare for what’s to come.  No, they’ll protect themselves and order media reports to show how nothing bad is happening and they do such important work to protect us.

They’ve increased inflation and cut energy to cripple our supply chain, they’re supporting invaders over the border, protecting cartels and slave traffickers, they support the Taliban and China and make it clear that skin color is the only requirement to look for.  And they order men with guns to impose that on the rest of us.  This is what liberals have always wanted.  Now they’ve got it, thanks to Joe Biden.

□ [“Russia and China Creating New Global Reserve Currency; Expect Severe Negative Impact on USD”]

As an added bonus, they’ll destroy the dollar too.  Everybody in BRICS will be participating, meaning all their customers will have to conform.

Also 24 July, 2022

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy” is a truism for a reason but it’s something leftists never seem to learn.  They just talk about how in-depth their plans are, but never actually have to act on them, ensuring they have no clue what can go wrong.

An obvious example is dealing with Russia and China.  Leftists in the US and Europe decided to make them the enemy, now Europe desperately needs to figure out how to prevent freezing this winter, the US isn’t far behind.  That’s not even getting into the lack of food, fuel or any other supplies the world relies on despite leftism.

There was no planning, only agreement that everything would work out.  Actually my big worry these days is that somewhere in the leftist structure, someone actually did and does plan how things can go wrong so they can prepare for it in advance.  That’s why we recognize that “no plan survives first contact with the enemy.”

Those who follow this truism recognize that they’re individuals and that they won’t think of every possible eventuality, particularly those the enemy can come up with.  They also know that not even everyone else on their side can think of every possibility.  Then there’s leftists who have to agree with whoever’s in charge, but even the most independent, individualistic organizations know that they can’t get everything planned.

So that means advance preparation and practicing.  You have to see what you get wrong in starting your plan so you can come up with ways to fix it.  Other people have to see you get things wrong before giving any recommendations.  And the enemy will get a vote too, don’t forget about them before they actually appear.

You need to take it as a given that the enemy already has plans and you’d be very stupid to assume the enemy hasn’t worked on what might happen when they arrive.  They’ll have individuals who can come up with possible solutions for any problem they might face when they finally confront us.

Even if some leftists are capable of thinking this way – I assume a lot of them are, as individuals – they still have to convince everyone else on their side to go along with considering a possible problem that may never happen and working out ways to fix it.  They might do that to seize power but not to actually fix things.

25 July, 2022

I’m bored with these interesting times, can we find some boring times?  That’d be more interesting.

□ [“Yale Medical School Professor Calls Biden Working While Sick ‘'Epitomizes White Supremacy’”]


Biden never puts in an eight-hour work day but the people around him lied and claimed he was doing just that now.  So other people on their side complain that it shows off how superior white people are.  They’re capable of doing work even when they aren’t in perfect health.  Wouldn’t find darkies like this Yale professor doing that.

Well, leftists wouldn’t do that anyway, same thing.  Normal people are totally capable of being productive, that’s how we know the administration is lying about Biden.

This is why colleges teach students to think about skin-color first and foremost.  That’s what they want and they charge a lot of money for it, which they claim to oppose.

□ [“State Dept Bureaucrat Who Proclaimed ‘Kindness, Always Kindness’ Cheers High Gas Prices”]

The government is showing the world that they are at war with us.  All this suffering is deliberate, they’ve always wanted it.  But these people keep deleting their tweets after they get attention.  You’d think he’d want everybody to see how “kind” he is.

This is an ‘occupation government’ imposed by the New World Order.

□ [“What’s Going On? Ireland Joins Canada and Netherlands and Targets Farmers with Carbon Emissions Cuts – Further Endangering Global Food Shortages”]

If it was just about starvation, they’d probably be fine wasting (other people’s) money to grow food that doesn’t get eaten, but they’re cutting the food supply to advertise insects and dead people chow.  They want the whole world in on that, or at least white people in countries that aren’t BRICS.

Then again, maybe they don’t know how to make plans.  Hunter Biden was paid $180,000/month to handle Ukraine’s fuel problems but his father isn’t using his amazing skills now.  It’s not like he has to worry about prosecutors anymore.

□ [“Biden Econ Advisor Says US Not Technically in Recession Despite 2 Quarters of Negative Growth”]

Brian Deese announces this on CNN, the guy who declared the “New World Order” a couple weeks ago.  He says this recession “is not only expected but necessary, as we operate through this transition.”  This is what they’ve planned for, therefore it’s not a “recession.”  In a few months it won’t be a “depression.”

The economy can go to hell, they’re just don’t want to look like they caused it, even though they did.  Every other recession was a bad thing, but they want this one.

They’re probably doing something similar with the fuel industry.  Gas prices have dropped a little bit because of the temporary drop in federal taxes.  They don’t need to win elections or have supporters who aren’t surrounded by men with guns.  The media will automatically follow the new definition despite all the decades of the right definition.

What else are they changing the definitions of?  They don’t want to look bad when the results are made public and are allowed to do that because they’re in charge.  That’s how much they care.  Soon they’ll be defining our injuries as self-imposed and they’ll say “Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!  Stop hitting yourself!”

Maybe they should redefine what a ‘woman’ is, that’ll make it easier for them.

□ [“‘We’re Not Gonna be in a Recession' – Covid Joe Sounds Like Hell in Virtual Meeting”]

This absolutely proves that it’s a recession.  Only if Biden insisted we *were* in one would we assume he has no idea what he’s told to say.

These people told us in May 2021 that inflation was “temporary.”  They told us in June it would “pop up, then go back down.”  In July, they told us it was “transitory,” long-term inflation was “highly unlikely.”  In August, it was “decelerating.”  In September, it was “Big Meat's fault.”  In October, it was a “high class problem.”  In November, they blamed “greedy corporations” and Covid was the “root cause.”  In December, there were “supply-chain bottlenecks.”  In January 2022, it had reached a “peak.”  In February, it was caused by “oil prices.”  Then it became “Putin’s fault.”

Then again, they also said the Taliban would not take over Afghanistan, look how that worked out.  The only thing growing are the prices and our tyrants’ urge to increase their power and they’re looking for crises as an excuse.  If they don’t find any, they’ll make them up.  At this point, a recession would be a day at the beach.

□ [“Digital ID QR Code Now Required To Access Gas Pumps In Sri Lanka”]

Like this.  In a very short time, those ID programs will be needed for anyone to buy anything.  They’re already assigning men with guns to enforce the law.  Then every other country will be doing this.  We’ll help our rulers keep track of everything we do.

So the men with guns will become much more important.  They won’t be chosen for intelligence, just for obedience to whoever hires them.  One can assume women will find motivation to start looking attractive again.  I don’t know how many American rulers are into women but some might be offering them ‘free gas,’ if you know what I mean.

26 July, 2022

The government lied???  Say it ain’t so, Joe!

□ [“New England Journal of Medicine:  Unvaxxed Patients Less Contagious than Vaxxed Covid Patients”]

A little more is coming out about the poison our masters have imposed upon us.  People without the fake vaccine spread the virus less than people who got it.  That’s a nifty addition to all the other damage done to them, what will they come up with next?

□ [“EU Parliament Member on COVID Vaccine ‘This is the Worst Crime Ever Committed on Humanity’”]

The elites are better at tracking who’s dying from this fake virus.  Eventually they won’t be able to hide it any longer and some are saying it now.  They need to have the next step in place before stealing the November elections, Democrats would have too many problems with questions about this just during the pretend-campaigns.

We need to start a list of who has medical skills and did not have fish for dinner get that poisonous vaccine.  Survivors will soon be very dependent on those people.

□ [“Monkeypox Spreading In Gay/Bisexual Communities; CDC Can’t Recommend Lockdown for Orgies”]

Do they at least tell people having gay sex to stay six feet apart from each other at all times and wear cloth masks?  Because they might get a virus if they don’t do that.  That would be bad.  If it saves ONE LIFE, they’ll do whatever it takes!

Except when it comes to gay orgies, or *comes* to gay orgies, as they put it…  Don’t have to keep separate, don’t have to stick with one partner or even reduce the number of guys you have sex with in an hour.  But the government is eager to expand its powers and lock down all of society because of this horrible virus.  Seriously.

□ [“Biden Regime to Give ID Cards to the Millions of Illegals Who Invaded the US Under Their Watch”]

Where will you find these people?  They can ignore any laws, that’s how they got to the US.  How will you get information about them to put on the cards if you can’t find them?  They could totally lie to you if they are found and you can’t confirm whatever they tell you.  What would you do, contact the nations they came from?

You’re the same people who say it’s totally impossible for non-white people to get voter IDs, they aren’t capable of using them and it’s totally wrong to demand it in the first place, what makes you think this one will work better?

□ [“I Am Kamala Harris, My Pronouns are She and Her, and I am a Woman Sitting at the Table Wearing a Blue Suit”]

Did she suddenly become a biologist and nobody knew?  How does she even know it’s a table?  She certainly wouldn’t have been able to memorize all those difficult details, obviously she was reading it off the prompter.

But we really need someone who can respond with “Kamala, you ignorant slut!”

□ [“Even The Liberal New York Times Worries Kamala Harris Not Ready To Take Over For Biden”]

But they’ll totally support her when she takes over, applauding her giggling to avoid questions and claiming she works so hard at doing nothing.

But now there’s questions about who will replace her.  Is Hillary really trying to run again?  Obama with another pawn?  Our secret rulers who are at war with us?

□ [“‘You Can’t Fake This!’ – CNN Panel Blasts Biden Regime For Lying About Recession Definition”]

Yes, they can, and that’s exactly what they’re doing.  They always do and you’ve always supported it.  You don’t report facts, you just repeat the message they give you.

My guess is that prominent media outlets are actually turning against Democrats, very unusual.  They may be growing increasingly desperate, more than they’re willing to report, but stating actual problems in hopes of some semblance of credibility.  Or they may just be following the orders by their *real* masters, just the next step of the plan.

My guess is the latter, they obey the rulers.  But it could be the former.  The problems are so obvious, even to them, that these well-paid peons suddenly desire to keep some dignity.  That’s certainly plausible, even if it doesn’t seem very likely.

Put it this way, they could start off by pointing to the many times they were wrong/lying for the rulers, bringing that into the open, but they aren’t doing that.  They could tell the world that anybody who listened to them was completely wrong to do so.  That would make them look bad, which they totally deserve, and they could admit that *if* they were now desperate to get the truth out to us.  But they aren’t doing that.

And so we’ll just keep getting worse and worse, thanks to them.

□ [“'It Feels Unique, Because It Is Unique’ Biden Econ Advisor, Recession ‘Isn’t Technically a Recession’”]

Well that’s true.  The world has never had such self-appointed dictators thinking they can invent nonsense like this and have nobody around to knock some sense into them.  *WE* know it's a recession and they *probably* know it’s a recession but they want to pretend otherwise, and the whole world is trapped under them.

So yes, that is very unique.

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